Andy Cruz
Pillsbury Dough boy Marshmallow boy leftist writer Eric Draitser is a proagandast soy boy unlike no pother writing for Counter punch and making many appearances for Press Tv and RT propaganda. Draitser is a fuck job bought and paid for writer for Muslims and came out strong in defense of anti-semetic wicked witch of Somalia Ilhan Omar. The idiot Draitser made the moronic claim that perhaps no other elected official has been subjected to such level of vitriol threats and attacks as this poor old African-born jihadist hater of Jews and one must wonder if Eric Draitser reads of follows the news and see the orchestrated concentrated effort to dismantle president Trump and the attacks
against the evil shariah of Illhan Omar and the hate she spread id a hundred more times warranted and only a shit brain like this fuck face fat head would fail to realize this.Mr Daister is a Turkish troll working for and fighting for Muslim supremacy and attacking Us international interests and power and this fuck ass should be arrested and deported for the lies and hate he has spread as a member of the far-left internationalist socialist Inc.This fat fuck meat meth head is a hack for
democratic socialism which is just cover for communism and the theft redistribution method and empowerment of the drug and meth class that this rotten. This stay puff marshmallow man doesn't want to stop US imperialism he wants to stop capitalism and spread the axis of evil that is the trio of global drug pushing , Islamo-fascism, and international socialism/Maoism. this jag fag thinks the Israel lobby should just remain silent much like they did in NAZI Germany when an elected official
financially supported by internationalist socialists starts waging a verbal campaign of hate and racism and Draitser is a man still angered the Palestinians and terrorist lost the ability to attack and kill Jews in cafes. Iihan Omar sees anyone that is not a Sunni radical Islamist as enemy of the people and Omar can count of pieces of shit like this stupid writer in supporting her all of the way as she proves what a hypocrite she is attacking Israel and then waging verbal war against the Assad regime and without a strong Israel and a left dictator like Assad the Taliban ,Al-Qaeda,and ISIS headhunters would be
ruling much of the Mid East and the mass graves would pile up and this is the dream of IIhan Omar and propagandist evil stay puff doughboy Eric Draitser.
We Work Adam Neumann considers running for president and challenging Trump in 2020
Tony Miselli
Money Speak
Adam Neumann is a technocrat real estate hoarder with a stupid concept of office space sharing and urban space hoarding and his We Work is a business venture that is a scam and base don low-interest loans and debt. Adam Nuemann has so bamboozle the business world he has his eyes set on public office and using his power of corruption to join the Democratic Party and find new ways to financially benefit himself from fake business plans. Neumann is a stock manipulator and big dreamer achiever working hard to create this concept of fake business and real estate wealth that will benefit leftist snowflake trained-brained urbanists and Mr Neumann wishes to be bigger than Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
Money Speak
Adam Neumann is a technocrat real estate hoarder with a stupid concept of office space sharing and urban space hoarding and his We Work is a business venture that is a scam and base don low-interest loans and debt. Adam Nuemann has so bamboozle the business world he has his eyes set on public office and using his power of corruption to join the Democratic Party and find new ways to financially benefit himself from fake business plans. Neumann is a stock manipulator and big dreamer achiever working hard to create this concept of fake business and real estate wealth that will benefit leftist snowflake trained-brained urbanists and Mr Neumann wishes to be bigger than Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
Being that he can't run for Chief Executive at Tesla instead Mr Adam Neumann is seeking instead to run for president of the United States .Neumann has been selling and using bond manipulation to grow his stupid WeWork office space share space and this evil genius knows full well the game is to use fed freebies to take over urban real states and live off assets bubbles but sooner or later this bubble will bust and the bond holders will want toe head and dreads of this fuck ass who never uses Great Clips. Neumann and WeWork losses have doubles as the spending he does has doubled down as he vacations an surfs the world and has bought a 60 million dollar jet. The budgetary expertise of Adam Neumann is just what this country needs in new political leadership and is why this goof fuck is planning on running for president in 2020 under the democratic Party and he will WeWork and make America strong again.
Adam is already contacting Philanthropic organizations and international investors in search of the same easy freebie funding that he received as head of this WeWork office sharing concept that on paper makes no sense and has no other purpose except value manipulation and raising of money that doesn't exist and shouldn't. WeWork and Adam Neumann's existence is solely based on Jew-owned Goldman Sachs and Jap-owned Soft Bank with their ability to print massive amounts of monopoly money thanks to quantitative easoning that instead of helping people and provide quality jobs for the struggling workers instead of being hoarded by silly son of a pigs like Adam Neumann.Kim Foxx drops all charges against R Kelly
Baba Pugwuthi
Kimm Foxx is a disgruntled bad states attorney in Crook County, Il and she often looks like she had a gang bang cum bath in her mouth. Kim Foxx pardoned Jussie Smollett on his staged and fake hate crimes that would of served the average man all 16 counts of criminal charges and he has walked away from these charges due to his entertainment privileged and the high incomes undeservedly warranted to court jester actors form Americas noblemen business corporate class.
Now comes word that Kimm Foxx has just dropped all charges against pedophile Chicago rap performer R Kelly and all charges against this snake charmer and bad musical performer has thus been dropped by the same witch wench that allowed Jussie Smollett go with a slap of the wrist. Kimm Foxx often had the fantasy of being reamed banged by R Kelly and would of been one of those teenagers willing to throw themselves and have this creep take them in a closet and Kimm Foxx is very pleased that she is now in a position of power to allow this man to walk free as she did with the former star of the Empire television production in Chicago. Kimm Foxx is hoping for a one on one with this rapiest to fill all three holes of the ho and really shake up her fuck mouth and beat the ugly out of her face. Kimm Foxx is reviewing the entire prisoner list of Crook County and seeing who else she can release and gain more notoriety for herself as a crime fighter and release of the rich and famous and Kimm Foxx is an Obama era corrupt individual and totally unfit for government as was Barack Hussein Obama.
