Michael Savage was on-air the other day say if Barack Obama is desperate to get his agenda out before leaving office and the man is capable of mass pogrom of death and mayhem like Mao Teseng. Now whether Savage knows it or not but Obama's days in the White House are done. The fact that a nut like Michael Savage is still saying that Obama is going to kill millions before he leaves office is evidence of the mentally delirious mind of a Michael Savage and other far-right wing radio hosts across this nation.
Michael Savage again shows his stupidity comparing Obama to mao and calling Abraham Lincoln a Mussolini
Lee Park Kong
Michael Savage was on-air the other day say if Barack Obama is desperate to get his agenda out before leaving office and the man is capable of mass pogrom of death and mayhem like Mao Teseng. Now whether Savage knows it or not but Obama's days in the White House are done. The fact that a nut like Michael Savage is still saying that Obama is going to kill millions before he leaves office is evidence of the mentally delirious mind of a Michael Savage and other far-right wing radio hosts across this nation.
Michael savage also had the audacity to call Abraham Lincoln a fascist for the way he ruled the nation during the Civil War and the civil liberties Abraham Lincoln had to procure in order to keep this nation one and not carved into many smaller weaker states. I am not even sure if a DR Savage even realizes there was a civil war during this time period as he called old Abe Lincoln, someone Barack Obama compares himself, a fascist. one can imagine the crazy talk of radicals like Michael Savage back then and then can see how a president such as Abraham Lincoln could get assassinated. savage is ignorant of Chinese history to see why Mao took over and he is also ignorant of the role of colonialism in keeping the masses in Asia poor through the years that gave rise to the communism he so despises. Lincoln saved this nation as we know it for the likes of Michael Savage to have the freedom to talk their stupidity but eve for this idiot there should be limits on what he can say through the airwaves.
I also wonder how many times in Obama's eight years that this psycho compares him to Mao Tse-Tung of communist China but then ignore the more disastrous affect of authoritarian unregulated Chinese capitalism that now seeks to engulf and destroy more outside of China than any army under Mao Tse-Tung. A Michael savage ignores this either because he is a fucking idiot, which he is, or that he prefers a crony capitalist corrupt version of capitalism that will ensure loud-mouth cocksuckers such as himself a steady stream of income not working hard and just spilling saliva on a microphone broadcast through the corporate-owned airwaves of radio. You can't really blame a Michael Savage for his stupidity and hate for he is no good at anything. He is just no good.
Michael Savage was on-air the other day say if Barack Obama is desperate to get his agenda out before leaving office and the man is capable of mass pogrom of death and mayhem like Mao Teseng. Now whether Savage knows it or not but Obama's days in the White House are done. The fact that a nut like Michael Savage is still saying that Obama is going to kill millions before he leaves office is evidence of the mentally delirious mind of a Michael Savage and other far-right wing radio hosts across this nation.
Wally Jackson calls Ben Cohen on the Wayne Besen program
Clark Kramer
Ben Cohen is some successful liberal businessman that tries to get involved in politics in other regions and recently he appeared on the Wayne Besen radio program in Chicago. he talked a bit about the injustices in the black neighborhoods and the actions of the Chicago police department about how they shot some thug sixteen times. the idea that some ice cream corporate guy should have any say on political urban issues is amusing.This is a story liberals will never let go and will take opportunities to knock the system any time an over zealous police officer acts on his own with a defendant police need to apprehend. Wally Jackson called into the program and tried to ask Ben Cohen what he was doing to help the black community in Chicago and why he never opens up any of his ice cream places in bad West or South side neighborhoods

Mike Tyson takes a dive
Bud Cooper
Mike Tyson was unwrapping his gifts reminiscing how in his day he didn't have social media to tell fans what he received or was able to buy himself. This Christmas he hunked a lot of money on some junk called a hoverboard, This item is based on a fantast toy from the back To The Future movies from several decades ago and is todays engineers best attempts to have something on the market resembling it. Mike Tyson bought one and then thought of best way to get his name out on social media as he was lonely and was noting few cared about him these days. Mike decided to stage a fall on his hoverboard thinking all well that this
might go viral on the internet and for another day or two he could feel king of the ring. Mike staged one of the most risible falls one can drum up and from the first look of this video it can easily be determined that Mike Tyson fell on purpose that only he can explain in his mind to as such why he would feel the need to make this video. All I can give is my opinion is that he feels left out these days and when he sees these internet folks like the brown Nerd get millions of views on Youtube Tyson gets green with jealousy of the attention going towards these unworthy folks who were never champions in boxing. right now Mike Tyson is brainstorming ideas on how he can get publicity in the future as a washed up former boxer that todays generation cares little about. hen I see this video all I can think is how the mighty have fallen.
Mike Tyson was unwrapping his gifts reminiscing how in his day he didn't have social media to tell fans what he received or was able to buy himself. This Christmas he hunked a lot of money on some junk called a hoverboard, This item is based on a fantast toy from the back To The Future movies from several decades ago and is todays engineers best attempts to have something on the market resembling it. Mike Tyson bought one and then thought of best way to get his name out on social media as he was lonely and was noting few cared about him these days. Mike decided to stage a fall on his hoverboard thinking all well that this

Dude-bro Pharma pimp Martin Shkreli arrested
Tony Miselli
The dude bro has been arrested and the mail boxes in our office have been packed by people wondering our thoughts and reactions to the fraud of this bro pharm guy that tried to jack drug prices 900 percent. First of all Martin Shkreli is no bro nor dude as anybody who would take over a company and threaten the lives of so many dependent people on life-saving drugs is not cool in my book. Martin is a typical hedge fund prick seeking to gamble his way to fortunes through the misfortunes of others and his attempts to destroy sick peoples lives was quickly spread through the internet. He is now Facing a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, Shkreli was charged with securities fraud, securities fraud conspiracy, and wire fraud conspiracy, allegedly taking assets from Retrophin, a biopharmaceutical company he founded in 2011, and using it to pay off unrelated debts. Though,
the dude bro was handcuffed and stuffed in a car for something that was like only the fourth worse thing the creep has done and without a doubt more of thee hedge-fund deceivers need to be taken out. Seeing this prick in a hoodie taken out makes me wonder how much longer a Mark Zuckerberg or oter big tech executives will eventually face similar predicaments as I have said over and over again something such as Facebook doesn't get that large that quickly without doing something fraudulent. This young urban prick is able to get into elite inner-city circles through financial swindling
and basically any young white dude head of a company living in expensive rent cities all need to be investigated to the max because there is little evidence to support that basically their hard work is what attains them to the economic levels to reside in pricy parts of town. Martin Shkrelie reads books but obviously the material he reads are these business books that best tell people how to operate out of maximize profit and best ways to skirt the system.
