Ed West
Jimmy Dore is rarely listened to outside of the left alternative media and he put out a twenty minute video live in the hostile politically charged city of Austin,Texas. Jimmy Dore defended Iran like no other media personality who shows a map over and over again of American military bases but never shows one of the number of Iran-supplied fighting groups outside if Iran that essentially are Iranian bases of firepower and terror. Jimmy Dore is a propagandist of the lamest extreme and nothing was original in his live remote in Austin ,Texas as the little viewed YouTube runt and a team of fellow unfunny comedians and Jimmy Boy is wither dumb as a brick or ignorant of the danger posed by this expansionist terrorist network.
Jimmy Dore seems to forget Iran is the top enemy and we have tried to work for them for years but this evil this theocracy continues to play a double game while bidding time to develop nuclear weapons and empower itself and its bases and networks with fellow Shiite radical thinkers and terrorist organizations within the Middle East. A fuck Face like Jimmy dweeb Dore would of been making propaganda for the imperial Empire of Japan is allowed to do so and would resist the idea of going to war with Japan ans they slaughtered Chinese civilians. Jimmy played that Wesley Clark video on the free-thinking Democracy propaganda Now propaganda form many many moons ago of talking about regime change in seven nations as this is some sort of proof because some disgruntled former retired and retarded general had some paper and file which we are let to believe and why wouldn't we want regime change for a nation such as Iran and one ruled by Iraq whose own brutality was well-established under Saddam Hussein and Jimmy Dore wished not to mention nor feel a need to say was a call.
If anything the United States and its allies have been guilty in avoiding war making situations prolonged and numerous problems occur and these anti-war activists need tog et over war is a practicality and has been in human history never going to go away anytime soon no matte how much the Reverend Jimmy dore and his church of jackass poreaches to fellow liberals in the shit international bastion of anti-Americanism that is Austin,Texas.
A jackass like Jimmy Dore wishes for a world filled with hostile nations and crazies like ayatollah Komenia and Saddam Hussein with their imagery all over and people forced to pay tribute and homage always having to look a these brutal dictator and this explains his open willing hostility of the American empire that prevents this form occurring.
Paul Joseph Watson bashes Soy stay puff marshmallow leftists like Michael Moore and Michael Brooks
Jordan Morgan
The acclaimed Paul Joseph Watson was right on with another YouTube video talking about how these far leftists have the same look and egg heads often looking for attention and are always throwing something at politicians whether it is milkshakes or bags of urine. The flipping out of liberals in this age of Trump has defined many of these political retards for what they are and in most often the case they are obsessive-compulsive uglies as Paul Watson said signaling out Michael
Moore and Michael Brooks of the Majority Report among them for having "That look". Brooks is really a repulsive talker filler in for Sam Sedar at the Ring Of Fire and Majority Report where he doesn't find anything that is not caused by racism.
Michael Brooks and Michael Moore are two Michael s that for the soy boy snowflake far-left agitators in society so deranged in thought and ideology they let themselves and their brains be taken over by shit and shit bacteria form lower parts of their extremity. Michael Moore has long been affected by the liberal bacteria and the soy milk is not having none of it and Mr Watson wonders if there is some genetic disorder that the Michael Moore and Brooks suffer under that explains their real need to be repulsive and agitate society in their authoritarian values and demands to shove onto others who do not agree with this erratic thinking as these two pieces of shit believe and wish to spread with their voices.
Most leftist activists as Watson says look like the Stay Puff marshmallow man form Ghost busters fame with that same child-like mushy puffy face and so forth likely form years and years of soy drinking and coke snorting.This best explains Brook's and his often ridiculous rambling when he is allowed to host and be a fill in for others as he was talking about Bill Clinton's welfare reform and said it was based on pure racism as this is the same idiot that often reminds audiences that most welfare recipients are White Americans Michael Brooks and Michael Moore are complete puff face assholes who talk out of their ass and get appreciation of it only from the most extreme radical retards in media and society.
The acclaimed Paul Joseph Watson was right on with another YouTube video talking about how these far leftists have the same look and egg heads often looking for attention and are always throwing something at politicians whether it is milkshakes or bags of urine. The flipping out of liberals in this age of Trump has defined many of these political retards for what they are and in most often the case they are obsessive-compulsive uglies as Paul Watson said signaling out Michael
Moore and Michael Brooks of the Majority Report among them for having "That look". Brooks is really a repulsive talker filler in for Sam Sedar at the Ring Of Fire and Majority Report where he doesn't find anything that is not caused by racism.
Michael Brooks and Michael Moore are two Michael s that for the soy boy snowflake far-left agitators in society so deranged in thought and ideology they let themselves and their brains be taken over by shit and shit bacteria form lower parts of their extremity. Michael Moore has long been affected by the liberal bacteria and the soy milk is not having none of it and Mr Watson wonders if there is some genetic disorder that the Michael Moore and Brooks suffer under that explains their real need to be repulsive and agitate society in their authoritarian values and demands to shove onto others who do not agree with this erratic thinking as these two pieces of shit believe and wish to spread with their voices.
Most leftist activists as Watson says look like the Stay Puff marshmallow man form Ghost busters fame with that same child-like mushy puffy face and so forth likely form years and years of soy drinking and coke snorting.This best explains Brook's and his often ridiculous rambling when he is allowed to host and be a fill in for others as he was talking about Bill Clinton's welfare reform and said it was based on pure racism as this is the same idiot that often reminds audiences that most welfare recipients are White Americans Michael Brooks and Michael Moore are complete puff face assholes who talk out of their ass and get appreciation of it only from the most extreme radical retards in media and society.
Austin Russel and lUMINAR push the idea of self-driving cars and more research for silly lunancy idea
Bradly Austin
Austin Luminar is a CEO of Russel Luminar technologies and for the past ten years has been bilking and milking the concept of a self-driving car that will likely not come to fruition in his lifetime,his sons, or his grandsons, This is basically the idea of most technology companies making fake pretend economy and growth objectives and concepts when their overall products become available. Austin has been able to make many odd lists of the top 30 under 30 in business that all of the major business publications make form time to time and Luminer technologies is working hard to get self-driving cars on the road whether 98 percent of the people don't express and interest in it or not.
