The only time I ever check out television is I happen to be at a chicks place and am forced to watch. Women are so brain dead and into television and movies more than the average television addicted zombie in America. One program that I saw recently that really horrified me to the new reality television depravity and shit these monopolistic Cable Chanel's put out in a program called the Amish mafia. I'm not even sure if that is the title of the program but after viewing one program of this obviously staged program passing itself off as reality it really sank in to me how dumb and unintelligent programming has become these days. Perhaps the reason we are not graduating as many scientists and engineers has something to do with the television being offered up as entertainment. The Amish mafia supposedly follows the life of these Amish fucks that sell drugs and are bad little Amish. The stupidest scene I think I saw was of the mafia chasing down some teenagers who through mud at a horse and buggy passenger. Supposedly the cameraman followed this lone Amish guy chase down the teenagers and then like hang them naked from the bard tied up and let down on some horse manure or something like that. The whole notion that a camera crew would help lead the chase of these teenagers and then humiliate them in the barn is so unrealistic that only the most obtuse viewer would think any of this shit has merit or is real. This show is totally insane and can only exist through the cable monopolist industry in refusing to allow customers the freedom to choose which channels they want to have in a package. Most people would never want channels that put out this crap or have the alternative in lowering their bills and having less of these shitty channels. The Amish mafia is typical of the cheap to produce industry that is falling out with viewers who will tire of these silly unreal shows on cable.
Amish mafia sets new standards on television insanity
Cecil Brewster
The only time I ever check out television is I happen to be at a chicks place and am forced to watch. Women are so brain dead and into television and movies more than the average television addicted zombie in America. One program that I saw recently that really horrified me to the new reality television depravity and shit these monopolistic Cable Chanel's put out in a program called the Amish mafia. I'm not even sure if that is the title of the program but after viewing one program of this obviously staged program passing itself off as reality it really sank in to me how dumb and unintelligent programming has become these days. Perhaps the reason we are not graduating as many scientists and engineers has something to do with the television being offered up as entertainment. The Amish mafia supposedly follows the life of these Amish fucks that sell drugs and are bad little Amish. The stupidest scene I think I saw was of the mafia chasing down some teenagers who through mud at a horse and buggy passenger. Supposedly the cameraman followed this lone Amish guy chase down the teenagers and then like hang them naked from the bard tied up and let down on some horse manure or something like that. The whole notion that a camera crew would help lead the chase of these teenagers and then humiliate them in the barn is so unrealistic that only the most obtuse viewer would think any of this shit has merit or is real. This show is totally insane and can only exist through the cable monopolist industry in refusing to allow customers the freedom to choose which channels they want to have in a package. Most people would never want channels that put out this crap or have the alternative in lowering their bills and having less of these shitty channels. The Amish mafia is typical of the cheap to produce industry that is falling out with viewers who will tire of these silly unreal shows on cable.
The only time I ever check out television is I happen to be at a chicks place and am forced to watch. Women are so brain dead and into television and movies more than the average television addicted zombie in America. One program that I saw recently that really horrified me to the new reality television depravity and shit these monopolistic Cable Chanel's put out in a program called the Amish mafia. I'm not even sure if that is the title of the program but after viewing one program of this obviously staged program passing itself off as reality it really sank in to me how dumb and unintelligent programming has become these days. Perhaps the reason we are not graduating as many scientists and engineers has something to do with the television being offered up as entertainment. The Amish mafia supposedly follows the life of these Amish fucks that sell drugs and are bad little Amish. The stupidest scene I think I saw was of the mafia chasing down some teenagers who through mud at a horse and buggy passenger. Supposedly the cameraman followed this lone Amish guy chase down the teenagers and then like hang them naked from the bard tied up and let down on some horse manure or something like that. The whole notion that a camera crew would help lead the chase of these teenagers and then humiliate them in the barn is so unrealistic that only the most obtuse viewer would think any of this shit has merit or is real. This show is totally insane and can only exist through the cable monopolist industry in refusing to allow customers the freedom to choose which channels they want to have in a package. Most people would never want channels that put out this crap or have the alternative in lowering their bills and having less of these shitty channels. The Amish mafia is typical of the cheap to produce industry that is falling out with viewers who will tire of these silly unreal shows on cable.
Russia set to invade Ukraine on April 5
Ali Muhammed
According to our sources near the Kremlin Russian troops have been poised and building up on the border and will unleash a limited invasion in Eastern Ukraine on April fifth. Us secretary John Kerry met with his Russian counterpart and nothing happened at the meeting. Russia has decided that giving up territory following its collapse was a grave mistake and has decided to return Russians in other parts of the Eurasian landmass back to mother Russia in response to the numerous attempts of NATO and the EU expanding eastward trying to gain power and influence in addition to territory from the past decade. That has really frustrated the Russians and made them plan this grab in Crimea and Ukraine was the American creation and involvement in Kosovo and e eventual satellite regime and independence of this Albanian country. Vladamir Putin and the Russian never forgave this and our involvement in humiliating their cousin the Serbs all those years in the nineties as they were trying desperately to ethnically cleanse their lands of Muslims. The Russian invasion of their border regions are pretty much justified considering these actions East into areas that were formerly part of the Warsaw Pact and the iron curtain. Putin has seen the coming collapse and sudden weakness of the United States,the dollar,EU, and complete Western power and general and he has decided to take advantage of this weakness the same way what was done with Soviet weakness and their collapse. The Russian people will once again be full of pride and continue their expansion and will eventually have to deal with a powerful Iran and The emerging Islamic power and united front that shall halt their expansions at least into Muslim territories of Central Asia. as far as the Ukrainians, they will have to learn start fighting guerrilla warfare and learn what Muslims have been doing for years against the red army and Russian bastards.
