Denny Watson
The beautiful Chelsea Clinton came to Anderson's bookshop in beautiful downtown Naperville, Illinois and signed some books she penned both for adults and e serious children book writer and discover her inner-self and create some amazingly entertaining kids books. Chelsea Clinton though holds higher ambitions in the near future as she explained before a pack house in Anderson's book shop that I decided to scope out and write for my first blog post here at the artificial Intellects. I want to thank both Troy York and Mr Randolph Perkins for the opportunity to write here and look forward to being a Center Bear non-Partisian politically
I am Denny Watson and am pleased to be writing at this forum and look forward to working with the sixty or seventy some off folks already at this internet on-line news zine of prodigious talented writers. Chelsea Clinton is no crossdressing gender confused Chelsea Manning and Ms Clinton likely will retain the honorable Clinton name and fame in the political game most likely as a Democrat.
Chelsea enunciated her desire to follow in her fathers footstep and not make the same insensitive remarks Hillary Clinton made throughout her campaign losing millions of votes she typically disregarded anyway just thinking she could buy some more Mex/Rican votes in urban areas much like mainstream journalists can ahhhhh buy some twitter followers to make their popularity look exceptional.
Chelsea Clinton may indeed run as soon as 2020 for president and avenge the defeat and shocking upset that Donald F Trump accomplished much to the abhor of the urban and gender identity classes in this nation., Chelsea Clinton would be the first female president of the United States and second Clinton to hold office in the White house and whether this would make Hillary proud or depressed is not figured out at this time. Some have even suggested Ms Clinton pick Ms Chelsea Manning on her ticket as a running mate for an all-female and all Chelsea ticket to challenge president Trump in 2020. Maybe she can run with her elderly aging mother Hillary as Vice-President this time around. I think she will be more of a force in 2024 and 2028 because for right now Chelsea Clinton is a kid at heart and wishes just to write more children's book on dragons and cuddly cats.
Pam Krueger's book makes investing sem les risky and easy but it is bullshit
Tony Miselli
Money Speak
Pam Krueger is a mainstream corporate business annalist running something called the Money Track TV series. She give little information how basically 401 Ks are instruments of the finance industry to take fees and peoples retirements without their knowledge and her book called "The Money Track Method" is just another bogus collection of the pro-investing industry that Ms Krugear is a part of never actually researching the negative consequences of people using money managers and crooked investors many getting swindled all of the time by this unregulated industry. Basically the finance industry is good at calling the boon and busts of stocks for themselves and whether the advisers you have are in on it is a risk you take and no amount of reading books like Pam Kruegar' can erase doubt that playing the stock market is any different than playing bingo, turning the roulette wheel, pulling the slot arm,or taking a crap at the local casinos. If a Pam Krueger or others say there is no comparison then they are pulling your cock
Like many other fake financial experts before her this woman says following her proven method will allow anyone to become a successful investor. Pam writes a chapter dealing with myths and her assertion that if you study a company then the stock market is not like gambling which is a bold face like as stock trading and expecting big returns that are not guaranteed is gambling with ones accounts People like Pam also state real estate is an important investment and flipping houses a way to get rich quick and this explains why housing process are rising and getting more out of reach on the masses and the non-investing classes.
Pam Krugar like all the investing experts say what differentiates the good investor form bad investor is they are good at discipline and demonstrate patience. This cucklod book is filed with all sorts of cliches as I imagine her investing program and it is shit financial programs like Hers or garbage one can find at CNBC as to why so many people are cutting the cable chords and not dealing with the net result of mainstream media deciding we need 500 channels and to be exposed to dumb shit like Pam Krueger's Money Track lies.
Money Speak
Pam Krueger is a mainstream corporate business annalist running something called the Money Track TV series. She give little information how basically 401 Ks are instruments of the finance industry to take fees and peoples retirements without their knowledge and her book called "The Money Track Method" is just another bogus collection of the pro-investing industry that Ms Krugear is a part of never actually researching the negative consequences of people using money managers and crooked investors many getting swindled all of the time by this unregulated industry. Basically the finance industry is good at calling the boon and busts of stocks for themselves and whether the advisers you have are in on it is a risk you take and no amount of reading books like Pam Kruegar' can erase doubt that playing the stock market is any different than playing bingo, turning the roulette wheel, pulling the slot arm,or taking a crap at the local casinos. If a Pam Krueger or others say there is no comparison then they are pulling your cock
Like many other fake financial experts before her this woman says following her proven method will allow anyone to become a successful investor. Pam writes a chapter dealing with myths and her assertion that if you study a company then the stock market is not like gambling which is a bold face like as stock trading and expecting big returns that are not guaranteed is gambling with ones accounts People like Pam also state real estate is an important investment and flipping houses a way to get rich quick and this explains why housing process are rising and getting more out of reach on the masses and the non-investing classes.
Pam Krugar like all the investing experts say what differentiates the good investor form bad investor is they are good at discipline and demonstrate patience. This cucklod book is filed with all sorts of cliches as I imagine her investing program and it is shit financial programs like Hers or garbage one can find at CNBC as to why so many people are cutting the cable chords and not dealing with the net result of mainstream media deciding we need 500 channels and to be exposed to dumb shit like Pam Krueger's Money Track lies.
Arrogant jackass lawyer and radio corporate hack Bill Handel calls listeners idiots for questions of decep[tive marketing of product
Chuck Woodruff
To say Lawyer and talk radio host Bill Hendel is an arrogant puss would be an understatement. Mr Handel does a national syndicated law radio program taking peoples courts and law questions on-air and many times he will openly call a caller an idiot for asking something critical of the law industry and lawyer sin general. Bill Handel received a call last week that was an epic illustration of this mans arrogance and disdain for those with little knowledge of the law and calling and asking him stupid questions. One caller wondered why he couldn't get his lawyer fees and pay back if losing some custody or alimony case he had with an ex and pretty much Bill Handel ridiculed this caller and saying the system doesn't work and lawyers don't work for free. This awful radio program and law show is syndicated and why anyone would want to put this bad advice program on their radio station is surprising as condescending peremptory tone
To say Lawyer and talk radio host Bill Hendel is an arrogant puss would be an understatement. Mr Handel does a national syndicated law radio program taking peoples courts and law questions on-air and many times he will openly call a caller an idiot for asking something critical of the law industry and lawyer sin general. Bill Handel received a call last week that was an epic illustration of this mans arrogance and disdain for those with little knowledge of the law and calling and asking him stupid questions. One caller wondered why he couldn't get his lawyer fees and pay back if losing some custody or alimony case he had with an ex and pretty much Bill Handel ridiculed this caller and saying the system doesn't work and lawyers don't work for free. This awful radio program and law show is syndicated and why anyone would want to put this bad advice program on their radio station is surprising as condescending peremptory tone

Ina more egregious attitude towards a caller Mr Handel called a caller an idiot for thinking that burger companies and restaurants can be sued for deceptive marketing and advertising for having big orders of burgers and large fries in their advertising instead of providing the real product and Mr Handel said companies can and will get away with this deception of product and for Handel there is nothing wrong with the burger King's and burger World's showing massive and unrealistic product and the consumer can't complain.
Bill Handel and law supporting this guy's comments proves the mainstream media and most lawyers support this advertising scam and the real idiots are those in control allowing corporate abuse through these deceptions and fake product in advertisement. Handel's defense of these products and the bullshit of marketing of food product giving shit that looks nothing like the advertised product shows this creep is a hack for big business and doesn't really know or practice the law but says and promotes what business and the advertising community wishes tom portray. If Burger King, McDonald's or Wendy's or any chain actually advertised their real offerings and product as served and seen in reality and not virtual "fake" reality few customers would be attracted and more would be turned off or ever considering a visit for a meal. All I can say as well about Bill Handel is that if you come across this asshole on the air-waves turning off the radio would be well advised as well.The Punk and hick Scott Horton comes to Washington Dc and speaks war to a packed crowd of six people
Jason Fool
I happened to catch the punk of and award winning podcaster and YouTube sensation Scott Horton bring his libertarian values to the Middle East book store in Washington DC. The anti war activist gave a packed crowd of six to eight people a rundown of Americas involvement in the middle East form basically the Reagan administration to about now and this fool Horton basically said how wrong the Afghanistan war was ignoring the fact that this country along with Sudan were ruled bu government spending their support and allowing jihadists to use it as a base to conduct international terrorism against our economic interests around the world. Apparently Horton would prefer to go back
to the days where armed terrorist had control of the banana stand that is Afghanistan executing anyone who did not follow the simple but strict an loving principles of 12th century Islamic values in a modern world. Scott Horton is a fucking fool and libertarian nuts like him wish for this region and other Middle Easterners to have sanctuary to live as they feel comfortable and this is in an oppressive brutality of misogynist followings of the Koran where women are property to be broken down and stripped of their humanity. The only principles of a Scott Horton is to let people run their own affairs and if others wish to institute slavery and establish a 15th century barbaric theocracy and promote it and export its warriors to Democratic nations then we should sit back and just let it occur. How does this punk look at himself in the mirror saying the bullshit he did at this evening of a speaking gig promoting his book "Fools Errand" and I noticed after he spoke there was absolutely no Q and A segment as with many speaking events as this fool as scrutiny and questions to the crap he says ins not open up for debate.
