Lee Camp is a ultra lefties liberal who runs some on-line propaganda site called Reacted tonight and there he spews his vile left-wing lies and rhetoric. He has long been a advocated for extreme radical protest and it was surprising as I viewed videos form Kenosha to see him clearly at the epicenter the night of the Kyle Rittehouser shooting in Kenosha as Lee Camp was out and protesting a gas station business in Kenosha. Mr Lee can be seen telling protesters who were not peaceful that people live in this community and their issue was with the police and not them and Mr Camp directed these rioters towards the court house and told them to be violent and act up over there. Lee knows the foolish actives of these violent protesters will make his political wing look really evil and this is why he may be out there to try to quells passions an fires with his personal fire extinguisher which also could be a handy weapon should one of these black bloc decide to challenge them with their skateboards.
Mr Camp was determined that these rioters didn't do too much damage to local business and community as he knows ot would make the Democrats look really worse than they are already looking with their weak leadership and having a presidential candidate hiding out in a basement masturbating to the ties he has touched women not related or known while campaigning Joe Biden is such a sick fool