Kimm Foxx is a disgruntled bad states attorney in Crook County, Il and she often looks like she had a gang bang cum bath in her mouth. Kim Foxx pardoned Jussie Smollett on his staged and fake hate crimes that would of served the average man all 16 counts of criminal charges and he has walked away from these charges due to his entertainment privileged and the high incomes undeservedly warranted to court jester actors form Americas noblemen business corporate class.
Donald Trump about to close the border as new federal trial of Jesus Raul Beltran-Leon proceeds and more evidemnce of Vincent Fox-Joaquin Guzman connections
Bradly Austin
The Mexican drug cartel has totally infiltrated and corrupted Democratic Party politics in urban areas and president Trump is about and should shut the entire border form any transactions as frustrations against the Mexican government for its failure to stop hit has reached federal levels. The Mexican government and former presidents , such as Vicente Fox, had actually worked and encouraged the flow of drugs North to benefit his nation and corrupt people and more and more people are realizing that trump is correct in shutting down the border.
A total breakdown is occurring at the border and total shut down ending people movement needs to occur to prevent this drug abuse and flow that made men like scumbag Joaquin "El Chapo' Guzman so rich and powerful destroying American lives and addicting millions with their garbage product. Mr Guzman couldn't reach the level of fame and wealth without the presidential and governmental leadership such as from men like Vincente Fox who allowed these invaders form Aztecstan to be allowed to come and destroy this country with their plague and crimes and Americans have had enough of this Brown scum and drugs brought into the country because of corrupt Democratic Party operatives and the political party leaders complicate with this sanctuary need to be arrested and the party disband for disloyalty. Make no mistake the current Mexican president Lopez wishes to
infiltrate and continue the flow of drugs and money back and forth and he is about as much as a culprit of this illegal invasion and targeting drugs into America as former president Vincent Fox Scumbag Beltran-Leon was a top lieutenant in this cartel army and the amount into of crime and death to our people these drug organizations have committed is warfare and a total declaration and warfare against this dangerous nation is the only response to the situation caused by the Skull demons down South. The fact that the office and government of Andrew Lopez cockroach would ask for ten billion dollars in anti-poverty money form the united States while these son of a bitches don't pay for the wall is more egregious evidence of the warfront and lack of respect Mexico has had for this country and laugh at the backs of the control drug dealers have with the Democratic party.
The Mexican drug cartel has totally infiltrated and corrupted Democratic Party politics in urban areas and president Trump is about and should shut the entire border form any transactions as frustrations against the Mexican government for its failure to stop hit has reached federal levels. The Mexican government and former presidents , such as Vicente Fox, had actually worked and encouraged the flow of drugs North to benefit his nation and corrupt people and more and more people are realizing that trump is correct in shutting down the border.
A total breakdown is occurring at the border and total shut down ending people movement needs to occur to prevent this drug abuse and flow that made men like scumbag Joaquin "El Chapo' Guzman so rich and powerful destroying American lives and addicting millions with their garbage product. Mr Guzman couldn't reach the level of fame and wealth without the presidential and governmental leadership such as from men like Vincente Fox who allowed these invaders form Aztecstan to be allowed to come and destroy this country with their plague and crimes and Americans have had enough of this Brown scum and drugs brought into the country because of corrupt Democratic Party operatives and the political party leaders complicate with this sanctuary need to be arrested and the party disband for disloyalty. Make no mistake the current Mexican president Lopez wishes to
infiltrate and continue the flow of drugs and money back and forth and he is about as much as a culprit of this illegal invasion and targeting drugs into America as former president Vincent Fox Scumbag Beltran-Leon was a top lieutenant in this cartel army and the amount into of crime and death to our people these drug organizations have committed is warfare and a total declaration and warfare against this dangerous nation is the only response to the situation caused by the Skull demons down South. The fact that the office and government of Andrew Lopez cockroach would ask for ten billion dollars in anti-poverty money form the united States while these son of a bitches don't pay for the wall is more egregious evidence of the warfront and lack of respect Mexico has had for this country and laugh at the backs of the control drug dealers have with the Democratic party.
Jussie Smollet tries out for MSNBC movie role on Colin Kapernick
Sebastian Salvador
Former Empire actor Jussie Smollett has been released and had all charges dropped after paying a fortune or having a sympathetic fellow racialist in Kimm Foxx and now Jussie Smollett is looking for new work. He has been fired for his awful singing and acting performances in this Black Fox television program and because of Ms Foxx Jussie Smollett is free to work again in mainstream corporate media. Jussie is pushing hard to land the role of Colin Kapernick as word has got out that
MSNBC will be creating a made for TV special and movie out due next year and perhaps no one is more qualified and best perpetuated for this gig than Mr Smollett who actually looks like Colin Kapernick. Unlike Colin though, Jussie loves dick and how his cast mates would act in this movie and the lockerroom scenes is not known but given the resiliency of Jussie Smollett he can do either a regular Colin Kaperndick movie or even a porn movie. A gay porn satire of Colin Kapernick may be more better suited for this cocksucker Jussie Smolett. Mr Smollett has stated if he doesn't get this movie role he will go to New York and stage another hissy fit and claim beat up putting blame on Bill DeBlassio and Michael Bloomberg supporters. Smollett has also reached out to Colin Kapernick and asked to be on the sidelines for one of his sit downs this upcoming NFL season and refused to understand that Colin Kapernick is no longer ion a roster in the National Football league.