Austin Russel is a technocrat and one of the advantaged of being one is being able to muster grants and other freebies in research dollars and free handouts form other to build a fucking n flux capacitor. The business and technology media sectors will talk of this twenty two year old brilliance and hard work in this field but it is all bullshit because nothing will eventually come form it
. This twenty something year old prick and his Ludir concept claims to be totally safe and dramatically improve the eyesight of autonomous cars using a single laser and yada yada but what his company actually is are avenues for and money to be moved about and more difficulty traced at its source and again Ford and GM and other companies may say autonomous cars are coming but they likely are not nor need to be,. Basically this prick and other technocrats wish to be disruptor's and their real objectives are taking sources of money and using it to upend and change systems with a
socioeconomic warfare and agenda plan. In reality the complicated needs of sensors and rare earth chips makes this self-autonomous car and mass production an impossibility all for maybe a devoted hundred or so uber billionaires that may own one for a novelty experience with their fellow rich friends and Austin Luminar know this is full well the only practical use of self-driving cars on roads as we already have self-driving vehicles and they are called trains.
The only way Self-autonomous vehicles ever race or are seen is if they build an highly expensive track system for them. The main goal and funding for this young mans ideas and tech wizardly is basically to fund a steady high-incomes living for himself and the 250 pre-selected fellow newbie workers in California that this guy and company selects as they receive research funding,development,new construction,sales for an eventually outcome that will never occur much like Mars research and spending of living on the fourth planet rock form the sun. He can bull;d all of the little laser boxes he can but these things will have about as much impact as re branding and remaking CB radios out in production nowdays.
Austin Luminar is a CEO of Russel Luminar technologies and for the past ten years has been bilking and milking the concept of a self-driving car that will likely not come to fruition in his lifetime,his sons, or his grandsons, This is basically the idea of most technology companies making fake pretend economy and growth objectives and concepts when their overall products become available. Austin has been able to make many odd lists of the top 30 under 30 in business that all of the major business publications make form time to time and Luminer technologies is working hard to get self-driving cars on the road whether 98 percent of the people don't express and interest in it or not.
Austin Russel is a technocrat and one of the advantaged of being one is being able to muster grants and other freebies in research dollars and free handouts form other to build a fucking n flux capacitor. The business and technology media sectors will talk of this twenty two year old brilliance and hard work in this field but it is all bullshit because nothing will eventually come form it
socioeconomic warfare and agenda plan. In reality the complicated needs of sensors and rare earth chips makes this self-autonomous car and mass production an impossibility all for maybe a devoted hundred or so uber billionaires that may own one for a novelty experience with their fellow rich friends and Austin Luminar know this is full well the only practical use of self-driving cars on roads as we already have self-driving vehicles and they are called trains.
The only way Self-autonomous vehicles ever race or are seen is if they build an highly expensive track system for them. The main goal and funding for this young mans ideas and tech wizardly is basically to fund a steady high-incomes living for himself and the 250 pre-selected fellow newbie workers in California that this guy and company selects as they receive research funding,development,new construction,sales for an eventually outcome that will never occur much like Mars research and spending of living on the fourth planet rock form the sun. He can bull;d all of the little laser boxes he can but these things will have about as much impact as re branding and remaking CB radios out in production nowdays.
Father Michale Pfleger comes with Louis Farhkhan and declare their homosexuality for one another while calling Mark Zuckerberg satanic
Zachary Zuckerberg
The Minister Louis Farrakhan and Father Michael Pfleger are extreme radical phony religious leaders using th ebully of the pulpit to molest thousands of kids between themselves in a sick alliance of pedophile and the two men recently got together as the minister of racism and anti-antisemitism was invited to speak at Father Pflegers shit hole Catholic church in the South Side called St Sabina. Father Pfgleger is a racial agitator and self-hater defining himself with the gutter religious leader and race hustler geriatric jackass who doesn't know his ass from his mouth. Mr Louis Farhkhan will make the world a better place when he is gone and with his maker and God the shit Elijah Muhammad and without a doubt this sick queer must of molested many little Afro-Negro little Muhammeds long converts to this neurotic and eccentric money cult called the Nation of Islam where this shit head take sin all of his flocks money to talk shit on Whites and Jews. Make no mistake these two disturbed religious leaders are gayer that Liberace and have done rim shots and shit parties with one another on many occasions both in St Sabina and in Farrakhan temple of hate.
Farrakhan ruthlessly attacked Mark Zuckerberg and called Jews belong to two groups of either satanic Jews or good Jews and after his banning Mr Fairykhan and Father Homo called Mark Zuckerberg the evilest of all Jews for his gall of insulting the minister Louis Farhkhan by outright banning his hate-promoting asshole. Father Michael Pfleger also showed the worm he is as he is another creep that used his pulpit not only to advocate for local drug dealers empowerment but also for pushing his fingers and gadgets into little boys in the St Sabina area and flock. Father Pfleger and Minster Farrakhan are both sicker than dogs that eat their own shit and both men not need to even be mentioned when speaking or talking but continually are by the mainstream local Chicago media. Mark Zuckerberg is having none of Minister Fuckakhan's shit on his platform and I have advised my brother that Father Pfleger as well should have his wannabee cock sucking ass banned as well
The Minister Louis Farrakhan and Father Michael Pfleger are extreme radical phony religious leaders using th ebully of the pulpit to molest thousands of kids between themselves in a sick alliance of pedophile and the two men recently got together as the minister of racism and anti-antisemitism was invited to speak at Father Pflegers shit hole Catholic church in the South Side called St Sabina. Father Pfgleger is a racial agitator and self-hater defining himself with the gutter religious leader and race hustler geriatric jackass who doesn't know his ass from his mouth. Mr Louis Farhkhan will make the world a better place when he is gone and with his maker and God the shit Elijah Muhammad and without a doubt this sick queer must of molested many little Afro-Negro little Muhammeds long converts to this neurotic and eccentric money cult called the Nation of Islam where this shit head take sin all of his flocks money to talk shit on Whites and Jews. Make no mistake these two disturbed religious leaders are gayer that Liberace and have done rim shots and shit parties with one another on many occasions both in St Sabina and in Farrakhan temple of hate.
