Ramon Ramos
First of all prostitution should be legal and why there is not a movement to end the police harassment of consenting adults with to trade and deliver sex based on monetary exchanges has long been a topi c of this blog. If the government is going to legalize shitty pot smoke and other forms of drugs there should be no news story of Boston Patriots owner Robret Kraft enjoying the diversity of business and woman flesh Asian immigrant bring to this country and recently lame brain Chicago
sports columnist Rick Morrissey wrote a long piece criticizing these NFL owners and players for their actions and announcing one should always assume the worse on news stories. If I had to wager it I bet Rick Morrissey has seen a few Asian or Mexican whore sin his lifetime plucking down de noro on a massage table.

Liberals seem more concerned with human trafficking when it concerns prostitution and not restaurant dishwashers and construction workers and female prostitutes who so desire should be allowed to come to America and push their wares and offerings on the market and any attack against it is sexiest and 18 century moralist thinking as there will always be prostitution around the world. The only reason I reckon there are not more American women having to work and finance themselves through prostitution and spa rubs is because tf the massive debt the upper classes of white people are allowed to amass and run failing florist business ,jewelry stores, and bakery cup cake companies and they can live off debt while Asian women and immigrants need to sell hand gestures and poon tang.

Bob Kraft nor the women working at this Orchids of Asia day spa and if he or the old lady wish to exchange money it is none of government or sports writer jerks business whether they be Rock Morrissey,Rick Reilly, or Rick Telander. All three got together on their Three Rick rich pricks podcast and mocked Mr Kraft for getting himself in this situation and their mockery of Asian spas and the need for single and aging Asian women to make a living was deplorable..as Hillary Clinton would say. All these anti-prostitution laws and feelings are the result of misogynist laws and thinking not wanting women to monetize and improve themselves financially through their Independence thinking as these moralists continue to push the idea that sex should only exist in the matrimony of marriage in this day of age which is ridiculous and crazy as marriage rated free fall and drop. Bob Kraft need not to be condemned for this exchange nor do thousands of Chinese and Korean women harassed and arrested for offering happy massages and what should be condemned is the irrational antiquated moralist thinking and biog government looking to arrest and make more financial gains form the poverty of women globally in this business and who welcome a chance to come to an industrial might like America and triple their earnings wall while pleasing the customer that the likes of the Three Ricks make light of it.