Mark Stey is a witty writer and so e times an I threat g read on-line. He followed up his America Alone book with a oak called "After America" and it is another interesting look at this guys collapse predictions and reasoning for the fall of the West. He looks at Washington DCs transformation from a black ghetto Detroit like city to one of new wealth and blames government spending as the part of the problem with the United States. Somehow the cock thinks this country should have a capital that resembles Detroit and because there is a bureaucracy of wealthy people around the nations capital in the important role of ahh running the country that somehow that spells doom.
It seems a guy like Mr Steyn would be happy to have government workers all be earning Wal Mart wages and that would somehow be great for the nations productivity. Steyn also thinks everyone is childish and selfish because they don't go to church and rely on secular governments as opposed to dogma ancient church practices that are both boring and nonsense in a civilized world. Not that a guy like Steyn is all right with all global religions just a certain one that has a cross as its corporate logo. Mark Steyn sees government spending on certain things as all right apparently the military and our role as global cop protecting the worlds oil shipping routes. When it comes for government to help people out who are not big if loyalists Steyn finds it hard for money to be distributed and he will throw out a few I pet cities that milked money for a few such as Bell, California while ignoring the millions milked out of government by those running the private sector business hand out machines. Mark Steyn is just a propagandist that tries to play on cultural fears to keep the status quo and money in the hands of those already with enough.
He ends a chapter bashing his favorite country England because they don't act like the gentlemen of nineteenth century who basically made Wealth from the poverty and reliance of millions and he miss the days of big empire spreading Christianity around the globe as main purpose of government as opposed to the modern big government of Great Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Anything that helps people this barbarian Steyn terms de-civilizing and one can only hope this moron opens his eyes and quits distorting history in his desperate attempts to defend Neo liberalism and capitalism. Steyn disdains Europe and their social safety network and fears it will become the new model of America and this is the only basis for his fear of American Armageddon. Mark Steyn is a man that should quit predicting bad things for the fall of Americas empire and just move back to Canada if he thinks is it will be a doom and gloom because people don't go to church.
Danielle Watkins is a bad slut teacher now in a psych ward
Cecil Brewster
A Connecticut teacher has been accused of fucking a male student twenty times and threatened to fail him if he broke up their sexual agreements. Danielle Watkins was a teacher at Stamford High School and is now locked up in a psychiatric-care facility after being arrested and humiliated. She is part of the growing disparity of women over men in higher education and supposedly rise of women in the workplace and Danielle is just another higher educated crazy woman in this society who really are to more educated or productive than the average Joe plumber.
Police examined this educators phone and discovered more than 2000 obsessive texts she sent to this teenager and basically women in education all over their country are using their privilege in society to fuck kids and expecting none retaliation from law enforcement. Young female teachers are by far the greatest threat to kids and the mistakenly sexual predators out there. Police responded to reports of allegations of this skank teacher with one of her students and when they searched her car the crazy bitch became combative. There were many rumors about this married teacher and her passion for some male members. Marijuana was discovered in the car that she used along with her looks to seduce the male student who soon got tired of these adult games and easiness that his teacher made a conquest. One has to wonder if the reason why females predominate in education at all levels these days are somehow q related to their easiness to bed maybe even at the interviewing process. If this is what education has become with teachers more invested in the XXX instead of the ABCs maybe we need to investigate the purpose of high schools and how they hire all these dingbats that jeopardize out institutions
Social Critics criticism ...Skateboarding bored youth
Otto Jansen
Nothing in society shows the bored desperation of youth than skateboarding fad that hit this nation some time in the sixties or seventies. The amount of time spent by youth for this mobile cultural nuttiness mostly males is pretty troublesome and something few people even directly discuss. No doubt this male teenage fad disgusts me and the thought of females who I see increasingly copy their peers with this mischief madness. Parents and adults see little trouble in this teenage mobility form until broken bones require expensive hospital bills. These kids clearly they could be doing better stuff with their time and the passion they show for moving themselves on a price of plywood with wheels is just absurd along wit the risky tricks they attempt on a daily basis usually on tax supported buildings.
Another troubling trend is the number of older males well past teenage years but apparently before adulthood using skateboarding as a viable urban transportation method. The construction of ramps by parents on what was once quit quaint suburban sprawl streets is a twisted concept that I first visualized in movies but have seen luckily only a few times in person. Skate boarding rise in popularity has been helped by the medias fixating of this as now some sort of viable legit sport backed by massive corporate money. There is a Taco Bell in the suburbs that has their screens set to some ridiculous Taco Bell sponsored skateboard video and the making of Tony Hawk as some sort of athlete and media star over the years is both appalling and frightening. Skate Boarders are a sick part of modern youth society in today's fucked up world and country that is the United States
Another food scandal in China with American cheap processed food
Arturo Armando
Fast food giants took another hit with news coming out of China that an Aurora Illinois based company sold expired beef to China for use in McDonald's and KFC brand stores. One of the reasons supposedly 
that these American giants were in China is because the public over there considered the food more reliable and safe to their tiny Chicken Chinese take out counterparts . A Shanghai television station reported that Husi owned OSI group in Aurora used repackaged older expired beef and put new expiration dates and shipped them thousands and thousands of miles away to China. McDonald's and Yum brands said they were conducting their own investigation into these practices which means they will likely do nothing and wait for this news to blow over. The public in China is learn what scoundrels the fast-food industry is and will go to extremes in order to cut costs and fool the distributors to sell the waste they do not want to throw away. When you Add greedy fast food companies with scrupulous Chinese middle men you have a recipe for corruption and deceit among the restraint industry. This scandal has rocked China hard and really gained little notice over in the states from a stupid public ore not wrested n reality television than the junk they buy and eat from these companies on a daily basis. On an effort to cut costs these corporate i ants are willing to risk scandals like these and deal with cheap suppliers until their practices are exposed by stations reporting on peoples complaints about the food they suspect is to right.
