Gastron Giroux
Alex Jones has been silenced and we unfortunately rarely hear about him these days and it was good to see reappear on a program that has yet been taken off YouTube . Alex came on Stephan Crowder's program to discuss a variety of issues but mainly the cover up and corruption of the Democratic Party and how they along with he Catholic church suppress rape and sexual harassment allegations. The sickness of Jeffery Epstein and science guy Bill Nye is allowed because of their money and
influence with political operatives and without a doubt Mr Epstein's murder recently as he was jailed was an obvious attempt to prevent the beans coming out of the bag as Mr Epstein would of gave many other big famous names of sexual harassers and child molesters in government and the media and Jones and Crowder wondered how many famous people are running shit stained worried about their eventual travels to Virgin Islands and paradise bay to play with underage girls will become more known.
Crowder laid into the allegations against Epstein and how for years top climate change fear mongers and others of the extreme left have been playing childs play for years and making the decision among themselves that we need to get off fossil fuels and into a new Green movement of weak unpredictable energy sources because the science Gods say so. Crowder and Jones basically say how the left will protect one of their own no matter how egregious and evil their actions and this is often the case we saw with the Catholic church.
The use of political power and the protection racket of the Democratic Party for their cronies was discussed and basically all the world perverts have found a base and home in America and for the Democratic Party in America and massive amounts of internationalism criminal networks have basically hijacked this major political party funding the creeps like Bill Nye caught with Backpage Craigslist orgy and girls in an elevator and allowing men like Jeffery Epstein and Richard Branson to have a political voice in America and the business community.
Dave Chappelle mocks Jussie "Black Jesus" Smollet and suggests maybe Nick Sandmann and Covington Hiogh School committed the crime
Leroy Yates
Leftiest identity obsessed media and the snowflake culture of the radical left learning effective methods of attack to attack non PC people in celebritydom. David Chappelle totally bashed the ass Jussie Smollett and his fabrication of a hate crime attack in downtown Chicago and reminded his audience downtown ritzy Chicago this was not 1850 Chicago or even 1966 and Marquette park neighborhood.
Chappelle totally eviscerated the homo Jussie Smollett who likely got his shiner from a fellow jag fag flirting with a loved one of another brother at a gay bar. Chappelle also went on to attack the media and their desire to be a political order and power base for themselves and their networks and stars despite their relatively low ratings nor care for most of these news networks few under 50 watch with any intensity these days. Chapelle jokes that maybe Justin will say that Nick Sandmann and the Covington High School classmates detoured their bus and decided to go to Chicago to beat the living shit and fuck the holy ass of Mr Smollett.
Chappelle called Smollett's criminal act and lie typical of this era of extremism politically correct culture and said a chump like Smollet has no talent and should be getting drilled in gay porn. Chappelle totally eviscerated the left and their insanity in demanding to silence people who don't follow their guidelines and he said if it was a right-wing conservative that had fabricated a beating form ANTIFA that there would of been immediate prosecution for the act. Chappelle ponders why Smollett didn't blame his attack and name Nick Sandmann as his attacker and if he had the kid would be booked,cuffed, and stuffed and all would of been right and Jussie Smolett would of been cast in the next Star wars or Star Trek by now.
Leftiest identity obsessed media and the snowflake culture of the radical left learning effective methods of attack to attack non PC people in celebritydom. David Chappelle totally bashed the ass Jussie Smollett and his fabrication of a hate crime attack in downtown Chicago and reminded his audience downtown ritzy Chicago this was not 1850 Chicago or even 1966 and Marquette park neighborhood.
Chappelle totally eviscerated the homo Jussie Smollett who likely got his shiner from a fellow jag fag flirting with a loved one of another brother at a gay bar. Chappelle also went on to attack the media and their desire to be a political order and power base for themselves and their networks and stars despite their relatively low ratings nor care for most of these news networks few under 50 watch with any intensity these days. Chapelle jokes that maybe Justin will say that Nick Sandmann and the Covington High School classmates detoured their bus and decided to go to Chicago to beat the living shit and fuck the holy ass of Mr Smollett.

Marty and Clyde go to Star City coffee n Lafayette, Indiana and remark how much better it is than Dunkin
Dwight Dwyer
Our coffee aficionados Marty and Clyde went to Lafayette's own glorious Star City indie coffee house and had a good latte and a cup of Joe. This popular hangout is usually filled with post Purdue University graduates who like the quaint small city net door to the big ten university and as expected Marty and Clyde enjoyed this excellent destination and are proud to have visited it driving for an hour to enjoy it instead of the Dunkin brand that is everywhere.
Our coffee aficionados Marty and Clyde went to Lafayette's own glorious Star City indie coffee house and had a good latte and a cup of Joe. This popular hangout is usually filled with post Purdue University graduates who like the quaint small city net door to the big ten university and as expected Marty and Clyde enjoyed this excellent destination and are proud to have visited it driving for an hour to enjoy it instead of the Dunkin brand that is everywhere.
Marty and Clyde noticed that unlike cruddy Dunkin this is a place young people want to hang an study without the smell of stale product and old ice cream. Star City also sells fresh Ale beer and there are not many place where one can drink craft beer and coffee in one seating and just this unique setting is deserving of investment and expansion of a place like this but instead global migration allowance business like Dunkin are set up to dominate the landscape and pit forth their people change agenda. Luckily no Hindus or Dotties when I visited this great coffee house and Marty and Clyde were glad to see only Whites and Asians in this place and none of the mud scum as often seen in Chicago's or Bostons Dunkin.
