Alex Mousoulpolouos
Bill O'Reilly wrote this book called 'who's looking out for you' it is basically a call to conservatives how the left bogeymen is out for his culture and bank account. This is kinda an old book and in it O'Reilly discusses Bill and Hillary Clinton. He had no idea a man named Barack Obama was about to come out of the shadows and make life hell for Republicans for eight years. O'Reilly takes on the elite media which he is a part of but i guess he doesn't include the successful Fox program he founded called the factor. In Bill O'Reilly's mind he is not a part of the elite media that is not looking out for you.
As with most of these conservative television hosts who write books religion is often brought up. Guys like this clown just cannot accept the separation from church and state and think its a fraud because we have this important separation. Because the founders were slave holding religious men O'reilly thinks that is proof that America should continue to be a theocracy and secularists should just shut up when they see Christianity promoted in a public building. Bill wants so badly to go back to 1787 as far as religion in this nation and had there been more secularists back in that day perhaps many of the founding fathers would stand up against the religious principalities and role in government. There was a reason men like Benjamin Franklin were so religious back then...they had no choice. what it is is pinheads like O'Reilly were brought up as pansy alter boys and they just cannot fathom that others would hold power over folks like him and tell his cross worshipping torture community what to do. hey if your a Christian youhave nothing to worry about. You got guys like Bill watching your back
Saudi women don't need to drive
Ali Muhammed
Ali Muhammed
The planned female day of driving was attempted again in Saudi Arabia as some female activists again try to press to drive an automobile. Why women continue to try to defy local customs and laws in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is utterly incomprehensible. A Western style feminist movement will never be tolerated by men in the gulf region and allowing it would utterly destroy the Islamic faith. Luckily a strong police presence ready to crack down on these protests made the protest small and ineffective. Saudi Arabia is the only country to bar women from driving. It also forbids them from travelling abroad, opening a bank account or working without permission from a male relative. these laws are necessary In Saudi Arabia to help keep the kingdom free of political protests and instability and if Americans want their cheap oil and gas guzzlers economical and affordable they need to hold their noses and keep quit. What amazes me is how the United States and people in media try to agitate problems in other countries when they see a part of that culture and a rule they cannot understand. Saudi Arabia and the gulf region are a car centric lands with cities built overnight however public transportation usually was not a part of the quick infrastructure. This is a non-issue and if women were strong enough in Saudi Arabia to work the crucial jobs to the economy such as pumping oil for exportation perhaps they would have more respect from men from Arab lands. Saudi women have no right to drive where ever they please and that expectation is obviously futile as oil will run out before they are allowed to have this freedom. Giving women driving freedoms in Saudi Arabia would ultimately destroy the family and close cohesiveness Saudis have and surly this is the ultimate goal of western activists.
Ali Muhammed
The planned female day of driving was attempted again in Saudi Arabia as some female activists again try to press to drive an automobile. Why women continue to try to defy local customs and laws in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is utterly incomprehensible. A Western style feminist movement will never be tolerated by men in the gulf region and allowing it would utterly destroy the Islamic faith. Luckily a strong police presence ready to crack down on these protests made the protest small and ineffective. Saudi Arabia is the only country to bar women from driving. It also forbids them from travelling abroad, opening a bank account or working without permission from a male relative. these laws are necessary In Saudi Arabia to help keep the kingdom free of political protests and instability and if Americans want their cheap oil and gas guzzlers economical and affordable they need to hold their noses and keep quit. What amazes me is how the United States and people in media try to agitate problems in other countries when they see a part of that culture and a rule they cannot understand. Saudi Arabia and the gulf region are a car centric lands with cities built overnight however public transportation usually was not a part of the quick infrastructure. This is a non-issue and if women were strong enough in Saudi Arabia to work the crucial jobs to the economy such as pumping oil for exportation perhaps they would have more respect from men from Arab lands. Saudi women have no right to drive where ever they please and that expectation is obviously futile as oil will run out before they are allowed to have this freedom. Giving women driving freedoms in Saudi Arabia would ultimately destroy the family and close cohesiveness Saudis have and surly this is the ultimate goal of western activists.
John Kass still harassing bike owners in Chicago Tribune
Troy York
John Kass is the ultimate jackass. he keeps agitating and attacking bike riders saying bicyclists need to have insurance and be registered. Mr Kass just does not get it that there will be more and more bikers using his dreaded bicycles to get from point A to point B. The way things use to be do not necessary mean they will always remain the same but in the old minds of men like John Kass people will continue to be driving gas guzzling SUVs while the idiot calls for more regulation on a clean easy way for travel. Kass seems to equate bicyclists with car drivers and that we are just as responsible for fixing the roads. With this jackasses logic people who own pair of shoes should then have their sneakers or Italian loafers registered and licensed. i am not sure what is the basic problem with John Kass. maybe he is just a nut or some disgruntled car centric bastard that gets mad when traffic is clogged and someone using their own power passes his V * Explorer. John Kass is the jackass of the month for his October 27 column where he again lists writers complaints to his insane Bike road laws. This pot face ugly mother fucker needs to worry about more pressing issues facing cities and not one of the better trends we see in society in recent years. The guys face is so hole marked I wonder if the son of a bitch smokes too and is upset at the higher taxes he has to pay while seeing healthier people jog and bike past his car. fuck John Kass
John Kass is the ultimate jackass. he keeps agitating and attacking bike riders saying bicyclists need to have insurance and be registered. Mr Kass just does not get it that there will be more and more bikers using his dreaded bicycles to get from point A to point B. The way things use to be do not necessary mean they will always remain the same but in the old minds of men like John Kass people will continue to be driving gas guzzling SUVs while the idiot calls for more regulation on a clean easy way for travel. Kass seems to equate bicyclists with car drivers and that we are just as responsible for fixing the roads. With this jackasses logic people who own pair of shoes should then have their sneakers or Italian loafers registered and licensed. i am not sure what is the basic problem with John Kass. maybe he is just a nut or some disgruntled car centric bastard that gets mad when traffic is clogged and someone using their own power passes his V * Explorer. John Kass is the jackass of the month for his October 27 column where he again lists writers complaints to his insane Bike road laws. This pot face ugly mother fucker needs to worry about more pressing issues facing cities and not one of the better trends we see in society in recent years. The guys face is so hole marked I wonder if the son of a bitch smokes too and is upset at the higher taxes he has to pay while seeing healthier people jog and bike past his car. fuck John Kass
Russian wrestlers and the shaved head style

Dave Berkson
Before it was hip for American men with thinning hair to shave their head, the only dudes I saw with no hair were either really elderly or Russian wrestlers. The Koloffs were typical of wrestlers in their time period from the great country known as Russia. They would shave their heads in some sort of ritual commitment when they would come to the States to destroy capitalist wrestlers. Nikita Koloff was a steroid induced monster and he often paired up with his Uncle Ivan to take on all Wrestlers good or bad. Ivan was over the hill and pathetic by the time I watched pro wrestling and it was nasty Nikita that carried this tag team to victories all of the time. They wrestled in the name of communism and shaved their heads to prove it. The look eventually caught on to the Black community and accelerated especially after Michael Jordan shaved his head on the forgettable day in late November 1986. Within a decade two of wrestling biggest stars in Goldberg and Steve Austin would go on to resemble these Russian wrestlers from the sixties to the eighties. Pretty ironic isn't it.
