Psychopath Keith Olberman ignores MSNBC CNN Disney propaganda goes after Associated Press once everyone fired

 Woody Underwood

.  To say the Keith Olberman is a ranting raging psychopath would be an understatement. The failed former sports announcer ESPN host and MSNBC contributor has regressed to being the scumbag on Twitter X who just rants and rages and yet somehow given that the man has no credibility or popularity news outlet still report on his words as if they matter. Keith Olberman quite literally is a retard who should be in a mental hospital with a White Jacket with no arms. The disturbed arrogant pompous former media Monarch still thinks that he is a royal member of a kingdom media network,  but in all Essence Keith Olberman is kaput and is no longer

employed by any major media company. The man has become a troll on Twitter X and this troll asshole came on to demand the firing of those who wrote positively of Donald Trump's return to Washington through the Association Press. 

     In Keith Olberman's overly psychotic mind every news outage should sound and be like MSNBC and CNN. The fact that Associated Press and others do not at times angers thee delusional mind of this madman who has become very irrelevant but still makes headlines from Fox and other sites. Keith Olbermann is a ranting , raging lunatic who should be deported to Canada and the fact that this idiot still holds US citizenship is absolutely deplorable. to say that Keith Olberman is deplorable is common sense and the stupid former failed ESPN sports host continues to make a royal ass of himself. Keith Olberman cried like the little baby that he is as this idiot is demanding

that those who wrote what he termed a pro Trump propaganda piece and the Associate Press about his successful return the capital and the AP writers has brought in a news story on the Republicans should be fired. Keith Olbermann is a cocksucker and a half who attempts on a nightly basis to bring his little 3-in dick into his mouth and suck it like a little thumb. Keith Doberman should be arrested for impersonating a human being and the stupid failed media monarch is

irrelevant today and these news networks need not to comment on anything that this silly jackass has an opinion. No Doubt Keith is a silly bastard as Stone Cold Steve Austin would call someone such as he and the delusional and deranged Keith Olberman needs to be instutionalized. Keith Olbermann is indeed a silly jackass who is a delusional crazed madman and again this man needs to be in a white jacket and in a pad room of a mental hospital either in Washington state or Washington DC or Washington whatever Keith Olberman you can go to hell

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