Ed West
Sick former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick is desperate to do some consenting 69 with women as picking them up is more difficult not going to the Super Bowl and being a starting quarterback in the National Football league. He is now suspected of being the sick fuck that attacked a model doing her laundry in a hotel that somehow has a direct access from the street where Mr Kapernick was walking and saw the young lady. Colin walked up and tried to put his hands into her crotch much like he use to do in the National Football League calling plays and before every play getting his hands right into the ars of the Center Bear linemen.
The disturbing video is on-line as British mudshark model named Hayley Bray had Colin's dirty fingers inserted to a reserved parking spot for some other British Black man. I lost all sympathy for this bitch before I saw her picture with her partner (not married) and her mixed mutt baby and perhaps Colin Kapernick had seen this race traitor whore previously with her black buck boyfriend and wanted to go and get himself a piece of this whitey tight fuck whore for the black man that Hayley Bray happens to be and prefers in life. Colin Kapergrab made a pussy and asshole grab that would of made president Trump proud. Colin Kapernick is really not fucked and he will not be playing in this February's Super Bowl or any bowl game as authorities are looking for him and he will have to answer for this brutal crotch and go grab of this mudshark model from Londonstan.
Freebie receiving sports broadcaster Les Grobstein misses real death ball of old NFL and the 1984 Los angles Raider sChicago Bears match
Dave Berkson
Some three score and five years ago on last Sunday was the anniversary of a brutal sick game of NFL football that the purest like WLS radio's Les Grobstein misses so much. The Grobber a vocal critic of today's softer ball of the National Football league often cruddy remarks today's NFL game is weak and he misses the days where NFL quarterbacks are nearly killed by defenders such as Marc Wilson, Jim McMahon, and David Humm experienced in this battle that resembled a war zone. Lester the vocal molester has received thousands of free tickets to watch and be paid to observe and comment on sports and this in itself is a major injustice. The Gorbber is a sick man as are those who would prefer to see a Tom Brady or Matt Ryan sidelined after week two and the NFL had to make plenty of rule changes and noting illustrates this point more than this disgusting game 38 years ago this past week.This was one of the sickest game sever played and most violent form of football ever seen in North America and quarterbacks were gong down left and right and play like this nearly destroyed the sport and thankfully the National Football league saw the light and made drastic changes to end this Roman barbarity. However, for the pea brains who are sports loco like Les Grobstein this ruined the sport in their dinosaur minds. One wonders if the grobber was a player having to deal with the multiple broken bones and injuries instead of having his throat need some honey longezines for talking too long if this would affect and change his tune.
Les Grobtein has no problem with athletes killing themselves or getting killed by maniacal defenses of the past who back in the day main goal of injuring people. This was pushed by maniac coaches and Grobstein is a clown who works safely was in the stands for these games and clearly if he had an occupation of actually being on the feild and not broadcasting the violence on the astro turf.
Les Grobstein can't even hold shit in his pants as he is reported to have shit often on the chair in the studios of WSCR and his continuing complaining of the change in the game and protecting players primary quarterbacks shows what a prick fuck he can be as anyone wanting all NFL games to resemble this debacle in November in 1984 need their head examined for a concussion as well.
Some three score and five years ago on last Sunday was the anniversary of a brutal sick game of NFL football that the purest like WLS radio's Les Grobstein misses so much. The Grobber a vocal critic of today's softer ball of the National Football league often cruddy remarks today's NFL game is weak and he misses the days where NFL quarterbacks are nearly killed by defenders such as Marc Wilson, Jim McMahon, and David Humm experienced in this battle that resembled a war zone. Lester the vocal molester has received thousands of free tickets to watch and be paid to observe and comment on sports and this in itself is a major injustice. The Gorbber is a sick man as are those who would prefer to see a Tom Brady or Matt Ryan sidelined after week two and the NFL had to make plenty of rule changes and noting illustrates this point more than this disgusting game 38 years ago this past week.This was one of the sickest game sever played and most violent form of football ever seen in North America and quarterbacks were gong down left and right and play like this nearly destroyed the sport and thankfully the National Football league saw the light and made drastic changes to end this Roman barbarity. However, for the pea brains who are sports loco like Les Grobstein this ruined the sport in their dinosaur minds. One wonders if the grobber was a player having to deal with the multiple broken bones and injuries instead of having his throat need some honey longezines for talking too long if this would affect and change his tune.
Les Grobtein has no problem with athletes killing themselves or getting killed by maniacal defenses of the past who back in the day main goal of injuring people. This was pushed by maniac coaches and Grobstein is a clown who works safely was in the stands for these games and clearly if he had an occupation of actually being on the feild and not broadcasting the violence on the astro turf.
Les Grobstein can't even hold shit in his pants as he is reported to have shit often on the chair in the studios of WSCR and his continuing complaining of the change in the game and protecting players primary quarterbacks shows what a prick fuck he can be as anyone wanting all NFL games to resemble this debacle in November in 1984 need their head examined for a concussion as well.
Finally Kyle Kulinski some on Jesse Lee Peterson's show
Clark Kramer
After weeks of back and forth Kyle Kulinski finally appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's talk show program and had difficulty with he questioning and style of Jesse lee Peterson. Jesse Lee Peterson asked Kyle many marriage and family questions and how he supports Democratic policies that were aimed and detrimental of this structure being preserved for the black community. Jesse also asked and couldn't get an answer form Kyle whether or not there would be so many drugs and crime in Chicago is a stable family structure had existed and not one replaced with welfare promoting single motherhood for Black women and again Kyle Kulinski couldn't answer and sideswiped one with a direct response. Kyle is a modern day Soviet style communist and it anger him and boils his egg brain that he can't be participating in mass murde ro fhis political opponents.
Kulinski didn't t want any part of solving solutions to black problems because in reality he don't care and is a fake regressive progressive that just wants blacks ot vote against the Republicans. Kyle Kulinski also couldn't deal with religious questions and told Jesse Lee that he gets his morals and values form outside sources and culture and whether this includes the pot smokers or rap music was not known nut highly probable for Kyle Kulinski. Kyle hates religious folks and I am surprised that he actually appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's program after weeks of bashing one another. Jesse Lee Peterson was amazing in this interview and Kyle Kulinski was his usual shit faced self and it was painfully obvious Kyle wa \s on some form of heavy drug or medication and he looked awful and more shitty in the face that Jeremy Schahill and talked senselessly like geriatric Noam Chomsky
After weeks of back and forth Kyle Kulinski finally appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's talk show program and had difficulty with he questioning and style of Jesse lee Peterson. Jesse Lee Peterson asked Kyle many marriage and family questions and how he supports Democratic policies that were aimed and detrimental of this structure being preserved for the black community. Jesse also asked and couldn't get an answer form Kyle whether or not there would be so many drugs and crime in Chicago is a stable family structure had existed and not one replaced with welfare promoting single motherhood for Black women and again Kyle Kulinski couldn't answer and sideswiped one with a direct response. Kyle is a modern day Soviet style communist and it anger him and boils his egg brain that he can't be participating in mass murde ro fhis political opponents.
Kulinski didn't t want any part of solving solutions to black problems because in reality he don't care and is a fake regressive progressive that just wants blacks ot vote against the Republicans. Kyle Kulinski also couldn't deal with religious questions and told Jesse Lee that he gets his morals and values form outside sources and culture and whether this includes the pot smokers or rap music was not known nut highly probable for Kyle Kulinski. Kyle hates religious folks and I am surprised that he actually appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's program after weeks of bashing one another. Jesse Lee Peterson was amazing in this interview and Kyle Kulinski was his usual shit faced self and it was painfully obvious Kyle wa \s on some form of heavy drug or medication and he looked awful and more shitty in the face that Jeremy Schahill and talked senselessly like geriatric Noam Chomsky
Jillian Michaels loses a house to wild fires and wishes to save giraffes
Luke Frey
Jillian Michael's is a woman who is both a lesbian and a powerhouse making millions form television and book writings of how to be a tiny tart like her willing to go down and force her inner spirits into other women. Jillian Michael is part of the yoga left and for her part in serving the modern day empire of Nerhander Modi she has been compensated well by American and Indian globalists in form of phony books sales and so forth.
Jillian Michaels was concerned about a giraffe as much as her house that burned down and now wishes to save this giraffe that nearly drowned in fire from the wild flames that the jet crowdlike Jillian are contributing to with their cosntant air travel.