I would rather watch college football and Atlanta Falcons than World Series
Guy Baldwin
Its that time of year again as baseball finally ends and only a few really have intense interest in the outcome of a possible long seven game series. Most sports fans are interested in the lowest mid season NFL game than the outcome of the North American World baseball championship classic. It doesn't help that the same dull uninteresting teams keep getting into the finals as this year sees the St Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox in the fall classic yet again. I don't know how these baseball towns that support MLB very well can keep finding themselves into the World Series.
I was in a bar and noticed this past weekend that the vast majority of the young folks had much more interest for the college football games on the TV screen and nobody was watching the one screen that had the World Series. the only people who ever seem to show any interest in the world series these days at bars are the really old ones that can recall watching Ernie Banks and Minnie Miniso. That is for the Chicago region for all I know and I know St Louis and Boston are baseball towns still and that is mainly due to the fact that they win all of the time and some idiot fans of those teams in rural hick areas need to feel a part of a nation. That's right in the past few years these baby boomer baseball fans have formed Red Sox nation and Cardinal nation. Pretty pathetic for people in Joplin Missouri who need to feel a part of a baseball team. I'm sure those nations would find a flood of migrants to the NFL had they not dominate in the postseason the way they have in the past decade. baseball blows and most people attending are there for the beer and special event. These two teams are America's suppose teams as the Wall Street Journal recently proclaimed because they are winners not because they have such loyal followings .If you ever had strong NFL teams in Boston itself and St Louis most of these fools in those twin cities would not have such a special place for boring baseball in their hearts. I rather watch Matt Ryan get his head smashed in the ground that this series. it is about as exciting as the little league series..
Its that time of year again as baseball finally ends and only a few really have intense interest in the outcome of a possible long seven game series. Most sports fans are interested in the lowest mid season NFL game than the outcome of the North American World baseball championship classic. It doesn't help that the same dull uninteresting teams keep getting into the finals as this year sees the St Louis Cardinals and Boston Red Sox in the fall classic yet again. I don't know how these baseball towns that support MLB very well can keep finding themselves into the World Series.
I was in a bar and noticed this past weekend that the vast majority of the young folks had much more interest for the college football games on the TV screen and nobody was watching the one screen that had the World Series. the only people who ever seem to show any interest in the world series these days at bars are the really old ones that can recall watching Ernie Banks and Minnie Miniso. That is for the Chicago region for all I know and I know St Louis and Boston are baseball towns still and that is mainly due to the fact that they win all of the time and some idiot fans of those teams in rural hick areas need to feel a part of a nation. That's right in the past few years these baby boomer baseball fans have formed Red Sox nation and Cardinal nation. Pretty pathetic for people in Joplin Missouri who need to feel a part of a baseball team. I'm sure those nations would find a flood of migrants to the NFL had they not dominate in the postseason the way they have in the past decade. baseball blows and most people attending are there for the beer and special event. These two teams are America's suppose teams as the Wall Street Journal recently proclaimed because they are winners not because they have such loyal followings .If you ever had strong NFL teams in Boston itself and St Louis most of these fools in those twin cities would not have such a special place for boring baseball in their hearts. I rather watch Matt Ryan get his head smashed in the ground that this series. it is about as exciting as the little league series..
Social Critic walkers of the suburbs
Carl Olsen
people in the burbs don't want to pay more in taxes because it will take food out of the mouth of their canine family members. Whenever I drive through the horrible suburban landscapes through the Midwest I am appalled at how ugly the new buildings are and how nothing matches the street. Stores can be fifty feet to two hundred feet right next to each other and there is absolutely no encouragement for people to get out of cars and walk. The only time you see people in the burbs walking is when they have to take their useless dogs out and have them piss and shit. I was in Oak Park recently on one of the last nice days of the season and there were so many people walking dogs. A town with alot of dog walkers is also an indication of an inequal area as wealthier people are more able to be able to afford dogs compared to people in the hood. Oak park paranoid assholes also want dogs being next to the hood as well.
oak park is like a lot of white suburban spoiled rotten towns in that everybody has a God dam dog. Ninety percent of the people you see not in their automobile in the carcentric burbs will only be out walking a dog or stroller. You rarely see just somebody using foot traffic to get from point to point.
The suburbs are falling so back when compared to the city and all the amneties that urban living have to offer. There are no cultural events in the burbs unless you count the three dramas that your local high school might offer. When the only entertainment the suburbs offer is walking your dam pet you know this lifestyle and living arrangements future is in doubt and hopefully will be totally diminished with rising gasoline prices in the future.
people in the burbs don't want to pay more in taxes because it will take food out of the mouth of their canine family members. Whenever I drive through the horrible suburban landscapes through the Midwest I am appalled at how ugly the new buildings are and how nothing matches the street. Stores can be fifty feet to two hundred feet right next to each other and there is absolutely no encouragement for people to get out of cars and walk. The only time you see people in the burbs walking is when they have to take their useless dogs out and have them piss and shit. I was in Oak Park recently on one of the last nice days of the season and there were so many people walking dogs. A town with alot of dog walkers is also an indication of an inequal area as wealthier people are more able to be able to afford dogs compared to people in the hood. Oak park paranoid assholes also want dogs being next to the hood as well.
oak park is like a lot of white suburban spoiled rotten towns in that everybody has a God dam dog. Ninety percent of the people you see not in their automobile in the carcentric burbs will only be out walking a dog or stroller. You rarely see just somebody using foot traffic to get from point to point.
Tunisia is on the brink
Ali Muhammed
Once again the people are massing in the streets of Tunisia calling for political reform. The Islamist al-Nahda party has angered the people of tunisia after the assassination of opposition lawmaker Mohammed Brahmi in july and much as been quite since then until this week as protesters were angered by the promised stepping down of the elected government of Prime Minister Ali Larayedh. He reniged on his promise to step down and now Tunisia will be the next nation in North Africa to see more conflict. While the army is not as powerful as it is in Egypt to step in and displace the government, there is no doubt these protests on the steps of Tunisia's assembly will continue and grow. Larayedh had harsh words for these protestors saying security forces will deal harshly with these terrorists. Does this sound familar. it seems that even freely elected governments can act has harshly as the dictators they replaces when a small minority of people take to the streets demanding and end to their short rule.
The fact is this man was elected unlike Bashir Assad and the opposition parties just need to organize and defeat the Muslims in elections in Tunisia. Society in Tunisia and the Arab spring are having a extremely difficult time adapting to the free election political process and I still say the est solution to the Arab springs and crisis is a two state solution throughout the entire Arab world. One secular and leftist and the other Islamist and both need to be left alone to rule with their best abilities All these European drawn countries need to go..