Former Empire actor Jussie Smollett has been released and had all charges dropped after paying a fortune or having a sympathetic fellow racialist in Kimm Foxx and now Jussie Smollett is looking for new work. He has been fired for his awful singing and acting performances in this Black Fox television program and because of Ms Foxx Jussie Smollett is free to work again in mainstream corporate media. Jussie is pushing hard to land the role of Colin Kapernick as word has got out that
MSNBC will be creating a made for TV special and movie out due next year and perhaps no one is more qualified and best perpetuated for this gig than Mr Smollett who actually looks like Colin Kapernick. Unlike Colin though, Jussie loves dick and how his cast mates would act in this movie and the lockerroom scenes is not known but given the resiliency of Jussie Smollett he can do either a regular Colin Kaperndick movie or even a porn movie. A gay porn satire of Colin Kapernick may be more better suited for this cocksucker Jussie Smolett. Mr Smollett has stated if he doesn't get this movie role he will go to New York and stage another hissy fit and claim beat up putting blame on Bill DeBlassio and Michael Bloomberg supporters. Smollett has also reached out to Colin Kapernick and asked to be on the sidelines for one of his sit downs this upcoming NFL season and refused to understand that Colin Kapernick is no longer ion a roster in the National Football league.
Alan Sorrentino goes off on Notre Dame female yoga sluts student protest against woman criticizing leggings
Woody Underwood
Rhode Island talk radio program right-wing host Alan Sorrentino was one of many people to bring up the latest stages of women wearing leggings that want to hear no critique of their fashion choice. A woman named Maryann White wrote a letter at the Notre Dame newspaper the Observer and complained of the amount of Catholic whores seen in leggings at a recent leg service and asked young women to quit being so deplorably in their clothing of choice especially at church.
The anger and outcry by the student female body over hear in this city was shocking and appalling and these yooug women have no ethics nor morality as Alan Sorrentino has been saying all of these eyears criticizing women's ugly leggings,their smelly crotch wear, and the fact that women flaunt their bare bottoms for all to see with no shame.
This is what MaryAnne was upset about and she couldn't believe it one day at a visit to the famed American institution of Catholic pedophilia and higher learning. Ms White was visiting her son and decided to attend mass at the famed Golden Cathedral. Young women at e Dame went out and wore all the leggings they could wear and in reality they have no shame are just yoga sluts and most likely not even really Catholic but wishing to be corporate secularists where yogaism is in style and
encouraged form big money donors form India. Sorrentino has been bashing this athletic wear that is horrible for the environment and condones women as sex subjects and objects and nothing is done by government to ban these clothing in our schools and elsewhere. The Notre Dame mom pleaded to girls to reconsider choosing these global slave-wage clothing items that bring in massive profits for a few including some psychotic hypocritical celebrities. Mr Sorrentino said this plea will go on deaf ears as young women attending colleges and one especially like Notre Dame have a culture of entitlement and allowances to be able to dress as will and desire is their given right as a member of an elite.
Bill Waterson thinking of coming back with a phillie Fanatic or sports mascot comic
Dwight Dwyer
Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Waterson suddenly quit many decades ago and ended his strip abruptly because he felt like it and the rejection of this mans work dejected so many Calvin and Hobbes newspaper comic fans and in reality the comic industry for newspapers has never been the same. Bil Waterson is a hermit reclusive who didn't even like his work to appear anywhere and the selfishness of this guy is amazing as according to our sources he continued to make comics and do Calvin and Hobbes material following his retirement in 1995.
We hear that either Bill Waterson offers these strips on-line for the super wealthy to purchase secretly with a subscription rate of a grand a day or we hear wild Bill just does these new comic strips of Calvin and his stuffed tiger for his own personal enjoyment and amusement.
However, there is some hope as we hear Bill Waterson enjoys the Philadelphia Phillies fanatic fan comic strip and he is eyeing the rights and possible to borrow the idea in some way for himself and collaboration with Major League Baseball. He might do a strip featuring a mascot and a kid for the Detroit Tigers on eve of another 165 game baseball season where the Tigers will most probably suck ass again. Bill Waterson has a bunch of great Calvin and Hobbes comic strips post 1995 that he is not willing to share and will keep it in his family heirloom for his great great grandson to sell and make a fortune but make no mistake he is getting edgy and wishing for a return to the Sunday funnies and for the love of mascot and baseball may be the only way to get this clown back to comics
Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Waterson suddenly quit many decades ago and ended his strip abruptly because he felt like it and the rejection of this mans work dejected so many Calvin and Hobbes newspaper comic fans and in reality the comic industry for newspapers has never been the same. Bil Waterson is a hermit reclusive who didn't even like his work to appear anywhere and the selfishness of this guy is amazing as according to our sources he continued to make comics and do Calvin and Hobbes material following his retirement in 1995.
We hear that either Bill Waterson offers these strips on-line for the super wealthy to purchase secretly with a subscription rate of a grand a day or we hear wild Bill just does these new comic strips of Calvin and his stuffed tiger for his own personal enjoyment and amusement.
