Remembering Franz Ferdinand

Dan Carlin predicts a large Arab state
Ed West
The dream of a few large states replacing the numerous states currently n the Mideast has been a dream of jihadists and past dictators in this region in bids of extended power and rule for their families. I listened to Dan Carlin's podcast the other day and this is indeed what he said would be a simple solution to the MidEast crisis over the years as a united Arab state would have a stronger central control of the region and help bring these societies out of medieval tribalism. Carlin figures that one large Arab Sunni state and one large Shitte state would solve the problems in this prodigious foreign policy question of the last hundred years.
He went on to explain about the Ottomon Empire and so forth in controlling these people although access to explosives was something the Turks never had to worry about with Arabs. Incredibly, Dan Carlin described Europe's various wars through the ages and this just contradicted his vision of fewer Arab states being the solution as Europe is filled with a wide range of diverse cultural states never going to be unified despite many attempts by the economic warlords. A large Arab state would be powerful and threaten out the very creation of a Jewish state to please these economic financial warlords that control all aspect of Western banking and finance. The problem with the Middle East is that their countries were in enter by colonial masters who had little interest in dividing up these places with common sense and indeed purposely put the wrong people together to create internal instability that they could exploit. These lands need to be left alone and have ISIS and other groups form their own governments and nations where the local people see to it as best defined and not outside business forces that seek to have markets and bases protecting their capitalist ventures.
The dream of a few large states replacing the numerous states currently n the Mideast has been a dream of jihadists and past dictators in this region in bids of extended power and rule for their families. I listened to Dan Carlin's podcast the other day and this is indeed what he said would be a simple solution to the MidEast crisis over the years as a united Arab state would have a stronger central control of the region and help bring these societies out of medieval tribalism. Carlin figures that one large Arab Sunni state and one large Shitte state would solve the problems in this prodigious foreign policy question of the last hundred years.
Soccer and real football disgusts Ann Coulter
Guy Baldwin
Ann Coulter is a big believer of American exceptional ism and had a recent tirade against all this World Cup love from America. The Atlantic had a great article about Ann's and others fears of this great sport and the growing interest in this country of football. The real football. This sport has conservatives like this bitch on edge as it represents everything g they hate in life.
The Atlantic website points out how early immigrants that had come from soccer loving nations had to give p this game to prove their Americanism. Americans like Ann Coulter also hate the fact that this is a sport we do not dominate nor did we originate and anything that does not put the Stars and Stripes on the main stage these idiots detest. Someone like Ann Coulter likely only enjoys the Olympics because of Americans training wealth has usually made us the largest gold collector. Our willingness to embrace this game shows a new direction to how we see ourselves with the rest of humanity on the planet and this is something that scorns the likes of Ann Coulter. Urban liberals have been in the front of embracing soccer and opening up bars that cater to this sport instead of the dull bat and ball game nor the violent collision form of football in North America. If this is moral decay then I wonder what is taking a family of four to a baseball game and spending two hundred dollars watching rich guys stand most of the time. Ann Coulter decries that there is no scoring in soccer yet admits the athletes are constantly moving and not chewing seeds on a bench. Ann Coulter is one of the worse writers and columnists in America and her cultural connection of decay with football makes about as much sense as the terrible sports Americans had traditionally "embraced". Thanks to sports media conglomerates that seek advertising money. Soccer is a sport where you will never see a lard ass over eater making millions to just block and sit on his ass on a helmet.
There is nothing the soccer haters can do right now to stop the advancement of soccer enthusiasm in America and I urge all those into the World Cup to continue league interest in this game whether it be America or the country of your choice. I know I have been enjoying much of the competition of qualifying matches leading up to this great tournament and the amount of league and international soccer competition that is year round is amazing. Something the likes of a skank like Ann Coulter will never realize.

Book on the fall of Qaddafi
Ali Muhammed
Alison Pargeter has written many books on the Islamic world and has one of the first post Qaddafi books out there about Libya. Her book "Libya The Rise And Fall Of Qaddafi" looks at the colonels rule in Libya from day one of when he took power and initiated his Jamahiriyah brand of revolutionary rule on this small country in the late sixties.