Elephants can distinguish between human speech
Jake Glass
Scientists studying elephants have observed in recent studies that these massive creatures can tell the difference between human languages and genders. Elephants appear more cautious and wary whenever they hear male Massi languages than the various other languages of Kenyans in Africa as the Massi are more savage and have Attacked elephants nearing their villages and cattle. No other mammal thus far has Ben shown to be ale to have this same ability and clearly as man is the only predator of elephants is sows ow quickly evolution can take place. Elephants have learned from their experiences which human sounds to be wary and more artful around. The Massi have butchered many elephants to show their warrior status as a completely rural and backward African peoples and their massacring of animals for sport clearly shows this sad fact. I imagine if more redneck Southerners camouflage outfits traveled to Africa and hunted elephants like deer they wouldcome to learn their dangerous uly dialect as dangerous as well. Elephants have huge brains and ears and obviously it is good to see these beasts use their auditory adaptations from mother Earthto their best ability to survive and keep their species strong in the face of Massi slaughter on the African Plaines.
Peter Schiff again shows why he is a piece of shit
Gino Frobel
During the debate for equal pay for women a certain individual Peter Schiff weighed in on the issue and Obama's calls for pay gender equity. Peter Schiff of course hates government and this jackass pretty much uses progressive remarks on the economy and just substitutes government for corporation. T this man everything corporations do is the right thing and any government interference or regulation hampers business and jobs. What this prick eater says is that corporations sould be left alone to squeeze the worker for as much as possible so the business owners and CEOs can make outrageous income and keep the profits for themselves. This goofball then made some incrediblous statement about why over meant says nothing out Hollywood and how actresses are paid so much less and not starring in as many movies as men. What the hell Hollywood elite actresses who are already compensated mighty wealthy has anything to do with this debate is beyond reason and Peter Schiff shows what a piece of shit he really is for bringing something this stupid up on his radio show. I guess he decided to use the media entertainment which is after all a strong ethical e of distraction the wealthy classes have been using for decades against an ignorant public. Peter Schiff is a man who feels government should leave business alone and allow them to have a gender discrimination wage scale as it has had and continues to this day. No other method of preserving wealth for Republicans has been so successful.
Mark Zuckerburg gives back to the technocrats and buys Oculus
Otto Jansen
Men like Mark Zuckerburg are financially rewarded by the corrupt investing class that throws its printed money around to any project that is started by computer guys under thirty. The investors and silicon valley are all about the youth and no money from a start up to people in the valley over the age of thirty five is as readily available. Mark Zuckerburg was able to benefit through this prearranged dealings by the one percent and they always invest in a few young protégés that they can be assured will follow this tradition. With this in mind news the other day that mark Zuckerburg,who is nearing thirty, gave some of this money back and decided(or had others decide) to spend two billion dollars...Billion..onto some foolish technology company called Oculus. it should not be surprising that the name of this company almost sounds like occult. Two billion dollars could be put into much better projects that would benefit many more people in the public sphere than maybe the thirty engineers who will now be cashed out for life with this worthless virtual reality start p company that didn't even have a product on the shelf. The technocratic scamming of America, society, and the world continues and the insanity of people not doing more to put an end to this reckless waste of money and capital is pretty amazing at a time when most are jobless. All these head pieces be they Google glass or this virtual reality thing will only appeal to the young and if there is one thing we know about young people is they get fickle with a product and want to move onto something new. it is good to see Zuckerburg give back though to the technology folks that are coming after him and basically this is the deal why no jobs are created for folks outside their sphere and needed tax revenues are avoided by these technocrats and their companies.
Turkey about to explode
Ali Muhammed
The Turkish currency is going out of hand and this country may just break ranks with NATO and maybe side with Russians. The current leader recently tried shutting down Twitter which has been a successful tool and platform for Americans to infiltrate and create uprisings in other countries. Twitter was shut down by this increasing corrupt and autocratic
RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN whose rule consists mainly of support from religious fanatics in the countryside who only vote on one issue. This seems to be a common theme throughout the world as religious fundamentalists are increasingly out of touch with the secular urban folks. the exposure of his network of deals with influential insiders within the own country has the public in an uproar in Turkey and more and more people are waking up to the financial facts that drive today's politicians. The use and abuse of power from rulers like Vladamir Putin and Recep Erdogan who get elected from the ignorant and fill their pockets and those of their close supporters with public money is coming out more and more thanks to social media. basically the battle against the corrupt rule of law by he few is what took place in Ukraine and Turkey may be the new front tin this struggle. So it should be not shocking at all that this dictator shut down twitter the other day. Activists were still somehow able to access their accounts through other means and report on the shady and shadow goings in this Islamic crony capitalist administration in Turkey. This is a country that is ready to explode on itself and the fall of Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be as ugly as the battle to take out Bashir Assad is still struggling to achieve.
The Turkish currency is going out of hand and this country may just break ranks with NATO and maybe side with Russians. The current leader recently tried shutting down Twitter which has been a successful tool and platform for Americans to infiltrate and create uprisings in other countries. Twitter was shut down by this increasing corrupt and autocratic
RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN whose rule consists mainly of support from religious fanatics in the countryside who only vote on one issue. This seems to be a common theme throughout the world as religious fundamentalists are increasingly out of touch with the secular urban folks. the exposure of his network of deals with influential insiders within the own country has the public in an uproar in Turkey and more and more people are waking up to the financial facts that drive today's politicians. The use and abuse of power from rulers like Vladamir Putin and Recep Erdogan who get elected from the ignorant and fill their pockets and those of their close supporters with public money is coming out more and more thanks to social media. basically the battle against the corrupt rule of law by he few is what took place in Ukraine and Turkey may be the new front tin this struggle. So it should be not shocking at all that this dictator shut down twitter the other day. Activists were still somehow able to access their accounts through other means and report on the shady and shadow goings in this Islamic crony capitalist administration in Turkey. This is a country that is ready to explode on itself and the fall of Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be as ugly as the battle to take out Bashir Assad is still struggling to achieve.
