Bernardo Romano
Italian commandos, seals, marines, police,rangers, and special ops raided and confiscated properties belonging to criminal mafia organizations leading to top echelons of Italy's government and Catholic church officials. Over three hundred criminals were arrested and ties of this network to the Pope were identified as the Catholic church has long advocated and been part of the Italian mafia and the take down of this scum Ndrangheta organization was welcome news to Italians g living under fear and terror of these cartel drug networks and this attack on the Italian mafia was also imitated in four other countries where the Sicilian and Italian mafia has a presence in
spreading the power of criminal networks. The Pope named Francis is also responsible for the criminal networks of the Italian mafia and simultaneous raids took pace in Switzerland, Bulgaria,Germany,Romania and Zimbabwe.
The Italian commandos and authorities confiscated hundreds of millions of dollars worth or properties from these criminal networks and the need for more warfare on international cartels, drug networks, and mafia and gang organizations need to be conducted with the same enthusiasm and determination as was seen in Europe just before Christmas whether pope fuck hole Francis likes it or not.
The Catholic globalist Italian empire exists because of the wealth theft and hoarding of this pedo cult and gangsterism perhaps not too far from the Islamic cult as these two religions are very similar to one another and I guess only paid soldiers of fortunes and ethnicity differences prevented a consolidation of through the Middle Ages.The Ngrangheta is one of the most powerful and dangerous mafia organizations and is estimated to have 6000 members throughout the world and some are saying is personally commanded by Rome and the Argentine global Pope Francis himself having hijacked the religious post into a criminal network. Pope Francis is besides himself in a fit of anger and delusional thought knocking holy water down and throwing crucifixes after news of these raids reached the Vatican and the idea that even on the Popes home domains state governments and the new pro-Italian right-wing government would dare to go after his possessions and allies is something this psychotic bling wearing old Argentine asshole is going to have to deal.
Pat Gray,Glen Beck, and Patrick Lunkin bash Cenk Uygur a new ass
Dominick D'Souza
Blaze TV vociferously went after California congressional candidate Cenk Uygur in the latest attack against this incompetent propagandist on the internet and his ridiculous run for a congressional seat to further this dipshit fledgling media career. I all of these criticisms of the Young Turk' fonder and former MSNBC asshole Cenk Uygur no one says anything that the main motivation for this garbage individual running for the 25 congressional seat as primarily being to further his name and brand in the progressive crowd. Pat Gray and Glen Beck along with their new and up coming producer with the winter hat ahhh Patrick Lunkin(?) spoke how misogynist Mr Uygur is and how he spoke of the hope to see Israel
totally bulldozed out of existence. Cenk Uygur is a dipshit who couldn't get laid and is why he tweeted the hate and anger issues he had as a fat young Turkish man unable to score with the scantly clad Latina babes at the beaches. Cenk Uygur couldn't even get laid with the most desperate homos in Miami Beach . Glen Beck said there must be hundreds of past comments of this eat head Venk
Uygur that illustrate the insanity of this man yet he would not be surprised n the rigged lefties Democrat uneducated voters somehow vote for Mr Uygur as many Mexican-Americans will see this guy as looking and being one of them in their shared interest in socialism and redistribution.
Glen Beck did one of his board take downs of this Turkish son of a dog an agent of Recep Tayipp Erdogan and Mr Beck examined to where the Young Turks and the ogre get their funding and he declared the vast majority of it is from overseas wishing to create chaos in our democratic system.
Blaze TV vociferously went after California congressional candidate Cenk Uygur in the latest attack against this incompetent propagandist on the internet and his ridiculous run for a congressional seat to further this dipshit fledgling media career. I all of these criticisms of the Young Turk' fonder and former MSNBC asshole Cenk Uygur no one says anything that the main motivation for this garbage individual running for the 25 congressional seat as primarily being to further his name and brand in the progressive crowd. Pat Gray and Glen Beck along with their new and up coming producer with the winter hat ahhh Patrick Lunkin(?) spoke how misogynist Mr Uygur is and how he spoke of the hope to see Israel
totally bulldozed out of existence. Cenk Uygur is a dipshit who couldn't get laid and is why he tweeted the hate and anger issues he had as a fat young Turkish man unable to score with the scantly clad Latina babes at the beaches. Cenk Uygur couldn't even get laid with the most desperate homos in Miami Beach . Glen Beck said there must be hundreds of past comments of this eat head Venk
Uygur that illustrate the insanity of this man yet he would not be surprised n the rigged lefties Democrat uneducated voters somehow vote for Mr Uygur as many Mexican-Americans will see this guy as looking and being one of them in their shared interest in socialism and redistribution.
Glen Beck did one of his board take downs of this Turkish son of a dog an agent of Recep Tayipp Erdogan and Mr Beck examined to where the Young Turks and the ogre get their funding and he declared the vast majority of it is from overseas wishing to create chaos in our democratic system.