Libya was so ripe for revolution away from their royal rule that someone like Qaddafi could take control and rise to the top. The revolution of 1969 was long in the making and Qaddafi along with a few other minor military officers were able to take control. The author looks at the tough Bedouin upbringing where looking for World War II scrap metal left overs was essential for survival. His stubbornness in his childhood continued later in life and the guy burned plenty of bridges even among the Arab neighbors of Libya. Qaddafi soon began to be as irrated towards Arab rulers in other lands as he was with the imperialist Europeans he felt were still having much influence after independence. This guy would soon become very delusioned with the revolutionary experience and the lack of public support for all of his ideas. He would soon sweep away all existing political structures and set up his own for life rule for the next thirty years that put Libya as a pariah state and a closed society.
Alison's book goes through all the neurotic behavior of Qaddafi and his state in the seventies and elites and indeed there were many unusual stances,changes,takeovers, and reactionary actions that made Libya a closed society similar to North Korea today. Public executions of suppose enemies of the state and Islam were a common site in this era and Qaddafi clearly was a leader deserving of war crimes. Spending on war materials drastically shot up as Libya tried hard to become an international player. He would soon have agents and his armies in neighboring countries trying to establish influence and ability to destabilize regimes he didn't like. Thisis a man who couldn't come to any agreement with any of the other big names in Mid East politics and meddling in the affairs with weaker African nations became the norm for Libyan forces many of who were just ordered into the army from rival tribes in Libya. Qaddafi' s conflicts and disagreements with both sides of the Cold War participants is well documented and the rise and support if his regime of international terrorism would soon make his name familiar in Western households. Eventually his domestic and foreign policy would be his undoing and this book clearly documents his last days slough I wish more discusion could of been done on the East West divide within Libya as this is another country that clearly could be divided into two more states.
The last few years did see Qadaffi try to reform and be accepted more onto the worlds stage and make amends with its battles with other Countries but it came to little and too late making him on the radar of Islamic radicals. A good book for those wanting to learn more on one of the recent dictators in history whose rural ruled delivered a justified end. Although I have to admit him having strong and nice looking female body guards was pretty cool
The last few years did see Qadaffi try to reform and be accepted more onto the worlds stage and make amends with its battles with other Countries but it came to little and too late making him on the radar of Islamic radicals. A good book for those wanting to learn more on one of the recent dictators in history whose rural ruled delivered a justified end. Although I have to admit him having strong and nice looking female body guards was pretty cool
How La Michoacana and Dairy Queen play into segregation of America
Jim Oberweight
The incredible growth of La Michoacana ice cream stores mirroring the growth of Mexican populations in the US should not come as a surprise. Nothing suggests newcomers are refuse g to adapt more than La Michoacana and other Spanish surnamed ice cream stores currently taking up space in crumbling,crummy strip malls in places like Chicago, Milwaukee, and Indianapolis. I like it to to be called the segregation of ice cream.
You will see White folks huddled in Dairy Queens and of course Oberweis locations rough out Midwestern suburbs while all the Mexicans gravitate to these La Michocana places where the know Spanish will be primarily spoken in their refusal and attempts to live Mexico in the United States. Nothing tells Non-Mexicans that you are more non-welcomed than a store that refuses to use the adopted nations primarily language on their stores and la Michoacana has created a national niche for this. As long as Hispanic women keep popping babies and Mexicans primarily migrate here not to become patriotic Americans but to earn more so they can buy a house on the cheapskate in drug country south of the border there will never be assimilation. Corporate Dairy Queen will never be ale to set up shop in a Latino neighborhood. The sorting and serration of neighborhoods will always be an existence through business and capital segregation such as this.