Ted Nugent is insane
Cougar Face
Ted Nugent has tried hard to make a name for himself in the right wing media sphere and it appears now that his big mouth has backfired. The Coure D'Alene Indian casino in Idaho canceled a planed profitable concert for this age g seventies rocker who is now more famous for his idiotically right wing rants more than the new music he plays. This is a guy who has desperately played up the right wind Fox News media as some sort of legitimate public political voice when he spent most of his youth drinking, drugging, and playing loud music.
The guy is irrelevant in reality and only gets television air time because of a couple of hits he made man many a long moons ago. After being informed of this cancelation Nugent went on to make more of an ass of himself describing these people as unclean woman in racist code words that were used often on the Western frontier a century ago. This is the sixth concert this summer that Ted has lost because of his racist language and it is about time Indian casinos finally stopped have this "entertainer" perform and profit in this country and using this to help establish himself as a voice for the right wing in this country. Ted Nugent is a constant divider in this country and people like him need to be confronted and put in place instead of continuing to make a living from dismal music that is long outdated and lame. The fact that someone like Ted Nugent is a voice really shows the ineptitude of the media in selecting people to be given a platform for this scary thoughts that are better remain locked in their warped brains. Ted Nugent is not a guy you want among American Indians
Rick Morrissey and other American Neanderthals finally get soccer
Guy Baldwin
The World Cup is long over and with it is a legion of new converts who respect the game and acknowledgement of their past disdain and mockery of football was u warranted. One of the newest people to fit this category is sports writer Rick Morrissey who wrote an article how he is now a former skeptic and critic of this sport.
Mr Morrissey has sincerely seen this game and athletic competition for what it truly is and why it is a spectacle matched by no ther sport in the world. Baseball, NFL, basketball and all other organized sport can never muster the attention and thrill of the World Cup and American hatred and ridicule of this sport over the years clearly was a sign of people who believe nothing un American is somehow inferior. The long time sports critic of soccer and writer in newsprint finally realized and appreciate the complex city of this sport revolves more than the final score tally as Rick grew to appreciate the difficult pinpoint passing,consistently ball control under pressure, and many crucial close chances that defending teams face under play. There are many more converts to soccer now in North America and one can only hope more Canadians and Americans ditch the ice thug version of net and goal for the athletic and graceful version that doesn't require ice skating ability and more known for its lack of diversity than actual ability. Soccer has seen some large sell out games in the days after the World Cup including a Liverpool FC game in soldier field and continued interest in the game surely will grow. Good to see Rick Morrissey finally evolve
Mr Morrissey has sincerely seen this game and athletic competition for what it truly is and why it is a spectacle matched by no ther sport in the world. Baseball, NFL, basketball and all other organized sport can never muster the attention and thrill of the World Cup and American hatred and ridicule of this sport over the years clearly was a sign of people who believe nothing un American is somehow inferior. The long time sports critic of soccer and writer in newsprint finally realized and appreciate the complex city of this sport revolves more than the final score tally as Rick grew to appreciate the difficult pinpoint passing,consistently ball control under pressure, and many crucial close chances that defending teams face under play. There are many more converts to soccer now in North America and one can only hope more Canadians and Americans ditch the ice thug version of net and goal for the athletic and graceful version that doesn't require ice skating ability and more known for its lack of diversity than actual ability. Soccer has seen some large sell out games in the days after the World Cup including a Liverpool FC game in soldier field and continued interest in the game surely will grow. Good to see Rick Morrissey finally evolve
Ride a lifetime a business guide by Paul Teutul Sr
Gino Frobel
Paul Teutul talks a lot about how great his work ethic was over the years in his autobiography "the Ride Of A lifetime". Paul Teutuls ridiculous self loving book was an awful purchase despite ring a fan-hater of his stupid reality TV show. This book is mainly about Paul's success as a business man and worker and he writes much about the people he has hired to work under him. Teutul Sr says he never missed a day of work from age fifteen and he is a lucky man to have been born white and in an era where white men were given jobs left and right no matter what an alcoholic fuck up they may of been.
Teutul Senior has always been an example of a hard working booting asshole. This book is so full of business hard-work cliches that it is one of the most useless booksI have ever seen.
Paul Teutul Senior says in his number of years in ironwork that shops can be nasty places and the importance of efficiency and being more organized is important in life whether its pencils or steel, greasy pipes. Paul is proud that ifyou walked into one of his places you can eat off the floor like his fucking dog Gus.the only interesting part of this book is the only thing interesting of this man and it is his custom bikes. There are a few pictures in the middle of some of his creations and for some reason a publisher thought these creations somehow warrant a business book.