Jill Michaels is seeking to build and adopt this giraffe that escaped from a petting zoo and partially to blame for these wildfires is the Hollywood and media elites to live in the wilderness and in areas susceptible to wildfires. No one should feel sorry for Jillian Michaels and her desire to connect herself to the plight of Jeffery the giraff is another celebrity attention seeking scam of this woman and once again I have to wonder in this #metoo era how many women have powerful lesbians of money like Jillian Michaels acted and done the same thigs as a Harvey Weintstein but because they look completely opposite of Harvey they never get any harassment charges. Jillian Michaels may have lost a house but it appears she is now gaining a pet giraffe and likely will seek donations for it to hekp her rebuild her mansion.
Jillian Michael's is a woman who is both a lesbian and a powerhouse making millions form television and book writings of how to be a tiny tart like her willing to go down and force her inner spirits into other women. Jillian Michael is part of the yoga left and for her part in serving the modern day empire of Nerhander Modi she has been compensated well by American and Indian globalists in form of phony books sales and so forth.
Jillian Michaels was concerned about a giraffe as much as her house that burned down and now wishes to save this giraffe that nearly drowned in fire from the wild flames that the jet crowdlike Jillian are contributing to with their cosntant air travel.
Jill Michaels is seeking to build and adopt this giraffe that escaped from a petting zoo and partially to blame for these wildfires is the Hollywood and media elites to live in the wilderness and in areas susceptible to wildfires. No one should feel sorry for Jillian Michaels and her desire to connect herself to the plight of Jeffery the giraff is another celebrity attention seeking scam of this woman and once again I have to wonder in this #metoo era how many women have powerful lesbians of money like Jillian Michaels acted and done the same thigs as a Harvey Weintstein but because they look completely opposite of Harvey they never get any harassment charges. Jillian Michaels may have lost a house but it appears she is now gaining a pet giraffe and likely will seek donations for it to hekp her rebuild her mansion.
Green Day's Bile Joe Armstrong so far in debt he needs to sell his cars and be bailed out by wealthy Lebanese guy
Jordan Morgan
Green days moronic and silly singer Bile Joe Armstrong so desires a luxury living and lifestyle but it seems he has been doing it more than being able to sell records from bad libtard songs and poor Billie is having difficulty selling songs and books these days. Bille Joe Armstrong is so far in his ass in debt he recently had an auction to sell out some of his classic cars including a Fiat and a Chevy Nova.
Billie Joe Armstrong is also looking for some rich dude to help him produces concerts and sell out concert halls and a wealthy business man named Butro Galnini has promised to lend out some money and buy a business part into Bille Joe Armstrong's ventures and in all essence has but bailed out most of the debt that the former Green Day head man has piled up for himself and be allowed to gather being a good member of the American left and working feverishly in song and material to bring about this message. Bile Joe met this man posing as a woman on some date sex site and eventually formed an on-line relationship as Bille always had the sexual fantasy of being part of a Middle Eastern harem and also wants to have sex with robots as soon as this item comes out on the market. Billie Joe Armstrong is a liberal scumbag is stupider than a camel,sings to the devil, and loves to talk to his brown special dish before he flushes it down the toilet to disappear into the plumping forever.
Green days moronic and silly singer Bile Joe Armstrong so desires a luxury living and lifestyle but it seems he has been doing it more than being able to sell records from bad libtard songs and poor Billie is having difficulty selling songs and books these days. Bille Joe Armstrong is so far in his ass in debt he recently had an auction to sell out some of his classic cars including a Fiat and a Chevy Nova.
Billie Joe Armstrong is also looking for some rich dude to help him produces concerts and sell out concert halls and a wealthy business man named Butro Galnini has promised to lend out some money and buy a business part into Bille Joe Armstrong's ventures and in all essence has but bailed out most of the debt that the former Green Day head man has piled up for himself and be allowed to gather being a good member of the American left and working feverishly in song and material to bring about this message. Bile Joe met this man posing as a woman on some date sex site and eventually formed an on-line relationship as Bille always had the sexual fantasy of being part of a Middle Eastern harem and also wants to have sex with robots as soon as this item comes out on the market. Billie Joe Armstrong is a liberal scumbag is stupider than a camel,sings to the devil, and loves to talk to his brown special dish before he flushes it down the toilet to disappear into the plumping forever.
Tony Marano and Alan Sorrentino bash the dress and look of young men in America
Dwight Dwyer
Famed YouTube star Tony Marano and Right-wing radio host Alan Sorrentino are very opinionated men and often speak of the societal dress break down of the newer generations. Tiny is base din Japan and does a very popular YouTube program and he bashed Americas men and the growing ugly beard look that apparently men are increasingly too lazy to shave and wear more and more in pride like their favorite hockey player. Marano says it is disgusting how they look and he contrasted it with the young men he sees in Japanese society who are all clean shaven and take pride in their weight and appearance.
Tony Marano says young men look like slobs and look like shit and he blames celebrities for pushing this scrubby look and increasingly young men in th e West look like they haven't shaved fora few days and are increasingly looking like Indian and Arab fucks most of whom young men never shave.
Famed YouTube star Tony Marano and Right-wing radio host Alan Sorrentino are very opinionated men and often speak of the societal dress break down of the newer generations. Tiny is base din Japan and does a very popular YouTube program and he bashed Americas men and the growing ugly beard look that apparently men are increasingly too lazy to shave and wear more and more in pride like their favorite hockey player. Marano says it is disgusting how they look and he contrasted it with the young men he sees in Japanese society who are all clean shaven and take pride in their weight and appearance.

Right-wing local New Hampshire or Vermont area broadcaster named Alan Sorrentino hosts a very little-listened to radio program and when he is not knocking women's yoga pants obsession and lazy lobby look as they go to the local Wal Marts and Save Marts he also takes potshots at the twenty something male sof today and their beard and beanie hats. Sorrentino bashes the dress of young men saying they wish to remain punk teenagers preferring to move about in skateboards than automobiles as his generation preferred. Alan said these baggy and skinny pants these guys wear screams for attention as little boys and that he wouldn't be surprised if yong men start wearing yoga pants and furry boots as well. Alan "Never sorry" Sorrentino is not surprised how these degenerates look as most of them smell like dope and their facial piercings shows they look and are baout as intelligent as Brazilian tribesmen who consider crwon spioers a delicious delicacy.
Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger think of replacing geico Gecko with Colin Kapernick
Jamie Logan
Geriatric bastards Warren Buffet and his sidekick mummy looking Charlie Munger run Berkshire Hathaway and have tons and tons of money to waste as they please. They seem to have unlimited budget spending opportunities for Cooke a cola and Geico Insurance as these two see fit and deem appropriate Many people are sick and tired of seeing the Geico Gecko as the official mascot of this cruddy expensive insurance company that basically is a marketing company in disguise as an insurance company as few people carry this comp nays policy and would be crazy to do so.
Geico Many people send networks tons of email and regular mail often wondering why this company has so many dam commercials playing has long lied about people beg on during their favorite programming and overall as a brand Geico has to be one of the most hated with their cartoon gecko that has long annoyed people and been played out for decades and decades of the same processed bad commercials that few people even pay attention.
The amount of money these large corporations waste on themselves and other subsidiaries and advertising costs is a another whole topic that should be discussed later but we are hearing able to save 15% off the costs of their insurance and most people actually get a quote that is 35% more than what they are currently paying for insurance more and more news that Berkshire Hathaway will replace the gecko really soon and like Nike will pick Colin Kapernick as their spokesmen. This would be a perfect pick as these two old men have long used Geico to subsidize and spend on professional football as they loved through the years watching grown men bash their heads while sipping some coca cola between the games and making sure all of their paid advertising was delivered during the game.
Munger had the idea and delivered it to Warren after seeing all of the publicity that Nike received for picking the disturbed and embittered former NFL scrub quarterback who got black-balled for hating of country and flag. Look for this new announcement and Kapernick being chosen as the next Geico mascot and many commercials to be played with him and one already has been filmed with him walking around a stadium with two signs over his body promoting this cruddy insurance see someone stuck with advertising a store closing and deals.
Geriatric bastards Warren Buffet and his sidekick mummy looking Charlie Munger run Berkshire Hathaway and have tons and tons of money to waste as they please. They seem to have unlimited budget spending opportunities for Cooke a cola and Geico Insurance as these two see fit and deem appropriate Many people are sick and tired of seeing the Geico Gecko as the official mascot of this cruddy expensive insurance company that basically is a marketing company in disguise as an insurance company as few people carry this comp nays policy and would be crazy to do so.