However, there is some hope as we hear Bill Waterson enjoys the Philadelphia Phillies fanatic fan comic strip and he is eyeing the rights and possible to borrow the idea in some way for himself and collaboration with Major League Baseball. He might do a strip featuring a mascot and a kid for the Detroit Tigers on eve of another 165 game baseball season where the Tigers will most probably suck ass again. Bill Waterson has a bunch of great Calvin and Hobbes comic strips post 1995 that he is not willing to share and will keep it in his family heirloom for his great great grandson to sell and make a fortune but make no mistake he is getting edgy and wishing for a return to the Sunday funnies and for the love of mascot and baseball may be the only way to get this clown back to comics
Neil De Grasse Tyson bashes flat Earth conspiracy,educational system, and Alex Jones and conspiracy nuts under orders from Google CEO Sundar Puchai
Lonnie Yeager
Neil De Grasse Tyson has been exonerated by the media companies that employee this goofball and despite strong evidence that Mr Grass is a serial rapist as four women now stand accusing him of rape, Mr Grass Tyson is once again going to be employed by National Geographic and the Discovery network for more space propaganda. Neil De Grasse hates free speech and he put out a series of tweets displaying the space cadet Martian we all know and love in this sexual predator as he vociferously attacked the flat Earth people Like a good science liberal Mr Neil hates the fact other opinions exist and he blamed bizarrely Alex Jones and conspiracy theorists and popularity of them pushed by the internet meme culture and media. Neil Tyson said the educational system has failed and says more pressure needs to be put on those who expose such unspecific beliefs and the truth that he knows that is paid to repeat that the earth is round. Neil Tyson needs to worry about ending his obsession with round female butts and quit complaining that some of the women he sees are flat on top
Mr Tyson De Grasse also said more societal forced conformity needs to be applied and pressure on these people and Neil suggested people who believe in the Flat Earth and advocate its ideas with YouTube videos and so forth should be suppressed and prosecuted. Neil Tyson is a globalist and hates Alex Jones and the growing popularity of people either believing or trolling this silly Black clown on flat Earth as it bothers him so much his is so consumed with thought of space in time and anger he will never get out of the flat earth and fly like an angel to prove it. Neil Grass knows the earth is round because he has seen globes and as a media globalist he will sue his power and money subsidized by the science research complex to push forth the truth hat those tell him.
Neil De Grasse Tyson knwos th secrets of all puzzles and mystery and has shaved his Uranus and kissed the ass of many others in order to get and remain in television despite his perversion and sickness against the opposite sex. Neil Tyson attacked Alex Jones out on global orders of Google CEO Sundar Puchai or whatever this Brown son of a bitches name is as he was still angered from late mast year when Alex Jones confronted him and his company banning right-wing voices while allowing ANTIFA free access and other outlet-wing radical websites untouched. Dr Tyson is a snowflake and is not really concerned about the conspiracy people decrying and questioning his facts but that some would gain popularity and dare to confront and announce the evilness and undemocratic principles of technocrats and brown Indian globalists like fuck face Sundar Puchai
Neil De Grasse Tyson has been exonerated by the media companies that employee this goofball and despite strong evidence that Mr Grass is a serial rapist as four women now stand accusing him of rape, Mr Grass Tyson is once again going to be employed by National Geographic and the Discovery network for more space propaganda. Neil De Grasse hates free speech and he put out a series of tweets displaying the space cadet Martian we all know and love in this sexual predator as he vociferously attacked the flat Earth people Like a good science liberal Mr Neil hates the fact other opinions exist and he blamed bizarrely Alex Jones and conspiracy theorists and popularity of them pushed by the internet meme culture and media. Neil Tyson said the educational system has failed and says more pressure needs to be put on those who expose such unspecific beliefs and the truth that he knows that is paid to repeat that the earth is round. Neil Tyson needs to worry about ending his obsession with round female butts and quit complaining that some of the women he sees are flat on top
Mr Tyson De Grasse also said more societal forced conformity needs to be applied and pressure on these people and Neil suggested people who believe in the Flat Earth and advocate its ideas with YouTube videos and so forth should be suppressed and prosecuted. Neil Tyson is a globalist and hates Alex Jones and the growing popularity of people either believing or trolling this silly Black clown on flat Earth as it bothers him so much his is so consumed with thought of space in time and anger he will never get out of the flat earth and fly like an angel to prove it. Neil Grass knows the earth is round because he has seen globes and as a media globalist he will sue his power and money subsidized by the science research complex to push forth the truth hat those tell him.
Neil De Grasse Tyson knwos th secrets of all puzzles and mystery and has shaved his Uranus and kissed the ass of many others in order to get and remain in television despite his perversion and sickness against the opposite sex. Neil Tyson attacked Alex Jones out on global orders of Google CEO Sundar Puchai or whatever this Brown son of a bitches name is as he was still angered from late mast year when Alex Jones confronted him and his company banning right-wing voices while allowing ANTIFA free access and other outlet-wing radical websites untouched. Dr Tyson is a snowflake and is not really concerned about the conspiracy people decrying and questioning his facts but that some would gain popularity and dare to confront and announce the evilness and undemocratic principles of technocrats and brown Indian globalists like fuck face Sundar Puchai
Michael Aventatti in so much debt tries to extort Nike in order to keep his lawyer luxury lifestyle going and is dso far in debt out of his ass
Jason Percy
Lawyer Michael Avenetti is a scumbag and half piece of shit so unworthy he exemplifies what the lawyer industrial complex has become and he apparently he has not made enough money with high law costs that he was ar rested and cuffed and stuffed trying to extort global Nike Shoe brands. this silly rabbit fuck should know Nike was not going to pay his stupid ass any tribute as Nike has to spend a fortune to Black athletes men of the courts and gridiron who are already over-paid as professional athletes. Michael is in so far in debt out of his ass he was trying to extort Nike and allege some misconduct of how the company makes or sells its shoes as Mr Avenetti needed more money to help the Tully's coffee chain that this son of a bitch has driven to the ground as it was once a company that could of rivaled and taken space away form Starbuck and Dunken Donuts.