Teutul does talk about how he has been successful in this global world but he can't just go into an office in Norway of a guy who hasn't paid him back and kick his desk apart. Paul senior talks about another Paul and one of his employees named Paul Peroni. He had Paul cut tubing a thousand times a day for a General Moters contract. Peroni worked a twelve hour shift and was covered in soot only having is eyes clear after taking off his saftey glasses. Paul Teutul admired his work ethic and his dirty work that helped make Paul Teutul Sr super wealthy buying up properties and dogs. Paul Teutul Senior though is a successful businessman that learned to earn from the stupidity of his employees such as Paul Peroni and even his own son Paul Teutul Jr. This is a really suckle book from Paul Teutul Senior and Teutul Sr says money inspires people
Rockford Illinos getting older and darker
Tony Miselli
There are not many books that would highlight Rockford,Illinois but in Ted Fishman's book called " Shock Of Gray" he looks at this aging due industrialized city in Northern Illinois and its growing minority population as the old population just gets older. This book is about the worlds ageing population and how it pits generations and families against one another.
I guess if it plays in Rockford it could play anywhere or maybe he was too lazy to study Peoria. The political and economical ramifications of this aging of the people around the world is a historical and significant troublesome problem for the world as societies will continue to have more and more old people compared to the rest of the population. Chapters look at Japan's fall and why China will get old before they ever become a superpower and how costs of taking care of these people will cripple governments and families. Fishmen looks at other demographic problems as the number of Japanese women who in their forties have never been married and childless leaving Japan's government no way to maintain infrastructure and elderly care.
I always maintained the number of old people wants to make the young cling on to avoiding adult responsibilities because well who wants to become old and crinkled. It is the old and crinkled folks that can't understand why in a world they messed up that people don't want to get married in industrial countries and have the children they seem to be needed to maintain a globalized economic world where countless growth is necessary for power in a world with disappearing energy resources. This author only hits on this topic a little and having a population on this planet getting older is not necessary a bad thing. A bad thing wold be adding even ore people to this planet they way these old bastards and others before them exploited the earth and put it in this pernicious state we see it today. I'm still shocked this author devoted a whole chapter to Rockford.
Remembering Cynthia Lynn
Jake Glass
Cynthia Lynn was the original Helda on the television program Hogans Heroes in the sixties. I was reading the other day the actress that was dumped by producers of this program died in March at the age of seventy six with little fan fare or discussion to why she was out after one season. She played the role admiringly and really didn't deserve the role being taken away from her after winning it the previous year in what must of been competitive auditions for this only female spot on the program. I think it is obviously because Bob Cane wanted the woman he was porking and who wold eventually marry to replace her and read her for her services to him. Cynthia Lynn did a great job as Colonel Klink's secretary for this program in 1965 in the first season. The reasoning is often claimed that they wanted someone who sounded more foreign as the actress who played Helda after season one had an accent that was suppose to be German. She clearly was a inferior actress in her role and if not for the fact that she was Bob Cranes bitch there is little doubt she would of ever be given the role. This has to be televisions worse and most flagrant biased moves depriving Ms Lynn her rightful role as Helda on Hogans Heroes. Not that this really mattered as the role of Klink 's secretary was a very minor role often getting two or more lines an episode. A shame. Cynthia Lynn dead at the age of seventy six
Montrose Harbor ruckus sure to make changes
Bradly Handly
Montross Harbor in Chicago is a rare area along the lakefront that has ample parking and that may and likely should change after an incident. This beach front has long been dominated by folks outside the immediate area who took control and acted like they own the area. They were able to come from far away places such as Aurora,Elgin,Cicero because of the immediate parking spaces that allowed them to come very early and spend the day at the lake. T
his will change finally after a proposal to fill in one of the parking lots with greenery and shrub and perhaps the other park g area will go too. These people tried to put a unregistered music feat called Tamboazo beach party and this drew an unusually larger crowd a couple of weeks as. The crowd got unruly,there were many fights, and many projectiles were thrown at police vehicles destroying some property. This was the last draw and the gangbangers will have to take the CTA in the future when they want to come to Montross Harbor. The Emanuel admits ration doesn't play games and beachfront areas are for the immediate resident that live in the community and are ale to walk. The funny thing is that these people who organized the event through social media cannot be found nor held responsible for this ruckus.
Only five scumbags from outside the area were eventually arrested for mob action and one can only hope that fewer spaces will draw these people to decide to hold these inpronto music events in their own communities in the peripheries or the burbs that hey have Ben continuing coming and ruining Montross harbor all of these years .for the residents hat pay premium prices to reside near Montross this couldn't have come quick enough and thankfully this event did get out of control to make the city finally decide to park the lots.

Walking is beneficial
Carl Olsen
Leslie Sansone is a health author that promotes walking as the best exercise women should do. In the book "Walk Away The Pounds" she gives diet and exercise options that to many women in this country ignore instead choosing to slouch and watch celebrities on television.
She even introduces basic walking moves for fat folks who forgot actually how to walk and this book is a basics of the importance Leslie puts into walking as an exercise form. One mile for twenty minutes is a proper leisurely walk that is needed to keep a proper shape and seeing the many pictures of this hot woman her diet and exercise planning defiantly is working.