Shit hole Indonesia and president Joko Widodo is a a joke as country sinks and climate fear monger say nothing of the country's over population
Lee Park Kong
Like the city of Houston Indonesia has a problem and like much of Asia it is an overcrowding problem and quite literally this stink hole of a country is sinking before our eyes. Shit president Joko Widodo is planning on moving he capital from Jakarta into another area as the problem for Indonesia is they have no country to border where like Mexico they can encourage and push for mass migration.
Australia is not America and immediately intercepts illegal invader and puts puts them on some remote Sugarcane island ahhh where these boat people can produce their own sugars and drink water fr survival. President Dodo bird of Indonesia is planning on moving the entire capital because his
country is unable to slow its population and growth rates into a region called Kalimantan where surely the Indonesians will pollute and cause sinkage in this region as well within a few years. President Widodo is in office to get pussy hob nobbing it with Miss Universe contest winners and this strong
man of Indonesia wishes to be another Hugh Heffner and massive developer with moving an entire city because he doesn't want to spending a little more money improving Jakarta's infrastructure and investing in better bamboo or pogo sticks. Joko will meet with anyone to help Indonesia out of this overpopulation problem and indeed he has met with the good,the bad, and the ugly. Just last week he was meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel and he desperately begged her to take in more Indonesians into Germany as drinking wells are running out in his country. Both Joko and Merkel went clubbing looking for dark skin Asian women in their low twenties and the lesbian Angela Merkel enjoyed her time in the local Indonesian brothels along with this playboy and clown of a president with a capital with no name of official location.
Like the city of Houston Indonesia has a problem and like much of Asia it is an overcrowding problem and quite literally this stink hole of a country is sinking before our eyes. Shit president Joko Widodo is planning on moving he capital from Jakarta into another area as the problem for Indonesia is they have no country to border where like Mexico they can encourage and push for mass migration.
Australia is not America and immediately intercepts illegal invader and puts puts them on some remote Sugarcane island ahhh where these boat people can produce their own sugars and drink water fr survival. President Dodo bird of Indonesia is planning on moving the entire capital because his
country is unable to slow its population and growth rates into a region called Kalimantan where surely the Indonesians will pollute and cause sinkage in this region as well within a few years. President Widodo is in office to get pussy hob nobbing it with Miss Universe contest winners and this strong
man of Indonesia wishes to be another Hugh Heffner and massive developer with moving an entire city because he doesn't want to spending a little more money improving Jakarta's infrastructure and investing in better bamboo or pogo sticks. Joko will meet with anyone to help Indonesia out of this overpopulation problem and indeed he has met with the good,the bad, and the ugly. Just last week he was meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel and he desperately begged her to take in more Indonesians into Germany as drinking wells are running out in his country. Both Joko and Merkel went clubbing looking for dark skin Asian women in their low twenties and the lesbian Angela Merkel enjoyed her time in the local Indonesian brothels along with this playboy and clown of a president with a capital with no name of official location.
Indy Niedell says border excursion of the Germans in Poland may flare up into something big
Milton Wiener
First of all I want to thank the producers of this blog for my recent hiring and I look forward to writing and joining this incredible team of writers on this amazing blog that gets about 150 hits a day. Indy Niedell believes the recent German Polish border incursion will be huge and he came aboard his YouTube news channel and informed the public of the dangers of German militarization and pressure on their Slavic neighbor. Indy Niedell is an excellent investigator who has been reporting of the growing dangers of the Adolf Hitler authoritarian dictatorship in Germany and he really believes Germany will not stop with Poland as he has already had success pressuring the Austrians and Czechoslovakia into joining the German Reich.
Indy Niedell has researched and knew this Polish German war was coming and whether it flares up into something much bigger or is another border incursion war that will be settled quickly as the Russian Japanese recent warfare is yet to be known but Indy thinks this will become another Great War II and he has continually warned of this situation as a repeat of two decades ago is very reasonable thought and fear of the ruling classes most of whom will not even do any of the fighting.
First of all I want to thank the producers of this blog for my recent hiring and I look forward to writing and joining this incredible team of writers on this amazing blog that gets about 150 hits a day. Indy Niedell believes the recent German Polish border incursion will be huge and he came aboard his YouTube news channel and informed the public of the dangers of German militarization and pressure on their Slavic neighbor. Indy Niedell is an excellent investigator who has been reporting of the growing dangers of the Adolf Hitler authoritarian dictatorship in Germany and he really believes Germany will not stop with Poland as he has already had success pressuring the Austrians and Czechoslovakia into joining the German Reich.
Indy Niedell has researched and knew this Polish German war was coming and whether it flares up into something much bigger or is another border incursion war that will be settled quickly as the Russian Japanese recent warfare is yet to be known but Indy thinks this will become another Great War II and he has continually warned of this situation as a repeat of two decades ago is very reasonable thought and fear of the ruling classes most of whom will not even do any of the fighting.
Full court press against Trump..part 62...The Chicago Tribune and its whack job writers like Mary Schmich
Terry Blue
Mary Schmich wishes to be a poet and wrote a disturbing propaganda piece that she felt would serve her tribune bosses swell as she entitled a series of written pose into propaganda usual hate this sick news paper and media publications continues to spread and push.
The far left media members have been so triggered by Trump and his chosen comments and basically he was chosen by the voters defeating a awful candidate whose interests were aligned with foreign persons off global business more than the average citizen and for this the Chicago Tribune and Mary Schmich despise the president so much as he threatens the global trade initiative and spread of misinformation controlled by the far left social Democrats ,
Mary Schmich loves to give large NBA men head and her brain has been derailed from her various years working for the mainstream media that is all essence is no longer publishing news but political propaganda for the urban progressive causes and internationalism. Mary Schmich and the Tribune enjoy and prefer to see China take out 500 billion dollars from our economy and prevent new flow of money and new paper competition and free press or more press instead of the monopoly that this bitch and the Tribune are part of along with other cities (back in the day each mid size average city had ten daily newspapers and now we have one in
Mary Schmich wishes to be a poet and wrote a disturbing propaganda piece that she felt would serve her tribune bosses swell as she entitled a series of written pose into propaganda usual hate this sick news paper and media publications continues to spread and push.
