Brian Holdsworth bashes media , Lamont Robinson and other activist hacks of the far-left

    Lincoln Kennedy
   Catholic YouTube star Brian Holdworth gave his two cent son the story that never ends that being the attack of activists upon teenagers in our nations capital some weeks back. I have been waiting what this YouTube rock star Brian Holdworth would say and he finally posted a video of how he would explain this situation and as expected he came out strong in support of the Covington High School students and said they were doing nothing wrong and were in fact the ones harangued  by deranged redskins and crazy vengeful seeking blacks claiming to be Gods chosen people. Brian early in his video pointed out that the black Hebrews claim of being Gods chosen people was complete horse shit and the  clowns are bigger racists than the KKK and are Black Muslims nut just don't want to be looked upon and called out for their racist views when they preach their hate and try to spread their gospels.
Brian uplifted several video and angle where one can easily  repute that the Indian Nathan Phillips walked and attempted to create a confrontation followed by Lamont Robinson and other radical protesters of hate form the political left spectrum. Brian bashed the rush to judgment against  these Catholic boys many of whom are  kids and they seemed dazed and confused why these hostile rude redskins and crazed Black racists were verbally  assaulting them because of their presence. There is nothing more than the left hates seeing the kids of America stand up for conservative principles and achievement offended mightily at the prospect of living under a tyranny that kills babies in their ninth month of trimester and gathering and protesting this evil. The real harassment Brian stated in his fifteen minute video is the attack and march into these kids from the Nathan Phillips,Lamont Robinson, and Apache Bolivian shit Indian with the red hat.

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