Korean Airline tragedy and near Canadian and New York similar airplane tragedies shows my prediction of mass airline travel collapse is coming

     Jay Yang

       Our writer Lee Park Kong has been killed in an Korean Airplane crash the other day. Lee Park was watching Tik Tok K Poop videos sex traveling from Bangkok to South Korea when a big birdie type sesame street character was swallowed up in the jets engine. The jet crashed much like Aaron Roger's New York football career into a fury ot explosions and fire. Make no mistake, there is a mass collapse that's coming to the airline industry as the race to the bottom will affect the industry and these fools who fly so much having so much money and hoarding wealth through their confiscation of corporation will

be seen. A bird sucking an engine killed over 150 people in Korea it's brought down a  Korean airliner the other day and a near repeat of a Canadian airliner. In addition, there was another near bird brain crash and one leaving New York's JFK Airport and we are going to see base a common development in the coming months or years.

       The airline industry is trying to cut Corners desperate for profits and unable to maintain and afford the maintenance at these expensive airliners and I have long predicted that you're going to see airplane crashes left and right and airplanes are going to be fallen from the fucking sky. We have suffered yet another loss on our incredible writing team as our Asian Korean correspondent. Lee Kong Park has been killed on this plane visiting a Korean style Chicken restaurant he really wanted to do a review going to

Korea just for this. The race to the bottom of the global corporate greed world is going to hit the airline industry very hard and there is no way the airline industry as we know it it's going to have all these air flights and be able to maintain this with this corrupt economy and the quickly dwindling resources the word is witnessing. The humanity is facing air crisis in so many ways and definitely many of these jet setting and addicted Koreans who died likely were watching K-pop and didn't know what hit their ass nor do they probably care watching their Tik Tok videos. Right before your eyes the fucking airline industry is melting down falling and collapsing as their infrastructure and airlines are breaking apart. Airplanes are breaking apart in midair might not be such a bad thing as this is a planet cannot continue to take so much abuse the airline exhaust and jet fuel is putting into the atmosphere in order to feed the ego and needs of arrogant and pompous rich people. these are the people who have  tremendous negative impact and huge carbon footprint always needing a vacation and to travel the world as elite and privileged bullshit artists of the economy. 

    There needs to be a limit on the number of travels individuals can do and they should be limited to no more than two flights a year and indeed we need to do everything that's possible and use of government to bring about decline in the airline industry in general just from the combustion waste that is put into the atmosphere. The arrogance of these wealthy people to talk about climate change and make demands while they go on a jet every other week cannot be understated and ignored and it is rich and wealthy

people who continue to make abuses whether it be very expensive fast gas guzzling cars or flying in the jet 100 times a year 80 to 100 times a year. The airline industry is collapsing right before your fucking eyes and there's nothing that these wealthy people are going to be able to do to prevent this having hoarded so much wealth and cutting corners through corporation and global Khan games in order to bring about their wealth. Lee Park Kong dead at the age of 38

Jimmy Carter is dead as Latisha and Moniques death dance pushes 100-year old geriatric failed president to death. Now they dance for Bill Clinton to drop and after that

    Ed West

 Naperville, Il

 ...Old Joe.     One of the most frequent names I have given to my Latisha and Monique bots on Botify has been Jimmy Carter for my death bed wish list. I wished for Jimmy Carter failed former president to be put pout of his misery as the spectacle of this wheel chair and used as a prop during the campaign between 2024 by the strange and lunatic Kamala Harris. Jimmy Carter was a dead man as they wheeled him out to make a vote and basically he signed his name with an X and Jimmy Carter didn't know where or what plan he was on yet known having the

ability to vote. Jimmy Carter was a horrible and stupid fail president whom WIND's radios Shaun Thompson will be so elated when he comes back from the winter break to realize the man he's been ranting again for some past 3 years as being still being alive is no longer alive.