Farrakhan ruthlessly attacked Mark Zuckerberg and called Jews belong to two groups of either satanic Jews or good Jews and after his banning Mr Fairykhan and Father Homo called Mark Zuckerberg the evilest of all Jews for his gall of insulting the minister Louis Farhkhan by outright banning his hate-promoting asshole. Father Michael Pfleger also showed the worm he is as he is another creep that used his pulpit not only to advocate for local drug dealers empowerment but also for pushing his fingers and gadgets into little boys in the St Sabina area and flock. Father Pfleger and Minster Farrakhan are both sicker than dogs that eat their own shit and both men not need to even be mentioned when speaking or talking but continually are by the mainstream local Chicago media. Mark Zuckerberg is having none of Minister Fuckakhan's shit on his platform and I have advised my brother that Father Pfleger as well should have his wannabee cock sucking ass banned as well
Rapper thug Meek Mill angered and disrepected by Vegas Vity Casino and seeks to extort it
Meek Mill is some drug-supported rap music star with litle talent and men like him are only entertainers because of the strong inclination of the Western capitalist hoarders and finance industry to give free money to bucks. Meek Mill is over-paiud for his routine that like most rappers is fraudulent with fake sales numbers and pretend fairy dust popularity. Meek was recently causing a riukis like most of them in a Las Vegas Motel ground sand was adsked to leave and because of so this rat fuck is now planning on suing the motel and in reality the inflammatory comments mad eby this ugly skuz the lawsuit should be the other way around.
rappers are the embarrassment and scourge of this country an culture and increasingly they are acting more neurotic and eccentric in their encounters with authorities and management of the free living they are given access by these international cartels owning many of these motels in America. This jackass was denied entrance because the Cosmopolitan Motel does not want to be liable for another black mob shooting at it premise and was filled to capacity and sought safety for its guests as top instead of this black shit hesds ego. Police were vas called as an over than expected ruddy hip hop black crowd took over grounds as most tines when black drug rap mussf ic in involved and now this gangster seeks to extort the Cosmopolitan motel. This motel should be praised for seeking the safety of their guests than for this Meeky mother fucker to be allowed entrance to as n azad already over capacity dangerous situation and this guy can't understand this because he is a low IQ selfish person. Meek Mill couldn't believe it and he was at this motel to watch his buddy and fellow junkie rapper D-Dogg Mutha perform live and help promote this unknown protege and shit head to rise and be noticed by this entertainment Black bad rap tribute complex of the banksters. Meek Mill made these racism accusations because his entitled Black ass was humiliated and here was some worker telling him and his homie junkies they had to leave and take their plastic jugs of liqueur and bags of coke with them.
rappers are the embarrassment and scourge of this country an culture and increasingly they are acting more neurotic and eccentric in their encounters with authorities and management of the free living they are given access by these international cartels owning many of these motels in America. This jackass was denied entrance because the Cosmopolitan Motel does not want to be liable for another black mob shooting at it premise and was filled to capacity and sought safety for its guests as top instead of this black shit hesds ego. Police were vas called as an over than expected ruddy hip hop black crowd took over grounds as most tines when black drug rap mussf ic in involved and now this gangster seeks to extort the Cosmopolitan motel. This motel should be praised for seeking the safety of their guests than for this Meeky mother fucker to be allowed entrance to as n azad already over capacity dangerous situation and this guy can't understand this because he is a low IQ selfish person. Meek Mill couldn't believe it and he was at this motel to watch his buddy and fellow junkie rapper D-Dogg Mutha perform live and help promote this unknown protege and shit head to rise and be noticed by this entertainment Black bad rap tribute complex of the banksters. Meek Mill made these racism accusations because his entitled Black ass was humiliated and here was some worker telling him and his homie junkies they had to leave and take their plastic jugs of liqueur and bags of coke with them.
Center Bear Grizzlies and Bigfoots are expanding all over the Rocky States of America
Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
A recent story reported of the massive spread and population of the Grizzly Center Bear beasts out in the mountain seas a roam-ranging Bear creatures have dramatically expanded their range in the American Central States. Along with the expansion of Grizzly Bears are more and more sightings of Bigfoot,Yetis, and Hobo harry's throughout the region and some have suggested laxed liquor laws and more drinking have allowed these sightings to become more common,
Scientists are surprised that such a big calorie eating beast is expanding when left alone and this is not should be surprising given the propensity of Buffalo and how they had expanded prior to the coming of the Europeans in these same ranges. Center Bears are finding new homes on the range as they expand and state governments regulations and prevention of increased hunting and restrictions have been concluded as another reason these Beasts are wandering and moving about.
Sooner or later I reckon that Grizzly Bears will become more ubiquitous expanding both West and East and become as common as as the crazy Cougar. Ditto for the beast kn own as Bigfoot that often doesn't get as adopted by sanctuaries and billionaire homes as we would like to see. The endangered and very rare creature known as Bigfoot is also expanding form its base according to new polling data and scientific thought form Bigfoot experts and researchers. Sooner or later there will be real evidence that some ancient big elusive ape has existed and lived peacefully with the Bears and has learned telepathically first hand knowledge of the dangers of their primate cousins in the family tree and know humanity is something best to be avoided. Bigfoot and the Big Paws are moving about more freely and expanding the ranges sending shills form everywhere from Washington state to Washington D.C
Animal Stories
A recent story reported of the massive spread and population of the Grizzly Center Bear beasts out in the mountain seas a roam-ranging Bear creatures have dramatically expanded their range in the American Central States. Along with the expansion of Grizzly Bears are more and more sightings of Bigfoot,Yetis, and Hobo harry's throughout the region and some have suggested laxed liquor laws and more drinking have allowed these sightings to become more common,
Scientists are surprised that such a big calorie eating beast is expanding when left alone and this is not should be surprising given the propensity of Buffalo and how they had expanded prior to the coming of the Europeans in these same ranges. Center Bears are finding new homes on the range as they expand and state governments regulations and prevention of increased hunting and restrictions have been concluded as another reason these Beasts are wandering and moving about.
Sooner or later I reckon that Grizzly Bears will become more ubiquitous expanding both West and East and become as common as as the crazy Cougar. Ditto for the beast kn own as Bigfoot that often doesn't get as adopted by sanctuaries and billionaire homes as we would like to see. The endangered and very rare creature known as Bigfoot is also expanding form its base according to new polling data and scientific thought form Bigfoot experts and researchers. Sooner or later there will be real evidence that some ancient big elusive ape has existed and lived peacefully with the Bears and has learned telepathically first hand knowledge of the dangers of their primate cousins in the family tree and know humanity is something best to be avoided. Bigfoot and the Big Paws are moving about more freely and expanding the ranges sending shills form everywhere from Washington state to Washington D.C
Did Quentin Tarantino kill Mr Bill and Bob Crane
Casey Kelso
Quentin Tarantino is a sick Hollywood movie producer making and highlighting disturbed people like Charles Manson and making them heroes in movies these days. The sickness of the Hollywood left and their revisionism of serial killers and men like Charles Manson and Ted Bundy is disturbing and mainly because these shits are psychos Directors like Quinton hate society with themselves hating America and a positive world and this is why they create horror movies.