The far left media members have been so triggered by Trump and his chosen comments and basically he was chosen by the voters defeating a awful candidate whose interests were aligned with foreign persons off global business more than the average citizen and for this the Chicago Tribune and Mary Schmich despise the president so much as he threatens the global trade initiative and spread of misinformation controlled by the far left social Democrats ,
Mary Schmich loves to give large NBA men head and her brain has been derailed from her various years working for the mainstream media that is all essence is no longer publishing news but political propaganda for the urban progressive causes and internationalism. Mary Schmich and the Tribune enjoy and prefer to see China take out 500 billion dollars from our economy and prevent new flow of money and new paper competition and free press or more press instead of the monopoly that this bitch and the Tribune are part of along with other cities (back in the day each mid size average city had ten daily newspapers and now we have one in
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro pushes back against the climate fear mongers and blames them for starting fires in the Amazon
Mr X
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro called out t environmental whackos and suggested perhaps they started the fires in the Amazon as a global movement of disorder and money is being funneled to projects in attacking the established fossil fuel industry that goes from Bernie Sanders to Dr Richard Wolff and other members of the far left international socialists. The far left doesn't like the fact this strong man of Brazil and leader is opening up the vast potential and wealth of the Amazon as the environmentalists would rather have bugs and apes reign supreme over much of the land mass in Brazil and for the Brazilean people struggling they can eat bugs,flint stones, and grass.
Te IS is devoted to overthrowing the energy establishment and setting their new rules and engagement with the fake science of human activity causing global warming and more storm systems and as a result we need to get off fossil fuels. Either these idiots like Ralph Nader and the Michael Moores think we all should get mugged daily n public transportation shared with psychotic blacks and browns or that the Flintstones method of drive is the future with human manpower and ingenuity. Bolsonaro doesn't play around and stands tall and mighty against the globalist class that hates him as much as president Trump and he is not about to allow any normal forest fire to be used by the climate bullshitters to build a case and propagandize internationally that the Earths heat is so intense full forests in the Amazon are just becoming ablaze when in all intentions the far left radicals are so desperate to create a new money base for economic change they will say and do anything to accomplish their nefarious goals.
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro called out t environmental whackos and suggested perhaps they started the fires in the Amazon as a global movement of disorder and money is being funneled to projects in attacking the established fossil fuel industry that goes from Bernie Sanders to Dr Richard Wolff and other members of the far left international socialists. The far left doesn't like the fact this strong man of Brazil and leader is opening up the vast potential and wealth of the Amazon as the environmentalists would rather have bugs and apes reign supreme over much of the land mass in Brazil and for the Brazilean people struggling they can eat bugs,flint stones, and grass.
Te IS is devoted to overthrowing the energy establishment and setting their new rules and engagement with the fake science of human activity causing global warming and more storm systems and as a result we need to get off fossil fuels. Either these idiots like Ralph Nader and the Michael Moores think we all should get mugged daily n public transportation shared with psychotic blacks and browns or that the Flintstones method of drive is the future with human manpower and ingenuity. Bolsonaro doesn't play around and stands tall and mighty against the globalist class that hates him as much as president Trump and he is not about to allow any normal forest fire to be used by the climate bullshitters to build a case and propagandize internationally that the Earths heat is so intense full forests in the Amazon are just becoming ablaze when in all intentions the far left radicals are so desperate to create a new money base for economic change they will say and do anything to accomplish their nefarious goals.
James Howard Kustler and the Vape shop strip mall madness and video games
Luke Frey
Author James Howard Kuntsler spoke to great lengths of a culture that allows anything and everything form mass shooting in video games to big box Wal Mart Save Mart shopping and pout the blame for mass shooting on this culture and business. Kuntsler says any culture and country such as ours that allows foreigners to set up shop and do whatever they want bringing in their own identities and vape shop type businesses is one that will result in an alienated population and produce a few mass shooters here and there .
James Howard spoke and has written extensively bashing the defenders and lobbyists of video games that came out viciously defending this rotten industry in the printed mass media and bought news print of today with many paid writers given the orders to push back against the blame of video games in these recent mass shootings and author James Howard says the entire culture and they way we have set up our environments and culture in this mass consumer culture and strip mall ugliness throughout America. James says extract all meaning and erase all boundaries from custom and behavior and you have a entire nation of young men ready to extract
revenge upon this nation and society and the backlash against open borders and invasion of America was seen in El Paso, perhaps the most egregious anti-American city and the fact that the shooting occurred in a Wal Mart was not loss on Mr Howard Kuntsler. he put full blame on mass shootings of this anything goes and nothing matters culture the globalist Italian,EU and Indian jet corporatecracy cultures have produced within America corrupting culture. media, and politicians. there is some good news on the horizon as in our very own Milwaukee Health officials are immediately telling people not to vape and stop all vaping ingestion as Wisconsin officials have reported dozens with lung like diseases and unfortunately the corrupt shits and local leaders in Illinois refuse to comment and
criticize the vape shops set up by Brown immigrants intended to get non-browns sick with vape as all of these shops are owned by Lebanese, Arab, or Indian Pakistani immigrants allowed to peddle these dangerous Nicotine and spread chronic illness. The tide may be turning on these corrupt immigrant bastards and if local politicians wish to continue to allow these people to corrupt them and allow their cruddy businesses to peddle toxins into the youth and lungs of our people hell will be bent both to them and these wicked businesses and immigrants who bought their way into America through the Democratic Party.
