Barack Hussein Obama outraged by Monk rock star Ashin Wirathu by Myanmar and Buddhist fight to save country from illegal Rohingya Muslim barbarity and invasions

Andy Cruz
  Nearly three hundred thousand illegal Muslim invasive species in Myanmar have been driven from their homes they squatted from neighboring Bangladesh. The Rohingyas species have long agitated the Buddhist in Myanmar who rightfully saw this migration of peons into their lands being for it what is was and that was the open border globalization plot to increase the Islamic faith.
Former American occupied  president Barack  Hussein is particularly angered at the clashes where Buddhists have beaten this shit out of these Muslim terrorists from nearby his native Indonesia and the Muslim leader Obama the dirty Rohingyas are attempting to take over the Rakhine state and many great Buddhist leaders such as our hero and Buddhist monk named a Ashin Wirathu who realize Muslims have taken over many a South Asian lands thanks to Muslim merchants and radical terrorists through the generations.
Recent attacks against Myanmar government troops by these illegal immigrant terrorists Rohingya Bengalis has brought the wrath of normally tolerant Buddhists in Myanmar who rightfully see this Muslim invasion for what it is and a modern day Muslim expansionist  movement directed from Qatar and Recep Erdogans Turkish empire. Muslims in this Myanmar state attacked police stations and in return faced massive reprisals as many in Myanmar realize neighboring Bangledesh and Saudi money provided weapons And money for this Muslim insurgency.  
    Europeans need to follow and learn from the example  of Myanmar at how best to deal with dangerous Muslims when they attempt to get out of hand and use their fake news peaceful religion to actually be a power-based invasive species directed by the likes of oil kingdoms in the Gulf region. The clashes in Myanmar are the result of continued Muslim pressures against the non-Muslim world as Muslims by faith believe they are more entitled and deserving n of rule based on the practices and divine leadership they bestows upon themselves as the only true followers of God.
 Barack Hussein Obama and other global Muslim leaders have condemned Buddhist leaders like Ashin Wirathu and demanded Myanmar suspend military options and allow the Rohingyas to return home. This idiot Obama doesn't realize that is what these operations are all about and Myanmar Buddhists and Asians are doing this and making these Bengalis return to their native Bangladesh which is their homes and this is something the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres needs to learn and observe along wi European leaders. World global stab leaders and their oil money and paid hacks like Obama Hussein need to leave Myanmar alone and for this country to deal with terrorists wither their borders as Britain and America would deal with a massive Islamic insurgency as this warfare and battling is and Myanmar  has the rights to defend and protect their borders regardless of what the liberal progressive open border migrant profiteers would have to say through their media. Myanmar leader Suu Kyi needs to tell Barack Obama and theUN assembly to fuck off and they do not have to accept continuing terrorism from infiltrating Muslim radicals within their midst. Barack Obama and others do not like tis Buddahist nation and its monks willing to expose the atrocities and rapes of Muslim Rohingya and this war against Muslims taking place in Myanamar part of the bigger picture war agianst Islam that needs to take place in many lands. 

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