Old ass Bryan Fisher explains why so few men as secretaries
Troy York
I have often wondered as a social critic as to the separation genders of men and women in the workplace and why so many men do the hard jobs and women get the easy sit down jobs. Bryan Fisher is an old miserable right wing Christian I have often ignored when seeing his irrelevant ass on sites like right wing watch and others lambasting the stupidity that comes out of the mouth of this silly old White man. However he hit a nerve and cold explain why men were sucked away from man professions thanks due mainly to other prejudice men like himself. Bryan Fisher was speaking on his bad radio show about how he would freely discriminate against men for secretary jobs as he wanted his private business to e greeted by women's voices. In the sickness of bryan Fishers measly mind only a woman's voice can be appropriate for the simple tasks as answering a phone. This pretty much sums up what is wrong with private industry and churches like the one that this fuckhead is a part. They are free to practice their stereotypes on humans and make hiring decisions based on these misconceptions.
This idiot actually thinks that God gave women the gift and quote from him "designed them to be warm, to be hospitable, to be open-hearted, to be open-handed, to have their arms open, to be welcoming, to be receptive, to create a nurturing, welcoming environment". I shudder to think what centuries of this thinking has dome to other males and may explain some things. it is most likely evil men like Bryan Fisher that condition men with these beliefs that make them more prone to be less like the nurturing in the past and in roles away from what Mr Fisher thinks women naturally possess more than men. with views and beliefs like men such as Bryan it is no wonder why men shun churches until maybe they get old and gray and near death which hopefully is where Mr Fisher is in this stage in life.
I have often wondered as a social critic as to the separation genders of men and women in the workplace and why so many men do the hard jobs and women get the easy sit down jobs. Bryan Fisher is an old miserable right wing Christian I have often ignored when seeing his irrelevant ass on sites like right wing watch and others lambasting the stupidity that comes out of the mouth of this silly old White man. However he hit a nerve and cold explain why men were sucked away from man professions thanks due mainly to other prejudice men like himself. Bryan Fisher was speaking on his bad radio show about how he would freely discriminate against men for secretary jobs as he wanted his private business to e greeted by women's voices. In the sickness of bryan Fishers measly mind only a woman's voice can be appropriate for the simple tasks as answering a phone. This pretty much sums up what is wrong with private industry and churches like the one that this fuckhead is a part. They are free to practice their stereotypes on humans and make hiring decisions based on these misconceptions.
This idiot actually thinks that God gave women the gift and quote from him "designed them to be warm, to be hospitable, to be open-hearted, to be open-handed, to have their arms open, to be welcoming, to be receptive, to create a nurturing, welcoming environment". I shudder to think what centuries of this thinking has dome to other males and may explain some things. it is most likely evil men like Bryan Fisher that condition men with these beliefs that make them more prone to be less like the nurturing in the past and in roles away from what Mr Fisher thinks women naturally possess more than men. with views and beliefs like men such as Bryan it is no wonder why men shun churches until maybe they get old and gray and near death which hopefully is where Mr Fisher is in this stage in life.
Nick Digilio's doctor warns to get more sleep
Ramon Ramos
Nick Digilio was on the air not too long ago talking about movies and television. How this guy has so much time to see all these episodes I could never understand but it seems to be affecting this brilliant talk show hosts health. Digilio was talking on the air about how his doctor told nick that he needs to get more sleep. Someone who is so brain dead to culture corporate entertainment complex is likely someone who will get so little sleep. One of the worse things for the human body is a long continues period of failing to get enough zzzs that your body and hormones need to function in a proper manner. Staying up all night to watch some stupid Netflix produced House of cards television program is not going to help your health. there are many morons like Nick out there that just have to catch all the movies and all the stupid episodes of this media hyped golden age of television. They got geeks with no life trying to watch all these great written shows without even realizing the life they live is nothing outside of the TV. Television is battling for the mass zombies out there whose addiction to watching pretend lives on the silver screen and the Samsung screen is preventing these same dickwads from living a real life. Nicks doctor likely saw all the signs of hypertension and other disorders not moving around and watching TV movies all day can cause to brain dead Americans.
Craig Paul Roberts recent Greg Hunter Watch dog appearence
Ed West
Craig Paul Roberts has once again called out this false notion of a recovery. he appeared on the Greg Hunter show and made several laughs and gestures towards America and its claim of an economic recovery. he talked about how we are not going to do anything about Russia and get into a war on their borders despite the dumb neo-Cons tough talk on the cable networks.
He laughed a bit and said how can there be a job when you give all your jobs to Indians and Chinese and leave nothing for the people in this country except for retail store clerks. Craig or Paul then reminded that many of these stores are disappearing and that the fed just keeps printing more money to float these American institutions that just keep investing in foreign countries instead of America. This made Mr Roberts giggle a little more and he talked about the day the dollar will collapse and the Chinese will demand their gold back. The whole notion and idea of us being able to do anything about Russian aggression is a joke to Mr Roberts. He said basically big agriculture industry wanted to make a land grab in Ukraine and got involved supporting these actual neo Nazi protestors hoping to cause regime change so American companies can bring cheap high fructose corn syrup to Europe and faten the French up to American standards. This economy has no jobs for people over the age of forty and fifty and the college graduates are so mired in debt they have to move home back with mom and dad and in some cases Grand ma. Old peoples savings keep being deleted and they make nothing on the savings they can barely keep in the bank. This was another great Craig Paul Roberts interview on the web and the guy just says it has it is about this weak power America has yet to realize they are.Now that will be something to laugh at when these hicks can't afford to gas up their huge trucks.
