Dumin Dunkin donuts in downtown Milwaukee had to shut its doors at midnight under a judges order some time ago. The Dunkin donuts franchise is small thankfully in Mil Town and the store on sixth street had tried desperately Sunny Gabhawala desperately to retain their 24 hour status before the city got tired of police calls and problems at the store. Sunny Gabhawala, who also operates a liquor store and laundry business was angered by the decision wanting to import more relatives to pay to bucks an hour to do the dreaded night shift at Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts and their Indian subjects can't penetrate Milwaukee like they had their way with Chicagoland getting to the point of opening up so many places and saturating itself it is utterly ridiculous
The day Milwaukkee told Sunny Gabhawala to schlieben their doors
Chuck Woodruff
Dumin Dunkin donuts in downtown Milwaukee had to shut its doors at midnight under a judges order some time ago. The Dunkin donuts franchise is small thankfully in Mil Town and the store on sixth street had tried desperately Sunny Gabhawala desperately to retain their 24 hour status before the city got tired of police calls and problems at the store. Sunny Gabhawala, who also operates a liquor store and laundry business was angered by the decision wanting to import more relatives to pay to bucks an hour to do the dreaded night shift at Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts and their Indian subjects can't penetrate Milwaukee like they had their way with Chicagoland getting to the point of opening up so many places and saturating itself it is utterly ridiculous
Dunkin Donuts opened at all hours means panhandlers and drunks hanging around until the sun rises and basically this is a smart decision by the city to tell this fucker Gabhawala that the days of unnecessary police calls and selling ten donuts and five cups of coffee a night between 12 Am and 5 Am were kaput mother fucker. Local governments and village leaders need to bring down the Dunkin and promote other places of single named shops and independent coffee houses and cookie cutter strip mall businesses totally bring down the aesthetics of an area down sharply
Dumin Dunkin donuts in downtown Milwaukee had to shut its doors at midnight under a judges order some time ago. The Dunkin donuts franchise is small thankfully in Mil Town and the store on sixth street had tried desperately Sunny Gabhawala desperately to retain their 24 hour status before the city got tired of police calls and problems at the store. Sunny Gabhawala, who also operates a liquor store and laundry business was angered by the decision wanting to import more relatives to pay to bucks an hour to do the dreaded night shift at Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts and their Indian subjects can't penetrate Milwaukee like they had their way with Chicagoland getting to the point of opening up so many places and saturating itself it is utterly ridiculous
Does back Alley Becky have Amy Curddy's pose down
Ed West
Becky wants to get banged in the back alleys. The economy is tough in LaSalle Peru and other rural areas of America and sites like Backpage and escort reviews give these women a chance to make some jingle and own a decrepitating home in the backwaters of America. LaSalle and its twin sister of Peru are depressed places full of depraved people whose only entertainment is the Wal-Marts and dive shit bars that litter its landscape and is a waste mentally to the youth stuck in these areas because elite cities are to expensive.
Harvard professor Amy Cuddy says women need to have a presence and power pose and this is easy when you come from a family with income willing to pay teachers for the right grades and higher educational attainments higher-income families can afford to bear for their children, Becky placed ad over ad and had few responses to her ad despite showing off her face and body and part of the problem as with so many young folks in these areas is they are addicted to cigarettes. back alley Becky face looks fifty while her drivers license(if she has one) says mid-twenties and in my travels in the tri-state area I am so surprised how old some young people look as if they are living in the dust bowl depression era. Back Alley Becky in Lasalle-Peru will go down good in the back and mean streets of this Illinois river community as there are few opportunities to make a good buck in tis region and it is a shame so many young females have to do this occupation because these towns and country can't put decent jobs and wages in communities across America. This is something business people like Amy Cuddy can't comprehend and instead push the idea that a power wonder woman pose will somehow be beneficial for people. if there are no jobs in a fucking region you can pose until you are blue in the face as wealth has been extracted from the Countryside and gone global allowing neo-liberalism capitalists from foreign corrupt lands to hold dollars and put American urban and rural youth in a meth and weed nightmare where being high and zombie-like presence in this country is the only way to pose and have some power over things they can't control. A Amy Cuddy is lucky to be enjoying the fruits of inequality and Harvard's endowment teaching nonsense and having these TED presence talks instead of blowing men in back alleys like old face Becky.
Becky wants to get banged in the back alleys. The economy is tough in LaSalle Peru and other rural areas of America and sites like Backpage and escort reviews give these women a chance to make some jingle and own a decrepitating home in the backwaters of America. LaSalle and its twin sister of Peru are depressed places full of depraved people whose only entertainment is the Wal-Marts and dive shit bars that litter its landscape and is a waste mentally to the youth stuck in these areas because elite cities are to expensive.

Park Ridge obnoxious couple told to takedown tree house
Lionel Wagner
An arrogant wealthy White family thought they could do anything on their property and this included building a eyesore treehouse in front of their home in park Ridge. these asses fought the village and were finally ordered to bring down this ugly structure built on the side of the Solomon home in well-off Park Ridge,Il. The family also had built an attached elevated walkway was also considered a violation because it was higher than the first floor of the house and not attached to the house. the Solomon's insisted a prior village zoning inspector allowed their plans for this treehouse for their kids which there is no evidence and obviously bullshit and this is just another egregious example of these people who are well off thinking they can do anything they want on their properties.