The tips that Leslie gives throughout this book are basic walking forms that are a great way to burn off excessive calories from overheating. In this book Leslie also provides profiles of people who have used walking to lose weight and the before and after pictures of these women is evidence enough that using Leslie's ideas can pan out for some women who decide to move more and eat less as a hobby. Most of the book is full of logs that women can write and fill out as they follow lessons upwards to nine weeks or more and after reading half of this book I got the idea. Walking and drinking more water is basically good as opposed to sitting and eating. The pictures alone of Leslie are enough to look this over if you like reading about women trying to teach other women to shed the fat.
Rashid Polo is a little shit
Gino Frobel
Some black kid went into connivance stores with a camera phone trailing every move he mad as some point how 7 11 clerks are constantly following him around all of the time. Never mind that these videos only show a couple of clerks who look like they are attending to other stuff in their small connivance stores.
Perhaps this screwball just expects workers to be behind the register at all times but perhaps had he ever held a job, as a clerk no less, that part of the actual job where you would be receiving wages would be attending to the store. If I saw some smirk asshole holding a camera and walking at it I would be wondering what the fuck he is doing as well. Morons like him are putting all sorts of self-made videos where they knock down store isles or actually video tape shoplifting for the fun. This little black pinhead perhaps thinks clerks should just cower and hide in the face of the black street thug this drip can never attain. Of course, some liberal media outlets are playing to this stereotype of a stereotype and celebrating promoting this little shit. If I were these women a huge lawsuit against this worthless piece of shit would be coming as he uploads their image and defames them with his suggestive racist demeaning of their work.
One has to wonder why these websites would play this little shits videos unless it is trying to stir up racial animosity towards clerks for behaving like..well store clerks. There are reasons why few major connivance stores set up shop in black ghettos from a business point and having clerks ignore every little suspicious fuck who thinks hes cool for making indirect aggulation defaming videos is part of the reason business avoids these people. Rashid Polo needs to get a real job and see what life is behind the tough life many of these clerks have to live and retain their job actually working and supporting their families. Rashid Polo is a little shit
Some black kid went into connivance stores with a camera phone trailing every move he mad as some point how 7 11 clerks are constantly following him around all of the time. Never mind that these videos only show a couple of clerks who look like they are attending to other stuff in their small connivance stores.
Arnold Buckly tries to understand weird Star Wars comic on-line
Arnold Buckley
Anytime I see comics with star wars heroes of the first three movies I always take time to read them out. Star Wars always would of made a great space comic strip I thought in the Sunday funnies regardless of the movie was ever released or not. The characters make themselves out to be neat and interesting to follow in comic print form and would of been an incredible fifties serial form. When looking back at the beginnings of other major comic heroes and space fantasies many were started in the comic strip world and something very similar could of developed with Star Wars as well if id did not begin in George Lucas's mind. Modern day artists try to bring this out in comic form as with this tumblr attempt from this artist. The web site is on the lower corner if you want to check out his work or just google for more comic attempts of the original world of the Star Wars trilogy. The three movies made by Lucas in the nineties not only are not worth a comic attempt version but never worth even discussing to real tar Wars geeks out there. Many of these Star Wars comic strips I come across are hard to understand as the artist is in his own world and plot that often are not organized easily trying to find them but give a chance and discover more out there that is possible in the Star Wars universe than just the corporate money making bullshit a fuck like George Lucus will dish out to the public. This strip here has my three favorite Star Wars characters in the original series including the drone stormtroopers as this strip fits them perfectly only a Star Wars geek can vision.
Anytime I see comics with star wars heroes of the first three movies I always take time to read them out. Star Wars always would of made a great space comic strip I thought in the Sunday funnies regardless of the movie was ever released or not. The characters make themselves out to be neat and interesting to follow in comic print form and would of been an incredible fifties serial form. When looking back at the beginnings of other major comic heroes and space fantasies many were started in the comic strip world and something very similar could of developed with Star Wars as well if id did not begin in George Lucas's mind. Modern day artists try to bring this out in comic form as with this tumblr attempt from this artist. The web site is on the lower corner if you want to check out his work or just google for more comic attempts of the original world of the Star Wars trilogy. The three movies made by Lucas in the nineties not only are not worth a comic attempt version but never worth even discussing to real tar Wars geeks out there. Many of these Star Wars comic strips I come across are hard to understand as the artist is in his own world and plot that often are not organized easily trying to find them but give a chance and discover more out there that is possible in the Star Wars universe than just the corporate money making bullshit a fuck like George Lucus will dish out to the public. This strip here has my three favorite Star Wars characters in the original series including the drone stormtroopers as this strip fits them perfectly only a Star Wars geek can vision.
David Pakman thinks Detroit is bad because there are no restaurants
Terry Blue
David Pakman was in Detroit recently with other liberal podcasters for net root nations meetings of top podcasters in the country. Pakman and Sam Sedar and other allies of the ring of fire radio network got to do a tour of Detroit and see for itself what happens to An American city when neo-liberalism wages war against it and destroys a cities economy. They went to the water shut off protest in downtown and later David Pakman went on to elaborate the problem with Detroit is it doesn't have enough restaurants and cafes. Pakman knows little about life outside Argentina and the Manhattan condo life he lives in New York City and for him to think that restaurants and cafes would suddenly transfor a city full of illiterate drug sellers is totally asinine.