Social Critic criticism...Sexy School girl run rightfully canceled and other sexiest sports activities
Raleigh , North Carolina rightfully canceled a sexy school girl run the other day in an incredible attempt to further put sexuality out in public. The whole concept of this run was totally insane and without a doubt some perverted older man likely organized this event. This is the same reasoning of having cheerleaders and ice girls at our athletic events and it is good to see there was a local backlash against this running charity race. The attempt by these morons to run this through especially in North Carolina in this day of age of constant sex abuse of young girls is a travesty. This is North Carolina after all and not Japan and there was an immediate outcry to shut this race down as soon as it was announced in the local Raleigh media. few women who actually wanted to degrade themselves and their gender signed up for this and like I said there is no doubt in my mind that some dudes thought there would be nothing wrong with this poor taste race. What likely gives these sports guys justification for an event like this though is the countless images of young women to be sexualized and put up as background to many sporting events from cheerleading to ice skating scantly dressed women scrapping up ice at hockey games. Young women need to take a stand and refuse to take part in these activities or help to fight against ridiculous shows of blatant sexism in society portraying them as sex objects for the eyes of beer drinking sports spectator pig dudes that think ogling women is a God given right for loser men. There are many good old boys upset that this days entertainment was canceled and they will just have to accept that society is against the things they just considered natural and a right when it comes to the opposite sex.
Curreny wars between nations just as devastating
Tony Miselli
Currency manipulation as a tool in modern warfare between states is explored in the book" Currencies Wars" by the great gold pusher James Rickards. A very complex confusing book only the most acute economist would enjoy. The United Sates is facing serious threats to its national security thanks to our leaders insistence of putting a global trade network that has done little except made a few people prosper in this country and made taken more people off of their historic lands in other parts of the world.
Having gold backing up currencies is something that James Rickards and other preach and he talks a bit about the classical gold standard period of 1970 to 1914 before the federal reserve was created. A series of panics helped create this creating that many put blame for the worlds instability. Rickards has done good research to explain the currency wars of 1921 to 1936 that saw rise of fascist dictators through the creation of unstable economic conditions of devalued currencies. Many Germans were financially ruined through this time period as the weak government was unable to stop hyperinflation that had a devastating effect on the nation. The role of Franklin Roosevelt and Richard Nixon in combating currencies and in fluctuations of combative valuation is explained through this book as the second currency battles was waged from the late sixties to late eighties throughout the world. There are many countries that battles and continue to question the role of the dollar on the worlds markets and indeed we are seeing a battle to retain the worlds gold reserves from many nations who think the dollars time has come. Richard Nixon's role of preventing the dollar from being a hostage to international speculators. The current currency war between the Yuan and the dollar really is shaping up to be the next major economic conflict.
The peoples bank of China strictly control the flow of the Yuan helping to make this currency much more stronger than the dollar and makes its export industry strong and cheap for foreign buyers. this ability has done more damage to the American economy and helped spiral US government debt more than anything spending on domestic necessities that Republican law makers want so desperately to cut. The fact is that industrial nations can barely keep afloat and only a subsidized U S military has enabled Europe and Japan to keep their old age non-working pension population survivable and our military energy ventures need to come to an end. Currency wars have already been going on for years and have helped avoid real warfare between nations. However the days of U S military protection for global trade are ending and nations will need to settle their disputes with their neighbors without US banks and taxpayers supporting these nations and threatening the protection of these overspending nations. Rickards understands the problem is that banks are now too big to fail and they need to be broken up and until they are we are doomed to follow the same progress japan has been following in the past two decades with the exception we allow many more immigrants to undercut the people who are still working age in the United States. This is what is putting us in debt and Rickards needs to focus more on this than the valuation of different currencies and need for a gold stabdard.
Having gold backing up currencies is something that James Rickards and other preach and he talks a bit about the classical gold standard period of 1970 to 1914 before the federal reserve was created. A series of panics helped create this creating that many put blame for the worlds instability. Rickards has done good research to explain the currency wars of 1921 to 1936 that saw rise of fascist dictators through the creation of unstable economic conditions of devalued currencies. Many Germans were financially ruined through this time period as the weak government was unable to stop hyperinflation that had a devastating effect on the nation. The role of Franklin Roosevelt and Richard Nixon in combating currencies and in fluctuations of combative valuation is explained through this book as the second currency battles was waged from the late sixties to late eighties throughout the world. There are many countries that battles and continue to question the role of the dollar on the worlds markets and indeed we are seeing a battle to retain the worlds gold reserves from many nations who think the dollars time has come. Richard Nixon's role of preventing the dollar from being a hostage to international speculators. The current currency war between the Yuan and the dollar really is shaping up to be the next major economic conflict.