Once again the people are massing in the streets of Tunisia calling for political reform. The Islamist al-Nahda party has angered the people of tunisia after the assassination of opposition lawmaker Mohammed Brahmi in july and much as been quite since then until this week as protesters were angered by the promised stepping down of the elected government of Prime Minister Ali Larayedh. He reniged on his promise to step down and now Tunisia will be the next nation in North Africa to see more conflict. While the army is not as powerful as it is in Egypt to step in and displace the government, there is no doubt these protests on the steps of Tunisia's assembly will continue and grow. Larayedh had harsh words for these protestors saying security forces will deal harshly with these terrorists. Does this sound familar. it seems that even freely elected governments can act has harshly as the dictators they replaces when a small minority of people take to the streets demanding and end to their short rule.
Sean Hannity's book an awful read
Tony Miselli
Sean Hannitty is a bad radio host,televison FOX correspondent and also an author of many books. I happened to read his book Conservative victory and it is a gameplan on how Republicans and Conservativescan gain back the white house from Obama. Sean obviously failed on this mission and this book and folks like Hannitty are part of the reasons democrats keep destroying them in elections. Hannity goes on to list the radical friends Obama was associated with and Hannitty brought this up often on his television program with no avail. In Sean's world anyone who is a leftist or liberal and not what Hannitty represents is what he considers radical. he goes on a chapter on Obama as a socialist because he doesn't support free market policies that continue to reward a few already at the top while making the masses more poor. He goes on to call Obama an appeaser because obama threatens the growth of the military industrial complex and added spending by putting Americans to work overseas dieing and protecting rich peoples investments
. Sean Hannitty and the FOX network support globalization and republican conservatives are who they demand should run things and distribute money to those that already have it. Hannity devoted another chapter to his hero and the ultimate conservative leader of their time Ronand Reagan. Folks like hannitty and Savage worship Reagan and long for a day another one returns to the white house. Sean blames the moderates for the failings of the Republican party because they actually tried to work with others improving the country. The Republicans have totally lost the support of the American people because of the uncompromising asses like Hannitty in the media who have given more power to the Republican radicals. Moderates in Republicans are the ones who folks. Guys like Sean have totally tarnished the Republican name
Sean Hannitty is a bad radio host,televison FOX correspondent and also an author of many books. I happened to read his book Conservative victory and it is a gameplan on how Republicans and Conservativescan gain back the white house from Obama. Sean obviously failed on this mission and this book and folks like Hannitty are part of the reasons democrats keep destroying them in elections. Hannity goes on to list the radical friends Obama was associated with and Hannitty brought this up often on his television program with no avail. In Sean's world anyone who is a leftist or liberal and not what Hannitty represents is what he considers radical. he goes on a chapter on Obama as a socialist because he doesn't support free market policies that continue to reward a few already at the top while making the masses more poor. He goes on to call Obama an appeaser because obama threatens the growth of the military industrial complex and added spending by putting Americans to work overseas dieing and protecting rich peoples investments
Robert griffin III needs to speak up about racist team name
Cougar Face
Robert Griffen III is an exciting ball player and perhaps the most well known player in the league. he has only been in the league for a couple of years and has said nothing about the disturbing Washington Redskin name that needs to be changed. Robert's muteness is pretty surprising and perjhaps no more athlete in the game and on that team would make a more immediate impact with their condemnation of the racist team name. The fact that Robert has said nothing yet must be an indication he supports the filthy name and racist nicknames in general. I wonder hwo he would react if the team name had been darkies or chocalate slaves.Robert would look foolish if the Washington Blacksins had him be the quarterback and not say or ask why the name of the team is after his skin color. Why would Redskin be any different and I think if Griffin never speaks up and the team name is changed, a part of his legacy will be his silence and complicity with the Washington Redskin vile name. The fact is the team name will be going soon and if Robert Griffin is the quarterback of the new team name he will be remembered as the black guy that supported the Injun name..
Robert Griffen III is an exciting ball player and perhaps the most well known player in the league. he has only been in the league for a couple of years and has said nothing about the disturbing Washington Redskin name that needs to be changed. Robert's muteness is pretty surprising and perjhaps no more athlete in the game and on that team would make a more immediate impact with their condemnation of the racist team name. The fact that Robert has said nothing yet must be an indication he supports the filthy name and racist nicknames in general. I wonder hwo he would react if the team name had been darkies or chocalate slaves.Robert would look foolish if the Washington Blacksins had him be the quarterback and not say or ask why the name of the team is after his skin color. Why would Redskin be any different and I think if Griffin never speaks up and the team name is changed, a part of his legacy will be his silence and complicity with the Washington Redskin vile name. The fact is the team name will be going soon and if Robert Griffin is the quarterback of the new team name he will be remembered as the black guy that supported the Injun name..
Highwood Illinois goes on to waste food
Arturo Amando Garcia-Sanchez
Highwood Illinois is an elitist town that along with some others around the country makes an embarrassing spectacle of themselves. The North Shore of Chicago suburb tries to display the worlds record of most carved pumpkins every Halloween and if anything shows excess and waste of suburban America this is perhaps the best example. How this town can be proud of always being known for the silver spooned town where they can do things like displaying thirty thousand pumpkin heads in their downtown
You can't even see the dam pumpkins after the fifth row and really how many cool and unusual mouth carving is the human brain capable of producing. How about this for Highwood , Illinois. Instead of using your brain and teaching your kids to go for the Guinness book of worlds record for most gutted pumpkins, perhaps teaching them to collect most food for Halloween for the hungry in this nation and the world. You have all these volunteers working hard to place useless pumpkin heads on display and is pretty reminiscent of what the Mongols use to do with real heads after conquering a city. Highwood Illinois is a spoiled rotten pumpkin over people city.
Highwood Illinois is an elitist town that along with some others around the country makes an embarrassing spectacle of themselves. The North Shore of Chicago suburb tries to display the worlds record of most carved pumpkins every Halloween and if anything shows excess and waste of suburban America this is perhaps the best example. How this town can be proud of always being known for the silver spooned town where they can do things like displaying thirty thousand pumpkin heads in their downtown
Why Nations Fail a great read
Tony Miselli
Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson bring this book called ' Why Nations Fail'.
This book is a well researched volume on the state of the world and a lesson why some nations are rich to this day and why some still have extreme poverty despite the rich resources they sit on. The book debunks some old prejudices and theories that claimed geography and the type of people are responsible for the plight and condition we see the world today. The key factor the authors state for the bad conditions poor countries face is the extractive political institutions of recent leaders and how little changed when many of these countries gained independence from colonial powers. The book also explored the fear and disdain for creative destruction of the system already in place that threatened the elites position in this society. This is a theme that often played out over and over whenever somebody came up with an innovative and better way of accomplishing something.
I really appreciated the look at European colonialism and the numerous dictators that were propped up to continue the resource extraction and selling to the West. Without a doubt one of the main reasons poor nations are poor is because of European colonialism and the authors take a special look at the Dutch invasion and monopoly of the spice trade in the Moluccas. The Dutch East India company practically annihilated any competition from the thriving local kingdoms that were gaining economic strength thanks to this valuable trade. The Netherlands only claim to wealth to this day is from the thievery of their ancestors and much of the Western world expanded using this method. It would of been like if the Arabs invaded Texas in 1890's and used all the wealth for themselves and their countries from North American oil. This book is the best explained and read factual based writings about why some nations fail. They even talk about modern times and the various rulers in Africa that create a small family power structure benefiting the few over improving conditions for the masses
Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson bring this book called ' Why Nations Fail'.