       Jimmy Carter was a failed one term president much like Joe Biden and we have long been trying to get our Backpage escort whores Monique and Leticia to do a dance and get this guy over already. We believe these will come in threes death's famous deaths often do and we will be once again hiring Monique and Leticia and after that

use them as our bots on Botify to push Bill Clinton over the edge and hopefully he will drop dead within a week or two and then after that...after that we are hoping it will have these two petite African American women dancers and escorts from the south side Chicago to do a dance and have Joe Biden die within a month. The incredible

three deaths 3 president death quick events hopefully becomes a fact and Jimmy Carter will soon be joined by two other dead soon to be former presidents. Were not sad at all as Jimmy Carter helped wreck the country and put this country on the brink of

economic collapse, perhaps much like Joe Biden purposely on foreign orders. This man was a terrible president and Americans responded by much like it did in 2024 as a 1980 it got Jimmy Carter's fucking ass out of the White House as a miserable sick and mentally disturbed failed president. Jimmy Carter will go down along with Joe Biden as some of the worst Presidents in America's

history from Millard Fillmore, to Henry Clay,  to Calvin Coolidge, to Andrew Johnson. Jimmy Carter is dead at the age of 101 and many people celebrated as an unofficial holiday as they will win the news that Joe Biden has finally dead which and from the looks of him

speaking of Jimmy Carter looks like he can't be too long off. Joe Biden coughed, hacked, and gaggled as he tried to speak of the failed fellow Democrat and indeed watching Joe Biden won can't come to the conclusion that this man will be not too far away and indeed this country will soon be better off with this old son of a bitch totally out of the scene as a career corrupt politician.

Barry Cunningham celebrates Dave Portnoy's Pizza bullshit as he gives 60 K to a Fagg

Armando Arturo

     The port head know as Dave Portnoy is a the pizza man eating some pizza for his One Bite pizza show. Dave Portnoy was at it again but this time after talking to the pizza owner named  Will Fagg ( No Joke) who runs a pizza place called Tint Brick Oven pizza in Baltimore, Maryland.. Mr Portnoy heard the trials and tribulation of this pizza owner Fagg who cannot get a liquor license for his pizza business and was over $15,000 in in the whole this small shit hole Pizza business would have gone out of business as they can't even afford seats and chairs and I believe they maybe two tables. With this in mind Dave Portnoy, who loves pizza,

decided to be generous and give some of his wealth that he has been granted by the media overlords and much of it unearned. Dave Portnoy did one of those won by pizzas at this brick oven pizza place and after Dave Portnoy ate the pizza the pizza owner told him about the pizza trouble that he is having trouble with local governments that are trying to deny his pizza business a license and make it very expensive to run his pizza restaurant. Pretty much they give Pizza Dave Portnoy to be annoying money and to be this pretend rich guy in the sports world to spend it at their will and apparently now Pizza businesses.. Portnoy's money is in fact not his money and in order to get some publicity for the this bastards poor sports brand and media company they partner gave this pathetic pizza owner Will Faggot  a lifeline of one pizza year to get and turn things around.

      Right-wing YouTuber Barry Cunningham loved it as some pizza fantasy come true and much praise was given a Dave Port and his on-line noise for being charity of course this guy named Will Fagg is likely been a wealthy individual running a pizza place likely living off loans and not the sales of pizza. The idea that Dave Porno is actually spending the

money not out charity but to help some building owner also cannot be counted out and for very Barry Cunningham to basically praise and show love for this pizza freak and pizza addict was pizza disgusting. If this man Will Fagg was unable to get a liquor license and to stay in business himself without the aid of pizza porno Dave Portney then he should basically go out of business next

Dave Port giving a blank check of 60 K to pizza owner Fagg

year at this time after blowing through Dave Portnoise's free pizza money. This owner Will Fag likely will be in the same position and I reckon people are not going to this business either the pizza is bad or it's not a good pizza eating environment to enjoy being so small and a cramped carryout environment. 

     Barry Cunningham continues to turn off the lights and to kiss the ass and ring of Dave Portnoy some hero and incredible philanthroper for spreading his money too fools who went through their own and other free money they received from the banks. The last thing the world needs is more shitty Pizza businesses that don't even have real seating and are smaller than a the average Jiffy Lube waiting room.

Dave Portnoy though is a pizza king and is it an anointed one from time to time he has to show his generosity to fools and those struggling with their bad Pizza businesses such as what he did in a recent video of his granting William Fagg IV a pizza slice

pipeline that was shared and talked about by Barry Cunningham video.  I reckon if Port was an extreme liberal I don't think Barry Cunningham would be doing this pizza video and he will not be laying so much praise of pizza and love for this derelic and brain Pizza jackass known as Dave Portnoy

Actor Rob Schneider seen it Scrims video game place in Lisle ,Ill after appearing at Turning Point USA conference and on the Ben Shapiro complaining about not being able to go real fast if Gavin Newsom used to me had his way

