Famed New Jersey columnist Paul Mulshine wishes for more moonshine. Paul was recently hoping that New Jersey legislators would over turn some star law holding back liquor sales when I fact they were holding back more liquor stores that would just be owned by Arabs,Indians,and Pakilsnd people st the demise of old traditional corner bars. Paul Mulshin wishes us furioyd that the beaurcracy prevents restaurant owners from gaining sales and Mulshine wishes doest realize this is not why many lobby for change in the liquor laws that Mulshin wished for liquor sales expansion.
He wants to expand the global business reach and cartels of private capitals to have excuse for more construction and retail outlets of shifty liquor stores in all areas of New Jersey and not just the black ghettos that the shirt system and free market capitalism can inundate and destroy an are by monopolizing all retail for shot product to sell. Alcohol just can't be so easily and readily available and if Mr Mulshine thinks this then his brain is roasted and toasted form too many barely drinks. As bartender of the famed Itasca Inn on Irving Park Road in Chicago's suburbs (Behind Tree Guys pizzeria) I know and make
the judgmental call every night to end liquor sales and this stale media son of a pig probably thinks as long as someone has money they have a right to be overserved AMAP. Paul Mulshit is stupider than an Ostrich with no neck. 
This is why Paul Mulshine wishes so desperately to have liquor laws changed and more opportunities for other players to get into the game of money transactions and fake business income claims. Paul Mulshine is obsessed with getting more craft beer breweries and shit hole Indian-owned liquor stores and none must ownder who is filling this clowns pockets as he blasts the value and high-cist and limitation of liquor license. Paul Mulshine wishes for a 0% loan and wants to open a bar called Cheers or Boar's Nest.
New Jersey is not Hazard County, Georgia and Paul is a ultra-libertarian journalist that wishes to open up every corner block to fee-flowing liquor likely hoping to get young girls drunk and think he is some aging rock star or something. Mr Mulshine also likes how in Mexico one can step out of their motel room or house anywhere and find ten places to buy liquor within a fifteen minute walk and particularly loves the idea having seen beer vending machines in the heart of the modern day Spanish cultural empire.
This New Jersey Star Ledger writer is obsessed with over-turning sate law preventing abuse and opening and too much development of store fronts and business that do not serv ein the community's bes tinterest and New jersey wishes to limit the powe rna dbuse that can come with these corny beer adventures. Paul Mulshine is no Boss Hogg and will never get a Daisy Duke in bed unless they are blitz and loaded and this could explain something