I happened to catch the punk of and award winning podcaster and YouTube sensation Scott Horton bring his libertarian values to the Middle East book store in Washington DC. The anti war activist gave a packed crowd of six to eight people a rundown of Americas involvement in the middle East form basically the Reagan administration to about now and this fool Horton basically said how wrong the Afghanistan war was ignoring the fact that this country along with Sudan were ruled bu government spending their support and allowing jihadists to use it as a base to conduct international terrorism against our economic interests around the world. Apparently Horton would prefer to go back

Rick Telander questions wisdom of building a WinTrust stadium for a losing Depaul University
Neil Knight
Rick Telander just doesn't get it. Chicago pushed for the creation of a small arena to host Depaul University for future use of non-basketball events and profit event abilities by private sources as he wrote a column wondering why this new stadium was created for a consistently losing basketball team. WInstrusrt arena is a shrine and modern day church for the consumerist class and its creation was not about making Depaul University more attractive for recruits and start winning as Chicago sports columnist Rick Telander had hoped.
Telander can't understand how a large 20000 plus university cannot have a stadium on campus instead of 7 mile away and again Telander is ignorant this time on real estate and especially the areas where Depaul University is located. Telander has noticed that these stadiums indeed have little to do with collegiate programs and sports but instead will be make some rentiers rich renting out valuable space to out-of-town strangers and conventions and perhaps the tax subsidies given to companies and those that need to hold conventions and waste money need to be examined. Wintrust was built for McCormick place and for tourists business people to make a few bucks and travel for fun and at the cost 170 million and that money was wasted for tax payers. in the city. much of this spending went into the coffers of the construction contractors and developers and this was the real purpose of a Wintrust stadium and not to provide more convention space of upgrade quarters for a miserable constantly loser basketball program that most Depaul Students would never pay a dime to see them perform on a gym floor.
Depaul is not a sports school and Chicago is not a college sports city yet because business wanted another convention center near downtown this building was built so a home and garden and tech trade show can occur and business people can travel city to city for a fun easy talk and stand gig for primarily white female workers. These conventions and trade shows are perks and rewards for the massive number of women who took time out to go to college and put themselves in debt and get these jobs that do little for the economy aside increase private industry costs. Telander should question why Depaul with a 43-179 record since joining the Big East even survives with a program these days for anything else as being a patsy to the better and bigger programs with more alumni money to maybe buy victories and fill schedules with easy rest games and this is basically why Depaul still exists with a basketball program. Lets us just pray to the Catholic saints and Gods that Depaul never initiated a football program.
Rick Telander just doesn't get it. Chicago pushed for the creation of a small arena to host Depaul University for future use of non-basketball events and profit event abilities by private sources as he wrote a column wondering why this new stadium was created for a consistently losing basketball team. WInstrusrt arena is a shrine and modern day church for the consumerist class and its creation was not about making Depaul University more attractive for recruits and start winning as Chicago sports columnist Rick Telander had hoped.
Telander can't understand how a large 20000 plus university cannot have a stadium on campus instead of 7 mile away and again Telander is ignorant this time on real estate and especially the areas where Depaul University is located. Telander has noticed that these stadiums indeed have little to do with collegiate programs and sports but instead will be make some rentiers rich renting out valuable space to out-of-town strangers and conventions and perhaps the tax subsidies given to companies and those that need to hold conventions and waste money need to be examined. Wintrust was built for McCormick place and for tourists business people to make a few bucks and travel for fun and at the cost 170 million and that money was wasted for tax payers. in the city. much of this spending went into the coffers of the construction contractors and developers and this was the real purpose of a Wintrust stadium and not to provide more convention space of upgrade quarters for a miserable constantly loser basketball program that most Depaul Students would never pay a dime to see them perform on a gym floor.
Depaul is not a sports school and Chicago is not a college sports city yet because business wanted another convention center near downtown this building was built so a home and garden and tech trade show can occur and business people can travel city to city for a fun easy talk and stand gig for primarily white female workers. These conventions and trade shows are perks and rewards for the massive number of women who took time out to go to college and put themselves in debt and get these jobs that do little for the economy aside increase private industry costs. Telander should question why Depaul with a 43-179 record since joining the Big East even survives with a program these days for anything else as being a patsy to the better and bigger programs with more alumni money to maybe buy victories and fill schedules with easy rest games and this is basically why Depaul still exists with a basketball program. Lets us just pray to the Catholic saints and Gods that Depaul never initiated a football program.
Social critic criticism ... Swiss globalists know time is up on thier over-priced elite gadgets
Rex Reed Jr
Jean Claude Biver is worried as he looks at tows and rows of unsold time pieces that cost some thirty grand. Less and less Chinese elites are making the trip to Switzerland to purchase these products and time is running out for elites like this funny looking old dipshit. Jean Claude Biver is no Jean Claude Van Dam and he knows more and more young people need not a Swiss thing to either check for time or declare their wealth these days with a time piece and this centuries old status symbol is becoming kaput in the modern day and age. What Jean_Claude Biver should transform Swiss watch industries is something similar to smart phones and one would these these geriatric fucks in charge of Swiss watches would already had made this transition. This old fuck is finding it difficult to convince young people, even those with incredible inherited funds, to put down payments
for an object one puts on their wrist and feel uncomfortable that can amount to the same cost as a brand new nice car. A Swiss watch is not a care and perhaps Jean Claude Van Dam can transform this watch company in to a tech company. The Swiss watch industry was already a dying industry before the rise of China and corruption and greasing of palms demanded to be paid in expensive watches and ways for wealthy Chinese to identity one another in graft payments and exchanges.
The crackdown of Chinenas government and president Xi form jet setting Chinese consumers paying tribute to Swiss manufactures for what essentially are boring watches ended as the Chines public became outraged at the official corruption of their coastal elite business leaders treating the rest of China as our own do mocking the fly by country far away form the coastal cities of trade for ridiculous over-priced products like a Swiss watch.. Nobody wants these stupid watches because they are dumb and bulky and the only reason they even sold at high price to begin with was the corporate class demanded these purchases and redistribution of wealth in order for one to achieve the upper classes and status wear was part of an informal uniform requirement. This fuck face Swiss elite jackass needs to move on to maybe making smart phones because for his over-priced ugly Swiss watch industry time is just about up.
Jean Claude Biver is worried as he looks at tows and rows of unsold time pieces that cost some thirty grand. Less and less Chinese elites are making the trip to Switzerland to purchase these products and time is running out for elites like this funny looking old dipshit. Jean Claude Biver is no Jean Claude Van Dam and he knows more and more young people need not a Swiss thing to either check for time or declare their wealth these days with a time piece and this centuries old status symbol is becoming kaput in the modern day and age. What Jean_Claude Biver should transform Swiss watch industries is something similar to smart phones and one would these these geriatric fucks in charge of Swiss watches would already had made this transition. This old fuck is finding it difficult to convince young people, even those with incredible inherited funds, to put down payments

Liberal snowflake teen punk David Hogg trolls Laura Ingraham and gets her in hot water
Casey Kelso
Dumb Laura Ingraham should of known better than getting in a twitter tat with David Hogg. The grandson of Boss Hogg of Hazards County and Parkland school survivalist now turned teen heartthrob gun activist was a snowflake going after this right-winged woman's advertisers after she insulted the kid on her award-losing program on Fox News. Laura Ingram recently made the mistake of criticizing president Trump despite, he has done for her causes nut this woman really caused a frukus and insulting David Hogg.