I am amazed when I look at these cookie cutter suburbs and how much wealth and money many of these fucks have having the extra income for these extravagant playhouses and playgrounds for their kids and this really puts a light on the inequalities that folks have in advantages especially those residing in places such as Park Ridge in Illinois. The Solomon's are just another obnoxious toxic suburban household whose own grip on the economy and then gripe about overreach of government when they are told they can't build on a walkway on top of their little home. The stubbornness to maintain advantages for themselves and their bubble families is why the country has become corrupt and undemocratic more and more as we go and no where is this moe evident than Chicago's suburbs which is basically a home for international money laundering and tx advance.
An arrogant wealthy White family thought they could do anything on their property and this included building a eyesore treehouse in front of their home in park Ridge. these asses fought the village and were finally ordered to bring down this ugly structure built on the side of the Solomon home in well-off Park Ridge,Il. The family also had built an attached elevated walkway was also considered a violation because it was higher than the first floor of the house and not attached to the house. the Solomon's insisted a prior village zoning inspector allowed their plans for this treehouse for their kids which there is no evidence and obviously bullshit and this is just another egregious example of these people who are well off thinking they can do anything they want on their properties.
The Shrine black nightclub closes after shooting outside of bar
Baxter Lomax
The Shrine was this ghetto nightclub that somehow was surviving gentrification in Chicago's South Loop. Over the past weekend they had a shooting and a security guard at the club and a woman you guess it..were shot outside the club. The Shrine had long been a club where blacks had walked in like G money and I am surprised they had not indeed encountered more of this violence both inside and outside the shrine.
Well luckily news has come out that this club will be closing after this incident and for the residents of the South Loop this news could not be any more welcoming to their ears. The city for its part had been working for some time to revoke the liquor license of this scumbag place for the innumerable incidents that were not as deadly and involved firearms. Clubs that cater to a hip-hop rap audience will always experience trouble and the shrine nightclub was no shrine for the residents of the South loop who were not under 25,black, and into bad poetry music that is rap music.
All nightclubs are for people trying to be taller than they are whether figuratively or reality with these dumb stiletto shoes and the more difficult the city makes for this dark gang-money to flow and operate the better it will be for the residents most of which never step foot into stilettos or one of thee nauseating places.
The Shrine was this ghetto nightclub that somehow was surviving gentrification in Chicago's South Loop. Over the past weekend they had a shooting and a security guard at the club and a woman you guess it..were shot outside the club. The Shrine had long been a club where blacks had walked in like G money and I am surprised they had not indeed encountered more of this violence both inside and outside the shrine.

Who is uglier Mona Charen of Irene Rosenfeld?
Tony Miselli The question that has been going off in the office all day today has been the topic on Mona Charen again. This time the question is who is homelier between Mona Charen and Nabisco CEO Irene Rosenfeld. This is the CEO that received total compensation of twenty five million dollars for shipping jobs into Mexico. Now this woman makes a lot undoubtedly much more than syndicated Mona Charen. Mona likely makes some good jingle to but nothing comparable to the old Jewiss that has run Kraft and now Nabisco Molendelez global brands. I also don't think Mona moans as much at night with bed partners as Irene makes tons of money and can buy sex as she pleases as often as she could.Despite all their money both of these bitches are cadaverous middle aged women likely not enjoying time in front of the mirror often likely wondering why their money can't improve their appearance.
Both women are downhill and are lucky they re not cutting off chicken heads daily living a struggling life on a farm . Thanks to the world of finance women like Irene Rosenfeld and fellow bed-pan face Mona Charen have east gigs drinking wine nightly and shopping for expensive shoes putting it on company accounts.
Both of these old bags make me ill but This question needs to be answere. I guess one can only make a decision based on who is more influential and while it would appear that Irene Rosenfeld is more influential Mona Charen writes a lot and gets paid by right-wing think tanks. Mona Charen is uglier and a more rotten person than Irene Rosenfeld.

Both women are downhill and are lucky they re not cutting off chicken heads daily living a struggling life on a farm . Thanks to the world of finance women like Irene Rosenfeld and fellow bed-pan face Mona Charen have east gigs drinking wine nightly and shopping for expensive shoes putting it on company accounts.
Stacy Mitchell sees the decline of Wal-Mart coming
Neil Knight
As with A &P and Montgomery Ward great big-box hater writer Stacy Mitchel predicts the Wal-Mart empire will fall. The costs of growth will impede this company and recently they announced their first massive store closings mostly in rural elderly areas in America that this company no longer wishes to serve. The closure of one hundred and fifty four stores opened the eyes of investors to realize that Wal-Mart is headed to become K Mart and the big box low-wage concept is falling flat n its face as the workers most likely to be loyal to the place where they work can no longer afford to shop as often. Mitchell compared the fall of Montgomery Ward which struggled for fifty years before it was taken off life support with Wal-Mart current decline as the company is designed to quickly tap the reserves of an area an then pull out like an oil drilling company. This us a company that business plan was to drive local small-business out of an area and then lower their wages and use their lobbying power to fight a fifteen dollar minimum wage.
Those decades saw the company undergo various retrenchments, corporate takeovers, and attempted reinventions. “A very difficult retail environment simply did not permit us to complete the turnaround that might have been possible,” Montgomery Ward’s last CEO still maintained on the day the lights finally went out, 84 years after the retailer opened its first store. Mitchell also states there is some good news for the small business that survived the invasion species known as Wal-Mart through the years as they restock their shelves and anticipate more foot traffic with Wal-Mart leaving some of these small towns hopefully for good. In urban centers too Wal-Mart is in trouble closing many express stores and finding it difficult to sell stuff to high earning young people whose idea of a weekend entertainment does not include spending a couple of hours walking through the aisles of Wal-Mart.
