Former corrupt and- plutocratic Governor of Illinois Jim Edgar wishes for Chicago casino to continue horse torture racing tradition and considers a run against Trump in 2020

Jake Glass
Animal Stories
   Jim Edgar was another rich man who bought his way into politics and spoke often of forcing Republicans to be moderate because he was a plutocrat and wish to remain so and the onbe time big opponent  to casinos now supports casinos if they help his beloved horse racing industry to survive. Former Illinois Governor Jim Edgar serves to vile terms as Illinois Governor helping sell out this state to overseas "Immigrants" (investors) who bought their way into America tax sheltering small business scam and Jim Edgar got so loaded and even filthier rich that he now owns like fifty race horses. The problem Jim Edgar faces is where can he showcase his horse wealth and the animal torture tradition of  racing these beasts for speed in Illinois.
Edgar now sees horse racing dead in the state and hates to go to neighboring Indiana to race and beat his horses to win and he fully supports major casino expansion if it helps him personally fund and create more horse torture race run tracks in the state of Illinois , which is just sick and hows how demented the wealthy and rich who need these asset ownership avenues of publicity for themselves in this horse racing industry that few care about These days. Former Illinois Governor Edgar wishes for the return to the days where thousands of horses received the crack of the whip and ore drugs induced into the animals to help build their muscles and lungs to withstand the brutality the little jockey delivers in order to get that extra length at the end. Edgar is just pissed he has to drive 250 miles to find a place that still accepts this barbaric ritual upon mans second best friend after the dog. Revenues dropped by  a half in wagering on this silly spectacle to 500 million in Illinois and nobody wishes to spend time wagering and watching this boring event anymore and only old  rich people lile Edgar wish to have tax payers and casino addicts to  continually subsidize it
Horse racing also allowed tons of corruption to spread in and out of that disgusting track. Why would any society wish to prolong an industry such as this? people are no longer interested in horse racing because we are in a new era where realization of the burden and health and physical toll on horses in order to meet the rich peoples egos is just not as thankfully  acceptable in today's society. Jim Edgar wants to see horse racing expansion and is considering a third party candidacy against president Trump to see this dream come true.Jim will run under the Horse Party which will have a horse as a logo and he will seek to rebound the industry as his sole and only purpose as a candidate for 2020 and I guess the few who care about horse racing may race to support him and join his campaign

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