This is a city that is on par with Gambia and Rwanda and the reason there are not many businesses willing to locate to this sprawl city is because of the crime and rampant robberies that are part of daily life in Detroit for those who live in the city. The cutting of essential police and fire services as well with the tax base move from investors also was instrumental making this a city you will find few bars and restaurants. Detroit is a bastion of inept rule that is based on handouts and being unproductive from a lazy restless population more motivated to tax dodge and sell cigarettes illegally (along with other narcotics) than ever to return to the city's golden age when people actually helped produce something to export. An economy based on serving yuppies like David Pakman like accustomed in Manhatten based on service restaurant jobs is the last thing that would either help Detroit nor be what the city needs. It just would make guys like David Pakman feel more comfortable when defending the black urban situation in the country.
David Pakman was in Detroit recently with other liberal podcasters for net root nations meetings of top podcasters in the country. Pakman and Sam Sedar and other allies of the ring of fire radio network got to do a tour of Detroit and see for itself what happens to An American city when neo-liberalism wages war against it and destroys a cities economy. They went to the water shut off protest in downtown and later David Pakman went on to elaborate the problem with Detroit is it doesn't have enough restaurants and cafes. Pakman knows little about life outside Argentina and the Manhattan condo life he lives in New York City and for him to think that restaurants and cafes would suddenly transfor a city full of illiterate drug sellers is totally asinine.

Israel's smashing of Gaza remincinite of German slaughter in Poland
Ali Muhammed
Hezbollah has made a pledge to join Hamas in this was once and for all to stop Israel. Perhaps the best solution wold be for all the Jews to go to the Crimea from Israel for as long as there are three to four hundred million Arabs in this region there will never be peace. When you displace a people from their lands and they are next door with rockets available to instigate things with a state they refuse to recognize there will never be nothing but unending conflict. A great scenario wold be consider American Indians had rockets available back then and were ale to strike back often on lands that were taken from them by treaties. Israel though has the greatest high tech weapons that American tax payers can fund and will relentlessly do these massive air strikes and incursions into Gaza in an ethnic cleansing genocide attacks that resemble Germany in World War II. There is not much different from Israeli action in Gaza and refusal to hand back the Golan Heights than Hitler taking the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.
Much of the civilized world outside America will turn against these extreme injustices and reactions against the Palestinians who refuse to ow down and accept loss of their homeland to the zionists who really have no more right to these lands than lets say Spain. Another way for the Palastians to speed ip the process is just keep attacking airports and the economic lifeblood of Israel and having airlines fearing Israeli airports is a good sign and haunting reminder to Jews that airports are crucial to their survival. you see airports often targets to insurgents in recent months from Pakistan to Nigeria.If anything the state of Israel should relocate to places with very low birth rates and high immigration rates such Spain and form their new Jerusalem in unpopulated lands they were kicked out of from millenniums ago. Either this or Vladamir Putin should just relocate his Russians and give them Crimea.
Vietnam opens up a McDonald's
Arturo Armando
Vietnamese youth are a growing portion of Vietnam and now they will get a chance to enjoy and fatten up on McDonalds meals like the youth of other countries. Vietnam has been opening up to other American and international food brands and finally the Big Mac will be coming.
Whether this is good news or bad news is dependent but the sad fact is that somehow McDonald's corporate power has made it seem like typical American food. For a country more use to Pho soup this fast food crap may seem exotic for a few years and is more of a sign of ending its isolation in recent decades after years of communist rule. Vietnam back in the day after its victory in the Vietnam War ever having a McDonald's open in their country would seem as bizarre as a McDonald's opening up tomorrow in North Korea. The new three hundred huge store opened up to large fan fare and celebratory mood illustrating how far this fast growing nation has come since the fall of Saigon. The country is fast approaching one hundred million with its own unique cuisine that is hardly threatened by the opening up of American fast food giants. These stores and brands coming to Vietnam tough is a good sign for a country long mirrored in poverty and isolation and its usually demands of the youth that help open places up internationally. Perhaps had the North in Korea had won the Korean War instead of a bitter stalemate we would not see North Korea be the nuclear pariah state it is now and could have had a McDonald's or Burger King opening up in their country and enjoy a Big Mac and processed pork and chicken meat too. 
Elizabeth Warren and will she run
Bud Cooper
Elizabeth Warren's rise as a politician is an amazing story and her recent autobiography was an interesting reading her book called A Fighting Chance" Wall Streets biggest nemesis writes about her life and rise into the US senate with her whipping of Scott Brown for the Massachusetts senate seat that belongs to democrats. Elizabeth writes about her modest beginning and how she rose into law school and accomplished her dream in education.
