Glen Beck gets on the backboard and explains the Capital Hill protest an how the media will spin it

   Ramon Ramos

    Glen Beck deplored the small portion of the peaceful protests against congressional leaders who have set up a rig system working on orders from the EU and China to interfere and change the election results of the popularity movement and reelection of Donald Trump.

Glen Beck loves chalkboards as much as Steve Kornecki loves touch screens and Mr Beck was at it again in a paranoid state about the fate of the government and nation. Beck says these protests were set up by these Democratic lawmakers an their paid protest activists some of whom lead many Trump supporters into the halls of Montezuma and give the media the photo opportunity that the government is under siege. The media has spun   this protest against massive amounts of political corruption wasteful spending on part of the democrats and their  overseas cronies and instead focus the blame and hate onto Trump supporters who have had enough of the domestic terrorism of the left seeing on their television screens in cities across America and decided to hold their

own protest against those politicians that seek to undermine our democracy and work for the establishment of a autocratic repressive one run by the left and socialists. Glen Beck looked at his chalkboard and had a n Epiphany remembering all of the good times when he did t on corporate mainstream media and received a much higher income than doing it now on the Blaze to far fewer viewers and he almost had a meltdown and break down both triggered and angered for the media response to these events and the stupidity of the Trump supporters who followed the violent anarchist ANTIFA members into the halls of congress to give the democrats this propaganda material for weeks onto end and how they may use it to trample the rights of all Americans in the upcoming weeks as this country  into the dark days of a Joe Biden dictatorship. Crocodile tears appeared to be flowing down Glen Beck's face as he stated over and over again he has been warning  people of this since 9/11 and you never give the government the powers we have since the fling of the twin towers and beck made mention of the numerous times he was groped and fondled going through airport screenings and was displeased to find out how aroused he was by this touch and had to pray overtime to his Lord and God Jesus for forgiveness of getting a otherwise two incher dinker ll woodied up to three whole inches. Glen Beck is loco and crazy as ever and I want to see some Hollywood bog wigs make a movie and rivalry of a Glen Beck and Steve Kornecki battle  it out on their boards and screens on some comedy from hell someday if movies are ever again allowed  by the powers to be.

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