Cam Kicks frightened increases security after another sneaker resller scammer is shot dead

     Runs Like Cougar

     A sneaker resale scam artist named Javier Osorio-Mejia was shot dead in the street and apparently a targeted robbery and the death of this man has reverberated in the sneaker financial fraud industry in the United States the reselling and over evaluation of dirty old and used sneakers is a new phenomenon and one that is totally rigged sick and indicative of the Democrat Party and the areas primarily Democrat were these businesses occurs . Onne of these resell shops in New York is a store owned by a YouTuber Tik Toker named Cameron Peroni who runs a store and channel called Cam Kicks which is a big

extremely popular sneaker reseller and vlog.  Cameron is worried about the death of the sneaker reseller by the nickname Upscale Cracc of in the same city where he runs a business and make no mistake Cam Kicks is side eyed these days looking around every corner whenever he leaves and goes throughout about New York. Cam Kicks runs a sneaker resale shop where he post videos and hundreds of people sell sneakers and he sells sneakers at markup that have already been worn and are supposedly a luxury item. 

     What the sneaker resale industry actually is this Ponzi scheme insider urban fraudulent scam and likely the individual killed owned some money as his part of his role in this criminal enterprise Cam Kicks should be extremely worried and he has hired armed security now according to sources after the recent death of this

individual and we worry for the health and safety of Kim Kicks. Cameron also has often made money enemies with his refusal to buy shoes at times and accept the monetary offers of

people bringing in old worn scuffy sweat shoes and on more than one occasion has these people these urban hoodlum thugs have threatened Mr Kicks with violence when he refused to buy their used dirty sneakers. The entire sneaker industry is a fraudulent recent enterprise that needs to be investigated for its role and likely criminal money laundering and weather Camp Kicks AKA Cameron Peroni urban mafia is in on this scam and makes a

fortune from it is not known what is known as the idea of reselling and over valuing old sneakers is ridiculous and can only occur in such a corrupt country and a fascist part of the country run by

mopheads and corrupt Democrats. Likely this guy who got his head blown off in the trendy and corrupt neighborhood of SoHo was involved in this organized crime and resale of sneakers and likely did something that angered other individuals in on this Ponzi scheme cam kids kicks appears to be a pussy and a half who avoids confrontation and would make a easy victim as the amount of money this guy takes in his role and partake in his financial sneaker scam fraud cannot be understated. Cam Kicks got a security guard and outfitted him with those ugly red boots and indeed cam Kicks is thinking of dressing up his security guard in a ridiculous British

imperial royal guard that instead will be armed with a semiautomatic AR 1r5 or something. The numbe rof death threats Cameron Peroni of cam Kicks gets meeting and refusing moiney to these criminals anbd thugs likely most opf whom stole these pricy shoes and looking for quick drug money is astonimical and we fear for one of our favorite Youtubers and Tik Yokers out there and love to moick and riodicule him as he is a part of our blog and considered internet family. 

Thelma Harrington considers running for Dolton, Illinois mayor and challenging Tiffany Henyard for prestige corrupt mayor position

     Neil Knight

     A 56 triple X Double D known as Thelma Harrington is barnstorming a opportunity to become a new city mayor of the south suburbs of Chicago. She is taking aim at the City of Dolton, Illinois Thelma Harrington is seriously thinking about challenging Tiffany Henyard  and she and her two sisters are very close to making this challenge. Make no mistake Thelma wants to get into this political coup replace Tiffany henyard and thus becoming top hen in Dolton and Thronton Township. Thelma has the biggest tits seen in Illinois and she was voted by Hooters magazine as the roundest and most impressive  chest in the Midwest. Thelma has a big, impressive chest and now she is barnstorming Starbucks and working at Hooters trying to raise and gain an

impressive war chest in order to challenge and get city bitch mayor Tiffany Henyard out of fucking office. Thelma Harrington though wants to be a city mayor much like Tiffany Henyard and to have all access to a high salary as both a county commissioner and the mayor of Dolton, Illinois. Thelma Harrington says she can do a much better job and she has much bigger tits than Tiffany henyard and a nicer ass. Indeed, she is

campaigning and showing herself on her Only Fans page barnstorming political opportunities to be a twerking mayor of the south suburbs of Chicago. Thelma Harrington has some of the biggest juggs one can come across and then she often goes to Starbucks and makes many political Tik Tok Tacs and campaign Finance reform demands and she and her beautiful twins can be seen in the Tinley Park, Il Orland Parks areas always looking for a wealthy old white man  like Bill Belichick.