Shkreli and the whole Diraprim fiasco put this jackass on the radar in the public and it was only a matter of time that they looked into his past and discovered how this fuck was even in a position of being able to purchase a pharmaceutical company in the first place. the health and well being of he nation and the necessary important drugs should not go to higher bidders whose ultimate goals are determining how best to make corporate raiders and insiders wealthy and always in positions of wealth and power. Dude bro martin Shkreli is now going to be behind bars needing pharmecetical drugs to heal his rump on a nightly basis.
The dude bro has been arrested and the mail boxes in our office have been packed by people wondering our thoughts and reactions to the fraud of this bro pharm guy that tried to jack drug prices 900 percent. First of all Martin Shkreli is no bro nor dude as anybody who would take over a company and threaten the lives of so many dependent people on life-saving drugs is not cool in my book. Martin is a typical hedge fund prick seeking to gamble his way to fortunes through the misfortunes of others and his attempts to destroy sick peoples lives was quickly spread through the internet. He is now Facing a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, Shkreli was charged with securities fraud, securities fraud conspiracy, and wire fraud conspiracy, allegedly taking assets from Retrophin, a biopharmaceutical company he founded in 2011, and using it to pay off unrelated debts. Though,

Adam Corolla snob doesn't want to see people in coach use his first class bathrooms
Gerald Jasper
Adam Corolla is exactly what is wrong with America. This is a guy who thinks access to printed money and reserves ought to get you better doctors and health care than others who are not as wealthy and this is just one example among many what a jackass extremist the most popular podcaster as a slimy human being. Adam Corolla. the jerk often rants about airlines as he travels much throughout the country spreading his views and advocating looking down on others without matching incomes that he has generated by media and entertainment outlets wanting his views spread to predominate in much of the publi
Gene Luen Yang and his view of the Boxer terrorism of China
Cecil Brewster
Before there was ISIS in China you had a group called Boxers who fought with fists and Kung Fu hand-to-hand training. training gene Luen yang is a Chinese-American graphic artist and author of some books dealing with Chinese history. He penned a violent book called "Boxers" which looks at the story of the Boxer Rebellion from the rebellion side and did another called " Saints" which looks at the Chinese Christian conversion side of this refit in 1900 China. Boxers is obviously biased and looks at the story of a character called Little Bao who had enough and summoned the powers of past opera Gods of Chinese culture to fight the foreign European devils and their converts to Christianity. this is a real ugly book with many death scenes and Mr Yang seems to enjoy killings and so
bloodletting battles in this book. the idea of a guy becoming a God and having immense power is the basis of this book although eventually the power of the foreign armies sent to quell this insurgency proves to be too much. little bao is trained by someone called Red Lantern and the resemblance of rural Chinese peasantry with Native Americans in the time period is startling and perhaps knowledge of what was committed on the other side of the planet to people who looked like them explains the immense xenophobia of this rebellion against foreign and Christian presence in the areas around Peking. despite their poverty even the Chinese peasantry had a bloated self-centered importance of their group and china's place of superiority in the world and the growing presence of outside influence was apparently to much for the Chinese and lead to this murderous violent rampage.
Before there was ISIS in China you had a group called Boxers who fought with fists and Kung Fu hand-to-hand training. training gene Luen yang is a Chinese-American graphic artist and author of some books dealing with Chinese history. He penned a violent book called "Boxers" which looks at the story of the Boxer Rebellion from the rebellion side and did another called " Saints" which looks at the Chinese Christian conversion side of this refit in 1900 China. Boxers is obviously biased and looks at the story of a character called Little Bao who had enough and summoned the powers of past opera Gods of Chinese culture to fight the foreign European devils and their converts to Christianity. this is a real ugly book with many death scenes and Mr Yang seems to enjoy killings and so
Matt Taibbi cant beleive this republican field for president
Clifford Gifford
Matt Taibbi has been following the Ben Carson campaign and other Republicans this election cycle thus far and cannot believe the absurdity of all the candidates. He has been making the rounds of liberal podcasts and programs talking about the insaneness that he has visualized thus far in the republican debates.
Taibbi says tis is one of the most historical elections and may be the election cycle that the populace finally sees the republicans lose all control and appearance of an actual functioning political party. The Republican party is actually been a party for and by the rich and their elected officials have done their best to keep this status quo for the very few at the top of the economic food chain. The Republicans and their fractious in-fighting we are seeing has been the culmination of years of political insiders and contributors driving moderates out of the political party and is why we see this party as the extreme rightwing crazy trolls as they are.
Taibbi is very concerned with the populist image of a Donald Trump and his candidacy and we can fully expect another great book from the writings of this great writer. We can catch a glimpse of what I expect to be a book of his about this election for the soul of the republican arty as he has a Rolling Stones magazine piece about these idiots running for the republican nomination and has usual it is entertaining as hell. Taibbi will be on more and more video programs and maybe some network to talk about the clown show the Republican candidates are and the bizaro world of reality we see that these knuckleheads are able to achieve as serious candidates only because of the money funneled towards them by the one percent. Matt Taibbi kicks ass.
Matt Taibbi has been following the Ben Carson campaign and other Republicans this election cycle thus far and cannot believe the absurdity of all the candidates. He has been making the rounds of liberal podcasts and programs talking about the insaneness that he has visualized thus far in the republican debates.