Mr Avenatti is a typical liberal Blue state political Democrat operative and it is good to see the justice system hit this shit head in his bald head where it will really hurt and this lawyer is in such debt out of his ass he is looking for a bailout perhaps by George Soros himself and desire to be used as a political pawn to attack president Trump and this nation abusing our courts and law system to protect non-citizens, the fuck face Michael Avenatti was charged recently with separate cases in California and New York with wire fraud and extortion and it was great to see and this is proof that there are still Republicans and right-wing conservative sin these states that are often just supposedly given up order as Left areas because the liberal class and open borders crowd has successfully manipulated the technology and voting system in these state stop their advantages.
Make no mistake Michael Avenatti is fucked and is so far up in his ass in personal and financial firm business lawyer debt that he was trying to get a loan and bail out from Phil Knight and Nike and somehow angered this bald prick. This Lawyer again destroyed the Tully's coffee chain likely using important budget constraints needed for the coffee chain and using it instead of empower his luxury lifestyle and personal law firm spending and one must wonder how much milk this guy drained form the coffee company. This jack fucks law firm is also under investigation for failure to pay back taxes as he owns millions and upon millions to the government. Stuff and cuff this manipulative lawyer creep and like most lawyers they need to spend time with criminals not out in a client relationship but for their role in the criminal network organizations that make this country costly and precipitates its decline.
Lawyer Michael Avenetti is a scumbag and half piece of shit so unworthy he exemplifies what the lawyer industrial complex has become and he apparently he has not made enough money with high law costs that he was ar rested and cuffed and stuffed trying to extort global Nike Shoe brands. this silly rabbit fuck should know Nike was not going to pay his stupid ass any tribute as Nike has to spend a fortune to Black athletes men of the courts and gridiron who are already over-paid as professional athletes. Michael is in so far in debt out of his ass he was trying to extort Nike and allege some misconduct of how the company makes or sells its shoes as Mr Avenetti needed more money to help the Tully's coffee chain that this son of a bitch has driven to the ground as it was once a company that could of rivaled and taken space away form Starbuck and Dunken Donuts.
Mr Avenatti is a typical liberal Blue state political Democrat operative and it is good to see the justice system hit this shit head in his bald head where it will really hurt and this lawyer is in such debt out of his ass he is looking for a bailout perhaps by George Soros himself and desire to be used as a political pawn to attack president Trump and this nation abusing our courts and law system to protect non-citizens, the fuck face Michael Avenatti was charged recently with separate cases in California and New York with wire fraud and extortion and it was great to see and this is proof that there are still Republicans and right-wing conservative sin these states that are often just supposedly given up order as Left areas because the liberal class and open borders crowd has successfully manipulated the technology and voting system in these state stop their advantages.
Make no mistake Michael Avenatti is fucked and is so far up in his ass in personal and financial firm business lawyer debt that he was trying to get a loan and bail out from Phil Knight and Nike and somehow angered this bald prick. This Lawyer again destroyed the Tully's coffee chain likely using important budget constraints needed for the coffee chain and using it instead of empower his luxury lifestyle and personal law firm spending and one must wonder how much milk this guy drained form the coffee company. This jack fucks law firm is also under investigation for failure to pay back taxes as he owns millions and upon millions to the government. Stuff and cuff this manipulative lawyer creep and like most lawyers they need to spend time with criminals not out in a client relationship but for their role in the criminal network organizations that make this country costly and precipitates its decline.
Did Baxter Lomax almost burn a bar in Milwaukee down with hundreds of people in the bar?
Lonnie Yeager
Milwaukee police are looking for a potential domestic terrorist who was angered after the bar staff kicked him out for being an underage moron last Saturday Night. The near tragedy occurred at the Sollozo's Club on Layton and 7th. The fire destroyed the side of the bar and siding and didn't damage the cameras and when the owner looked at the video he recognized the perpetrator as the same person that tried to enter his business with an illegal fake card and was promptly shown the door and booted out.
This loser looks alot like our famed bartender Baxter Lomax in Itasca Illinois who works for the Itasca inn and has like some obsession writing on this blog about bars all of the time. This loser may be Baxter and the rejection of this man form Sollozo's bar likely ticked him off and set up a stage for a near tragedy as this piece of shit will not be going to any bars when apprehended for his crime. Sollozo's is a great looking house bar and this man may have been on a mission form CVS or Walgreen's corporatists wishing to take out family business and gaining space right away for more international health care and global space scamming of out economies.
Milwaukee police are looking for a potential domestic terrorist who was angered after the bar staff kicked him out for being an underage moron last Saturday Night. The near tragedy occurred at the Sollozo's Club on Layton and 7th. The fire destroyed the side of the bar and siding and didn't damage the cameras and when the owner looked at the video he recognized the perpetrator as the same person that tried to enter his business with an illegal fake card and was promptly shown the door and booted out.