Geico Many people send networks tons of email and regular mail often wondering why this company has so many dam commercials playing has long lied about people beg on during their favorite programming and overall as a brand Geico has to be one of the most hated with their cartoon gecko that has long annoyed people and been played out for decades and decades of the same processed bad commercials that few people even pay attention.
The amount of money these large corporations waste on themselves and other subsidiaries and advertising costs is a another whole topic that should be discussed later but we are hearing able to save 15% off the costs of their insurance and most people actually get a quote that is 35% more than what they are currently paying for insurance more and more news that Berkshire Hathaway will replace the gecko really soon and like Nike will pick Colin Kapernick as their spokesmen. This would be a perfect pick as these two old men have long used Geico to subsidize and spend on professional football as they loved through the years watching grown men bash their heads while sipping some coca cola between the games and making sure all of their paid advertising was delivered during the game.
Munger had the idea and delivered it to Warren after seeing all of the publicity that Nike received for picking the disturbed and embittered former NFL scrub quarterback who got black-balled for hating of country and flag. Look for this new announcement and Kapernick being chosen as the next Geico mascot and many commercials to be played with him and one already has been filmed with him walking around a stadium with two signs over his body promoting this cruddy insurance see someone stuck with advertising a store closing and deals.
Red Eye radio fags bash Anti Wal-Mart bill of Bernie Sanders
Lonnie Yeager
Eric Halrey and Gary McNamara are two over-night radio hosts on the air when most of America is sleeping and these two hacks speak with a massive pro-business platform like no other radio hosts. They ripped apart Bernie Sanders recent success with Amazon in pressuring it to give its workers a livable wage and the Red Eye radio fags also expressed concern with Bernie and his boys going after Wal Mart and ending subsidies for this retail giant and behemoth. They say it is not up top Bernie to set wages and that he is a lunatic for trying to do what is right and increase wages and those at the bottom getting raises is something these jackass es never wish to see and occur.
Harley and McNamara are concerned with Bernie bros going after their believed Wal Mart as this big box store has done the oil and gas industry really swell and in return the oi and gas industries subsidize these two guys Rush Limbaugh ergonomic news talk radio program targeting truck drivers. The red eye radio fags hate Bernie's plan to redistribute the money that had already be redistributed by government towards the noblemen like Jeff Bezos and Sam Walton and his heirs and no where did these jackasses or would these jackasses speak of this socialism for the rich that has done nothing but fuel advertising,media, and marketing expenditures while lowering wages form people who actually do the work on creating the product. The fact is Wal Mart workers deserve the same pay as the beloved truckers that Harley and McNamara speak so highly and men who actually do less job just driving around and not on their feet all day as the typical Wal-Mart or Amazon warehouse does in a job 10 times tougher
Eric Halrey and Gary McNamara are two over-night radio hosts on the air when most of America is sleeping and these two hacks speak with a massive pro-business platform like no other radio hosts. They ripped apart Bernie Sanders recent success with Amazon in pressuring it to give its workers a livable wage and the Red Eye radio fags also expressed concern with Bernie and his boys going after Wal Mart and ending subsidies for this retail giant and behemoth. They say it is not up top Bernie to set wages and that he is a lunatic for trying to do what is right and increase wages and those at the bottom getting raises is something these jackass es never wish to see and occur.
Harley and McNamara are concerned with Bernie bros going after their believed Wal Mart as this big box store has done the oil and gas industry really swell and in return the oi and gas industries subsidize these two guys Rush Limbaugh ergonomic news talk radio program targeting truck drivers. The red eye radio fags hate Bernie's plan to redistribute the money that had already be redistributed by government towards the noblemen like Jeff Bezos and Sam Walton and his heirs and no where did these jackasses or would these jackasses speak of this socialism for the rich that has done nothing but fuel advertising,media, and marketing expenditures while lowering wages form people who actually do the work on creating the product. The fact is Wal Mart workers deserve the same pay as the beloved truckers that Harley and McNamara speak so highly and men who actually do less job just driving around and not on their feet all day as the typical Wal-Mart or Amazon warehouse does in a job 10 times tougher
Justin Trudeau and Thomas Pikketty worried about increased French rioting against the fake news of climate change
Gaston Giroux
French elites are concerned that the residents of the West use way to much of the Earths resources and energy and are doing everything they can through use of government to halt fake climate change and help rich elites in Africa and Asia to get us to use less carbon so the others can have more of carbon for themselves at affordable prices. Massive riots against corrupt and evil french plutocrat authoritarian madman Emmanuel Marcon is seeing the beginning of the end and then writing on the wall of this here bathroom stall and the end of this globalist president. Justin Trudeau worries that he may be next to experience massive resistance form Canadian working classes long facing similar persecution for s driving and land use.
Mr Trudeau is globalist leader similarly evil and traitorous to his people as Emanuel Marcon was to the french people and Justin is worried as fuck by these French riot especially given how obvious his own goals of displacing native Canadian culture and people with brown wealthy globalists form half way around the world. Piketty also supports taking form France and giving it to the less off and this includes oil and gas to be redistributed as he thinks his fellow Frenchmen should all give up cars and move about and be as swift as Kenyan Marathon runners. The riots expose that the green tyrannical plan of forcing much of the middle and working class off fossil fuels and making them live more like the lower-classes globally is one plan the elites conspire so they can have two or three more Lamborghini in their garages of have a classic car collection sitting in their heated storage centers kept off the street sand rising in value as a future asset to sell off while other people can barely maintain the right and costs to use it and this is why the people are rioting against Emmanule Marcon and will eventually rise up against this Canadian son of a bitch Justin Trudeau.
French elites are concerned that the residents of the West use way to much of the Earths resources and energy and are doing everything they can through use of government to halt fake climate change and help rich elites in Africa and Asia to get us to use less carbon so the others can have more of carbon for themselves at affordable prices. Massive riots against corrupt and evil french plutocrat authoritarian madman Emmanuel Marcon is seeing the beginning of the end and then writing on the wall of this here bathroom stall and the end of this globalist president. Justin Trudeau worries that he may be next to experience massive resistance form Canadian working classes long facing similar persecution for s driving and land use.
Mr Trudeau is globalist leader similarly evil and traitorous to his people as Emanuel Marcon was to the french people and Justin is worried as fuck by these French riot especially given how obvious his own goals of displacing native Canadian culture and people with brown wealthy globalists form half way around the world. Piketty also supports taking form France and giving it to the less off and this includes oil and gas to be redistributed as he thinks his fellow Frenchmen should all give up cars and move about and be as swift as Kenyan Marathon runners. The riots expose that the green tyrannical plan of forcing much of the middle and working class off fossil fuels and making them live more like the lower-classes globally is one plan the elites conspire so they can have two or three more Lamborghini in their garages of have a classic car collection sitting in their heated storage centers kept off the street sand rising in value as a future asset to sell off while other people can barely maintain the right and costs to use it and this is why the people are rioting against Emmanule Marcon and will eventually rise up against this Canadian son of a bitch Justin Trudeau.
Bill O'Reilly should push for US invasion and military intervention of Honduras before making false accusations of funding
Neil Knight
Bill O'Reilly is an old right-wing nut who was kicked off mainstream media for his extreme conservative beliefs and his role in starting fake news and the veteran broadcaster now has his own on-line shtick where he acts every but as crazy as he did on FOX TV. Someone needs to tell Bil O'Reilly it is time to move on and possible retire but the problem is the old O'Reilly is addicted to high-income living and he will never consciously make this decision to retire. Bill O'Re illy made mention that George Soros and many progressive groups and organizations,some basedout of Chicago, are funding and paying the way for these migrants to come and flock overwhelming the border in a cause of breaking down th immigration system.
The only problem with Bill's assertions is that he didn't even shred a bit of evidence and as usual is just talking shit out of his ass echoing Alex Jones and others in the same talking points. The fact is gangs have always pushed people to leave through their terror network and extortion rackets and all he has to do is watch the movie "Gangs Of New York" to see how this system came to place and how suburbia was formed by people being chased by the descendants of these same white street gangs that went on up to the fifties and sixties before themselves being replaced mainly by Black and Puerto Rican gangsters.Bill didn't mention the groups he accused of funding these migrants and instead said you have to go to his website and subscribe to his site in order to see where these migrants are getting their money he had discovered through his investigations. Bill O'Reilly should be pushing for US invasion and intervention in Hondurass and El Salvador as the Hispanics have given us a reason and this brutal living conditions they have to endure fully explains past US invasion that the lefties always bring up in their discussion like Noam Chomsky and so forth. The United States can easily end thie desire and need of these migrants claims and invade and kill off the dangerous elements the Salvadorans and Guatemalans insist they are fleeing from.
