Jim Jordan confronts Black Supremacist Mondaire Jones and nutty senator Steny Hoyer

   Lionel Wagner

     Ohio congressman Jim Jordan is fighting the silly attempt by Democrats to try to game the Democratic process and try to get two more senate seats so they have more power to shove their radical out of touch agenda for this nation and shit like the New Green deal.Jim Jordan took on the twin towers of Black supremacist Mondaire Jones and crazed majority house leader Steny Hoyer form pushing  forth a new dirty tactic and try o bring about more states into the union that they feel will be reliably Democratic and only because these turkeys think Washington DC is safety in the for life Democratic category this is why they are pushing for the admittance  of this Detroit sized  city to become a stater.

One must this what is the next step for the Democratic psychos in making something a state and the black supremacist Mondaire Jones might be pushing for Detroit to be a state, Cleveland, Newark, maybe even panama and Cuba. Jordan called  out the democratic colleagues in congress pushing this insane attempt as what it is and that is just a major power grab and attmeot to increase the political domination of the likes of this shit congressman Steyny Hoyer and his fellow college and Black Supremacist Mondaire Jones.

Mr Jones made a horrible accusation and the usual causation the mania c Democrats do hen they face resistance to their hair brain power attempts and that is to throw out accusations of racism. Mondaire Jones comparison of republican resistance being White trash was met by moans at the stupidity  of this Black supremacist and the racism  that this idiot New York radical Marxist in out congress from New York needs to be exposed more as this shit head is among the worse of the worse of the Democrats.

Jim "Air" Jordan also mocked Mr Hoyer's statements in his two minute talk at the DC statehood and said "so what" so What" if Democrats get two more senate seats for allowing this small part ghetto a small city that has long been determine to be a federalized zone a century ago to not have the capital in a state and the power that would come with such a disastrous idea. The stupidity congressman Jordan must deal with this old white haired demonic wizard Hoyer and the number of political Black supremacists like Modaire Jones must be frustrating as fuck for a patriot like him

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