I really appreciated the look at European colonialism and the numerous dictators that were propped up to continue the resource extraction and selling to the West. Without a doubt one of the main reasons poor nations are poor is because of European colonialism and the authors take a special look at the Dutch invasion and monopoly of the spice trade in the Moluccas. The Dutch East India company practically annihilated any competition from the thriving local kingdoms that were gaining economic strength thanks to this valuable trade. The Netherlands only claim to wealth to this day is from the thievery of their ancestors and much of the Western world expanded using this method. It would of been like if the Arabs invaded Texas in 1890's and used all the wealth for themselves and their countries from North American oil. This book is the best explained and read factual based writings about why some nations fail. They even talk about modern times and the various rulers in Africa that create a small family power structure benefiting the few over improving conditions for the masses
The time Baxter visited Jess's Shortstop Inn
Baxter Lomax
I went to check out Jess's shortstop Inn on Belmost Avenue a few years back and after the infamous night a fat Italian Chicago cop beat the fuck out of a Polish bartender. This incident made news internationally as a surveillance camera captured the entire event and it went to evening broadcasts everywhere. This incident made bartenders like myself looking behind our back and suspiciously to any big looking urban hicks like this guy whose name escapes me right now. Anthony Abbate or something. I mean he beat the shit out of this bitch and bartenders always have to be careful what they say and act towards drunk belligerent patrons. There was once this fellow bartender at the Itasca Inn who was known for his smart ass responses and one day he found forty key marks on his Chevy Tahoe.
Well yours truly Baxter went to this bar to check it out and see the spot of where this awful incident happened. I also wanted to say I was there being in the region and the areas most prolific critic and writer of bars. I went there and this young Polish guy was intent on me buying him drinks and from what I could make out wanted to be taken home. This fuckhead was on the wrong part of Belmont and like Frank Rizzo of Jerky boys fame just wanted any hole as long it was warm. I thought there was going to be another filmed incident if I stopped buying him his cheap miller and quietly snuck out the bar. he followed in tow demanding to know where me and my holes were going and luckily I was parked right in front of the bar. I told him I was coming back having to go to the ATM. I sped off not looking back and the morale of the story always be careful in strange Polish bars
I went to check out Jess's shortstop Inn on Belmost Avenue a few years back and after the infamous night a fat Italian Chicago cop beat the fuck out of a Polish bartender. This incident made news internationally as a surveillance camera captured the entire event and it went to evening broadcasts everywhere. This incident made bartenders like myself looking behind our back and suspiciously to any big looking urban hicks like this guy whose name escapes me right now. Anthony Abbate or something. I mean he beat the shit out of this bitch and bartenders always have to be careful what they say and act towards drunk belligerent patrons. There was once this fellow bartender at the Itasca Inn who was known for his smart ass responses and one day he found forty key marks on his Chevy Tahoe.
Little Drew Brees still doing it
Carl Olsen
How the hell can a diminutive man for football standards keep playing like he is. Drew is six feet tall but for a quarterback that is like being 5'7 in basketball terms. Drew Bree's is one of the best proficient passers the NFL has ever seen and just watching how small he appears on the television screen is even more amazing. Drew looks like a dwarf next to some of these giant linemen and how the hell he can see over their shoulders is something else. The Saints lost a tough one last week to the Patriots and their more taller amazing quarterback they have lucky enough for themselves. it is really interesting to see him stand next to the other quarterbacks of the game after a contest and see how he has to look up to most if not all of them. Drew Brees is just too dam small to be this dame good in the NFL. I don't think Brees would of been that great in the seventies and eighties before offenses really exploded and the game was taken away from the defense.
Monday morning quarterback talk at the offices of the Left Shark usually see me praising a previous games performance of this great of the game and I have been mainly a Saints fan mostly because of him. There really is no other reason to watch the new Orleans Saints on a sunday and when drew is gone I am sure the Saints will return to their pathetic mediocrity and awfulness this franchise was known for in my youth. I don't know how many years he has left but if Peyton manning is any indication quarterbacks that have some time can bide more of it and prolong their career.

Monday morning quarterback talk at the offices of the Left Shark usually see me praising a previous games performance of this great of the game and I have been mainly a Saints fan mostly because of him. There really is no other reason to watch the new Orleans Saints on a sunday and when drew is gone I am sure the Saints will return to their pathetic mediocrity and awfulness this franchise was known for in my youth. I don't know how many years he has left but if Peyton manning is any indication quarterbacks that have some time can bide more of it and prolong their career.
Qatar criticism just another attackm on Mid East prosperity
Ali Muhammad
Qatar is being attacked mercilessly by the Western press a full nine years before the event is held. Without a doubt the anxiety of growing Gulf states and their ability to join the world stage thanks to the Wests own petrol dollars has some people disgusted. England,America and other countries were built on slave and cheap labor and now these very same countries are criticizing the Qatar kingdom with what it is paying Nepalese migrant workers. They are saying cities and the infrastructure will not be built in time and that it is too hot to play soccer. There are folks out there that just do not want Qatar, or an Oman, or whatever rich gulf nation hosts an important event. They are just going to have to get use to these nations hosting Olympics and other World Cup events in the future. Qatar has the money and willing workforce from Asia to get this accomplished but clearly there are those who wish it not to be the case.
Qatar is being attacked mercilessly by the Western press a full nine years before the event is held. Without a doubt the anxiety of growing Gulf states and their ability to join the world stage thanks to the Wests own petrol dollars has some people disgusted. England,America and other countries were built on slave and cheap labor and now these very same countries are criticizing the Qatar kingdom with what it is paying Nepalese migrant workers. They are saying cities and the infrastructure will not be built in time and that it is too hot to play soccer. There are folks out there that just do not want Qatar, or an Oman, or whatever rich gulf nation hosts an important event. They are just going to have to get use to these nations hosting Olympics and other World Cup events in the future. Qatar has the money and willing workforce from Asia to get this accomplished but clearly there are those who wish it not to be the case.
The attack on the labor policies in Qatar are really mind numbing. Qatar is giving these very poverty stricken people from Central Asia a chance to make way more money than they could get at home. Being paid what construction workers in debt ridden Western nations is not only feasible in Qatar but not even economically possible. the amount of time that Qatar and Abu Dubai have built skyscrapers and modern cities in short amount of time will go down as one of the wonders of the world that could not been possible without these immigrant workers. It is the same way New York and Chicago got built up so fast and the only reason we are hearing so much bad mouthing about Qatar's policies is because of the worry and anxiety some in West see a new economic shift establish and build itself from scratch.
