Alex Mousolpolous
Elon Musk looks at countries like Greece and japan and he worries for the future of capitalism. Instead of being worried about the state of the planet and how man has altered the planet for its growing wasteland and industrial exploitation destruction of it the south African monopoly man tweeted that population collapse is a serious issue not being talked and announced. This is incredibly insane and always will be insane as population problems of this planet consisted of over -population for years before plutocrats made some serious billions of dollars getting people to migrate and profiting handsomely form poor peoples misery. what really worries Elon Musk is that the robot trend will not really occur and that mass profits form exploiting people will be more difficult for future generations of plutocrats shall population numbers decrease to a more suitable and sustainable two billion people level. What worries Musk is an example of Greece and Greeks how under-population made the Greeks unable to rule the civilized world it once achieved even though modern day Greeks are nothing like the ones of Alexander and are basically Greek speaking people of the Balkans who global elites and European empires decided to profit for themselves for helping through state creation back in the day . If anything true power in a nation is its ability to control poverty and set a high standard of living for its small population. I don't see anyone messing with Norway or Asian hoardes able to invade Australia anytime soon.
For the greedy like Musk more is better and as long as he or his descendants don't have to live and work in a slum in Dehli pushing a rickshaw to eke out a living then the problem of over-population is not his to worry about. Mus is a man that has not experienced much suffering being a son of South African industrial elites brainwashing people to wear items that needs to be mined and polluted and priced at over-value item for jewelry. This is a man who refers a smoke stack polluting landscape for the planet instead of one nature intended of trees because this slap jack has no way to find mass profits from trees.
How any deranged individual in this world call for more population given all that e have seen and attempted to turn earth into Venus is incredibly short-sighted and clueless. the happiest and more sustainable countries are those with low populations lie the Scandinavian countries and perhaps given Elon's recent disclosure of being a bi-polar depressed monkey he should move to one of these countries and quit think about landing on the moon someday to open an auto parts store.
You have pundits who say we can fit all the worlds people in Texas with a Tokyo density as if the gridlock and water pollution would not make it available but this is the thinking of the population explosion advocates who wish to turn every nook and cannery n earth into New York City. Elon Musk and the advocates for fear of population implosion only care about increasing humanity and profits and could care less of bio-diversity and other species as they would see them as expendable as unproductive humans for capital.
Tim Tebow getting into the groove and is seriously considering a challenge against Donald Trump in 2020
Dave Berkson
Tim Tebow is unexpectedly starting to hit the bal and thus far his minor league baseball career has been much more successful than a national Football league one in which his history and play was horrendous shaming many right-wing Christians hoping to have a ultra-orthodox baptist as one of the collision smash ball's biggest stars. Tebow is thankfully gone form American foot in mouth ball and will have his body and brain communicating and intact unless he takes a heater from a fast ball hurlers offering straight square in the chin, but the laws of physics and chances are slim for this to occur at least for now. Tim Tebow has sold his soul to the devil and told sports reporters following the former college football standout and Heisman trophy winner that he is feeling more and more like Stella and he is getting his groove back being a topnotched athlete.
Tim Tebow is too young to start his own church or right-wing radio podcast and in order for the goose to get his flock he needs to build up a sports history athlete success history and thus is why he is trying so hard with boreball. Tim Tebow may make baseball in time for the 202o season and then I predict he may throw in his tidewater baseball New York mets hat in the ring and suddenly challenge Donald J Trump for the Republican nomination declaring that trump is an old dude and not conservative enough. Tebow has already done something a young Donald Trump could never accomplish and this is play both in the NFL and Major League Baseball. The political ambitions of Tim Tebow are there and this guy wishes to have the same power and emulate his heroes in both spoerts but in the technocracy as he wants to have Mark Zuckerberg's and Elon Musk's money. so there . two baseball posts are enough for one day.
Tim Tebow is unexpectedly starting to hit the bal and thus far his minor league baseball career has been much more successful than a national Football league one in which his history and play was horrendous shaming many right-wing Christians hoping to have a ultra-orthodox baptist as one of the collision smash ball's biggest stars. Tebow is thankfully gone form American foot in mouth ball and will have his body and brain communicating and intact unless he takes a heater from a fast ball hurlers offering straight square in the chin, but the laws of physics and chances are slim for this to occur at least for now. Tim Tebow has sold his soul to the devil and told sports reporters following the former college football standout and Heisman trophy winner that he is feeling more and more like Stella and he is getting his groove back being a topnotched athlete.
Tim Tebow is too young to start his own church or right-wing radio podcast and in order for the goose to get his flock he needs to build up a sports history athlete success history and thus is why he is trying so hard with boreball. Tim Tebow may make baseball in time for the 202o season and then I predict he may throw in his tidewater baseball New York mets hat in the ring and suddenly challenge Donald J Trump for the Republican nomination declaring that trump is an old dude and not conservative enough. Tebow has already done something a young Donald Trump could never accomplish and this is play both in the NFL and Major League Baseball. The political ambitions of Tim Tebow are there and this guy wishes to have the same power and emulate his heroes in both spoerts but in the technocracy as he wants to have Mark Zuckerberg's and Elon Musk's money. so there . two baseball posts are enough for one day.
Obnoxious corporate Chicago shit fans harass Chris Christie and again he readies himself for a possible run in 2024
Guy Baldwin
Chris Christie was trying to enjoy a ballgame in Milwaukee far away form his home base of new Jersey when an obnoxious snide comment was made to him as he passed by a Cub fan. Chris Christie confronted from the over-facial haired over grown men in a kids jersey and basically got right up in his face to call him big shot. Now the first thing I thought of when I saw this video was why the hell was this guy in our city watching a sporting event. Chris Christie pretty much got into politics so he can attend all these sports events and get in free for Krispy Kream all you can eat donut days, but these freebies the New Jersey governor does usually is way out in the East Coast. In fact, this is Chris Christie second run in in a stadium and it again brings up the right Bull's blog belief many of these mass viral news events are indeed commercials as Tom Ricketts, Brewers owner, and sports jock radio wannabee Chris Christie likely colluded to make this small video segment into the news knowing full well the spectacle of this fat clown Christie with nachos getting heckled would hit many political pundits and fans funny bone. How do i know this?
For one the man Christie was arguing was wearing a Cubs advertising shirt and the video made sure to pan Milwaukee's beautiful Miller Park a the conclusion. There was no real swearing or major controversial commentary in this heckle and Chris Christie is working hard to associate and get sports fans used to him being around media and so forth after his failed reign as Governor of a shitty state like New Jersey comes to an end. the video clip also included men in both teams wear very visible and I know what you will say "guy its a cubs brewers game so of course you are going to see grown silly ass white men harassing like the players and like preteen boys obsessed with sport and so forth. True. This however smacks of subliminal advertising he new go to revenue source for baseball organizations and others were guaranteed viral videos display a product. Chicago fans and marketing firms are on the cutting edge of social media and how to use t for advertising, although Chicago fans also are often rude shits, among the worse of worse, so a fat Eastern politician getting harassed and havi g to get his nachos and face in someones face can be expected.