Stacy Mitchel aside from being hot is a great vocalist against the destructiveness of corporate dominating monopolistic capitalism and should be read and listened to has much as possible on her knowledge of the joke that is the big-box all in one store. The idea that these companies tripled their size in such a short time saturating themselves with the un-private way of shopping is one that is going away as people return to trendy areas and smaller stores and downtowns.
As with A &P and Montgomery Ward great big-box hater writer Stacy Mitchel predicts the Wal-Mart empire will fall. The costs of growth will impede this company and recently they announced their first massive store closings mostly in rural elderly areas in America that this company no longer wishes to serve. The closure of one hundred and fifty four stores opened the eyes of investors to realize that Wal-Mart is headed to become K Mart and the big box low-wage concept is falling flat n its face as the workers most likely to be loyal to the place where they work can no longer afford to shop as often. Mitchell compared the fall of Montgomery Ward which struggled for fifty years before it was taken off life support with Wal-Mart current decline as the company is designed to quickly tap the reserves of an area an then pull out like an oil drilling company. This us a company that business plan was to drive local small-business out of an area and then lower their wages and use their lobbying power to fight a fifteen dollar minimum wage.
Religious fanatic of many different past religions John Michael Greer writes a monster book
Eric Ericson
John Michael Greer is a weird dude. he always has been and always will be where ever he can find an outlet to express his beliefs and obsession with magic and ancient rituals. he is an author of many boring books including the only one with a title actually worth opening the pages of simply titled "Monsters". John Michael Greer criticize the people who criticize the notion and concept of these things existing and in another life one envisions John Michael Greer would of made a good horror movie director instead of neurotic and eccentric environmental author obsessed with extinct minor religions of the world. John Michael Greer says that because people have reported ghosts,golblins,aliens,ghosts,faireys,dragons,Demons,dinosaurs,walking apes, mermaids, wearwolves and hipsters that these bizarre creatures must exist.
John Michael Greer doesn't tell the reader about these centuries old sightings is that people in Europe often didn't drink the water because it was contaminated so they were so inebriated most of the time on hard whiskey so maybe these sightings should be taken with a grain of salt. hunger was also a problem in Asian and Europe as well and folktale stories were often used to keep ones mind preoccupied to from listening to their stomachs.
Greer thinks because traditional folk stories are filled with stories of monsters that this is somehow roof that they existed although the only bones we have found are of animals scientists have classified. perhaps these monsters so terrified the various ancient peoples or medieval world they burned all the bones of these scary creatures into ash. Greer takes much tie in writing this book some two hundred pages long and makes a lot of conceptions of the world and factual based observational science makes no appearance in this book.
Greer is a druid and best exemplifies religious crazies of the past and it must make one wonder if this is some phase he is in or maybe a character for his writings. I was reading some of this man blog in preparation of this book review and while reading it dawned on me that the concept of belief in monsters seems to really afflict the uneducated religious folks through all times. There is a connection there that maybe someday this whacko druid/Muslim\?Egyptologist/geomancy follower may someday realize and ponder in his writings. I even looked back into my own family and saw the ones with the mentally instability to often say they saw werewolves in forest preserves or UFO's in Minnesota and mermaids in the Caribbean were the most dedicated members of religious faith. there is no sasquatch or bigfoot but luckily humanity has a John Michael Greer who is all real and ready and as scary as much.
John Michael Greer is a weird dude. he always has been and always will be where ever he can find an outlet to express his beliefs and obsession with magic and ancient rituals. he is an author of many boring books including the only one with a title actually worth opening the pages of simply titled "Monsters". John Michael Greer criticize the people who criticize the notion and concept of these things existing and in another life one envisions John Michael Greer would of made a good horror movie director instead of neurotic and eccentric environmental author obsessed with extinct minor religions of the world. John Michael Greer says that because people have reported ghosts,golblins,aliens,ghosts,faireys,dragons,Demons,dinosaurs,walking apes, mermaids, wearwolves and hipsters that these bizarre creatures must exist.

Whitney Holcombe shows you how she saved her youth and lost weight
Baba Pugwuthi
Whitney Holcombe was once a piggy but the young woman rebounded her weight and rebranded herself as a human being. This young woman said no to diet pills, surgeries, and costly gym memberships and basically started eating healthier and she details her success and plan in a book called "One Year, One hundred pounds" and her struggle to regain her humanity from the excesses of weight-gain. Whit gives lots of tips on how to change your bad eating habits and the basic problem most yung women have in achieving their ideal weight structure for themselves.
It really is amazing how this girl looked like such an albino gorilla at one time in her teens and she describes her struggles with her classmates and this boosted her demands on herself to improve her looks and getting out to exercise more and careful of what she intakes in her body in moderation. This woman went from typical teen American porker into ahealty and fit woman and she experiences how this transformation too affect and the sacrifices she was determined to execute.
I reckon she gets more respect now at school anniversaries and the book is full of weight-lifting and cardio exercises she recommends for her readers. she informs her fans that their diets are usually filled with artificial flavors, preservatives, dyes, and other questionable substances that do more to precondition people to taste and addictions encouraging people to over-consume on unnatural chemicals daily. Whitney gives meal ideas for eating a more controlled diet that will ot lead up to looking as she did at fourteen years of age. 
