Corporate sport hack jackass Pat McAfee excited and thinks Tom Brady is deserving of millions and millions from media

 Dick May

     YouTube on-line former NFL punter and current broadcast troll best describes Pat McAfee and naturally he did video in the egregious contract that was announced the other day making many wonder why an already successful and rich athlete was deserving of even more riches, Naturally Pat McAfee wanting to ba a bog contract moneyball voice as well supported this huge contract ignoring the fact that Tom Brady sucks in ti]interviews and when he did Monday Night football at halftime on the radio there was nothing spectacular of hos sports talk and how the likes of FOX News can just be given money that is the public's money and can be used for better serve all is something naturally the former punter for thew Indianapolis Idiots don't want to dwell into and he thinks Brady and the bunch of other NFLs ballers are deserving of these bogus pay regardless of the rings this chump has accumulated. Once again the accomplishment of athletes needs to be compared with the overall importance of society and nothing Tom Brady or any other sports athlete does is worthy if the glorification and worship bootlickers like this tank top wearing, wise cracking hackass Pat McAfee and others are wiling to praise. 

Brady proud of his "accomplishments' in team ball and throwing a ball

 Pat McAfee is a corporate hack and this jerk sees absolutely  nothing wrong with an already overwhelming rich guy like Tom Brady to be making even more money as he is so deserving of it given the extreme reaches of financial industry created money printing and increased inequality not even having a talk of this massive contract or discussion of its worth and if Brady is even worth 5% of it. This is because McAfee shares the of the greed and wealth distribution  that would create such a  media salary for Tim Brady to be further rewarded through the scam of professional sports and collusion of it with the media and big corporate  monopolists .
 Matt McAfee came out and boot licked the ass of Tom Brady saying it was great for the fans and for the league for this greedy baller elite to get three hundred millions dollars for essentially being the boring dude Tom Brady is and again if Fox thinks Brady is well worth the money I challenge them  to listen to Tom Brady at halftime games the past several season and say with a straight face that Brady is so deserving of this money to flap his lip. 

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