Tarratino is a viable suspect I believe in many murders and killings back in the day especially the seventies and I would say he may be responsible for both the unsolved murders of Mr Bill and Mr Bob. Tarantino is a psycho and any young female working around this madman should have a personal security guard and hired protection service never being alone with this bastard. We wonder if Q killed Bob Crane of Hogan's Heroes fame as Quinton likely was challenged and filled with rage agianst this aging actor and great career of the former Hogans Heroes star who made many self-made movie productions some who may or not included young women Quentin may have been obsessed and green with jealousy over Bob Crane and his videos.
If Quentin did kill Bill then he should be investigated and not allowed to continue his sick disturbing movie production as every scene and movie this piece of shit does involve brutal murders as this troublesome influential man of Hollywood has never seen or heard of a murder that didn't make him happy. This disturbing director is coming out with another new movie and why people proclaim and honor this man in great words shows the opioid addictions and hard-core drug heroin problem on the left coast as sick fuck jag fags like Mr Tarantino are honored.
Quentin Tarantino is a sick Hollywood movie producer making and highlighting disturbed people like Charles Manson and making them heroes in movies these days. The sickness of the Hollywood left and their revisionism of serial killers and men like Charles Manson and Ted Bundy is disturbing and mainly because these shits are psychos Directors like Quinton hate society with themselves hating America and a positive world and this is why they create horror movies.
Tarratino is a viable suspect I believe in many murders and killings back in the day especially the seventies and I would say he may be responsible for both the unsolved murders of Mr Bill and Mr Bob. Tarantino is a psycho and any young female working around this madman should have a personal security guard and hired protection service never being alone with this bastard. We wonder if Q killed Bob Crane of Hogan's Heroes fame as Quinton likely was challenged and filled with rage agianst this aging actor and great career of the former Hogans Heroes star who made many self-made movie productions some who may or not included young women Quentin may have been obsessed and green with jealousy over Bob Crane and his videos.
If Quentin did kill Bill then he should be investigated and not allowed to continue his sick disturbing movie production as every scene and movie this piece of shit does involve brutal murders as this troublesome influential man of Hollywood has never seen or heard of a murder that didn't make him happy. This disturbing director is coming out with another new movie and why people proclaim and honor this man in great words shows the opioid addictions and hard-core drug heroin problem on the left coast as sick fuck jag fags like Mr Tarantino are honored.
Fast E$ddie Schwartz bashes paid-for propagandist Rt fake journalist Ben Swan and asks if he is gay
Arnold Armstrong
Asshole RT and investigative journalist Ben Swan is a prick like no other and has been all over the Rt network and various lame hosts of this Russian Television state programming defending Chinese spy company Huawei . Ben Swan accused the NSA and the United states intelligence being worse abusers of spying on peoples phones and the amount of time Benjamin spends recently defending this
Chinese conglomerate and evil company is an obvious ploy of pay for play for this reporter working hand in hand in giving Russians and Chinese spy network and their companies positive props in this necessary trade war. WGN radio host Eddie Schwartz observed that Ben Swan just talks with
fork tongue and out of his ass at the same time. its an armor in the chink for Ben Swan in defending this Chinese empire company and Swan says shit about the dangerous health consequences of 5G and just pushes the idea that the Chinese empire is leading the eventual drive to %G. Many are saying 5g is too dangerous for people and children and Benjamin needs to study the long term consequences and the research of the health consequences of 5G but he likely will not because he has a chink in his armor and wallet. Mr Schwartz accused these globalists and their "fake" reporters like Ben Sean Stone, and Chris Hedges, and Sean Stone has being for hire unethical reporters who would allow massive surveillance and spying on American citizens. Mr Schwartz said men like Chris Hedges and Mr Swan would of taken money form Japanese companies during World War II and speak positively about the imperial empire of Japan and how they had a divine right to rule Asia. Schwartz could imagine liberals back the showing maps showing US bases that surround Japan much like today's libtards show a map of Iran and nearby US military installations and a common propaganda anti-American attack. Ben Swan needs to sell nutritional products instead of himself for Chinese propaganda
Eddie Schwartz went on a thirty minute rant in disbelief that a propaganda network like RT would be allowed into peoples homes and people should take nothing serious or at face value what comes out of there including from this "pretty boy" Ben Swan " who Eddie went on to list a long rap sheet of unethical actions this goof fuck reporter has been investigated and accused of in his short career. Its all about the Benjamin for Ben Swan coming from Huawaei or Hawaie ahhh or whatever that chink company is called
Asshole RT and investigative journalist Ben Swan is a prick like no other and has been all over the Rt network and various lame hosts of this Russian Television state programming defending Chinese spy company Huawei . Ben Swan accused the NSA and the United states intelligence being worse abusers of spying on peoples phones and the amount of time Benjamin spends recently defending this
Chinese conglomerate and evil company is an obvious ploy of pay for play for this reporter working hand in hand in giving Russians and Chinese spy network and their companies positive props in this necessary trade war. WGN radio host Eddie Schwartz observed that Ben Swan just talks with
fork tongue and out of his ass at the same time. its an armor in the chink for Ben Swan in defending this Chinese empire company and Swan says shit about the dangerous health consequences of 5G and just pushes the idea that the Chinese empire is leading the eventual drive to %G. Many are saying 5g is too dangerous for people and children and Benjamin needs to study the long term consequences and the research of the health consequences of 5G but he likely will not because he has a chink in his armor and wallet. Mr Schwartz accused these globalists and their "fake" reporters like Ben Sean Stone, and Chris Hedges, and Sean Stone has being for hire unethical reporters who would allow massive surveillance and spying on American citizens. Mr Schwartz said men like Chris Hedges and Mr Swan would of taken money form Japanese companies during World War II and speak positively about the imperial empire of Japan and how they had a divine right to rule Asia. Schwartz could imagine liberals back the showing maps showing US bases that surround Japan much like today's libtards show a map of Iran and nearby US military installations and a common propaganda anti-American attack. Ben Swan needs to sell nutritional products instead of himself for Chinese propaganda

Justin Trudeau worried as the world turns and populists continue to make gains around his/their envisioned globalstan
Andy Cruz\
Justin Trudeau is a rotten globalist president of Canada seeking to make it into a new nation of elitism and over-valuation of fake wealth and capitalists. Justin Trudeau is worried as he sees the recent elections of Nerander Modi in India and the European elections as the far right and conservative ideology makes gains and the backlash against traitorous business global practices such as this son of a bitch advocate decline and fall out of major. Trudeau sought to make Canada into a capitalist New India county of elitists form the Indian and Pakiland sub-continent who reject the principles if Hindu nationalism and self-protection of Prime Minister Modi.
