Hugo De Garis on Socretes singularity podcast talking about his hope for the artilecte regardless of the threat to humanity it may pose. Hugo wishes to see artificial intelligence created and fears little of he threat these robotic monsters around. Hugo wishes to promote the discussion of the coming artilecte where computers become smarter than people. Hugo says humanity is not taking his issue of human replacement reality seriously and a Hugo says there is little man can do to stop the age Of machines. These machines will be playing chess and cards against each other while people slave away riding fitness bikes with fans to cool our new rulers.
Hugo says mankind's only hope is the artilecte decide to move on from Earth and go away exploring the full universe in search of the reptileans. Hugo Re Garis hour long talk on the singularity podcast was typical Hugo frog faces usual robotic superiority and quick coronation of rule which Hugo believes to happen about 2030. Hugo payed out though his version of the coming article war which will be humans last stand against the artificially amazing cyborgs and machines.
Hugo is also unclear how we can get neurons connected and get these machines to instantly think like people and brew some coffee on time. Hugo is so confident that machines will solve all of the complex problems and even though he didn't say it I am sure Hugo's artilecte will create a jet pack,industry for humanity once and for all. Perhaps the artificial robots will nail Metallica wings on everyone. Hugo is such a numbskull he spke of the day when billions of robots wil be in billons of homes around the world and thhat they will do all the difficult chores and get smarter and smarter like a iphone. These robots will do incredouls tasks and will hold water jugs on their head freeing African women the ain of walking around with water and getting headaches. of course, old Hugo said little where all this minig material will be able to be extracted to make these complicated delicate
masterful robot industry and the idea that this clown actually thinks a home domestic robot slave aka The Jetsons cartoon would be available for anyone making less than 10 million dollars a year shows what a fraudster this jerk is in both reality and artificial mode. Hugo De Garis brain is boiled frog legs.
The technocratic class will look forward to the age of machines that Hugo says will become God like having a greater impact than television on humanity. Hugo says,an has about as much of a chance against the artilect as a hen of whipping a wolf. The machines will have trillions ..trillions of greater mental capacity than people and the real smart engineers that created this fake artificial intelligence. I sometimes wonder if these AI Gods are so smart why don't or haven't they taken over the planet already. Why do AI need hairy primates to create their mother boards and hard drives. I think Hugo Degaris is either on opioids or is full of stinky shit. Hugo De Garis has no proof that Artificial,intelligence will go on a higher level and makes some comparison of critics of AI to those in 1902 who said humans couldn't fly in the air. I still want to see if AI is so great how can they create a jet pack travel methods that has eluded man and that we need to be stuck in century old technology of cars. If Hugo and his Artificial sex robots are so I telling end why don't he have them working on getting may to move about and fly like a bird. I am so sick of this frog and other technocrats talking artificial intelligence, Mars colonization, and space bubbles energy, dark matter and until they get the jet pack about as ubiquitous as airplanes and automobiles then jackasses like Hugo De Garis should never be allowed on podcasts giving their fake news of the future and how it will become artificially or not.
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