Author James Howard Kuntsler spoke to great lengths of a culture that allows anything and everything form mass shooting in video games to big box Wal Mart Save Mart shopping and pout the blame for mass shooting on this culture and business. Kuntsler says any culture and country such as ours that allows foreigners to set up shop and do whatever they want bringing in their own identities and vape shop type businesses is one that will result in an alienated population and produce a few mass shooters here and there .
James Howard spoke and has written extensively bashing the defenders and lobbyists of video games that came out viciously defending this rotten industry in the printed mass media and bought news print of today with many paid writers given the orders to push back against the blame of video games in these recent mass shootings and author James Howard says the entire culture and they way we have set up our environments and culture in this mass consumer culture and strip mall ugliness throughout America. James says extract all meaning and erase all boundaries from custom and behavior and you have a entire nation of young men ready to extract
revenge upon this nation and society and the backlash against open borders and invasion of America was seen in El Paso, perhaps the most egregious anti-American city and the fact that the shooting occurred in a Wal Mart was not loss on Mr Howard Kuntsler. he put full blame on mass shootings of this anything goes and nothing matters culture the globalist Italian,EU and Indian jet corporatecracy cultures have produced within America corrupting culture. media, and politicians. there is some good news on the horizon as in our very own Milwaukee Health officials are immediately telling people not to vape and stop all vaping ingestion as Wisconsin officials have reported dozens with lung like diseases and unfortunately the corrupt shits and local leaders in Illinois refuse to comment and
criticize the vape shops set up by Brown immigrants intended to get non-browns sick with vape as all of these shops are owned by Lebanese, Arab, or Indian Pakistani immigrants allowed to peddle these dangerous Nicotine and spread chronic illness. The tide may be turning on these corrupt immigrant bastards and if local politicians wish to continue to allow these people to corrupt them and allow their cruddy businesses to peddle toxins into the youth and lungs of our people hell will be bent both to them and these wicked businesses and immigrants who bought their way into America through the Democratic Party.
Dre and the Black Cat recall ponderous Sargent Slaughter Hulk Hogan Wrestlemanuna match say little how Vince McMahon destroy these two AWA characters
Arnold Buckley
Dre and The Black Cat are two pro wrestler obsessed dweebs based out of Chicago that have spent the past ten yeas talking about old professional wrestling matches. After years of talking to each other on the phone of this topic they decided a decade ago to produce and put out a podcast where mention and talk of the fake fighting of the WWF and NWA is common place and their podcast is incredibly just one of thousands in North America a about the fakeness of professional wrestling and the actors and staged events produced by such men. 
One such man is billionaire Vincent K McMahon who was allocated to be some media billionaire and used as on outlet for billions to moved into a 
company that actually produces a few measly million in profit in a year. Dre and the Black Cat talked recently of a boring match i recall where Hulk Hogan battled it out with an aging and slow Sargent Slaughter in perhaps one of the most ponderous main events ever for a Wrestlemania event or any wrestling match and the Hogan Slaughter match up sucked and in no way did Dre or the Black Cat ever make this fact known in their dialogue recounting this horrible match. Dre and ahhh Alvin AKa Black Cat spoke of the only highlight of this match when Hollywood Hogan through a fire ball into the fuck face of this tractor former drill sergeant turned Iraqi mercenary in 1991.
Dre and the Black Cats are two cats who are pod casters and hide who they are and what they loo with no pictures put forth on the internet and the ones we have were hard to attain after an exhaustive search. Dre and the Black Cat needed to examine how Vince McMahon is a character killer and his re branding of these two wrestlers was shameful although there was some basis to a Iraqi sympathizer as this culture seems to have many people revisionists nostalgic for the rule of Saddam Hussein and are sympathetic to the terrorist brutal Islamic radical regime in Iran and often side and propagandize to their full vocal extent whether on-line or off line is seen throughout the World Wide Web.
Former Michigan State and NBA baller acquitted of rape and is another Cleophus Prince in the making
Wally Jackson
despite obvious video of a blonde woman trying to escape her abduction and rape by a black man named Mateen Cleaves a deranged jury acquitted the Black man for his actions in another egregious sickening display of immunity from epidemic of Black male ape rape runs rampant and often goes unpunished with these massive number of sex crimes and in this case the Black jury decided this former NBA player didn't brutally drag the woman form her car into his motel room for a night of terror and rape, The war and mass ethnic cleansing rape being perpetuated by Black sand ignored by
the anti-White mainstream media is a crime of the century and ore information needs to go out to the public that the government and the courts have given a green light for Black men to continue their racial rape attacks and sexual assaults on white women and their crimes will often go unpunished in this Obama anti-White era and things will only get worse.
One must wonder if this same jury would of let Black serial ripper and killer Cleophis Prince off for hsi se crimes and the amount of sex crimes perpetuated by angry and evil black males in our culture continues to be suppressed and information of this terrorism ignored by the media. Rape has often been a black ply and terrorism since the days of slavery and is often the reason for a Ku Klu Klan and other vigilante groups having been formed to fight back against the freedoms and allowances for sex crimes as some sort of racial grievances and privileges and former Michigan state star and NBA
scrum Mateen Cleaves used this tactic to get off scott free for his rape of a young woman in 2015. Mateen Cleaves dragged beat this women into sexual submission and despite best attempts by the state and prosecution system a racist anti white jury and court system allowed this animal to be free. The Mateen Cleaves rape bastards are only one step form joining the ranks if the number of black predator serial killers and next time Matten likely will not allow is victim to walk free.
despite obvious video of a blonde woman trying to escape her abduction and rape by a black man named Mateen Cleaves a deranged jury acquitted the Black man for his actions in another egregious sickening display of immunity from epidemic of Black male ape rape runs rampant and often goes unpunished with these massive number of sex crimes and in this case the Black jury decided this former NBA player didn't brutally drag the woman form her car into his motel room for a night of terror and rape, The war and mass ethnic cleansing rape being perpetuated by Black sand ignored by
the anti-White mainstream media is a crime of the century and ore information needs to go out to the public that the government and the courts have given a green light for Black men to continue their racial rape attacks and sexual assaults on white women and their crimes will often go unpunished in this Obama anti-White era and things will only get worse.