Modern day plunderer and Viking Felix "Pukedie pie" Kjellberg discusses his self-worth proudly boasting he is worth multi-millions
Jacoby Genevese
In part two of our look at the international fraud of values for men of YouTube and the international globalist order we examine the sad case of Feix Kjellberg. The YouTube personality otherwise known as PewDiePie" is Swede from hell and a source for illegal money going int his coffers and to be distributed later at some planned convenience for all parties. In no way should this silly jackass and what he has t offer the audio broadcast internet waves be allocated as some near billionaire. The discussions and topics Pewdieprick brings up are not even interesting to the teenage mind and monopoly money and the system has decided to push promote this clown and make the fake news claims he and his name is an asset of some value. One an say through this plunder of Pewie that he is a modern day Viking just without the gore and violence attributed to the sea faring terrorist organization form this mans home and back in the day. Pewds had the audacity of ridiculing the medias declaration of hisxworth saying they purposely understate his real value and says he is worth 112 million and not the 12 million stated.
In part two of our look at the international fraud of values for men of YouTube and the international globalist order we examine the sad case of Feix Kjellberg. The YouTube personality otherwise known as PewDiePie" is Swede from hell and a source for illegal money going int his coffers and to be distributed later at some planned convenience for all parties. In no way should this silly jackass and what he has t offer the audio broadcast internet waves be allocated as some near billionaire. The discussions and topics Pewdieprick brings up are not even interesting to the teenage mind and monopoly money and the system has decided to push promote this clown and make the fake news claims he and his name is an asset of some value. One an say through this plunder of Pewie that he is a modern day Viking just without the gore and violence attributed to the sea faring terrorist organization form this mans home and back in the day. Pewds had the audacity of ridiculing the medias declaration of hisxworth saying they purposely understate his real value and says he is worth 112 million and not the 12 million stated.
Pew Die Pie just l and offers nothing really interesting or comedic to justify the recent claims of this goose about making twelve million dorsal and basically waste of corporate advertising headed You Tubes direction is at the discretion of this tech monopolist to distribute and allowed ways to spread. Somehow they declared this Scandinavian son of a bitch is worth twelve million dollars every year for talking ad playing video games and the whole system is unregulated and not subjected to explanation or relative examination
Matt Weyrich is way rich from being s sport journalist hack for athletes as he criticizes woman on-line who bashed Lamar Jackson's Rolex watches
Lincoln Kennedy
Matt Weyrich is a asshole sports writer for NBC sports who attacked some woman named Karen who write a piece letter to the editor at he Baltimore Sun rightfully criticizing new that Baltimore Ravens quarterback purchasing his already over-paid high-income offensive line Rolex watches. Now aside form the fact that I don't believe Lamar used his own money to purchase thee watches (Rolex given watches people are not buying) the news of this had any people roasting these professional athletes using money to give other rich men gifts, Somehow the criticism by"Karen" and her letter to the newspaper triggered this son of bitch journalist advocate of massive inequality and the Las Vegas greed of luxury that goes with these men.
Matt Weyrich a a wanabee wishful elite athlete and wisher to be a athlete where such insane high unearned incomes provide for a single athlete being able to purchase 7 or 8 large teammates rolex watches is an example of the fraud that massive corporate money diverted form workers to ballers and owners of sports teams. The fact that Lamar Jackson can gave away to has already rich teammates a watch that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars is indicative of the problem with the economy and the forces of luxury business and power that cause it. Karen's letter to the Baltimore sun did
wondered why this already rich athlete along with his teammates do not donate to charity instead of subsidizing Rolex thanks to their high incomes through the bogus structure of money into sports.
Instead of attacking Lamar Jackson this apologist for professional baller instead licked Lamar's balls and attacked this woman and her right for free speech and bewilderment that these greedy athletes fucking don't help out people in need and instead buy over-priced watches to feed their fucking ego. Lamar Jackson and his offensive line are bot going the the Super Bowl as this shit head and his fat linemen are not going to think of the X's and O's and instead obsessed with showing off their expensive rings and watches that these guy buy each other.
Matt Weyrich is a asshole sports writer for NBC sports who attacked some woman named Karen who write a piece letter to the editor at he Baltimore Sun rightfully criticizing new that Baltimore Ravens quarterback purchasing his already over-paid high-income offensive line Rolex watches. Now aside form the fact that I don't believe Lamar used his own money to purchase thee watches (Rolex given watches people are not buying) the news of this had any people roasting these professional athletes using money to give other rich men gifts, Somehow the criticism by"Karen" and her letter to the newspaper triggered this son of bitch journalist advocate of massive inequality and the Las Vegas greed of luxury that goes with these men.
