Larry Frost
Rod Blagojevich and his Illinois friend Drew Peterson are helping to organize the Illinois chapter of the largest national prison strike ever seen in recent years. The mainstream business media has thus far not covered the general strike that the nations prisoners have been staging protesting the low-wages the mass incarcerated have to labor. This resistance is important and the prisoners need to be pertinacious in fighting back against the use of their slave labor for profit. For years these prisoners have been given a picayune of pay for their hard labor and both Dew Peterson and rod Blagojevich re dead angry with this abuse against their fellow prisoners.

Drew Peterson cannot believe he went for an eighty grand police job to one picking screws off old metal and helping companies profit from the recycle of this material. The deranged prisoners have been organizing through a network of smuggled cellphones, social media pages, and the support of allies on the outside. The effort culminated in a mass refusal to report to prison jobs on September 9, the anniversary of the 1971 Attica prison uprising. This was an uprising that was ruthlessly put down and many of these hardened con men seek activists and others to back their protest and rebellion fro forced labor that companies are using their easy and cheap labor while they are imprisoned. Blagojevich has gone back to his law books to see what he can do legally to help these criminals and get them out of work.
“This is a call to action against slavery in America,” organizers wrote in an
announcement that for weeks circulated inside and outside prisons nationwide, and that sums up the strikers’ primary demand: an end to free prison labor. “Forty-five years after Attica, the waves of change are returning to America’s prisons. Eventually another major uprising will destroy the entire system and concept of incarceration for any crime. This September we hope to coordinate and generalize these protests, to build them into a single tidal shift that the American prison system cannot ignore or withstand.” Drew Peterson seemed to agree with the statements of the protestors and longs for the day that his crimes and murders of three of his former wives is commuted and he can go back to enjoying life and retirement perhaps settling down again with another young woman. Drew Peterson says eventually they will have to let him go and that the prosecution for his threat against a prosecutor was total bullshit. Likewise Blagojevich hopes his work on gaining leverage and rights for the prisoners will put him back in the spotlight