Bill O'Reilly is an old right-wing nut who was kicked off mainstream media for his extreme conservative beliefs and his role in starting fake news and the veteran broadcaster now has his own on-line shtick where he acts every but as crazy as he did on FOX TV. Someone needs to tell Bil O'Reilly it is time to move on and possible retire but the problem is the old O'Reilly is addicted to high-income living and he will never consciously make this decision to retire. Bill O'Re illy made mention that George Soros and many progressive groups and organizations,some basedout of Chicago, are funding and paying the way for these migrants to come and flock overwhelming the border in a cause of breaking down th immigration system.
The only problem with Bill's assertions is that he didn't even shred a bit of evidence and as usual is just talking shit out of his ass echoing Alex Jones and others in the same talking points. The fact is gangs have always pushed people to leave through their terror network and extortion rackets and all he has to do is watch the movie "Gangs Of New York" to see how this system came to place and how suburbia was formed by people being chased by the descendants of these same white street gangs that went on up to the fifties and sixties before themselves being replaced mainly by Black and Puerto Rican gangsters.Bill didn't mention the groups he accused of funding these migrants and instead said you have to go to his website and subscribe to his site in order to see where these migrants are getting their money he had discovered through his investigations. Bill O'Reilly should be pushing for US invasion and intervention in Hondurass and El Salvador as the Hispanics have given us a reason and this brutal living conditions they have to endure fully explains past US invasion that the lefties always bring up in their discussion like Noam Chomsky and so forth. The United States can easily end thie desire and need of these migrants claims and invade and kill off the dangerous elements the Salvadorans and Guatemalans insist they are fleeing from.
two gruesome murders of females by their boyfriends or exes shows how low Indianapolis is falling and the scum that resides
Herbert Gilbert
Indianapolis is falling quickly much faster than Detroit and the big drug opioid and meth epidemic has hit this city hard along with ghetto mentality and migration from Gary Indiana and Chicago. This past week saw two brutal sick murders of girlfriends by their ex lovers or boyfriends and these crimes have exploded in nature throughout America and Mexico. Sarah Serna ,37 was bludgeoned with a sledgehammer by a former boyfriend of the name of Joseph Gonzalez who brought the fine Mexican tradition of relationship break up into America.
This occurred on a Saturday and the next day Sunday in Indianapolis 19 year old Liv Harrison was stabbed some thirty times by her boyfriend named Ronald Tucker who didn't want to hear talk from her of moving away form beautiful Indianapolis and moving back to her native California. The deaths of these two women through arguments with their boyfriends highlights the dangers of women getting into relationships in Middle America as these economically depressed lands have been hard for males to prosper and maintain a hierarchical structure in their relationships and power that their libtard urban males are more able to maintain given their success and ability to have the economy work for them. of course, one look at these shits and we could of predicted these two nimrods would go loco and kill off their mates as dudes like this have little opportunity for long-term relatiopnships with the opposite sex and one has to wonder if these two women ,whom the media never printed any pictures, were lured to these fuck face gangsters because of their addictions to drugs these bastards once supplied them.
Indianapolis is falling quickly much faster than Detroit and the big drug opioid and meth epidemic has hit this city hard along with ghetto mentality and migration from Gary Indiana and Chicago. This past week saw two brutal sick murders of girlfriends by their ex lovers or boyfriends and these crimes have exploded in nature throughout America and Mexico. Sarah Serna ,37 was bludgeoned with a sledgehammer by a former boyfriend of the name of Joseph Gonzalez who brought the fine Mexican tradition of relationship break up into America.
This occurred on a Saturday and the next day Sunday in Indianapolis 19 year old Liv Harrison was stabbed some thirty times by her boyfriend named Ronald Tucker who didn't want to hear talk from her of moving away form beautiful Indianapolis and moving back to her native California. The deaths of these two women through arguments with their boyfriends highlights the dangers of women getting into relationships in Middle America as these economically depressed lands have been hard for males to prosper and maintain a hierarchical structure in their relationships and power that their libtard urban males are more able to maintain given their success and ability to have the economy work for them. of course, one look at these shits and we could of predicted these two nimrods would go loco and kill off their mates as dudes like this have little opportunity for long-term relatiopnships with the opposite sex and one has to wonder if these two women ,whom the media never printed any pictures, were lured to these fuck face gangsters because of their addictions to drugs these bastards once supplied them.
Hodge Twins disgusted as they go to Wisconsin to try an Arby's venisen burger
Armando Arturo
The Hodge twins don't play around when it comes to food and recently they came to our state of Wisconsin to enjoy a rare fast food opportunity and indulge in some Arby's veneisen. Big Hodge twin had noticed many deer caucuses on the streets and already his tummy was turning green at the thought of devouring the same thing he had seen on the road as a kill with maggots and flies all around. Smaller weaker Hodge twin didn't care and as they drove through the drive thru he eagerly asked for berry sauce and made his order and the Hodge tins made another one of their award winning food reviews eating in their SUV
and the venisen burger they ate just didn't taste right to the big nasty stronger buffer Hodge twin. he said it was like eating a dog and then said it was too soft and tasted like eating a human being and with this the Hodge twins argued whether as what humans would taste like if cooked right away. The Hodges argued whether people would either flock to try this deer meat and would suspect Arby's just sending a driver picking up this deer carcuses as ift has been proven many cheap Chinese diners have a proclivity to do in order to maintain profits. Biff Hodge twin decided to drive by the carcus that turned him off to this review outside Oconomoc,Wisconsin and both of them said a quick prayer to Ganesha and Buddha before driving off hoping no Arby's employee saw this dead meat on their way to work and took it for Wisconsin's
The Hodge twins don't play around when it comes to food and recently they came to our state of Wisconsin to enjoy a rare fast food opportunity and indulge in some Arby's veneisen. Big Hodge twin had noticed many deer caucuses on the streets and already his tummy was turning green at the thought of devouring the same thing he had seen on the road as a kill with maggots and flies all around. Smaller weaker Hodge twin didn't care and as they drove through the drive thru he eagerly asked for berry sauce and made his order and the Hodge tins made another one of their award winning food reviews eating in their SUV

Whack Job clown Leonardo McGregor seen at a Waukegan Gurnee Library wishing he was in Miami
Troy York
Leanardo McGregor is a rotten right-wing writer on this webzine often writing extremely right-wing bullshit along with other writers of team Right Bull write on here and cause so much turmoil in our offices. Leonard was seen in the Gurnee library looking like a clown in his Miami football wear and he was seen tearing pages out of s book and pocketing it as he has long been banned by many libraries doe this disturbing habit. McGregor is crazier than a squirrel with no teeth and he is one of the stupidest shots on the planet.
McGregor was extremely provoked and angered by the results of the mid term and he vowed d to work double hard for the candidates he prefers and will not rest until the next election cycle. Leonard Mcgregor is a troll like no other going on-line and writing stories and comments to various publications and he particularly hates In These Times which has cause stress through the years in reading and arguing on-line with. Leonard wishes to retire and move to Florida and most of the other writers of other teams on the Artificial Intellects website also prefer he make this move and go on somewhere else and live and many wish he be dropped off right in the middle of a scrimmage and play between the Miami Dolphins and New England Patriots right before the play is called.
McGregor was extremely provoked and angered by the results of the mid term and he vowed d to work double hard for the candidates he prefers and will not rest until the next election cycle. Leonard Mcgregor is a troll like no other going on-line and writing stories and comments to various publications and he particularly hates In These Times which has cause stress through the years in reading and arguing on-line with. Leonard wishes to retire and move to Florida and most of the other writers of other teams on the Artificial Intellects website also prefer he make this move and go on somewhere else and live and many wish he be dropped off right in the middle of a scrimmage and play between the Miami Dolphins and New England Patriots right before the play is called.
Professor Mary Beard and her dumb Roman book proves she could never be a Roman whore
Woody Underwood
Mary Beard is a ugly fat professor and propagandists of the left and writes often of the Roman empire. This woman is so ugly an she perhaps should read more weight watchers and beauty magazines then be so fascinated with the past in her ridiculous books twisting Western civilization and her book on Romans called SDPQ " is not a fascinating look at the Roman past but this ugly digs look of it and it is some oppressed 500 pages of pure adultery bullshit.