One must wonder if this same jury would of let Black serial ripper and killer Cleophis Prince off for hsi se crimes and the amount of sex crimes perpetuated by angry and evil black males in our culture continues to be suppressed and information of this terrorism ignored by the media. Rape has often been a black ply and terrorism since the days of slavery and is often the reason for a Ku Klu Klan and other vigilante groups having been formed to fight back against the freedoms and allowances for sex crimes as some sort of racial grievances and privileges and former Michigan state star and NBA
scrum Mateen Cleaves used this tactic to get off scott free for his rape of a young woman in 2015. Mateen Cleaves dragged beat this women into sexual submission and despite best attempts by the state and prosecution system a racist anti white jury and court system allowed this animal to be free. The Mateen Cleaves rape bastards are only one step form joining the ranks if the number of black predator serial killers and next time Matten likely will not allow is victim to walk free.
Anthony Brian Logan bashes Hasan Piker a new asshole and butter fucked brain
George Jenner
Hasan Piker is some Turkish socialist a cowered so shit stained he doesn't even propagandize and be subversive in his native Turkeystan because he knows he would be sodomized daily in a Turkish prison and he would enjoy it tremendously thinking of Shaquille O'Neal or Kobe Bryant raping him like a white woman. Has Piker was recently banned from Twitch troll nation for his repugnant cowardly comments against a brave US congressman who eyed balled while serving his nation and doing the West a favor fighting the cancer of Islam ic jihadist that obviously a prick like Hasan Piker
supports but is to much of a coward to join the ranks of ISIS to fight this country. Anthony Brian Logan came aboard his award winning YouTube channel and bashed this Turk prick Hasan Piker a new asshole wondering why this shit don;t put his mouth where it speaks and go fight support the jihadists role and join the ranks instead of bitch and whine in his mothers or Uncle Cenk Uygur's basement. Hasan Piker is so crazed he needs his video games confiscated, his penis circumcised, and his butter brain and body deported to Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan or whateverstan this son of a pig came form along with his fat Uncle scum.
Hasan Pike is a turd Turk who hates this country and likely has been molested by family members many times accounting for the fried brain and thinking an d whether uncle Cenk was one of these relatives that ravaged the brain shit out of this guys meat head. This Turk prick needs to be fired from the Young Turks. banned for life from Twitch, and have both his Facebook and Twitter accounts and prosecution for the family members who were
drilling and sodomizing this poor Hasan's brain.
Hasan Piker is some Turkish socialist a cowered so shit stained he doesn't even propagandize and be subversive in his native Turkeystan because he knows he would be sodomized daily in a Turkish prison and he would enjoy it tremendously thinking of Shaquille O'Neal or Kobe Bryant raping him like a white woman. Has Piker was recently banned from Twitch troll nation for his repugnant cowardly comments against a brave US congressman who eyed balled while serving his nation and doing the West a favor fighting the cancer of Islam ic jihadist that obviously a prick like Hasan Piker
supports but is to much of a coward to join the ranks of ISIS to fight this country. Anthony Brian Logan came aboard his award winning YouTube channel and bashed this Turk prick Hasan Piker a new asshole wondering why this shit don;t put his mouth where it speaks and go fight support the jihadists role and join the ranks instead of bitch and whine in his mothers or Uncle Cenk Uygur's basement. Hasan Piker is so crazed he needs his video games confiscated, his penis circumcised, and his butter brain and body deported to Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan or whateverstan this son of a pig came form along with his fat Uncle scum.
Hasan Pike is a turd Turk who hates this country and likely has been molested by family members many times accounting for the fried brain and thinking an d whether uncle Cenk was one of these relatives that ravaged the brain shit out of this guys meat head. This Turk prick needs to be fired from the Young Turks. banned for life from Twitch, and have both his Facebook and Twitter accounts and prosecution for the family members who were
drilling and sodomizing this poor Hasan's brain.
Michael Savage wonders how we have gone from Einstein to epstein and Richard Branson
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Right -Wing radio host Michael Savage went on a tangent recently about the reality of America declining and we see the likes of Jeffery Epstein more so in reality than an Albert Einstein. In this m]Michael Savage is totally dead wrong and this country and the West has always had a pedophile problem and it has only been exacerbated in this era of Epstein and Richard Branson and the ability for these men to practically hoarding so much wealth they can purchase islands,virgins, and the
governments to cover up the problem of child sex trafficking that has been going on since millennia and in the times witness by St Patrick and in Ireland itself. The role of capitalism in seedling women and allowing perverts with money to act out and often buy their way out of prosecutary penalties also is something that Savage never explains nor really has an interest and for all we kn ow Albert Einstein might have been a bigger pedo skirt chaser child rapiest than Jeffery Epstein. Getting away with illegible activities has been a dream money goal of many men and is why most billionaires like Epstein and Branson who donate to political schemes and parties need constant surveillance and scrutiny. The Catholic church along with other major religious institution though push the idea of hierarchical rule and the ability for rich wealthy men and men of money and of power of the cleric to molest little kids of in Epstein's case charter little girls to isolated cabins in isolated Caribbean vacation fronts and homes. British plutocrat King Richard Branson also named his companies the Virgin name in tribute to the elite preference and gloating of these Jeffery Epstein sexual collusion and rape of underage girls. Michael Savage says it was
disgusting and he worries about the eventual further erosion of peoples morals and whether dogs like his beloved Teddy are next in line to be sexually attacked and taken down to Virgin island to be molested by the sick modern plutocrats like Epstein or a Jeff Branson and others as clearly Epstein
was not the only ultra-billionaire in producing videos and sex orgies with pretty little teenager girls.The action of Branson and Epstein are nothing new as power Lords,kings,noblemen have committed the same sexual deviant barbarities and the Catholic Chirp is the biggest culprit of this evil and anything they ever say and make claims in society whether from migration to open borders should not even be acknowledge as the Catholic church has been a criminal organization filled with the most utter disgusting sexual deviants in history.
