Stupid Stephan Colbert pleads and demands Chris Christie stop eating Krispy Kreme donuts and support dumping Trump

   Rex Reed Jr
   Stupid Stephan Colbert is a ultra unfunny and boring late night tlak how jost and his unfunny nature  and comedy even looks stupider without a studio laugh tracked audience for members to laugh at. The absurdity of these once celebrity worship an talk shows making the transition into full front political partisan pro-Democratic party broadcasts has been remarkable and made little mention  by the mainstream global media that owns programs such as that from Bill Moron, Trevor African, Jimmel Kimmshit, and Mr Colbert. Colbert is the most obvious spoof and unfunny of them all and he is and always has been a lying cocky and dumb jackass.
How this troll even got on television smells of propaganda and conspiracy and I would be willing to bet there are actual few fans or viewers to this mans broadcasts going back to this first few days on national television and this man is only given infomercial time to work and pleaded  the case for the Democratic party and the business interests that want to see China rise and those in America and the es that get rich from transferring wealth and material to the wicked CCP Chinese regime. Stephan Colbert has been looking desperate in the last few weeks as he knows if Trump is reelected it will be game over for the foreign funded globalist broadcasters manipulators and propagandists like him as China and the EU benefactors that allowed this moronic imbecilic to have air time and free positive press from all sorts of magazines and  publications may come to an end as their belt and economy subsidies to chumps like him may be tightened to the point this unfunny rat bastard gets booted off the air. Colbert admonished Chris Christie for working so tenaciously of president Trump's campaign  and told him he needed to be on the dump Trump team which is some imaginable nd mythical organization that Stephan Colbert believes he is leading as the mans brain becomes busted like a muffler. Stephan Colbert is having a mental breakdown as the election comes closer and he realizes that Joe Biden is a nasty old fuck that has no following or enthusiasm and the police tyrant he picked as a vice president has the personality and demeanor of ahh a jackass like Colbert himself. Colbert also told Christie he need to lay off the krispy Kreme and lose some weight

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