John Kimelman blames Bernie Sander's and Donald Trump for decining value of his stocks
Bud Cooper
John Kimelman wants to blame Donald Trump's and Bernie Sander's political rise for the tanking of the stock market. the barron.com writer wrote a front feature article of this pro-business domination newspaper where he makes a case that because Bernie Sanders and trump are not established candidates of the establishment the markets are spooked and because Barron's believes that punishing China and others who take advantage of free-trade to screw over America. This jackass somehow agrees with the markets are acting accordingly and further punishing the American worker than free-trade already has hammered. Like wise Kimeman believes that Bernie Sanders with his long list of ambitious but expensive goals, such as single-payer national health care, free tuition at public colleges, and a major federal bridge- and highway-construction effort, would somehow cause the stock market to free-fall despite all the evidence to China's own overreaching debt or that banks now want to charge customers to have an account with monthly fees because they are tapped out on revenue having to spend on advertising.
Kimelman is an idiot who doesn't want to look at the fact that the global economy promotes a race to the bottom for everyone outside the inner circle rulers and that the American people are awakening that their standard of living is dropping because of these globalist policy makers only concerned with maximizing profits regardless that they want to turn industrial nations into the living standard of rural Pakistan. A prick like Kimelman and his brother don't want people to have a democratic process to control the affairs of their government but the he wants the managers of stock funds to control who the leadership should be of all trading nations. The financial nobility should be concerned about these unorthodox candidates because they are the cause of it and it will continue to get worse for them and their stock holdings if they don't have more fairness and economic reform that benefits everyone and not just those managing funds. The business press stooges such as this dweeb can continue writing slanderous bullshit on Bernie sanders and Donald Trump but few read their publications or are even affected by it outside of the establishment leaders that enjoy Barrons or Wall Street Journal and the economist. people will elect the leaders they think best represents an improvement and change from the status quo that fat meathead writers for outlets such as Barrons will defend to the end.
John Kimelman wants to blame Donald Trump's and Bernie Sander's political rise for the tanking of the stock market. the barron.com writer wrote a front feature article of this pro-business domination newspaper where he makes a case that because Bernie Sanders and trump are not established candidates of the establishment the markets are spooked and because Barron's believes that punishing China and others who take advantage of free-trade to screw over America. This jackass somehow agrees with the markets are acting accordingly and further punishing the American worker than free-trade already has hammered. Like wise Kimeman believes that Bernie Sanders with his long list of ambitious but expensive goals, such as single-payer national health care, free tuition at public colleges, and a major federal bridge- and highway-construction effort, would somehow cause the stock market to free-fall despite all the evidence to China's own overreaching debt or that banks now want to charge customers to have an account with monthly fees because they are tapped out on revenue having to spend on advertising.

A Dr Jamal Nassar would hate it that Abdelaziz Boutefika prevents the growth of Algeria's radical muslim population
Dave Berkson
Algeria is never in the news like it once was as Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutefika's regime has done an effective job of applying a longer tenure as he is now into his fourth term as president. he has successfully amended the constitution of Algeria and one of the much vaunted amendments concerns making Tamazight an official language of the country. This is the native Berber tongue of the Berber population and this language was the established language before Muslims from Arabia conquered this land and set up a new Arab ruling class bringing in new peoples to dominate north Africa. A Jamal Nasser who I had the displeasure of sitting through several Mideast college courses effectively glanced over this period of Middle Eastern history to this day and would likely continue to ignore this rift between Arabic-speakers and Tamazight speakers in North Africa.
Dr Nassar likely would say this division is nothing but the construct of Europeans long accustomed to the divide and conquer mentality much as the Arabs took advantage in their initial conquests to spread the filth known as Islam. President Boutefika has also determined to come down and ban dual citizenships. These dual-nationals have more often than not behaved like all those looking to capitalize on the country's vast wealth and potential while refusing to share in the risky setting-up phase of project construction. At the first hurdle, like their foreign counterparts, they pack up and leave, often emptying Algerian banks of much-needed foreign currency.
Algeria's dual nationals appear to want their cake and eat it while complaining when officialdom seeks to gather the crumbs. The fact that a Dr Nassar long quit blaming the elites in the Muslim world for the own cause of their peoples misery and their misinformation on gaining educational training over Koranic training as more important in life. a Dr Jamal Nassar would hate Abdelaziz Boutefika's fourth term as leader of Algeria and his ability to amend the constitution because it prevents the hardliner terrorists from gaining traction and spreading death and destruction in the name of Allah and a unity of Islamic supremacy that a Dr Nassar actually believes in and wishes to see in his wise ass world viewpoint.
Algeria is never in the news like it once was as Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutefika's regime has done an effective job of applying a longer tenure as he is now into his fourth term as president. he has successfully amended the constitution of Algeria and one of the much vaunted amendments concerns making Tamazight an official language of the country. This is the native Berber tongue of the Berber population and this language was the established language before Muslims from Arabia conquered this land and set up a new Arab ruling class bringing in new peoples to dominate north Africa. A Jamal Nasser who I had the displeasure of sitting through several Mideast college courses effectively glanced over this period of Middle Eastern history to this day and would likely continue to ignore this rift between Arabic-speakers and Tamazight speakers in North Africa.

Social Critic criticism... The French youth arrogance of continuing to smoke
Gus Perkowski
Over thirty five percent of French youth admit smoking daily and this is counterintuitive to the battle against smoking that has been waged against big corporate Tobacco around the world. Elsewhere in the Western world and progress curbing this disgusting habit has been successful from Norway to England.