Chris Christie was trying to enjoy a ballgame in Milwaukee far away form his home base of new Jersey when an obnoxious snide comment was made to him as he passed by a Cub fan. Chris Christie confronted from the over-facial haired over grown men in a kids jersey and basically got right up in his face to call him big shot. Now the first thing I thought of when I saw this video was why the hell was this guy in our city watching a sporting event. Chris Christie pretty much got into politics so he can attend all these sports events and get in free for Krispy Kream all you can eat donut days, but these freebies the New Jersey governor does usually is way out in the East Coast. In fact, this is Chris Christie second run in in a stadium and it again brings up the right Bull's blog belief many of these mass viral news events are indeed commercials as Tom Ricketts, Brewers owner, and sports jock radio wannabee Chris Christie likely colluded to make this small video segment into the news knowing full well the spectacle of this fat clown Christie with nachos getting heckled would hit many political pundits and fans funny bone. How do i know this?
For one the man Christie was arguing was wearing a Cubs advertising shirt and the video made sure to pan Milwaukee's beautiful Miller Park a the conclusion. There was no real swearing or major controversial commentary in this heckle and Chris Christie is working hard to associate and get sports fans used to him being around media and so forth after his failed reign as Governor of a shitty state like New Jersey comes to an end. the video clip also included men in both teams wear very visible and I know what you will say "guy its a cubs brewers game so of course you are going to see grown silly ass white men harassing like the players and like preteen boys obsessed with sport and so forth. True. This however smacks of subliminal advertising he new go to revenue source for baseball organizations and others were guaranteed viral videos display a product. Chicago fans and marketing firms are on the cutting edge of social media and how to use t for advertising, although Chicago fans also are often rude shits, among the worse of worse, so a fat Eastern politician getting harassed and havi g to get his nachos and face in someones face can be expected.
Sam Harris talks to former Muslim Sarah Haider and the need for Muslims to reform and freedom of choice to leave cult
Oscar Orton
leaving Islam was the topic of discussion of Sam Harris with former Muslim Sarah Haider as the both of them spoke of the dangers of Muslims wishing to explore other religions or atheism. Harris couldn't believe that women in Burkas and hijab are not honest about how their religion and male family members force these garments as advertising for Islam and that this religion and silly outfits contradicts all peaceful intentions claimed by Muslims. the fact that Muslims face dangers from own family members and others for criticizing or leaving this cult confuses the lie that the
Western media and left proclaim in defense of this scary and mid evil cult that has survived through its own oppression on the people born into this culture. I just wish Sam Harris and his guest Sarah Haider had explored more how money in politics has played a major role in increased jihadist action around the world as petrodollars support Wahhabi thought based in Saudi Arabia and being exported around the world mainly financed by energy purchases form america and Europe. the amount of honor killings in both the est and the Middle East by Muslims against Muslim women will never be reported accurately by the bought and bias Western media wishing not to displease their advertising revenue stream. Sarah is part of a group of former Muslims and she described the perilous position Muslims wishing to give up religion and following of it face in both persecution and death. Haider and Harris talked about the cognitive dissonance of Muslims in believing literally everything their Iman and Koran speak of no matter how impossible or impractical science and fact has disprove the miracles and fake news of Islam of flying horses and so forth. Islam always has been and always will be fake bullshit and an excuse for supremacy whether it be brown or Arab through the years as travelers of this banner used it in the same terror and destruction leftist liberals talk of the Spanish empire and Christianity and the lefts unwillingness to get real on this fakery if slam and how its used to subjugate mainly women is a shame and tar on the progressive and liberalism ideas and values Europe once held through objective thought.
leaving Islam was the topic of discussion of Sam Harris with former Muslim Sarah Haider as the both of them spoke of the dangers of Muslims wishing to explore other religions or atheism. Harris couldn't believe that women in Burkas and hijab are not honest about how their religion and male family members force these garments as advertising for Islam and that this religion and silly outfits contradicts all peaceful intentions claimed by Muslims. the fact that Muslims face dangers from own family members and others for criticizing or leaving this cult confuses the lie that the
Western media and left proclaim in defense of this scary and mid evil cult that has survived through its own oppression on the people born into this culture. I just wish Sam Harris and his guest Sarah Haider had explored more how money in politics has played a major role in increased jihadist action around the world as petrodollars support Wahhabi thought based in Saudi Arabia and being exported around the world mainly financed by energy purchases form america and Europe. the amount of honor killings in both the est and the Middle East by Muslims against Muslim women will never be reported accurately by the bought and bias Western media wishing not to displease their advertising revenue stream. Sarah is part of a group of former Muslims and she described the perilous position Muslims wishing to give up religion and following of it face in both persecution and death. Haider and Harris talked about the cognitive dissonance of Muslims in believing literally everything their Iman and Koran speak of no matter how impossible or impractical science and fact has disprove the miracles and fake news of Islam of flying horses and so forth. Islam always has been and always will be fake bullshit and an excuse for supremacy whether it be brown or Arab through the years as travelers of this banner used it in the same terror and destruction leftist liberals talk of the Spanish empire and Christianity and the lefts unwillingness to get real on this fakery if slam and how its used to subjugate mainly women is a shame and tar on the progressive and liberalism ideas and values Europe once held through objective thought.
Steve Wynn downplays huge losses in his palace saying it is just an anomaly
Jamie Logan
Casino mogul Steve Wynn and one of his resorts lost an incredible ten million dollars at hs Wynn Palace in Maccua as a junket came and cleared his baccarat table sin a mater of minutes. the stock for Wynn Inc dropped dramatically as the idea of casinos loses totaling that high and that quickly in minutes is indicative of the risky investment of ones capital into the casino culture and palaces can be a risk as well. Steve Wynn's losses sent a shiver in the liver of all casino operators ans more and more Asian high-level playing trained groups called junket operators only playing easy baccarat with its
lower house odds can be the death knell and end this casino capitalist theft by casino moguls like this shit ass Steve Wynn. casinos already are the major front for spreading the money laundering around the world and only really skilled data manipulators and excellent black jack players. the casino mogul couldn't believe it that he lost this much and Wynn Palace is already suffering as is Wynn resorts stock suffering as its Singapore casino recently had revenue losses of a 100 million for a recent month which in casino capitalism is shocking. Wynn said the loses were a anomaly and this shouldn't threaten his new 400 billion casino palace in Macau that he just opened up and added another outlet for the dark dollars from around the world to have an outlet to be spent and enjoyed by the plutocrats. Wynn has already had stains and issues just getting this huge casino opened and running in a gambling mecca and if the successes of gambling junkets spreads then this guy is in huge shit.
Casino mogul Steve Wynn and one of his resorts lost an incredible ten million dollars at hs Wynn Palace in Maccua as a junket came and cleared his baccarat table sin a mater of minutes. the stock for Wynn Inc dropped dramatically as the idea of casinos loses totaling that high and that quickly in minutes is indicative of the risky investment of ones capital into the casino culture and palaces can be a risk as well. Steve Wynn's losses sent a shiver in the liver of all casino operators ans more and more Asian high-level playing trained groups called junket operators only playing easy baccarat with its
lower house odds can be the death knell and end this casino capitalist theft by casino moguls like this shit ass Steve Wynn. casinos already are the major front for spreading the money laundering around the world and only really skilled data manipulators and excellent black jack players. the casino mogul couldn't believe it that he lost this much and Wynn Palace is already suffering as is Wynn resorts stock suffering as its Singapore casino recently had revenue losses of a 100 million for a recent month which in casino capitalism is shocking. Wynn said the loses were a anomaly and this shouldn't threaten his new 400 billion casino palace in Macau that he just opened up and added another outlet for the dark dollars from around the world to have an outlet to be spent and enjoyed by the plutocrats. Wynn has already had stains and issues just getting this huge casino opened and running in a gambling mecca and if the successes of gambling junkets spreads then this guy is in huge shit.