    However Ms Harrington likely would be as corrupt as Tiffany Hunter just with bigger books to look at and read and many would say that nothing would change if Tiffany henyard is indeed  challenged and loses to someone such as this 56 Double D amazing Honda ass bitch from the south...suburbs lof Chicago. Thelma Harrington is the name that's going to be known in a few months and indeed once she becomes the new mayor of South Holland or Dolton, Illinois or whatever she indeed will be as crazy and corrupt as our favorite South Suburban

Chicago Cook Crook County cutie Tiffany Dolton. I reckon Thelma will be another crook Cook County corrupt official known as Tiffany and Ms Henyard's time is coming up and the walls are closing in on her and with her likely arrest and indictment. New opportunities for new Illinois Democrat Party corruption will be made available look for it Thelma Harrington to be the next big thing and indeed she already has two very big things that will make her indeed a political novice star and a quick shooting one in the world of politics.

Buddy Brown destroys evil Supreme Courts Justice member Sonia Sotomayor calls for her arrest

     Aaron Zappe

    The country singer and popular YouTuber known as Buddy Brown his utterly unloaded on the evil sick Supreme Court member known as Sonia Sotomayor. Sonia Sotomayor gave a dissension in the recent immunity presidential case that was the most evil and divisive dissertation  ever done by a Supreme Court member. Make no mistake, Sonia Sotomayer is a evil communist and this woman was selected by the Democrats too push the goal lines and run the court all the way to the fucking left. While the six conservatives Supreme Court members

continue to get harassed and attacked verbal online abuse by the radical members of the far left,  the right needs to do the same thing with the three lunatic members that were picked by Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. The top one is Sonia Sotomayor who is an evil Wicked witch from the Bronx and this was pretty much reaffirmed by Buddy Brown on his YouTube channel as he called out this woman and the need to impeach her from the Supreme Court and put her behind bars.

       Sotomayer is an evil individual who is a fascist in heart and she desires to work and  aid the Joe Biden fascist movements in rulings of a partisan nature and slant Sonia Sotomayer of divisive and wicked Supreme Court statements and dissension of being in the minority hole and was one of the wickedest things Buddy Brown had ever heard the incitement for violence. Sonia Sotomayor wrote an

expressed in her dissension is reason enough I reckon for her prosecution. This woman wants to inflame the flames of political hatred and the ANTIFA far left radicals and this evil woman should be prosecuted and put behind bars after her impeachment from the Supreme Court. The huge YouTuber Buddy Brown stated that this woman in her opinion has given the left and excuse to harass the other six members who voted against her in the Supreme Court

decision that was crucial and put a road block into the drive of fascism from the evil Democratic party and indeed Sonia Sotomayer is as Buddy Brown says is trying to incite violence within this country with her crazed ruling on the Trump immunity case. This woman

wants partisan politics and left-wing Democrat Party fascism, and she doesn't even try to hide it. We're calling for the arrest of Sonia Sotomayor in the imprisonment of her is this woman has basically been a CCP Chinese Plant into our Supreme Court and is indeed she was installed by the CCP on her allegiance to this evil communist state. Conservative Republicans need to go on the offensive and go after these far left Social activists who

have been installed into the Supreme Court. These demented members and are committed to their goal of erasing our individual liberties, civil rights, and constitutional freedoms and indeed this psycho bitch Sonia Sodomizer as Buddy Brown calls her presents a existential threat to this country and we need to do something about her and King Jada Jackson as well and impeach both these mother fuckers.

The homosexual Hal Sparks can't stop propagandizing for Joe Biden's great debate performance keeps talking about Russell Brand

     Ed Anger

   The disgusting homosexual hippie propagandist with a minor 50,000 subscriber base audience on YouTube isn't rotten individual name Hal Sparks. This disgusting long time propagandists and former "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" failed actor and bad stand-up comedian has regressed into a Biden sycophant. Hal Sparks is a disgusting and stupid propagandist for the far left and he has a national radio show that is often on left-wing lunatic radio stations and outlets throughout this country. The homo Hal

Sparks is one of the few individuals who thinks Joe Biden actually won the debate last week and he cannot understand how everyone is bashing Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump on the performances of the two in the debate. Now whether Al Sparks is a huge major grifter for the Democratic party on pay for or he is just stupid as fuck from a lifetime of doing hardcore drugs it is not known. What is known is  Hal Sparks is a deranged dipshit individual who has a small and minor audience into each and every video he does he attacks people he perceives as right-wing conservative or Republican. 