A new law will make it harder for pupils to leave school grounds for a quick smoke in France in due light to recent terrorist attacks in France and the youth are in an uproar about this infringement on their liberty. French officials have for their part tried to get their youth away from this terrible ritual that leads to major problems for the smokers and tax-supported hospitals having to deal with these dummies down the line for their ignorance and consequences they give rats shit about. Every year in Paris 350 tons of cigarette butts are picked and cleaned from the streets. screw that shit and this should be reason enough to ban smoking outright. France failed to raise taxes on this dirty product last year and they will sooner or later come to the conclusion this is the only real effective method fighting this scourge. Mariisol Touraie is the health minister of France and for years has tried to get generic packaging and less visible brand identity through "unattractive' packaging as I would call the burqa of packaging. The French are having a hard time quitting smoking and perhaps I can suggest they do something less as disgusting like maybe eating grasshoppers or insects to cure their oral habits. I don't know but at least the French campaign ads are plastering the streets with effective anti-smoking campaigns showing the absurdity of this smoking disease. the French don[t snack or overeat yet they ignore the most obvious and scientifically proven health warning and it just shows that the people are fucked in the brain.
Over thirty five percent of French youth admit smoking daily and this is counterintuitive to the battle against smoking that has been waged against big corporate Tobacco around the world. Elsewhere in the Western world and progress curbing this disgusting habit has been successful from Norway to England.
Jack Dorsey and twitter to become toast like Myspace
Jamie Logan
Jack Dorsey at twitter doesn't know what to do twitter is fast-falling as a reliable and viable economic platform of social media and is exposing all that is wrong with internet stocks. The stock has stumbled some seventy percent weighed down by user growth fears of investors. perhaps they have tried twitter out for themselves and seen all these fake accounts of models and hot women for themselves and when trying to contact get no response. Clearly twitter was an invention to gather some of the social media pie money made available through investors infatuation with one mark Zuckerberg. jack Dorsey is no mark Zuckerberg and instead he is more like Myspace founder
Tom Anderson. His Myspace was once the darling of the investor's world before they got tired of the nonsense and spending put towards his company that didn't really justify a quarter of all that money propped up to create this sense of value for the company. Dorsey, like Anderson is hoping associating himself with celebrities and influential people will somehow work wonders for his site. He also wants to increase live-streaming video which yahoo tried and failed miserably still looking for a potential buyer. Dorsey also wants to make it easier for developers and more safer for them unless they are Mideast Syrian jihadists wanting to bring their war to other areas.
Basically all this money going to these young guys and their start ups was primarily the aim and objective of their influential and wealthy fathers wishig to keep their slacker sons preoccupied and doing something besides playing video games all day in their basements, somewhere in the Dorsey's household jack's mother has the couch warn and cocoa cooking for her son to return to his call fo Duty games when this sillt tweeting bullshit ponzinscheme ends much like om Anderson is now home.
Jack Dorsey at twitter doesn't know what to do twitter is fast-falling as a reliable and viable economic platform of social media and is exposing all that is wrong with internet stocks. The stock has stumbled some seventy percent weighed down by user growth fears of investors. perhaps they have tried twitter out for themselves and seen all these fake accounts of models and hot women for themselves and when trying to contact get no response. Clearly twitter was an invention to gather some of the social media pie money made available through investors infatuation with one mark Zuckerberg. jack Dorsey is no mark Zuckerberg and instead he is more like Myspace founder
Let Chicago state and other racist black-dominated basketball programs end in universities
Leonardo McGregor
Chicago state Universities men's basketball team is feeling the budget crunch in the state of Illinois. College sports has long been accustomed to be given free money by state tax payers so they can field what is largely segregated sports and in some cases all black teams especially in basketball Chicago state has not had a White player I am willing to say in its schools history and the days of downstate people supporting this urban ghetto school and its basketball program is coming to an end. All State universities need to have no more free lunch for their programs at the expense of tax payers including the University of Illinois and other schools.
Most of these schools fielded teams in sports such as basketball and football that were long unrepresented of the state and consisted much of black participation rates that far exceeded their proportion of the population. Chicago state is the most egregious of these schools being an all-black school and it is set to run out of funds in march. hopefully it will be followed by Western Illinois, Northern Illinois, Eastern Illinois, Southern Illinois, Illinois State and other basketball programs paying their own way to put on their black power basketball quads representing their schools when their own makeup does nothing but represent the South and West sides of Chicago and maybe Rockford, Illinois. Chicago once had another university that had to dismantle its sports infrastructure as it was too costly to run ad this was back in 1998. Universities and colleges need to find a way to be more sustainable and budgeting a top priority to student0athletes is just not the way to go and the state was long overdue to ending tribute to sports athletic programs that had no business getting free lunches from the state. they say that many of these players would be on the streets as most have fathers in jail for drug sales and that is too bad so sad. These men chose to have children without a future and one that consisted of illegal transactions and the amount of spending by the athletic department at Chicago State University and other universities is not a top educational priority.
Chicago state Universities men's basketball team is feeling the budget crunch in the state of Illinois. College sports has long been accustomed to be given free money by state tax payers so they can field what is largely segregated sports and in some cases all black teams especially in basketball Chicago state has not had a White player I am willing to say in its schools history and the days of downstate people supporting this urban ghetto school and its basketball program is coming to an end. All State universities need to have no more free lunch for their programs at the expense of tax payers including the University of Illinois and other schools.