Quentin Tarantino outraged President Trump targeting violent Ms 13 street gang and he considers a potential run in 2020
Jordan Morgan
Quentin Tarantino is a horrible director and lover of the art of violence and one must wonder how much this guy cheers violent acts in society so he can portray them and profit in a visual and scripted display. How this fool is allowed to put his depravity on the big screen I will never onow and from seeing what he puts out there as film it is obvious he should be institutionalized somewhere with a nice clean jacket. This chump is the Hugh Heffner of violent film and the srt he puts out leads to increased murder and mayhem in this unregulated industry. Tarantino is in works of bringing about the Charles Manson story and without a doubt this creep likely will have a revisionist portrayal where Charles Manson and his sick twisted family are the actual good guys in the upcoming movie of his to create. One must wonder how many pen pal letters Quentin thinks of violence and enjoys portraying violence in his movies as the psychopath has somehow gathered his violent thoughts into promoting violence through the big screen and this man likely roots for continued spreading of violence.
With this in mid clearly this sack of shit bad movie director was furious when news came out that president trump is going after the violent El Salvadoran street gang called MS 13. Tarantino needs Ms 13 and groups like this to exist to justify the incredible crap and violent shit and likely this Italian globalist believes these little savages look guapo with all them tattoos all over their bodies turning Quentin on and making his so desires
. Quentin is planning on a presidential run using his popular name to somehow get his message across and be a front runner in the democratic primary as surely many psychopaths will be impressed that one of their own is running for president of the free world. Tarantino is a product of the crazed coalition of the Hollywood left and the Democratic handout party and so this combination would be an excellent ticket in 2020.
Quentin Tarantino is a horrible director and lover of the art of violence and one must wonder how much this guy cheers violent acts in society so he can portray them and profit in a visual and scripted display. How this fool is allowed to put his depravity on the big screen I will never onow and from seeing what he puts out there as film it is obvious he should be institutionalized somewhere with a nice clean jacket. This chump is the Hugh Heffner of violent film and the srt he puts out leads to increased murder and mayhem in this unregulated industry. Tarantino is in works of bringing about the Charles Manson story and without a doubt this creep likely will have a revisionist portrayal where Charles Manson and his sick twisted family are the actual good guys in the upcoming movie of his to create. One must wonder how many pen pal letters Quentin thinks of violence and enjoys portraying violence in his movies as the psychopath has somehow gathered his violent thoughts into promoting violence through the big screen and this man likely roots for continued spreading of violence.
With this in mid clearly this sack of shit bad movie director was furious when news came out that president trump is going after the violent El Salvadoran street gang called MS 13. Tarantino needs Ms 13 and groups like this to exist to justify the incredible crap and violent shit and likely this Italian globalist believes these little savages look guapo with all them tattoos all over their bodies turning Quentin on and making his so desires
. Quentin is planning on a presidential run using his popular name to somehow get his message across and be a front runner in the democratic primary as surely many psychopaths will be impressed that one of their own is running for president of the free world. Tarantino is a product of the crazed coalition of the Hollywood left and the Democratic handout party and so this combination would be an excellent ticket in 2020.
Right Bull Nellie committs suicide after being tortured by redneck rural Spaniards in another bull torture festival
Arron Luther
Rural backwaters of small town Spain have loco neurotic jackasses whose ethnic and cultural identity is being proud to hold festivals to torture male cattle. The Spanish bull fighting, bullslicing,bull lighting and bull kicking festivals are clear indications what queers the Spaniard is , at least those proud of this tradition and fight to retain these animal murderous acts. A recent bull torture was highlighted and went viral once again exposing the world to the Spanish tradition of maiming an hurting bulls or the sake of it.
A right bull named Nellie was light up and tied to a post in a ritualistic animal abuse act that would make Michael Vick blush. In rural backwarsa Fois in Valencia,Spain this poor bull was in such agonizing pain through this blaze set on its horns it quickly decided to end the fun and games of this wicked Spanish audience. The bull ran right into the post and killed itself quickly much to the dismay of the small crowd at this street festival who were hoping for fun five minutes of entertainment though this cultural tradition which is basically ahhhh a cult of torture.
Rural backwaters of small town Spain have loco neurotic jackasses whose ethnic and cultural identity is being proud to hold festivals to torture male cattle. The Spanish bull fighting, bullslicing,bull lighting and bull kicking festivals are clear indications what queers the Spaniard is , at least those proud of this tradition and fight to retain these animal murderous acts. A recent bull torture was highlighted and went viral once again exposing the world to the Spanish tradition of maiming an hurting bulls or the sake of it.

Lavar ball goes loco in summer youth leagues and gets kicked off court twice
Leroy Yost
Lavar Ball is the amazing father of NBA prospect and future hall of famer Lonzo Ball. Lavar decided he was screwed out of a professional athletic career and is not content having his mulatto kids names bigger than his own and he is throwing his out there. Already Lavar ball is making an immediate impact getting his smart ass sassy mug put there all over in the sports industrial cyber world. Lavar went loco a few times coaching these teenage thugs and brats in expensive summer leagues where families bring about big bucks for their kids to have the right to be coached by Lavar. Lavar Ball's excellent coaching skills are hardly on display because the whack job keeps getting technical fouls and having referees throw his team off the court ending the game prematurely and being immature is the basic problem with Lavar ball. This is a guy not use to the limelight and having the ball
compared to what he is seeing his kids get the spotlight and the middle-aged Lavar is having a mid-life crisis. he is worried that he sons will grow older and more independent departing the clowninsh acts of this ball clown. lavar is worried his white trophy wife may leave him as many wives do after the kids are all grown and out of the house. Lavar is thinking how does he make Lavar ball more relevant and a new experience in media for this sports obsessed and heavy financed institution of organized ball. Lavar just wants to have his name out there in ball dom and get a share of the amount of corporate wasted devoted to covering and talking of sport.
Lavar Ball is the amazing father of NBA prospect and future hall of famer Lonzo Ball. Lavar decided he was screwed out of a professional athletic career and is not content having his mulatto kids names bigger than his own and he is throwing his out there. Already Lavar ball is making an immediate impact getting his smart ass sassy mug put there all over in the sports industrial cyber world. Lavar went loco a few times coaching these teenage thugs and brats in expensive summer leagues where families bring about big bucks for their kids to have the right to be coached by Lavar. Lavar Ball's excellent coaching skills are hardly on display because the whack job keeps getting technical fouls and having referees throw his team off the court ending the game prematurely and being immature is the basic problem with Lavar ball. This is a guy not use to the limelight and having the ball

Rachel Maddow and Stephanie Miller outraged by trans gendered ban order of US military and president trump
Woody Underwood
Stephanie Miller and Rachel Maddow are transgendered women whose ultimate goal of spreading this neurotic and eccentric disease is the ultimate goal. Both of these media monarchs were tremendously angry that Donald trump tweeted that the experiment of attempting to make the US military full of drag queens was ended as president trump decided to end this absurdity and ideal idea of progressives of filling our military with transvestites. Stephanie Miller went on her national airways to mock Trump and the american military fighting against the trend and demand of leftists of putting sissies in makeup and pink underwear into barracks with the men and women defending our nation in the armed forces.
