Jim Oberweis should give poor Shauna Arocho some coupons for his ice cream and considers a run for Governor, Senate or president in 2020

Armando Arturo
   Shauna Arocha was humiliated last week as she was slopping away on some bad cheap Dairy Queen ice cream and then a busload of kids yelled out for her to quit eating and looking like a barnyard animal. The wide wide wide world of fellow fat people rallied around this woman and Shauna received tons of support from strangers and calls against public fat shaming by teenagers even though teenagers have been doing this for a millennium.
 The amount of publicity and free advertising this bad global brand and franchise of bad dairy (its not even rel ice cream) filled with saturated fat and other nasty additives that help preserve middle cow town America to produce humans looking more like cattle than human beings. Shauna is a victim of this big conspiracy of both agribusiness and corporate food chains offering the worse junk for select regions while those who hold the higher incomes get the fresh green  and juice markets giving preference for workers that are not eye sores for their corporations. This porky pig was at dairy queen getting a free ice cream cone as she and he rilk are too cheap to purchase quality ice cream such as from Oberweis.  Image result for oberweis ice cream store
   Jim Oberwies is another  human cattle but unlike Shauna the man runs a ice cream company and unlike Dairy Queen Mr Oberwies makes some of the best good ice cream there is in this country. Jim often hhas tried to buy higher office to help his Oberweis brand and ice cream business and Ober was Uber in green jealousy of the publicity of Dairy queen in this viral news story. Oberweis decided to help out this cow clown woman and give her some coupons to Oberweis as he prepares for a seventh run for senate of Governor in Illinois that he has already spent millions in the past of his own fortune to run in Illinois. Jim Oberweis is so touched by the outpouring for this ugly fat woman that he is having new hope for his political career and is considering a run against Donald J Trump in the Republican primary if not so much in disagreement with the policy of his fellow republican, but in order just to get his name and brand out there in both politics and great fucking tasting ice cream.

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