Baxter Lomax
Since 2015 five gay geek bars closed down in Indianapolis and this same transition is being replayed in both big and small city like Indy all across the nation. A gay bar called Varsity recently shut down in Indy making it the fifth one and more and ore gays having less and less outlets to spread their diseases and cultures ca only be seen as a rare positive aspect of the corporatization of everything. there will never be gay Buffalo Wild Wings but there will be less gay butt munching bars and bathhouses in Buffalo, New York. Another bar that closed down in Indianapolis was Talbott, long known for its drag shows where men got together not to discuss the Indianapolis 500 and other many things, but instead got together to talk about women's clothing and how best to look and aspire to pass off ones self as another gender.

The insanity of the drag shows at Talbott and other gay venues have gone kaput in recent years thankfully and perhaps the business community found the perfect solution in battling their gay progressive counter parts in society and that is just being such a force they leave no opening or room for gay places of worship and drink gathering places in these ever increasingly expensive real estate locations for business. Elsewhere in Indy 501 eagle closed down as well losing business as more and ore urban gay men find the idea of dressing in leather ridiculous as straight people identified this bizarre neurotic and eccentric attitude of the homo through the years and was primarily ne of the reasons people avoided these whack jobs.
Jack LaFary poured the last of the drinks at the 501 in October but had seen the end coming well before then. “Guys my age stopped going out to bars all the time,” said LaFary, 48, “and the new generation never did catch on.”. The reason not put out why gay young people are not going to these places is maybe they do not want to be part of the freak show and identity movement used as a political money-making wing of the democratic corrupt party that then funds business ventures and capital projects in cities leaving no room for dumps and dives.

It’s the same elsewhere. The 501’s closing “comes just weeks after the Barracks closed in Louisville,” reported the the gay news website
Great Lakes Den, lamenting that “most of Indiana will no longer have easy access to a leather bar.” Perhaps the leather scene was the last resistance of the macho inspired gay think tans that existed and was some sort of backlash against the real effeminate weirdos sipping martinis like 19 year old college girls. whatever the reason leather bars as part of the queer scene have been diminishing as have the gay bars across the nation and there is few gays can do short of franchisees a news corporate company catering to gays to reverse this trend in society. Perhaps Peter Thiel should invest in his own start up pickle burger place for gay men called peter eaters or something like that

and Thiel can munch on those buns and meat for a change