The gay gorilla embarrassed and angered at Georgia Zoo as kids mock it with a video of other free gay gorillas frolicking in the wild

 Neil Knight

     Gay gorillas for some reason have been allowed to remain in zoos and captivity the United States and other Western countries that are still allowing 2024 the unjust captivity of animals in zoos.  These public zoos need to be disband and ended as the holding captive of wild animals into small pens is both cruel and unusual and something that is barbaric straight out of the 18th, 19th century. The concept of the zoo should be abolished and a recent video of a gay gorilla being very angry and upset as two kids are watching videos of other gorillas in the wild while laughing at the uncivilized condition of the captive gorilla in the zoo. The gorilla seem to understand that the gorilla watches intently the kids tablets at the Gorillaz in the wild have much more freedom and space and one could clearly see the anger on the zoo captive hostage Gorilla which to realize that he is an environment that is not natural to his species nor should be accepted by humanity in the modern age. The Captivity of big beasts like the gay

gorillas, Silverbacks, and other wild monkeys in zoos along with the other animals isn't utter reprehensible past centuries habit that just doesn't seem to go away. 

     We here at the Anti-Pet Association have long been Anti-Zoo and have called for the abolishment of all international zoos across the world much to no avail and often to mockery as no one can see that these animals basically are prisoners and essentially did nothing for their confinement and captivity in a jail cell. This poor Gay Gorilla looked at his wild cousins on the tablet and then looked around at his own settings to realize that something was wrong and amiss with this picture. Perhaps this gorilla as it pounded on the glass in order demanding to hold the tablet knew that something was wrong. It was ironic that these kids were playing videos of wild

gorillas while this captive prisoner watched intently at the gorillas that he recognized on the computer tablet and likely turned on the gay Gorilla. This video is both depressing and sad and is a indicative sickness of modern mankind in keeping animals caged up for their entertainment through observation of these wild animals in captivity.  In a civilized society Zoo should not exist and we need to do everything in the near future to bring about the extinction of animal zoos across the world.

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