Money Dream
Martin Manziel
For Vicky Vlachonis she is a young woman realizing he money dream in California and basically living off the success and charity of the Hollywood elite. as mentioned a onth ago in this blog Vicky is quite literally dancing with the stars as the osteopath tells these snobbish ignorant psychopaths who rake in so much dam money from reading lines and sleeping with producers. The Cameron Diaz's and Gweneth Paltrows love Vicky because she looks and resembles one of them and they don't have to compete with the beauty of a Vicky Vlachonis for direct movie roles and so forth. Vicky works trying to read bed tie stories and talk about pain to a variety of the 1% in Hollywood who make their money again from having leading rles in Hollywood movies and reading scripts in front of a camera.

She has worked with Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin, Cameron Diaz, Tobey Maguire
and Sir Elton John, as well as Princes William and Harry. Vicky Vlachonis is no Dr Seuss and likely you will go to bed in pain and wake up in pain regardless of what you might read in one of this womans books.In her new book, The Body Doesn’t Lie, she says people need to face their pain
to live healthy lives. Vicky recently talked to the tabloid the Sun about her ideology and why other perky blonde celebrities love and treat her like a sorority sister without the backstabbing. Pain is good,” she says. “Pain is a signal, a warning from the body that
something is not quite right.
“Those aches you feel are often the outer signals of inner pain you’re not
addressing. All pain is both physical and emotional. And all pain, when you
learn how to face it, can help clear your path to a better life.” I get ache and pain reading this womans books and realizing how easily in the book publishing business one chump writings can be supported and financially leant dream money if they are slim and blonde and hang doing yoga with other blonde stars of the left coast.