Laura then made the mistake if apologizing as if this would smooth or snowflake David after she said he was upset for being passed I've by all the four year schools and had to go to community college or some two year school. The young Hogg immediately pounces and counter strike on this cougar of a woman making calls to Laura Ingraham advertisers having caused any to decide to drop their advertising on her program. The fake news of the Sam Francisco Gate newspaper sloshing claimed that the data showed ms Ingraham's ratings dropped four prevent following her comments as people flock to the defense of this hack teen anti gun protester who was saddened and angrier r than a toothless hippo.
Ms Ingraham was stupid to apologize for just making some comment against what is obviously a coached and paid hack for the lobby wishing to take guns away from Americans and Mr Hogg Jr needs to address why the youth brains are so scrambled in stupid shoot em up violent video games ,computer virtual reality,slasher horror movies where they do not even know what is reality but instead this son of a donkey works against the gun industry and prevent people from having the best home protection and availability to protect themselves from these very same deranged youth who often sneak onto peoples property to steal and potentially maim in a confrontation.
Dumb Laura Ingraham should of known better than getting in a twitter tat with David Hogg. The grandson of Boss Hogg of Hazards County and Parkland school survivalist now turned teen heartthrob gun activist was a snowflake going after this right-winged woman's advertisers after she insulted the kid on her award-losing program on Fox News. Laura Ingram recently made the mistake of criticizing president Trump despite, he has done for her causes nut this woman really caused a frukus and insulting David Hogg.
Laura then made the mistake if apologizing as if this would smooth or snowflake David after she said he was upset for being passed I've by all the four year schools and had to go to community college or some two year school. The young Hogg immediately pounces and counter strike on this cougar of a woman making calls to Laura Ingraham advertisers having caused any to decide to drop their advertising on her program. The fake news of the Sam Francisco Gate newspaper sloshing claimed that the data showed ms Ingraham's ratings dropped four prevent following her comments as people flock to the defense of this hack teen anti gun protester who was saddened and angrier r than a toothless hippo.
Ms Ingraham was stupid to apologize for just making some comment against what is obviously a coached and paid hack for the lobby wishing to take guns away from Americans and Mr Hogg Jr needs to address why the youth brains are so scrambled in stupid shoot em up violent video games ,computer virtual reality,slasher horror movies where they do not even know what is reality but instead this son of a donkey works against the gun industry and prevent people from having the best home protection and availability to protect themselves from these very same deranged youth who often sneak onto peoples property to steal and potentially maim in a confrontation.
Nik Kovak comes on his radio station demands gun confiscation and feels heat form East Side residents
Woody Underwood
Milwaukee is a sanctuary city that does little to fight the rising tide of black street crime thanks to weak liberal like Alderman Nik Kovak of Milwaukee's River West community. Nik Kovak faced tons of outpouring of anger for Milwaukee soft approach to black street crime as Outward black residents often come into Alderman's Kovak's ward to punch and rob people of their property and teeth and politicians like Kovak do little about the rising street crime in River West.
Kovak instead fought against rising fines for residents leaving their cars running from twenty five dollars to one hundred and twenty five dollars knowing full well that many criminals leave their car running to go and chase people down the street or to use for quick escape after perpetuating a crime. Nik Kovak came on his little listened to radio program in fact this past week to call for gun confiscation joining the numerous calls of other litards wishing to see and take away opportunities for people to defend themselves form this disturbing and rising tide of black street and home invasion crime across the nation. Kovak has said little about the raucous community event on crime from late last year where people blasted his response and the lack of police patrols in this increasingly unsafe community and as a good retarded liberal Nik Kovak seems to confirm the belief that when it comes to black street crime people must be mute like a giraffe instead of demanding a tough police response to it and bringing safety back to the community. This is a guy more concerned about thugs and criminals
Milwaukee is a sanctuary city that does little to fight the rising tide of black street crime thanks to weak liberal like Alderman Nik Kovak of Milwaukee's River West community. Nik Kovak faced tons of outpouring of anger for Milwaukee soft approach to black street crime as Outward black residents often come into Alderman's Kovak's ward to punch and rob people of their property and teeth and politicians like Kovak do little about the rising street crime in River West.
Kovak instead fought against rising fines for residents leaving their cars running from twenty five dollars to one hundred and twenty five dollars knowing full well that many criminals leave their car running to go and chase people down the street or to use for quick escape after perpetuating a crime. Nik Kovak came on his little listened to radio program in fact this past week to call for gun confiscation joining the numerous calls of other litards wishing to see and take away opportunities for people to defend themselves form this disturbing and rising tide of black street and home invasion crime across the nation. Kovak has said little about the raucous community event on crime from late last year where people blasted his response and the lack of police patrols in this increasingly unsafe community and as a good retarded liberal Nik Kovak seems to confirm the belief that when it comes to black street crime people must be mute like a giraffe instead of demanding a tough police response to it and bringing safety back to the community. This is a guy more concerned about thugs and criminals
Jeff Berwick concerned about Russian legalization of bitcoin and the regulation that will come
Arthur "King" Eason
Jeff Berwick chainsmokes a hundred cigarettes a day and wishes to see government go away and now he is concerned about Vladimir Putin. Jeff Berwick has recently heavily come out against the Russian oligarch leader for legalizing Jeff's beloved bitcoin and other crypto-currency offerings and Berwick is no chump. This fuck face wishes to be king and lord of his own private manor and force those of lower status to light his cigarettes and turn over their children and wives to him at night. This man wants to be both a Latin King in Mexico and a royal King in America but now he is thinking about the czar lifestyle in mother Russia. Berwick is studying premier Putin's sudden interest in regulating the fake coins of cryptostan and Berwich has broken six ashtrays this week angered at the prospect of Russia fgetting tough on these scamcoins. Berwick and others cannot set up their feudal systems until governments and Central banks go away and he thinks a little bit of computer coin here and a litltle bit of some coin here created on massive networks is th solution.
While he may be a pinhead he is absolutely correct to assert that Putin's legalization of bitcoin will bring about massive change to how states regulate and inspect this growing industry where data analytical programmers can decide what is money and what is not. The pinhead knocked Putin's claim that the state needs to watch these cryptocurrencies and make sure the average citizen is not swindled of their life savings form snake oil salesmen like Jeff Berwick.
A prick like Berwick loves to see provate ventures bamboozle people with products as he is an addicted of tobacco and has fallen to the vitues of product obviously unsafe andunhealthy. Just the fact this shit pushes the idea that cigarette smoking is acceptable is reaosn enough for anything this shit to say to be examined along with his mental health. Berwick often goes on-line and ramble bullshit about government telling people what to do and preventing men like him from reasserting a feudal society where they can opprese others and do as they wish with thie rorivate for-hire mercenaries. He often gets all hpoer and stupid and starts undressing for no reaosn threatneing world leaders and saying they all should end up like Benito Mussolini. Jeff Berwick needs to go to the Russian front and say this in and around Vladamir Putins secret police and they will line his ass up old Mexico style where he can have his final smoke and puff like the magic dragon of big government that he wishes to sleigh.
Jeff Berwick chainsmokes a hundred cigarettes a day and wishes to see government go away and now he is concerned about Vladimir Putin. Jeff Berwick has recently heavily come out against the Russian oligarch leader for legalizing Jeff's beloved bitcoin and other crypto-currency offerings and Berwick is no chump. This fuck face wishes to be king and lord of his own private manor and force those of lower status to light his cigarettes and turn over their children and wives to him at night. This man wants to be both a Latin King in Mexico and a royal King in America but now he is thinking about the czar lifestyle in mother Russia. Berwick is studying premier Putin's sudden interest in regulating the fake coins of cryptostan and Berwich has broken six ashtrays this week angered at the prospect of Russia fgetting tough on these scamcoins. Berwick and others cannot set up their feudal systems until governments and Central banks go away and he thinks a little bit of computer coin here and a litltle bit of some coin here created on massive networks is th solution.
While he may be a pinhead he is absolutely correct to assert that Putin's legalization of bitcoin will bring about massive change to how states regulate and inspect this growing industry where data analytical programmers can decide what is money and what is not. The pinhead knocked Putin's claim that the state needs to watch these cryptocurrencies and make sure the average citizen is not swindled of their life savings form snake oil salesmen like Jeff Berwick.
A prick like Berwick loves to see provate ventures bamboozle people with products as he is an addicted of tobacco and has fallen to the vitues of product obviously unsafe andunhealthy. Just the fact this shit pushes the idea that cigarette smoking is acceptable is reaosn enough for anything this shit to say to be examined along with his mental health. Berwick often goes on-line and ramble bullshit about government telling people what to do and preventing men like him from reasserting a feudal society where they can opprese others and do as they wish with thie rorivate for-hire mercenaries. He often gets all hpoer and stupid and starts undressing for no reaosn threatneing world leaders and saying they all should end up like Benito Mussolini. Jeff Berwick needs to go to the Russian front and say this in and around Vladamir Putins secret police and they will line his ass up old Mexico style where he can have his final smoke and puff like the magic dragon of big government that he wishes to sleigh.