Homo Tim Cook's apple decision to get into TV streaming service more diversion for money to entertainera dn actors
Carlson Tucker
Apple has provided few jobs for the common man despite selling so many products within these borders and they often relied on slave cheap wages in Asia in this global tech system of the modern trade economy that basically just gives more power and clout to the middle men of trade. Apple though is figuring out the scam and supply lines are not permanent and desperately trying to find new avenues to be rel-vent and their streaming TV service is a new direction adding more distraction,clutter, and nonsense for bad production and broadcast as Netflix has already proved successful.
The last thing this media dumber down country and the world needs are more media outlets and channels for fake programming and t eonly winners of a new rival streaming media service to Netflix and cable will be aging two bit actresses like Jenifer Aniston and Reece Withersppoom who without the entertainment media (and ability to spread like butter)these tow women along with other women in the debt-ridden global corporate media and entertainment would be working at a Waffle House or Denny's restaurant.
There is already a glut of television and streaming service and why the global companies like Apple love about this is it is too easy to lie on stream and revenue numbers high ratings and important major follower ship of programming can;t be proven or not.
Tim Cook and Apple wish to produce a life like scenes from the movie Cable Guy and that episode of Taxi when Jim Ignataski bought like fifty televisions and was one of the first to propose total hookup to all channels on all of the time. Apple TV is a way to get more money for media monarchs and the likes of Queen Oprah Winfrey who could have her own channel and receive tribute dollars from the scam of global corporate advertising and this is the real set up and desires for Captain Cook's new idea of Apple television. he don;t need to brain of Sir Issac Newton to realize how Apple can drop the bomb for more fake revenue for himself,engineer executives. Apple TV will be more excuses for advertising for tech and many programs will be as watched and streaming claim as those web news sites that play commercials on screen that few people ever pay attention and cannot click pause or delete but get mentioned to the advertising companies as viewed advertising when in actually nobody pays any attention to video ads on-line and they are intrusive.
Apple has provided few jobs for the common man despite selling so many products within these borders and they often relied on slave cheap wages in Asia in this global tech system of the modern trade economy that basically just gives more power and clout to the middle men of trade. Apple though is figuring out the scam and supply lines are not permanent and desperately trying to find new avenues to be rel-vent and their streaming TV service is a new direction adding more distraction,clutter, and nonsense for bad production and broadcast as Netflix has already proved successful.
The last thing this media dumber down country and the world needs are more media outlets and channels for fake programming and t eonly winners of a new rival streaming media service to Netflix and cable will be aging two bit actresses like Jenifer Aniston and Reece Withersppoom who without the entertainment media (and ability to spread like butter)these tow women along with other women in the debt-ridden global corporate media and entertainment would be working at a Waffle House or Denny's restaurant.
There is already a glut of television and streaming service and why the global companies like Apple love about this is it is too easy to lie on stream and revenue numbers high ratings and important major follower ship of programming can;t be proven or not.
Tim Cook and Apple wish to produce a life like scenes from the movie Cable Guy and that episode of Taxi when Jim Ignataski bought like fifty televisions and was one of the first to propose total hookup to all channels on all of the time. Apple TV is a way to get more money for media monarchs and the likes of Queen Oprah Winfrey who could have her own channel and receive tribute dollars from the scam of global corporate advertising and this is the real set up and desires for Captain Cook's new idea of Apple television. he don;t need to brain of Sir Issac Newton to realize how Apple can drop the bomb for more fake revenue for himself,engineer executives. Apple TV will be more excuses for advertising for tech and many programs will be as watched and streaming claim as those web news sites that play commercials on screen that few people ever pay attention and cannot click pause or delete but get mentioned to the advertising companies as viewed advertising when in actually nobody pays any attention to video ads on-line and they are intrusive.
Jesse Lee Peterson attacks Chicago and Rahm Emmanuel for dropping charges on Jessica SMollett
Lonnie Yeager
Dirt bag mayor of Chicago former hedge fund billionaire Rahm Emanuel ruled for eight years this city pushing a racial and gender supremacy based culture and agenda. The rule of corrupt mayors such as he are what lead up to the environment of entitlement as tax breaks were given for television production and setting the stage for filming of shit programs such as Empire" in Chicago and justified high salary living in new construction high rises and so forth etc etc.
YouTube rockstar radio host Jesse Lee Peterson lambasted this queer actors and wondered who hired him and whether it was to make president Trump look bad in the bought left-wing media and more excuse to smear Trump and his followers.
Jesse Lee Peterson says he thinks Rahm Emanuel's anger and disingenuous and laughble at the idea that this outgoing mayor would tell trump to go to a ballgame and bud out of the Jossie Smollett investigation. Actually as president Trump can call for further investigation and that he should not only as why Kimm Foxx dropped all charges but Trump should investigate Rahm Emanuel's role in setting up this entire hoax in the first place. Peterson says it straight informing that Blacks will do anything or say anything to make white people look bad because many are so fueled with hate form leftists and liberals like Rahm Emanuel and unfortunately so much of this hate is directed with the massive amount of brutal Black on White murders and mayhem. Rahm Emanuel says Chicago is anti-Trump country but perhaps he should examine more on how he can work in not making Chicago an anti-Truth city and his leadership and evil style and greed he has brought to the Windy City has much more to do with this hostile environment than shitty Emanule's assertions that put blame put on Trump
Dirt bag mayor of Chicago former hedge fund billionaire Rahm Emanuel ruled for eight years this city pushing a racial and gender supremacy based culture and agenda. The rule of corrupt mayors such as he are what lead up to the environment of entitlement as tax breaks were given for television production and setting the stage for filming of shit programs such as Empire" in Chicago and justified high salary living in new construction high rises and so forth etc etc.