The peoples bank of China strictly control the flow of the Yuan helping to make this currency much more stronger than the dollar and makes its export industry strong and cheap for foreign buyers. this ability has done more damage to the American economy and helped spiral US government debt more than anything spending on domestic necessities that Republican law makers want so desperately to cut. The fact is that industrial nations can barely keep afloat and only a subsidized U S military has enabled Europe and Japan to keep their old age non-working pension population survivable and our military energy ventures need to come to an end. Currency wars have already been going on for years and have helped avoid real warfare between nations. However the days of U S military protection for global trade are ending and nations will need to settle their disputes with their neighbors without US banks and taxpayers supporting these nations and threatening the protection of these overspending nations. Rickards understands the problem is that banks are now too big to fail and they need to be broken up and until they are we are doomed to follow the same progress japan has been following in the past two decades with the exception we allow many more immigrants to undercut the people who are still working age in the United States. This is what is putting us in debt and Rickards needs to focus more on this than the valuation of different currencies and need for a gold stabdard.
Matt Lewis wants Redskin image kept because he grew up rooting for the team
Cougar Face
Bill Scher deserves better in having a Bloggingheads co-host or debater. He often goes on this channel to debate e liberal side against a man named Matt Lewis who always bring up sports to his arguments. Lately Matt Lewis been talking a lot of shit about Washington Redskins saying how it is none government business to put and end to racist name.
Matt Lewis say that because he grow up with this team and remember watching John Riggens and Joe Theisman win Super game that somehow this should not change name of Washington Redskin. Matt Lewis go on to admit that he would not name a team nowadays of the term Redskin but it should be grandfather in and co tinge to use to degrade the millions of people in this country who call themselves Native Americans. Redskin was the N word of its day and is still used by White men to verbally assault Indians in the Dakotas and out West. This is something right wing nut conservative Matt Lewis no can understand as his people and Christians were not so derogatory insulted and abused verbally and physically by other people. Perhaps have Lewis lived in country where people who no look like him took his ancestors land and then used cross as symbol of sport maybe then asshole Matt Lewis can see why this nickname is totally wrong.
People like Lewis and those who defend nickname of Redskins though will always see what they want and will see redskin name as a term of respect and tradition that should be held on to for continue use to insult aborigines America. it is only a matter of time that this logo that many find insulting will no longer be seen on the fields of the National Football League
Matt Lewis say that because he grow up with this team and remember watching John Riggens and Joe Theisman win Super game that somehow this should not change name of Washington Redskin. Matt Lewis go on to admit that he would not name a team nowadays of the term Redskin but it should be grandfather in and co tinge to use to degrade the millions of people in this country who call themselves Native Americans. Redskin was the N word of its day and is still used by White men to verbally assault Indians in the Dakotas and out West. This is something right wing nut conservative Matt Lewis no can understand as his people and Christians were not so derogatory insulted and abused verbally and physically by other people. Perhaps have Lewis lived in country where people who no look like him took his ancestors land and then used cross as symbol of sport maybe then asshole Matt Lewis can see why this nickname is totally wrong.
Mark Dice hates seeing football players with athletic goals in life
Alex Moslopolpolus
Mark Dice on some of his videos was putting down soccer and the hype of the World Cup. Mark Dice is someone who will call anyone with interests in sports as zombies and likely e guy could never make any teams or was picked last all of the time for a team as a child.
I guess just going on YouTube and making senseless, stupid rants about phones conspiracies is something you should do more with your time that follow the Olympics or World Cup play. Mark Dice criticizes these guys for chasing a soccer ball around. this isn't a sport about just chasing a soccer ball around and it is about accomplishing a team goal which from the low scoring shows how difficult this sport is but jerks like Dice wouldn't ever consider watching and admiring athletic ability and accomplishment he could never attain in his miserable existence. He has no concept for sport and just says how stupid people are who follow this athletic competition where you cannot use your hands and have to use the law of Physics and human agility to accomplish a very difficult goal. I guess for him it is more rational to ask complete strangers stupid questions on the street with a camera and microphone pretending you are some legit reporter or blowing obscenities on a bullhorn.