Dream Money
Right -Wing radio host Michael Savage went on a tangent recently about the reality of America declining and we see the likes of Jeffery Epstein more so in reality than an Albert Einstein. In this m]Michael Savage is totally dead wrong and this country and the West has always had a pedophile problem and it has only been exacerbated in this era of Epstein and Richard Branson and the ability for these men to practically hoarding so much wealth they can purchase islands,virgins, and the
governments to cover up the problem of child sex trafficking that has been going on since millennia and in the times witness by St Patrick and in Ireland itself. The role of capitalism in seedling women and allowing perverts with money to act out and often buy their way out of prosecutary penalties also is something that Savage never explains nor really has an interest and for all we kn ow Albert Einstein might have been a bigger pedo skirt chaser child rapiest than Jeffery Epstein. Getting away with illegible activities has been a dream money goal of many men and is why most billionaires like Epstein and Branson who donate to political schemes and parties need constant surveillance and scrutiny. The Catholic church along with other major religious institution though push the idea of hierarchical rule and the ability for rich wealthy men and men of money and of power of the cleric to molest little kids of in Epstein's case charter little girls to isolated cabins in isolated Caribbean vacation fronts and homes. British plutocrat King Richard Branson also named his companies the Virgin name in tribute to the elite preference and gloating of these Jeffery Epstein sexual collusion and rape of underage girls. Michael Savage says it was
disgusting and he worries about the eventual further erosion of peoples morals and whether dogs like his beloved Teddy are next in line to be sexually attacked and taken down to Virgin island to be molested by the sick modern plutocrats like Epstein or a Jeff Branson and others as clearly Epstein
was not the only ultra-billionaire in producing videos and sex orgies with pretty little teenager girls.The action of Branson and Epstein are nothing new as power Lords,kings,noblemen have committed the same sexual deviant barbarities and the Catholic Chirp is the biggest culprit of this evil and anything they ever say and make claims in society whether from migration to open borders should not even be acknowledge as the Catholic church has been a criminal organization filled with the most utter disgusting sexual deviants in history.
Fast bitch Jesse Combs was going way too fast and died
Casey Kelso
Some elite rocket girl was grilled as a speedster was killed in another example how the speed demons are willing to go for free publicity for themselves as this woman tried to top her record and a record few individuals get to compete for in high speed rocketry racing. The formula for this woman's racing goals were
ultimately death as human beings are not mean tot go 399 miles per hour on land and all attempts and hobby of this wench and others in wasting fuel to accomplish their goals are more forms of pathetic self -centering way for attention for themselves. Jesse Jeep represents all that is wrong with this country people like her wanting everything fast and big and if the states need money they need to put cameras to record people speeding in excess of 20 or 30 miles over the speed limit I see all of the fucking time as these reckless shits care little of endangering the lives of others. Something like this"Jet Car" should never had been created and pushed for this woman to jeopardize her life in and only in this sick car culture and obsessive needs for speed pushed forth by the media is what entitles this woman into believing she could be a caption and drive this SS Minow rocket ship into the dust bowls and shit holes of some remote desert. This woman is deader than a door nail and she will not be going to mars or a NASCAR race anytime soon and whether she can speed and drive really really fast in the after life remains in doubt and surly she will not be happy if unable to gratify this desire as she was able as a daughter of an elite on Earth. For Jesse Combs who didn't care about endangering her own life with this goofy daw attempt to break the sound barrier.
Jesse Combs will no longer be driving objects that go three hundreds miles per hour as she sought to gratify her drive to sudden and easy stardom through utter stupidity and depravity of speed that too many speed addicts think or are any importance in their impotent minds. Jesse Combs died suddenly and how she died is not the point as the cable network star of this speed pushing merchant cable show died in some sort of accident and investigators are ahhh investigating the accident. I don't know what there is to investigate and if anything the producers, funders, and advocated of this woman should be charged with murder for having her put her life in perilous conditions to meet cheap cable programming and the financial needs of mechanical engineers wasting money and resources for an object to go 400 miles per hour for a few seconds.
Some elite rocket girl was grilled as a speedster was killed in another example how the speed demons are willing to go for free publicity for themselves as this woman tried to top her record and a record few individuals get to compete for in high speed rocketry racing. The formula for this woman's racing goals were
ultimately death as human beings are not mean tot go 399 miles per hour on land and all attempts and hobby of this wench and others in wasting fuel to accomplish their goals are more forms of pathetic self -centering way for attention for themselves. Jesse Jeep represents all that is wrong with this country people like her wanting everything fast and big and if the states need money they need to put cameras to record people speeding in excess of 20 or 30 miles over the speed limit I see all of the fucking time as these reckless shits care little of endangering the lives of others. Something like this"Jet Car" should never had been created and pushed for this woman to jeopardize her life in and only in this sick car culture and obsessive needs for speed pushed forth by the media is what entitles this woman into believing she could be a caption and drive this SS Minow rocket ship into the dust bowls and shit holes of some remote desert. This woman is deader than a door nail and she will not be going to mars or a NASCAR race anytime soon and whether she can speed and drive really really fast in the after life remains in doubt and surly she will not be happy if unable to gratify this desire as she was able as a daughter of an elite on Earth. For Jesse Combs who didn't care about endangering her own life with this goofy daw attempt to break the sound barrier.