Hack pro-trade journalist/columnist Walter "Worm" Williams wishes to see foreing importers profit form America sugar addiction and obesity
Troy York
Columnist Walt Williams is a media hack recently writing an article blasting president Trump's tariffs and criticizing the impact of it. Walter Williams is upset that another black Kenyan didn't take over after the tenure of his beloved Obama and as a member of the mainstream media and educational system he is set to attack all of president Trump's policies and attack any pro-American stance or change as anything beneficial over the foreign global corporate masters is a threat to hacks like him in journalism. it is jackasses like professor Williams why one has difficulty finding American made clothing and basically we subsidize owners of capital of international garment companies who profit form forcing women in Bangladesh or other countries to work fifteen hours a day for 13 cents an hour. and then ship it hear for maximum profit and selling of forty dollar blouses or pants.
Williams says reducing the imports of steel and aluminum would enable American aluminum and steel producers form charging more as this idiot made some absurd comparison to the sugar industry and basically this man wishes to see foreigners profit form our purchase of steel ,Aluminum,Sugar etc etc and this is the whole concept and necessary of tariffs. By allowing these foreign companies out make money and import anything empowering their bottom line and accounts that then can be used for a corrupt and misleading media and writers such as a fucking Walter Williams is basically what America got stuck with and continued mismanagement of the trade policies that outsiders have benefited form flooding out markets with their product and hurting our industries. It is no accident that when we in are industrial might we built factories and bought our own steel to build the first skyscrapers and those willing to sell out the nation to other empires would of faced the firing squad and internment.
Sir Walt Williams is a neo-liberalism free-market ultraconservative and often lies about modern capitalism ignoring the fact that in the global trade era forced and chain migrations and slave-like conditions are as appalling if not so more than those of four hundred years ago and slavery still exists creating huge wealth for those executives and monopolists at the top of industry and capitalism,. The stiff resistance to tariffs and improvements to our economy is direct class educational warfare form those willing to put ones self into debt and finance a college degree and is an attack by those upon people who would would these jobs that don't require a college education and would be readily available in domestic steel and aluminum industries that without these cheap slave wage producing imports . In essence men like this creepie nutty professor want to guarantee and support those that give him a easy talking and standing gig at a university and he can dish out grades by students support for multi-national conglomerates or being pro-America pro-tariff.-
Now this black jackass Mr Williams thinks we shroud have lower sugar prices and over-eat and indulge in more obesity and health related are imports and sues buy allowing foreign sugar import into country. Walt Williams assertions that the sugar industry in America lobby congress preventing imports of more sugar at lower-cost so people can eat twenty four hours a day on cheap sugar is a solution this dumb jackass thinks should be accomplished by unregulating the restrictions and allowing other avenues for foreign industries to profit from Americas dumb purchasing choices. Professor Walter Williams should be fired for his stupidity as he is stupider than a pile of Russian potatoes.
He says in a recent piece that when government creates a benefit for one group of Americans it is a guarantee to come a the expense of others yet government already does this with the American cronies allowing foreign imports and trade and now this shit head wants to add sugar to trade abuses against Americas???Is it any wonder Mr Williams students often referred to this shitty professor with he nick name worm.
Is this man loco or just a racist anti-American economics professor wishing to see other outsiders gain advantages and wealth at our expense and costs.This is not the first tie nor last i will point out the stupidity and how this man is a hack for foreign interests fighting against the obvious advantages of helping domestic suppliers and producers of steel and aluminium which should of been protected like our sugar industry form cheap overseas competition here corrupt oppressive companies can offer excellent slave wage and brutality low-pay and working conditions that would not be accepted in America. If we are forced to buy less products because of higher costs this is a positive result for the environment of the planet and our country in general and this clown thinks that we should have more sugar for sale and purchase at lower prices is part of the problem with our academic institutions with anemic shits like this teaching courses and economics. Perhaps Walter Williamsn does some dentistry in his spare time and wishes to see more work for himself in this field with his insane pro-foreign sugar import drive to lower costs for the American consumer to go to Buckees gas stations and have their children indulge in five packages 30 ounce of gumee chews for a single dollar.
Columnist Walt Williams is a media hack recently writing an article blasting president Trump's tariffs and criticizing the impact of it. Walter Williams is upset that another black Kenyan didn't take over after the tenure of his beloved Obama and as a member of the mainstream media and educational system he is set to attack all of president Trump's policies and attack any pro-American stance or change as anything beneficial over the foreign global corporate masters is a threat to hacks like him in journalism. it is jackasses like professor Williams why one has difficulty finding American made clothing and basically we subsidize owners of capital of international garment companies who profit form forcing women in Bangladesh or other countries to work fifteen hours a day for 13 cents an hour. and then ship it hear for maximum profit and selling of forty dollar blouses or pants.
Williams says reducing the imports of steel and aluminum would enable American aluminum and steel producers form charging more as this idiot made some absurd comparison to the sugar industry and basically this man wishes to see foreigners profit form our purchase of steel ,Aluminum,Sugar etc etc and this is the whole concept and necessary of tariffs. By allowing these foreign companies out make money and import anything empowering their bottom line and accounts that then can be used for a corrupt and misleading media and writers such as a fucking Walter Williams is basically what America got stuck with and continued mismanagement of the trade policies that outsiders have benefited form flooding out markets with their product and hurting our industries. It is no accident that when we in are industrial might we built factories and bought our own steel to build the first skyscrapers and those willing to sell out the nation to other empires would of faced the firing squad and internment.
Sir Walt Williams is a neo-liberalism free-market ultraconservative and often lies about modern capitalism ignoring the fact that in the global trade era forced and chain migrations and slave-like conditions are as appalling if not so more than those of four hundred years ago and slavery still exists creating huge wealth for those executives and monopolists at the top of industry and capitalism,. The stiff resistance to tariffs and improvements to our economy is direct class educational warfare form those willing to put ones self into debt and finance a college degree and is an attack by those upon people who would would these jobs that don't require a college education and would be readily available in domestic steel and aluminum industries that without these cheap slave wage producing imports . In essence men like this creepie nutty professor want to guarantee and support those that give him a easy talking and standing gig at a university and he can dish out grades by students support for multi-national conglomerates or being pro-America pro-tariff.-
Now this black jackass Mr Williams thinks we shroud have lower sugar prices and over-eat and indulge in more obesity and health related are imports and sues buy allowing foreign sugar import into country. Walt Williams assertions that the sugar industry in America lobby congress preventing imports of more sugar at lower-cost so people can eat twenty four hours a day on cheap sugar is a solution this dumb jackass thinks should be accomplished by unregulating the restrictions and allowing other avenues for foreign industries to profit from Americas dumb purchasing choices. Professor Walter Williams should be fired for his stupidity as he is stupider than a pile of Russian potatoes.
He says in a recent piece that when government creates a benefit for one group of Americans it is a guarantee to come a the expense of others yet government already does this with the American cronies allowing foreign imports and trade and now this shit head wants to add sugar to trade abuses against Americas???Is it any wonder Mr Williams students often referred to this shitty professor with he nick name worm.
Is this man loco or just a racist anti-American economics professor wishing to see other outsiders gain advantages and wealth at our expense and costs.This is not the first tie nor last i will point out the stupidity and how this man is a hack for foreign interests fighting against the obvious advantages of helping domestic suppliers and producers of steel and aluminium which should of been protected like our sugar industry form cheap overseas competition here corrupt oppressive companies can offer excellent slave wage and brutality low-pay and working conditions that would not be accepted in America. If we are forced to buy less products because of higher costs this is a positive result for the environment of the planet and our country in general and this clown thinks that we should have more sugar for sale and purchase at lower prices is part of the problem with our academic institutions with anemic shits like this teaching courses and economics. Perhaps Walter Williamsn does some dentistry in his spare time and wishes to see more work for himself in this field with his insane pro-foreign sugar import drive to lower costs for the American consumer to go to Buckees gas stations and have their children indulge in five packages 30 ounce of gumee chews for a single dollar.