Is Alex Smith and the Kansas City Chiefs going to the Super Bowl
Terry Blue
Kansas City Kansas is a miserable city with its citizens realizing they are in a dead end zone and with not much going for it as a locality. A place like Kansas City, Missouri or its Kansas counterpart is so isolated and such a double fly-over loser spot in America that it is actually a city with nothing but including a dangerous black ghetto. The pace just cannot win but luckily for them they have had NFL football for decades in a Kansas City Chief team that from time to time can be a bit successful. Alex smith is their hotshot quarterback that has done some good for this season and after a slow start the KC Chiefs are on an incredible run. This is been good for the poor city that few would ever want to spend a day visiting and the locals dream of someplace better. I don't know what this city would do had it been like the many other ones in the central plains without
t any pro sports and pro sports has given chief fans some feeling of belonging even though they do have a mascot and logo as offensive as the Washington Redskins. how the Kansas City Chiefs have not received any social criticism for their team identity and stereotyping of Native Americans is a topic for another post here at the Left Shark. Some people in our office pool have the chiefs as a slumber surprise Superbowl team winning an incredible nine games in a row and my personal penchant is for a SuperBowl I rematch with Alex Smith and the chiefs hailing a victory over the Green Bay Socialists. Alex smith has a strong arm and reliable experience to get the job done and it is good to see him rebound and get back on track in a league with a quickly declining talent list at the most crucial of all positions that are needed for this game to continue to strive. The Chiefs are my sleeper team and no other city in America needs a winner more than the
Kansas City Kansas is a miserable city with its citizens realizing they are in a dead end zone and with not much going for it as a locality. A place like Kansas City, Missouri or its Kansas counterpart is so isolated and such a double fly-over loser spot in America that it is actually a city with nothing but including a dangerous black ghetto. The pace just cannot win but luckily for them they have had NFL football for decades in a Kansas City Chief team that from time to time can be a bit successful. Alex smith is their hotshot quarterback that has done some good for this season and after a slow start the KC Chiefs are on an incredible run. This is been good for the poor city that few would ever want to spend a day visiting and the locals dream of someplace better. I don't know what this city would do had it been like the many other ones in the central plains without

Noah Stycker stalks birds and loves books
Polly Cracker
Noah Styrcker broke a birding record with the most recorded bird sightings for a single year when he finally witnessed the Sri Lanka frogmouth and has a goal of five thousand birds to see before the New Year is up. At last I checked he had 4,342 bird sightings which is still the record but far short of the ideal he had planned when 2015 started and book publishers are already lining up to get this guys work in print and his journey for 2015 available to the reader.
Noah Stycker is an amazing human being and being able to sight half of the known bird species in one year is an arduous task for anyone. Who is Noan Stycker you may ask/ he is somehow connected to the Audubon society which can only mean he is good for wildlife. He is the premier birder of his era being able to capture and photo the most
reclusive birds out in the wild and Noah is willing to go to all parts of the world to get that five inute sighting and make history is the objectively most difficult of sports which is birding. I mean to be able to capture the Sri Lanka frogmouth you actually have to get don and dirty in Sri Lanka and risk your limbs and neck in the jungle forests where this frog eating meat eater hides out. Strcker was able to get it along with five thousand other birds in the area. Not too shabby for a kid-like humanoid.
Noah Styrcker broke a birding record with the most recorded bird sightings for a single year when he finally witnessed the Sri Lanka frogmouth and has a goal of five thousand birds to see before the New Year is up. At last I checked he had 4,342 bird sightings which is still the record but far short of the ideal he had planned when 2015 started and book publishers are already lining up to get this guys work in print and his journey for 2015 available to the reader.

Matt Lewis plays lip up for Star Wars and Slyvester Stallone on his lame podcast
Troy York
Podcaster Matt Lewis,not the model/actor, was another guy recently promoting the new Star Wars movies and its role in culture through the years paying homage and tribute to the creation of George Lucas. As Star Wars rebrands and starts fresh conservative Matt Lewis talked about the conservative nature of the empire and how some are saying the rebels are the bad guys. Matt recently had John Hanlon on his program and they talked about the movies creed and Star Wars as being the top two movies of the year. Matt Lewis then suddenly talked of his love for Rambo movies and how under appreciated Sylvester Stallone's movie First Blood was and how his acting abilities were over-looked through his career from a few bad movies he made in his long and illustrious career.
Anyone who thinks Rocky's character and storytelling of some washed up boxer was brilliant or that Stallone is really an actor is only kidding themselves. Sylvester Stallone was one of the most atrocious actors of all time and somehow used one screenplay to establish himself in the business in the mid-seventies. If anything this man is over-rated in everything and the sick gunning mentality of a Matt Lewis to appreciate shock and awe gun movies as the Rambo character brilliantly illustrates how the decline of America was quickly established through everyday violence from characterization of it through Hollywood.
There is a direct link of the violence we have with mass shootings with the amount of violence males are prone to emulate and glamorize through mass media institutions that glorify and only highlight men with guns or who use fists as weapons. Goofballs like conservatives knuckleheads like Matt Lewis eat the shit up and promote these great characters from the twisted mind of jackals like a Slyvester Stallone willing to go to any means to undermine civilization so they can make millions from proudly profiting immensely from these films. Instead of making critical films of Vietnam and Afghanistan we got bullshit military propaganda and glamorization of things like Rambo and Rocky boxing concussion violence
Podcaster Matt Lewis,not the model/actor, was another guy recently promoting the new Star Wars movies and its role in culture through the years paying homage and tribute to the creation of George Lucas. As Star Wars rebrands and starts fresh conservative Matt Lewis talked about the conservative nature of the empire and how some are saying the rebels are the bad guys. Matt recently had John Hanlon on his program and they talked about the movies creed and Star Wars as being the top two movies of the year. Matt Lewis then suddenly talked of his love for Rambo movies and how under appreciated Sylvester Stallone's movie First Blood was and how his acting abilities were over-looked through his career from a few bad movies he made in his long and illustrious career.