The snobbish attitude and disdain of the coastal tolerant trans gendered loving fucks is not universally shared, especially by the middle and southern Americans whose lack of economic opportunities forces so many to join the army so to protect the assets of the super wealthy around the world.
Rachel Maddow is another transgendered woman who has a cable channel and which might have been born a man. Rachel went crying and yelling on her show abut president trump and how bad it was not to allow eccentric assholes whose only constant thought in life is why they are not the other gender. how the fuck are these neurotic son or daughters of a bitch going to defend their nation and be competent soldiers being obsessed about who they are and what gender they think they ought to be.
Rachel Maddow and Stephanie Miller are transgender assholes put forth onto media to misinform and spread hate trying to work for the goals of nefarious forces to dismantle and demoralize Americas powerful military complex.
Stephanie Miller and Rachel Maddow are transgendered women whose ultimate goal of spreading this neurotic and eccentric disease is the ultimate goal. Both of these media monarchs were tremendously angry that Donald trump tweeted that the experiment of attempting to make the US military full of drag queens was ended as president trump decided to end this absurdity and ideal idea of progressives of filling our military with transvestites. Stephanie Miller went on her national airways to mock Trump and the american military fighting against the trend and demand of leftists of putting sissies in makeup and pink underwear into barracks with the men and women defending our nation in the armed forces.

Rachel Maddow and Stephanie Miller are transgender assholes put forth onto media to misinform and spread hate trying to work for the goals of nefarious forces to dismantle and demoralize Americas powerful military complex.
The time Carter and Hogan Heroes fed Sargent Schulz a rabbit
Sebastian Salvador
Hogans Heroes is like the most incredible program ever aired and something this magnificent and controversial could ever be put out in this P C day of age. The rabbit episode in season four episode 39 saw the Hogan's heroes POW feed sergeant "I know nothing " Schulz a rabbit they had as a mascot and Schulze seemed very satisfied despite thinking it was french aboche fros grass chicken or something the Frenchmen Laboue could cook up. The French cooking character played by Robert Clary was deserving for a spin off series of his own right and I will blog more and more about it through the Left Shark blog despite the heavy comment criticism I get for promoting this program from the sixties. In fact, this program is so great more episodes using cutting edge technology form the original series may be produced some day
and remastered top produce new episodes and different scenarios of what life could be at stalog 1 if the war never ended and this series just kept on going all of the time like M*A*S*H, which is a classic but which I think was one of TVs longest running piles of crap waste of film. Hogans Heroes decided to distract Schulz with a rabbit stew dinner made from their pet rabbit in order to get intelligence out to the German underground ahhh abut some new German missiles about to be deployed along the Bulgarian front. Hogans heroes hated to have to sacrifice their barracks pet rabbit to the German pig guard, but the stooge guard had to be distract to get this highly valuable information out unbeknownst to the Germans.
Hogans Heroes is like the most incredible program ever aired and something this magnificent and controversial could ever be put out in this P C day of age. The rabbit episode in season four episode 39 saw the Hogan's heroes POW feed sergeant "I know nothing " Schulz a rabbit they had as a mascot and Schulze seemed very satisfied despite thinking it was french aboche fros grass chicken or something the Frenchmen Laboue could cook up. The French cooking character played by Robert Clary was deserving for a spin off series of his own right and I will blog more and more about it through the Left Shark blog despite the heavy comment criticism I get for promoting this program from the sixties. In fact, this program is so great more episodes using cutting edge technology form the original series may be produced some day

Donald Trump invades Long Island to speak about face tattoo Indian tribe Ms 13
Runs Like Cougar
Donald Trump went to Long Island to speak to police and wage a new campaign against the indigenous people of this continent as he prepared to go after the increasing strength of the face-tattoo s MS 13 Central American Indian migrants in america that this crazy madman president has labeled as a gang. Ms 13 is not a gang and is a group of indigenous Latin Americans who have been displaced from their lands through state sponsored terrorism and land theft In El Salvador and other countries from the neo-liberal order. this is an order profiting form forcing people to move out of the borders of their respective nations giving outsiders opportunities to scoop up cheap land assets in various countries around the world and then use it for leverage and trade.
Donald Trump returning to land stolen by his Dutch ancestors to once again battle American Indians and his visit to Brentwood, Long island and his demand that Ms 13 tribal Indians should be destroyed sound eerily similar to calls in the 19th century for the eradication of Apaches and Utes. Ms 13 are not bad people and do incredible work and help the economy and small business , especially the tattoo parlors dotted across Americas wasteland and suburbia and rural old stip malls.
Trump going after this Ms 13 now after embarrassing defeat with his health care overhaul attempt should not be lost as the president is making bige fake news of these hard working immigrants than need to be. the formation of Ms 13 into organizations is primarily because of the hard experiences Central American immigrants received from previous Mexican immigrant established communities and the racist White mainstream hating anything that is extremely different such as this tribes desire to wear face paint in everyday life. Ms 13 is not a terrorist organization or a gang but just some boys wishing to be like Cynthia Lauper and wanting to have fun.
Donald Trump went to Long Island to speak to police and wage a new campaign against the indigenous people of this continent as he prepared to go after the increasing strength of the face-tattoo s MS 13 Central American Indian migrants in america that this crazy madman president has labeled as a gang. Ms 13 is not a gang and is a group of indigenous Latin Americans who have been displaced from their lands through state sponsored terrorism and land theft In El Salvador and other countries from the neo-liberal order. this is an order profiting form forcing people to move out of the borders of their respective nations giving outsiders opportunities to scoop up cheap land assets in various countries around the world and then use it for leverage and trade.
Donald Trump returning to land stolen by his Dutch ancestors to once again battle American Indians and his visit to Brentwood, Long island and his demand that Ms 13 tribal Indians should be destroyed sound eerily similar to calls in the 19th century for the eradication of Apaches and Utes. Ms 13 are not bad people and do incredible work and help the economy and small business , especially the tattoo parlors dotted across Americas wasteland and suburbia and rural old stip malls.
Lafayett's Mary Lou's donuts worries Nigel Travis of Dunkin Donuts
Dwight Dwyer
Another great Dunkin Donut article and today we look at a unique independent in out viewing area of Lafayette, Indiana. This place is the anti-Dunkin Donuts looking odd as it is a roof and often I am startled tat there are unique place like this in America. Once away from Chicago and Indianapolis urban areas we see unique donut shops and Mary Lou's with it s unique roof hits the spot
. Tis spot is not your usual Dunkin Donuts cookie cutter local village corrupt cheap construction that the Jason Percy's slobs enjoy supporting. the donuts are baked and made fresh daily some three ties a day and the donuts and coffee are always moist and great at a Mary Lou's . Independent coffee and donut places are preferably than the Dunkin empire that exists to keep the executive corporate kingpins and advertisers happy and basically when you go to a Dunkin Donuts you help pay the salary of a shit like Nigel Travis.