      Hal Sparks is such a sick sycophant for the Democratic Party it's so obvious that he is indeed a silly scum individual who needs no name or introduction. This is because Hal Sparks is a left hard liberal lunatic and all he does is poop up the cum out of his ass by lying out of it on his various YouTube and internet social media sites and programs.

This disgusting propagandist is also obsessed with Russell Brand likely from a long time obsession and sexual fantasy angry that he's unable to partake and having Mr Brand pump and spread of his butt cheeks. As he was spreading lies about Joe Biden's

successful debate performance Hal Sparks had to keep mentioning Russell Brand as well even though the British comedian and hugely successful YouTuber and political analysts had really nothing to do with the Joe Biden Donald Trump debate. Hal Sparks just wanted to throw in and keep

mentioning Russell Brand's name because the homo Hal has an obsession with Mr Brand and wishes he could be with him. Hal Sparks is utterly one of the stupidest, funniest, and dumbest propagandists that one will come across and this man again is either on drugs or is doing a parody of a left-wing Democrat. There is no way anyone can be as this dumb as his hippie far left homosexual radio host Hal Sparks

The Time Baljeet embarrassed a Indian woman trying to resell his Persian sheik shoots

     Chet Oliver

      The great Youtuber pranker  Baljeet otherwise known as Christian Caniff continues to make pranks and use his Indian character best to his best ability on a certain day of night in 2021 Baljeet absolutely hammered a Indian woman trying to resell shoes that he claimed he purchased from her the week before listening woman went off on Baljeet tried to get a discount on new shoes and complained that his dress shoes... Persian dress shoes broke very easily as he was riding goats back in India. The woman asked Baljeet if he was in within his senses, and this has been a new catch call for this popular YouTuber as he dumps on the

character and costume about cheat. On this day on July 18, 2021 Baljeet absolutely humiliated this Indian clothing store clerk as he tried to get his weird Iron sheik type shoes refunded and the new replacement exchange and she utterly refused. When he purchased the new $75 leather clown shoes he tried to leave the old shoes with her and suggested that she resell them and fixed

stitch and fix it up. The crazy Indian owner or clerk refuse and they went back and forth as this woman again accuse Baljeet of being insane and not within his mental senses because he was determined to give the shoes as a gift to this woman as he broke them while he was riding goats and humping sheep in India. 

      This woman had a reminder that these were dress shoes and not for physical and animal labor this is perhaps the most classic Baljeet character and this is what put Baljeet on the YouTube map and whether Baljeet was in his senses as he tried to take back

obviously worn and broken shoes and get a full refund made this video one of the classic YouTube pranks and one that should always be remembered from this fateful video from 3 years ago the Baljeets faithful followers and fans watch often from time to time this ugly middle-aged Indian woman never

realized at the moment that that she was being videotaped until the end and only later did she realize that her video would be as famous as his where she forced Baljeet and YouTube to cover up her face after a year or two with talks from her lawyer for this video had to be re-edited to hide her fuck face.

Sick slick propagandist Professor Dr Richard Wolff defends Joe Biden and calls Trump's tariffs a tax and attacks on the American consumer

    Ed West

      Failed professor at the new school of fascism the disgusting Dr Richard Wolf was seen in an interview this past week. The Communist Professor defended failed President Joe Biden as Richard Wolff says a concentrated blitz attack on Joe Biden is being taken by the forces who want to bring fascism to America, However, the real fascism is the propaganda and liars of this crazed academic Dr Richard Wolff who's also a huge guest often appears on many internet shows stealing his vicious and virotic hatred for this country and its history. Dr Richard Wolff hates America and this is a man who has called for the abolishment of the July 4th holiday as the disgusting New School of Fashion and Hair

Design Professor appeared with Lisa Petronov on her X Twitter program. Dr Richard Wolf once again pushed and promoted the lie that Donald Trump's tariffs is basically a tax on the consumer make no mistake that Dr Richard Wolff is one of these Chinese funded CCP Communists and this

man in each and every interview he does PR praise the Chinese government and Nation as much as he can while fashion the United States as a true and committed socialist prick.