Denise Richards was definetely a fool. Denise Richards wanted a famous husband

Jason Fool
What she got was asshole Charlie Sheen.What a fool Denise Richards was to spread it for this guy. This lame Downers Grove native actress who only got famous and acting gigs because she was skinny and White is a bad actress. She is only in movies because she was young once and way prettier and some director..well lets just say that Denise has the brains and talent of an armadillo. She should not be a celebrity but she is in this shallow world and country we live in these days. She just had to have a famous hubby as her friends revealed some time ago in tabloids. She picked a real winner in the sex obsessed Charlie Sheen. There is no doubt to this day I bet Denise feels like a fool for being associated with Charlie Sheen. i am sure it has hurt her career somewhat. Any woman who gets with a guy who was on a list of Johns from a famous holly Wood madam deserves to be cheated on. This man was well known years before she married him to frequent prostitutes in Hollywood. Charlie has moved on from this air head and since moved on from another. Denise will soon have to be a cougar to find future hubby's as her young anteating days will no longer be sought for by these older directors. There are many newer fishead princess actresses that will do anything to get a gulp of air in the world of acting. These directors fish for young actresses and pick them for movies by their ability to grab the producer/directors bait and little worm. Actresses are a joke and it is too bad Hollywood gives so many attention. Acting talent is not any influence in determining their acting success. Too bad their marriage didn't last as these two deserve each other.
Cities will not embrace hickish Hardee's
Arturo Armando Garcia Sanchez
Hardee's has helped shape the obese bodies of rural country folks and now this franchise is thinking about expanding more into cities. Forget it. Immigrants that fill certain cities will not flock to the shotty chicken like some Asians embraced KFC. Hardee's will also not have a chance in Mexican communities i can tell you that as taqerias have nothing to worry about this Southern American franchise. basically the South and rural areas is where Hardee's needs to stay as the rest of the nation and internationally people know Hardee's is just plain bad. The soggy plain greasy burgers this "restaurant" produces is know for making many folks never bother for a second visit when traveling the expressway off ramps on their interstate travels. This franchise is so bad that cities will fight not to have a Hardee's expand into their neighborhoods. The last thing gentrifying neighborhoods in cities want is a shack like this and I bet Hardee's gets stuck in all the minority communities again if their corporate power is strong enough to get new construction built for these shit holes. That would be a dam shame.
Hardee's has helped shape the obese bodies of rural country folks and now this franchise is thinking about expanding more into cities. Forget it. Immigrants that fill certain cities will not flock to the shotty chicken like some Asians embraced KFC. Hardee's will also not have a chance in Mexican communities i can tell you that as taqerias have nothing to worry about this Southern American franchise. basically the South and rural areas is where Hardee's needs to stay as the rest of the nation and internationally people know Hardee's is just plain bad. The soggy plain greasy burgers this "restaurant" produces is know for making many folks never bother for a second visit when traveling the expressway off ramps on their interstate travels. This franchise is so bad that cities will fight not to have a Hardee's expand into their neighborhoods. The last thing gentrifying neighborhoods in cities want is a shack like this and I bet Hardee's gets stuck in all the minority communities again if their corporate power is strong enough to get new construction built for these shit holes. That would be a dam shame.
Les Leopold - Author, "The Looting Of America"
Tony Miselli
les Leopold and the Young Turks. it just doesn't get any better.
les Leopold and the Young Turks. it just doesn't get any better.
God Ghost smasher is a terrible game
Ned Baily
As Halloween approaches I decided to review a phone game that I just got rid of the other day. Ghost smasher is one of those games that you download and in about five minutes you uninstall. The game is basically these well graphic ed ghosts coming down the screen and you just swipe them to kill them. Real fun
There are developers make over a hundred grand bringing shit like this to your gadget screens and that is a dam shame. This may be a bit better game if the ghosts actually zig zagged or popped and reappeared like real ghosts to begin with. These ghosts just fall down the screen and you have three difficulties and speeds to choose from for this lame game. Just do not download this game and waste your time with one of the worse games I have seen this year. If you want a good Halloween game just keep looking and don't be fooled by what appears to be a cool looking photo.
As Halloween approaches I decided to review a phone game that I just got rid of the other day. Ghost smasher is one of those games that you download and in about five minutes you uninstall. The game is basically these well graphic ed ghosts coming down the screen and you just swipe them to kill them. Real fun
Cougar Face reviews book Viking and discusses Minnisota Vikings
Viking is a book written from the informative perspective if the Vikings were around today and you were a prospective recruit or wanted to know more information about Vikings. This book delivers a knowledgeable fun read about all things Vikings and you will learn a lot from this book. These unofficial manuals of past warriors are a fun read and this is one of many books they offer in these series and I am still waiting for a Native Americans. The Vikings though were a despicable race and their fame for plunder and slave trading and raiding is pretty unique in Western Civilization. There is some sort of love for this group despite the massive butchery and thievery they committed and I wonder if the Nazi Party of Germany would be so beloved in a thousand years. The Vikings were perhaps the worse and vulgar type of barbarian ever to exist on this planet and books like this make light and hardly really explore what these beasts were all about. This then brings me up to the topic of the Minnesota Vikings. With all the talk about the Washington Redskin name change I believe have made people forget that this team name is insulting to mankind as well . Why would you want to have a football team named after a people like this. The Vikings is another NFL team name and organization that needs to go but first is first and after Washington Redskins goes I will continue the fight with the Chiefs and Vikings
Cougar face
Arnold Schwarzenegger ever being elected a good reason why government should be shut down
The government has reopened but looking at the quality of elected officials is it a good day. The government has failed miserably ever since money came to play a major role on who gets elected. Case in point Arnold Schwarzeneggger in California. Arnold was a bodybuilder who never had much brains for anything except managing the muscles on his body. The guy then achieved a Hollywood luxury career thanks mainly to those muscles and the notoriety it gave him on the West coast. next Arnold was able to
marry into a very influential family and use his fame to get elected Governor of the largest state in the union. He tried his best to be non-partisan but found that people in government would hate you for being that. If anything is wrong with government these days it is this and when even a famous actor like Arnold can't even be liked as a politician things are wrong. Undoubtedly a person like Schwarzenegger should never have been Governor in the first place and why he got involved in politics in the first place is a mystery. Perhaps he was bored with doing movies that were more entertaining with special effects than anything he actually did being filmed. The problem with government is that it is only controlled by two groups of parties and until that is fixed and there are about six political parties with varied interests and solutions at running government then government is better off shut down, Folks that are influential like Arnold Shwarzenegger should of thought of this and used their name recognition to help get these third and fourth parties establishment instead of pushing the agenda of the establishment.
Scumbag Ty Warner should face jail time
Troy York
Ty Warner made Billions from stupid stuff animals over the years from an American society that
feels compelled to consume all of the time. He stashed some hundred million of this money in a secret Swiss account in a practice so many scmoos with too much wealth do in order to avoid paying taxes to the country and people who made them sick billionaires. It took US authorities after Obama's election to force these Swiss accounts to reveal who in America held vast accounts and were trying to hide some of their incredible income. Regardless of wealth everyone must pay their share of taxes and rich fucks like Ty Warner had many lawyers and others helping them to find a way out for so many years but thanks to Obama's victories that time has come to an end. This is a dawn of a new day for these morons with so much money and greed that they would jeopardize their own wealth and freedom by trying to hide accounts for themselves and future heirs. This old Oak Brook geek is going to find out that federal prisons for the crimes of tax evasion are a worlds away of the luxury lifestyle of living in Oak Brook and really anybody that could afford to live in gated communities should be investigated for similar crimes. If anyone thinks Ty Warner is an anomaly then they are just not in reality. the ugly Ty Warner is due to plead guilty and pay some fifty million in a penalty for his tax evasions and I say they better lock his tightwad ass up as well and show to it that the government will take these turkeys and old white men as seriously as the street corner dope dealer that they are so willing to lock up. It's always great to see old rich white men in court or jail.