You help this son of a bitch to become a billionaire and use this authoritarian power to fight against increased wages of workers so this guy can live an executive miller highlife style and pay the advertising industry with cheesy ads. Make no mistake Nigel Travis is worried about independent donut and coffee houses and how much a dent their expansion would have on his bottom line and ability to continue the Dunkin free-,market cheap ingredient skimming and scamming of America as they seek to corner every market and intersection and make competition from the mom and pops never available.Do not support this company and their diesel donuts and water coffee no matter what shitface Jason Percy says how great they are at the Left Shark blog.
Another great Dunkin Donut article and today we look at a unique independent in out viewing area of Lafayette, Indiana. This place is the anti-Dunkin Donuts looking odd as it is a roof and often I am startled tat there are unique place like this in America. Once away from Chicago and Indianapolis urban areas we see unique donut shops and Mary Lou's with it s unique roof hits the spot
. Tis spot is not your usual Dunkin Donuts cookie cutter local village corrupt cheap construction that the Jason Percy's slobs enjoy supporting. the donuts are baked and made fresh daily some three ties a day and the donuts and coffee are always moist and great at a Mary Lou's . Independent coffee and donut places are preferably than the Dunkin empire that exists to keep the executive corporate kingpins and advertisers happy and basically when you go to a Dunkin Donuts you help pay the salary of a shit like Nigel Travis.
You help this son of a bitch to become a billionaire and use this authoritarian power to fight against increased wages of workers so this guy can live an executive miller highlife style and pay the advertising industry with cheesy ads. Make no mistake Nigel Travis is worried about independent donut and coffee houses and how much a dent their expansion would have on his bottom line and ability to continue the Dunkin free-,market cheap ingredient skimming and scamming of America as they seek to corner every market and intersection and make competition from the mom and pops never available.Do not support this company and their diesel donuts and water coffee no matter what shitface Jason Percy says how great they are at the Left Shark blog.
Minneapolis Muslim police terrorist Mohammed Noor still walking free after executing Yoga instructor
Andy Cruz
Minneapolis is one of the foreign sanctuary cities and almost two weeks after terrorist Somalia cop gunned down a white woman name Justine Damond there have been no charges and this dirty Somalian is still walking the streets. Somalians in America are usually descended form families who looted their own country and bought their way into this country and more and more occupied America needs to be worried about these terrorist cops like Mohamd Noor. Insane Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges actually welcomed and pushed for this terrorist Somalia cop to be put on the police force knowing full well the increased chances of these nuts being capable of race killings being sparked for no reason and for this reason federal forces need to invade American cities like Minneapolis to regain control instead of being used by the foreign globalist dominate economic classes to wage war in other lands. there have been racial tensions form day one of Somalian importation into america a this neurotic group of people traditions and values clash immediately with everything this country represents and perhaps no other bizarre group of savages are able assimilate as the Somalians. what the hell are these fucks allowed into this country. Why don't we just allow North koreans into this city as well.
Why the hell Minneapolis would ever swear a radical Muslim like Mr Noor into their police force in the fist place is not known but perhaps there are insider within this dirty corrupt city wishing to destroy the police force in this state. the chances that the one Muslim Somalian cop on the police force would be involved in the execution murder of this Australian beautiful white woman is no accident and obviously if this woman was dark skinned and wearing hijab this pricks trigger nerves would not be so ready. this was an execution by a black foreign Muslim man who figured he can use the badge to commit terrorist acts and get away with and likely he saw such rage at the blonde woman wearing pajamas and that she was not in Islamic garb. This police murder may also been Mohamed Noor's personal response to other police shootings that this fuck has been brainwashed to believe are racial in nature thanks to the propagandist writers and media members vocal backers of the black Lives matter cause. Again one has to ask why this Somalian black piece of shit has not already been arrested as of yet for this wanton murder.
There are also a chance that the actual rape reported was of Justine Damond being perpetuated by these officers and there is no media report of who the sexual assault victim is when Justine Damond supposedly called 911. Was she the actual victim and then the corrupt police force say that she called in the report? Officer Noor also likely know who this woman was as a yoga instructor teaching brown and white women alternative energies and beliefs that contradict with the misogynist evil cult he was born and proud to be a product.
The woman also had a finance to a casino manager of an American Indian casino so there is much more to this story than the silent media is allowing out in protection of the evil racial act that another fuck face named Mohamed has committed in our country and they are now shooting our people under the guise of police protection. Liberal media outlets in both America and Australia, in fact are pointing out the press coverage of this woman's execution by cop for being white and beautiful as further evidence of racism. The liberal media says that black and Australasian monkey aborigines do not receive the press coverage. the media coverage actually has been small for this case and it needs to highlight the actual racism or alternative energy and spirituality causation I say is the likely cause of this fuck head killing this woman as Justine Damond was targeted by this Mohammedan. More and more people need to take the Muslim presence in America for what it is and it poses a serious threat to everyday White Americans of alien race devoted to hatred much like the descended of slaves we have already had major problems and many victims allowed by a corrupt government to continue.
Minneapolis is one of the foreign sanctuary cities and almost two weeks after terrorist Somalia cop gunned down a white woman name Justine Damond there have been no charges and this dirty Somalian is still walking the streets. Somalians in America are usually descended form families who looted their own country and bought their way into this country and more and more occupied America needs to be worried about these terrorist cops like Mohamd Noor. Insane Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges actually welcomed and pushed for this terrorist Somalia cop to be put on the police force knowing full well the increased chances of these nuts being capable of race killings being sparked for no reason and for this reason federal forces need to invade American cities like Minneapolis to regain control instead of being used by the foreign globalist dominate economic classes to wage war in other lands. there have been racial tensions form day one of Somalian importation into america a this neurotic group of people traditions and values clash immediately with everything this country represents and perhaps no other bizarre group of savages are able assimilate as the Somalians. what the hell are these fucks allowed into this country. Why don't we just allow North koreans into this city as well.
Why the hell Minneapolis would ever swear a radical Muslim like Mr Noor into their police force in the fist place is not known but perhaps there are insider within this dirty corrupt city wishing to destroy the police force in this state. the chances that the one Muslim Somalian cop on the police force would be involved in the execution murder of this Australian beautiful white woman is no accident and obviously if this woman was dark skinned and wearing hijab this pricks trigger nerves would not be so ready. this was an execution by a black foreign Muslim man who figured he can use the badge to commit terrorist acts and get away with and likely he saw such rage at the blonde woman wearing pajamas and that she was not in Islamic garb. This police murder may also been Mohamed Noor's personal response to other police shootings that this fuck has been brainwashed to believe are racial in nature thanks to the propagandist writers and media members vocal backers of the black Lives matter cause. Again one has to ask why this Somalian black piece of shit has not already been arrested as of yet for this wanton murder.
There are also a chance that the actual rape reported was of Justine Damond being perpetuated by these officers and there is no media report of who the sexual assault victim is when Justine Damond supposedly called 911. Was she the actual victim and then the corrupt police force say that she called in the report? Officer Noor also likely know who this woman was as a yoga instructor teaching brown and white women alternative energies and beliefs that contradict with the misogynist evil cult he was born and proud to be a product.