Matt Weyrich a a wanabee wishful elite athlete and wisher to be a athlete where such insane high unearned incomes provide for a single athlete being able to purchase 7 or 8 large teammates rolex watches is an example of the fraud that massive corporate money diverted form workers to ballers and owners of sports teams. The fact that Lamar Jackson can gave away to has already rich teammates a watch that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars is indicative of the problem with the economy and the forces of luxury business and power that cause it. Karen's letter to the Baltimore sun did
wondered why this already rich athlete along with his teammates do not donate to charity instead of subsidizing Rolex thanks to their high incomes through the bogus structure of money into sports.
Instead of attacking Lamar Jackson this apologist for professional baller instead licked Lamar's balls and attacked this woman and her right for free speech and bewilderment that these greedy athletes fucking don't help out people in need and instead buy over-priced watches to feed their fucking ego. Lamar Jackson and his offensive line are bot going the the Super Bowl as this shit head and his fat linemen are not going to think of the X's and O's and instead obsessed with showing off their expensive rings and watches that these guy buy each other.
Free Talk LIve fags Ian Freeman and Mark Edge confront Joe Biden in New Hampshire and call him a pervert
Carlton Olsen
Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are the Free Talk Live fags libertarian talk show form hell that we often comment on in this blog. They paperhangers the most arrogant voices ever to be heard through audio history ad these pieces of shit believe they are the smartest and know more than the average person. Ian proclaimed one day his IQ is 150 and these two guys hate government and those representatives of it and recently Joe Biden was in Mulford ,New Hampshire and was attacked by three separate Free Talk live fans including our own Woody Underwood who made the trek
Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are among others who called out Quid Quo Joe and how this man has use d government to benefit himself and his family l through the years and account for the main reason Democrats like himself have such a global vision and desire to see successful at the expense of the masses of struggling American workers and families. Edge and Ian hate big government corruption and have called for the complete independence of New Hampshire Quid Quo Joe is a joke and even are own Woody Underwood went up to this rural area filled with libertarian rednecks and accused Joe Biden of inappropriately touching kids all of the time and called him out for the pervert creepy Joe is as a person. Joe Biden as expected loss control and this is another example how the former Barack Obama Hussein ass kisser is incompetent and unable to lead this country yet alone a shit state like Delaware whom Mr Biden was propped up to rue by the banking class.
Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are the Free Talk Live fags libertarian talk show form hell that we often comment on in this blog. They paperhangers the most arrogant voices ever to be heard through audio history ad these pieces of shit believe they are the smartest and know more than the average person. Ian proclaimed one day his IQ is 150 and these two guys hate government and those representatives of it and recently Joe Biden was in Mulford ,New Hampshire and was attacked by three separate Free Talk live fans including our own Woody Underwood who made the trek

Andy Warski calls out the nerd John Oliver as a horrible host and tool for globalism and HBO
Noel Parker
Internet right-winger Andy Warski came out strong and returned after a long absence and he directed his anger at the numerous propagandist leftists hiding and pretending to tbe teak show hosts in America. Mr Warski bashed John Oliver from Great Britain and wonder why this ass fuck is always talking about politics and trying to sway his audiences into thinking a certain political ideology and what this nerd Oliver believes is the direction we should go as a nation. John Oliver is a mouthpiece for global HBO and the international investment money and hedge funds that fund this entertainment' with a goal to direct political dialogue and initiative that supports inequality and the status quo of global corruption and a feudal system where the media plays a major part. Warski wonders if the Pharaohs,Czar's,Kings, emperors,Warlords, Sultans etc etc (as Jim Corbett would say)
The Kings always had their court jesters and for the international banking classes in modernity hacks and clowns like John Oliver serve the rulers well in their battle against president trump and the freedoms of liberty best represented by the forces in 1776 that broke away form this son of a bitches John Olive'rs British empire. Is it any wonder why three hundred years later a John Oliver would still be working for the global trade goals of the British crown in attacking an American democratically elected leader such as president Trump. John Oliver is an unfunny piece of British shit who not only woks against the American people but against the English people serving the Jewish overlords well in media and "entertainment" with his
team of graphic making memes and lies that go with it.
Internet right-winger Andy Warski came out strong and returned after a long absence and he directed his anger at the numerous propagandist leftists hiding and pretending to tbe teak show hosts in America. Mr Warski bashed John Oliver from Great Britain and wonder why this ass fuck is always talking about politics and trying to sway his audiences into thinking a certain political ideology and what this nerd Oliver believes is the direction we should go as a nation. John Oliver is a mouthpiece for global HBO and the international investment money and hedge funds that fund this entertainment' with a goal to direct political dialogue and initiative that supports inequality and the status quo of global corruption and a feudal system where the media plays a major part. Warski wonders if the Pharaohs,Czar's,Kings, emperors,Warlords, Sultans etc etc (as Jim Corbett would say)

Fake news journalist Andre Higgins overblows the threat from Vladimir Putin
Frank Banks IV
New York Times fake news journalist Andrew Higgins is worried and scared of the Russian Bear. Russia is a power and traditionally ha been an empire expanding out East as Peter the Great and other early leaders of Russia imitated and admired the West and now the resurgence of Russia and Vladimir Putin is a major concern for the war loving deep state and it sadistic lying media and writers such as this hack Andrew Higgens.
