Professor Eric Foner and other academic question antics and portrayal of Samuel Jackson and Quentin Tarantino movies

Nick Dumbjilio
  Professor Eric Foner and other historians have come out against the use of the N word as trivia in movies today depicting past stories and in the slimeball Quentin Tarantino's new horrible movie "hateful Eight" many historians say that this word is over used and that Tarantino has some bizarre fetish with the word. As a amateur film critic I am horrified at the popularity and cringe at the shit I see produced by this jackass and wonder why and how this guy always uses the same God dam actors in all of his movies. Professor Eric Foner was quoted as saying that the word was not thrown out nearly as often as dipshits like Quentin Tarantino portrays the N racial epithet and makes it seem to the current crop of angry black youths in this black lives matter more era that all whites were using the word some eighty times a day.
 At a promotional brunch for this garbage movie Samuel Jackson was called out and asked why the fuck insists on taking  script that would have the word in his character's dialogue some eighty times. It could be because Samuel Jackson is a modern day N and Quentin Terror movie master is his slaveholder. A Samuel Jackson will be a good one and defend his boss/master to the last drop and told the room of mostly academics and publicists that they were crazy for sitting  and watching the movie and counted each time that Sammy said N word. Jackson defended his boss who has employed him in so many movies saying he is not some obsessed juvenile wishing to use that word in so many movie productions. Tarantino is a juvenile ass who likely was upset as a youth he couldn't use that word around his black friends without getting pummeled rightfully for his wanabee arrogance. Foner went on to say through emails on the subject that Mr Tarantino has no concern for accuracy in any of his movies dealing with the past. It was good to see these academics get word out how inaccurate this shitheads historical portray movies were to real life

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