Guys like Mark Dice are a bit jealous that some men have a goal of playing in top world class events such as the World Cup while his lame goal in life is to make stupid videos talking about stuff that doesn't exist and criticizing g others who have different goals than meet his standard. I hope the Super Bowl and World Cup competition and the publicity and love of these e nets by many drive Mark Dice more nuts and crazy that he already appears to be in his numerous YouTube rants
I guess just going on YouTube and making senseless, stupid rants about phones conspiracies is something you should do more with your time that follow the Olympics or World Cup play. Mark Dice criticizes these guys for chasing a soccer ball around. this isn't a sport about just chasing a soccer ball around and it is about accomplishing a team goal which from the low scoring shows how difficult this sport is but jerks like Dice wouldn't ever consider watching and admiring athletic ability and accomplishment he could never attain in his miserable existence. He has no concept for sport and just says how stupid people are who follow this athletic competition where you cannot use your hands and have to use the law of Physics and human agility to accomplish a very difficult goal. I guess for him it is more rational to ask complete strangers stupid questions on the street with a camera and microphone pretending you are some legit reporter or blowing obscenities on a bullhorn.
Guys like Mark Dice are a bit jealous that some men have a goal of playing in top world class events such as the World Cup while his lame goal in life is to make stupid videos talking about stuff that doesn't exist and criticizing g others who have different goals than meet his standard. I hope the Super Bowl and World Cup competition and the publicity and love of these e nets by many drive Mark Dice more nuts and crazy that he already appears to be in his numerous YouTube rants
Remembering Kitty Genovese
Baxter Lomax
In March of 1964 a lesbian bartender was brutally attacked and murdered in the Kew Gardens section of Queens in New York. the great black migration into the Northern cities had been underway and the immediate vengeful Black on White urban crime wave was just starting. Kitty Genovise had just left her bartending job and was crushing back home at three thirty in the morning and a hateful, lustful black rapist of the name of Winston Mosely followed her and raped her in full view of many witnesses who didn't intervene in her attack. This Black on White rape attack would be followed by many more in the years and decades ahead but this attack would be chronicled and put in all sorts of textbooks examining the bystander effect instead of the racial revenge aspect.
The fiftieth anniversary of this murder passed on March of this year and a new book examines this murder and why so many witnesses didn't get involved. Kevin Cook wrote the book "Kitty Genovese" and the facts that this racial rape murder does not get the same media attention and scrutiny of Emmit Till 's murder is a travesty. Emmit Till likely would of grew up to be another sixties white woman killer like Winston Moseley whose list and hatred of White women were shared in copycat crimes like this in urban America that made many people flee to the safety of suburbia.
The fiftieth anniversary of this murder passed on March of this year and a new book examines this murder and why so many witnesses didn't get involved. Kevin Cook wrote the book "Kitty Genovese" and the facts that this racial rape murder does not get the same media attention and scrutiny of Emmit Till 's murder is a travesty. Emmit Till likely would of grew up to be another sixties white woman killer like Winston Moseley whose list and hatred of White women were shared in copycat crimes like this in urban America that made many people flee to the safety of suburbia.
Reading this book though Mr Cook squashes the written story of thirty eight people not getting involved after seeing this rape/murder. In fact, only two white men saw this attack and cowardly did not come to the aid of their kin. These men should of actually been charged as complacent to tis attack and after this attack many municipalities did put these into written law. This was a very interesting crime and history book and one can only hope many other authors write future books on other white victims to lack sex racial murders that followed and proceeded this murder on March 10, 1964. For thirty three minutes Kitty bravely fought off this attack from this wild savage who was just in the early stages of a serial murder career decade before the term popped up in America culture. A real unsung hero was a man named Rahul Clearly intervened in a suspicious characters claim of furniture moving a week after the murder and called police to a suspected burglary. Smart police work and hunches connected the evil moron Moseley to the crime as his corsair automobile was his undoing. All serial killers seem to fall victim to capture through the use of the machine that enables me to travel out as much in search of victims. Kitty was just a doing woman doing a tough bartending job Trying to make ends meet before she was snuffed out by this black loser. This book sows that the New York Times sensationalized the neighborhood's role in the murder and should of instead looked at outside communities that were filled with Malcom X preachers preaching hate and revenge for slavery. The crime occurred at three thirty in the morning on a cold early !arch and the fact that many people did indeed call the police show that this neighborhood and its likely older residents were often portrait end in a negative manner. Moseley would go on to escape and commit another crime and those criticisms of the Willie Horton political ad of the late eighties only need to read the short history of lack urban crime and the decaying civilization that was seen in cities with undermanned police.
