Red Eye Radio hosts eviscerate Lebron James for his tweet and says he should be off twitter and suspended indefinitely from the National Basketball league

 Dave Berkson

    Te red ye radio hosts are right wing pro-truckers and fossil  fuel insiders and syndicated radio hosts who work hard to serve the oil industry and discredit the theory f peak oil form Michael Rupert and James Howard Kuntsler. The Red Eye Radio hosts also make their take on airwaves to talk about cultural issues and the recent tweet where LeBorn James insulted and threatened policemen in Columbus , Ohio after a fa t Black girl was shot by police was another case of the basketball stars racism and hatred for police and now with the threats of violence in a now deleted tweet make Eric Haley and Gary McNamara call for Lebron's removal off social media. Lebozo Jame sis a scumbag and a half as we have always said without basketball would be in state penitentiary and without American professional sports capitalism this creep would be a

nobody. LeBron  uses his voice though now to promote hatred and racism and he need to be suspended by the National basketball league for this fact and Harley and McNamara are wondering why the cowardly NBA has done nothig of the constant hat tweets being pushed by this madman basketball player for the Los Angles Lakers.  King Jame sis a hate monger along with president Theft Biden and Harley and McNamara say that James and Biden are just  two puppets for the communists China and this is why they are freely

allowed to speak hate and lies through their voices. Lebron James does nothing but stroke racial hatred and he should be called out for being a Black supremacist fear mongering condemning the police for shooting a monster teen Black girl who was about to stab another black girl and because a policeman in stopped and  prevented a murder  King James is mad and made proposal threats against the police department and its members in Columbus. The Red Eye radio jag fags called out the hate of Lebron James and for Jack Doresy and Adam Silver to censure and condemn this mad man Leborn James and put an end to his incessant whining and racism he is promoting thought his tweets
 For Jackass James to bash the police for shooting a psychopath girl who was about to stab another girl shows how much this egomaniac ballers brain has busted and become  chopped liver and James doesn't realize the job definition of  a policeman to serve and protect and if the cop didn't do anything chumps like this asshole Lebron . Perhaps Lebron James thinks that police should  witnessing allow the crime or murder to take place and them make an arrest and the stupidity of this shit head Lebron is so obviously  many are wondering if indeed even basketballers  get concussion and brain damage with unseen head butts during and occurring fast in the  game of Basketball ball. 


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