Howard Stern says President Trump shpo;ld get the hell out of the White House and he contemplates a run for it in 2020
Jamie Logan
Howard Stern came aboard his satellite little-listened to broadcast XF channel that new cars are installed and recorded as subscribing to justify the millions this slimeball makes per year. Howard Stern says president Trump appears unstable and he should get the fuck out of the White house and news of Stern's stern advice made rounds as this Jewish radio shock jock legend is worried about the land of milk and honey being unable to deliverer future cash cows for Mr Stern with Trump's new trade rules. A Jerk like Howard Stern who has prospered in the consolidation of industry and media really has no place to give president Trump any advice and if anything Howard Stern needs to get the fuck out of that satellite and broadcasting to nobody and stealing companies out of forty million dollars per year with his bullshit.
No One take any advice from this ugly walking tree Jew syrup face of a human and why Howard Stern has any say in president Trump affairs can only mean one thing.
Howard Stern has always had a quest for political power teasing a run for the Governors mansion before withdraw back in 1997 because he didn't want his loyal New York opioid listener base to realize how much money his big mouth was making for enervate society and Stern told the that he was upset so mad and sad that Donald trump didn't call him for any advice when running and campaigning for the presidency. Howard Stern also was angered that eh was passed over so many cabinet positions and thought he would be head of the department of media affairs as a self-proclaimed king of all media.
Howard Stern is thinking of putting his name in the 2020 contest and challenging Donald Trump directly and he thinks he can match and out perform wits with Donald Trump in one on one debates and Howard Stern can easily raise money as he snookered consumers to fork over for XM radio in all car purchases and snookering media executives that his mouth drool is worth a income of 49 million for o e year of talk.
Howard Stern came aboard his satellite little-listened to broadcast XF channel that new cars are installed and recorded as subscribing to justify the millions this slimeball makes per year. Howard Stern says president Trump appears unstable and he should get the fuck out of the White house and news of Stern's stern advice made rounds as this Jewish radio shock jock legend is worried about the land of milk and honey being unable to deliverer future cash cows for Mr Stern with Trump's new trade rules. A Jerk like Howard Stern who has prospered in the consolidation of industry and media really has no place to give president Trump any advice and if anything Howard Stern needs to get the fuck out of that satellite and broadcasting to nobody and stealing companies out of forty million dollars per year with his bullshit.
No One take any advice from this ugly walking tree Jew syrup face of a human and why Howard Stern has any say in president Trump affairs can only mean one thing.
Howard Stern has always had a quest for political power teasing a run for the Governors mansion before withdraw back in 1997 because he didn't want his loyal New York opioid listener base to realize how much money his big mouth was making for enervate society and Stern told the that he was upset so mad and sad that Donald trump didn't call him for any advice when running and campaigning for the presidency. Howard Stern also was angered that eh was passed over so many cabinet positions and thought he would be head of the department of media affairs as a self-proclaimed king of all media.
Howard Stern is thinking of putting his name in the 2020 contest and challenging Donald Trump directly and he thinks he can match and out perform wits with Donald Trump in one on one debates and Howard Stern can easily raise money as he snookered consumers to fork over for XM radio in all car purchases and snookering media executives that his mouth drool is worth a income of 49 million for o e year of talk.
Von Trier bar saved from becoming a cocktail bar in Milwaukee
Baxter Lomax
The globalists in Milwaukee do not like displays of ethnic heritage or bar hooping amass in cool hip drinkable and walkable neighborhoods. Fr years the bars on North Avenue have been under attack and targeted by the international investing classes wishing to transform yet another area around a hospital to fit their model and living standard.
Von Trier was on their sights as it celebrated a midevil European heritage with its decorations and obvious Central Europe history look and was always among the top ten best bars in Milwaukee. This upset the Turkish Hummus crowd that desperately tried to conquer these regions for some hundreds of years and a campaign to save Von Trier Bar in Milwaukee proved successful as it will remain a German pub and not another nameless cocktail international club. You had hacks eagerly looking for the demise of this bar such as Milwaukee Record jag fag Matt Wild who complained of people pushing to save this bar as telling them they should of ate and drank more at the bar if they wanted to save it ignoring the fact that these assets are constantly traded by owners and people for bargaining chips and furniture plumbing and lighting remodeling.
The large petition drive by residents and Milwaukee to save Von Trier and prevent its change as many other North Avenue bars have experienced and I have harped on the remodeling an constant eatery and drinking scam where new bathrooms and lighting,furniture is often done to support the business that deal with production of these . New bar owner John Sidoff didn't a complete face lift of the bar though again updating bathrooms and new lighting to please whoever demands this action take place. Changes occur most likely just to make sales of bar stools,tables,lighting, bathroom sinks etc etc and this best explains to me why we see such an intensity of remodeling in many cases where none is needed and the construction firms have full control of many bars and restaurants on this front using them as a front for spending on their companies. I am sure this prick Matt Wild knows this and there was no reason to change Von Trier as this place was packed often making good jingle regardless to the bullshit he says on Milwaukee Record concerning Von Trier in the past few months. There was nothing wrong or outdated with Von Trier the way it was last year from what I saw first hand and basically you just have these investors buying up bars and restaurants so they can have excuses to spend in other areas on their cronies or side business shad deals. This is the real goal and why there are so many turnovers in bars/restaurants as they serve the construction companies more so than drinking eating patrons.Matt Wild is a retor gmaing little shit just so mad very sad that tghere are not more business and game shops where nerds like himself can go in the basement of stores and play eight-nit nintendo games for all day as seen in comics and the video game Bully
The globalists in Milwaukee do not like displays of ethnic heritage or bar hooping amass in cool hip drinkable and walkable neighborhoods. Fr years the bars on North Avenue have been under attack and targeted by the international investing classes wishing to transform yet another area around a hospital to fit their model and living standard.
Von Trier was on their sights as it celebrated a midevil European heritage with its decorations and obvious Central Europe history look and was always among the top ten best bars in Milwaukee. This upset the Turkish Hummus crowd that desperately tried to conquer these regions for some hundreds of years and a campaign to save Von Trier Bar in Milwaukee proved successful as it will remain a German pub and not another nameless cocktail international club. You had hacks eagerly looking for the demise of this bar such as Milwaukee Record jag fag Matt Wild who complained of people pushing to save this bar as telling them they should of ate and drank more at the bar if they wanted to save it ignoring the fact that these assets are constantly traded by owners and people for bargaining chips and furniture plumbing and lighting remodeling.
The large petition drive by residents and Milwaukee to save Von Trier and prevent its change as many other North Avenue bars have experienced and I have harped on the remodeling an constant eatery and drinking scam where new bathrooms and lighting,furniture is often done to support the business that deal with production of these . New bar owner John Sidoff didn't a complete face lift of the bar though again updating bathrooms and new lighting to please whoever demands this action take place. Changes occur most likely just to make sales of bar stools,tables,lighting, bathroom sinks etc etc and this best explains to me why we see such an intensity of remodeling in many cases where none is needed and the construction firms have full control of many bars and restaurants on this front using them as a front for spending on their companies. I am sure this prick Matt Wild knows this and there was no reason to change Von Trier as this place was packed often making good jingle regardless to the bullshit he says on Milwaukee Record concerning Von Trier in the past few months. There was nothing wrong or outdated with Von Trier the way it was last year from what I saw first hand and basically you just have these investors buying up bars and restaurants so they can have excuses to spend in other areas on their cronies or side business shad deals. This is the real goal and why there are so many turnovers in bars/restaurants as they serve the construction companies more so than drinking eating patrons.Matt Wild is a retor gmaing little shit just so mad very sad that tghere are not more business and game shops where nerds like himself can go in the basement of stores and play eight-nit nintendo games for all day as seen in comics and the video game Bully
Kirk Cousins signs a huge contract but will not be taking the Minnesota Vikings to the Super Bowl and Jesse ventura still sucks
Guy Baldwin
Minnesota is a football addicted and local celebrity obsessed crazed cold state and any state that elects a man primarily base don his professional wrestling experience is a state to avoid and is devoid of brain thinking.
Kirk Cousins will fit perfectly in this system as the football obsessed and Viking loving fanbase has another hope coming at the quarter back position to give Jesse and other Viking fans hope for the long-awaited return to the Super Bowl. Kirk Cousins will not be going to the Super Bowl and I believe the vikings would have more of a chance of going to the Superbowl if Jesse Ventura as is now was given the starting quarterback position.