Coco says women should be slaves to husband
Lester Yates
Coco is some middle-aged woman with an ugly large ass that married this really ugly old rap star. Ice Tea is around sixty years of age and the couple will be having a child together and have often been highlighted by mainstream media. This ridiculous woman stated something on Tv in an interview recently that she enjoyed being a slave to this man as Ice tea's finances undoubtedly must be worth something to this day as he made music in an era where musical acts were more handsomely rewarded than they are today. Thus to a woman like Coco an Ice Tea appears more handsome and something to hold onto for now. In this interview Coco said all wives should take pleasure in being a slave as evidently this bimbo is to this old man. I am pretty confident to say that if Ice Tea was a garbage collector or used car salesmen a Coco would not be so willing to b e a slave and the message this woman was apparently trying to get out is that women should be slaves to men with money. The fact that an Ice Tea should still profit and make money from his awful music and use this celebrities y as a stepping stone to a television and movie career is petty pathetic and disgusting as there are undoubtedly more talented people on stage more deserving that Ice Tea to be on some cop show running on air.
I never understood how a musical career should really be allowance for someone like this guy to be automatically in line to have a television career but this is the problem with mainstream media where a few executives determine that Ice Teas rap career is deserving of a television role for whatever police show he stars right now. somehow some executives think that because this guy was popular in the eighties that this should somehow transition and leapfrog this frog-looking fuck into a lead TV role and continued celebrity status. A Coco endorsing the concept that wives should be submissive to their husbands and the patriarchal hierarchy she advocates pretty much explains how people like this remain elite status and in continuing roles as celebrities and media monarchs mouthpeices for mainstream media and the celebrity culture of the elite one percent class and worship of it and more the reason why the system needs to be destroyed.
Coco is some middle-aged woman with an ugly large ass that married this really ugly old rap star. Ice Tea is around sixty years of age and the couple will be having a child together and have often been highlighted by mainstream media. This ridiculous woman stated something on Tv in an interview recently that she enjoyed being a slave to this man as Ice tea's finances undoubtedly must be worth something to this day as he made music in an era where musical acts were more handsomely rewarded than they are today. Thus to a woman like Coco an Ice Tea appears more handsome and something to hold onto for now. In this interview Coco said all wives should take pleasure in being a slave as evidently this bimbo is to this old man. I am pretty confident to say that if Ice Tea was a garbage collector or used car salesmen a Coco would not be so willing to b e a slave and the message this woman was apparently trying to get out is that women should be slaves to men with money. The fact that an Ice Tea should still profit and make money from his awful music and use this celebrities y as a stepping stone to a television and movie career is petty pathetic and disgusting as there are undoubtedly more talented people on stage more deserving that Ice Tea to be on some cop show running on air.
Elephant Seal standoff in California exposes human habitat destruction
Jaake Glass
A brave Elephant Seal has confronted humans on a Sonomo County highway and refused to budge for a few days. The Seal was transported away from the highway after its first protest and then suddenly and surprisingly returned to the same highway trying to cross it like a chicken. As with chickens people were wondering why this Elephant Seal creature would cross the road. The local authorities tranquilized it after another standoff as the seal attacked people trying to move it with wooden boards and it refused to budge. somhave speculated that the seal was looking for a better place to breed as human contamination of the waterways and oceans are forcing more marine mammals to make this land transition.
This truculent Seal decided to block Route 37 and the image of the Seal willing to risk its body around speeding cars should be a wakeup call by wildlife to people of the dangers these mammals are willing to take to escape the destruction of its habitat. The Seal was sedated and evidently will be returned to its habitat that the animal was fleeing for some unknown reason but I am more than willing it has something to do with the animals innate ability to determine what is causing its environment to go bad. The mainstream media will keep declaring this Seal is stubborn but the Seal is likely reacting to the changes in its habitat that massive human intrusion is disturbing in some way. Seal is very adamant about getting out of the water and making this crossing and so-called wildlife experts need to study and declare why the Seal is acting in this way and in this place. There is something more to this story and likely some human water industrial dumping in the area local business wants others to know none of their business. This Elephan
t Seal decided to make it its business though and hopefully will continue to expose something.
A brave Elephant Seal has confronted humans on a Sonomo County highway and refused to budge for a few days. The Seal was transported away from the highway after its first protest and then suddenly and surprisingly returned to the same highway trying to cross it like a chicken. As with chickens people were wondering why this Elephant Seal creature would cross the road. The local authorities tranquilized it after another standoff as the seal attacked people trying to move it with wooden boards and it refused to budge. somhave speculated that the seal was looking for a better place to breed as human contamination of the waterways and oceans are forcing more marine mammals to make this land transition.
Social critics criticism...Young peope crashing due to eye phone prone
Ed West
Distracted phone public injures doubles in four years around the world according to a recent study and just one visit to any large city one can witness the distracted people walking around not paying any attention to where they are walking. The National Safety Council had to act and release this report as more and more of the troubled and dumbed down youth are walking themselves into the emergency rooms thanks to their dedication to staring at their phones. State and federal authorities are perplexed at what to do with these increasing costs and trips people take to the hospital as they are too stupid and trip over a curb. pretty much they need to take this issue much more serious as they did with jaywalking and perhaps hundreds of dollars in fines for being caught doing this in heavy-populated streets would be the best solution to lowering the growth of these preventable injuries and starting with crosswalks would be a great start.
The line between computers and phone has always been blurred from millenniums who seem to be the biggest group breaking their bones glued to their phones as one would be glued to watching mostly commercials on television network programs on their couch at home. The amount of people getting serious injuries from their dumbness and deafness outside their phone bubble is growing by leaps and bounds with some reports in localities announcing a quadruple increase of injuries in a few short years. this increase will continue unless nothing is done to curb the practice of morons staring at their screens and tripping over curbs to see the latest cat falling video.