Russia controls Central Asia and should be let to such and if it expanded to the Baltic of Eastern Europe for a buffer against the evils Russia has faced for the Scandinavian or Central Europeans then let it be so There should be no alarm form the fake news writers like Andrew "fuckface Higgins who wish and desire to use the rise and power of Russia to somehow undermine and attack president Trump. The same attack fro this fake writer is the same smear that these same American journalists and political opponents attack Mitch McConnell calling him Moscow Mitch. The fear and loathing of Russia supremacy and rise is really not about Russia but about internal politics within America and if the Russian people (or American for that matter) really had such a problem with Putin's domination of politics then they would be i the streets.
What the continuing Russian attacks is based upon is that Russia is no longer the Soviet Union and instead of being a far-left Marxist state it is a right-wing fascistic state and this has the American left angry as fuck and madder than a hen without feathers or an egg to sit. Vladimir Putin brought mother Russia back form the brink and possibility of being carved up by Ukraine, China, India Norway,America, and the EU authoritarians and brought power and prestige back to the Russian people and its proper role of influential brokers and dealers in the region and the global community. For the most part Russia s using its power to a proper prospective in global terms and if one believes Mr Higgins and other mainstream corporate media Mr Putin is in the category of Ivan the terrible and
nothing further form this truth is obvious. I guess the mainstream media form time to time need to get away from the Orange Hitler and attack another power figure as these lowly writers like Mr Higgins are Green in jealousy of the power of these leaders. Andrew an others blame Russia and Putin for the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories and perhaps Mr Higgins is too dumb to realize these things existed far before Mr Putin and at time when baby Putin was in his crib. Mr Huggins also speak with fork tongue describing Putin's and grab for Crimea and I wonder in the age of yellow journalism if Higgins would criticize the British empires grab of this same territory and whether Andrew thinks that Crimea should be rewarded and returned to Central Asian nomads and the Tatars? Andrew Higgins is both a jackass and a fuckface bad New York Times manipulator and liar of international affairs and one can hope one day he doesn't return from Mother Russia and is sent to a hard prison labor camp either in Yukon,Alaska, or Siberia.
New York Times fake news journalist Andrew Higgins is worried and scared of the Russian Bear. Russia is a power and traditionally ha been an empire expanding out East as Peter the Great and other early leaders of Russia imitated and admired the West and now the resurgence of Russia and Vladimir Putin is a major concern for the war loving deep state and it sadistic lying media and writers such as this hack Andrew Higgens.
Russia controls Central Asia and should be let to such and if it expanded to the Baltic of Eastern Europe for a buffer against the evils Russia has faced for the Scandinavian or Central Europeans then let it be so There should be no alarm form the fake news writers like Andrew "fuckface Higgins who wish and desire to use the rise and power of Russia to somehow undermine and attack president Trump. The same attack fro this fake writer is the same smear that these same American journalists and political opponents attack Mitch McConnell calling him Moscow Mitch. The fear and loathing of Russia supremacy and rise is really not about Russia but about internal politics within America and if the Russian people (or American for that matter) really had such a problem with Putin's domination of politics then they would be i the streets.
What the continuing Russian attacks is based upon is that Russia is no longer the Soviet Union and instead of being a far-left Marxist state it is a right-wing fascistic state and this has the American left angry as fuck and madder than a hen without feathers or an egg to sit. Vladimir Putin brought mother Russia back form the brink and possibility of being carved up by Ukraine, China, India Norway,America, and the EU authoritarians and brought power and prestige back to the Russian people and its proper role of influential brokers and dealers in the region and the global community. For the most part Russia s using its power to a proper prospective in global terms and if one believes Mr Higgins and other mainstream corporate media Mr Putin is in the category of Ivan the terrible and
nothing further form this truth is obvious. I guess the mainstream media form time to time need to get away from the Orange Hitler and attack another power figure as these lowly writers like Mr Higgins are Green in jealousy of the power of these leaders. Andrew an others blame Russia and Putin for the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories and perhaps Mr Higgins is too dumb to realize these things existed far before Mr Putin and at time when baby Putin was in his crib. Mr Huggins also speak with fork tongue describing Putin's and grab for Crimea and I wonder in the age of yellow journalism if Higgins would criticize the British empires grab of this same territory and whether Andrew thinks that Crimea should be rewarded and returned to Central Asian nomads and the Tatars? Andrew Higgins is both a jackass and a fuckface bad New York Times manipulator and liar of international affairs and one can hope one day he doesn't return from Mother Russia and is sent to a hard prison labor camp either in Yukon,Alaska, or Siberia.