Professor Amy Cuddy is a body image presence elitest and scam spammer speaker
Conner Bradshaw
Amy Cuddy is some bullshit social psychologist that had a popular TED talk because she is blonde and attractive. The nonsensical topic of her speaking is that power proses is important fact of life how you deal in every social situation. She was recently a guest on Tom Ashbrook's On Point radio broadcast/podcast and basically she says you have to be a non-verbal authoritarian whenever you speak with anyone to get more respect which is utterly insane. it is a game changer if you can learn these power poses Amy Cuddy explained to Tom Ashbrook and basically the poor are poor because they cant stand up straight and eat too much fried chicken causing them to slouch.
Dialogue form someone like this business professor woman fully exemplifies that she is a Harvard professor and if this woman was really truthful to the keys to success she would say you need to have a legacy family connection to an elite institution such as hers or other Ivy League schools. stupid shit such as tis from this woman is straight from the fatuity beliefs of corporate America where ideas are handed down one generation to another and the image needed to climb the ladder is something that is promoted and exposed in a cultish-type presence and this is in reality the presence she describes as successful. Should it be really surprising that a Time magazine would declare this woman as some sort of game changer with her silly pose ideas.
The ideas of Amy Cuddy is why we have this persistent challenges of fat shaming and body imagery problems for our youth as people like professor Amy Cuddy feed into the stereotype of why outside imagery is so important and why this type of thinking by Amy Cuddy shouldn't be challenged for the crap that it is and role in playing categorizing people.
Amy Cuddy is some bullshit social psychologist that had a popular TED talk because she is blonde and attractive. The nonsensical topic of her speaking is that power proses is important fact of life how you deal in every social situation. She was recently a guest on Tom Ashbrook's On Point radio broadcast/podcast and basically she says you have to be a non-verbal authoritarian whenever you speak with anyone to get more respect which is utterly insane. it is a game changer if you can learn these power poses Amy Cuddy explained to Tom Ashbrook and basically the poor are poor because they cant stand up straight and eat too much fried chicken causing them to slouch.

Sonoko Tagami hoping to find wealthy John Lennon type American goes topless in wealthy Streeterville in Chicago
Ned Baily
A judge tossed a topless suit by a Jap nip in Chicago's federal court who had been fined for exposing her tiny perky little breast on North Avenue's beach in Chicago. US district Court judge Sharon Johnson shot down Sonoko Tagami's lawsuit that she had a right to go topless on "Topless Day" and that police infringed on her right to her constitutional right not be a slut and expose for all to see. There is no free expression to show little tits as allowances for this would open the way for guys to cock display their thingies all over the place and perhaps this nip has no clue at implications of this.
The judge said this lawsuit was risible and told this woman to pay her fine and purchase a bra or bikini top next time she comes to Chicago and tries to get some free money by claiming to be a victim by going half-naked in public. Naomi gave this woman a ticket and Sonoko tagami will have to learn that it will cost her and take away from her purse and handbag purchases if she keeps getting ticketed and fined and wasting money on frivolous lawsuits against cities across America because she is mad men can go topless and she cannot in public.
A judge tossed a topless suit by a Jap nip in Chicago's federal court who had been fined for exposing her tiny perky little breast on North Avenue's beach in Chicago. US district Court judge Sharon Johnson shot down Sonoko Tagami's lawsuit that she had a right to go topless on "Topless Day" and that police infringed on her right to her constitutional right not be a slut and expose for all to see. There is no free expression to show little tits as allowances for this would open the way for guys to cock display their thingies all over the place and perhaps this nip has no clue at implications of this.
Who is hotter Mona Chopra or Mona Charen
Jamie Logan
Mona Charen is some nasty right-wing columnist often attacking liberals and the progress women have made in the Western World. Mona Chopra is a actress in Bollywood among the worlds hottest women and a gem in ost of the eyes of men worldwide. A Mona Charen is horrified at the likes of Mona Chopra profiting from her beautiful looks and a Mona Charen would want these Hollywood and Bollywood women be inside and forced to be husbands living traditional live. A Mona Chopra is admired and loved for her beauty by both men and women worldwide all enjoying her acting on screens in roman tic movies with plotlines. A Mona Charen ugly face only appears on TV usually from a paid propaganda from right-wing think tanks buying air-time for this wicked woman to appear on
Mona Chopra looks great in modern tight jeans or yoga pants. Charen looks horrible in granny dresses and old shoes and pretty much Chanen is a typical member of the media that tries to dehumanize the youth. Mona Charen could never get a role in a movie production unless it was in a horror film and how anyone would want to attend a public event highlighting this woman as a speaker is undoubtedly curious stretch of the human mind.

Mona Chopra is often listed as the most beautiful women of the world while Mona Charen only makes the list of most annoying right-wing conservative pusher and agenda seeker and works tirelessly to write and get propaganda for continuing inequality and fighting every progressive gains in society.
Michael Clark sold alot of pizzas to Tinly park village hall meetings
Arturo Armando
Michael Clark was an influential Tinley park commissioner owner of a pizza place in town where he served many dishes of the unhealthy cuisine of pizza that has lead to an increase of obesity and other health problems. The lame suburban landscapes across this country are filled with these crummy strip-mall pizza places where owners most likely use these business to money launder other financial aspects of their lives but sometimes hide it behind a pizza business. it seems that Michael Clark, owner of a restaurant in Tinley park called Ed and Joe's, sold so much fucking pizza just to Tinley Park village officials and was the official pizza and catering business of this village hall.
