Surfer Gorgious Planktakus sees the biggest sharks and the rumored Godzilla shark off the coast of North Carolina

      Chet Oliver

   A massive long rumored left shark has been observed in the past few years by drunken sailors and surfers off the Cost of Florida and the Carolinas in addition to  being in and about Greenland. The shark is observed to be by some accounts over 200 feet long and by most accounts can swallow a merchant ship whole. Luckily  for surfers there is little interest this "Godzilla Shark" shows for small surfers that are like plankton compared to this big fish beast and for the first time this monolithic monster was photographed and some believe this is the biggest shark ever recorded my be three hundred million year old and ad survived to the modern era or it could be a horrifying Chinese or Russian shark submarine new military  weapons. 

  The Godzilla shark is a fact and matter of fact for those  willing to venture into its territory and whether this sea beast is ever corralled is highly  unlikely an this whale-type left shark may be the biggest thing the planet has seen since the days of the dinosaurs.  This sharkzilla is the real deal and not any figmentation of the mind of ole in Japan making up some Godzilla character and monster that doesn't exist and whose anatomy structural physiology would never be able to exist given the science. A creature like Godzilla can only exist in movie clay animation  of th fifties or computer CIG of the nineties and beyond nut given the number of testimony and sightings this 300 foot long left shark does exist. and now there is photographic evidence.
  A Greek surfer of Albanian extraction named Gorgious Plankakus has friends photo shoot one of is surfing runs one night a week or so ago and lo and behold there it was the famous Godzilla shark itself coming out of the waves. many shark hunters are making tie r way looking to find and kill this 400 foot shark that many insist doesn't exist and is another cryoptozoological scam and lie. Georgious swears  he saw the shark and it aid him no attention and he has the photograph evidence to maintain this claim. 

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