Basically the left global leaders like Trudeau don't want any demagogues and men of their faith or country like Modi of Hungary's Viktor Orban from holding office and Canadians will soon have a chance getting this silly Canadian goose son of a pig out of office and being prime Minister of Canada. Nerander Modi was reelected overwhelming and prayed to his God and not the Globalist Gods of Allah and money as Justin and other world leaders wish push as the main objective including Frankenstein bitch Angela Merkel of Germany. The fact is the working and middle classes in Canada are rising and waking up to the lies and fakery sell out of Canada by their sick
leader Justin Liberal. This nepotistic elite was only in office through cronyism and because of his fathers wealth and the manipulation of the liberal media in backing and portraying this piece of shits policies and ideas in such a positive manner he was able to snooker himself into leadership of this country. The Wall Street Journals and Economist magazines are upset with these recent Indian elections and they dearly worry that Justin and Canada may be next in the continuing trend seen in the recent Australian elections that shocked both the leftist mainstream media and the corporate business one.
Justin Trudeau is a rotten globalist president of Canada seeking to make it into a new nation of elitism and over-valuation of fake wealth and capitalists. Justin Trudeau is worried as he sees the recent elections of Nerander Modi in India and the European elections as the far right and conservative ideology makes gains and the backlash against traitorous business global practices such as this son of a bitch advocate decline and fall out of major. Trudeau sought to make Canada into a capitalist New India county of elitists form the Indian and Pakiland sub-continent who reject the principles if Hindu nationalism and self-protection of Prime Minister Modi.
Basically the left global leaders like Trudeau don't want any demagogues and men of their faith or country like Modi of Hungary's Viktor Orban from holding office and Canadians will soon have a chance getting this silly Canadian goose son of a pig out of office and being prime Minister of Canada. Nerander Modi was reelected overwhelming and prayed to his God and not the Globalist Gods of Allah and money as Justin and other world leaders wish push as the main objective including Frankenstein bitch Angela Merkel of Germany. The fact is the working and middle classes in Canada are rising and waking up to the lies and fakery sell out of Canada by their sick
leader Justin Liberal. This nepotistic elite was only in office through cronyism and because of his fathers wealth and the manipulation of the liberal media in backing and portraying this piece of shits policies and ideas in such a positive manner he was able to snooker himself into leadership of this country. The Wall Street Journals and Economist magazines are upset with these recent Indian elections and they dearly worry that Justin and Canada may be next in the continuing trend seen in the recent Australian elections that shocked both the leftist mainstream media and the corporate business one.
Shitty Chinese Kitchen closes in Queens much to the dismay of millennial shits
Chuck "Cheseburger" Woodruff
Some nasty Chinese kitchen called Nan Xiang Xian was one of many Chinese subsidized restaurants meant to push and promote the idea of Chinese cuisine and culture as superior and the days of this popular with yuppies and young hipsters suddenly closed down shop despite being busy as a bee at most times. Many foodies and pushers for international and immigrant empowerment through food
were left jawed-mouthed at the quick demise of one of their beloved Chinese shit hole cuisine spots in Queens borough of New York and Forbes writer Micheline Maynard was one among them so upset mad and ahhh sad..
She will no longer be able to get her beloved Dumpling soup and other rice and big agricultural meat processes dishes form this restaurant that form all looks and observes is no different than the hundreds of thousands of other Chinese community government subsidized shit hole grass and rat meet eateries that take up space in America and around the world selling bad foreign food.
Micheline looks like the Michelin tire man and has a pig-face because of the number of times she at at this GMO sick eatery and the most unhealthy food out there is this neurotic Chinese shit that again is allowed by our country and other Western nations to essentially buy their way into and are not profitable used as a source for money laundering and bank fraud. Why the owners of this X
Chinese Kitchen closed suddenly after so many year sin this walk able highly dense neighborhood is suspicious and makes many pig faces like Maynard depressed wondering where now will they go for fat park dumplings in Queens as there are like only a hundred f these places on the same block as this dump where progressive urbanists will no longer be able to get thier beloved dumplings.
Some nasty Chinese kitchen called Nan Xiang Xian was one of many Chinese subsidized restaurants meant to push and promote the idea of Chinese cuisine and culture as superior and the days of this popular with yuppies and young hipsters suddenly closed down shop despite being busy as a bee at most times. Many foodies and pushers for international and immigrant empowerment through food
She will no longer be able to get her beloved Dumpling soup and other rice and big agricultural meat processes dishes form this restaurant that form all looks and observes is no different than the hundreds of thousands of other Chinese community government subsidized shit hole grass and rat meet eateries that take up space in America and around the world selling bad foreign food.
Micheline looks like the Michelin tire man and has a pig-face because of the number of times she at at this GMO sick eatery and the most unhealthy food out there is this neurotic Chinese shit that again is allowed by our country and other Western nations to essentially buy their way into and are not profitable used as a source for money laundering and bank fraud. Why the owners of this X
Chinese Kitchen closed suddenly after so many year sin this walk able highly dense neighborhood is suspicious and makes many pig faces like Maynard depressed wondering where now will they go for fat park dumplings in Queens as there are like only a hundred f these places on the same block as this dump where progressive urbanists will no longer be able to get thier beloved dumplings.
Coyode Peterson gets torn apart by a Lobster
Jake Glass
Animal Stories
Coyode Peterson couldn't believe it as he traveled to Maine and did some lobster hunting. The famed YouTube star of Brave wilderness goes all over the planet looking for fun and interesting stories and he usually likes to get stung and cause immense pain for himself. He decided that it was a good idea to have a lobster pinch him in the hand so he can do a video and describe the pain in many of the other videos he has done where he was stung and bitten and being snapped was a new idea of thought that came up.
Coyode decided to try the crushing power of the American Maine lobster a crustacean that is known for having one of the most enormous crushing claws in the known universe outside whatever may be around Mars that Elon Musk will discover someday. Coyode fished up the biggest lobster he could find and proceeded to have it crush his hand but Mr Peterson was humiliated and shocked that the wild lobster didn't break his fucking hand. After several attempts of other distraught recently captured lobsters from the seven seas Mr Pederson finally figured out that perhaps Lobster son their last call in a hot kitchen with a boiling pot nearby to see was a better opportunity to get an angry lobster to grasp. The Lobster literally tore Coyode's hand apart and crushed it like a pancake. He was in so much fucking pain and yelped and begged for help to release the lobster back into the water as he never felt any sensation such as this crushing power of the lobster and finally made it worth watching all half hour of this fucking pro-Lobster video as he desperately tried to found one that wasn't friendly. Coyode Pederson next has an agenda to feel a crab crush his fingers and wants to see which has greater crusty the clown like power with their alien-looking claws.