Dimitri Orlov's Russian Eurasian dream
Bud Cooper
The Eurasian Nikon has been a dream of pro Russian globalists for a long time. Dimitri Orlov is apolitical scientists that has wished for Americas collapse and Russian rise for many years in his writings and his fantasy is to see a Eurasian Union that would consist of all the former Soviet territories and aim to include much more. Orlov wants to see an economic union to include Finland,Bulgaria,Hungary, Czech Republic,Mongolia,Vietnam,Bulgaria, and all the way out into Venezuela and Cuba.
These brazen comments by this so called political scientist and respected thinker is gutless and shows what little concept for individual independence Orlov wishes for these people. These proud nations and peoples had to live under the yoke of Russian rule for so many generations because of people like this collapse author and Russian supremacist. Basically Orlov wants the Cold War to be repeated and Russian to have influence under the gun and on top of these smaller nations that would relinquish control to the Putin king. Dimtri Orlov has always been a Russian agent in my mind doing is best to undermine the institutions of this country from the one he fled man yeas ago. As Russian agents and provocateurs try to carve up parts of the Ukraine there is no don't that Russian thinkers like Dimitri Orlov have been hoping for this Eurasian Union to resurrect an aging , alcoholic society. a society of wishful thinkers bent on power trips from acting like America at the same time decrying the actions of American energy consumption foreign policy adventures.the Soviet empire has collapsed and is not coming back union or no union with nations most of all were once forced into a past union with the expansionist Russians because of their weakness and proximity to Orlov's mother Russia. these countries that Orlov wants to become closer with Putin were nothing but colonial subjects and serfs to the Russians before and nothing wold be different than a Russian lead union. Unlike the European Union this history will make Dimitri Orlov and other nutty Russians an in efficacious dream that will never come true and just collapse their wishes of a new Russian Eastern empire.
The Economist magazine and their pro business politicians
Cecil Brewster
The Economist magazine is a pro business Neo-liberal propaganda print machine and the stories they have are usually majorly biased with a free-market stance. So it should be no surprise this week when they featured a story on mayor one percent Rahm Emanuel. I was shocked to see Rahm Emanuel as the first picture as I opened up this magazine the other day and they had such positive article and sterling job this man has done as mayor you wold of thought it was penned by Rahm Emanuel dickhead himself. Rahm Emanuel has been a great mayor for the ultra-wealthy and their business causes and demands.
He has been a god awful mayor for the rest of the population of this city and it is just another typical right wing economic story praising these new elitism mayors and governor in America. The Economist praised Emmanuel for forcing pension reform and taking on the unions and they encourage him to continue the fight with the teachers union next. What is lucid is that for many citizens in Chicago an impoverished life is the only future and corporatist mayors like Rahm Emanuel are a cause for their plight. A guy like Emanuel can totally hijack other politicians goals as he did running the Clinton administration and his cots David measure in education will end up disastrous as those without the economic means will be stuck in crummy schools while the wealthy can buy their way into the top ones. When one talks about the problem of money in politics we only need to look at the likes of a political maverick like Rahm Emanuel to see what it can lead to in regards to a just and fair society. The Economist says it is crucial for Rahm Emanuel to be reflected and be a role model for other people into the ranks of local government and this publications wished for more men like Emanuel inolitics is a s are dilemma for the entire public.
Marilu Henner book on self improvement
Bradly Handley
Living a self-fulfilling life is like wearing a brand new dress looking you're best. Marilu's Henner writes another self help book for women and this is the one I review today's called " Wearing Your Life Well ", and the wisdom Marilu puts out trying to break down all the stresses in your life and how best to combat them. She really wants people to discover their best and through out this book she quotes famous celebrities in this book and some of the things they did that proved how they developed a talent. Why she goes through some of the talents of other famous people is something I wondered and I guess she feels their actions and thoughts perhaps are more influential for the reader.