Stupid Brian Rosenwald writes a book claiming Rush Limbaugh and Morton Downey Jr in 1988 went to time machine and helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016
Ed West
There are some asinine absurd authors like no other and perhaps one of the most egregious asses of the pen need to be this clown I saw ion CNN promoting some book about how talk radio conservatives aka 1988 in Rush Limabaugh and Morton Downey Junior helped elected Donald Trump in 2016. This is the basis of the book written about Mr Limbaugh and Mr Downey two radio hosts we called many many times back in the day many many moons ago and somehow this silly jackass Brian Rosenwald thinks these guys in the eighties went on to hel Mr Trump in 2016. Mr Jewish Rosenwald seems to think the Morton Downey Jr Juniors and Rush Limbaugh's just
suddenly turned on a switch ahhhhhhhh much like a light switch in a hallway of a dark room. This nimrod just can't get that other political views exist then as now and differentiating opinions were already out there at the time and Mr Downey and Mr Limbaugh along with other great right-wing radio hosts tapped a market that the CNN'S and NBCs refused to allow a voice in the public discourse. This newfound ability of conservatives and right-wingers to get the message out is what drives the
current insanity of limousine liberals and Black panther radical Black supremacist Democratic Party corrupts insane in their membrane. Rosenwald's book is bullshit and he is a shit reporter well deserving of a shit spot on the shit fake news misleading network called CNN and for anyone to think Rush Limbaugh and Chicago;s own Morton Downey Junior were responsible for president Trump's amazing and marvelous victory is ahh like saying the mainstream media's obsession with Black racial identity topics and Bill Clinton got the Arkansas hick and punk elected twice and almost almost got his sick bitch into the White House on numerous occasions only to have the Americana people
awaken and prefer rule of a Islamic Kenyan and a New York real estate debt magnet in the White House than hand selected rule of the mainstream media. I wish Mr Rosenwald can go back in time like he claims time traveler Rush and Mort were able and then Mr Rosey can get a guest spot check on Mr Downey's show and get a fist and Mort's saliva into his face and learn a thing or two about the problem of falsehood lies and misinformation and how it should be treated.
There are some asinine absurd authors like no other and perhaps one of the most egregious asses of the pen need to be this clown I saw ion CNN promoting some book about how talk radio conservatives aka 1988 in Rush Limabaugh and Morton Downey Junior helped elected Donald Trump in 2016. This is the basis of the book written about Mr Limbaugh and Mr Downey two radio hosts we called many many times back in the day many many moons ago and somehow this silly jackass Brian Rosenwald thinks these guys in the eighties went on to hel Mr Trump in 2016. Mr Jewish Rosenwald seems to think the Morton Downey Jr Juniors and Rush Limbaugh's just
current insanity of limousine liberals and Black panther radical Black supremacist Democratic Party corrupts insane in their membrane. Rosenwald's book is bullshit and he is a shit reporter well deserving of a shit spot on the shit fake news misleading network called CNN and for anyone to think Rush Limbaugh and Chicago;s own Morton Downey Junior were responsible for president Trump's amazing and marvelous victory is ahh like saying the mainstream media's obsession with Black racial identity topics and Bill Clinton got the Arkansas hick and punk elected twice and almost almost got his sick bitch into the White House on numerous occasions only to have the Americana people
awaken and prefer rule of a Islamic Kenyan and a New York real estate debt magnet in the White House than hand selected rule of the mainstream media. I wish Mr Rosenwald can go back in time like he claims time traveler Rush and Mort were able and then Mr Rosey can get a guest spot check on Mr Downey's show and get a fist and Mort's saliva into his face and learn a thing or two about the problem of falsehood lies and misinformation and how it should be treated.
Bernie Sanders comes on Hill TV interview and bashes Mitch McConnel and Andrew Yang
Sebastian Salvador
Bernie Sanders was making his rounds on the Crystal program on political propaganda program called the Hill and Mr Bernie Vermont explained he was in Kentucky to propagate against Mitch McConnel. The drive to label Mr McConnell in preventing the communist Democrat Party into a Cuban-style gun confiscating evil entity is what he drawn the ires of the lefties socialist world onto Kentucky. Bernie also blasted Andrew Yang's proposal for a thousand dollar a month stipend and Mr Bernie demands people work for the state and state projects for the connected cronies instead of
being handed out a handout that obviously Bernie thinks is undeserving for Americans . Bernie and his drive for fifteen dollars a n hour as he explained why he was in Kentucky is basically being driven with bankrupting business and tax paying utilities of it instead of any fake concern this old weasel claims on helping the plight of the American worker. Bernie sanders attacked Andrew Yang like no other candidate to date and without a doubt he feels threatened by the Yang Gang and youthful movement that is driving this Democratic Party and interest and old Bernie is dropping in the polls incredibly as people realize this man is a propagandist working for Russia and his nickname should be "Moscow" Bernie as Colonel Sanders has traveled extensively in his past to the Russian authoritarian state and has often admired their one party brutal rule. The Vermont senator also is green in jealousy that another gray-=head senator has actual more power than himself and this is what drives Moscow Bernie with so mu chg hatred for the Kentucky Senator who stands up against the abusive power of the democratic authoritarians and globalists. Bernie Sander sis a racist wishing to bring more non-white people that can easily be cowed to vote for him and those who push an agenda he supports and Mr geriatric needs forced retirement as he has an old virus and worm going on workingmen his brain, He is losing it by the week as it becomes more painfully obvious this man is unfit to continue being senator of Vermont yet alone president and the only reason I reckon this shit is even senator is the role of outside money and the same money that has put Iihan Omar and Alexandrian Ocasio Cortez into positions of political power to divide and spread discord upon our land.
