Armando Arturo
Chicago downtown is home to many upscale scam business restaurants for the one percent. One of the top Thai cooks was fucking Thai Deng who made some of the best God dam fried Chicken and Thai dishes this side of Thailand( to repeat a famous Colonel sanders line) and his Embeya restaurant on Ohio street had a pricey menu that only the globalists could eat at while down from their jets in their select downtown cities.
Unfortunately for the Thai native his business partner was Attila "The Hun " Gyulai and as reported in a recent Crains Chicago Business magazine Attila and his hot Indian Patel of a wife skipped the country with all the proceeds,receipts,money,loan payments, and fucking silverware from this fucking sham of a restaurant called Embeya. All of this fucking Thai immigrants Thai Deng's assets went up and the bill collectors are knocking on this guys deng door making Mr Deng go dang it.

Thai and Attila had met in the Gold Coast hospitality industry working in some luxury high-debt allowance 10 star motel and they decided to venture on a restaurant project himself and like Attila the Hun of history this Hungarian prick fuck face had it planned to screw over his Asian partner, who did all of the dirty cook work in the kitchen. Like most members of the plutocratic class, Gyulai did little except live off a mountain of debt in the hotel business and eventually his luxury motel brand fialed and was bought up by partnerships f other investment firms and luxury motel chain HiltonMr Deng basically created some Chinese chicken dishes that these two fucks then marked up at skyrocketing prices knowing full-well the inequality of sky rise living would find them suitors in their new Randolph street business. Attila's Toronto based Indian wife (Toronto/ India again) Komal Patel eventually took interest using her accounting and marketing skills to develop a plan for the globalist couple to drain this business for themselves and leave this chink with all of the bills. this was a classic set up so rotten and fishy it should heave as a warning for other entrepreneurs to be careful when involving oneself in the Asian restaurant globalist urban scam of the Anglo-America world.

Komal and Attila are being searched for by the FBI and their disappearance from downtown Chicago is a shame, despite their white collar crimes, as they were named as one of the top five stylish couples by Michigan Avenue magazine in 2016. It is kinda of easy to afford the expensive watches and taste required to make this list when you steal ten million dollars from your restaurant and business partners screwing over the system as good restaurateurs of the British,Indian, Scottish band of globalist class shows . Deng though is no real victim as he sought to profit from cooking tiny dishes at huge profits and i always say these swanky expensive restaurant sis some organized front for money laundering and dirty laundry payments of this crooked class as no people in their right mind unless they have to would pay 200 food bills for dish veggie stew meat dishes that a shithead Thai Deng brought about in this Embeya kitchen that really is no better than ahhh a Lin's Garden Chinese restaurant in a strip mall

poor Thai Deng lost everything thanks to this Hungarian money hungry asshole who in the weeks before he fled with Miss India had humiliated this guy firing him on the spot and calling the cops when Thai refused to leave Embeya as 55% owner Attila the Hun was able to do and fire Mr Deng from Chinese kitchen duties. Thai Deng needs to squint and read the fine print next tie he foolish signs a contract with a Balkan asshole and ventures into a business deal with the descendants of the scam eastern Roman Empire and Attila the Hun