Alex Jones comes to the Patrick David-Bet podcast and blasts Joe Biden and his Karine Jean-Pierre and other the Batman villain corrupt Democrats as he considers running for president in Republican primary

   Paulie Smalley

    The great Alex Jones came on Infowars and blasted the corporate mainstream media as Democratic party State media of the establishment and he spoke of their willingness to Aid in any way possible the corrupt Joe Biden Administration and his criminal syndicate family. Alex Jones came on the Patrick Bet David podcast with a 3-hour incredible talk and they play the video of him predicting Tucker Carlson would have been fired and indeed he was from Fox News the media fascism and censorship of the big corporate media along with her big

Tech allies is something that Alex Jones has suffered personally and now they were planning on doing the same thing with Tucker Carlson before Elon Musk threw a monkey wrench into their plans. The corporate mainstream media is corrupt to the bone and they support the bonehead in charge Joe Biden because he is an incompetent leader and he allows criminality and corruption .Alex Jones along with Patrick David Bet's also talked about the incompetent

Karine Jean Pierre horrendous  propaganda and for all the talk of Tucker Carlson being a Republican propagandist what Joe Biden has in this black lesbian is a pure and open propagandist on par with the shit seen in Iraq run by Saddam Hussein. Karine Jean-Pierre looked very uncomfortable as Bet-David  play the video of these reporters

asking the same questions to this Biden sycophant clown Pierre over and over again about the corruption case indictments against

his son and basically Karine Jean Pierre ignored many of these questions.  it appears in 2023 that basically bribing  foreign governments is nit a crime according to this pathetic lesbian press secretary or the Biden administration that Hunter was able to grift and pressure forcing business people to support his daddies campaign and Hunter had the the backing and power of his father and for this this man should face prosecution crimes where he is locked up for a very long time. Alex Jones is the biggest media voice sought by the corporate world to be silenced since

Rush Limbaugh and there are many similarities to Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. Patrick Bet David couldn't believe some of the shit Alex Jones was saying and he wandered why there was such a large segment against him and how the hell is he ever going to pay back and Mr Jones said the recent trial and lawsuit against him was not about money but meant to silence and destroy him. Alex Jones spike of running against Trump running on a ticket with Trump playing golf with Trump and having one of Lex Jones many free meals and going to a steak Joint with Donald Trump on someone elses dime and living life large for talking shit and chilling and having a dinner at a 4 star restaurant in Austin, Texas. Alex Jones also spoke of dating Karine Jean Pierre and getting under her brain and seeing what makes this madwoman conspiracy theorist and Biden propagandist and big dam liar tick and wondered why this whore was not on Tik Tok.

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