Officer Tatum bashes the ass of New Jersey devil politician Corey Booker

 Clark Kramer

     The YouTube personality  known as Officer Tatum who is a former peace officer for Albuquerque, New Mexico is well known and has a huge following on the internet. he takes a stab and look on the world of politics and what he saw this past senate hearing and how liberals went soft on this criminal nominee of Joe Biden disgusted the officer especially the ass kissing of New Jersey senator Corey Booker who much of the polticla world knows the man is incompetent and does little in the world of politics aside from spreading racial division and mistrust.

Corey Booker is a dumb clown and perhaps some of the worse current members of the US Senate and the state of New Jersey must do everything in their power to replace this idiot as his performance at the senate confirmations  was more typical garbage by this politician and activist of division. Corey Booker asked Kentija Brown Jackson nothing about her history of decisions on the past courts and how it pertained to today instead boot licking this woman so much it made wonder if Corey Booker has long been a sub client of this Kenjita activist judge. Ms Brown Jackson politically is little different from the rotten

Chicago preacher Jesse Jackson and she is a disgrace like him  given her strong avocation and work to give as light sentences as possible to pedophiles primarily if they are black. Corey Booker gave Kenquina a platform to produce crocodile tears and to get radicalize sympathy because Republicans asked the questions that should of been asked and boobs like Corey would refuse in their rotten partisan outlook at all confirmations and appointments and again Corey Booker is a dick less wonder horrible representative for anyone except perhaps demons. Corey Booker is a dumb ass and a half totally not a real leader but a weak

politician in it for personal and financial gain and the mans performance and theatrics stupidity at the hearing for sick and bad Joe Biden pick for the supreme court is typical of the garbage partisan politicians that fill the Democratic orifices with shit of the likes of Corey Booker is both  both a dip shit and a sit head. Officer Tatum went on to bash this politician Booker as being an embarrassment and making it always about race and himself whenever one of these questioning hearings for a appointment or nominee and he reminded his audience of this scoundrel senator from Jersey;s antics when Bret Kavanaugh was being questioned. Corey Booker is a partisan race hustler and offers nothing in politics and sought to play the race card in his quest to coronate  this horrible judge ignoring the disastrous decisions this justice made and it is justices soft on the criminal class that helped mold and make Corey Booker's Newark and other Black urban areas of no go zones  dangerous and rotten to the core no doubt about it and all with the support and backing of our politician criminals such as this scumbag dirtball Corey Booker who should resign form the US senate for his inactions at stopping crime and at this senate questioning of Karen Brown Jackson.

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