Bernie Sanders was making his rounds on the Crystal program on political propaganda program called the Hill and Mr Bernie Vermont explained he was in Kentucky to propagate against Mitch McConnel. The drive to label Mr McConnell in preventing the communist Democrat Party into a Cuban-style gun confiscating evil entity is what he drawn the ires of the lefties socialist world onto Kentucky. Bernie also blasted Andrew Yang's proposal for a thousand dollar a month stipend and Mr Bernie demands people work for the state and state projects for the connected cronies instead of
being handed out a handout that obviously Bernie thinks is undeserving for Americans . Bernie and his drive for fifteen dollars a n hour as he explained why he was in Kentucky is basically being driven with bankrupting business and tax paying utilities of it instead of any fake concern this old weasel claims on helping the plight of the American worker. Bernie sanders attacked Andrew Yang like no other candidate to date and without a doubt he feels threatened by the Yang Gang and youthful movement that is driving this Democratic Party and interest and old Bernie is dropping in the polls incredibly as people realize this man is a propagandist working for Russia and his nickname should be "Moscow" Bernie as Colonel Sanders has traveled extensively in his past to the Russian authoritarian state and has often admired their one party brutal rule. The Vermont senator also is green in jealousy that another gray-=head senator has actual more power than himself and this is what drives Moscow Bernie with so mu chg hatred for the Kentucky Senator who stands up against the abusive power of the democratic authoritarians and globalists. Bernie Sander sis a racist wishing to bring more non-white people that can easily be cowed to vote for him and those who push an agenda he supports and Mr geriatric needs forced retirement as he has an old virus and worm going on workingmen his brain, He is losing it by the week as it becomes more painfully obvious this man is unfit to continue being senator of Vermont yet alone president and the only reason I reckon this shit is even senator is the role of outside money and the same money that has put Iihan Omar and Alexandrian Ocasio Cortez into positions of political power to divide and spread discord upon our land.
Bill Nye sets up an exploratory committee and is considering running for president in 2020 to challenge president Trump
EDarl "Bam Bam" Cunningham
Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC to bash president Trump and again make the assertions that the rest of the climate changing brain-washed word is filled with anger and roids about how America is resisting the fake news of the fake scientists like William Nye saying something must be done about climate change. The globalist agenda in spreading the warming myth and dangers to the planet is all about economic takeover take over of economies and money for themselves as these ridiculous candidates like Bernie and other Democrat come up with these 1333 trillion spending plans of wealth money and creation for new owners and companies to deal with this fake crisis.
Bill Nye wishes for free money to be create for new captains of industry and energy and this is basically all this fake talk of this creep is all about as other seek to profit form the phoniness of a crisis of the planet warming due to human activity. If Bill Nye wanted to save the planet he would be demanding forced sterilization in countries such as Kenya and Indonesia as no amount of energy transition of windmills and solar panels will stop the fact that hungry unproductive mouths in these shit hole countries need to be fed and they want warm meals and not crickets,bugaroos, and hoppers off the grass.
Bil Nye is so angered by the conservative and global backlash resistance to the wackiness and mainstream media lying of the likes of himself that he is seeking to run for president or becoming a revolutionary vanguard warrior saint of mother Earth and he will personally lead a program to overthrow industrial societies and return man to the bronze age. Bill Nerd is a liar,a charlatan, and jackass, and a slime bucket undeserving of any speak as a non science guy and one that plays one of television as he has no climatic or meteorology background and is just some mechanical engineer toy maker bullshit artist like no other and perhaps this is the only thing that qualifies this man to run for president. I just prefer it he do it in Bolivia or Cameroon
Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC to bash president Trump and again make the assertions that the rest of the climate changing brain-washed word is filled with anger and roids about how America is resisting the fake news of the fake scientists like William Nye saying something must be done about climate change. The globalist agenda in spreading the warming myth and dangers to the planet is all about economic takeover take over of economies and money for themselves as these ridiculous candidates like Bernie and other Democrat come up with these 1333 trillion spending plans of wealth money and creation for new owners and companies to deal with this fake crisis.
Bill Nye wishes for free money to be create for new captains of industry and energy and this is basically all this fake talk of this creep is all about as other seek to profit form the phoniness of a crisis of the planet warming due to human activity. If Bill Nye wanted to save the planet he would be demanding forced sterilization in countries such as Kenya and Indonesia as no amount of energy transition of windmills and solar panels will stop the fact that hungry unproductive mouths in these shit hole countries need to be fed and they want warm meals and not crickets,bugaroos, and hoppers off the grass.
Bil Nye is so angered by the conservative and global backlash resistance to the wackiness and mainstream media lying of the likes of himself that he is seeking to run for president or becoming a revolutionary vanguard warrior saint of mother Earth and he will personally lead a program to overthrow industrial societies and return man to the bronze age. Bill Nerd is a liar,a charlatan, and jackass, and a slime bucket undeserving of any speak as a non science guy and one that plays one of television as he has no climatic or meteorology background and is just some mechanical engineer toy maker bullshit artist like no other and perhaps this is the only thing that qualifies this man to run for president. I just prefer it he do it in Bolivia or Cameroon
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