Three Mexican Mestizo teenagers beat homeless...Addicting Info blames police
Lionel Wagner
Absurdity in the Internetsphere the other day as I was researching news on the brutal killing of two homeless men in Alburqurque, New Mexico. Two homeless men were beaten to a pulp beyond recognition as a human being by three mexican teenagers including 18-year-old Alex Rios, 16-year-old Nathaniel Carrillo and 15-year-old Gilbert Tafoya. these bored losers in a sick twisted case of youthful Mexican rage beat these two men to a brutal death for kicks. They have been part of a group that has been attacking homeless in New Mexico for months and any debate about these central American kids trying to get in needs to look at the crazy loco actions of many of the peons youths with no future or drive except a gang drug culture. These three animals need to be beaten and destroyed as they depravely decided to do to these two homeless men. Addicting Info though decides to put in the police shooting of a homeless man a week or two ago with this story as if this is somewhat relevent or comparison to the evils of these yute or youth. At first the media didn't even want to print the names or show the faces of these little monsters given their ethnicity and politically incorrectness but more and more outlets have given out these images regardless if they are minors for their actions were not minor. Hard-core cops of twenty or more years were shaken by the brutality and result of these little fucks handiwork when they came upon the grusome scene and again are these the types of youth we want more coming into this nation from even more depraved killing fields than Alburqurque, New Mexico? Why is it you rarely see these thugging insane crimes commited on homeless by kids that do not share the skin tone of these three Mexicans. Many border cities such as this city will become like El Salvador, Guatamala, and Honduras if borders are not sealed and closed to anyone who can make the trek through even more brutal Mexican territory Of course, the real pathetic story of this is the website that decided to use this story to cover the police killing of a homeless man who was armed with a knife and didn't follow police orders on a hilltop. Liberal websites need to cover the depravity of minority teenage culture in North and Central America a little better than using these stories to bash Alburqurques police.
Sheryl Crow refuses to be second banana
Herbert Gilbert
One of my favorite singers usually makes the news bitching about her relationships and Sheryl Crow was at it again last week. Ms Crow bragged aut how she has always gone out with alpha successful males in the world of sports and entertainment thinking it wold put her on an equal platform being a huge high level status because some like her voice and purchase her music.
She has done itwith the likes of Eric Clapton, Owen Wilson, and Lance Armstrong to name a few and going out with such men made Sheryl Crow feel like a second banana instead of the big apple. This is clearly a woman that has issues and it likely is because of her stardom to why she can't find a mr right. Sheryl wants a successful celebrity but in going out with this celebrity she will always feel some of her needs are not being met as celebrities are so often catered to from people. Big time celebrity women are all abut themselves and any strain in a relationship that veers away from this persons viewpoint will lead to struggles as Ms Crow can testify. She is a woman that not granted independence from singing ability would have no choice but marry and stick with a dude and clearly her celebrity status and first attitude is why she had to adopt for children. Sheryl Crow is to too far off from many American women who want everything perfect and then realize one da they have biological clock limitations and The West's fertility drops are an extreme reflection of this me first attitude. Sheryl Crow is starting to shadow her age and there are a few celebrity younger males that will show interesting this fading star no matter ow much money can buy a more youthful appearance.
Gary Meier humiliated and demoted to Inernet WGN
Ed West
Garry Meier has been on Chicago corporate radio forever and in recent weeks corporate radio of WGN radio is a move to slash costs with decreasing g revenue took out this radio legend in Chicago and stuck him on the Internet channel for WGN. I always hated having to listen to this creep on the airwaves over the years and couldn't quite apprehend why he was always on the radio given his lack of talent.
Why some radio stations have a separate line up of shows on the Internet over traditional broadcasting lines is unclear but it seems honchos at WGN think there might be a several future for Internet radio. Whatever the case it allowed them to get this clown off the airwaves and likely to lower his contract and visibility for WGN radio. This humiliation for Garry Meier is undoubted not going to be easy bit in this day of age what power does he have. M Meier is not that interesting radio oat and his ability to last as long in the third largest market is a testimony of those in charge of the local corporate radio in Chicago in just keeping a familiar voice. This format was fine until the Internet opened doors for people to listen to what they seek and want to instead of being forced feed morons like Garry Meier and Steve Dahl in Chicago. I'm Sure every city had radio jokes of their own that drew few listeners yet they retained jobs in radio through various friendships and connections with individuals who jumped station often in local radio markets. Garry Meier is irrelevant and things he said were often dull and in his rating s tis showed over and over again before WGN finally made the decision to plug him online and see how that experiment developers. Anyone that thought European travelers with unlimited banking resources somehow were better people because of their flashier clothes compared to Americans is someone who deserves to be demoted and regulated to WGN s very little listened to Internet station.