     Dr Richard Wolf is a paid heck for the CCP and this explains why in each and every interview the silly bastard attacks terrorists and work so hard to prevent them on work for China the fact is tariffs have essentially shut and hurt the economic bottom line for China and prevented many more billionaires and millionaires from being created in this country who would essentially flow money into empowering the

one party State's Chinese communists China's State monopolists have used governments in other countries to fund himself at the expense of the host countries that they deal with business and then they fund propaganda such as this scumbag Richard wolf who lied profusely with this interview release of pressure in office past month this past week Dr Richard Wolff said Biden hammered it and had a very

successful debate and again this is another hack and lying propaganda as Dr Richard Wolff while bashing Donald Trump's lies ignored the more numerous life that Joe Biden spewed during the debate in the few times he was able to formulate words. Dr Richard Wolff is a dick wad he is always been a big one always will be a dickwad who Communist state government being run here in the United States

Andy and Chris Warski wonder why Barack Husseign Obama doesn't get Joe Biden a leash

     Andy Cruz

       Failed President Joe Biden was begging for money and a Hollywood fundraisers filled with some of the most despicable and disgusting individuals from Hollywood this big event naturally drew a lot of money and indeed the canyon Indonesian former president and globalist Barack Hussein Obama came in to this event which was hosted by the scumbag late night television unfunny comedian and propagandist known as Jimmy Kimmel together the three of them propaganda ice on stage and did many skits with Joe Biden's staring most of the time for getting his lines and looking dumber than a vulture with a mohawk. The disgusting failed President Joe Biden made a human ass of himself as he froze several times and

when they three of the idiots and Stooges were supposed to leave. He forgot his Q and stayed on stage with this Barack Hussein Obama had to leave him by hand out of the event. Andy and Chris Warski are important podcasters who run a small and insignificant program that many people have labeled right wing and white nationalist radio slur. 

      Andy and Chris Warski are smeared with this label despite the fact that Chris Warski is Andy's adopted Asian brother and together of them they bash the political left often and do so. In an amazing effective manner Chris Warski wondering why Barack Obama just doesn't get a fucking dog leash for his dog boy dog pony-soldier fucking Joe Biden. Old Biden likely thinks of dog-face Pony soldiers because this guy has been a dog for his ugly and old troll of a wife in ugly Jill Biden and he is kissed the foreign ass of broccoli eating Barack Hussein Osama for some 12 years now. Barack Obama Osama is

the real leader in control and he wanted to make the donors know this with his personal appearance at this event. In fact some of you suggested though as including the wharesky brothers that Barack Obama leading this old 94-year-old demented present out of the event was a subliminal sign to his donors that he is the one who really in charge. The worst this race divider horrible maniac who likely was not even as US citizen and ineligible to be a US president the grifter and globalist corrupt practicing Obama is the first occupied president of the United States and was a puppet himself to foreign Islamic virtues Joe

Biden is the Chinese puppet and indeed these two have worked in their 12 years in the administration together to virtually bring down this country Warski Brothers suggest that both Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden should be charged with treason Come Donald Trump's Victory and that these two political hacks and criminals for the banking globalist classes need to be held accountable for their attacks or economy and crimes against this nation.

Andy and Chris Warski desire one day to see Barack Hussein Obama in a court of law and a different justice system in charge as the Democrat ones has failed to bring about the rightful charges against these two politicians and their corrupt campaigns of economic terror against this country and the American citizens. The Warski's insist that a day of reckoning is coming for nasty old Biden and the Islamist Barack Hussein who both agree likely was working with the most radical elements of the Islamic Sharia movement and this truth likely will come out very soon one day

South Korean Tik TokerJade quite literally eating makeup making her nose bleed with the amount of fake cream and makeup eyeliner

 Rex Reed Jr

    Jade is incredibly sexy tattoo Dragon South Korean Tik Toker who has some of the most sexiest lips that God created and was not injected with lip suction Covid shots. Jade is incredible Tik Toker who quite literally she is putting so much makeup on she is harming her body as several Tik Tok show her nose quite eerily bleeding from the amount of face cream and twinkle nose facial features she makes for her large and growing international audience. The South Korean beauty is an also a great dancer but lately like many tick tock sexy girl performers - most of whom are either

Japanese or South Korean--vast amount of grifting videos for the facial hand cream and makeup industries is utterly shocking and appalling. All of these Tick Tock female performers with large audience push makeup and how these makeup companies have the funds to redistribute towards

females and push product that  literally is bad for women's faces and does very little. Jade seems to be quite literally eating makeup and face cream and she does not appear to have a boyfriend in any of her videos. 