Animal Stories
Coyode Peterson couldn't believe it as he traveled to Maine and did some lobster hunting. The famed YouTube star of Brave wilderness goes all over the planet looking for fun and interesting stories and he usually likes to get stung and cause immense pain for himself. He decided that it was a good idea to have a lobster pinch him in the hand so he can do a video and describe the pain in many of the other videos he has done where he was stung and bitten and being snapped was a new idea of thought that came up.
Coyode decided to try the crushing power of the American Maine lobster a crustacean that is known for having one of the most enormous crushing claws in the known universe outside whatever may be around Mars that Elon Musk will discover someday. Coyode fished up the biggest lobster he could find and proceeded to have it crush his hand but Mr Peterson was humiliated and shocked that the wild lobster didn't break his fucking hand. After several attempts of other distraught recently captured lobsters from the seven seas Mr Pederson finally figured out that perhaps Lobster son their last call in a hot kitchen with a boiling pot nearby to see was a better opportunity to get an angry lobster to grasp. The Lobster literally tore Coyode's hand apart and crushed it like a pancake. He was in so much fucking pain and yelped and begged for help to release the lobster back into the water as he never felt any sensation such as this crushing power of the lobster and finally made it worth watching all half hour of this fucking pro-Lobster video as he desperately tried to found one that wasn't friendly. Coyode Pederson next has an agenda to feel a crab crush his fingers and wants to see which has greater crusty the clown like power with their alien-looking claws.
Mexican brutality and cartel in the heartland as Gang members get away with trafficking and Killing Carina Saunders
Bernardo Romano
President Trump was heavily criticized with making mention how Mexican drug lords and outlaws are in America killing and trafficking innocents. Some years back a brutal murder of Carina Saunders was committed and gang members and other associates who trafficked her were actually let go and had no charges done in her murder. A Mexican drug gang in Oklahoma actually videos tapped this yoing woman's murder in order to intimidate other sex trafficked young White girls by Mexican scum ad White biker allies in Oklahoma that police know there is a snuff video and there is areward for this
video. Mexican illegals have been a major force in drugs and trafficking and is why mass deportation and vigilance needs to occur and justice for Carina Saunders desperately needed in Oklahoma against Luis Ruiz and his Mexicans. Carina Saunders according to eyewitnesses was brutally tortured,beaten,raped,stomped,and viciously treated in a basement of some drug house that Oklahoma authorities allowed and didn't stop this fucking gang and when authorities did arrest several members they allowed them to go way back in 2011. Carina Saunders was part of meth country and a drug addict selling her soul and body but that still doesn't give allowances for her untimely dead at the hand of scumbag Mexicans and White traitorous henchmen and why authorities still have this as an unsolved murder and didn't prosecute this criminal scum gang back six or seven years ago when this crime was committed is not known but form eyewitnesses these baditos were responsible for a Jason/Freddy Krueger brutal murder and Jayhawk type vigilance of vengeance is eventually needed to deal with this scum and vermin if justice isn't received.
President Trump was heavily criticized with making mention how Mexican drug lords and outlaws are in America killing and trafficking innocents. Some years back a brutal murder of Carina Saunders was committed and gang members and other associates who trafficked her were actually let go and had no charges done in her murder. A Mexican drug gang in Oklahoma actually videos tapped this yoing woman's murder in order to intimidate other sex trafficked young White girls by Mexican scum ad White biker allies in Oklahoma that police know there is a snuff video and there is areward for this
video. Mexican illegals have been a major force in drugs and trafficking and is why mass deportation and vigilance needs to occur and justice for Carina Saunders desperately needed in Oklahoma against Luis Ruiz and his Mexicans. Carina Saunders according to eyewitnesses was brutally tortured,beaten,raped,stomped,and viciously treated in a basement of some drug house that Oklahoma authorities allowed and didn't stop this fucking gang and when authorities did arrest several members they allowed them to go way back in 2011. Carina Saunders was part of meth country and a drug addict selling her soul and body but that still doesn't give allowances for her untimely dead at the hand of scumbag Mexicans and White traitorous henchmen and why authorities still have this as an unsolved murder and didn't prosecute this criminal scum gang back six or seven years ago when this crime was committed is not known but form eyewitnesses these baditos were responsible for a Jason/Freddy Krueger brutal murder and Jayhawk type vigilance of vengeance is eventually needed to deal with this scum and vermin if justice isn't received.
Dumb dipshit Dana Carvey is not funny,impersonations stupid, and makes an ass of himself on Jimmy Fallon's proaganda TV show
Domnick D'Souza
Dana Carvey mocked Trump and was the latest left liberal media attack on the president as the award losing former Saturday Night propagandist crawled from under a rock and made some appearance recently on the Jimmy Fallon program. Dana Carvey spent four minutes acting like a retard and a four year old boy mocking and doing an impersonation of President Trump and his sounds that were both dumb and dull much like Mr Carvey's acting Hollywood film carer and time outside he left the Saturday Night Live window of his youth.
Why Dana Carvey was even on mainstream media doing impersonations with such people few millennial even know such as Michael Caine I will never know but perhaps Dana Carvey scrapped up a few bucks to purchase this awful guest stop appearance and wanted to be seen on programmings joining in the left medias attack on the president worried about the trade wars with various countries that have screwed the real working class and benefited misfits and shits in media like Jimmy Falloon and Dana Carvey has really never been funny just needs to do stupid over dramatized imaginary of what people he don;'t like sound like.
No one can do a Dana Carvey as the persona and as a figure Dana Carvey is a dull dipshit,dork, and dumbass and has no personalty with his wig and has little to add except pretending what other people sound like in his butter-brain mind. Comedians like Dana Carvey and the Dennis Leary's were usually the loud idiots in high school some of who received a do beating and some of who were actually popular with people and the number of times this shit head bombs in his stand up appearances is amazing that he is even a credible source for info and joke these days. Dana Carvey needs to go into the comedian retirement gated community somewhere preferable Baja California ,Mexico or Yukon, Canada and just stay there and unfortunately the probelm is there are too many cable channels and programming that keep giving shits like him a record and spot.
Dana Carvey mocked Trump and was the latest left liberal media attack on the president as the award losing former Saturday Night propagandist crawled from under a rock and made some appearance recently on the Jimmy Fallon program. Dana Carvey spent four minutes acting like a retard and a four year old boy mocking and doing an impersonation of President Trump and his sounds that were both dumb and dull much like Mr Carvey's acting Hollywood film carer and time outside he left the Saturday Night Live window of his youth.