Bill Belichick's brain becomes butter and he and Tom Brady are not going to the Super bowl
Guy Baldwin
Bill Belichick's brain has officially become butter unable to answer simple questions in post game interviews and following the shocking loss to the lowly Miami Dolphins in the final game of the season the legendary Boston Patriot's football coach was unable to answer relatively simple questions allowing for long pauses after each question. Mr Belichick's head was still formulating the X's and O's and this man likely did not even now where he was or that the game as over resulting in a defeat for the Patriots. Bill Belichick stood before the reporter and mainstream media and the
corporate sponsor logos in the background and he very well looked like the jerks seen in Dunkin Donuts whose mind is lost and unable to comprehend if they are eating donuts or burgers while sipping away at trashy untasty watered down coffee with beans dated from 2017.
Bill Belichick's brain has become chopped liver and this man is so lost in football that for the sake of his health and future both he and Brady need to consider retirement as they have done enough in the sport. This man and his reaction to the press yesterday makes a case for his obvious cognitive decline and for years his obsession with play chart and the success of this team is bringing down about a major cognitive decline in Belichick's mind. Tom Brady as blitzed and schlitzed losing what otherwise five year sago would of been a Patriot blowout. The decline of the Patriot sis occurring despite a 12-4 season and the beginning of the end and domination of this team is apparent and they are unlikely to go to the Super Bowl finally this year we have researched,looked at the facts, and made a declaration.
Bill Belichick's brain has officially become butter unable to answer simple questions in post game interviews and following the shocking loss to the lowly Miami Dolphins in the final game of the season the legendary Boston Patriot's football coach was unable to answer relatively simple questions allowing for long pauses after each question. Mr Belichick's head was still formulating the X's and O's and this man likely did not even now where he was or that the game as over resulting in a defeat for the Patriots. Bill Belichick stood before the reporter and mainstream media and the
corporate sponsor logos in the background and he very well looked like the jerks seen in Dunkin Donuts whose mind is lost and unable to comprehend if they are eating donuts or burgers while sipping away at trashy untasty watered down coffee with beans dated from 2017.

The bamboozle of Elon Musk's tunnel in Vegas City
Gerald Jasper
The pipe dream of Elon Musks Boring Company and plans for a hyper sonic tunnel Jetsons type infrastructure continues as Elon pushed back another year insisting there will be a fast tunnel system under the high rise motels and casinos of Vegas City. Elon now says dig duging will commence in 2020 despite long old claims a really fast tunnel would be in place by 2019. Mr Musk continues to lie and incredibly profit from his asinine absurd lies and pet projects and this guy is a billionaire and tycoon in name and fakery only.
Most of the projects this South African son of a bitch will ever pan put and I'm even suspect of the things that SpaceX has declared it has done this prick is such a fraud. Even if hr could build this unnecessary silly tunnel the idea that Vegas or other city need government subsidies and have construction done for a pod system to move elite conventioneers and business travelers one mile in 4 nanoseconds at 1200 miles per hour obviously is s misallocation of resources .
Elon Musk speaks with fork tongue on tech and futurism because he gets investor money the present for ideas and projects of science fiction movies and cartoons ahhh like the Jetsons. Mr Musk tweeted about the progress of this tunnel but he lies and knows it will never be accomplished and is just an excuse to get millions now as owner of this capital wasteful project and spending.
The pipe dream of Elon Musks Boring Company and plans for a hyper sonic tunnel Jetsons type infrastructure continues as Elon pushed back another year insisting there will be a fast tunnel system under the high rise motels and casinos of Vegas City. Elon now says dig duging will commence in 2020 despite long old claims a really fast tunnel would be in place by 2019. Mr Musk continues to lie and incredibly profit from his asinine absurd lies and pet projects and this guy is a billionaire and tycoon in name and fakery only.
Most of the projects this South African son of a bitch will ever pan put and I'm even suspect of the things that SpaceX has declared it has done this prick is such a fraud. Even if hr could build this unnecessary silly tunnel the idea that Vegas or other city need government subsidies and have construction done for a pod system to move elite conventioneers and business travelers one mile in 4 nanoseconds at 1200 miles per hour obviously is s misallocation of resources .
Elon Musk speaks with fork tongue on tech and futurism because he gets investor money the present for ideas and projects of science fiction movies and cartoons ahhh like the Jetsons. Mr Musk tweeted about the progress of this tunnel but he lies and knows it will never be accomplished and is just an excuse to get millions now as owner of this capital wasteful project and spending.