      Unfortunately, a large percentage of her videos seem engineered to push products for consumers and the great sexy Jade appears to be headed towards promoting product primarily fuck face cream and various

eyeliner makeups which is a frustrating effect that Tick Tock and these other social media sites seem to be headed. The amount of drifting these females do for the corrupt and disturbing cosmetics industry and face cream is horrible, shocking, and appalling but unfortunately Jade has fallen into this direction with video after video showing fucking make up products along with her pretty face.  Jade did so many great

commercials showing her sexy ass funny faces cute smiles, but now like many others before her Jade has been purchased by corporatocracies in South Korea,  which is by the way is one of the most elite status symbol arrogant societies. This country is a capitalism cronyism on steroids where everyone thinks about money and everyone's trying to make money and push products on to each other. Some have suggested that South Korea is indeed hell on Earth as the amount of consumerism of this country is utterly disgusting and unfortunately for our favorite Tik Tok or Jade the pushing of corporate products primarily jack off cream and makeup is a fact of life

Dwight Dwyer dead from slipping on shit in San Francisco

     Albert Rooney

     Today we have the very sad story report that once again we have lost a writer here at this blog our contributor known and who wrote under the name of Dwight Dwyer. Mr Dwyer has died after slipping on a sidewalk and hitting his head on a pavement the news that Mr Dwight Dwyer who was visiting San Francisco in a rare vacation as he wanted to see the decline of Kalifornia and how bad is gotten. Dwight Dwyer though was not warned of the massive number of human feces then litter the sidewalks and streets of San Francisco from the massive thuggery homeless crowd and the massive inflow of immigrants that Gavin Newsom and failed mayor London Bridge has allowed into San Francisco. The massive crime wave also has not helped in Dwight Dwyer was prepared and armed carrying a Luger in his backpack as he traveled around downtown San Francisco and wanted to replay the walks of Metal Leo a YouTuber who illustrates how awful San Francisco has become as a place to be unfortunately from our writer Dwight Dwyer he slipped on some human feces and fell backwards and a fast rate where he bashed his head on the sidewalk our great writer Dwight Dwyer was on life support for a couple days and we thought he was going to cover before a nurse orderly excellently tripped on his life support system and didn't notice that it was plugged off for several minutes Mr Dwyer died and will no longer be writing for this blog and this is yet another massive tragedy in loss for this blog constantly losing writers left and right through the months and years of this blog Detroit Dwight was a great contributor, a personal friend, and a snarky poet who is too shy to ever perform his open mic night Dwight Dwyer is dead at the age of 53

Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions repeatedly destroys the liar and Chief Joe Biden and his habitual ability to lie

 Mitch Welch

    Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions did it again with another series of outstanding hit attack videos against failed President Joe Biden. The amazing YouTuber who runs one of the best political programs cannot stop humiliating and going after a failed 95 year old President Joe Biden as the liar and chief. Andrew reveled in the complete failure of Joe Biden and his debate looking so bad and unable to comprehend reality from fiction. Joe Biden habitually lied throughout the debate last week yet for the mainstream media  the focus was only on Donald Trump. The fact checking for Joe

Biden is incomplete as the media supports this incompetent jackass Joe Biden. This loser of a president is unable to communicate anymore in his late stage of dementia and the embarrassing debacle that the Democrats now face having such a weak Commander in Chief is making international news and more embarrassment as this

country is a laughingstock. Andrew cannot believe how many fact checks Joe Biden needed and how the corporate media ignore the numerous lies from this demented 92-year-old horrible bobblehead handicap

leader who buys some estimates is no longer even the president and Jill Biden is more in control than this idiot. 

     Joe Biden habitually lied at this debate and he ignored the numerous deaths of US servicemen under his administration as Bozo Biden utterly was lying to the people saying that no US servicemen died overseas in combat. Without a doubt as Andrew suggested,  Joe Biden has a disdain for the US Military because of the death of his son and a Mr Biden was not able to profitize along with Beau Biden through the name and imagery of  their fantasy and misinforming of making Beau Biden a war soldier and hero for his own potential political grift, Andrew called Joe Biden a complete

narcissist obsessed with his own name and family ignoring the sacrifice of the 18 servicemen who died in places like Jordan in Afghanistan while continuing to talk about his long dead son. a dead son who died likely from crack abuse like Hunter Biden and not in service in the military as the liar Joe Biden says and who wanted to groom and have him take his place and be able to continue the Biden tradition of politics and sniffing young girls here