Distracted phone public injures doubles in four years around the world according to a recent study and just one visit to any large city one can witness the distracted people walking around not paying any attention to where they are walking. The National Safety Council had to act and release this report as more and more of the troubled and dumbed down youth are walking themselves into the emergency rooms thanks to their dedication to staring at their phones. State and federal authorities are perplexed at what to do with these increasing costs and trips people take to the hospital as they are too stupid and trip over a curb. pretty much they need to take this issue much more serious as they did with jaywalking and perhaps hundreds of dollars in fines for being caught doing this in heavy-populated streets would be the best solution to lowering the growth of these preventable injuries and starting with crosswalks would be a great start.
Mark Zuckerberg's grandoise plan for his compnays future despite telltale evindence on the contrary
Otto Jansen
Mark Zuckerburg paces around his office in Facebook wondering how in the hell he is going to keep lame Facebook from becoming more lame. s much of the youth moves to ins tangram and Snapshat mark knows how quickly and fickle the social media public can be making his company as irrelevant ass Friendster. he is quickly trying to keep Facebook as a world class search engine and all go-to place for the internet. There re three major initiatives that Zuckerberg has identified and none of them bold well for Facebook. Mark sees that artificial intelligence as a ke factor and this can only mean more intrusion of peoples privacy that this sucker has alread
y been a bold advocate but faced increasing backlash and criticism that may doom his enterprise. Zuckerberg is a bold proponent for virtual reality which the concept is as absurd as it sounds and people can barely take their technology driven reality of real-life bumping into buses as they commute down the street with their IPhones in hand. Facebook acquired oculus and aside from a few tech gadget fucks nobody will really want one of these products in the foreseen future. The third thing Zuckerberg sees crucial for Facebooks future is getting the other four billion stubborn assholes connected on Facebook around the world who have the audacity of having yet to connect to his system. mark cannot believe there are still people pathetic on this planet that have not yet seen facebook yet alone logged in and Mark is determined to make sure them seventy year old subsistence farmers in Zambia get hooked and get clicking on a computer. all these rantings from Zuck is the ravishing of a madman knowing his empire is crumbling and that in order to feel a world-class citizen he has to keep his Facebook so much a part of peoples daily life ignoring the fact humanity got along fine without his invention or service.
Mark Zuckerburg paces around his office in Facebook wondering how in the hell he is going to keep lame Facebook from becoming more lame. s much of the youth moves to ins tangram and Snapshat mark knows how quickly and fickle the social media public can be making his company as irrelevant ass Friendster. he is quickly trying to keep Facebook as a world class search engine and all go-to place for the internet. There re three major initiatives that Zuckerberg has identified and none of them bold well for Facebook. Mark sees that artificial intelligence as a ke factor and this can only mean more intrusion of peoples privacy that this sucker has alread

Jyo Johnn Mulloor's helmet designs makes Paul Teutul Jr gag
Jason Fool
Paul Teutul Jr is just not in the news lately and for this it is sad. he is an amazing designer but even he never came up with this bizarre but interesting motorcycle helmet design by artist Jyo John-Mulloor . The guy has invested motorcycle helmets made out of peoples scalps and are just plain sick. Why would anyone want to wear a helmet that resembles a fucking skull o a persons head not of your own. I have always been under the belief just because somebody comes up with an entrepreneurship and idea doesn't mean there will ever be a market and I doubt a Paul Teutul Jr would ever come up with something like these new helmet heads.
The inventor of these helmets is a Dubai based artist who evidently had plenty of tie and money to invest in this ludicrous invention. I am sure Paul Teutul Jr was aghast seeing this crazy shit and then wondering why he didn't come up with better helmet designs in order to make the comfort of riders more appreciated that would thus encourage more safty driving. In fact, rider discomfort seems to be a reason why Jyo decided to tackle this project with his off-looking helmets. A 17th century Mohawk brave would love to have had the opportunity to wear and make one of these helmets no less.
"All my life I have always been a passionate motorcyclist. I love everything about motor biking but the helmets. The most uncomfortable gear you could ever wear." Said Mulloor. Mullor didn't really say in various posts how exactly a helmet shaped out of an ugly head would actually be more comfortable and I suppose he is still working in that in Dubai as we speak but I really doubt these helmets would get out on the market.
This guy Mulloor is a nobody just the son of some rich sheik most likely with too much time and money to waste on his art and ideas somehow connected to his only passion in life which is riding motorcycles in the deserts of Arabian peninsula.
Paul Teutul Jr is just not in the news lately and for this it is sad. he is an amazing designer but even he never came up with this bizarre but interesting motorcycle helmet design by artist Jyo John-Mulloor . The guy has invested motorcycle helmets made out of peoples scalps and are just plain sick. Why would anyone want to wear a helmet that resembles a fucking skull o a persons head not of your own. I have always been under the belief just because somebody comes up with an entrepreneurship and idea doesn't mean there will ever be a market and I doubt a Paul Teutul Jr would ever come up with something like these new helmet heads.

Who is a bigger pinhead Jeff Berwick or Ben Swann
Jordon Morgan
The question of the day is who is more of a pinhead Jeff Berwick or Ben Swann. This is something that is really hard to argue and lets go and check the facts. Jeff Berwick is some alternative currency libertarian who would love to see people once again held as property for others.
Jeff Berwick perpetuates lies through his broadcasts into hating government because it is the one institution that restricts their total access to power and able to do as they please to create profits for their class and poverty for anyone outside it and Berwick is pretty outrageously open and outright on his evil. One can only hopes he gets lung cancer that no amount of hidden un-taxed money can pay a top doctor to save this weasels ass and the more he chain smokes the more happy his enemies get pleased this this pinhead slowly smoke his insides out.
Ben Swann is another urban man of madness who is spreading crazy in his own way. The man is a journalist but wants to report the news the way he says and basically questions anything the US government say or does because he wants to be an instigator more than an investigator ben Swann also has these stupid youtube shows that serve as entertainment for the masses that see right through his shit like Berwick and the real goal of his news independent channel.
if you believe that Ben Swann is an independent journalist without an agenda that he claims than you will believe turtles are more agile and mobile than Sea Gulls. ben Swann reports his news with an eye that is more slanted that Mao Zedung or Emperor Hirohito could ever manage. thus guy thinks that he can put on a expensive suit and parade around in front of a huge screen on camera and that people will buy into whatever he says. Swann wants in his mind to convert minds onto questioning our country's intentions when others attack us or politically influence in attempts to dishearten Americans. With paid hacks like ben Swann they are having some influence.