Youtuber Ninja proudly boasts how his dogs have Verasce pillowcases
Arnold Buckley
Ninja is a silly young jackass that the international investor makes a fake claim of his work and value ahhhh basically just playing video games and bullshitting with his friends and the absurdity of the fraudulent economy to fund and reward a untalented jackass ass him is part of the major stain upon the system in need of major reform. In no way should a Tyler Blevin's should be so financially rewarded for fucking playing video games but the corrupt corporate sponsorship complex figures this an is worth the hundreds of millions he receives annually for
Blevin is an outlet and trusted source for wealth confiscation and the distribution network it so chooses and supplying some guy to talk about video games and the Versace pillows that cost thousands for his dogs is ridiculous in nature and sheds more negativity of thought for capitalism as some skid row video gaming twit is allowed to amass such a fortune playing fonight.
Tyler is a clown and one of the biggest stars on YouTube with millions of primarily fake accounts and views to speculate tot he public this man and streamers are legitimate sources of viewership and entertainment. Tyler Blevin spending his money for dog sheets is pathetic an clearly Verasce is spending for his dialogue and one must wonder how much of Tyler's other discussions are brand drops and whether he speaks with his own control as he plays video games and gets paid well for it as a son of the elite class
Ninja is a silly young jackass that the international investor makes a fake claim of his work and value ahhhh basically just playing video games and bullshitting with his friends and the absurdity of the fraudulent economy to fund and reward a untalented jackass ass him is part of the major stain upon the system in need of major reform. In no way should a Tyler Blevin's should be so financially rewarded for fucking playing video games but the corrupt corporate sponsorship complex figures this an is worth the hundreds of millions he receives annually for

Blacks on the attack in New York with dozens of racial an anti-semitic attacks daily
Jordan Morgan
A machete wielding deranged Black man attacked a Rabbis house and almost killed five people in t latest string of attacks against Jews, Hispanics ,Whites Gays,Asians, and others in what is the continual spread of hate within the Black mind spread from both Israelite and Black Muslim extremists filling the blacks with even more hate than they naturally have for the other. Both Governor Andrew Quomo and Mayor Bill De Blassio are besides themselves wanting to use these anti-semitic attacks to blame president Trump and White nationalism when all of the perpetrators are black as the Ace of spades.
For the racial identity N lovers this is a problematic issue and something that De Blassio and Cuomo will continue to ignore and the attacks against orthodox Jews and others will continue to grow in this racist Black power and black supremacy sanctuary city. The Blacks as a race and people are disproportional unstable and unable to control their urges and using them as a political street weapon of hate has been a stone cold fact since the civil rights era and for some reason Orthodox Jews are under their radar in New York. It is not just Jews as we seen last week in a brutal 9 on one street
mugging of a sixty year old man who was just declared dead the other day from the cowardly attack by demonic hate filled Blacks. The Orthodox Jews and others in New York are besides themselves as they are suffering dozens of assaults a week and few if any of these people are being locked up and a Jew needs to be beaten to death for this rotten apple city. The Blacks are deranged and on the attack and some authorities are warning tourist and others to be o their guard whenever near a group of Afro's on the streets and this is the same advice we have been giving for many years insisting that these cities prevented conceal gun right sin order to allow the negroes and Blacks full access to brutality against their citizenry.
The mainstream media and New York is so bad I'm shocked they even arrested anyone for this Hanukkah attack and named the suspect showing his picture as Grafton Thomas. There still have been no arrests for the beating death of a 60 year old Latino man by ten Blacks and sooner or later Trump needs to send in the feds to get a handle on this race and city that allows such assaults and attacks to go unpunished as most of these anti-Semitic anti-White attacks on students and gays go unpunished by the corrupt Black judges and liberal court system of this city.
A machete wielding deranged Black man attacked a Rabbis house and almost killed five people in t latest string of attacks against Jews, Hispanics ,Whites Gays,Asians, and others in what is the continual spread of hate within the Black mind spread from both Israelite and Black Muslim extremists filling the blacks with even more hate than they naturally have for the other. Both Governor Andrew Quomo and Mayor Bill De Blassio are besides themselves wanting to use these anti-semitic attacks to blame president Trump and White nationalism when all of the perpetrators are black as the Ace of spades.
For the racial identity N lovers this is a problematic issue and something that De Blassio and Cuomo will continue to ignore and the attacks against orthodox Jews and others will continue to grow in this racist Black power and black supremacy sanctuary city. The Blacks as a race and people are disproportional unstable and unable to control their urges and using them as a political street weapon of hate has been a stone cold fact since the civil rights era and for some reason Orthodox Jews are under their radar in New York. It is not just Jews as we seen last week in a brutal 9 on one street
mugging of a sixty year old man who was just declared dead the other day from the cowardly attack by demonic hate filled Blacks. The Orthodox Jews and others in New York are besides themselves as they are suffering dozens of assaults a week and few if any of these people are being locked up and a Jew needs to be beaten to death for this rotten apple city. The Blacks are deranged and on the attack and some authorities are warning tourist and others to be o their guard whenever near a group of Afro's on the streets and this is the same advice we have been giving for many years insisting that these cities prevented conceal gun right sin order to allow the negroes and Blacks full access to brutality against their citizenry.