The problem is that Michael Clark was part of this hall as a commissioner and made some good dough from transforming dough into ..you guessed it pizza. I don't know if joe had anything to do with this Tinley ark pizza ethics question but it seems like Michael Clark got into trouble with selling the tax-payers his own pizza at every meeting in town and catered every event profiting from an uptick of pizza sales. The Chicago tribune showed how this guy was using his chairmanship on a commission to increase his bottom line for his pizza business less money on other pizza joints in town and not near the two hundred grand the Tinley Park village had spent on pizza from Ed and Joe's. They evidently didn't have the political local connections or it may be the pizza at Ed and Joe's uses cuh superior better tasting pizza ingredients. Clark was handed the pizza business from his father and a website describes him as the Pizza King and this is very accurate to describe how he used the village of Tinley park and his role in higher offices to really get him earned this title for his pizza business.
Michael Clark was an influential Tinley park commissioner owner of a pizza place in town where he served many dishes of the unhealthy cuisine of pizza that has lead to an increase of obesity and other health problems. The lame suburban landscapes across this country are filled with these crummy strip-mall pizza places where owners most likely use these business to money launder other financial aspects of their lives but sometimes hide it behind a pizza business. it seems that Michael Clark, owner of a restaurant in Tinley park called Ed and Joe's, sold so much fucking pizza just to Tinley Park village officials and was the official pizza and catering business of this village hall.
Oliver Stone's son Sean a whack book promoter
Clifford Gifford
Sean Stone is a confused individual and has these incredulous programs promoting ghosts, aliens, conspiracies, and cover ups. The amount of bullshit going through Lip.Tv and Buzzsaw and this joker makes for a good watch from time to time but the fact is as a book critic the reviews and authors Sean Stone endorses is laughable. Stone doesn't really have any insightful discussions of the economy and problems instead focusing on promoting and discussing with the lunatic fringes who were anally assaulted by greys 30,000 feet in the stratosphere. Whenever I eek a new whack job website to throw on my link list I can trust an easy find is googling dipstick son of Oliver and his Buzzsaw or Lip.tv or whatever he calls the shit he broadcasts. Man this guy is a freak and really fits in nicely with the Shiite religion that he converted some many moons ago traveling to Iran.
This guy is basically a dope dealer but instead of drugs he is peddling dope minded material with no basis in facts whether it is 9/11 truther material where he blames the Bush family of orchestrating the terrorist act so he can replace one dictator to having authors claiming scientists are planning of deconstructing the human body. Most of the dopes Mr Stone has on mention shit they see in movies as this is evidence to back their outrageous claims of cybergenetic manipulation to Bigfoot acknowledge resistance to hiding warped space travel ability. none of these basis and assumptions are backed by any facts except some nut that stone likely finds in a tavern as he uses his dads trust fuds to ravel the country.
This guy does nothing but promote bad books and authors perhaps the goal of his programming techniques is just be a backdrop for dropouts of society who figure there is a conspiracy around every corner because nothing really exciting is going on for them personally. Few of his guests are of the quality of Nomi Prins which he had one time making a great interview and appearance for her on this big internet show, but then Stone follows her interview with a show about reptilian mind control and their influence to determine the winner of the super Bowl and World Cup
Sean Stone is a confused individual and has these incredulous programs promoting ghosts, aliens, conspiracies, and cover ups. The amount of bullshit going through Lip.Tv and Buzzsaw and this joker makes for a good watch from time to time but the fact is as a book critic the reviews and authors Sean Stone endorses is laughable. Stone doesn't really have any insightful discussions of the economy and problems instead focusing on promoting and discussing with the lunatic fringes who were anally assaulted by greys 30,000 feet in the stratosphere. Whenever I eek a new whack job website to throw on my link list I can trust an easy find is googling dipstick son of Oliver and his Buzzsaw or Lip.tv or whatever he calls the shit he broadcasts. Man this guy is a freak and really fits in nicely with the Shiite religion that he converted some many moons ago traveling to Iran.
John Shinel says bubble about to pop again for tech stocks
Herbert Gilbert Internet tech writer John Shinal says the bubble of the internet2.0 is about to pop and will be bigger than the first dit.com bubble investing crash of a decade ago. he shows how the decrease for funding of these start-ups, most of which are stupid and have no plan of succeeding, are decreasing especially for the ones valued up to a Billion dollars. More and more investors are seeing that companies such as twitter and Yahoo have no real value and their only survival was dependent on wasting other peoples investing powers. This money is no longer available and is drying up like a well in Qatar.
Shinal knows his shit and is one of the more respected writers in the tech field and our very own Otto Jansen has a poster of this poignant procrastinator of the internet field and scam of the numerous companies out there needing free money and free stuff from angel investor billionaires and stock scammer.
Shinal talks about how the collapse of LinkedIn shares was the start of this new bubble bursting as investors are about to give up supporting this technology field that has done nothing but made teen girls obsessed with their appearances and how they look on a mobile smartphone. Shinel reports how match.com is down, Box(which we just covered) is down, Groupon down 70 percent, Twitter way down, Priceline,com...yes priceline.com that valuable site down, Amazon down, yelp.com down, Facebook down, Alibaba way alibabad out. More and more of these internet companies are losing their prices and being abandoned by professional money managers who are increasingly seeing these internet companies and stocks as the worthless paper as they always were.
Shinel is telling anyone who would listen and calling all his friends telling them to sell sell sell these stupid stocks and get out before this bubble pops and internet 3.0 can start the same process over again for these investors.
Would you trust your companies data and secrets to an Aaron Levie?
