Tyler Cowen comes on Russ Robert's Econtalk podcast to talk about American complacent and unwillingness to move to other states

  Oscar Orton
Professor Tyler Cowen is a know it all in regard to the American economy and appropriate trends he wishes to see the country head towards and the social critic appeared on Russ Robert's libertarian leaning program the other day. Cowen complained that Americans are taking  risks less and venturing to other states and moving continually all of the tie as past generation did. why Cowen gives a fuck or finds moving continually so important was not delivered but perhaps the role of importance of neighborhood preservation and community development is not something Mr Cowen wishes to see outside of a franchise church structure. Cowen and Roberts believe because they ahd to move around alot in their careers and lives that everyone should move and find new places to live when economies suffer.
Tyler also bitched to Russ that the millenniums are not into cars like past generations and he wonders where all these classic car shows in the summer will draw upon when thes eold foagies and their 57 Chevy's start dying off and he lamented why young people ar estayng at home with their parents instead of taking a 800000 mortgagee for a big overbuilt home and then becomng a debt slave for their entire life working four jobs to manage the banks interest. the idea and concept that kids may love their parents and wish to live in the safety of their parents home instead of moving in with some other twenrtyyear olds who may kill them in their sleep is foreign to a shit bag like Tyler Cowen. Everyday there is terrorism crime with roommates or neighbors killing somebody in their twenties. Roberts and Cowan also like the growth of regional sameness and the strength of chains and these two jags have no problem with all the new cheap architecture that is an utter disgrace often lending to people not even giving a shit to go out as there is little to see in vast expanses of America.
Cowen mentioned something about luxury living and the overert dressing of successful urbanites in highly tailored suits in these high-end neighborhoods as something to be alarmed by making it more of an area of exclusivity and difficult for the little guy to get cheap housing in the same area and work his way up. Aside from this comment there was little else said of value in this Tyler Discussion on Ecotalk and it was filled with stupid shit a Robert's asked Cowen why people don't riot more like they use to in the sixties when they didn't like things

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