Ann Coulter's Godless book is senseless
Ramon Ramos
Ann Coulter has written many books and is perhaps one of the biggest media pundits on cable. Her books are right wing religious propaganda crap and perhaps none more than her book called Godless, The Church Of Liberalism," and this book clearly shows the disdain this woman has for people who don't follow the oil and believe in evolution. This is the dominant theme of this bad book and how this woman has any modern relevance in the media is incredible just given her belief that in the one hundred fifty years since Darwin we have not seen and and sudden examples of evolution. Christians do not seem to have a grasp of time and clearly evolution is something that takes much
longer than a hundred years to distinct species but surely that's hard for so done like Ann Coulter to comprehended following a book that claims the Earth is six opus and years old. Elsewhere in this book she bashes teachers saying how they want to much money. It is obvious that her frustration and hatred of the public schools is primarily because they are not private schools and will not teach and continue the religious Ponzi scheme of generations the most ridiculous notions and comparisons are constantly spewed in this silly book of Ann Coulter's and it is amazing the number of extreme right wings crap one person can write in three hundred pages. This is a woman that thinks because there are still thirteen finch species today in the Galapagos islands that this is somehow proof that disproves evolution and Darwinism.There are millions and millions of species that have never been
discovered some so remote likely no bones or fossils will ever be found yet Ann Coulter thinks that because we have yet to find a squirrel species with wing that this disproves the evolution of bars. I'm not sure what Ann's education level but someone who is such a church obsessed god-fear g cunt really shouldn't comment anything on science and evolution. I am sure this is not education she to from her street corner mega church so why this woman writes so much in this book desperately grabbing to disprove hypothesis just makes her look out as a fool with an obsessed agenda she knows her side is losing in history. Ann Coulter says after a hundred and fifty years evolution proponents have ailed utterly to substantiate its claims and if there is any claiming that she should be searching it should be the soul searching claims of the idiots she shares a Sunday morning pew and then coffee afterwards.
Downing of airline in Ukraine a legit target
Gino Frobel
Once again a Malaysian airlines crashes or is shot down and the worlds elites travel mode is threatened. Fighting in Ukraine is going to be the excuse but down g of airlines makes practical sense in a world fighting technological driven forces to wipe out mankind. The elites love to travel as a status symbol ruthlessly hoarding g their wealth to travels in an atmosphere destroying method of movement that heats up the airs and clouds.
Zimbabwe rebels in their fight for apartheid knew a method to get their enemies to quit the war was destroying their commerce and many airlines were shot down helping pave the way for the white colonial masters to leave their country. Airlines are the symbol of a globalized new order that does need to be destroyed to check the elites and their neo colonialism over weaker nations they seek to control. Airlines are fair game in the battle against their mindsets and battles they have waged on small farmers a and workers worldwide who lose everything through the forces of global wealth extraction and hoarding of capital as leverage against other nations. The downing of another Malaysian Airline in Ukraine or elsewhere would be a good sign of a needed battle that needs to be waged against those who profit from co start travel abroad and corruption of the temporary host government and population they seek to exploit over and over again until ere is nothing. Those of consciousness see what the airline represents and understand these take downs of the wealthy plundering vehicles that are no different in history than a twelve century pirate ship. The modern airline with its frequent flying corsairs are the scourge of the age and deserving of fair game treatment over the air space of the people most brutally affected by their evil dominance.
Zimbabwe rebels in their fight for apartheid knew a method to get their enemies to quit the war was destroying their commerce and many airlines were shot down helping pave the way for the white colonial masters to leave their country. Airlines are the symbol of a globalized new order that does need to be destroyed to check the elites and their neo colonialism over weaker nations they seek to control. Airlines are fair game in the battle against their mindsets and battles they have waged on small farmers a and workers worldwide who lose everything through the forces of global wealth extraction and hoarding of capital as leverage against other nations. The downing of another Malaysian Airline in Ukraine or elsewhere would be a good sign of a needed battle that needs to be waged against those who profit from co start travel abroad and corruption of the temporary host government and population they seek to exploit over and over again until ere is nothing. Those of consciousness see what the airline represents and understand these take downs of the wealthy plundering vehicles that are no different in history than a twelve century pirate ship. The modern airline with its frequent flying corsairs are the scourge of the age and deserving of fair game treatment over the air space of the people most brutally affected by their evil dominance.
The gentle giant choked in Staten Island
Alex Mouslolplous
Eric Garner was a huge man known as the gentle giants live in Staten Island had to put a choke hold on this large man after he refused to allow the, to handcuff him and now all the anti-police left are using this as another excuse to rile up the black community about police brutality never mind that tell ice didn't hit the man and the guy was the size of a redwood tree there are just people out there that do not want police doing their job and arresting people. The gentle giant was selling cigarettes helping people continue their destructive vice while avoiding taxes that government desperately needs for essential services which I am sure the gentle giant used and abused. Someone who would play the system to sell cigarettes would definitely play the system to get additional welfare or food stamps and his asthmatic condition was not fought out by the police.
The fact was Mr Garner utterly repudiated police demands and this is the cause of his death people should be offended that eight cops had to even come an attend to a situation that Eric Garner caused and now liberals and trouble makers will make a martyr out of his death as if the police went into the situation wanting to end the gentleness of this giant and snuff him off the face of the Earth. There are those on the left that just want urban crisis and negativity toward the police for policing their districts and us this includes policing the sale of illegal cigarettes. The gentle Giant caused his own situation and anyone with thirty previous arrests deserves to be on the radar of police and harassment as having a continued habit of breaking the law and getting in trouble. The gentle giant is no more and now his illegal cigarette customers will actually have to pay full price for their nasty habit they refuse to end.
The fact was Mr Garner utterly repudiated police demands and this is the cause of his death people should be offended that eight cops had to even come an attend to a situation that Eric Garner caused and now liberals and trouble makers will make a martyr out of his death as if the police went into the situation wanting to end the gentleness of this giant and snuff him off the face of the Earth. There are those on the left that just want urban crisis and negativity toward the police for policing their districts and us this includes policing the sale of illegal cigarettes. The gentle Giant caused his own situation and anyone with thirty previous arrests deserves to be on the radar of police and harassment as having a continued habit of breaking the law and getting in trouble. The gentle giant is no more and now his illegal cigarette customers will actually have to pay full price for their nasty habit they refuse to end.