Ben Swann is a huge pinhead but is he really larger than a Jeff Berwick? No because Berwick wants to see people poor and government weal and that is why he is in Mexico and says he wants to help people to be entrepreneurs instead of relying on the one institution that protects them from further abuses and near-slave conditions that a Jeff Berwick would like to see wealthy people have the right to maximize. nobody is a bigger pinhead than Libertarian elitist and globalist Jeff Berwick
The question of the day is who is more of a pinhead Jeff Berwick or Ben Swann. This is something that is really hard to argue and lets go and check the facts. Jeff Berwick is some alternative currency libertarian who would love to see people once again held as property for others.

Ben Swann is another urban man of madness who is spreading crazy in his own way. The man is a journalist but wants to report the news the way he says and basically questions anything the US government say or does because he wants to be an instigator more than an investigator ben Swann also has these stupid youtube shows that serve as entertainment for the masses that see right through his shit like Berwick and the real goal of his news independent channel.

World's wealthy a bit more apprehensive as Bitcoin founder Craig Steven Wright's home raided
Oscar Orton
Australian federal police raided the home and estate of Craig Steven Wright as authorities narrow in on who is responsible for the creation and brainchild of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency rich people use to avoid taxes and their responsibility to government. Billions have been lost to revenue for government for important streams to keep the country operating for their daily expenses.
Craig was called out recently by publications Gizmodo and Wired magazines as the likely creator of Bitcoin as this guys big mouth about the need for cryptocurrency for the world's wealthy to continue to hoard and take all of the wealth and retain it for their small group so they can use it as economic leverage to undermine their main rival that prevents them from reestablishing feudal societies.
A Craig Steven Wright and his cronies wanted desperately to establish a currency they can use to hide money around and move it around outside of the eyes of government but now government is coming for them and their money. An Australian Tax Office Investigation against this creep had been going on for a while and perhaps the articles help spur the investigation and lead to the raid to this mans McMansion in Northern Sydney. it also didn't help this nimrods case that his own LinkedIn account lists himself as a Chief Executive officer of some tax dodging institution and he describes himself as an investor and huge backer of alternative currencies which basically is code words for tax dodgers and so forth and it is not surprising to see an top IT security honcho as this asshole be involved in something illegal as such as this.
The man and his garage was full of junk as most big houses in suburbia seemed to be filled as people just fill their oversized homes with useless junk they buy and then just keep for storage. I have always said the 99% o people in huge mansions likely are using the system and doing something illegally in order to be able to afford and keep their homes and more and more authorities will be searching through these rich peoples houses in the western world and seeing where their incomes are coming and if taxes are fucking being paid.
Australian federal police raided the home and estate of Craig Steven Wright as authorities narrow in on who is responsible for the creation and brainchild of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency rich people use to avoid taxes and their responsibility to government. Billions have been lost to revenue for government for important streams to keep the country operating for their daily expenses.
The cult of SpaceX and Elon Musk
Neil Knight
Elon Musk and his SpaceX achieved a rare total success as a rocket returned back to Earth and Elon expects this to drive down costs and open up space to rich people such as himself. Elon launched eleven satellites out into space last week and achieved the company's objective of returning a booster intact to be able to use again.
Actually Elon Musk was quite shocked that the rocket returned intact but occasionally is appears things will once in a while work perfectly Mostly though given the gravitations of space and earth and its delicate atmospheric pressure most times the rocket will explode. for now though Elon Musk and his employees are celebrating like rabid dogs that just captured a rabbit. the Falcon 9 touchdown was only accomplished through much spending of Elon Musk's company and much money flowing being invested into his projects in space from private investors instead of being directed to real problems on Earth. The falcon 9 cost an insane 60 million dollars and now musk must check to see if this fucking rocket is even able to return to space after going through its anomalous journey through hectic territory that living things were never intended to travel.
Elon Musk just wants to bask in the sun remaining a rich guy getting waste spent up to space and occasionally making the public thinking he is accomplishing something valuable with his SpaceX goals. Musk lies to folks saying this method of reusable rockets will bringing down costs but The Falcon 9 experiences major temperature changes during its flights, as well as intense pressures and vibrations from the winds in the atmosphere. These all produce wear-and-tear on the vehicle's hardware — meaning the rocket might need repairs and updates before it can launch again. Refurbishing a rocket engine is often expensive and destroys the ideas and distortions of an Elon Musk and SpaceX.
Who knows maybe Elon will be successful and we will be able to throw garbage in space cheaper than it will cost to project tons of garbage and electronic junk into space. The costs of this rich pricks dreams are unparalleled and he will tank just as the expensive nutty space shuttle idea and I am not really looking forward to success from these business guys and having rocket debris falling down all over the place for half of the time these guys and their projects don't go all as planned. I'm surprised this nimrod Elon Musk doesn't think he can make a replica and an eventual real Millennium falcon for manufacture. people are still waiting for the fucking flying car.
Elon Musk and his SpaceX achieved a rare total success as a rocket returned back to Earth and Elon expects this to drive down costs and open up space to rich people such as himself. Elon launched eleven satellites out into space last week and achieved the company's objective of returning a booster intact to be able to use again.
Thomas Hartmann and the liberal lie of Donald Trump helping ISIS recruitment
Wally Jackson
Every liberal in the past two weeks has reiterated the lie that Donald Trump's attempts to halt Muslim immigration is going to aid the Islamic State and their recruitment offer. dingbats from Sam Sedar to Alan Colmes, to Ed Shultz among others repeat this statement and this now has come from the old lips of Hillary Clinton. The notion of turban terrorists sitting around the campfire and thinking that Donald Trump's actions will aid them is hilarious and what these fuck head liberals don't realize that the Islamic State is going to recruit future killers and fighters regardless what Donald Trump says or does. Hartmann though is the most egregious often repeating this stupid line out of his stupid mouth up to four or five times a day.