Craig Paul Roberts has once again called out this false notion of a recovery. he appeared on the Greg Hunter show and made several laughs and gestures towards America and its claim of an economic recovery. he talked about how we are not going to do anything about Russia and get into a war on their borders despite the dumb neo-Cons tough talk on the cable networks.
He laughed a bit and said how can there be a job when you give all your jobs to Indians and Chinese and leave nothing for the people in this country except for retail store clerks. Craig or Paul then reminded that many of these stores are disappearing and that the fed just keeps printing more money to float these American institutions that just keep investing in foreign countries instead of America. This made Mr Roberts giggle a little more and he talked about the day the dollar will collapse and the Chinese will demand their gold back. The whole notion and idea of us being able to do anything about Russian aggression is a joke to Mr Roberts. He said basically big agriculture industry wanted to make a land grab in Ukraine and got involved supporting these actual neo Nazi protestors hoping to cause regime change so American companies can bring cheap high fructose corn syrup to Europe and faten the French up to American standards. This economy has no jobs for people over the age of forty and fifty and the college graduates are so mired in debt they have to move home back with mom and dad and in some cases Grand ma. Old peoples savings keep being deleted and they make nothing on the savings they can barely keep in the bank. This was another great Craig Paul Roberts interview on the web and the guy just says it has it is about this weak power America has yet to realize they are.Now that will be something to laugh at when these hicks can't afford to gas up their huge trucks.
Kids not interested in baseball or its dumb Topps cards
Guy Baldwin
Richard Heinberg appears on Peak Prosperity
Cougar Face
Astro or Dino?
Jake Glass
Sometimes whenI am bored I love to watch some old Flintstones and Jetsons remembering the days when nothing was boring. I had often thought which dog wold I rather have in Astro or Dino and both had their unique cheer to the Animated families they served Pets. Astro seemed a fun loving dog always ready to please his master and undoubtedly was the more loving dog. Dino was the more hyper dog a
constant barker and charger and sometimes it looked like he wold chase Fred like he was prey. Making a voice between one of these dogs wold be a snit difficult if somehow they were the last two at a shelter but I think my choice would be obvious. After all how many people can walk a dog that is actually a dinosaur which Dino appears to actually be instead of. Dog. My choice is Dino just for that fact although one would be prepared for severe discipline training for something like this. I think few would pick Astro andit is nothing against this cartoon dog. Just the exotic mess of Dino makes is. More unique wiser choice. I'm still waiting for a Disney Pixar movie some day that focuses more on one or both of these dogs on the silver screen as seemingly every top movie these days is a fucking animated nonsense.
constant barker and charger and sometimes it looked like he wold chase Fred like he was prey. Making a voice between one of these dogs wold be a snit difficult if somehow they were the last two at a shelter but I think my choice would be obvious. After all how many people can walk a dog that is actually a dinosaur which Dino appears to actually be instead of. Dog. My choice is Dino just for that fact although one would be prepared for severe discipline training for something like this. I think few would pick Astro andit is nothing against this cartoon dog. Just the exotic mess of Dino makes is. More unique wiser choice. I'm still waiting for a Disney Pixar movie some day that focuses more on one or both of these dogs on the silver screen as seemingly every top movie these days is a fucking animated nonsense.
Mancow Muller bitches to Alex Jones about freedom and condo sales
Gus Perkowski
Mancow Muller is a Fox News contributor from his years of insightful reporting as a shock jock and over paid asshole in the Chicago radio market. These days Mancow often appears on fringe conspiracy programs such as the fellow insane man with nothing to gain Alex Jones. I happened to catch a couple of times in recent weeks Mancow Muller appeared on Mr Jones program. This guy had a real pathetic sound talking about Barack Obama and still cant seem to come to gripe that you have a black president. What the Cow seems most concerned about likely is his socialist health views that will start to take some of that unearned radio money Mancow Muller received i the nineties for his awful broadcasting. The collapse of the radio industry is one of the most glorious occurrences for ending the amount of money corporate media through at clowns like Muller. Mancow was incensed that 5% of condo sales will apparently go to fund the Obamacare and health care for the poor. We should really feel bad for all those folks who will have a chunk taken out of their pockets for their house flips. Mancow went on to start accusing Barack Obama has being trained by some black actor to being Barack Obama. According to nuts like Jones and Mancow they hear other stories from nuts who say Obama was created in a laboratory and that actors had to train Barack Obama to being the man that he is today. Muller offers no facts except that some neurotic actor told him that he taught this foreign indivdual to be the cool hip president and person that got elected overwhelming twice.
Clearly Mancow Muller has several screws loose and makes a perfect guest for the likes of Alex Jones and his bullshit he gets to put out of the air from some seed company. Muller also went on to say how all these presidents are pre-selected and that the picture of a young Bill Clinton with JFK is some sort of proof. Idiot doesn't understand that presidents are photographed with many people in their presidency and the fact that some brilliant smart young kid and scholar would have the opportunity to meet the president with his classmates and rise to the presidency is not that spectacular. I don't know what books Mancow is reading these days but I am sure they are all bizarre conspiracy books and maybe just the facts that this man can actually read a book is pretty incredible. The fact is to be president you have to most likely be brilliant in high school so what proof is this. Mancow Muller is a complete moron and the shit he says on the Alex Jones show from his fear of redistribution and his racist feelings for someone with a Hussein middle name is sad and shows what a contemptuous tea party son of a bitch Mancow Muller is these days.
