Leonardo McGregor
Susan Rice is a extremist radical Black supremacist and with this in mind fake news columnist and fr-left columnist Steve Chapman naturally would think this bitch would make a good vice president pick. Steve Chapman is eager for the Democrats to gain power so the trade barrier son China can be reversed and that the staus quo and good fortunes to the major newsprint industry can be maintained and keep steady far-left propagandists such as this fuck face Steve Chapman in power. Susan Rice was an insider on the National Security Council waging drone attack and was and she would likely bring this intense tactic an force as a vice president and many people wouldn't trust this woman in the highest office. This woman not only alienates many Americans but failed miserable in any meaningful negotiations with North Korea,Russia, China, and other adversaries and this jackass Chapman only puts
this woman up on a pedistel because she is a black woman. Whoever the geriatric hair touching little girl harasser Joe Biden picks they will likely step aside form this old Owl and put him in a ringer and take over his presidency in a undemocratic power grab and what Joe Biden should o is step aside and allow another new round of democratic elections to take place and postpone the election to 2021.
Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune and other newspaper columnists are 99% ultra liberal and openly so Democratic Party favorite n their writing that there should ba a side panel explaining to the reader the bias political stance of these extremists that have overtaken all of the journalist mass media jobs and use it to attack Republican and conservative policy as an nonofficial branch of the CCP and Democratic Party. Susan Rice is the candidate for China and much like Hussein Obama she would work with Joe Biden in rectifying trade deals that Trump as reversed and serve them to again favor and enriched the Chinese middle men if trade and ship production and prevent manufacturing in America from rebounding and being funded.
rMichael Savage loves his Teddy and and goes loco on leftist protesters and on China for raising dogs for meat consumption
Jake Glass
Animal stories
Right wing radio legend Michael Savage came aboard his award winning radio program and blasted the Chinese state and these modern day American Maoists that have ruined his once beautiful city of San Francisco. Savage tore into Chin and wondered if they are funding and supporting these protests that never end and the decline of San Francisco savage says is a deliberate attempt by eh Democrats as wherever they set up their monopoly Chinese style one party state places like Seattle and San Francisco become hell holes where sidestepping human shit becomes more common than dogshit. It is the raising and abuse of dogs by China that also had
Michael savage reported how despite many bans in China many rural backwaters and backwards cities in China continue to host and have these dog eating contests and festivals in places such as Yulin which follow the American tradition of dog eating contests in the summer on Coney Island the only difference is they are usuaing and raising actual dogs instead of heating pork bellies in a bun. Savage says while there are activists fighting for the protection and rights of dogs there are still a arge segment of the population in China that tortures dogs and as a
beloved dog owner of Teddy ,whom Michael Savage often has on his radio program barking and takes with him to all the fine stead chops in San Francisco and ahhhh buy his dog a steak while bums on the street are starving. . This issue is personal to Michael Savage who has trouble sleeping at times and has had dozens of nightmares of Chinese hoards coming and attempting to steal Teddy form him.
the fact is in China dogs have long been on the menu and are tasty ahhh tasting even better and much like hot dogs and Mr savage should try it or try to learn the culinary culture of China and other nations before he speaks with fork tongue and dog on subjects and food items that a nation of a billion hungry souls needs to develop for themselves.
Animal stories
Right wing radio legend Michael Savage came aboard his award winning radio program and blasted the Chinese state and these modern day American Maoists that have ruined his once beautiful city of San Francisco. Savage tore into Chin and wondered if they are funding and supporting these protests that never end and the decline of San Francisco savage says is a deliberate attempt by eh Democrats as wherever they set up their monopoly Chinese style one party state places like Seattle and San Francisco become hell holes where sidestepping human shit becomes more common than dogshit. It is the raising and abuse of dogs by China that also had

Savage is greatly concerned f the growing communism he sees in government and the protests advocating for the compete abolition of police and capitalism and

Bret Favre comes out with other Missippi country singers an call for the Mississippi flag to be replaced and call it racist
Dave Berkson
Bret Favre i a record breaking former NFL quarterback that has joined a chorus of other country singers to call for the removal and change of the Mississippi flag because it is racist. Mississippi embedded the Confederate banner to their state flag with other Southern states back int he day as the South was a conquered territory and even decades after the civil war the people of the region still felt oppressed by the over burden Northern government and looked back to the day they resisted and stood firm for five years against the American empire. Bret Favre would of fought for his and and the confederacy of he had been around back then whether he liked it or not but for kost of the people in Mississippi gladly taking up arms against the North and its intrusive positioning and empowerment n
1961 was a call fro arms most Mississippi citizens felt they needed to stand up. The courage of the men fighting against the larger and more corrupt North was a pride most Southerners had for generations and now the people of the media and mask desire to change the history and culture of Mississippi playing their usual race card and using elite professionals and celebrities to come to this silly cause of changing the Mississippi flag. The demand of he change of the Mississippi flag is the ultimate of libtard racial identity snowflake triggerisms and once the Bret Favre and his Negroes win this battle they will focus and make calls to change the flag of the United States in general for something different and call old glory racist. Bret Favre is a disgrace to the state and White people and man of little integrity who play ball in Wisconsin and would cower at the idea of fighting and playing Yankees in 186 and the low spermhood of this an and his attack n hs own heritage and legacy of those fighting to form a new nation against tyrants many many states and regions away.