Marilu states the importance of battling your fears as a good beginning to improving your situation. Organization is important and a key aspect of getting off to a good start whether it is a day or a task. She rates the necessity of getting rid of stuff that you know is bad for you and leading to a continuing concept of doubt and better living. As an actress she encourages her reader to take on roles for self improvement and likely I would tell these women that rely of celebrity books such as this to go out and get more from author authors for more diversity of opinion. Not everyone has opportunity to live life as a broadway and television star such as Marilu Henner and there are plenty of voices out there in the women's literature non-fiction world. Not that there is anything wrong with this book of one of my favorite television stars. Like most of her boos she gives recipes that I find amusing. Many large women are not going to take time out to shop for these foods e ause they are addicted to the junk food and cheesecakes and wine that are killing them. One of e last chapters is Ms Henner saying that the sexiest organ is the brain yet unfortunately many people don't get control of it and just allow advertisers and corporations to sell us the stuff our bodies are crying out it doesn't want.
Obese people just need to look in the mirror and ask themselves is this the image they want to portray in my one and only likely life in this universe and if they can answer yes then they can continue eating the cheap processed foods out there. People like them and the health care costs to government need more than a book to tell them how much too eat and as long as food remains plentiful and cheap they will continue to resemble barnyard animals being forced feed and fattened up for market in this endless cycle of mankind over eating obesity.
More great continual writing from David Harvey
Jordon Morgan
David Harvey is an incredible economist and writer. He critiques and does and in depth an in depth analysis of the writings of another great man in Karl Marx in his book called "A Companion To Marx's Capital" and this is a good learning
David Harvey is an incredible economist and writer. He critiques and does and in depth an in depth analysis of the writings of another great man in Karl Marx in his book called "A Companion To Marx's Capital" and this is a good learning
Piece into what a top university professor thinks of some of Karl Marx's historical writings.
Harvey looks into Marx's thoughts that there will always be a large poor underclass through the intrinsic way capitalism is structured. Large-scale industry requires a pool of cheap labour to keep capitalist mass accumulation on a massive scale and dependency on a system that requires much transitions trough technology will predictable cause major employment instability for the masses of working poor. This is basically set up this way by the ruling class to ensure weakness of the worker degrading his status in the corporation and community in comparison to the manager/owner. David Harvey writes a lot about technology in this book and its role in displacing people easily and its role in keeping inequality in life continuing is often understated. If people are kept into believing that their fate is due to machines innovations and beyond their control to fight back you have a complacent working population that can be manipulated at will by owners of production. Of course the manufacturing dominance base in the United States has been replaced by the financial corporation and moving modes of operation overseas did much to end the growing power and influence of the American worker and increase the power of the credit makers.
The European comparatives were not able as successfully move as many jobs to other countries thanks to strong socialist countries and thus you see a higher improved lifestyle and workers in Europe compared to deregulated American counterparts. The class struggle Marx talks about is repeated like on every country and the struggle of all workers against those who gain fortunes through exploitation over the years continues. Thanks to the likes of David Harvey and other great professors generations of students studying economics hears an alternative to capitalism and necessary battles against their abuses that continues to this day. The amount of dispossession of land from peasants in the name of capital development continues unabated and one must wonder what Marx would think about this This is a very academic difficult read that will expose you and open up ideas on one of history's most controversial thinkers.

Scott Horton and James Corbett know Americans foreign policy fiasco
Ali Muhammed
The Islamic state of Iraq is making grounds capturing more and more towns. The world shakes and talk of an Iran and American alliance to act in unison to prevent these groups from forming their own Sunni nation and changing foreign policy as we know it. The mainstream media reports and tries to get another American combat ground operation in some sort of news bonanza and information hope in their industry.
There are many dudes out there that will tell you it is America that has funded these rebels allowing so many Islamic men with passports to freely travel back and forth joining ranks with these medieval nuts. James Corbett and Scott Horton are to useful guys listen to talking about the perpetual war state of America and how selling weapons and so forth creates a one percent class that profits handsomely from conflicts in other countries. The industrial war complex of America with its billions of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia who thus uses are oil money to also fund these same ISIS radicals in Syria and Iraq. It's only a matter of time before they start to filtrate Friendly Jordan and Kuwait bringing these Mideast oil wars to full, circle. Israel also will not stand by and allow and repeat of Islamic success as there was in their border war with Hezbollah some years ago as some can say This is the point where Islamic insurgencies gained steam. Horton and Corbett have their own radio and Internet shows with a great variety of guests talking about the numerous military is takes and interjections of the West.