The mainstream media and New York is so bad I'm shocked they even arrested anyone for this Hanukkah attack and named the suspect showing his picture as Grafton Thomas. There still have been no arrests for the beating death of a 60 year old Latino man by ten Blacks and sooner or later Trump needs to send in the feds to get a handle on this race and city that allows such assaults and attacks to go unpunished as most of these anti-Semitic anti-White attacks on students and gays go unpunished by the corrupt Black judges and liberal court system of this city.
Quavo wants the Atlanta Falcons to dump Matt Ryan for Colin Kapernik
Oscar Orton
Hip hop animal and source for funneled dark dollars and drug money Quavo gave his two cents about that he believes should occur with the future of the National Football league and the Atlanta Falcons. Quavo demands the Falcons give the starting quarterback job to Colin Kapernik when asked a month ago about Kapernik's fake workout and the demand and dream f sports enthusiasts Hip hop assholes like Quavo are racially based and tinged and if they had their way all roster spots would go to player sin line of thinking and disrespecting of America as a Colin Kapernik.
Quavo wants to rid the Falcons of Matt Ryan as after disappointing year after disappointing year Mr Ryan may have worn out his welcome with his shitty play and unfortunately his lowly play has given black pieces of shit like this Quavo to make the claim for a Colin Kapernik, which of course is insane has he hasn't played in three years. There is a reason aside form his keeling that Mr Kapernik is not in the NFL or even the fucking CFL. The Likes of Snoop Dogg, Chance the Rapper, Quavo, 50 cent Kenya , and other uninformed bad music produces will continue to rap Kapernik's horn and state for him to return in 2027 and 2028 and possible for every season to come.
Hip hop animal and source for funneled dark dollars and drug money Quavo gave his two cents about that he believes should occur with the future of the National Football league and the Atlanta Falcons. Quavo demands the Falcons give the starting quarterback job to Colin Kapernik when asked a month ago about Kapernik's fake workout and the demand and dream f sports enthusiasts Hip hop assholes like Quavo are racially based and tinged and if they had their way all roster spots would go to player sin line of thinking and disrespecting of America as a Colin Kapernik.
Quavo spoke out an dis starting a Gofundme campaign to force and purchase Colin Kapernik into what these drugged out hip hop assholes think is the rightful place of a man such as Colin Kapernik. Quavo is an asshole and he and other rap drug benefactors are insistent that Colin Kapernik should be starting in the NFL and if a team had him under center they would naturally be in the upcoming playoffs

Mark Dice mocks and bashes the ass of Cenk Uygur
Ed West
Add Mark dice as the latest to analyze and critique Young Turks Islamic radical Cenk Uygur as Mark Dice did a video looking into the current presidential run of the far-left radical liar on th internet. The Ogre has one of the biggest YouTube propaganda networks called the "Young Turks" and Mr dice reflected on the name Mr Uygur chose and basically young Turks and Nazis are and were the some brutality Ontarian genocidal state and Mark says Cenk Uygur and his choice of name for his media brand indicates the hatred he has for Western culture and Christianity as a civilization and this is why he works so hard to be a major player and dissenter of propaganda in attacking it from within.
Add Mark dice as the latest to analyze and critique Young Turks Islamic radical Cenk Uygur as Mark Dice did a video looking into the current presidential run of the far-left radical liar on th internet. The Ogre has one of the biggest YouTube propaganda networks called the "Young Turks" and Mr dice reflected on the name Mr Uygur chose and basically young Turks and Nazis are and were the some brutality Ontarian genocidal state and Mark says Cenk Uygur and his choice of name for his media brand indicates the hatred he has for Western culture and Christianity as a civilization and this is why he works so hard to be a major player and dissenter of propaganda in attacking it from within.
Cenk Uygur is a fat brainless meat head always has been one and always will be and his decision to run for the 25th congressional district as a Democrat in California is evidence of the sorry state of affairs this left coast state has crumbled without the aid of major Earthquakes. The lugubrious situation in politics where foreigners can donate and put clowns like Uygur and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or Iihan Omar into our congress is dangerous and needs to somehow be ended as these people seek ill will and not good will for America.
The plan of the far-left lie Cenk Uygur is to bankrupt the shit out of this country. Mr Uygur is desperately trying to come across as some Scandinavian socialist and socialite when in fact the man and his political ideology should be in Cuba an this is what he represents and wishes to expand throughout North America. Mr Uygur is a fan of the Young Turks in world history and advocates the same method of land grab and plunder of the other that this group did as one of the most evil takeover regimes and advocates in history.