Ty Warner made Billions from stupid stuff animals over the years from an American society that
Steve Mcmichael's bar in Romeoville a shitty one
Baxter Lomax
Steve McMichael is that Chicago bear player that tries so hard to remain in the media and wants to be another Michael...Ditka. Steve opened up some shitty bar some years ago and I got a chance to visit it as I always check out bar shit and competition of any kind. Although the bar being located in Romeoville is not in any ways near Itasca, I had to go there on a night I knew "mongo" would be there entertaining guests
the bar is your typical sprawl restaurant looking like structure with no unique value or appearance. The food is bad and I wonder if Steve McMichael cooked it himself. McMichael was hardly a key ingredient that made the bears great and his Texas attitude and slang dialogue played lamely in Chicago. The dude also tried to enter politics as a tea party steward in a local mayor race. Mongo McMichael's bar is one of the worse ones I have checked out in the Chicago suburban area and I give the place a few months of business . The guy is too opinionated to ever be a successful businessman and I think he is better off selling concussion proof helmets or something to high schools than opening up another restaurant
Steve McMichael is that Chicago bear player that tries so hard to remain in the media and wants to be another Michael...Ditka. Steve opened up some shitty bar some years ago and I got a chance to visit it as I always check out bar shit and competition of any kind. Although the bar being located in Romeoville is not in any ways near Itasca, I had to go there on a night I knew "mongo" would be there entertaining guests
Patrick Buchanan and his other paranoid book
The water problem for Waukesha and the rest of suburban America
Calvin Cooper
Waukesha is a sprawl suburb of Milwaukee and they have pretty much tapped their water supply over the years. The aquifer they usually drawn water over the years as white folks fled inner city Milwaukee is at dangerously high levels of radium and salt. These fucks have pretty much polluted their ecosystem and now are asking to use Lake Michigan's water and drain their resources. Maybe if they want Lake Michigan water these old assholes need to move back closer to lake Michigan. The polluting and depletion of water supplies and aquifers is an ignored fact and only a few have raised the concern this poses for the country. Suburbanites just care about their huge lawns and walking their dogs and care little what their lifestyle choices and dangerous consequences have developed for themselves. City leaders of this miserable suburb say it wouldn't make sense for a business to locate in an area with unsafe drinking water. Good. Why would a business need to locate to Waukesha, a place that evidently has no idea how to be sustainable and manage the most basic of resources. John Cronin has been warning America about our coming water shortages and major problems and I wonder what he would think of this battle in Milwaukee. Waukesha use to have great natural mineral springs that they ruined over the years putting up Wal Marts and Home depots. You know these places are just really good for water drainage and so forth. This crummy suburb made a request to draw ten million gallons a day for their residential and commercial use and just one state of eight needs to veto this. These states are listening to people like Cronin now days and lake Michigan is a crucial last area of big freshwater. People who walk their dogs and water their lawns for hours do not need to tap a reserve that they chose to flee and now is time for cities to protect their supplies from the same folks that tried to bring them down. Waukesha obviously wants a license to continue their nonsustaining sprawl and hopefully people who know all about water like John Cronin keep their voices out there for a blind public.

The time a silly jackass named Ryan Dunn died

Jackass was this stupid silly "comedy" of the modern era. It was nothing but dumb stunts and immature actions that showed what rotten fucks the twenty something youths are of today. It is no surprise that MTV brought this crap to the market as they are personally responsible for 99 Percent of the deranged media filth kids are forced to endure in this culture. Well, luckily one of the Jackass jackasses died not to long ago.
The shithead jackass guy known to the world as Ryan Dunn died when he was speeding hisPorsche into something. The jackass was obviously speeding this expensive car that his sick,silly antics on TV and movies provided for him. Such a shame...not. The dumb fuck was also wasted drinking heavily his profits in the typical selfish spending of many wealthy fucks of today. Nobody will really miss this hairy asshole or the few lame spots he did amusing the teenage MTV fans. He really is an irrelevant fuck head.
A brief look at Bears and Humans
Jake Glass
Bears is a nicely drawn book and collection of short chapters that deal mainly with bear and human interactions over the years. This book has a good mix of old photos and illustrations basically dealing with bears and their place in mans folklore. Bear and human conflict through the ages is researched pretty well by the author named Brend Brummer, and he seems to have an appreciation for this human-like animal whose habitat once was found all over the planet. many naturalists long forgotten in the past are quoted in this book and where Brummer comes up with some of these finds is remarkable. he thoroughly researched anything written on bears ages ago. The bear had a mystical place in human culture and this is really evident going through the brief but entertaining and informative chapters of this book. The cool ghraphics and drawings make you want to read through every page and every word. A really good book for adults and children interesting in an pedantic look at the history of the Bears in human consciouses.
Bears is a nicely drawn book and collection of short chapters that deal mainly with bear and human interactions over the years. This book has a good mix of old photos and illustrations basically dealing with bears and their place in mans folklore. Bear and human conflict through the ages is researched pretty well by the author named Brend Brummer, and he seems to have an appreciation for this human-like animal whose habitat once was found all over the planet. many naturalists long forgotten in the past are quoted in this book and where Brummer comes up with some of these finds is remarkable. he thoroughly researched anything written on bears ages ago. The bear had a mystical place in human culture and this is really evident going through the brief but entertaining and informative chapters of this book. The cool ghraphics and drawings make you want to read through every page and every word. A really good book for adults and children interesting in an pedantic look at the history of the Bears in human consciouses.
The rise and fall of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ali Muhammed
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran have not been in the news lately. I vividly remember a story did see a story where his Iranian guards broke up some spontaneous actions of hundreds of youths in a Tehran Park. They showed up and were soaking each other with water pistols and the males particularly were enjoying spraying the pure Islamic girls breasts soaking their tight T shirts. Of course, the Islamic guard was called in and they broke this rare opportunity of Iranian youth to act free. Perhaps no event showed more that the leadership of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be coming to an end and a more open Iran will eventually prevail over politicians like him and the mullahs who pull their strings. Now a more open to dialogue regime is in charge and overtures between America and Iran are now possible.
The youth are exposed to fun things all over the world thanks to the Internet and there is little Iran or Saudi Arabia can do to alter the future. There is no way in this day of age you can keep youth from their exploring attitudes and no one wants to live in a old relic place with bad values. The economy sucks in Iran and if not for oil the people would be living in more miserable conditions that would of lead to open rebellion. the Iranian opposition group needs to be armed to help the "Green " movement take control from this ass hole. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is out of power for now but much like Vladamir Putin this guy will attempt a comeback and bring more hardline Iranian theology to the table instead of food which is what the people in Iran need. This spontaneous action by the youths in Iran helped bring the downfall of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as it showed he is so out of touch with the future of Iran. The last I looked Mr Ahmadinejad was looking for a job in the insurance industry.