The woman also had a finance to a casino manager of an American Indian casino so there is much more to this story than the silent media is allowing out in protection of the evil racial act that another fuck face named Mohamed has committed in our country and they are now shooting our people under the guise of police protection. Liberal media outlets in both America and Australia, in fact are pointing out the press coverage of this woman's execution by cop for being white and beautiful as further evidence of racism. The liberal media says that black and Australasian monkey aborigines do not receive the press coverage. the media coverage actually has been small for this case and it needs to highlight the actual racism or alternative energy and spirituality causation I say is the likely cause of this fuck head killing this woman as Justine Damond was targeted by this Mohammedan. More and more people need to take the Muslim presence in America for what it is and it poses a serious threat to everyday White Americans of alien race devoted to hatred much like the descended of slaves we have already had major problems and many victims allowed by a corrupt government to continue.
Bob The Bobcat barges a redneck hillybilly bar in Cottonwood, Arizona and clears house
Baxter Lomax
I am always glad that the bar I attend and work in Itasca,Illinois behind tree Guys Pizzeria never has to deal with much wildlife and a recent case in a NASCAR hick bar in rural outback of Cottonwood,Arizona is a excellent example. The fetid wild cat Bobcat known to this blog as Bob was out there causing trouble again as Bob entered a hillbilly bar and just attacked random drunks. The people were drunk like a skunk and unlike a skunk had no natural defense mechanisms and had to rely on pool sticks and beer bottles to ward off the attacks by this incredible and cute little beast of the forest. Bib had just waltz in when a hick had started that bad country song dirt in my boots on the jukebox.
We love Bob the bobcat and always love bob the bobcat but in reality I would not wish to see a bobcat ever step foot in the Itasca Inn when I am behind barback. i do feel bad for Bob bobcat as he received an effusive welcome in this bar in Cottonwood,Arizona and one must ahhh wonder if something was ailing him and perhaps the cat got stung by a Cottonwood snake.
There are more and more stories of wild beasts entering bars in the boondocks and more and more wildlife is needing a spot to stop and take a drink instead of the usual polluted streams of red-state america. as far the patrons in this redneck Cottonwood bar, they were about as successful as fighting off Bob the Bobcat as they were fighting off Arnold Schwarzenegger in the terminator. Bob escaped this brush with hicks in Arizona and was last seen heading east in new mexico looking for friendlier confines.
I am always glad that the bar I attend and work in Itasca,Illinois behind tree Guys Pizzeria never has to deal with much wildlife and a recent case in a NASCAR hick bar in rural outback of Cottonwood,Arizona is a excellent example. The fetid wild cat Bobcat known to this blog as Bob was out there causing trouble again as Bob entered a hillbilly bar and just attacked random drunks. The people were drunk like a skunk and unlike a skunk had no natural defense mechanisms and had to rely on pool sticks and beer bottles to ward off the attacks by this incredible and cute little beast of the forest. Bib had just waltz in when a hick had started that bad country song dirt in my boots on the jukebox.
We love Bob the bobcat and always love bob the bobcat but in reality I would not wish to see a bobcat ever step foot in the Itasca Inn when I am behind barback. i do feel bad for Bob bobcat as he received an effusive welcome in this bar in Cottonwood,Arizona and one must ahhh wonder if something was ailing him and perhaps the cat got stung by a Cottonwood snake.

Alex Jones predicts a civil war
Dominick D Souza
Hard core conspiracy and free restaurant eating Alex Jones made the mainstream media the other day as he made a call for a civil war against the urban liberal establishments with loyalty to Toronto,Mexico City, and London than the rest of the nation. The British and Spanish empires have always contested Americans for power in North America and more and more their foreign influence is being felt thanks to world trade that gives the British and their crony Pakistani and Chinese capitalist class a leg up withen our own borders. Sometimes though Alex Jones talks out of his ass so he can eat for free at one of Austin,Texas most desirable restaurants as he needs to get his mug on TV an din print to remain visible in the community.
Alex Jones knows that rare nice spots in Texas, such as Armadillo and Austin, are bought and funded by the internationalists who invest and lend money into areas that are more politically inclined to the globalist view and they use their monetary ability in the financial industry to attack rural and conservative economic bases and send those jobs out to China so both middlemen of unnecessary trade benefit at the expense of the workers in both nations. The non-workers (ie owners,executive class,the marketeers, lawyers etc etc) are the ones that handsomely profit from the fictionalization of the economy enjoying better services and quality of life and more abilities to form families and so forth. the American civil war that Alex Jones and Michael Savage among others predict that which needs to be waged against corrupt liberals in cities is coming because the sellout is not sustainable and the real Americans are at a boiling point at how the liberal establishment shows disrespect and obvious people replacement plans initiated with their bought presidents of the past of the two Bush,Clinton, and Hussein reigns
The backlash of Gurbaksh and Patel against ninny Nin Desai and her fake investment firm comes under scrutiny
Bradly Austin
Two men listed under the Chicago investment firm owned by a globalist Indian woman objected to the fact that their names are listed as consultants as they have nothing to do with Nin Desai's firm. the whole investment hedge fund financial industry is one big scam meant to drain printed access dolalrs form the federal reserve and pretend they use the dollars for the nations economy instead of adding ti to their bank account. Nin Desai is under fire from business press publications Axios and Fortune wondering why truthfulness claims of big investors names are being included working with her firm. Two rockstars of the consulting world named Dr Sunil Patel and Gurbaksh Chahal deny any
involvement with Nin Desai outside of buying her a few drinks in the upper echelon bars of Chicago and trying to nail that ass. and do some Karma sutra .The Chicago tribune's Blue Sky business section did a big expose on how Nin's firm included people as part of it like these two chaps in order to boost her firms name recognition and name capital and both of these dudes claimed no knowledge when asked about the firm. these dudes likely got drunk with this hot Indian gal and somehow she concluded they would be part of her team.
I remember seeing this youg woman speak at a conference on technology and bitcoin during techweek a few years back near the magnificent mile and wondered how magnificent and amazing ability to raise money to afford a magnificent wardrobe and jewelry this woman was wearing in her speaking tour. Ms Desai describes her firm as something of a mix of crowdfunding and traditional investment venture capital. This sounds as two ways to screw over and fraud the system as the investment class is so successful in the United states of advertising and technology and Nin Ventures as an entity is just bullshit collection of massive dollar printing the
Federal reserve ensures to empower connected global trade insiders. As far as Nin's firm it is unclear if this woman's firm has ever raised any money and famed Dr Sunil Patel also denied any knowledge of being associated with this firm and might of done a root canal on this young woman. Nin often would come on WGN radio and talk investment crowd sourcing through WGN corporate radio station and often she made about as much sense as a scientist talking about need to colonize mars by 2020.
I think what happened is this sweet tart talked some stuff to both of these men and concluded they supported her ventures into the financial world of venture capital and she included these jerks into her firm in the murky definition of consulting and for some reason now that this young woman's firm is under scrutiny they want no association with it.