How the Vikings organization handled the superior quarterbacks and the loyalty shown to the incredible play of Case Keenum as the Vikings immediately sought out a new quarterback despite the great play of Mr Keenum in almost delivering the Vikings to the promised land and a place they have been four times before to no avail many many moons ago and way before Case Keenum or Kirk Cousins was even aboard this rock. Any state that elects and be loves Jesse Ventura or a Ric Flair so much doesn't deserve to have successful sports franchises and one can only hope Kirk Cousins is another of a long list of Viking quarterbacks and failures to repeat the four time success of a Fran Tarketon is getting the Minnesota team into the Super Bowl.
Kirk Cousins and the money thrown at him was a joke and he will do for the Minnesota Vikings with what he did for the Washington Pigskins and this is absolutely nada. Old geriatric fuck face Jesse Ventura will be watching and throwing craft beer bottles at this television all season long and the Vikings really fucked up with how they treated and let go Sam Bradford, Keenum, and Teddy Bridgewater and over-paid for this erratic joker who at best is a third stringer in the NFL masquerading as a starter.
Minnesota is a football addicted and local celebrity obsessed crazed cold state and any state that elects a man primarily base don his professional wrestling experience is a state to avoid and is devoid of brain thinking.
Kirk Cousins will fit perfectly in this system as the football obsessed and Viking loving fanbase has another hope coming at the quarter back position to give Jesse and other Viking fans hope for the long-awaited return to the Super Bowl. Kirk Cousins will not be going to the Super Bowl and I believe the vikings would have more of a chance of going to the Superbowl if Jesse Ventura as is now was given the starting quarterback position.
How the Vikings organization handled the superior quarterbacks and the loyalty shown to the incredible play of Case Keenum as the Vikings immediately sought out a new quarterback despite the great play of Mr Keenum in almost delivering the Vikings to the promised land and a place they have been four times before to no avail many many moons ago and way before Case Keenum or Kirk Cousins was even aboard this rock. Any state that elects and be loves Jesse Ventura or a Ric Flair so much doesn't deserve to have successful sports franchises and one can only hope Kirk Cousins is another of a long list of Viking quarterbacks and failures to repeat the four time success of a Fran Tarketon is getting the Minnesota team into the Super Bowl.
Thom Hartmann cuts off a caller making a point about gun freedoms and how France should of had them prior to World War II
Cody Maloney
Radical leftist radio talk show and Russian Today television host Thom Hartmann wants to take your guns away. The far-left communist has been all over talk of the student lead paid protests by the lobby of outsiders wishing to repeal the second amendment and make invasion form Mexico and Muslim take over more of a possibility with confiscation of guns and the low depths this snake in the grass son of a dog Mr Hartmann will go to prevent free speech and dispel how he will squash debate. A caller called into the award losing program and told Mr Hartmann how his grandfather in France during World War II and brought home a sniper rife of a German POW he had killed. He brought the gun home and the caller remembered a Frenchmen telling him that if the French were allowed access and freedom to purchase guns athe Nazis would never had invaded as they as such. The caller was immediately cut off form Hartmann's program and ten minutes commercials played before Hartmann returned on-air with no explanation or recurrence to this caller.
Mr Hartmann then had ten callers that agreed with this insane nuts assertions that all semi-automatic guns should be banned and this has long been the goal of this nefarious talk show host advocate of extreme racial identity politics. Hartmann is a hack for forces paying money for American political division with his awful partisan dialogue and he attacks any Democrat willing to reach across the aisle andlsten and make deals with the other side as what men like Hartmann want is a one party state of socialism and he knows the only way this transformation could take place in America is disarming the other side.
Thoma Hartman is a scumbag always has been a scumbag and always will be a partisan son of a bitch and he needs to be called out for the partisian goals he has in delivering one message and thought for the Democratic Party when in fact democrats think differently on many issues and is not a far-left political party as scum like Hartmann would illustrate.
Radical leftist radio talk show and Russian Today television host Thom Hartmann wants to take your guns away. The far-left communist has been all over talk of the student lead paid protests by the lobby of outsiders wishing to repeal the second amendment and make invasion form Mexico and Muslim take over more of a possibility with confiscation of guns and the low depths this snake in the grass son of a dog Mr Hartmann will go to prevent free speech and dispel how he will squash debate. A caller called into the award losing program and told Mr Hartmann how his grandfather in France during World War II and brought home a sniper rife of a German POW he had killed. He brought the gun home and the caller remembered a Frenchmen telling him that if the French were allowed access and freedom to purchase guns athe Nazis would never had invaded as they as such. The caller was immediately cut off form Hartmann's program and ten minutes commercials played before Hartmann returned on-air with no explanation or recurrence to this caller.
Mr Hartmann then had ten callers that agreed with this insane nuts assertions that all semi-automatic guns should be banned and this has long been the goal of this nefarious talk show host advocate of extreme racial identity politics. Hartmann is a hack for forces paying money for American political division with his awful partisan dialogue and he attacks any Democrat willing to reach across the aisle andlsten and make deals with the other side as what men like Hartmann want is a one party state of socialism and he knows the only way this transformation could take place in America is disarming the other side.
Thoma Hartman is a scumbag always has been a scumbag and always will be a partisan son of a bitch and he needs to be called out for the partisian goals he has in delivering one message and thought for the Democratic Party when in fact democrats think differently on many issues and is not a far-left political party as scum like Hartmann would illustrate.
Patrick Henningsen says Britian and West complete marbles about fake news spy poisoning assassination
Martin Manziel
Dream money
The forces attempting to deliver a Falklands style war between Britain and Russia are imploding this fake assassination according to famed Podcaster Patrick Henningsen who came aboard his award winning six hour Sunday Wire broadcast and just talked about the hysteria created in Londonstan about the deaths of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yuria. The amount of press coverage and deploration by the mainstream media and accusations of Russian intelligence murder in this case in unfounded and this event is now being used by the further depraved Western leaders in their mass confusion and hopes for war on the Eastern front. Mr Skrpal and his daughter had a easy dream money job of talking to English authorities and perhaps giving tremendous amount of valuable information of the Russian government.
The crazed and globalist Britishstan media hates Russia as being a bulwark against globalization and Islam and the bought media thinks it has irrefutable evidence tying Russian spies and espionage to the murders of this double agent. There is no doubt in Patrick Henninsen's mind that the British public and media reads too many of their tabloids and are obsessed with stupid Jams Bond movies. Chances are that this double agent were killed by the Russian or Irish mob more than orders of Vladamir Putin and for the British media going hysterical and making this such an international incident is deplorable according to Patrick's media channel of the Sunday Wire and he went on to
spend some five hours on this topic seemingly obsessed with how low the media is so confident that this mans death was delivered on orders from Russian government sources instead of the massive amount of unpaid debt this globalist con double and triple agent likely had and this man and his presence is the result of open borders and espionage on part of the British Empire as it seeks to remain influential never really dying as a force. If old Sergia was a spy against mother Russia why wouldn't Putin take this old clown out if he is harming the state and perhaps Great Britain should quit fighting the cold war and playing James Bond all of the time. This Mr Skipal wined and idned his family on the tax dime of British people giving information about Russia to British intelligence and why wouldn't he deserve a nerve agent from patriot Russians wishing to avenge the damage this son of a dog had delivered for the Queen and global trade degrading British/Muslim Indian empire.
Dream money
The forces attempting to deliver a Falklands style war between Britain and Russia are imploding this fake assassination according to famed Podcaster Patrick Henningsen who came aboard his award winning six hour Sunday Wire broadcast and just talked about the hysteria created in Londonstan about the deaths of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yuria. The amount of press coverage and deploration by the mainstream media and accusations of Russian intelligence murder in this case in unfounded and this event is now being used by the further depraved Western leaders in their mass confusion and hopes for war on the Eastern front. Mr Skrpal and his daughter had a easy dream money job of talking to English authorities and perhaps giving tremendous amount of valuable information of the Russian government.
The crazed and globalist Britishstan media hates Russia as being a bulwark against globalization and Islam and the bought media thinks it has irrefutable evidence tying Russian spies and espionage to the murders of this double agent. There is no doubt in Patrick Henninsen's mind that the British public and media reads too many of their tabloids and are obsessed with stupid Jams Bond movies. Chances are that this double agent were killed by the Russian or Irish mob more than orders of Vladamir Putin and for the British media going hysterical and making this such an international incident is deplorable according to Patrick's media channel of the Sunday Wire and he went on to
spend some five hours on this topic seemingly obsessed with how low the media is so confident that this mans death was delivered on orders from Russian government sources instead of the massive amount of unpaid debt this globalist con double and triple agent likely had and this man and his presence is the result of open borders and espionage on part of the British Empire as it seeks to remain influential never really dying as a force. If old Sergia was a spy against mother Russia why wouldn't Putin take this old clown out if he is harming the state and perhaps Great Britain should quit fighting the cold war and playing James Bond all of the time. This Mr Skipal wined and idned his family on the tax dime of British people giving information about Russia to British intelligence and why wouldn't he deserve a nerve agent from patriot Russians wishing to avenge the damage this son of a dog had delivered for the Queen and global trade degrading British/Muslim Indian empire.