Mancow Muller is a Fox News contributor from his years of insightful reporting as a shock jock and over paid asshole in the Chicago radio market. These days Mancow often appears on fringe conspiracy programs such as the fellow insane man with nothing to gain Alex Jones. I happened to catch a couple of times in recent weeks Mancow Muller appeared on Mr Jones program. This guy had a real pathetic sound talking about Barack Obama and still cant seem to come to gripe that you have a black president. What the Cow seems most concerned about likely is his socialist health views that will start to take some of that unearned radio money Mancow Muller received i the nineties for his awful broadcasting. The collapse of the radio industry is one of the most glorious occurrences for ending the amount of money corporate media through at clowns like Muller. Mancow was incensed that 5% of condo sales will apparently go to fund the Obamacare and health care for the poor. We should really feel bad for all those folks who will have a chunk taken out of their pockets for their house flips. Mancow went on to start accusing Barack Obama has being trained by some black actor to being Barack Obama. According to nuts like Jones and Mancow they hear other stories from nuts who say Obama was created in a laboratory and that actors had to train Barack Obama to being the man that he is today. Muller offers no facts except that some neurotic actor told him that he taught this foreign indivdual to be the cool hip president and person that got elected overwhelming twice.
Clearly Mancow Muller has several screws loose and makes a perfect guest for the likes of Alex Jones and his bullshit he gets to put out of the air from some seed company. Muller also went on to say how all these presidents are pre-selected and that the picture of a young Bill Clinton with JFK is some sort of proof. Idiot doesn't understand that presidents are photographed with many people in their presidency and the fact that some brilliant smart young kid and scholar would have the opportunity to meet the president with his classmates and rise to the presidency is not that spectacular. I don't know what books Mancow is reading these days but I am sure they are all bizarre conspiracy books and maybe just the facts that this man can actually read a book is pretty incredible. The fact is to be president you have to most likely be brilliant in high school so what proof is this. Mancow Muller is a complete moron and the shit he says on the Alex Jones show from his fear of redistribution and his racist feelings for someone with a Hussein middle name is sad and shows what a contemptuous tea party son of a bitch Mancow Muller is these days.
Wealthy investors again pushing for construction of the Spire
Tony Miselli
The Chicago spire has been a dream of rich folks who want to see Chicago home to the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.
This proposal makes news from time to time as some disagreement who will oversea the development continues in some bankruptcy court. The fact that some people actually think a 150 story building 2000foot luxury condo building should be built a a price tag of a billion and a half is a joke. Obviously most units would be empty and most owned by blood sucking foreign owners. If this building is ever built it would be a travesty when there are other pressing issues in this city and country and finding rich mostly foreign investors to own and hold property they will never reside is a scam that needs to end. The spire would come to symbolize where business leaders priorities are for funding projects while they underfund schools ensuring those born here and not into extreme wealth could ever consider owning a condo. For many major cities this seems like a strategy to ensuring their cities and mostly skyscrapers are filled with a certain class high above and away from those who toil in real labor for their income. Weakening public schools and creating charter ones to educate the kids of foreign elites in our cities who reside temporary is more of a concern for today's city leaders and mayors. Rich people and the property companies that escape taxes only care for producing luxury homes for a few instead of quality housing for all. The spire remains a big hole in the ground from the lunacy of the people who want Chicago to be all skyscrapers. Skyscrapers of this magnitude is just complete nuts and would always be in debt and it is no wonder that the two companies at try to bring this building are bankrupted con artist fuckers. These corporations that bring out these proposals should have no access to creditors and only are able to get these projects thanks to crony capitalist hold on much of our local governments.The spire would make an attractive target for potential terrorists and many would welcome the idea of this tower coming down like the World Trade Center.
The Chicago spire has been a dream of rich folks who want to see Chicago home to the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.
This proposal makes news from time to time as some disagreement who will oversea the development continues in some bankruptcy court. The fact that some people actually think a 150 story building 2000foot luxury condo building should be built a a price tag of a billion and a half is a joke. Obviously most units would be empty and most owned by blood sucking foreign owners. If this building is ever built it would be a travesty when there are other pressing issues in this city and country and finding rich mostly foreign investors to own and hold property they will never reside is a scam that needs to end. The spire would come to symbolize where business leaders priorities are for funding projects while they underfund schools ensuring those born here and not into extreme wealth could ever consider owning a condo. For many major cities this seems like a strategy to ensuring their cities and mostly skyscrapers are filled with a certain class high above and away from those who toil in real labor for their income. Weakening public schools and creating charter ones to educate the kids of foreign elites in our cities who reside temporary is more of a concern for today's city leaders and mayors. Rich people and the property companies that escape taxes only care for producing luxury homes for a few instead of quality housing for all. The spire remains a big hole in the ground from the lunacy of the people who want Chicago to be all skyscrapers. Skyscrapers of this magnitude is just complete nuts and would always be in debt and it is no wonder that the two companies at try to bring this building are bankrupted con artist fuckers. These corporations that bring out these proposals should have no access to creditors and only are able to get these projects thanks to crony capitalist hold on much of our local governments.The spire would make an attractive target for potential terrorists and many would welcome the idea of this tower coming down like the World Trade Center.