Two men listed under the Chicago investment firm owned by a globalist Indian woman objected to the fact that their names are listed as consultants as they have nothing to do with Nin Desai's firm. the whole investment hedge fund financial industry is one big scam meant to drain printed access dolalrs form the federal reserve and pretend they use the dollars for the nations economy instead of adding ti to their bank account. Nin Desai is under fire from business press publications Axios and Fortune wondering why truthfulness claims of big investors names are being included working with her firm. Two rockstars of the consulting world named Dr Sunil Patel and Gurbaksh Chahal deny any
involvement with Nin Desai outside of buying her a few drinks in the upper echelon bars of Chicago and trying to nail that ass. and do some Karma sutra .The Chicago tribune's Blue Sky business section did a big expose on how Nin's firm included people as part of it like these two chaps in order to boost her firms name recognition and name capital and both of these dudes claimed no knowledge when asked about the firm. these dudes likely got drunk with this hot Indian gal and somehow she concluded they would be part of her team.
I remember seeing this youg woman speak at a conference on technology and bitcoin during techweek a few years back near the magnificent mile and wondered how magnificent and amazing ability to raise money to afford a magnificent wardrobe and jewelry this woman was wearing in her speaking tour. Ms Desai describes her firm as something of a mix of crowdfunding and traditional investment venture capital. This sounds as two ways to screw over and fraud the system as the investment class is so successful in the United states of advertising and technology and Nin Ventures as an entity is just bullshit collection of massive dollar printing the
Federal reserve ensures to empower connected global trade insiders. As far as Nin's firm it is unclear if this woman's firm has ever raised any money and famed Dr Sunil Patel also denied any knowledge of being associated with this firm and might of done a root canal on this young woman. Nin often would come on WGN radio and talk investment crowd sourcing through WGN corporate radio station and often she made about as much sense as a scientist talking about need to colonize mars by 2020.
I think what happened is this sweet tart talked some stuff to both of these men and concluded they supported her ventures into the financial world of venture capital and she included these jerks into her firm in the murky definition of consulting and for some reason now that this young woman's firm is under scrutiny they want no association with it.
River Fall's, Wisconsin chip implantation demands are Rundown Live fags Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny's worse nightmare prediction come true
Jacoby Genevese
The Run Down Live bozos Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny worse nightmare came to fruition this week when news of some freak and his company's desires to implant all its employees with computer chips into their body became big news. Jowan Osterland looks like a scary Uber driver or tattoo parlor owner and I wouldn't trust this shit or the company called Three Square Market in rural backwards River falls, Wisconsin. Harris and Paczesny took to the airwaves and said these chips implemented into people will become a ubiquitous reality as the companies seek to control their workers and have things injected into them for constant surveillance and monitoring. The absurdity of this chip maker thinking there should be a demand to have ships implemented into peoples hands so they can pay for items and open up company doors shows the cognitive dissonance much of these technology
companies in America and the scary part is these silly companies and their nonsense get funding from reliable sources that could be going to better and more important sectors of the economy. The rates of infections and serious illness that could be developed from the implement of various objects into the human body apparently are not shared by this shithead Jowan Osterland as he took to the print and media airwaves to exalt his companies ideas and force the over-worked employees of Three Square Market into this bizarre and neurotic Frankenstein experiment. I have made fun of this run Down live Milwaukee alternative radio dud fags for sometime but they have been on the cutting edge of conspiracy and they called the eventual chip implementation demands of tech companies that will eventually trickle down to the rest of society in their incredible episode 595 of the RunDown Live in season six. Again have to ask the reader after looking at this freak on a leash Jowan Osterland and if you would trust a dude that looks like this to put anything into your body. Perhaps only a few homosexuals would answer that question in a different manner.
The Run Down Live bozos Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny worse nightmare came to fruition this week when news of some freak and his company's desires to implant all its employees with computer chips into their body became big news. Jowan Osterland looks like a scary Uber driver or tattoo parlor owner and I wouldn't trust this shit or the company called Three Square Market in rural backwards River falls, Wisconsin. Harris and Paczesny took to the airwaves and said these chips implemented into people will become a ubiquitous reality as the companies seek to control their workers and have things injected into them for constant surveillance and monitoring. The absurdity of this chip maker thinking there should be a demand to have ships implemented into peoples hands so they can pay for items and open up company doors shows the cognitive dissonance much of these technology
companies in America and the scary part is these silly companies and their nonsense get funding from reliable sources that could be going to better and more important sectors of the economy. The rates of infections and serious illness that could be developed from the implement of various objects into the human body apparently are not shared by this shithead Jowan Osterland as he took to the print and media airwaves to exalt his companies ideas and force the over-worked employees of Three Square Market into this bizarre and neurotic Frankenstein experiment. I have made fun of this run Down live Milwaukee alternative radio dud fags for sometime but they have been on the cutting edge of conspiracy and they called the eventual chip implementation demands of tech companies that will eventually trickle down to the rest of society in their incredible episode 595 of the RunDown Live in season six. Again have to ask the reader after looking at this freak on a leash Jowan Osterland and if you would trust a dude that looks like this to put anything into your body. Perhaps only a few homosexuals would answer that question in a different manner.
Michael Phelps fake news shark race is typical of corporate media fakery of cable TV
Peter Patel
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and the Discovery channel snookered its viewers and his fans teasing for months that Michael Phelps would risl leg and limb getting into a pool and racing an actual shark in anticipation of the annual tradition of Discovery Channel's shark week. I expected a swimming pool of fence separating these two fast and sleek water beasts but as suspected it was all bullshit and there is mockery and backlash from this ridiculous and dubious hyped-up event. it turned out Michael Phelps races a computer graphic imagery of a left shark and the viewer should of received a refud from their cable bill through corporate bs event as this.
The Discovery channels fake event and portrayal of this race as real exposes the stupidity and belief media executives have for middle America and the average Joe. This was some of the stupidest television ever produced and air since broadcasts started to go out by networks in ahhhh 1947 and one must wonder the greed and ignorance of this athlete to involve himself in such a debacle. Did Michael Phelps really have to play trick or treat with his legions of fans who wished to see something new and exciting involving their favorite professional swimmer of all time? Michael Phelps also likely was to much of a pussy cat to get into the water with a actual shark and if he was so scafred they could of got a harmless mako or Tuna shark for the big swimming dork to get into the water with than an actual razor sharp left shark.
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and the Discovery channel snookered its viewers and his fans teasing for months that Michael Phelps would risl leg and limb getting into a pool and racing an actual shark in anticipation of the annual tradition of Discovery Channel's shark week. I expected a swimming pool of fence separating these two fast and sleek water beasts but as suspected it was all bullshit and there is mockery and backlash from this ridiculous and dubious hyped-up event. it turned out Michael Phelps races a computer graphic imagery of a left shark and the viewer should of received a refud from their cable bill through corporate bs event as this.
The Discovery channels fake event and portrayal of this race as real exposes the stupidity and belief media executives have for middle America and the average Joe. This was some of the stupidest television ever produced and air since broadcasts started to go out by networks in ahhhh 1947 and one must wonder the greed and ignorance of this athlete to involve himself in such a debacle. Did Michael Phelps really have to play trick or treat with his legions of fans who wished to see something new and exciting involving their favorite professional swimmer of all time? Michael Phelps also likely was to much of a pussy cat to get into the water with a actual shark and if he was so scafred they could of got a harmless mako or Tuna shark for the big swimming dork to get into the water with than an actual razor sharp left shark.