YouTube rockstar radio host Jesse Lee Peterson lambasted this queer actors and wondered who hired him and whether it was to make president Trump look bad in the bought left-wing media and more excuse to smear Trump and his followers.
Jesse Lee Peterson says he thinks Rahm Emanuel's anger and disingenuous and laughble at the idea that this outgoing mayor would tell trump to go to a ballgame and bud out of the Jossie Smollett investigation. Actually as president Trump can call for further investigation and that he should not only as why Kimm Foxx dropped all charges but Trump should investigate Rahm Emanuel's role in setting up this entire hoax in the first place. Peterson says it straight informing that Blacks will do anything or say anything to make white people look bad because many are so fueled with hate form leftists and liberals like Rahm Emanuel and unfortunately so much of this hate is directed with the massive amount of brutal Black on White murders and mayhem. Rahm Emanuel says Chicago is anti-Trump country but perhaps he should examine more on how he can work in not making Chicago an anti-Truth city and his leadership and evil style and greed he has brought to the Windy City has much more to do with this hostile environment than shitty Emanule's assertions that put blame put on Trump
Rush Limbaugh bashes David Pakman and says America will not pay for a ten billion anti-poverty plan
Dominick D'Souza
Award-winning legendary radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh bashed the liberals and likes of Argentine David Pakman for years and months of incessant attacks on president Trump as Limbaugh called out both Hal Sparks and David Pakman for their propaganda and lies saying the Mueller report would of put the forty fifth president behind bars for the rest of his life. Hal Sparks and Mr Israeli transnationalist David Pakman time in and again insistent these indictments proved the corruption and evil doings of collusion as both knew full well there was a not a shred of evidence
and Russia no more interfered with our electoral system than Global German car makers desperate to wage eocnomic war and provide savings for wealthy Americans to purchase their BMW imports. The real resistence to Trump and all of these trumped up indicements and investigations was a attempt to discredit our president and distract him or prevent him form doing his job and misinforming lying hack shits like David Pakman and Chicago's Hal Sparks did their best to illustrate some sort of political attack campaign on a weekly basis for their ridiculous programs. Limbaugh also mocked David Pakmans constant assertions that Mexico would not be paying for the wall in that America will not be paying ten billion dollars the Mexican government and president Andres Manuel Lopez is demanding form the Unted states to fight and establish anti-poverty programs for Mexicostan and the five central American shitholes.
Award-winning legendary radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh bashed the liberals and likes of Argentine David Pakman for years and months of incessant attacks on president Trump as Limbaugh called out both Hal Sparks and David Pakman for their propaganda and lies saying the Mueller report would of put the forty fifth president behind bars for the rest of his life. Hal Sparks and Mr Israeli transnationalist David Pakman time in and again insistent these indictments proved the corruption and evil doings of collusion as both knew full well there was a not a shred of evidence
and Russia no more interfered with our electoral system than Global German car makers desperate to wage eocnomic war and provide savings for wealthy Americans to purchase their BMW imports. The real resistence to Trump and all of these trumped up indicements and investigations was a attempt to discredit our president and distract him or prevent him form doing his job and misinforming lying hack shits like David Pakman and Chicago's Hal Sparks did their best to illustrate some sort of political attack campaign on a weekly basis for their ridiculous programs. Limbaugh also mocked David Pakmans constant assertions that Mexico would not be paying for the wall in that America will not be paying ten billion dollars the Mexican government and president Andres Manuel Lopez is demanding form the Unted states to fight and establish anti-poverty programs for Mexicostan and the five central American shitholes.
Speaking of shitholes Hal Sparks is a coastal elite California dog a national radio show in Chicago and he has had his shit hole plucked,rimmed,plowed, fisted,footed,fucked,dildos. etc etc and he was another shit hack for the ultra-left in this country getting air and media time to spread his hate against this administration. Hal sparks screens his calls heavily never having conservative or alternative voices to his one man and one sided bias reports and he is perhaps the most incompetent and egregious example out the Democratic Party controlled media in forming fake news and besmirching of a president that wants to level the playing field economically within this country for all real citizens.
Socialist Scandanavian happiness is a Socialist government dream
Eric Ericson
Finland ranks high and tops the annual list of happiest people and country and one needs to pretty much call out this bogus rankings and role they play in political propaganda. All the socialist Scandinavian countries with no militarist and under US protection are usually listed as the best places and happiest people form the libtard news organizations that push this fake news and they do it for an agenda. These rankings and listings are meant to put the idea into the head of Americans that Democratic Socialism is good and weekly colonoscopies and free health care that health care
professions and doctors can make money is something that will bring happiness and Rainbows and unicorns with free health care as Iceland and Norway citizens enjoy.
The ranking snd listings are bought and paid for advertising of the fake better quality of \life under a Democratic socialism government and again these Scandinavian countries and other small homogeneous European countries are able to do this because we prevent these countries form being swallowed up by wither Russia,Germany, or France. The Bernie bros are the pieces of shit that bring in these rankings of happiness and top spots and ensure that America is ranked low as their anti-American military agenda is the main motivation for such rankings. these rankings are also racist as its always Black African countries that rank low and the Nordic countries and Swiss watch manufacturing ones listed hi and one must wonder if these bias and lies are one of the many reason and motivation so many trek up desperate to reach Europe form Africa instead of staying in a country that the global media says is a shit hole
Finland ranks high and tops the annual list of happiest people and country and one needs to pretty much call out this bogus rankings and role they play in political propaganda. All the socialist Scandinavian countries with no militarist and under US protection are usually listed as the best places and happiest people form the libtard news organizations that push this fake news and they do it for an agenda. These rankings and listings are meant to put the idea into the head of Americans that Democratic Socialism is good and weekly colonoscopies and free health care that health care
professions and doctors can make money is something that will bring happiness and Rainbows and unicorns with free health care as Iceland and Norway citizens enjoy.
