Jay Yang
Our writer Lee Park Kong has been killed in an Korean Airplane crash the other day. Lee Park was watching Tik Tok K Poop videos sex traveling from Bangkok to South Korea when a big birdie type sesame street character was swallowed up in the jets engine. The jet crashed much like Aaron Roger's New York football career into a fury ot explosions and fire. Make no mistake, there is a mass collapse that's coming to the airline industry as the race to the bottom will affect the industry and these fools who fly so much having so much money and hoarding wealth through their confiscation of corporation will
be seen. A bird sucking an engine killed over 150 people in Korea it's brought down a Korean airliner the other day and a near repeat of a Canadian airliner. In addition, there was another near bird brain crash and one leaving New York's JFK Airport and we are going to see base a common development in the coming months or years.
The airline industry is trying to cut Corners desperate for profits and unable to maintain and afford the maintenance at these expensive airliners and I have long predicted that you're going to see airplane crashes left and right and airplanes are going to be fallen from the fucking sky. We have suffered yet another loss on our incredible writing team as our Asian Korean correspondent. Lee Kong Park has been killed on this plane visiting a Korean style Chicken restaurant he really wanted to do a review going to
Korea just for this. The race to the bottom of the global corporate greed world is going to hit the airline industry very hard and there is no way the airline industry as we know it it's going to have all these air flights and be able to maintain this with this corrupt economy and the quickly dwindling resources the word is witnessing. The humanity is facing air crisis in so many ways and definitely many of these jet setting and addicted Koreans who died likely were watching K-pop and didn't know what hit their ass nor do they probably care watching their Tik Tok videos. Right before your eyes the fucking airline industry is melting down falling and collapsing as their infrastructure and airlines are breaking apart. Airplanes are breaking apart in midair might not be such a bad thing as this is a planet cannot continue to take so much abuse the airline exhaust and jet fuel is putting into the atmosphere in order to feed the ego and needs of arrogant and pompous rich people. these are the people who have tremendous negative impact and huge carbon footprint always needing a vacation and to travel the world as elite and privileged bullshit artists of the economy.
There needs to be a limit on the number of travels individuals can do and they should be limited to no more than two flights a year and indeed we need to do everything that's possible and use of government to bring about decline in the airline industry in general just from the combustion waste that is put into the atmosphere. The arrogance of these wealthy people to talk about climate change and make demands while they go on a jet every other week cannot be understated and ignored and it is rich and wealthy
people who continue to make abuses whether it be very expensive fast gas guzzling cars or flying in the jet 100 times a year 80 to 100 times a year. The airline industry is collapsing right before your fucking eyes and there's nothing that these wealthy people are going to be able to do to prevent this having hoarded so much wealth and cutting corners through corporation and global Khan games in order to bring about their wealth. Lee Park Kong dead at the age of 38