Thomas Hartmann really visions a bunch of pissed off Middle Eastern men saying fuck it and just leaving everything dropping out of school or work to join the Islamic State and live like rats in the desert just to get even with Donald Trump. Either he really visions this or is as stupid as he looks and sounds perhaps just being swayed by working for foreign entities such as Russia or the Canadian ultra-liberal orthodox wings still fighting the war of 1812. ISIS would be recruiting and bombing and killing and having so much fun regardless of Donald Trump's statement and ideas of finally ending the insanity of allowing these people and inbreed bastards coming into this country. There has always been radical Islamic people who use religion to justify their hatred of others and force them to believe what they believe and will do anything to make a statement. Donald Trump scares the shit out of liberals and the brown out of their underwear because he doesn't pray to a higher power be that money from our enemies of appeasing the Islamo-facist lovers out there wishing to see the migration of this evil to all lands.
Blonde female bartenders get more jobs and higher tips based on looks
Baxter Lomax
Blonde female bartenders are four times more likely to be hired as compared to toher grous according to a survey on the hiring practices of bars and restaurant hosts in the state of Indiana and this should not be surprising most likely reflecting a bias. The amount of female blonde bartenders is very evident in the state of Wisconsin and on my own personal investigation of bars and resterauts in Southern Wisconsin one comes across a very high preponderance of female blonde workers behind and attending bars. These hiring practices of these private businesses are rarely spoken so I was a bit surprised to see a report finally dealing with this topic as I have had a hard time competing for jobs with buxom blonde beauties for these prized gigs.
In my forty years of attending bars I have ony seen one black female bartender in a bar that was not in a black predominate surrounding community and the hiring practices of bars should really be investigated more thoroughly. Take Mandy at the Brass Monkey for example. this blonde in this Milwaukee bar is slow and bad and often makes me wait a half hour to getting me my next round of draft. When you look like Mandy you can act as you want regardless of the customer and are there basically for eye candy for the owner. The role of tipping and how peoples biases on good looks and their tipping amount has been a study and again women with full beauty looks and blonde hair get the hire tips without regard to more aggressive fulfillment services studies have shown. This inequality based on looks should also be examined given the amount of investment and tax deferred increment districting plays and the role of bar and restarants in this areas of economic speculation and preferences of improving a neighborhood.
Blonde female bartenders are four times more likely to be hired as compared to toher grous according to a survey on the hiring practices of bars and restaurant hosts in the state of Indiana and this should not be surprising most likely reflecting a bias. The amount of female blonde bartenders is very evident in the state of Wisconsin and on my own personal investigation of bars and resterauts in Southern Wisconsin one comes across a very high preponderance of female blonde workers behind and attending bars. These hiring practices of these private businesses are rarely spoken so I was a bit surprised to see a report finally dealing with this topic as I have had a hard time competing for jobs with buxom blonde beauties for these prized gigs.
In my forty years of attending bars I have ony seen one black female bartender in a bar that was not in a black predominate surrounding community and the hiring practices of bars should really be investigated more thoroughly. Take Mandy at the Brass Monkey for example. this blonde in this Milwaukee bar is slow and bad and often makes me wait a half hour to getting me my next round of draft. When you look like Mandy you can act as you want regardless of the customer and are there basically for eye candy for the owner. The role of tipping and how peoples biases on good looks and their tipping amount has been a study and again women with full beauty looks and blonde hair get the hire tips without regard to more aggressive fulfillment services studies have shown. This inequality based on looks should also be examined given the amount of investment and tax deferred increment districting plays and the role of bar and restarants in this areas of economic speculation and preferences of improving a neighborhood.
The role of gift giving in Indian land taking
Cougar Face
Christmas is a tradition where people give gifts to younger generation and pretty much pay off their love and tenderness for their children's love and affection in return. This bizarre concept of gift giving for a holiday is a Western practice that was heaped upon the indigenous population in America as traders paved the way for their intrusion and influence on Indian peoples and lands. the Spanish,French, English and later American colonists often had their traders and representatives buy out local Indians for their alliances and lavished them with gifts and presents in something that is not much unlike the current concept and continuation of the neurotic Christmas traditions. English and French traders use to compete mightly for the love and alliance of powerful tribes in t

Lisa Madigan squashes draft Kings and Fan Duel dreams in Illinois
Leroy Yost
Lisa Madigan has decided that Fan Duel and Draft Kings constitutes gambling in the state of Illinois and thus recommended that these two gambling sites not be allowed to operate. Hopefully more Attorney Generals in states also decide to keep the sanctuary of sports and stop the spread of all these gambling daily sites which is just ways by greedy technology people to skirt around the issue and get legalized gambling on all the major sports events. This is an issue for the states and most in blue states will decide that these two companies achieving to be major players in daily sports fantasy gambling are scrupulous and give advantages to the workers and other insider friends of these companies.
The law "clearly declares that all games of chance or skill, when played for money, are illegal gambling in Illinois," Madigan, a Democrat, wrote.
Madigan's decree follows decisions in New York and Nevada to ban the sites from operating and being able to profit and increase its wealth and political influence to expand. This decision by Lisa Madigan stymied growth opportunities and it is about time that politicians stand up against this abuse. The casino betting culture in this country leads to many problems not of which include the drive of wealthy people to avoid taxes so they can go to the local riverboat or Indian reservation. fan duel and Draft Kings are two more major institutions trying to vying for the right to spread this disease in American culture but they didn't expect there would be much of a backlash from the public and great politicians such as Lisa Madigan standing in their way telling them that their sites are the illegal gamble g that they insist they are not. These two companies now will spend to sue Lisa Madigan and other state representatives that prevent them from screwing over the fools that think they can win easily from daily gambling on athletes performances for one game.