I usually like reading history books but the crap form this British professor of propagandists. is enough to make any sane persons stomach siclke and feel hammered and this book Mary makes crazy socialist observations throughout the book. Mary beard wishes to be a Roman elite and possibly a Roman whore prostitute but in her hey day and especially now she was way to ugly to ever allow this possibility ot come about. I don't know why this owman even puts her mug on the book and I feel sorry for the students at her university of Cambridge who get stuck having to take thios whack quakes classes and her own personal distortion of history.
The Romans were showmen who lied beauty and not ugly classics like Mary Beard and She should write that many of the Roman folklore and The Romans expanded because stories are as fake as the bible and Koran. The Romans expanded because they invested in militarist and power much like the United states and if Rome or America didn't you would have fifty weak states much like the Italian modern state was divided and weakened by the Catholic church following the fall of Rome and the conversion of Christianity and hoarding of a wealth of a group by the church.Beard also is impressed that Rome gave citizenship to people form foreign lands who oppressed their fellow individual countrymen in order to sell out and become Roman and this aspect of Roman history should not be lost in the global cross border wealth extractors who purchase their way into the West and Mary Beards defense of illegal invaders into the West has earned this do much rightful criticism as Mary Beard thinks the wealthy have a right to purchase citizenship into the West and help bring about a progressive agenda to change. Mary Beard could never be in a Roman orgy.
Mark dice observes Larry King is old and should retire
Carlson Tucker
Mark Dice is a Youtube host and major impact player on-line and he recently mocked Larry King an da recent appearance where Mr King bashed CNN news. Dice said that Larry King heled start the fake new sand journalism that he is now decreeing because they fired him years ago and he is now making peanuts no longer able to purchase a wife half his age. Larry King once hosted a nightly interview show where he hobnobbed with celebrities and asked softball questions but the day of this geriatric bastard and jackass libtard Larry King being a major force and media pundit are long gone. I reckon that Larry is upset and wishes he can be leading the resistance against Trump and Mark Dice did agree with every criticism Larry King told RT network that is wrong with CNN.
Even old Larry said that CNN is total fabrication fake bias news and their main agenda and goals are political in nature and they begin each day in talking and finding out ways they can discredit the president. Larry though saved some shots for Donald Trump before his time talking on Russian network was over and said he really figures that Donald Trump wants to be t be a total dictator and call all of the shots. Mark Dice reiterated that Larry King needs to do some community serice and is like a hundred year sold and should retire form the sunset as his brian is smashed potatoes and whatever he makes mouth these days is of no sense and of total ridicule.
Mark Dice is a Youtube host and major impact player on-line and he recently mocked Larry King an da recent appearance where Mr King bashed CNN news. Dice said that Larry King heled start the fake new sand journalism that he is now decreeing because they fired him years ago and he is now making peanuts no longer able to purchase a wife half his age. Larry King once hosted a nightly interview show where he hobnobbed with celebrities and asked softball questions but the day of this geriatric bastard and jackass libtard Larry King being a major force and media pundit are long gone. I reckon that Larry is upset and wishes he can be leading the resistance against Trump and Mark Dice did agree with every criticism Larry King told RT network that is wrong with CNN.
Even old Larry said that CNN is total fabrication fake bias news and their main agenda and goals are political in nature and they begin each day in talking and finding out ways they can discredit the president. Larry though saved some shots for Donald Trump before his time talking on Russian network was over and said he really figures that Donald Trump wants to be t be a total dictator and call all of the shots. Mark Dice reiterated that Larry King needs to do some community serice and is like a hundred year sold and should retire form the sunset as his brian is smashed potatoes and whatever he makes mouth these days is of no sense and of total ridicule.
Why Somalian Back teens are causing so much trouble in Minnesota
Chuck Woodruff
Two videos gave the country a glimpse of the influx of Somalians and how much trouble they seem to be giving customers and employees in the Minnesota region this past week with videos going viral. Somalians are part of the left-wing migration industrial complex and increasingly they have been sent to Minnesota to fill ghettos and shit neighborhoods and be used politically against Republicans in the estate and their youth have caused trouble after trouble at one fast food eatery to the other.The Somalian is nothig but trouble whethe rit be in Somalia or the new SOmalialand or in Minnesotalia.
A Minnesota punk named Buckwehat Ali had previously bragged about bagging Chipolte out of free food form dashing out the door and then one day he and his group harassed employees refusing to serve uo any more freebies and the freebies is what Minnesota' Somalians are all about and have received so much through the years thanks to the broken Democratic party . Chipolte had to reverse its firing decision on the manager of this Chipolte in the St Paul Minneapolis area because there was such outrage when it came to light these Somalian black punks had stolen and defrauded the business out of so much food.
About a week later some Somalian teens went to a McDonalds and got into an altercation with a older man and when the odds of a 9 on 1 fight seemed to not be in his favor he pulled out a gun and saved himself unquestionably form a vicious beating by these Somalian scumbags and their wild kin that the Democrats have allowed ti infiltrate and make life difficult for the Minneapolis areas fast food workers. The McDonald's manager rightfully kicked these daily Somalian trouble makers out of the store and for such she war ruthlessly harassed and verbally attacked through social media. The question seems to beg is why are these Somalian teens causing so much trouble at the fast food corporate stores and not partaking in their own communities shitty restaurants? Maybe the cold does something to the brains and make them like butter to an African Somalian people who ahhhhhh should be in Arabia,India or Africa instead. Likely they hope to destroy these business and make room for food restaurants to serve this brilliant and great addition to diversity in Minneapolis but one can surely expect that these Somalian teens wouldn't act up inside and dining in a Somalian restaurant.
Two videos gave the country a glimpse of the influx of Somalians and how much trouble they seem to be giving customers and employees in the Minnesota region this past week with videos going viral. Somalians are part of the left-wing migration industrial complex and increasingly they have been sent to Minnesota to fill ghettos and shit neighborhoods and be used politically against Republicans in the estate and their youth have caused trouble after trouble at one fast food eatery to the other.The Somalian is nothig but trouble whethe rit be in Somalia or the new SOmalialand or in Minnesotalia.
A Minnesota punk named Buckwehat Ali had previously bragged about bagging Chipolte out of free food form dashing out the door and then one day he and his group harassed employees refusing to serve uo any more freebies and the freebies is what Minnesota' Somalians are all about and have received so much through the years thanks to the broken Democratic party . Chipolte had to reverse its firing decision on the manager of this Chipolte in the St Paul Minneapolis area because there was such outrage when it came to light these Somalian black punks had stolen and defrauded the business out of so much food.
About a week later some Somalian teens went to a McDonalds and got into an altercation with a older man and when the odds of a 9 on 1 fight seemed to not be in his favor he pulled out a gun and saved himself unquestionably form a vicious beating by these Somalian scumbags and their wild kin that the Democrats have allowed ti infiltrate and make life difficult for the Minneapolis areas fast food workers. The McDonald's manager rightfully kicked these daily Somalian trouble makers out of the store and for such she war ruthlessly harassed and verbally attacked through social media. The question seems to beg is why are these Somalian teens causing so much trouble at the fast food corporate stores and not partaking in their own communities shitty restaurants? Maybe the cold does something to the brains and make them like butter to an African Somalian people who ahhhhhh should be in Arabia,India or Africa instead. Likely they hope to destroy these business and make room for food restaurants to serve this brilliant and great addition to diversity in Minneapolis but one can surely expect that these Somalian teens wouldn't act up inside and dining in a Somalian restaurant.
Some Playboy bunny bimbo attacks Jimmy Garrapolo for not giving her a huge tip for her fake tits
Baxter Lomax
as a bartender at the fame Itasca Inn on Irving Park Road in Chicago there is nothing I hate more than a rich bastard that doesn't tip appropriately and it seems the other day a NFL player named Jimmy Garrrapplo was called out by a Playboy model for his extremely low nickel and dime tip. Some whore named Kinldy Myers ripped Jimmy Garapolo (Sic) a new asshole as a bad tipper after she served him one night as his personal lap dancer and bartender and Jimmy didn't give her nada for her work. Now I am guessing that this bimbo works at some really exclusive nightclub where average people making average money never go and is a business for the upper crust of society and the athletes that get paid so well to play child games on television. The attacks of Jimmy Garrapolo by these various women working in restaurants in San Francisco are both neurotic and eccentric and perhaps they should look a their service more than Jimmy to explain why they didn't get tips.