Joe Rogan ponders Left sharks in great lakes and does a double face on drugs tlaking abotu dead doornail boxer Tommy Morrison
Eric Ericson
Joe Rogan had natureoligist Forrest Galante on his program and they talked a variety of animal and drug issues as if there is nothing a Joe Rogan likes more it is the combination of drugs and wildlife. They talked about the growing threat of wild hogs and how they are getting bigger and bigger along with other animal issues including he spread of wild coyotes,wolves, and crazy cougars Joe Rogan and Forest spoke of the Bullshark species as one of the more aggressive left harks and how they are able to traverse the river ways and Joe Rogan said there were cases of Bullsharks attacking people in
Chicago and the Great lakes as well and making its way to Iowa which may or may not be fake news. The dope addicted annoying Joe Rogan even asked whether crocodiles hunt humans and Forrest confirmed one of Joe's biggest fears whenever he skinny dips in the Nile or Amazon as a good jet traveling globalist.
Joe then veered off in another direction with his animal expert Mr Galante who stated only the upper one percent biologists should ever take selfies with wild animals and not amateurs. Joe Rogan changed his mind on drugs and stated all drugs should remain illegal and he is quitting pot and meth.
Rogan talked about a documentary he saw about Tommy Morrison and he and his guest Forrest agreed with the legalization movement more tragedies and downfalls of people like former heavyweight champion Tommy "Duke" Morrison who was addicted and health declined dramatically because of too much illegal narcotics and hardcore drugs. the example of Tommy Morrison's downfall made Joe emotional and he reconsidered all the bullshark he has been saying about drugs in the past few years as the drug legalization complex pushed this man to have a voice and be influential as a comedian, television,host , singer, and MMA announcer and fighter.
Joe Rogan had natureoligist Forrest Galante on his program and they talked a variety of animal and drug issues as if there is nothing a Joe Rogan likes more it is the combination of drugs and wildlife. They talked about the growing threat of wild hogs and how they are getting bigger and bigger along with other animal issues including he spread of wild coyotes,wolves, and crazy cougars Joe Rogan and Forest spoke of the Bullshark species as one of the more aggressive left harks and how they are able to traverse the river ways and Joe Rogan said there were cases of Bullsharks attacking people in
Chicago and the Great lakes as well and making its way to Iowa which may or may not be fake news. The dope addicted annoying Joe Rogan even asked whether crocodiles hunt humans and Forrest confirmed one of Joe's biggest fears whenever he skinny dips in the Nile or Amazon as a good jet traveling globalist.
Joe then veered off in another direction with his animal expert Mr Galante who stated only the upper one percent biologists should ever take selfies with wild animals and not amateurs. Joe Rogan changed his mind on drugs and stated all drugs should remain illegal and he is quitting pot and meth.
Rogan talked about a documentary he saw about Tommy Morrison and he and his guest Forrest agreed with the legalization movement more tragedies and downfalls of people like former heavyweight champion Tommy "Duke" Morrison who was addicted and health declined dramatically because of too much illegal narcotics and hardcore drugs. the example of Tommy Morrison's downfall made Joe emotional and he reconsidered all the bullshark he has been saying about drugs in the past few years as the drug legalization complex pushed this man to have a voice and be influential as a comedian, television,host , singer, and MMA announcer and fighter.
Kim Iverson and Michelle Malkin bash Saudi Arabia
Troy York
Michelle Malkin came aboard as a guest on Kevin James famous YouTube channel and discussed a variety of issues but first and foremost was the dangers the deep state puts our people allowing Saudi Arabian Muslim pirates and pilots to come into our country and bases. Malkin was not the only one t bash Saudi Arabia as far-left Youtuber Kim Iverson came on her show and gave a twenty minute video about Saudi Arabia and hos this Wahhabi state became one of the world leading exporters and pushers of radical Islamic extremism. Kim Iverson's biggest fear always has been being ut away in a Muslim Harem and her video and rant against Saudi Arabia also has to do with this country is a
reliable ally supplying the United states with the necessary oil and supplies we need to patrol the world and keep trade and wealth safe. Kim Iverson and Michelle Malkin overblown the brutality of Saudi Arabia and by far there are more wicked and backwards authoritarian Muslims in other countries including Yemen and Iran, which I am convinced funds a Kim Iverson as she has nothing bad or ill will ever to say about this theocracy where women can be beheaded for going out in public without a headscarves, Malkin also spke to James of the meddling of Saudi Arabia and Britain in out politics demanding more neo-liberla economic monopoly power and open borders to make money from migration of people in and out of countries at their will and for the profits than can be made form this nefarious plan.
Michelle Malkin came aboard as a guest on Kevin James famous YouTube channel and discussed a variety of issues but first and foremost was the dangers the deep state puts our people allowing Saudi Arabian Muslim pirates and pilots to come into our country and bases. Malkin was not the only one t bash Saudi Arabia as far-left Youtuber Kim Iverson came on her show and gave a twenty minute video about Saudi Arabia and hos this Wahhabi state became one of the world leading exporters and pushers of radical Islamic extremism. Kim Iverson's biggest fear always has been being ut away in a Muslim Harem and her video and rant against Saudi Arabia also has to do with this country is a

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