Lions of Iwo Jima
Dave Berkson
Great War books are hard to produce and something about the battle of Iwo Jima made me want to learn more about this epic fight. James Warren and Fred Haynes write this heroic story of combat team 28 and their weeks in the pits of hell battling trenches in Japanese soldiers committed to fight to the end. Later historians debate the purpose and merits of this battle for a very diminutive island that basically had only three air stripes that were worth fighting. This book talks about the crucial role of artillery from the seas as being crucial for the initial amphibious assault on the beach end. This was the only major battle involving marines where their casualties exceeded those of the Japanese and the insanity of taking this island for little gain later on in the war makes us question the battle now. The number of Japanese bunkers,pillow boxes,trenches,sniper nests made this an extremely difficult attack and the marines trained for months for this battle. I often wondered if leaders in the marines just used this battle as an experiment for warfare. This was one war games exercise that should of been prevented and the use of flamethrowers proved very crucial in getting to every fortified bunker and then sealing it up "The Lions Of Iwo Jima" is a Great War book accounting to the brutal fight for every yard the marines gained of this volcanic island with no civilians in the middle of absolute no where. This book has many compelling stories of heroes on the U S marines that died fighting to kill about everyone of the. 22 000 Japanese soldiers stationed on the island from February 19 to March 26 1944. The story of the famous picture of the raising of the American flag is told as most of us have seen the photo but no little of how and when the hill was captured. Fred Haynes was the general for the marines and his account of this battle should be preserved in this great read for generations to come.
Great War books are hard to produce and something about the battle of Iwo Jima made me want to learn more about this epic fight. James Warren and Fred Haynes write this heroic story of combat team 28 and their weeks in the pits of hell battling trenches in Japanese soldiers committed to fight to the end. Later historians debate the purpose and merits of this battle for a very diminutive island that basically had only three air stripes that were worth fighting. This book talks about the crucial role of artillery from the seas as being crucial for the initial amphibious assault on the beach end. This was the only major battle involving marines where their casualties exceeded those of the Japanese and the insanity of taking this island for little gain later on in the war makes us question the battle now. The number of Japanese bunkers,pillow boxes,trenches,sniper nests made this an extremely difficult attack and the marines trained for months for this battle. I often wondered if leaders in the marines just used this battle as an experiment for warfare. This was one war games exercise that should of been prevented and the use of flamethrowers proved very crucial in getting to every fortified bunker and then sealing it up "The Lions Of Iwo Jima" is a Great War book accounting to the brutal fight for every yard the marines gained of this volcanic island with no civilians in the middle of absolute no where. This book has many compelling stories of heroes on the U S marines that died fighting to kill about everyone of the. 22 000 Japanese soldiers stationed on the island from February 19 to March 26 1944. The story of the famous picture of the raising of the American flag is told as most of us have seen the photo but no little of how and when the hill was captured. Fred Haynes was the general for the marines and his account of this battle should be preserved in this great read for generations to come.
The NCAA college bracket scam on the public and the player
Guy Baldwin
The whoring of Madonna and Marilu Henner
Jordon Morgan
I am reading a Marilu Henner autobiography book the other day and was pretty surprised basically how open to living a full life as a slut Marilu Henner seemed to relish. As a fellow part Greek and Chicagoan I am very disappointed in this woman's pride in sleeping with so many men and being so open sexually in life. of course I imagine it came very handy in getting casting parts and then it dawned on me why she might be so sexually expressive and easy. Midwestern women like her and Madonna in the seventies and eighties had no shame desperately using their sex and ability to sleep with multiple partners to get a break in entertainment. I mean this women even slept with Tony Danza and Judd Hirsch for crying out loud. Judd Hirsch. You know that odd Jewish looking guy from her taxi TV show. Judd Hirsch. Marilu Henner was a total slut and writing about this fact should of been rejected by the editor.
reading about Marilu henner and her family in Logan Square was interesting but then it got to the point that she pretty much is so vain and into actors and slept around and likely got parts over women that didn't sleep around. I am sure Marilu Henner would justify her getting roles from her talent but maybe she should think what real reasons and her ability were against all those other actresses. Any woman that writes so proudly of her sexual liaisons with the likes of Judd Hirsch would sleep with anyone just to get out and into the elite jet setting entertainment industry. Madonna is another women with a little above average looks that got to be a star mainly through her ability of not being shy to spread her legs. both of these Midwestern women of this era are pretty shameless and disgraceful and only escaped and made it big on the left and East coasts from their openness to make it big by making it often with powerful men and actors with influence. Disgraceful bitches they are to bed the likes of Dennis Rodman and Judd Hirsch.
I am reading a Marilu Henner autobiography book the other day and was pretty surprised basically how open to living a full life as a slut Marilu Henner seemed to relish. As a fellow part Greek and Chicagoan I am very disappointed in this woman's pride in sleeping with so many men and being so open sexually in life. of course I imagine it came very handy in getting casting parts and then it dawned on me why she might be so sexually expressive and easy. Midwestern women like her and Madonna in the seventies and eighties had no shame desperately using their sex and ability to sleep with multiple partners to get a break in entertainment. I mean this women even slept with Tony Danza and Judd Hirsch for crying out loud. Judd Hirsch. You know that odd Jewish looking guy from her taxi TV show. Judd Hirsch. Marilu Henner was a total slut and writing about this fact should of been rejected by the editor.
New York Taxi driver gets suspended for his comedic stupidity
Terry Blue
A New York taxi driver was suspended from his job for pursuing other career options and just being another Youtube wanabee star.. Jimmy Fialla was driving around the city with a dangerous Python located in the back seat of his cab hidden in some compartment.