Bret Favre i a record breaking former NFL quarterback that has joined a chorus of other country singers to call for the removal and change of the Mississippi flag because it is racist. Mississippi embedded the Confederate banner to their state flag with other Southern states back int he day as the South was a conquered territory and even decades after the civil war the people of the region still felt oppressed by the over burden Northern government and looked back to the day they resisted and stood firm for five years against the American empire. Bret Favre would of fought for his and and the confederacy of he had been around back then whether he liked it or not but for kost of the people in Mississippi gladly taking up arms against the North and its intrusive positioning and empowerment n
1961 was a call fro arms most Mississippi citizens felt they needed to stand up. The courage of the men fighting against the larger and more corrupt North was a pride most Southerners had for generations and now the people of the media and mask desire to change the history and culture of Mississippi playing their usual race card and using elite professionals and celebrities to come to this silly cause of changing the Mississippi flag. The demand of he change of the Mississippi flag is the ultimate of libtard racial identity snowflake triggerisms and once the Bret Favre and his Negroes win this battle they will focus and make calls to change the flag of the United States in general for something different and call old glory racist. Bret Favre is a disgrace to the state and White people and man of little integrity who play ball in Wisconsin and would cower at the idea of fighting and playing Yankees in 186 and the low spermhood of this an and his attack n hs own heritage and legacy of those fighting to form a new nation against tyrants many many states and regions away.
Park Neung Hoo and crazed Chinese empowered South Korean politicians and health ministers again to put South Korea on lock down after five cases and close dance clubs
Lee Park Kong
The South Korean Chinese influenced Health masters are again threatening to close and st all of Seoul after five cases of Coronvirus and health minster Park Neung Hoo says a new round of restrictions and curbs of peoples movements is suggested by these health over reactor sin Korea. What we are seeing with these over reactors in South Korea is an attack on South Korean business all while the Chinatown and colonization of Chinese in South Korea increases and this is no accident my friend. Health cist Park Neung Hoo wants there to be no crowded place and the drive into full scale
authoritarian and helping China get more influence and make the calls is what this whole Coronovirus cam is all about as tis madman seeks to prevent celebrations and mass gathering of enjoyment and the health scare fear mongers in South Korea want there to be no dance clubs or fun in this new repressive era that South Korea once again faces along with other places around the world. This Park Hoo wishes to close all of the parks and business again in further restrictions in South Korea and all this viurs health pandemic is all about is creepy gaining governmental control over peoples lives telling
them what they can and cannot do. Once again South Korea wills eek to ban baseball,close schools. prevent gatherings of more than ten people and restrict operations of non-essential business as Park Hoo will follow this demand from mother China as the Chinese and Korean conservatives especially seek to keep shut bars and night clubs as the freedom expressed and dance of Young Korean woman like Jae-Lick,Mee is under attack bu the health fascists running South Korea in cahoots with the massive growth of Chinese developers in this country. The numbers over all of Covid 19 are low and these mask nuts and health crazies will say it is because of their repressive natures and over reaction in constantly shutting down this is horseshit. basically what you have is the WHO connected South Korean health fascist minsters trying to destroy capitalism and thus with it United States alliances and friendship with the South Korean nation and people and attempt to change it culture and make it more aligned with the beautiful freedom loving people of China and how this evil nation seeks to expand it s power and influence and once again be a pain in the ass and assert its power n the Korean people in both countries of Korea.
The South Korean Chinese influenced Health masters are again threatening to close and st all of Seoul after five cases of Coronvirus and health minster Park Neung Hoo says a new round of restrictions and curbs of peoples movements is suggested by these health over reactor sin Korea. What we are seeing with these over reactors in South Korea is an attack on South Korean business all while the Chinatown and colonization of Chinese in South Korea increases and this is no accident my friend. Health cist Park Neung Hoo wants there to be no crowded place and the drive into full scale
authoritarian and helping China get more influence and make the calls is what this whole Coronovirus cam is all about as tis madman seeks to prevent celebrations and mass gathering of enjoyment and the health scare fear mongers in South Korea want there to be no dance clubs or fun in this new repressive era that South Korea once again faces along with other places around the world. This Park Hoo wishes to close all of the parks and business again in further restrictions in South Korea and all this viurs health pandemic is all about is creepy gaining governmental control over peoples lives telling
them what they can and cannot do. Once again South Korea wills eek to ban baseball,close schools. prevent gatherings of more than ten people and restrict operations of non-essential business as Park Hoo will follow this demand from mother China as the Chinese and Korean conservatives especially seek to keep shut bars and night clubs as the freedom expressed and dance of Young Korean woman like Jae-Lick,Mee is under attack bu the health fascists running South Korea in cahoots with the massive growth of Chinese developers in this country. The numbers over all of Covid 19 are low and these mask nuts and health crazies will say it is because of their repressive natures and over reaction in constantly shutting down this is horseshit. basically what you have is the WHO connected South Korean health fascist minsters trying to destroy capitalism and thus with it United States alliances and friendship with the South Korean nation and people and attempt to change it culture and make it more aligned with the beautiful freedom loving people of China and how this evil nation seeks to expand it s power and influence and once again be a pain in the ass and assert its power n the Korean people in both countries of Korea.