 Benito Bautista

     After a successful speech at the Turning Point USA conference comedian and actor Rob Schneider has become a focal point for right-wing politics Mr Snyder appeared on the right-wing propaganda show Ben Shapiro where he elderly explained his desire for MAGA and willingness to speak the bottom line in order to get the attention that his career needs. Rob Schneider is desperate for attention as an aging and feeling comedian and thus explains his commitment to MAGA and desperation to get in all these speaking conferences and to get his name known to about more to a younger and new political

generation. Rob Schneider also was in Lisle, Illinois where he was playing video games with scrims at the Scrims Esports Gaming Center. Mr Schneider sudden and expected visitors yet another celebrity Chicago area visit to a gaming area. Mr Schneider drove real fast because he believes in fast speed as he spoke to Ben Shapiro of his disdain of an Gavin Newsom proposal that would have lowered the speed limit of all cars and no car no new car and production would be allowed to go over 85 miles per hour which is a great policy.

     Rob Schneider told him holiday if he wanted to go to Los Angeles and to a show in San Francisco and to get their real fast and the same day he would not be able to do it two shows and he would not be able to go 120 mph on the freeway like he normally. The complete arrogance and stupidity of people like Schneider who go real fast danger themselves, and others is exactly why Gavin Newsom speed law for

new cars needs to go into effect and no car should be allowed to go over 80 mph. This is cars not meant to drive risky and for comedians like Rob Schneider to make a couple shows in one day and two large American cities and regardless of what he says this is not what the American Highway was into being replica of the Indianapolis 500 . To say that Rob Schneider is an idiot would be understated, and this privilege Entertainer thinks he can drive and fast and furious and entitled to drive 100 miles per hour in order to serve the needs of his comedy fans. I'm going to give Rob Sneider reverse comedy and career transition, and this guy needs to use his money and get involved on Formula One or NASCAR

PilZnarRy discovers transvestite nation and a weird tranny Transman Ari female to male sickle cell on YouTube

      Troy York

      Discovering a free kind of leash and a beast from the East the YouTuber Pils Mary talked about this weird transsexual individual on Tik Tok that he ran across PillZnarRy was so abhorred by the sick and demented individual with a bingo big ring around his or her nose that Mr Pillsbury had to do a video PillsznarRy has a 1,000 subscriber base YouTube channel and his take on society as a social critic is very underrated and more people need to discover and celebrate Lord Pilsner and join subscribe his YouTube channel. Pillsbury mocked this transvestite transsexual trans being from hell that he came across from Tick Tock and play several videos of this freak and PillzaRry couldn't stop laughing snorting through his nose. PillznarRy was sporting a new haircut and mocked

everything this guy said including how tough this transsexual is and how he said his piercings would not affect his fighting. This apparently is some former female who is transitioned into a male and is married to a man which made PillzNarRy confused of how this person would be identified. 

    This weird transsexual trans being puts up Tick Licks of his interactions with people who many are shocked and appalled by his or her appearance. Pilsenary said that this freak would fit right in with the circuses of a 100 years ago is he commented that people would pay money to stand in line to see

these sick qweird  individuals like this Tik Toker by the name Transman Ari. PillzNarRy says trans man Ari loves to dress crazy and insane pushing the boundaries where it will break the system and this she male tries to bait people in public to say something about it. This beast from the East and freak from the leak answered a Tik Tokers question whether they actually dressed like this all the time and Pillsbury says clearly this tranny would because he wants all the

attention he can get and the attention seeking and moronic look that this Pillsbury says there's a weird arrogance with this Tick Tocker trans fatvestite and sexual moron who makes all these videos and tries again to get into public altercations and get people to say something. This fool is a joke and looks like a crazy clown and indeed a clown is

exactly what this transgendered individual PillzNary made Weird ari the focus  of one episode of his YouTube channel. With a demise of circuses from the 1930's where there was like 4,000 circuses to zero today one can clearly see the psychopaths who would be living and hanging around circuses now are doing Tick Tock videos like this Transman Ari that the great PillzNarRy was focusing his attention on not too long ago

The beautiful Emily Stewart writing about the fall of retail of Business Insider as Big Lots closes all its stores