The jerk would then videotape and post videos of startled passengers when the snake was released and it gave hope to this struggling bad comedian that this somehow would resurrect his comedian career. Jimmy really wanted to be discovered and is actually not disappointed with his ass being canned for his canned antics. He says driving a taxi is one of the worst jobs that there can be which I am sure is open to debate. I mean there are other jobs where you bend and twist and don't sit on your fanny all day. I know what I would do if I was a passenger on this guys cab and he tried pulling this bullshit prank on me for his delight. He would be getting a new dam snake for his pathetic act. Luckily this act was squashed by the taxi company this creep worked for after all they are in the business of driving people and not giving them heart attacks. I really don't know what this imbecile was thinking by doing this aside from his admitted hope of being discovered. Jimmy Fialla you sir are a total loser.
A New York taxi driver was suspended from his job for pursuing other career options and just being another Youtube wanabee star.. Jimmy Fialla was driving around the city with a dangerous Python located in the back seat of his cab hidden in some compartment.

Hardees finally in he Chicago suburbs
Jim Oberweight
Fist of all I wan to give my congratulation to Jim Oberweis for actually winning for a change. The man has lost so much money over the years trying desperately to win elections and help the CEOs and other big people in the state. He has spent about 20 million of his own money on congressional, senate, and governor races since 2000 and it is good to see good corporate money being saved from government taxation and being spent on better purposes such as the likes of Mr Oberwies. He is just a man who wants to make a name for himself aside from a dairy master and one Mr Oberwies will get another ass kicking when everyone votes and not just old wealthy fat suburban fucks with an agenda to funnel more of the nations wealth into their hands.
Enough of Jim and lets talk another corporate food giant that has helped expand waistlines with their shitty food. Perhaps no other franchise spelled hickish more than the Hardees chain that dotted the landscape of rural Illinois and Wisconsin on my collegiate travels decades ago. A Hardee's was as common as Walgreens in some of these rural bastard towns and the food was always greasy and filled with fat. i think Hardee's may have actually been one of the chains listing the calories back then no out of some regulatory requirement but some sort of twisted marketing campaign. They wanted folks to know how much was in their lard infested triple stacked mountain cheese burger or whatever the fuck they called it back in 1991. This is really a disgusting chain that I would thought would never ascend North or South into the Chicago region. Alas thou7gh I have seen two pop out of no where with no real fan fare one on route 83 Elk Grove area and one on route 53 in Woodridge. I was really shocked to see this but this shows how much the Chicago region has fallen and become hick meth territory in lifestyle and habits. I am sure more Hardee's directed towards the lower classes now making many suburbs home and may become as ubiquitous McDonald's.
Fist of all I wan to give my congratulation to Jim Oberweis for actually winning for a change. The man has lost so much money over the years trying desperately to win elections and help the CEOs and other big people in the state. He has spent about 20 million of his own money on congressional, senate, and governor races since 2000 and it is good to see good corporate money being saved from government taxation and being spent on better purposes such as the likes of Mr Oberwies. He is just a man who wants to make a name for himself aside from a dairy master and one Mr Oberwies will get another ass kicking when everyone votes and not just old wealthy fat suburban fucks with an agenda to funnel more of the nations wealth into their hands.
Enough of Jim and lets talk another corporate food giant that has helped expand waistlines with their shitty food. Perhaps no other franchise spelled hickish more than the Hardees chain that dotted the landscape of rural Illinois and Wisconsin on my collegiate travels decades ago. A Hardee's was as common as Walgreens in some of these rural bastard towns and the food was always greasy and filled with fat. i think Hardee's may have actually been one of the chains listing the calories back then no out of some regulatory requirement but some sort of twisted marketing campaign. They wanted folks to know how much was in their lard infested triple stacked mountain cheese burger or whatever the fuck they called it back in 1991. This is really a disgusting chain that I would thought would never ascend North or South into the Chicago region. Alas thou7gh I have seen two pop out of no where with no real fan fare one on route 83 Elk Grove area and one on route 53 in Woodridge. I was really shocked to see this but this shows how much the Chicago region has fallen and become hick meth territory in lifestyle and habits. I am sure more Hardee's directed towards the lower classes now making many suburbs home and may become as ubiquitous McDonald's.
Mark Dice loses his passion on Youtube
Troy York
Great news the other day was heard when that nut Mark Dice was heard all through the net complaining about how the government took down his stupid YouTube channel and his complication of eight hundred awful videos. Dice to those who are unaware is some man who makes man on the street videos showing peoples ignorance on topics. Mark claims to have had millions of views and subscribers to this dumbness he produced and no one took him as a serious voice except for that fellow nutjob Alex Jones. I think Jones was the only big name to actually have this screwball Dice appear on a regular basis as if is infactual basis on celebrities and Illuminati made him some important speaker. I would often view some of this jackasses videos and I found them little of any substantial value nor even a half of percentage of comedic substance. He is claiming that the government issued some new order on extremist material and this put pressure for YouTube to ax content from Mark Dice. More likely YouTube had complaints from people who Dice put up on his programs without their permission or maybe his program was viewed too stupid and for YouTube to be associated. This is a wise decision that should of been made after the tenth Mark Dice man on the street video way back whenever the idiot started this bull shit. This was an illegitimate voice that just tried to spread hatred and ignorance to the masses and is worthy of a take down. Now perhaps if something can be done about Alex Jones next .