Steve Dahl demands fathead JB Pritzker throw more money into his show and radio station
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Jb Pritzker mad emoney the old fashion way and this was being born into the right fmaily and after many years and moons just being a donator the fat fuck face decided to run for govoenrer in Ilinois and challenge fellow Billionaire Bruce Rauner. Rauner has done an ideal job fighting the corrupot Democrats of Chicago who play to big money both domestically and internationally in a campaign orchestrated to bankrupt this nation and crush its soul and for this Democrats like JB Pritzker have done a good job. Steve Dahl was furious when he heard how much money JB Pritzker spent to the media and he and his program received few if any ads from the "fathead" Jb Pritzker who obviously must not be a big fan of either Dahl or his partner Garry Meier.
JB Pritzker inherited alot of dream money and he feels free to distribute it as he does fulfilling the dreams of other advertisers and so forth who are not likely to ocme on the air like Dahl and Meier and call this distinguished billionaire monopoly man a fathead. No other term can best describe the physical attributes of a JB Pritzker who if her were a plumber or ahh cook ahhh at a taqueria somewhere in Cicero chances are he would not be running for poltical office anywhere. Steve Dahl and Gary Meier want some of this dream money to end up supporting their WLS radio station and especially to be targeted and fund their program and fathead Pritzker doesn't realize how much positive talk and bought support can come form the ends of the mouths of both of these forty year radio tag team legend sif th epirce is right and can obviously be supported and dream money presented by some chump like JD Hogg Babe Ruth looking billionaire candidate vying for the Illinois govoerners mansion in the city-state of Chicago that wishes to rule over the rest of Chicago's colony in downstate Illinois.
Dream Money
Jb Pritzker mad emoney the old fashion way and this was being born into the right fmaily and after many years and moons just being a donator the fat fuck face decided to run for govoenrer in Ilinois and challenge fellow Billionaire Bruce Rauner. Rauner has done an ideal job fighting the corrupot Democrats of Chicago who play to big money both domestically and internationally in a campaign orchestrated to bankrupt this nation and crush its soul and for this Democrats like JB Pritzker have done a good job. Steve Dahl was furious when he heard how much money JB Pritzker spent to the media and he and his program received few if any ads from the "fathead" Jb Pritzker who obviously must not be a big fan of either Dahl or his partner Garry Meier.
JB Pritzker inherited alot of dream money and he feels free to distribute it as he does fulfilling the dreams of other advertisers and so forth who are not likely to ocme on the air like Dahl and Meier and call this distinguished billionaire monopoly man a fathead. No other term can best describe the physical attributes of a JB Pritzker who if her were a plumber or ahh cook ahhh at a taqueria somewhere in Cicero chances are he would not be running for poltical office anywhere. Steve Dahl and Gary Meier want some of this dream money to end up supporting their WLS radio station and especially to be targeted and fund their program and fathead Pritzker doesn't realize how much positive talk and bought support can come form the ends of the mouths of both of these forty year radio tag team legend sif th epirce is right and can obviously be supported and dream money presented by some chump like JD Hogg Babe Ruth looking billionaire candidate vying for the Illinois govoerners mansion in the city-state of Chicago that wishes to rule over the rest of Chicago's colony in downstate Illinois.
Mark Zuckerberg feels the heat and ready to get out of Facebook and challenge president Trump in 2020
Lonnie Yeager
Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook holdings continue to face an on swell of opposition and hate with many deleting their accounts after revelations were reported that data collecting companies used Facebook accounts and information to target political ads. The company that posted ads for Donald Trump's election did nothing different than those that posted pro-Hillary Clinton ads bought and paid for by her special charity foundations.
Barack Hussein also was helped into the presidency as the first Islamic president through targeted ads and Mark Zuckerberg just thought that this process was normal and Facebook would financially boon during elections in the same manner that Mainstream media organizations and channels get their political contribution share. Mark Zuckerberg is so angered at this double speak and hypocrisy of targeting ads being alright for television but not for his social media sight that he is seriously considering running for president in 2020. Despite Facebook's recent fall back Mr Zuckenrberg still thinks he is popular and more so that Donald Trump especially with millennial and a Trump-Zuckerberg race in 2020 would be a generational clash that mark thinks he can remain victorious much like he defeated MySpace and Mark Zuckerberg is willing to ditch both his traditional hoodie and gray t shirt and wear a suit everyday along with ditching Facebook as executive head and give all power to his Chinese wife. Much Like Obama was the first Muslim foreigner in the White House, Mr Zuckerberg beleives he can be the first JKew elected as president of the uNited States and if he fails in 2020 he knows he can try in 2024 or 2028 and beyond that as long as he keeps the Facebook brand strong and relevent in the near future.
Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook holdings continue to face an on swell of opposition and hate with many deleting their accounts after revelations were reported that data collecting companies used Facebook accounts and information to target political ads. The company that posted ads for Donald Trump's election did nothing different than those that posted pro-Hillary Clinton ads bought and paid for by her special charity foundations.
Barack Hussein also was helped into the presidency as the first Islamic president through targeted ads and Mark Zuckerberg just thought that this process was normal and Facebook would financially boon during elections in the same manner that Mainstream media organizations and channels get their political contribution share. Mark Zuckerberg is so angered at this double speak and hypocrisy of targeting ads being alright for television but not for his social media sight that he is seriously considering running for president in 2020. Despite Facebook's recent fall back Mr Zuckenrberg still thinks he is popular and more so that Donald Trump especially with millennial and a Trump-Zuckerberg race in 2020 would be a generational clash that mark thinks he can remain victorious much like he defeated MySpace and Mark Zuckerberg is willing to ditch both his traditional hoodie and gray t shirt and wear a suit everyday along with ditching Facebook as executive head and give all power to his Chinese wife. Much Like Obama was the first Muslim foreigner in the White House, Mr Zuckerberg beleives he can be the first JKew elected as president of the uNited States and if he fails in 2020 he knows he can try in 2024 or 2028 and beyond that as long as he keeps the Facebook brand strong and relevent in the near future.
Denny Watson Hired for a cool ten million dollars a year to write at this blog
Ramon Ramos
Famed internet writer Denny Watson has been offered a blank check that he filled for only ten million dollars as he has been turned off upon hearing the egregious contracts of other bloggers and writers on the internet including many recent new hires at this web site. Denny earned alot of respect just requiring a meager ten million dollars a year for three years in a quick deal he did with our editior Randolph Perkin IV and he looks forward to getting his name on our wall and protecting some missile sin form of articles ere on this blog soon. Denny is a prick always has been one always will and will let it be known in the people or organizations he plans to attack in his writings and like fellow writer Baxter Lomax he often can disappear for weeks after drinking binges send him for some week stays at Oak Lawn mental hospital and endless drink of toxic alcohol bend his brain like a pretzel and makes it bubble around messing with the neuron messages the rest of the body is trying to send. We just hope that his mind is not messed up when he writes and we give him the pass key to post articles here form time to time but we will see.
Famed internet writer Denny Watson has been offered a blank check that he filled for only ten million dollars as he has been turned off upon hearing the egregious contracts of other bloggers and writers on the internet including many recent new hires at this web site. Denny earned alot of respect just requiring a meager ten million dollars a year for three years in a quick deal he did with our editior Randolph Perkin IV and he looks forward to getting his name on our wall and protecting some missile sin form of articles ere on this blog soon. Denny is a prick always has been one always will and will let it be known in the people or organizations he plans to attack in his writings and like fellow writer Baxter Lomax he often can disappear for weeks after drinking binges send him for some week stays at Oak Lawn mental hospital and endless drink of toxic alcohol bend his brain like a pretzel and makes it bubble around messing with the neuron messages the rest of the body is trying to send. We just hope that his mind is not messed up when he writes and we give him the pass key to post articles here form time to time but we will see.