As a real bartender at a real bar I have little sympathy for women a theses exclusive bars and this bitch is probably lying just hoping to get their modeling pictures noticed and this explains her anger as she thought she was entitled to a 1200 dollar tip because the San Francisco 49ers new often injured quarterback is compensated so nicely more from professional sports than a Playboy model. Jimmy Garappolo worked hard to get his millions and out of Central Illinois Decauter area shit holes into the Bay area and he doesn't have to give two cents to a two-bit whore women who only got her job for the blessing of her looks and makes her income from serving George Clooney branded liquor and taking her clothes off. It is not Jimmy Garappolo's job to subsidize the looks of this playboy bunny
as a bartender at the fame Itasca Inn on Irving Park Road in Chicago there is nothing I hate more than a rich bastard that doesn't tip appropriately and it seems the other day a NFL player named Jimmy Garrrapplo was called out by a Playboy model for his extremely low nickel and dime tip. Some whore named Kinldy Myers ripped Jimmy Garapolo (Sic) a new asshole as a bad tipper after she served him one night as his personal lap dancer and bartender and Jimmy didn't give her nada for her work. Now I am guessing that this bimbo works at some really exclusive nightclub where average people making average money never go and is a business for the upper crust of society and the athletes that get paid so well to play child games on television. The attacks of Jimmy Garrapolo by these various women working in restaurants in San Francisco are both neurotic and eccentric and perhaps they should look a their service more than Jimmy to explain why they didn't get tips.
As a real bartender at a real bar I have little sympathy for women a theses exclusive bars and this bitch is probably lying just hoping to get their modeling pictures noticed and this explains her anger as she thought she was entitled to a 1200 dollar tip because the San Francisco 49ers new often injured quarterback is compensated so nicely more from professional sports than a Playboy model. Jimmy Garappolo worked hard to get his millions and out of Central Illinois Decauter area shit holes into the Bay area and he doesn't have to give two cents to a two-bit whore women who only got her job for the blessing of her looks and makes her income from serving George Clooney branded liquor and taking her clothes off. It is not Jimmy Garappolo's job to subsidize the looks of this playboy bunny
Casey Keenum wins again and the Denver Broncos are going to the Super Bowl
Otto Jansen
The Orange crush is back and the amazing turnaround of the Denver Broncos into playoff and Super bowl winning team is progressing right before ourt eyes. Casey Keenum destroyed the Pittsburgh Steelers defenses and lifted the Broncos now to a 4-6 record and this is two impressive wins in a row for the Denver Broncos and new quarterback Keenum who has rebounded nicely after a difficult start. Big Ben Rothlesberger looked shell-shocked as the Steelers got shelled and lost a tough game as he threw an interception on the goal line to an opposing three hundred pound lineman, but the real story is the amazing comeback of the Denver Broncos from an awful start and this win was as impressive as last weeks game.
The Broncos stunned Phillip Rovers and the Chargers as most television annalists just said was a fluke and insisted the Denver Broncos are still one of the worse teams in the National Football league but this weeks victory made many more start to take the Denver Broncos seriously. The Denver Broncos and Casey Keenum are going to the Super bowl my friends as they win win out the season go 10-6 and sweep through the play offs culminating with their unexpected and shocking appearance in the Super Bowl. nobody but devoted Broncos fans and yours truly mesmerized by these two wins are taking the Broncos seriously they are still 4-6 but this is a team that has just proved they can play with and beat the best the AFC has to offer. The Broncos defense rushed and made Benjamin's day exhausting and the Steelers were lucky even to still be in the game so late as this game went back and forth all day. Keenum nearly guided the Minnesota Vikings to the Super Bowl last year and this year he may nearly do it again despite the horrendous start of the team in Denver and that few are still paying and attention to for the playoffs this year.
The Orange crush is back and the amazing turnaround of the Denver Broncos into playoff and Super bowl winning team is progressing right before ourt eyes. Casey Keenum destroyed the Pittsburgh Steelers defenses and lifted the Broncos now to a 4-6 record and this is two impressive wins in a row for the Denver Broncos and new quarterback Keenum who has rebounded nicely after a difficult start. Big Ben Rothlesberger looked shell-shocked as the Steelers got shelled and lost a tough game as he threw an interception on the goal line to an opposing three hundred pound lineman, but the real story is the amazing comeback of the Denver Broncos from an awful start and this win was as impressive as last weeks game.
The Broncos stunned Phillip Rovers and the Chargers as most television annalists just said was a fluke and insisted the Denver Broncos are still one of the worse teams in the National Football league but this weeks victory made many more start to take the Denver Broncos seriously. The Denver Broncos and Casey Keenum are going to the Super bowl my friends as they win win out the season go 10-6 and sweep through the play offs culminating with their unexpected and shocking appearance in the Super Bowl. nobody but devoted Broncos fans and yours truly mesmerized by these two wins are taking the Broncos seriously they are still 4-6 but this is a team that has just proved they can play with and beat the best the AFC has to offer. The Broncos defense rushed and made Benjamin's day exhausting and the Steelers were lucky even to still be in the game so late as this game went back and forth all day. Keenum nearly guided the Minnesota Vikings to the Super Bowl last year and this year he may nearly do it again despite the horrendous start of the team in Denver and that few are still paying and attention to for the playoffs this year.
Walgreens Skyscraper West Loop store don;t need to sell drugs or habve a pharmacy as there are no old people
Whitaker Marshall III
Walgreens has a coveted and rare retail outlet in skyscraper city in the West Loop and a story recently mentioned how this store doesn't have a pharmacy and if the author of the Sun Times article ever looked in this neighborhood one doesn't see a elderly person for miles. Walgreens is a rotten Chicago-based company that used government spending and tax dollars of workers to expand and build in the suburbs in a massive land grab through private and public insurers guaranteeing payments in drugs. The Walgreens corporation has done its part in spreading and promoting the opidid epidemic as foreign doctors set up practice and write drug prescriptions like nuts helping the insurers and outlets like Walgreen.
The Walgreen West Loop location just sells the basics in the crowded urban neighborhood with few buildings that offer retail sale and lack of sprawl of toilet businesses. Urban Walgreens seeks to serve the female client and clearly this Walgreens in the West Loop must be stocked with cosmetics and skin care products. Walgreens rarely has a store without a pharmacy and this was the basis of their whole business plan but increasingly more and more in areas they want to be they are limited by size and place where demographic trends show there are always going to be few old sick elderly people and these people are regulated to the outside urban fringes and in suburbia. This Walgreen is lucky to get this exclusive spot as this neighborhood would never allow a Family Dollar,Dollar Tree, and Junk Dollar franchises to [op up and this exclusivity directly plays into higher real estate values and less eye sore clutter that most everyone else has to deal with living and seeing shit stores and over-sized gas stations in America. The surrounding business allowed into an area can directly play into the overall neighborhood or suburbs decline .
Walgreens has a coveted and rare retail outlet in skyscraper city in the West Loop and a story recently mentioned how this store doesn't have a pharmacy and if the author of the Sun Times article ever looked in this neighborhood one doesn't see a elderly person for miles. Walgreens is a rotten Chicago-based company that used government spending and tax dollars of workers to expand and build in the suburbs in a massive land grab through private and public insurers guaranteeing payments in drugs. The Walgreens corporation has done its part in spreading and promoting the opidid epidemic as foreign doctors set up practice and write drug prescriptions like nuts helping the insurers and outlets like Walgreen.
The Walgreen West Loop location just sells the basics in the crowded urban neighborhood with few buildings that offer retail sale and lack of sprawl of toilet businesses. Urban Walgreens seeks to serve the female client and clearly this Walgreens in the West Loop must be stocked with cosmetics and skin care products. Walgreens rarely has a store without a pharmacy and this was the basis of their whole business plan but increasingly more and more in areas they want to be they are limited by size and place where demographic trends show there are always going to be few old sick elderly people and these people are regulated to the outside urban fringes and in suburbia. This Walgreen is lucky to get this exclusive spot as this neighborhood would never allow a Family Dollar,Dollar Tree, and Junk Dollar franchises to [op up and this exclusivity directly plays into higher real estate values and less eye sore clutter that most everyone else has to deal with living and seeing shit stores and over-sized gas stations in America. The surrounding business allowed into an area can directly play into the overall neighborhood or suburbs decline .