Great news the other day was heard when that nut Mark Dice was heard all through the net complaining about how the government took down his stupid YouTube channel and his complication of eight hundred awful videos. Dice to those who are unaware is some man who makes man on the street videos showing peoples ignorance on topics. Mark claims to have had millions of views and subscribers to this dumbness he produced and no one took him as a serious voice except for that fellow nutjob Alex Jones. I think Jones was the only big name to actually have this screwball Dice appear on a regular basis as if is infactual basis on celebrities and Illuminati made him some important speaker. I would often view some of this jackasses videos and I found them little of any substantial value nor even a half of percentage of comedic substance. He is claiming that the government issued some new order on extremist material and this put pressure for YouTube to ax content from Mark Dice. More likely YouTube had complaints from people who Dice put up on his programs without their permission or maybe his program was viewed too stupid and for YouTube to be associated. This is a wise decision that should of been made after the tenth Mark Dice man on the street video way back whenever the idiot started this bull shit. This was an illegitimate voice that just tried to spread hatred and ignorance to the masses and is worthy of a take down. Now perhaps if something can be done about Alex Jones next .
Anti-Chavez book gets it all wrong
Gino Frobel
Gripping stories related to some of the most well known dictators and their regime are exposed in the book "dictators Learning Curve" written by William Dobson. I can't say this is really an interesting book and was somewhat disappointed with the results. The chapters are long and drag on throughout this book and I was really expecting something more interesting after hearing the author on a podcast. He makes a better interview than writes book and he spends too much time
concentrating on Hugo Chavez and some would question if Chavez was actually a dictator because those who lost several elections claim persecution. The author William Dobson writes about some of these dictators clamping down on propaganda mainstream slanted media and undoubtedly he is coming from an American perspective where this type of. Divisive media is not only tolerated but encouraged. He does a good job researching Chavez's rise through the ranks of military but covers little of the extreme poverty and inequality that motivated the men like Chavezand others took secret oaths to topple the corrupt government. Dobson also goes through mostly the regimes of Putin's mad Mubarek's and also covers Communist domination in China. The only interesting thing in this book is a brief talk about previous Ukraine protests as foreshadowing the current situation with Russia's augment into Crimea. I still want to know how the author claims Chavez's goal for power was not democratic in nature when Chavez clearly had the support of the vast majority of the population and won in landslides without evidence of intimidation at the polls. The author clearly doesn't like the socialist policies that were enacted in Venezuela and the dominance of state owned media as the only alternative to a private one that would be hostile and critical of every move Chavez did. Dobson would prefer political system in Venezuela that is run by private money usually from very private wealthy men who own very large private financial institutions or corporations. The result of this abuse will be men like Chavez or perhaps more legitimate dictators or plutocratic rule. The author talks about Chavez's gerrymandering giving more power to rural areas as this is something abnormal in the Western Hemisphere. Maybe he should look at the inequality of the US senate where tiny Wyoming has as many reps as New York. Dobson is an idiot and this book sucks and it is clearly an Anti - Chavez agenda book written when that great leader was still ruling. The book is like sixty percent about Hugo Chavez. The people in countries he talks about are.any less free than people in Canada or America. This is a guy who needs to look at the supposedly free two party corporate political state in America whose ability at fundraiser drowns out all opposition to their rule at all levels across the United States. Mr Dobson should not be very
surprised to see most of the funding of opposition parties in other countries most likely comes from the same sources that fund both the Republicans and Democrats and maybe that is the issue he should be concentrating for a book. As far as this book "dictators learning Curve" it is a stinker not worthy of the dustiest library shelve.
Gripping stories related to some of the most well known dictators and their regime are exposed in the book "dictators Learning Curve" written by William Dobson. I can't say this is really an interesting book and was somewhat disappointed with the results. The chapters are long and drag on throughout this book and I was really expecting something more interesting after hearing the author on a podcast. He makes a better interview than writes book and he spends too much time
concentrating on Hugo Chavez and some would question if Chavez was actually a dictator because those who lost several elections claim persecution. The author William Dobson writes about some of these dictators clamping down on propaganda mainstream slanted media and undoubtedly he is coming from an American perspective where this type of. Divisive media is not only tolerated but encouraged. He does a good job researching Chavez's rise through the ranks of military but covers little of the extreme poverty and inequality that motivated the men like Chavezand others took secret oaths to topple the corrupt government. Dobson also goes through mostly the regimes of Putin's mad Mubarek's and also covers Communist domination in China. The only interesting thing in this book is a brief talk about previous Ukraine protests as foreshadowing the current situation with Russia's augment into Crimea. I still want to know how the author claims Chavez's goal for power was not democratic in nature when Chavez clearly had the support of the vast majority of the population and won in landslides without evidence of intimidation at the polls. The author clearly doesn't like the socialist policies that were enacted in Venezuela and the dominance of state owned media as the only alternative to a private one that would be hostile and critical of every move Chavez did. Dobson would prefer political system in Venezuela that is run by private money usually from very private wealthy men who own very large private financial institutions or corporations. The result of this abuse will be men like Chavez or perhaps more legitimate dictators or plutocratic rule. The author talks about Chavez's gerrymandering giving more power to rural areas as this is something abnormal in the Western Hemisphere. Maybe he should look at the inequality of the US senate where tiny Wyoming has as many reps as New York. Dobson is an idiot and this book sucks and it is clearly an Anti - Chavez agenda book written when that great leader was still ruling. The book is like sixty percent about Hugo Chavez. The people in countries he talks about are.any less free than people in Canada or America. This is a guy who needs to look at the supposedly free two party corporate political state in America whose ability at fundraiser drowns out all opposition to their rule at all levels across the United States. Mr Dobson should not be very
surprised to see most of the funding of opposition parties in other countries most likely comes from the same sources that fund both the Republicans and Democrats and maybe that is the issue he should be concentrating for a book. As far as this book "dictators learning Curve" it is a stinker not worthy of the dustiest library shelve.
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