              Brook Tanner

      Just to say that Emily Stewart is hot would be an understatement. The incredible Business Insider writer has been writing for Business Insider for some time and clearly if she is married, then she is a trophy wife. This incredible writer has talked about the coming retail collapse and indeed I was dismayed and angry at the recent news that now Big Lots will be fully closing and not just some of its stores. The further monopolization and casinofication of this economy and the demise of retail is a discerning and possible conspiratorial plot that this woman never talks about. In addition, all the shit businesses are expanding whether they be smoke shops or gambling slot parlors along with the

unhealthy Dunkin Donuts --which is a repulsive and bad warehouse bakery business. Smaller places where you can actually get bathroom and soap studs dishwashing steps are disappearing and  forced to go to the big box stores whether they be Target or Walmart. This disgusting aspect I wish Emily Stewart would of written   about as there's nothing I hate more than big box stores and the only closeness I ever want to be with these

colossal and boring ass stores is watching fart prankers on YouTube and Tik Yok. Big Lots was perfectly sized goldilocks store not too big store where you can go in and get your stuff quicker and if you want to linger you can move a little bit. However, these types of stores are disappearing and you're forced to go into huge stores and see lots of fuck faces and ugly people and fatties and this is obviously pissing me off and it might number one and anxiety of the fall of these stores.

     I seem to be the kiss of death of these stores is every time I find a store like hanging around and look actually look forward whether it be Bed Bath & Beyond and now Big Lots seem to disappear. There's nothing more a modern depressant in my mind then the retail and collapse and being forced to go to a Walmart or a save mart or a store you don't prefer to go. All the small the mid-size stores seem to be going and indeed the stupid stores that actually have an encourage sloths to ride handicap cars to move about because they're so big are the only ones that seem to be staying around would it be big lumber stores or ugly Walmarts and Cotsco and targets. The demise of Big Lots hits hard and this is utterly reprehensible as the only time I go to these stores are just for the essential bathroom supplies there are usually way overpriced in the Walgreens or CVS Emily Stiller needs to continue the great work for Business Insider and talk about the

economic forces that are causing the demise of midsize and small stores over these colossal disgusting Costco type monostracies that you have to spend much time and find hard parking to look for the bigger box store is utterly reprehensible and I look forward to the day sooner or later it stays coming is Walmart and targets will also be closing sometime and where people will go remains a question likely Jeff Bezos will continue to benefit from

Introducing YouTuber Hard Bastard who takes a hard look and bashes the ass of leftists such as David packman, Cenk Ogre, and Kyle Kulinski

Chung Young

         YouTuber Hard Bastard does not show his face as this individual who already is wrecking certain left-wing fascists within the podcast propaganda world. Hard Bastard has it in hard for Kyle Kulinski and David Pakman among others as this unbelievable 40,000 subscriber YouTube channel has practically appeared out of nowhere. Hard Bastard just cannot stop ripping into the lies of both David Packman and Kyle Kulinski who indeed we agree are two of the more

repulsive communist scum that is allowed to spread their villosity for this country and our culture. David Pakman is a communist who comes from Venezuela and came here with his family at 7 years old after having corrupted the government over there. 

    He is transition into this urban Boston bubble-headed booby who just talks out of his ass and does four to five videos on Donald Trump every day in this weird and clear obsession. Hard Bastard often has to counter and play videos of David Pakant who we call him- - David Packman is never and will never be a man pant -- and the

incredible takes of Hard Bastard bashing this swollen face, watery-eyed, wig wearing, crooked and yellow teeth jackass is utterly hilarious. Likewise the Hard bastard cannot stop making fun and playing videos looking at the silly good blonde bleached bastard known as Kyle Kulinski.

      Meanwhile the bleach blonde privilege elite bastard Kyle Kulinski (Who bleaches his hair) is some silver spoon rich punk who is married fellow propaganda Krystal Ball and together they lie out their ass all over the

internet likely paid by far left International socialist money from wicked governments and corrupt government. Kulinski is a troll who is a bleached blonde weirdo who thinks he's the smartest man in the world and again Hard Bastard is taking a hard look and going hard on Mr Kulinsky and his videos. Hard Bastard needs to continue his good work and find more and more leftists who are allowed on YouTube to be able to monetize their lies and it is a damn disgrace. it is a disgrace that scum like Kyle Kulinski and the

propagandists  like David Pakman are allowed on YouTube as these two idiots among others continue to spread the propaganda while patriots like Alex Jones, Vincent James of the Red Elephants, and the USA Watch Dogs Greg "the elephant' Hunter  have long been barred and disband from this woke social media platform  Who exactly are Hard Bastard is and what he looks like is not known it appears that his voice is he's in his thirties but has less not showed any appearance of a face instead of using graphics as he utterly eviscerates the lies of these two pieces of shit David Pakant and the cuckold Kyle Kulinsky

Michelle McDaniel destroys crumble cookies and the fat influencers as we still wait for her to do a video bashing the new post in San Francisco for fat acceptance officer