Why Dana Carvey was even on mainstream media doing impersonations with such people few millennial even know such as Michael Caine I will never know but perhaps Dana Carvey scrapped up a few bucks to purchase this awful guest stop appearance and wanted to be seen on programmings joining in the left medias attack on the president worried about the trade wars with various countries that have screwed the real working class and benefited misfits and shits in media like Jimmy Falloon and Dana Carvey has really never been funny just needs to do stupid over dramatized imaginary of what people he don;'t like sound like.
No one can do a Dana Carvey as the persona and as a figure Dana Carvey is a dull dipshit,dork, and dumbass and has no personalty with his wig and has little to add except pretending what other people sound like in his butter-brain mind. Comedians like Dana Carvey and the Dennis Leary's were usually the loud idiots in high school some of who received a do beating and some of who were actually popular with people and the number of times this shit head bombs in his stand up appearances is amazing that he is even a credible source for info and joke these days. Dana Carvey needs to go into the comedian retirement gated community somewhere preferable Baja California ,Mexico or Yukon, Canada and just stay there and unfortunately the probelm is there are too many cable channels and programming that keep giving shits like him a record and spot.
Greg Hunter has Mark Levin on his program and both predict a uprising by the left and a civil war
Larry Frost
Famed YouTube political talk host Greg Hunter runs something amazing called USA Watchdog where he talks about the corruption of the deep state and he recently had a few weeks ago Mark Levin on his program and they spoke of the delusional thinking and coup attempts by the Democratic left in America. The past two years and the Russian probe were attempts to overthrow and replace Trump as the far-international leaning left has relied on international corrupt money to distort politics and make it work more for a small class of connected cronies than the citizenry. Greg Hunter and Mark Levin spoke about psychotic and crazed they how the Democratic Party is not the same party of the last and is a part ruled by social groups with a grudge identity mainly minorities and radical homsexs and that they believe their ultimate failures of replacing president Trump will lead to an armed insurrection and uprising how psychotic and crazed they have become
The protocols and calls of the Antifa left for violence will only spread and basically the far-left wishes to remake and repopulate this country as soon as possible and the dangers posed by these extreme left radical and their alliances with global Hollywood and tech monopolists should be taken seriously and the Trump administration needs to be prepared. A full fledge civil war in the ultimate goal of these leftists. Greg Hunter says the criminal class wishes to install a leader like Hillary Clinton and make them continue to extract wealth of this nation for themselves and their overseas fellow bandits of nations and government and basically many of these ANTIFA activists are bought and paid for by the interests from overseas.
Famed YouTube political talk host Greg Hunter runs something amazing called USA Watchdog where he talks about the corruption of the deep state and he recently had a few weeks ago Mark Levin on his program and they spoke of the delusional thinking and coup attempts by the Democratic left in America. The past two years and the Russian probe were attempts to overthrow and replace Trump as the far-international leaning left has relied on international corrupt money to distort politics and make it work more for a small class of connected cronies than the citizenry. Greg Hunter and Mark Levin spoke about psychotic and crazed they how the Democratic Party is not the same party of the last and is a part ruled by social groups with a grudge identity mainly minorities and radical homsexs and that they believe their ultimate failures of replacing president Trump will lead to an armed insurrection and uprising how psychotic and crazed they have become

Editors Note..This Frank Banks IV
This interview was with Kevin Shipp and not Mark Levin
Opel Mathews is an old annoying crow who will not sit down
Cecil Brewster
Barnes and Noble is a boo chain that like some health clubs has old people hanging out much of the time and many of them are very loud and annoying . Open Mathews of North brook is an old crow bro of a woman that hangs and talks the ears of her fellow geriatric souls needing to hang out in this bookstore cafe. After Border closed luckily Barnes and Nobles. I say old fogies like this ruin suburbia by their unconcerned public attitude and act making young people and good jobs in the economy flock to downtown areas of limited car transportation intended to make the Opels and the old classic car buff dickwads stay out in the rural areas and the suburbs with their fascination and inability to get over automobiles form the fifties and sixties.
Opel often hangs and coffee dines for hours often standing up and talking seeking the attention she feels to be deserved and few call her out or take notice of this old troll. Opel often is vocal about her life and politics thinking many people of her generation smarter than the rest that reside now nor has ever once roamed the planet. These people have a constant Facebook-type news feed to come out of their mouths with an insatiable need to hear her news and information. Opel needs to be banned from both Barnes and Noble and Starbucks and is just another loud eccentric and neurotic old aging baby boomer thinking which more important and her generation and the Barnes and Noble in Deerfield, Ill is one to be avoided as this shit-brained butter head just is too much of a God dam regular and sound at the BD cafe.
Barnes and Noble is a boo chain that like some health clubs has old people hanging out much of the time and many of them are very loud and annoying . Open Mathews of North brook is an old crow bro of a woman that hangs and talks the ears of her fellow geriatric souls needing to hang out in this bookstore cafe. After Border closed luckily Barnes and Nobles. I say old fogies like this ruin suburbia by their unconcerned public attitude and act making young people and good jobs in the economy flock to downtown areas of limited car transportation intended to make the Opels and the old classic car buff dickwads stay out in the rural areas and the suburbs with their fascination and inability to get over automobiles form the fifties and sixties.
Opel often hangs and coffee dines for hours often standing up and talking seeking the attention she feels to be deserved and few call her out or take notice of this old troll. Opel often is vocal about her life and politics thinking many people of her generation smarter than the rest that reside now nor has ever once roamed the planet. These people have a constant Facebook-type news feed to come out of their mouths with an insatiable need to hear her news and information. Opel needs to be banned from both Barnes and Noble and Starbucks and is just another loud eccentric and neurotic old aging baby boomer thinking which more important and her generation and the Barnes and Noble in Deerfield, Ill is one to be avoided as this shit-brained butter head just is too much of a God dam regular and sound at the BD cafe.
Jay Mariotti to sue ESPN and SCott Van Pelt for four hundred million dollars
Leo Yost
Jay Mariotti was once a top sports columnists that didn't kiss athletes ass and basically tore these shits when he got a chance and because of this the corporate cortopcracy decided to set him up and get rid of him. Jay makes little news these days and Mariottti should sue the piss out of ESPN and other news organizations and columnists that reported the fabricated story of Jay pleading no contest to domestic assault allegations.