Recep Tayipp Erdogan angrier than a hornless ram as art that displays him as a squatting fruit loving sodomite
Alex Mousolopolous
Recep Erodgan is a mad dictator of Turkey trying his damnest to bring back old fashion theocratic Ottomon rule and Muslim hard line beliefs into every corner of the modern Turkish state. Many in Germany have seen first hand of these radical backwards rural Islamo-fascists can bring into a open society and this is what resistance and hatred of Recep Erdocan is so shared by many of the German people and artists today. At a recent German art fair Tayipp Erdogan is shown being sodomized by a banana as a third-world banana stand Afghanistan banana republic is what this jack ass sodomite wishes to bring Turkish society erasing the secular and Democratic Greeks neighbors to the East hase achieved through the decades.
The artist making this painting of Erdogan pretty much stated that Recep Erdogon is an asshole leader bringing down what was once the Middle East's hippest and coolest secular countries and he is bringing a Sunni version of radical Iran theocracy and enforce this system on the millions who do not want to cover their heads in public or be required to sit and bow to the dirt five times a day to a force that doesn't exist. Turkish state TV came on the air and displayed the picture and said this was further evidence of Germany's neurotic and eccentric culture that Turkish migrating to this land need to be aware of exposure and the total lack of respect to a world leader through parody and art is just something that is not to be admired or ignored upon Recep Erdogan. Many Germans know Turks are ass bending stretchers loving to put objects in their anus both moving an dimmovabe and edible and non-edible and pretty much displaying this ruthless dumbass Turkish president taking a Afghanistan Bannastand in his ass is not that much of a big deal and not out of the norm one would expect ahhhh from any Turkish leader both living an din the past. I would not be surprised if Recep Erdogan puts a banana in his ass five times a day as he bows to the sky.
Recep Erodgan is a mad dictator of Turkey trying his damnest to bring back old fashion theocratic Ottomon rule and Muslim hard line beliefs into every corner of the modern Turkish state. Many in Germany have seen first hand of these radical backwards rural Islamo-fascists can bring into a open society and this is what resistance and hatred of Recep Erdocan is so shared by many of the German people and artists today. At a recent German art fair Tayipp Erdogan is shown being sodomized by a banana as a third-world banana stand Afghanistan banana republic is what this jack ass sodomite wishes to bring Turkish society erasing the secular and Democratic Greeks neighbors to the East hase achieved through the decades.

Social Critic criticism...Celebrity ponzi scheme of fake value of pathetic toxic booze
Lincoln Kennedy
Ryan Reynolds got ito it after seeing George Clooney's success and financial gains Dan Aykroyd is now more into being a booze brother than a blues brother and he too is another celebrity bailout out the liquor industry. Some nasty buck named Ludacris (rapper surprise) also is buying ownership and demanding as a celebrity that value of his company should be ahhh determined by himself or his management team.
The bullshit scam of celebrities bailing out big booze and determining fake values has skyrocketed and few real articles in the mainstream media have south out to examine this ponzi scheme. Dan Aykroyd says it is a natural extension of celebrity , coming from a fuck head that has done little major work post 1990 and could ahh practically walk through downtown Mishawaka and not be recognized or noticed by anyone especially those under forty.
Dan Aykroyd and these other celebrities including Metallica front man James Hetfeild are buying into whisky because all other avenues of their revenues are exhausted like a 1960's 747 and ahhhh they have become the modern day frontier bootleggers. The amount of land and livelihood and hunting ground swindled by the early frontiers men on red and white men alike was through liqueur and now the evil celebrity fifth estate class in America seeks to continue their sustaining lifestyle through ponzi financial ownership scams such as celebrity booze worshiper stakes and way over-valise of unprofitable liquor. Of course trade associations like Distilled Spirits Council and other trade groups will try to say sales are skyrocketing year after year claiming 26 billion is spent on booze instead of sayong this is mainly funny money laundered acessses looking for outlets and redistribution of this dark dollars. The fact that celebrities would be so willing to put their brand name to this dirty practice shows what type of greedy swindlers most are in life and the likes of James Hetfeild make crappy music now days needs other ways for incredible gains in dinero.
Ryan Reynolds got ito it after seeing George Clooney's success and financial gains Dan Aykroyd is now more into being a booze brother than a blues brother and he too is another celebrity bailout out the liquor industry. Some nasty buck named Ludacris (rapper surprise) also is buying ownership and demanding as a celebrity that value of his company should be ahhh determined by himself or his management team.
The bullshit scam of celebrities bailing out big booze and determining fake values has skyrocketed and few real articles in the mainstream media have south out to examine this ponzi scheme. Dan Aykroyd says it is a natural extension of celebrity , coming from a fuck head that has done little major work post 1990 and could ahh practically walk through downtown Mishawaka and not be recognized or noticed by anyone especially those under forty.
Dan Aykroyd and these other celebrities including Metallica front man James Hetfeild are buying into whisky because all other avenues of their revenues are exhausted like a 1960's 747 and ahhhh they have become the modern day frontier bootleggers. The amount of land and livelihood and hunting ground swindled by the early frontiers men on red and white men alike was through liqueur and now the evil celebrity fifth estate class in America seeks to continue their sustaining lifestyle through ponzi financial ownership scams such as celebrity booze worshiper stakes and way over-valise of unprofitable liquor. Of course trade associations like Distilled Spirits Council and other trade groups will try to say sales are skyrocketing year after year claiming 26 billion is spent on booze instead of sayong this is mainly funny money laundered acessses looking for outlets and redistribution of this dark dollars. The fact that celebrities would be so willing to put their brand name to this dirty practice shows what type of greedy swindlers most are in life and the likes of James Hetfeild make crappy music now days needs other ways for incredible gains in dinero.
Sophomoric Stephanie Miller wishing to see Joe Biden beat up president Trump
Jordan Morgan
Stephanie Miller is a lesbian on-air an din syndication like no other and the girls talks and speaks like she is still in high school. Stephanie Miler is a carpet musher and she likely hates any man in power that does not fully espouse the superiority culturally, spiritually, and emotionally to the cause of the LGBT cause and for this she has sought to destroy president Trump
. Stephanie Miller was actually excited sexually and aroused by a man recently and this sent shock waves throughout Tinsel Town. Stephanie Miller said how cool it was that Joe Biden said he would beat up Trump and Stephanie Miller is so immature that she most probably feels like this possibility could occur in reality and in front of live CNN or MSNBC.
The fact is Stephanie Miller is such a power seeking whore she fantasizes of being sandwiched between Biden and Trump and maybe throw in Obama Hussein and Bill Clinton as well wishing to see them tag team and fight it out for the rights for her as she is such an eccentric and neurotic fuck
. One can hear form her shows the mentality of this lesbian whore would jump in bed with Bob Barker old fart looking gray-haired if the price is right and this likely explains why she is even in syndication on air as many radio stations as her talent deserves. This unfunny bimbo should not even be on one radio station and back in the day would be reading farm reports in Omaha, Nebraska before the propaganda and identity politics corruption era. This crazed cougar dreams of old powerful men like Trump and Biden wisking her away form the lame lesbians like herself who try to use and abuse Stephanie's assets and Ms Miller wishes to be the one using men and being property in a secret fantasy she keeps to herself as she is embarrassed by her sexual fetish for old hairy wealthy white men and this explains why she airs so much hate on her program.
Stephanie Miller is a lesbian on-air an din syndication like no other and the girls talks and speaks like she is still in high school. Stephanie Miler is a carpet musher and she likely hates any man in power that does not fully espouse the superiority culturally, spiritually, and emotionally to the cause of the LGBT cause and for this she has sought to destroy president Trump
. Stephanie Miller was actually excited sexually and aroused by a man recently and this sent shock waves throughout Tinsel Town. Stephanie Miller said how cool it was that Joe Biden said he would beat up Trump and Stephanie Miller is so immature that she most probably feels like this possibility could occur in reality and in front of live CNN or MSNBC.
. One can hear form her shows the mentality of this lesbian whore would jump in bed with Bob Barker old fart looking gray-haired if the price is right and this likely explains why she is even in syndication on air as many radio stations as her talent deserves. This unfunny bimbo should not even be on one radio station and back in the day would be reading farm reports in Omaha, Nebraska before the propaganda and identity politics corruption era. This crazed cougar dreams of old powerful men like Trump and Biden wisking her away form the lame lesbians like herself who try to use and abuse Stephanie's assets and Ms Miller wishes to be the one using men and being property in a secret fantasy she keeps to herself as she is embarrassed by her sexual fetish for old hairy wealthy white men and this explains why she airs so much hate on her program.
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