Dominican player Beltre antics further evidence of erosion of baseball as Adrian Beltre uses umpires as ringmasters
Guy Baldwin
I have always states that baseball should just stop blowout game after the seventh inning and they would be better off throwing out clowns to entertain for the last half hour. The antics of some Dominican ball player named Adrian Beltre is evidence of why baseball has declined from a cultural institution and exists mainly today as advertising and corporate sponsorship of a very bad product and sport. With little regard for the tradition of the sport, Adrian Beltre was trying to disrespect an umpire who for his own safety told the player to get back in the on deck circle as another batter batted. The buffoon Mr Beltrae decided to make this a circus and brought the tarp circle towards the spot he insisted on swinging his arms.
The umpire immediately threw out this arrogant baseball player and after the game Mr Beltrae concluded the umpires decision was rude. Some may of thought Adrian Beltre's actions were humorous but they need be reminded the grounds of a ballpark are for baseball play and is not a circus. he clown Beltrae could easily perform comedic actions elsewhere and the fact that this guy made this stupid scene is reason to believe that most of baseball is a lackluster sport even its own players dreary look forward to playing and clearly are just there for paychecks. \The lack of respect for the game and traditions of American baseball should also not be surprising considering the large number of foreign Dominicans and Guatemalans than continue to be imported to play this game despite the fact there are millions of young native born kids playing the game. If Adrian Beltre wishes to perform funny act and use the umpires of this traditional game as a ringmaster he must go and join some Dominican circus.
I have always states that baseball should just stop blowout game after the seventh inning and they would be better off throwing out clowns to entertain for the last half hour. The antics of some Dominican ball player named Adrian Beltre is evidence of why baseball has declined from a cultural institution and exists mainly today as advertising and corporate sponsorship of a very bad product and sport. With little regard for the tradition of the sport, Adrian Beltre was trying to disrespect an umpire who for his own safety told the player to get back in the on deck circle as another batter batted. The buffoon Mr Beltrae decided to make this a circus and brought the tarp circle towards the spot he insisted on swinging his arms.
The umpire immediately threw out this arrogant baseball player and after the game Mr Beltrae concluded the umpires decision was rude. Some may of thought Adrian Beltre's actions were humorous but they need be reminded the grounds of a ballpark are for baseball play and is not a circus. he clown Beltrae could easily perform comedic actions elsewhere and the fact that this guy made this stupid scene is reason to believe that most of baseball is a lackluster sport even its own players dreary look forward to playing and clearly are just there for paychecks. \The lack of respect for the game and traditions of American baseball should also not be surprising considering the large number of foreign Dominicans and Guatemalans than continue to be imported to play this game despite the fact there are millions of young native born kids playing the game. If Adrian Beltre wishes to perform funny act and use the umpires of this traditional game as a ringmaster he must go and join some Dominican circus.
Thousands of sheep chased off a cliff by a mean Center Bear in the future Republic of Pyrenees
Aaron Luther
Hundreds of sheep belonging to a French farmer in Caulflens lost his sheep like little bo peep. A massive brown center bear named Go Go made the sheep panicky as they darted in the wrong directions and jumped through the nearest cliff in this area on the border lands between Spain and France. The poor hapless sheep fell form a six hundred foot cliff because of this massive bear attack and the french government will compensate the farmer sin the area with compensation as the governments insistence to reintroduce these wild beasts into areas of habitat and livestock raising is raising eye browns why government would waste time and money on these re-bearing goals for the Pyrenees area of France.
if government continues with these ludicrous programs such as reintroducing beasts into areas with lambs and goat needed for human consumption eventually the farmers will get fed up with the stupidity of two national countries and the locals of the Pyreens should form their own nation. When you have not one but two governments putting out dangerous animals to undermine your living and livelihood which is what the sheep are to these farmers then they need to realize these are not nature-guided biodiversity programs but actuality animal terror unleashed to make it more difficult for the rural citizen to be able to survive and flourish ther the raising of meat,poultry, and milk.
Hundreds of sheep belonging to a French farmer in Caulflens lost his sheep like little bo peep. A massive brown center bear named Go Go made the sheep panicky as they darted in the wrong directions and jumped through the nearest cliff in this area on the border lands between Spain and France. The poor hapless sheep fell form a six hundred foot cliff because of this massive bear attack and the french government will compensate the farmer sin the area with compensation as the governments insistence to reintroduce these wild beasts into areas of habitat and livestock raising is raising eye browns why government would waste time and money on these re-bearing goals for the Pyrenees area of France.

Lilly Singh's video trashed and mocked as Andy Waroswki and chris Chu rip this vlogger a new asshole
Woody Underwood
Lily Singh is some worthless Youtube star on the internet with a large following of globalist followers and she often uses her platform to mock people and leaders who are not in the debt-ridden high corporate allowance sophisticated urban areas around the world. the bitch got a few hate emails and went on a rant with a geography video for racists as she explained the three terrorist countries and of her origins which who no longer resides and is not forced to carry eight babies in her lifetime. Lilly Singh's disgusting and mug viewpoints drew the attention of Andy Waroski and Chris YouTube and internet criticisms who pretty much mocked and ripped this East Indian Canadian and jet globalist cunt a new asshole.
Lilly Singh's condescending stupid video exposed the outrage that this woman felt in getting disrespected most likely form one of our own Right Bull writers sending this brown bitch tons of emails through recent months for her stupid elitist views as a true good Indian globalist .This woman went on, as Andy and Chris observed, to pretty much insult poor and lower classes as being ignorant as she levels this level of depravity herself with this incredibly bad video where this grown woman acts like that girl in second grade. This woman is not funny and is lucky the west has open doors to allow this liberal propaganda shit pass through comedy outlets and this shitskinned woman is ore deserving of a career in a Bombay brothel than in a Toronto coffeehouse or comedy club. watching a no talent bimbo like this makes one wonder what ultra wealthy rich Indian or Jew guy guy bought her way into televised notoriety and how many times did she have to get on a bed or couch to achieve this " Canadian" dream.
Youtubers Andy Warowski and Chris dissected excellently this opioid addicted woman's video and tried to make sens eof the many senseless unfunny shit that came from Lilly Singh's geography video and many times the secod actual critique video of youtubbers far outshines the original they are trying to understand. The only thing I understand from Lilly's video is she is a racial identity sensitive snowflake that somehow thought she could smart ass her way to a reply to her growing critics some of whom noticed that she resembles Northern Indian Muslim terrorists, of which there are many around the world.
Lily Singh is some worthless Youtube star on the internet with a large following of globalist followers and she often uses her platform to mock people and leaders who are not in the debt-ridden high corporate allowance sophisticated urban areas around the world. the bitch got a few hate emails and went on a rant with a geography video for racists as she explained the three terrorist countries and of her origins which who no longer resides and is not forced to carry eight babies in her lifetime. Lilly Singh's disgusting and mug viewpoints drew the attention of Andy Waroski and Chris YouTube and internet criticisms who pretty much mocked and ripped this East Indian Canadian and jet globalist cunt a new asshole.

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