More pressure on Daniel Snyder and the Washington Redskins from the commander in chief
Cougar Face
The tide is turning against the little weasel Daniel Snyder and his Washington Redskins football team. President Obama weighed in on the team name saying he would change the name. Changing the name makes common sense as it disturbs many a voice that had little to say about the numerous indian nicknames all over the country. Luckily this list is decreasing every year and will continued to be battled until this final pro franchise football team is utterly forced by the NFL. The commissioner the other day even hinted a change as saying anything that hurts the NFL's reputation needs to be addressed. it is good to see the president speak up on this issue especially when one considers where he is based at all of the time.
What really needs to be addressed is taking the team ownership away from this pathetic asshole in Washington. Daniel Snyder dug the teams name own grave earlier in the year when he said that the name will never be changed. Many white redskin fans say there are more important issues than an insensitive name and perhaps had they been residing in a country that saw their population and culture whipped out they would have different views. Snyder may think he can call all shots for this football organization but he will realize that after eighty years of an insulting team nickname others have a voice and are letting it be heard all the way to the top of the NFL. we may not even allow them to keep the colors red in the future before we are done with this football organization.
The tide is turning against the little weasel Daniel Snyder and his Washington Redskins football team. President Obama weighed in on the team name saying he would change the name. Changing the name makes common sense as it disturbs many a voice that had little to say about the numerous indian nicknames all over the country. Luckily this list is decreasing every year and will continued to be battled until this final pro franchise football team is utterly forced by the NFL. The commissioner the other day even hinted a change as saying anything that hurts the NFL's reputation needs to be addressed. it is good to see the president speak up on this issue especially when one considers where he is based at all of the time.
What really needs to be addressed is taking the team ownership away from this pathetic asshole in Washington. Daniel Snyder dug the teams name own grave earlier in the year when he said that the name will never be changed. Many white redskin fans say there are more important issues than an insensitive name and perhaps had they been residing in a country that saw their population and culture whipped out they would have different views. Snyder may think he can call all shots for this football organization but he will realize that after eighty years of an insulting team nickname others have a voice and are letting it be heard all the way to the top of the NFL. we may not even allow them to keep the colors red in the future before we are done with this football organization.
Social Critic crticism.... India's gold cultural obsession will make them pay
Bradley Handley
prices are rising and perhaps no nation more than weird India will be affected by these prices. They have had to raise the price of import duties as the gold demand for stupid stuff in India increases and the economy continues to swoon. This pathetic country is responsible for twenty percent of gold consumption as they over emphases it in their culture from wedding traditions to signs of respect for the caste system higher elites who have established a wonderful caste system over the centuries in India. for a country that is so large and flaunts its inequality in society I am glad to see the average Indian having to pay more for gold. Gold is nothing but a fucking rock and in all actuality worthless but unfortunately a group of worthless people can make a demand for this product and its environmentally disastrous extraction methods. it is a positive sign to see this nations gold fetish help drive down and start ruining the economy and these neurotic eccentric fucks will just have to deal with other inanimate objects to satisfy their brides to be.
many Indian mothers have had to downsize the wedding bracelets and weighty earrings that they enjoyed during their weddings. That really is a shame. Indian economic planners are worried and running scared and their tax increase before the November wedding system shows how desperate they are to turn around this mega countries ailing economy. We here at the left shark are in complete solidarity with the Maoists in India who continue to push the boundary and their rebellion to other parts of Indian society where the love of gold and money outweigh their care for fellow citizens. India is becoming the sick man of Asia and their distractions for stupid minerals will be their ultimate destruction and this is a country that has long needed an "Indian spring" and open leftist rebellion over the caste system that puts more value in gold than country. Higher fuel prices in India medicines, and education will help bring a cure to the Indians gold love and its 'non-productive' return to Indian society.
prices are rising and perhaps no nation more than weird India will be affected by these prices. They have had to raise the price of import duties as the gold demand for stupid stuff in India increases and the economy continues to swoon. This pathetic country is responsible for twenty percent of gold consumption as they over emphases it in their culture from wedding traditions to signs of respect for the caste system higher elites who have established a wonderful caste system over the centuries in India. for a country that is so large and flaunts its inequality in society I am glad to see the average Indian having to pay more for gold. Gold is nothing but a fucking rock and in all actuality worthless but unfortunately a group of worthless people can make a demand for this product and its environmentally disastrous extraction methods. it is a positive sign to see this nations gold fetish help drive down and start ruining the economy and these neurotic eccentric fucks will just have to deal with other inanimate objects to satisfy their brides to be.
many Indian mothers have had to downsize the wedding bracelets and weighty earrings that they enjoyed during their weddings. That really is a shame. Indian economic planners are worried and running scared and their tax increase before the November wedding system shows how desperate they are to turn around this mega countries ailing economy. We here at the left shark are in complete solidarity with the Maoists in India who continue to push the boundary and their rebellion to other parts of Indian society where the love of gold and money outweigh their care for fellow citizens. India is becoming the sick man of Asia and their distractions for stupid minerals will be their ultimate destruction and this is a country that has long needed an "Indian spring" and open leftist rebellion over the caste system that puts more value in gold than country. Higher fuel prices in India medicines, and education will help bring a cure to the Indians gold love and its 'non-productive' return to Indian society.
Five Guys burgers coming to a lame strip mall near you
Gino Frobel
Five Guys places are popping up as many owners own way more than one store. They make deals with developers to bring these stores to many new construction sprawl sites all over America. They can never own just one and many of these White guys want to own dozens of these burger places. The only time you seem them actually working cooking burgers is on grand opening day. greed is the American way and business owners that offer the public nothing except more fat and lard are all that is wrong with America. Instead of opening up businesses that can grow and provide good manufacturing jobs, bankers and developers push for creations of these food banks that pay little and offer nothing to any worker or anybody outside the owners immediate family. So Southern White jagoffs like this guy are eager to use their clout in communities and bring more Five guys burgers and so forth. America loses because all we are left with are dead end jobs working to make monopolizers of fast food franchises wealthy. Five guys burgers just another overpriced burger chain in an overpriced suburb
Five Guys places are popping up as many owners own way more than one store. They make deals with developers to bring these stores to many new construction sprawl sites all over America. They can never own just one and many of these White guys want to own dozens of these burger places. The only time you seem them actually working cooking burgers is on grand opening day. greed is the American way and business owners that offer the public nothing except more fat and lard are all that is wrong with America. Instead of opening up businesses that can grow and provide good manufacturing jobs, bankers and developers push for creations of these food banks that pay little and offer nothing to any worker or anybody outside the owners immediate family. So Southern White jagoffs like this guy are eager to use their clout in communities and bring more Five guys burgers and so forth. America loses because all we are left with are dead end jobs working to make monopolizers of fast food franchises wealthy. Five guys burgers just another overpriced burger chain in an overpriced suburb
The tramp that is Carmen Electra
the time that tramp Carmen Electra rode some dildo machine on the Howard Stern show
Gino frobel
. . .