Sports athletes and ballers have all sorts of allegations and misconduct thrown at them receiving various chances to come back and perform and the rise and fall of this great sports columnist is something that is deserving of a lawsuit. Back in 2017 Jay Mariotti was threatening to sue Scott Van Pelt and other jealous sports figures who virtually brought this man down and one must wonder if Jay's old bitch just wasn't paid off to create a fight and ruin this mans career. Jay Mariotti should sue ESPN for 290 million dollars and throw in a few million here and there at these other rotten fuck sports figures who conspired to fuck over a rare truthful sports writer that didn't kiss these spoiled athletes asses and give them rim jobs that most other non-athlete sports annalists do and perform the ritual of love to the rump of millionaire athlete ballers. Jay bird is not a jail bird and did nothing wrong except making many enemies in the world of sport and was contrary to the fake news
Jay Mariotti was once a top sports columnists that didn't kiss athletes ass and basically tore these shits when he got a chance and because of this the corporate cortopcracy decided to set him up and get rid of him. Jay makes little news these days and Mariottti should sue the piss out of ESPN and other news organizations and columnists that reported the fabricated story of Jay pleading no contest to domestic assault allegations.
Sports athletes and ballers have all sorts of allegations and misconduct thrown at them receiving various chances to come back and perform and the rise and fall of this great sports columnist is something that is deserving of a lawsuit. Back in 2017 Jay Mariotti was threatening to sue Scott Van Pelt and other jealous sports figures who virtually brought this man down and one must wonder if Jay's old bitch just wasn't paid off to create a fight and ruin this mans career. Jay Mariotti should sue ESPN for 290 million dollars and throw in a few million here and there at these other rotten fuck sports figures who conspired to fuck over a rare truthful sports writer that didn't kiss these spoiled athletes asses and give them rim jobs that most other non-athlete sports annalists do and perform the ritual of love to the rump of millionaire athlete ballers. Jay bird is not a jail bird and did nothing wrong except making many enemies in the world of sport and was contrary to the fake news
of sports was a really popular and rare sports columnist that was a critic of the entitlement and privileged of the sports world mainly due to the ego inflated by massive money printing and health/drug Pharmaceutical advertising allowed to subsidize sports ot be a multi billion industry of assets for the asshole sports ownership in America. Mariotti or other sue ESSHit out of ESPN and their monopoly.
Milwaukee criminal thug scumbag Jolly shot outside a bar and the music industry and financial industry gives him a record deal valuation worth 18 billion
Baxter Lomax
Jolly was in a good mood last Friday as he stepped into a ghetto North side bar called De Playez Pub or something like that and decided to roll back some Jack Daniels and roll some paper for a pot smoke or two with his posse. Jolly was looking for pussy and the notorious BIG criminal in Milwaukee was like the fucking Black Al Capone as Milwaukee and Wisconsin authorities tried to get this juggler jigalo joker big Milwaukee Buck for some time. Jolly was the man in his shit hole neighborhood but eventually he made some serious enemies in it and other surrounding hoods and last Friday Jolly was gunned down when he went for a roll and a joint.
The police tried 17 times to get this guy and in corrupt racial identity Mil-Town Jolly kept beating the raps and was planning on coming out with a rap record deal with EMI that would of been worth 10 million. Jolly will still have the record deal and his friends will profit as already Jolly T shirts are going for like thirty bucks in the hood and many were seen in the last Milwaukee Bucks playoff game. Mallory Edens in fact wan planning on wearing one for game seven in Milwaukee to troll Drake. Police are so glad to be rid of this thug of Milwaukee North side that they are seeking the man who shot him not to press murder charges and give a murder rap but to give him a community accommodation..ahh a certificate.
Jolly was in a good mood last Friday as he stepped into a ghetto North side bar called De Playez Pub or something like that and decided to roll back some Jack Daniels and roll some paper for a pot smoke or two with his posse. Jolly was looking for pussy and the notorious BIG criminal in Milwaukee was like the fucking Black Al Capone as Milwaukee and Wisconsin authorities tried to get this juggler jigalo joker big Milwaukee Buck for some time. Jolly was the man in his shit hole neighborhood but eventually he made some serious enemies in it and other surrounding hoods and last Friday Jolly was gunned down when he went for a roll and a joint.
The police tried 17 times to get this guy and in corrupt racial identity Mil-Town Jolly kept beating the raps and was planning on coming out with a rap record deal with EMI that would of been worth 10 million. Jolly will still have the record deal and his friends will profit as already Jolly T shirts are going for like thirty bucks in the hood and many were seen in the last Milwaukee Bucks playoff game. Mallory Edens in fact wan planning on wearing one for game seven in Milwaukee to troll Drake. Police are so glad to be rid of this thug of Milwaukee North side that they are seeking the man who shot him not to press murder charges and give a murder rap but to give him a community accommodation..ahh a certificate.
Mark Zuckerberg fails to buy out Panic as a huge Playdate gaming crank mobile device due out next year
Zachary Zuckerberg
My brother Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like to be denied and when a company called Panic put forth out there a handheld crank mobile platform game device he decided he wanted this item Mark made several calls and had his people make immediate calls to purchase Playbook and to no avail was he able to purchase this product and have the company sell out to Facebook. The hand held crank game boy will came out next year and will update new games for people
very week to download and add for free and Mark Zuckerberg and executives at Facebook are besides themselves not being able to have this as part of their arsenal. Mark Zuckerberg was both shocked and appalled when he was told he couldn't have this Panic company and now he is in a panic shit about the coming release of this game system and he cannot believe they had the gall to turn his silly ass down as he needs to show on the investor sheets that he is growing ownership and assets of thingies as Beavis or Butt head would say.
Panic will be selling its wares off the belt like hotcakes and my brother Mark is so upset these days he cannot get his greedy little paws on it like other companies he just scooped up and prevented form being a major competitor in the tech sector. Zuckerberg and this monopolistic agenda is being more and more analyzed and critiqued by government and the days of him form being able to stop the growth and Independence of other tech companies will come to an end and this is what bothers him the most.
My brother Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like to be denied and when a company called Panic put forth out there a handheld crank mobile platform game device he decided he wanted this item Mark made several calls and had his people make immediate calls to purchase Playbook and to no avail was he able to purchase this product and have the company sell out to Facebook. The hand held crank game boy will came out next year and will update new games for people
very week to download and add for free and Mark Zuckerberg and executives at Facebook are besides themselves not being able to have this as part of their arsenal. Mark Zuckerberg was both shocked and appalled when he was told he couldn't have this Panic company and now he is in a panic shit about the coming release of this game system and he cannot believe they had the gall to turn his silly ass down as he needs to show on the investor sheets that he is growing ownership and assets of thingies as Beavis or Butt head would say.

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