Lisa Madigan has decided that Fan Duel and Draft Kings constitutes gambling in the state of Illinois and thus recommended that these two gambling sites not be allowed to operate. Hopefully more Attorney Generals in states also decide to keep the sanctuary of sports and stop the spread of all these gambling daily sites which is just ways by greedy technology people to skirt around the issue and get legalized gambling on all the major sports events. This is an issue for the states and most in blue states will decide that these two companies achieving to be major players in daily sports fantasy gambling are scrupulous and give advantages to the workers and other insider friends of these companies.
The law "clearly declares that all games of chance or skill, when played for money, are illegal gambling in Illinois," Madigan, a Democrat, wrote.
Madigan's decree follows decisions in New York and Nevada to ban the sites from operating and being able to profit and increase its wealth and political influence to expand. This decision by Lisa Madigan stymied growth opportunities and it is about time that politicians stand up against this abuse. The casino betting culture in this country leads to many problems not of which include the drive of wealthy people to avoid taxes so they can go to the local riverboat or Indian reservation. fan duel and Draft Kings are two more major institutions trying to vying for the right to spread this disease in American culture but they didn't expect there would be much of a backlash from the public and great politicians such as Lisa Madigan standing in their way telling them that their sites are the illegal gamble g that they insist they are not. These two companies now will spend to sue Lisa Madigan and other state representatives that prevent them from screwing over the fools that think they can win easily from daily gambling on athletes performances for one game.
King Felipe of Spain worried about Pablo igless and recent Spanish elections
Andy Cruz
This has not been a good Christmas for King Felipe of Spain as the just concluded elections in Spain threatens his power grip. he has called for calm and unity after the inconclusive Spanish elections in what is perhaps Europe's most unequal society and the gains by Podemos and their bright and charismatic leader Pablo Iglesias made major gains in only their second year and along with the socialist party threatens the elite rule of popular front that has pushed for a right-wing political agenda and tried to move an economy into a sphere of influence in the neo-liberal Anglo sphere and corporate command. The king also called for "national cohesion" in what correspondents say could be criticism of separatists in Catalonia.
Spain is a country on the brink where many people are fed up with the same power structure that justifies an economy where the youth have to live in foreign countries to make a living. This is a deliberate plan by globalists who want few contacts and conclusions of its young citizens from national loyalty and any sovereignty of an independent national state. this is another confused member of the Euro-zone that will have difficulty forming a government and this may be the plan of the Eu from the start in their economic madness and central control where only a few regions prosper through their choice and the rest and driven down hard through austerity and forced ethnic depression and division as we have seen in Spain. King Felipe will act as he gives a shit but this guy is part of the problem and why power is always held in his royal family veins and so much of the youth of his subjects must go to Canada to serve wine and biscuits to wealthy Englishmen and Italian American-Canadian victors of the global trade massive resource extraction era.
Felipe is worried as shit as he sits on his throne reading the newspaper and has major bowl movements thinking about Pablo Iglesisis and his Podemos movement. Pablo is a modern day Fidel Castro without the arms and using the ballot box to demand and forestall change for Spain that unquestionably will be the better for most. Unlike Fidel Castro or Robin Hood Pablo doesn't have to hide in the forests or mountains to raise an army to fight for justice. will not be better for King Felipe VI though and he wonders if the VII will still have full reign of the ship and castle in a generation.
This has not been a good Christmas for King Felipe of Spain as the just concluded elections in Spain threatens his power grip. he has called for calm and unity after the inconclusive Spanish elections in what is perhaps Europe's most unequal society and the gains by Podemos and their bright and charismatic leader Pablo Iglesias made major gains in only their second year and along with the socialist party threatens the elite rule of popular front that has pushed for a right-wing political agenda and tried to move an economy into a sphere of influence in the neo-liberal Anglo sphere and corporate command. The king also called for "national cohesion" in what correspondents say could be criticism of separatists in Catalonia.

Art Dudolf frustrates twitter and Facebook social media lonly folks
Arnold Buckley
Art Dudolf created a drawing artwork stir on social media the other day. he drew this amazing montage of snowmen with one panda hidden and it was near impossible to locate this panda. many people were frustrated in their own personal attempt to play this discovery gain and some people spent hours failing to find the panda. I decided to time myself and found the panda after ten minutes and this was one of the most difficult "Where's Waldo' type' cartoon searches I have ever tried.
The panda is in the sixth row third from the right row and I can see how some people not as familiar with comic art could be confused and never find this panda. Not old Arnold and I quickly put some drawing strategy to work in my search for the lone panda and thus conclude why I was more successful than most. Hungarian artist Gergely Dudas who goes by the pen name dudolf drew upwards of half a million limes on facebook with this drawing. As far as my personal search I conducted that the panda would have to have actual ears and looked for this. I also calculated that the panda would not likely have a carrot for the nose and I wonder how many people thought of this as they searched this difficult puzzle. An excellent comic cartoon drawing of finding Andy panda and perhaps Art Dildof may try a personal strip of these two characters someday to be syndicated into a strip.
Art Dudolf created a drawing artwork stir on social media the other day. he drew this amazing montage of snowmen with one panda hidden and it was near impossible to locate this panda. many people were frustrated in their own personal attempt to play this discovery gain and some people spent hours failing to find the panda. I decided to time myself and found the panda after ten minutes and this was one of the most difficult "Where's Waldo' type' cartoon searches I have ever tried.
The panda is in the sixth row third from the right row and I can see how some people not as familiar with comic art could be confused and never find this panda. Not old Arnold and I quickly put some drawing strategy to work in my search for the lone panda and thus conclude why I was more successful than most. Hungarian artist Gergely Dudas who goes by the pen name dudolf drew upwards of half a million limes on facebook with this drawing. As far as my personal search I conducted that the panda would have to have actual ears and looked for this. I also calculated that the panda would not likely have a carrot for the nose and I wonder how many people thought of this as they searched this difficult puzzle. An excellent comic cartoon drawing of finding Andy panda and perhaps Art Dildof may try a personal strip of these two characters someday to be syndicated into a strip.
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