Amusement Park operator assaulted by a gang of Blacks in Miami

  Woody Underwood

      A shocking video of a hard working carnival worker one again showed the dangers and tribulations of these often over-looked blue collar workers in America that don't get any recognition and are among the most disrespected occupations in this country. This attack and assault of a big goon Ferris wheel driver was captured on video after he got into a verbal altercation with a Black woman and this incident likely occurred in a ghetto section of Miami as all of the revelers at this carnival were Black as the ace of spades. it is obvious that if this man was Black like everyone else there would not be such a vicious argument to be developed as the carnival worker asked this  woman to quickly exit  from the Ferris wheel for the next riders and she got into his face with all sorts of swearing and hate nice one  can expect from inner city residents in a shit hole part of Miami.

 This fight and gang attack on one amusement park operator occurred in the Opka Locka Hialeah Flea Market   and the White or Latino male operator suffered several head injuries ad may have a concussion form the attack in the video that showed perhaps eight or nine people pounding some love into his head. the still unnamed  amusement park operator and those that committed this assault strangely have not been identified and this s another news story that will go into the bin and no longer be reported on and whether as we suspect this is another staged event by the media to form racial animosity ,mistrust, and division is not yet know but would not at all be surprising. 

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