Lee Park Kong
The Brazilian summer Olympics is thankfully over and their were many incidents of the neurotic and eccentric behavior of baby athletes in these Olympics. these are often coddled people usually form the upper upper classes of society who feel an Olympic medal would be the cream of their life. The Olympics will forever be remembered not for the athletic competition in sports, like wrestling, which the vast majority of people don't care about, but for the antics of one Mongolian coach and athlete after they lost a controversial match and a right to wear a bronze medal...not gold mind you.

The antics by the Mongolian coach illustrate the continuing backwardness of the Mongol nation not fully evolving since the days of Ghengis Khan especially in sportsmanship.Mongolian wrestler Ganzorigiin Mandakhnaran lost a bronze-medal clash against Uzbekistan's Ikhtiyor Navruzov in controversial fashion, his coaches reacted in a way you would only expect to see in a WWE event.
The Mongolian coaches believed their wrestler was on his way to winning the match as Mandakhnaran began celebrating in the final seconds, but he was called for a late penalty that resulted in the victory going to Navruzov.

The Mongolian lost the match from early celebratory premature action seen by officials as agitation and the two points of penalties was enough to flip the match and give the bronze medal to the Uzbekistani. The coach was so angered at the loss of his wrestler through the judges he immediately went over the judges stand and striped his clothing while barking like a fucking ox. These actions by this coach Byambarenchin Bayaraa were disgraceful and a total joke and if the guy thought he was going to wheedle out a reversal from this neurotic and eccentric behavior that may be common in Mongolia then he had another thing coming. Security ushered the fat clown out of the arena and coach Bayaraa was given twenty four hours and a one way ticket back to fucking ..Ulaanbaatar. it doesn't get any better in Ulaanbaatar and the chances of this city hosting the Olympics in 2056 do not look sunny thanks to this peccant undressing prick on the Mongolian coaching staff.