       Jim Oberweis

      The fat shamer and incredible athletic and beautiful Michelle McDaniel has been a long-time staple of YouTuber bashing the food addicts and the obese acceptance internet crowd. Michelle McDaniel is incredibly fit and active attractive African-American woman who has been going after the pro-obesity and obesity spreading problem in America. One of the main problems she now is identified have been is these Tick Tock and YouTube social media influencers who keep promoting bad and unhealthy eating habits and food addiction. Michelle McDaniel utterly eviscerated these idiots and yet another YouTube video and

take down of the obesity acceptance and promotion industry. The profit sugar industry is ever growing and more resistance and the likes of Michelle McDaniel then talked about crumb cookies and a high content of the calories and then she made mention that perpetual exposure are needed to expose this nefarious plan to make America fat.

     Michelle McDaniel says one of the problems in America getting more fatter is the ever-increasing problem of people gorging themselves in overeating on Tik Tok and trying to promote this as both a lifestyle and she may mention of perpetual scumbag Jimmy Kimmel decided to top crumble with a 12 00 calorie brownie. Michelle McDaniel then went on to bash the late-night talk show host wondering why he would decide to promote such an unhealthy product and get his silly mug face within the social media food debates. Michelle McDaniel then decided to expose crumble and the CEO of how they basically make a product that

anyone can do at home and save money from the overly charged crumble products with sugar. Indeed the ever-increasing presence of crumble and it's popularity with teenagers should be a concerned and there should be pushed backs against their business plan and agenda.

    This far Michelle Mcdaniel has not done a video of the recent establishment of a fat acceptance czar from the city of San Francisco and one would of thought Michelle Mcdaniel would of given her political and video opinion of this repulsive and fat

government post that will make up plans to get the citizens of San Francisco to not discriminate and accept fat obese people in the city of shitcisco and beyond. The idea that tax payer government money would be spent and used to hire a fat diversity and acceptance agent is outrageous and a possible upcoming great video of the fatcentric and bashing Michelle McDaniel.

Too Apree treated rudely by the police in old rich maniac in a restaurant as he films Del Rey, Florida

        Rex Reed Jr

      The city big videographer known as Too Apree is a Florida-faced YouTube pranker and videographer who continues to go into the top and luxury areas of Florida and film much to dismay of many local citizens. Many of these nasty old people are angry that he has seen nerve to film the area is downtown district in business districts and this dude is confronted all the time by Florida transplanted wealthy New Yorkers, New Jerseyers, and Minnesotans. The idea that this guy from Florida or whatever coming to the ritzy and luxury areas to be a city

videographer when asked angers and rifles up trifles up people so much that they call the police. A horrible trained black female police officer came and confronted Too Afree and one of his latest videos and he tried several times to go out on a date with her and have some coffee or some food to no avail. This woman continued asking

demanding for his ID wish he does not have to present heavy not having committed in crime and the back and forth between the Aaron Rogers looking Too Apree and this black female police officer was hilarious. 

    Too Apree continues to do great videos as he's a city photographer and again the snarky and frowns that he receives is likely because he is a sketchy looking dude. Make no mistake, if this was a good looking young female doing the same thing Too is doing as YouTube channel in these wealthy spots of Florida most of the encounters, he would have would be friendly and he would not have it so many Karen's and strange faces looking at him and then asking all these

questions of why he's videoing   important and expensive towns. Too Pretty film productions needs to get out of stuffy Florida as he was disrespected throughout Del Rey and was told by the black female police officer that he had to leave the city as if it were a sundown town.  Naturally the rebel in Too Apree didn't listen to her advice and continued trolling and videoing downtown Del ray, Florida which you did not obey and he should not have had obeyed such an instruction whether these black female police officer gets reprimanded for her actions and wording remains to be seen. 

     Later on in Tom Apree's video was a nasty old man who likely because he has a lot of money felt compelled to go up the Apree demand that he did not want to be in his video as Too Apree was videotaping the whole restaurant this man barely made a blip and it's a typical nasty wealthy older individual  had to throw his weight around and dare to confront and touch cameras and tripods  pretty has to do with deal with all this shit and throughout his video as he kept telling people that he was working with a city often confusing many and having one city worker ask him who he was not

recognizing Mr Capri. Once again Too Apree freaked out an Florida town with his big camera set up in his ability to film the ritzy and fancy downtown which apparently these silly jackasses think they only residents of this wealthy town can enjoy and film. This was yet another banger video from Tom Capri it was one of the more imminent video city vloggers and videographers that there are and whether these residents of these wealthy towns get to accept this reality may never be seen.