The ranking snd listings are bought and paid for advertising of the fake better quality of \life under a Democratic socialism government and again these Scandinavian countries and other small homogeneous European countries are able to do this because we prevent these countries form being swallowed up by wither Russia,Germany, or France. The Bernie bros are the pieces of shit that bring in these rankings of happiness and top spots and ensure that America is ranked low as their anti-American military agenda is the main motivation for such rankings. these rankings are also racist as its always Black African countries that rank low and the Nordic countries and Swiss watch manufacturing ones listed hi and one must wonder if these bias and lies are one of the many reason and motivation so many trek up desperate to reach Europe form Africa instead of staying in a country that the global media says is a shit hole
Rural Hoosieers and trapper bastard along with their politician Shane Lindauer are defeated in their quest to slaughter Bobcats
Jake Glass
Animal stories
State rep Shanie Lindauir is once again introducing legislation to allow Hoosiers to butcher and hunt the Bobcat and our famed wild pet Bob the bobcat and other animal rights activists will be fighting this bill in Indiana once again. House Bill 1407 would allow cat hunting in the Southern part of the state the right to stalk and kill these mini-beasts and cats who are an important part of the ecosystem and Shane Lindauer's obsession with allowing hunting of Bobcats is both neurotic and eccentric and he is playing to the demands and donations of the rural serial killer of animal base that is a sad fact. This guy is in the pockets of the hunting complex system and adding Bobcat to the menu of kill has long been a goal of this industry in Indiana. The total disregard this shit politician has for living organisms and its right to be left in the wilderness undisturbed shows how faceless and fuckass this Indiana rural representative is and best represents. Luckily this proposal was again defeated and for the second year in a row Mr Lanier and the Bobcat hunters lost in their quest to kill animals for sport. I'm sure Mr Landier will try and try again as his blood lust for these hunters and trappers shows no signs of repenting and until the voter sin his district vote out this psycho he will continue to seek and pass bills for these manical hunters needing self gratification and pleasure form killing little cats
Animal stories

Carlson Tucker playing 15 hours of gaming in BotSpot Robot toy and gaming lounge in Niles
Otto Jansen
New writer Carlson Tucker (not to be confused with Tucker Carlson) writes rarely at this blog after getting an incredible huge contract that shocked and appalled many people throughout the region. We expected amazing articles delivered g writing form this famed internet troll and thus far the few articles delivered by this guy remained a mystery but an explanation for this mans lack of work has been established and recorded by are new and honorable editor Frank Banks.
the Bot Spot gaming lounge in Niles,Illinois and the pesky Carlson has been playing lego dinosaur robotic games and entering himself in all sorts of national gaming tournaments that can be played at this Bot spot. This business has been trying to get rid of Carlson for some time but time in an again he keeps purchasing little robotic toys and sneaks in beer and meth in his game playing sessions that last some hours. Tucker makes a pest of himself joking with the staff that a whore house should be above this joint and business that caters to kids and Carlson Tucker often reeks of alcohol as he believes he plays best when lightly toasted and had a few drinks at the nearby Shotrt Fuse brewery in Des Plaines, Illinolis.
It appears that Carlson has been living and spending all of his time and dimes on these games and a total drink and gaming addict is this newest of bloggers here at the Adopt a Beast blog. Unfortunately, Carlson Tucker is so lost in space in this business along Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago's corrupt Cook County suburbs and his gmaing addiction is something he shares with many a writer here as many of our staff spend days on end at places like Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield and Underground retgrocade in West Dundee,Illinois.
New writer Carlson Tucker (not to be confused with Tucker Carlson) writes rarely at this blog after getting an incredible huge contract that shocked and appalled many people throughout the region. We expected amazing articles delivered g writing form this famed internet troll and thus far the few articles delivered by this guy remained a mystery but an explanation for this mans lack of work has been established and recorded by are new and honorable editor Frank Banks.
the Bot Spot gaming lounge in Niles,Illinois and the pesky Carlson has been playing lego dinosaur robotic games and entering himself in all sorts of national gaming tournaments that can be played at this Bot spot. This business has been trying to get rid of Carlson for some time but time in an again he keeps purchasing little robotic toys and sneaks in beer and meth in his game playing sessions that last some hours. Tucker makes a pest of himself joking with the staff that a whore house should be above this joint and business that caters to kids and Carlson Tucker often reeks of alcohol as he believes he plays best when lightly toasted and had a few drinks at the nearby Shotrt Fuse brewery in Des Plaines, Illinolis.
It appears that Carlson has been living and spending all of his time and dimes on these games and a total drink and gaming addict is this newest of bloggers here at the Adopt a Beast blog. Unfortunately, Carlson Tucker is so lost in space in this business along Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago's corrupt Cook County suburbs and his gmaing addiction is something he shares with many a writer here as many of our staff spend days on end at places like Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield and Underground retgrocade in West Dundee,Illinois.
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