Corbett in fact also appears on many other programs talking a wide variety international political subjects informing the masses of Americas military madness. I highly recommend these two podcasters out there for good source of alternative news.

The time Chris Hedges destroyed Dinesh D'Souza in a public debate
Alex Mousloloplos
A happened to catch a debate that was done back in 2012 that pitted Dinesh D'Souza against Chris hedges and for about an hour hedges tore apart every aspect of the screwball D'Souzas anti-Obama arguments. Dinesh D'Souza had put out this totally disgusting anti-Barack Obama movie propaganda right before the elections that was so misleading and racist and it was base in part of the two books he had written about Barack Obama. Hedges and D’Souza touch on the War on Terror, the Arab Spring, and the 2012 election, among other topics in this widely viewed debate through the internet. Dinish should basically lose all creditability as an objective author and after this debate an shellshacking he got through the voice of Chris Hedges. Chris is a great debater and even though both authors have been fiercely critical of U.S. foreign policy and the Obama administration, hedges still pt a mounting public but ass whipping in this debate against the very vocal and irrevocable D"Souza who clearly has something against a man of African descent holding the office Obama holds in his Indian eyes. Dinesh didn't even stay for the entire debate claim some other interview to promote is Obama movie in a forum that would not have been as antagonizing for him. Both of these writers have issues and problems with Obama's policies but for very different reasons and one can hear in the tome of 'Souza that it is a corporatist tax toe he is worried the most eve tough as Hedges pointed out Obama basically gave free reign for Wall Street to continue their economic policies that pave the way for continued wealth in the hands of those already with tremendous incomes and assets. Hedges ended the debate after D'Souza left abruptly that basically in Indian colonial legacy their were many Indians that came to identify more with the English and the foreign rulers through their own disdain for the poverty that they felt mirrored their society an that they were glad to have avoided themselves working in civil service under the masers of the crown in England. This is basically the root cause of Souza's passion against Obama and maybe s somebody some day should write a book about D'Souzas endless books and movies about Obama.
Vietnamese Anti-Chinese riots a wake up call to global Chinese ethnic supremist elites
Lee Park Kong
The Chinese have been sucessful over the years using their Chineseism and moneytary connections to set up businss and shops in foreign Asian countries. needless to say this reckless invetment and domination has caused resentment in every non-Chinese country these guys set up business, bring in their own workers and basically treat the locals like dogs in commerce and business.
In late May many Vietnamese had enough and major riots broke out throughout Vietnam. Many Taiwanese and Chinese fled to neighboring Cambodia and saw many of their factories destroyed as the riots welled in anger that many Vietnamese see in the Chinese has exploiters of their land and ability to use business for political leverage within the Vietnamese government that the average person couldn't compete. The brave protests and actions of these Vietnamese protestors became deadly after they saw their government put more concern and care for the property of foreigners from Taiwan than they did with the numerous protestors and workers in these Chinese factories that often have to work in jeopardous conditions. China then used their political and energy power over the government threatening oil shipments if Vietnam didn's come down hard on these people who are concerned about their national soverienity that a growing China continues to threaten on many fronts in Asia and Africa. I expect to see more fighting between these groups in Vietnam as Chinese business leaders prove unwilling to reform teir conditions and how they basically reat workers under them that do not share their taste in A Chinese dominated world and Asia. People in Vietnam have been fighting these Chinese practices of colonizing other lands for their self-interests and economic rewards while the rest of the populaion subsidizes and is hurt by their economic domination of a foreign group. This is something the people in the West are soon finding out about China in their own lands and these anti-Chinese business practices and exploitation will be repeated throughout many continents in the near future.
The Chinese have been sucessful over the years using their Chineseism and moneytary connections to set up businss and shops in foreign Asian countries. needless to say this reckless invetment and domination has caused resentment in every non-Chinese country these guys set up business, bring in their own workers and basically treat the locals like dogs in commerce and business.
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