MIke Ditka nearly died from a heart attack and how he is like a bandit in Red dead redemption
Leo Yost
Mike Ditka is a former NFL head football coach who coached te Chicago Bears to the 1985 Superbowl and for this he is still beloved and worshipped as a patron saint in the city and suburbs. Mike Ditak suffered a massive heart attack in the eighties and suffered another major heart attack this past weekend and the beloved football expert and vocal political pundit nearly died again and Mike Ditka must have nine lives as he continues to struggle and survive and the legendary former Chicago Bear was eager to get pout of the hospital and was anxious to get back onto the gold course in Florida and just wants to be left alone and smoke his cigars to his hearts desire. For years Ditka's
Mike Ditka has dreams of coaching one more National Football League team but he has been black-balled for his controversial conservative comments throughout year that outrage dliberlas and made his broadcast and coaching career in the toliet as no networks wanted this guy fro an an annalist job. Ditka is a stubborn nasty old man thinking he is entitled to smoke cigarettes and cigars and that no one is going to deny him this right as a fucking rich America long subsidized by corporate America in their swindling of workers wages;Through corporate endorsement waste spending into advertising and marketing that Mike Ditka made out way too much like a bandit in Red Dead redemption video games.
Mike Ditka is a former NFL head football coach who coached te Chicago Bears to the 1985 Superbowl and for this he is still beloved and worshipped as a patron saint in the city and suburbs. Mike Ditak suffered a massive heart attack in the eighties and suffered another major heart attack this past weekend and the beloved football expert and vocal political pundit nearly died again and Mike Ditka must have nine lives as he continues to struggle and survive and the legendary former Chicago Bear was eager to get pout of the hospital and was anxious to get back onto the gold course in Florida and just wants to be left alone and smoke his cigars to his hearts desire. For years Ditka's

MIke Maloney schools Chris Martenson on dollars and banks
Cody Maloney
Goldfinger Mike Maloney was on Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity podcast talks about gold and silver among other things. Mike also spoke of his on-line video talking about the fall of Rome and other empires through debasing the currency to pay for wars and public works and Mike Maloney says that the United States is doing the same thing and that Athens and Rome faded through social works programs to keep the public facade. Maloney says the dangers of constant public spending and government making currency out of thin air threatens the US as much as Romans put more coins in their currency supply melting the coins and mixing more of it in the economy. in the past. Maloney also bashed wage and price control in America and other countries.
Mike Maloney noted the similarities between American NFL stadiums and old Roman ruins of stadiums for gladiators fighting Lions, Tigers, and Cougars. Maloney was in Rome recently and talked of the trouble Italian business has with regulation and he bashed the ability of the banking class to be exempt from all sorts of rule of law and basically they are legalized counterfeiters. Both Martenson and Maloney states bankster mafia classes just are secretly taking peoples money and serve redistribution center for the one percent to lend and give money it where they seem fit and prefer in the economy. Maloney and Martenson talked about the massive debt and the role of the dollar in creating this fake eilusion of wealth and Maloney said there will be a debt bomb of bonds from Hell. Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson are two leading figures in society bringing about information of the hijacking of our liberty ,economy, financing, and politics form a narrow set of rulers who put clauses that spread and promote inequality and keeps the global jet classes flying higher economically than the masses through their domination of projects and construction.
Goldfinger Mike Maloney was on Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity podcast talks about gold and silver among other things. Mike also spoke of his on-line video talking about the fall of Rome and other empires through debasing the currency to pay for wars and public works and Mike Maloney says that the United States is doing the same thing and that Athens and Rome faded through social works programs to keep the public facade. Maloney says the dangers of constant public spending and government making currency out of thin air threatens the US as much as Romans put more coins in their currency supply melting the coins and mixing more of it in the economy. in the past. Maloney also bashed wage and price control in America and other countries.
Mike Maloney noted the similarities between American NFL stadiums and old Roman ruins of stadiums for gladiators fighting Lions, Tigers, and Cougars. Maloney was in Rome recently and talked of the trouble Italian business has with regulation and he bashed the ability of the banking class to be exempt from all sorts of rule of law and basically they are legalized counterfeiters. Both Martenson and Maloney states bankster mafia classes just are secretly taking peoples money and serve redistribution center for the one percent to lend and give money it where they seem fit and prefer in the economy. Maloney and Martenson talked about the massive debt and the role of the dollar in creating this fake eilusion of wealth and Maloney said there will be a debt bomb of bonds from Hell. Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson are two leading figures in society bringing about information of the hijacking of our liberty ,economy, financing, and politics form a narrow set of rulers who put clauses that spread and promote inequality and keeps the global jet classes flying higher economically than the masses through their domination of projects and construction.
A mistrial in Chanel Lewis rape and murder case shows injustices against European-Americans
Leanardo McGregor
Another black man has got off scott free murdering and raping as the Karina Verano trial was declared a mistrial and legal experts are shocked that the judge order a mistrial within the first deliberations. The judge name d obviously wishes to see this evil Black killer Chanel Lewis get off and not convicted for his brutal hate and sex crime against the jogger in Queens in a story that made national headlines despite some cover up and press attempts to suppress information of another black on White murder hate crime against White women.v The amount of evidence against Chanel Lewis was strong but in this reverse racist country blacks on jury refuse to convict one of their own and these hate sex crimes against women of other races and nationalities is further proof that we are in a race war against these disturbed individuals .
The mainstream media wishes to set the narrative that we have racist cops killing unarmed black men when in reality ten times the crimes occur of unarmed White women are being attacked by armed and deranged Black men in America and this has been a constant them in our history and explained the need for lynchings to deal with in the past as these sex attacks by the descendants of former slaves got so bad in the South. Judge Michael Aloise is a psychotic and needs to be disbarred as he wishes for men like Chanel Lewis to be let go on the street and prey on the Caucasian European women in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Chanel Lewis is typical of his race and an epitome of what top expect in a Black neighboring area for women as this corrupt country lets in more and more of these rapist savages be it to form the African continent to the Caribbean and liberal shave no problems of these animals preying and killing innocent victims and instead focus their hatred on police patrolling the streets and watching the animals like Chanel Lewis and preventing them form committing more murders and rapes against female joggers.
Another black man has got off scott free murdering and raping as the Karina Verano trial was declared a mistrial and legal experts are shocked that the judge order a mistrial within the first deliberations. The judge name d obviously wishes to see this evil Black killer Chanel Lewis get off and not convicted for his brutal hate and sex crime against the jogger in Queens in a story that made national headlines despite some cover up and press attempts to suppress information of another black on White murder hate crime against White women.v The amount of evidence against Chanel Lewis was strong but in this reverse racist country blacks on jury refuse to convict one of their own and these hate sex crimes against women of other races and nationalities is further proof that we are in a race war against these disturbed individuals .
The mainstream media wishes to set the narrative that we have racist cops killing unarmed black men when in reality ten times the crimes occur of unarmed White women are being attacked by armed and deranged Black men in America and this has been a constant them in our history and explained the need for lynchings to deal with in the past as these sex attacks by the descendants of former slaves got so bad in the South. Judge Michael Aloise is a psychotic and needs to be disbarred as he wishes for men like Chanel Lewis to be let go on the street and prey on the Caucasian European women in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Chanel Lewis is typical of his race and an epitome of what top expect in a Black neighboring area for women as this corrupt country lets in more and more of these rapist savages be it to form the African continent to the Caribbean and liberal shave no problems of these animals preying and killing innocent victims and instead focus their hatred on police patrolling the streets and watching the animals like Chanel Lewis and preventing them form committing more murders and rapes against female joggers.
Professor Charles Lipson says conservatives must stop the expansive state and this is what encourages migration and bad businesses
Peter Patel
The bankruptcy attempts of America is a civil war being fought between conservative principles and the constant administrative state pushed by the Democrats. University of Chicago professor says libtards are freaking out at the growing strength of the presidency they initiated and now that Republicans have the White house the same power is now held by a man they hate. Lipson says liberals have pushed an achieving their wasteful spending d trashed our constitution and legal thinking of it and pushes both determined a wasteful spending for their goals and activist demands for constant change that empowers their preferred outcomes.
Charles Lipson says these midterms were another sign of this struggle and battle form two opposing forces both determined to win in a no holds barred battle and I call this struggle the United States against the United Nations as the United Nations are the progressive globalists that have long attacked our institutions and demanded a change that would benefit economic outsiders and explains why we have so many gas stations and vape shop business given to members of this international cartel to own and sit on properties in urban areas with their fake business. Professor Lipson has seen the brainwashing of progressive issues and agenda on American campuses first hand as an award-winning professor of History at the famed University of Chicago and luckily now he and his writings are appearing more in the media and on radio instead of the usual Milt Rosenberg program he had previously limited his amazing talents and thoughts in the air-waves.
