Baba Pugwuti
In beautiful downtown Panchkula India a massive riot broke apart reminiscent of the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles as thirty people were killed and millions in property were damaged. The same expense and damage occurred in this Indian city after the conviction of Ram Rahim Singh was convicted of drugging and sodomizing two female member of his spiritual order.
Ram Singh is a rock star in India and as Americans worship celebrities like whores like Kate Perry and Lady Gaga many Indians have fondness for the male living Guru Gods who many feel in India an allowance of all spiritual things and sometimes for some followers this can include women.
Kyle Kulinski has absolutely no cultural sensitivity and sees all things around the world under the eyes of a progressive leftist punk bitch in the West. whether this secular prick likes it or not Gurus are modern day Gods and rockstars in Hindu dominated India and women rank well below in position behind Cows,Monkey,snakes, and crazy Puma pussy cat beasts. Ram is so beloved in India by men and women that a rape accusation is a complete joke as this guy can get pussy on a whim from the temple as these temples are Indian versions of clubbing.

American atheist Youtube ass hole named Kyle Kulinski once again used this tragedy and cultural division in India to bash Indian people and culture and this is especially shameful given the lack of knowledge of Indian culture this jerk Kyle seems to carry in his pinhead. the followers of Rahim "angry ram" Singh rioted because they believe he was set up by globalist government forces looking to bring down all religious leaders and popular personalities for the people to rally in the defense of Indian culture being attacked by the neo-liberal imperialistic order. The arrogance of shit face Kyle is apparent in his many videos attacking Indian leaders and gurus as this wuss mother fucker calls them all cults because he is a jag fag.

Kulinski was horrified at the intensity of Ram' followers as if this was any different than the Rodney King riots this leftist punk likely supported and would advocate for all police shootings of black criminals in america. I would like to see Kyle Kulinski travel to Panchkula or Punjabi and tell the people this guy is a dickless cult leader as he bravely says man many many miles and moons away in his others basement.
Ram's followers had a summer festive riot fest in Panchkala busting property and attacking the media vans covering them and trying to make them look like savages for defending their leaders on these Donald Trumped up CNN type charges and I only wish that Kyle Kulinski could of been branded as a hater of Mr Singh and thrown into this mob for his many years of bullshit and propaganda he uses and makes videos feeling like he is important because he posts YouTube stuff with an expensive microphone up to his ugly mug.