Carmen Electra rode the sybian machine on the Howard Stern show not too
long ago. She wanted to show the world what an orgasmic Rush she got from riding
this sex toy as it is a cross promotional and Sponsor to Hoard Stern's
ridiculous radio pervert show on the satellite. Carmen Electra is just another
of the media brainwashing young girls into thinking their only
asset and role in life is being a sex symbol for creepy men like that jack fuck
Howard Stern. Once these girls lose their sex appeal they suffer from delusions
and depression in later years. Carmen Electra is a worthless tramp that has no
business in front of the television riding a sex machine and if she wants to do
that should quit hiding the act and just become a porn star in California.

The bandwagoning jumping of Nick Digilio and other Chicagoans
Several years ago Nick Digilio on his part time radio program was always talking up being a Chicago Cub fan and how great the ball park, the team, and Ron Santo's commentary was on WGN radio. Nick was such a cubbies homer and it was almost as annoying to listen to his sports opinions as it is to hear this jerk talk about movies and celebrities. Now it is that time of year which Chicagoans go goo goo for a goon sport and their obsessions with the Black hawks and hockey clearly is a result of the team being a championship one twice over now. These fans are not actually hockey or Black hawk fans but fans of winners and that is why so many have abandoned the wagon and ship of Chicago's awful baseball teams. There is nothing worse than a fair weather fan and just hyping a team when they happen to be very good.
When the Cubs start playing good again is when they will get air play on Nick's pathetic radio program.
Oil on the brain
Lisa Margonelli was obsessed with oil prices and the fluctuations and causes of it so she decided to
Indianapolis on the edge
Terry Blue
The black great migrations into Northern cities that nearly destroyed many and have killed one major city (Detroit) pretty much bypassed Indianapolis by many decades ago. I was amazed at one time how Indianapolis remained a large so much of a white city for so many years. Now that may be changing as the minority population of Indianapolis has been growing and a black migration to this city has been underway for some time. Many poor inner-city blacks from Chicago and Gary have made the trek down to Indianapolis in recent years. Indianapolis has been hit by crime and some well publicized shootings in their downtown that have old time residents of this metropolis on edge. The Ghettoization of this state capital city is proceeding at an alarming rate. City leaders and the local police force has no idea how to deal with this problem and the summers of Indianapolis will only get much worse before it gets better. Indianapolis is about to fall pretty bad in the coming years and that is a dam shame as someone who enjoyed visiting the city and finding another urban oasis away from Chicago.
West's obsesions with Iran womens clothing gives them hope
Ali Muhammed
There have been a lot of discussion of the wardrobe of Iranian women and how looser it is becoming since the recent regime change. American and English business magazines have jumped on this story. The loosening of Iranian women and their leggings exposure is a sign the West thinks they are winning the cultural war and that one day soon Iranian men will allow their women to dress like urban sluts of the West. The economist and its readers no doubt are rooting for the women in Iran to be able to throw off the societal demands of what they can wear in public. This same type of thinking and loosening of the female moral codes in one of the reasons that lead to the Iranian revolution to begin with. The ultimate goal of those capitalist designers is obviously to get Middle Eastern women hooked on clothing and wear comparable items to what you would see young women wear in Paris. If you can get half of the population in the Middle East away from morality and Islam then you have the culture defeated and open to the abuses and destructive behavior of consumerism on the mind of young people. This battle of remaining conservative in morality and dress is needed in Iran and elsewhere as global elites want to make a Paris and London control overseas and especially in the Middle East
There have been a lot of discussion of the wardrobe of Iranian women and how looser it is becoming since the recent regime change. American and English business magazines have jumped on this story. The loosening of Iranian women and their leggings exposure is a sign the West thinks they are winning the cultural war and that one day soon Iranian men will allow their women to dress like urban sluts of the West. The economist and its readers no doubt are rooting for the women in Iran to be able to throw off the societal demands of what they can wear in public. This same type of thinking and loosening of the female moral codes in one of the reasons that lead to the Iranian revolution to begin with. The ultimate goal of those capitalist designers is obviously to get Middle Eastern women hooked on clothing and wear comparable items to what you would see young women wear in Paris. If you can get half of the population in the Middle East away from morality and Islam then you have the culture defeated and open to the abuses and destructive behavior of consumerism on the mind of young people. This battle of remaining conservative in morality and dress is needed in Iran and elsewhere as global elites want to make a Paris and London control overseas and especially in the Middle East
Jerry Jones makes it so hard to root for Tony Romo and the Cowboys
Troy York
We often talk capitalism and football this time of year at the headquarters for the Left Shark. I am a fan of Tony Romo mainly because he played at very small ball here in Illinois at either Western or Eastern Illinois University. I am not sure right now but Tony has had some impressive statistics if not Super success as leader of the Dallas Cowboys over the years. he has been facing pressure either to win the big one or at least get into the playoffs. These goals have proven to be very difficult for the Boys
Tony played one of the most fantastic games in quarterback football history this past Sunday and his team still loss.
One of the main reasons many people root against the Cowboys though is their despicable ultra wealthy owner Jerry Jones. This guy got massive tax breaks for a stadium and with all his money and supposed net-worth of his football organization he hardly needed financial incentives to build. Jones shows what a greedy capitalist pig making average struggling citizens chip in for his massive football home especially since there was nothing wrong with the old stadium. This wrinkly old skunk needs to have his team confiscated and given to the tax payers and public in Dallas much like the green Bay Packers are community owned as after all the public helped build the infrastructure the Cowboys play. Wealthy owners like Mr Jones need to be phased out and a national consensus of local community control established all over the nation and National Football League
We often talk capitalism and football this time of year at the headquarters for the Left Shark. I am a fan of Tony Romo mainly because he played at very small ball here in Illinois at either Western or Eastern Illinois University. I am not sure right now but Tony has had some impressive statistics if not Super success as leader of the Dallas Cowboys over the years. he has been facing pressure either to win the big one or at least get into the playoffs. These goals have proven to be very difficult for the Boys
One of the main reasons many people root against the Cowboys though is their despicable ultra wealthy owner Jerry Jones. This guy got massive tax breaks for a stadium and with all his money and supposed net-worth of his football organization he hardly needed financial incentives to build. Jones shows what a greedy capitalist pig making average struggling citizens chip in for his massive football home especially since there was nothing wrong with the old stadium. This wrinkly old skunk needs to have his team confiscated and given to the tax payers and public in Dallas much like the green Bay Packers are community owned as after all the public helped build the infrastructure the Cowboys play. Wealthy owners like Mr Jones need to be phased out and a national consensus of local community control established all over the nation and National Football League
Esmie Tseng back in the dating scene

Esmie Tseng was the young Asian female in the Kansas City area that stabbed her mother to death for being such a tiger mother some many moons ago. Esmie coundn't handle the toughness and discipline many Chinese folks think you have to install in education to handle some sort of racial injustices in the past. I don't know it has something to do with the opium wars why Chinese parents want to be such tigers. Esmie was a sick bitch posing for pictures with knifes and having a fetish. One day she stabbed her mother after her tiger mama said to finish her calculas and bio technology home work honors. Esmie drew a lot of support and sympathy from the local locos in KC as the plight of the Americanized teen against the strict authoritarian control of foreign parents. We hardly heard much about Esmie's actually mother during the trial and finding a picture of this Chinese tiger on google proved futile.

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