Jordon Morgan
how any corporate organization would put all their material in a cloud storage in a company run by a guy that looks like Aaron Levie is surprising and amazing. The guy looks like what you would expect to see behind a Guy Fawkes mask or one of these aging dweebs who refuse to quit hanging out at the local skate park. Aaron is pushing for everyone to keep their storage in a cloud service so clowns like him can sit back and make some god easy jingle holding all this data and helping other corporations know everything about you
. I wouldn't trust this guy holding the door for me as I enter a & 1 let alone putting all my personal computing shit into his company Box and Levie sees growth in this very young market. Levie was featured in an interview with the business propaganda Wall Street Journal and he tried to make the claim why your public data storage needs would be better suited for his company than say Microsoft, Google, or Amazon. the amount of confusing rambling this guy went on to explain on heterogeneous needs and different platforms benefiting using Box.
This young punk went on to say the costs associate with using all these different vendors to store your porn computer images is getting lower and basically what else would the public need to store mass qualities of computer data if it were not porn. putting all your information and important business reports in the hands of a Aaron Levie make as much sense as putting your files in the teen section of your local public library and pretty much these cloud services are bullshit as people can just get an extra hard drive and put their information there instead of some third party middleman just looking for a cut and a fee of your information.
how any corporate organization would put all their material in a cloud storage in a company run by a guy that looks like Aaron Levie is surprising and amazing. The guy looks like what you would expect to see behind a Guy Fawkes mask or one of these aging dweebs who refuse to quit hanging out at the local skate park. Aaron is pushing for everyone to keep their storage in a cloud service so clowns like him can sit back and make some god easy jingle holding all this data and helping other corporations know everything about you
Nabisco Molendez International moves cookie operations so they can burn more oil to ship back to America
Chuck Woodruff
Chicago was once home to the largest industrial bakery but last year Mondelez International decided it would give subsidies tot he fossil fuel industries by relocating headquarters in Mexico and thus use trucks and burn and purchase fuel from the oil industry in order to ship Oreo cookies to America. Six hundred workers with well-paying jobs would lose them and they took to the Nabisco plant on Kedzie Avenue where this company plans to invest a $130 million upgrade of a facility in Salines, Mexico. They took to headquarters to protest this decision and bring light as about why this evil CEO bitch made this decision and basically I am doing the same thing with the real reason companies move far away and then ship product back to America. It is in order to subsidize the fossil-fuel transportation business. 
Why any American would ever purchase Oreo cookies after a back-stab such as this Deerfield, Illinois based company which along with all companies want to streamline all costs except the outrageous and bogus bonuses it dishes out to their executives such as the real ugly Jewess Ayn Rand looing Irene Rosenfeld. Nabisco rewarded this bitch with a seven million dollar raise in addition to her twenty million dollar a year salary for her leadership and decision to ship these jobs out of the country and this case illustrates more and more why private control of companies needs to be taken away from these psychopaths who get a charge from interfering and interrupting peoples lives.
We have only ourselves to blame for actions by these traitorous companies as we do not hold the politicians accountable for enabling the ease of companies to move operations and sticking government costs in welfare and aid programs because these institutions, which receive government subsidies, are unwilling to invest in America and provide well-paying jobs for American citizens to be independent. A leader such as Donald trump needs to build a wall on the border not only for migratory purposes, but to prevent the ease that these fucks of the likes of Irene Rosenfeld think the ease of shipping cookies across the border from hundreds of miles away can be beneficial to anyone except overpaid cookie executives and the oil burning industry. An oil industry likely leading the charge for decisions such as Nabisco's and counting on more shipping and waste of truck diesel fuel to move cookies thousands of miles unnecessary across North America.
Ameerah Al-Taweel turns heads and speaks out on women's rights in Arabstan
Cecil Brewster
No doubt about it that Saudi Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel is a princess and nice piece of ass. she has been in the forefront of women's rights in land long subjugating women and making them third class citizens after men and the family camel. Arabian women have long been held back and it is great to see a high-powerful sexy woman such as this Princess Leah wanabee get out and become a social media star on twitter tweeting activity from Saudi America.Al-Taweel is a prominent women’s rights advocate, and has appeared in the global media to speak out against the status of women in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East and North Africa.
Women are speaking out more for reform in this Kingdom and pressing for more rights and independence I their lives from this often intolerant Islamic area whose main achievements through the ages have been restricting women and hiding them from public whether locked in their homes or behind that disgusting veil. A woman like princess gives many women hope and this princess could afford to be outspoken being the husband of some billionaire Saudi sheik who apparently didn't want his beautiful wife jailed and away from his bedroom.
No doubt about it that Saudi Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel is a princess and nice piece of ass. she has been in the forefront of women's rights in land long subjugating women and making them third class citizens after men and the family camel. Arabian women have long been held back and it is great to see a high-powerful sexy woman such as this Princess Leah wanabee get out and become a social media star on twitter tweeting activity from Saudi America.Al-Taweel is a prominent women’s rights advocate, and has appeared in the global media to speak out against the status of women in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East and North Africa.

Social media has provided a “free platform” for women to enjoy an “equal opportunity” to express themselves in a way the “real world” does not guarantee, said Al-Taweel. Al-Tawleel's biggest haters and critics are these rural loser women in backwards parts of Saudiland who are jealous and don't want to see any other womens gains as their own lives are pathetic in their ultra-conservative wahibbist villages.
it is great to see this woman and others fight for more freedoms and gain victories such as co-ed education which more than anything else f=did wonders and win rights for women in the Western world and own no doubt knows that the educated will have to turn this society around. Saudi men in universities will eventually get the message that these women are equal and that they will have to get together and fight the uneducated koranic-obsessed rural masses to gain modernization for this desert kingdom along with the neighboring states.
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