Lipson fails though to pint out how international money helps the economies of urban America progressive cities in empowering these regions over Red states and pushes the concept of Democratic political monopolists of the Democratic Party and to be used to keep this prevention of political unity in the states. The Democratic Party is apolitical entity to give foreigners more influence and meddling in the economy and affairs of this country and nothing explains the rise of cigarette stores more in the past two decades than this foreign influx of money despite the dramatic drop of smoking rates and Lipson needs to point this out in ahh his economics classes.
The creation of fake and new industry such as vape industry is meant and an outlet for more intentional international investment dark dollars to be spent in America and eventually spent on politics and propaganda for the dirty mainstream media and I often suit in amazement how the E-vape shops spread and how like Dunkin Donuts they often sit empty most of the time draining energy and waste and lack a steady customer base. Vape shops and Dunkin Crapnuts are not Starbucks and there is no real foot traffic and one can only see that these new industries and set ups of dumb business in America and other countries is just an excuse to financial support the welfare and progressive agendas in Democratic cities,suburbs, and blue states
The bankruptcy attempts of America is a civil war being fought between conservative principles and the constant administrative state pushed by the Democrats. University of Chicago professor says libtards are freaking out at the growing strength of the presidency they initiated and now that Republicans have the White house the same power is now held by a man they hate. Lipson says liberals have pushed an achieving their wasteful spending d trashed our constitution and legal thinking of it and pushes both determined a wasteful spending for their goals and activist demands for constant change that empowers their preferred outcomes.
Charles Lipson says these midterms were another sign of this struggle and battle form two opposing forces both determined to win in a no holds barred battle and I call this struggle the United States against the United Nations as the United Nations are the progressive globalists that have long attacked our institutions and demanded a change that would benefit economic outsiders and explains why we have so many gas stations and vape shop business given to members of this international cartel to own and sit on properties in urban areas with their fake business. Professor Lipson has seen the brainwashing of progressive issues and agenda on American campuses first hand as an award-winning professor of History at the famed University of Chicago and luckily now he and his writings are appearing more in the media and on radio instead of the usual Milt Rosenberg program he had previously limited his amazing talents and thoughts in the air-waves.
Lipson fails though to pint out how international money helps the economies of urban America progressive cities in empowering these regions over Red states and pushes the concept of Democratic political monopolists of the Democratic Party and to be used to keep this prevention of political unity in the states. The Democratic Party is apolitical entity to give foreigners more influence and meddling in the economy and affairs of this country and nothing explains the rise of cigarette stores more in the past two decades than this foreign influx of money despite the dramatic drop of smoking rates and Lipson needs to point this out in ahh his economics classes.
The creation of fake and new industry such as vape industry is meant and an outlet for more intentional international investment dark dollars to be spent in America and eventually spent on politics and propaganda for the dirty mainstream media and I often suit in amazement how the E-vape shops spread and how like Dunkin Donuts they often sit empty most of the time draining energy and waste and lack a steady customer base. Vape shops and Dunkin Crapnuts are not Starbucks and there is no real foot traffic and one can only see that these new industries and set ups of dumb business in America and other countries is just an excuse to financial support the welfare and progressive agendas in Democratic cities,suburbs, and blue states
French uprising against Emanuel Marcon hits the streets against this phony climate change demands and influx if Muslims
Andy Cruz
Last week Emanuel Marcon spoke of president Trump and how the American president is dividing the world but yesterday the French people in pairs staged the most massive riot and and uprising against the French government since 1968. Scores are dead as the French protested rising fuel costs and the fact Emmanuel Marcon is totally unfit to be a French president and leader.
This globalist buffoon as a popularity ranking of the twenty percents and that is twice as low as Trump's polling support numbers and Emmanuel Marcon refuses to step down despite the fact most French people wish for his corrupt and brutal regime to come to an end. The French natives actually are also protesting against the policies of the global jet people and Marcon in trying to turn France into a diverse multi-cultural society where global people and money will swarm and take over the country and this is a fact the French and global media refuses to carry.
Fuel costs were increased to pay for social services for brown Muslims to come from North Africa and their determination to kick the native French out of their own country as they did in the sixties in Algeria is a idea that more French people are realizing as large parts of Paris and its surrounding areas have been turned into no-go zones and ethnic enclaves and the number of attacks against French women have skyrocketed in the e past few years. The Vest movement is also a fight against this madman French leaders fake climate chance concept where the West is forced to use less energy and purchase it so brown turds from Indian and Indonesia get to use it instead despite the fact they already live in a cow country and warm environments and should not be expected to imitate Western living and couldn't without the corrupt traitorous goals of these climate change pushers like Emanuel Marcon and other fuckers in the West funded by this global quest and concept. The French protesters in Paris are demanding lower fuel costs and that France remains French. The traitorous French elites are seeing the mobs are out with their pitchforks and yellow vests and this vest movement threatens the French hierarchy and elites like this incompetent fuck ass Marcon who doesn't serve the French people but overseas global investors in a problem many Western nations face including the United States. The pitchforks are coming after the elites that pushed multi-multiculturalism and imported millions of potential terrorists form the Mid -East--a people who hate the values and culture of their former colonial subjects and eventually as Spain once did France will have to kill or export all Muslims form their land in an upcoming civil war many are predicting. The fake news Washington Bezos Post has already attacked Trump in this uprising of the French people instead of focusing of the displacement attempts by the plutocrats because the Post is owned by perhaps the worlds most greedy and wicked plutocrat Jeff Bezos. French and EU leaders like Emanuel Marcon are bought and paid for politicians serving the interests of Jeff Bezos and other who wish to erase borders through people migration and fuel use and target with economic burdens to lower nationalism,patriotism,and other pride of lands and fill them with people form the Central Asian and Muslim Stans.
Last week Emanuel Marcon spoke of president Trump and how the American president is dividing the world but yesterday the French people in pairs staged the most massive riot and and uprising against the French government since 1968. Scores are dead as the French protested rising fuel costs and the fact Emmanuel Marcon is totally unfit to be a French president and leader.
This globalist buffoon as a popularity ranking of the twenty percents and that is twice as low as Trump's polling support numbers and Emmanuel Marcon refuses to step down despite the fact most French people wish for his corrupt and brutal regime to come to an end. The French natives actually are also protesting against the policies of the global jet people and Marcon in trying to turn France into a diverse multi-cultural society where global people and money will swarm and take over the country and this is a fact the French and global media refuses to carry.
Fuel costs were increased to pay for social services for brown Muslims to come from North Africa and their determination to kick the native French out of their own country as they did in the sixties in Algeria is a idea that more French people are realizing as large parts of Paris and its surrounding areas have been turned into no-go zones and ethnic enclaves and the number of attacks against French women have skyrocketed in the e past few years. The Vest movement is also a fight against this madman French leaders fake climate chance concept where the West is forced to use less energy and purchase it so brown turds from Indian and Indonesia get to use it instead despite the fact they already live in a cow country and warm environments and should not be expected to imitate Western living and couldn't without the corrupt traitorous goals of these climate change pushers like Emanuel Marcon and other fuckers in the West funded by this global quest and concept. The French protesters in Paris are demanding lower fuel costs and that France remains French. The traitorous French elites are seeing the mobs are out with their pitchforks and yellow vests and this vest movement threatens the French hierarchy and elites like this incompetent fuck ass Marcon who doesn't serve the French people but overseas global investors in a problem many Western nations face including the United States. The pitchforks are coming after the elites that pushed multi-multiculturalism and imported millions of potential terrorists form the Mid -East--a people who hate the values and culture of their former colonial subjects and eventually as Spain once did France will have to kill or export all Muslims form their land in an upcoming civil war many are predicting. The fake news Washington Bezos Post has already attacked Trump in this uprising of the French people instead of focusing of the displacement attempts by the plutocrats because the Post is owned by perhaps the worlds most greedy and wicked plutocrat Jeff Bezos. French and EU leaders like Emanuel Marcon are bought and paid for politicians serving the interests of Jeff Bezos and other who wish to erase borders through people migration and fuel use and target with economic burdens to lower nationalism,patriotism,and other pride of lands and fill them with people form the Central Asian and Muslim Stans.
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