Andy Cruz
Right wing YouTube sensation Greg Hunter has bashed horse teeth Alexandria Cortex majorly in recent weeks for her insane tax plan hoping to massively tax send the rich to Australia and importing more Venezuela socialists into America. Hunter was pleased and also appalled at what he saw at Donald trumps State of The Union speech as the spectacle of pro abortion and late term baby killers were wearing white and Alexandria Cortez, Omar Illah. and other female leftists crazies were angered by president Trump's declaration of war against the prospect and psychotic push by progressives to kill babies sin the ninth month. Hunter said Nany Pelosi was appalling and looked like she was needing some nose candy as she likely never went that long without putting something in her nose or mouth. Greg pulled out a picture showing how this crack bitch acted and mocked the president and clearly she is typical of democrats an all that is wrong with that party and the state of our country as a major political party seeks to aid those who would invade and take over changing as they seem please with a leftist racial identity Marxist theory.
Hunter said the spectacle of these bitches in white not clapping at anything about Americas improvement and increased power was typical and Hunter wondered how many of these white-coated congresswoman are enemy agents where money has bought their way onto out political hall in a bogus display of overseas socialist arrogance. President Trump prepared and made these women rise up in many situations they had not planned on but knew if they didn't they would be hammered
unmercifully. Hunter said the corrupt globalcrats hate Trump because he is hurting their profits and human smuggling and he noticed big mouth slut Alexandria Ocasio Cortez didn't even want to stand up for an Ice agent that put 1000 gang member and sex traffickers of underage brown girls in jail. These women in white reminded Hunter of human sacrificial witches of old day and he understands with the corrupt and evils of the Clinton foundation and refugee scams that the West is being invaded financially supported and backed by money form the former vengeful seeking once colonial subjects whose money puts scum like the anti-American women of the far left in office. The act that someone like AOC and others were even in this chamber is a disgrace and are there from foreign funded and identity gifts form a dumb voting public not even looking at the qualifications of individuals in some districts and these politicians are doing their best to represent the interests of foreign colonizing capitalists than the people of the US with their demands and bankruptcy seeking goals of demand from government.
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