Nintendo run by a stubborn Mr Iwata
Ned Baily
Nintendo is such a stubborn Japanese company so stuck in the eighties it is unbelievable they are still relevant today. This company has had three straight years of major losses and is spending so much in new research for their bust Wii system that few really are into anymore and was a short fad.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata aka stubborn ass , refuses to make any new games with the Mario character to be playable on smartphones and other third party mobile platforms. This guys eyes are blinded to the fact that this company has struggled for years as people gravitate to cheap easy games on their phones as society has got much more mobile for the youth. This is a archaic man that does not understand rapid change and how best to adapt to future trends hat cold league his company. Mr Iwata doesn't just want to release games on smartphones that would help give his ailing company much needed exposure to new generations that could careless about the Mario mystic. He wants to maintain Nintendo has a maker of hardware and software in a impossible maintain given the new reality of how people get video games. The scale of business that Nintendo saw in the past will not be realized given the new players to the game and openness of competitors ability to easily reach the marketplace. Why anyone would still buy consoles that only pay a select few games for Nintendo or Sony decide needs to be released mystifies me and those days will soon be over. Nintendo only made a third of its original sales forecast for its new Wii amid a failure to provide enough decent games and no amount of price cuts will help sales of a system with a few crappy games when people can get free ones on their phone or talent. Investors to this once powerful company are getting edgy and may need to sack this stubborn son of a bitch into getting Nintendo to change its policy and allow its franchise characters such as Mario and Zelda to appear on Apple and Android gadgets. Some tags are just common sense and needs to be free from the inept dictatorial rule that is corporate America or in this case corporate Japan. No wonder this country fell so far behind China so quickly.
Matt Lewis gets it about the suburban awful landscape
Troy York
Matt Lewis is a rare conservative that gets it with new urbanism and the need to make Americas living environment more sustainable and less of the sprawl that has been governmentally forced upon the public. The masses are ignorant of the dullness of suburbia and how chains and big box stores predominate over the sphere making room for lots and parking availability over charm and a place of sense. Matt had two guests lately on is podcast talking about this loss in suburbia of walkable areas and a sense of seeing your neighbors and being part of a community. Matt feels these are conservative issues and somehow this has been lost on the religious right and the Republicans.
Matt questions why this is and he and his guests didn't come up with the obvious answer to why conservatives embraced the McMansion and the move out of the car-dependent suburbs. It is so easy that I really don't think Matt is that stupid nor ignorant to see why conservatives world embrace a move out to the suburbs. They only want to be out and have their tax dollars spent on people who share their morals in society. They can't stand folks that are different or intellect academics that question authority.
The suburbs also were built on the Republican free market corporate dominance on all aspects of society and why we see millions of McDonald's restaurants in the suburbs not to mention banks. If there is one structure that gladly bulldozes all old buildings in the suburbs and dominates the landscape it has to be banks. Conservatives want cheap living with little spending outside their required tithes to feed their pastors lifestyles and lies and indeed you see some of the most humongous church's outside of cities where zoning laws and prices would keep them modest. I am glad though there are some conservatives that are starting to get it that there is something wrong with the landscape where we have to spend so much time burning oil into the atmosphere for our long commutes to their gated communities. Basically it is Christian and neo-capitalist ignorance and neglect for the environment why conservatives love sprawl and their Ability to be at away from the people they hold most in contempt in society . It is because their demands for low density living that comes with high price costs that most people in cities and urban areas should not have to continue to subsidize with our tax dollars. Their arrangement should be allowed to go bankrupt along with their bank backers and a new urbanism culture to quickly and gradually develop as oil runs out or gets way too expensive.
Matt questions why this is and he and his guests didn't come up with the obvious answer to why conservatives embraced the McMansion and the move out of the car-dependent suburbs. It is so easy that I really don't think Matt is that stupid nor ignorant to see why conservatives world embrace a move out to the suburbs. They only want to be out and have their tax dollars spent on people who share their morals in society. They can't stand folks that are different or intellect academics that question authority.
The suburbs also were built on the Republican free market corporate dominance on all aspects of society and why we see millions of McDonald's restaurants in the suburbs not to mention banks. If there is one structure that gladly bulldozes all old buildings in the suburbs and dominates the landscape it has to be banks. Conservatives want cheap living with little spending outside their required tithes to feed their pastors lifestyles and lies and indeed you see some of the most humongous church's outside of cities where zoning laws and prices would keep them modest. I am glad though there are some conservatives that are starting to get it that there is something wrong with the landscape where we have to spend so much time burning oil into the atmosphere for our long commutes to their gated communities. Basically it is Christian and neo-capitalist ignorance and neglect for the environment why conservatives love sprawl and their Ability to be at away from the people they hold most in contempt in society . It is because their demands for low density living that comes with high price costs that most people in cities and urban areas should not have to continue to subsidize with our tax dollars. Their arrangement should be allowed to go bankrupt along with their bank backers and a new urbanism culture to quickly and gradually develop as oil runs out or gets way too expensive.
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