Sam Seder attacks Joe Rogan for questioning the George Floyd protests
Bert Berg
YouTube internet lefties Sam Seder has com out strong against Joe Rogan playing a video and criticizing Mr Rogan for his lack of empathy for the Floyd George protests as Rogan s puzzled and keeps asking what is it these protesters want and what is their end game. Sam Seder and his ugly female co host have attacked Joe Rogan on several occasions as for the far left Seder no expression of doubt or question of wonderment is needed and people in the media are to follow and accept the message of the protest and as Sam Seder says if you don't understand these Black Lives Matter more protesters then you are the problem. Sam says Joe hs toxic white male masculinity and ony a wuss soy boy pansy king like Sam or these other leftiests and members of ANTFA can relate to the tribunals of being Black in Amerikkka
Sam Seder is often green with jealousy of the success of Joe Rogan as a podcaster and he is further incensed that Rogan never had this clown on his show so thhs is why we believe the intensive scrutiny and critical annalist is often directed towards the UFC commentator from what is essentially al ittle internet bias political worm with little to add and much shit to spread. Sam Seder says Joe doesn't understand as he and his life has been one of prov ledge and that Joe Rogan shouldn't comment on police brutality and Sam was willing to be the police always treated him with respect and never forced him out of the car to ahhhh replicate a MMA fight with him on the street of his gated community. Sam Seder is no fan of the bald Rogan and he cant believe this man has such popularity and influence as Sam as like forty subscriber son his Majority Report libtard production and his Ring of Fire radio shows around the country don;t even get a half percent of the radio market at time of play. San Seder feels good when he blsts right wing thinkers and tlaksers as he has labeled Joe Rogan and at the end of this vide clearly Sam was proud of it and he noticed a rare occasion as his small three inch penis was stilff and ahhhhh the hardest he has ever felt in decades. next week. Sam Seder goes aftr Tim Pool
YouTube internet lefties Sam Seder has com out strong against Joe Rogan playing a video and criticizing Mr Rogan for his lack of empathy for the Floyd George protests as Rogan s puzzled and keeps asking what is it these protesters want and what is their end game. Sam Seder and his ugly female co host have attacked Joe Rogan on several occasions as for the far left Seder no expression of doubt or question of wonderment is needed and people in the media are to follow and accept the message of the protest and as Sam Seder says if you don't understand these Black Lives Matter more protesters then you are the problem. Sam says Joe hs toxic white male masculinity and ony a wuss soy boy pansy king like Sam or these other leftiests and members of ANTFA can relate to the tribunals of being Black in Amerikkka

Thy are now coming after Shane Dawson
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Shane Dawson tearfully apologized the other day for his past programs that are being hugely criticized and major streamers and other media outlets are demanding this YouTube rock star is facing intense scrutiny for his Blaak face skits and use of slurs and other apolitically correct garbage that made him one of the biggest names in the internet. Sane Dawson and his past has finally come up to him and how this guy even became one of the biggest stars on-line and the history of the internet. What the future holds for Shane Dawson is unknown but wha has been done in th past and the millons and millions of views and dollars this young made made through his videos has coe to an end . Shane has had oen of the best dream money jobs someone of his ilk and generation could only dream up and jow it is about to go kaput.
Shane Dawson was publicly shamed by the born on thi rd base son of Will Smith jada Smith and poor Shane is facing all sorts of publicly shaming as his outside of the box comedy and attempts is now being attacked by the woe Black racial identity supremacists and you know things are going out of hand with these Black supremacists when a Shane Dawson gets attacked. Shane Dawson instead of wussing and crying like the baby that he is should of grew some balls and stood tall to his critics saying he is not ashamed of being an on-line star and that they can lick his balls.Shane Dawson is ab out to let his brilliant career as a YouTube rockstar fall apart because he is too weak to stand up for himself and is past work and he can;t let a little thing like doing some blackface skit to get in the way of is stardom.
Dream Money
Shane Dawson tearfully apologized the other day for his past programs that are being hugely criticized and major streamers and other media outlets are demanding this YouTube rock star is facing intense scrutiny for his Blaak face skits and use of slurs and other apolitically correct garbage that made him one of the biggest names in the internet. Sane Dawson and his past has finally come up to him and how this guy even became one of the biggest stars on-line and the history of the internet. What the future holds for Shane Dawson is unknown but wha has been done in th past and the millons and millions of views and dollars this young made made through his videos has coe to an end . Shane has had oen of the best dream money jobs someone of his ilk and generation could only dream up and jow it is about to go kaput.

Dr Disrespect banned from Twitch and is disrespected and considers running for president in 2024
Otto Jansen
Shocking news out f Florida as Dr Disrespect has been disrespected and is no longer welcomed on the popular Twitch video game platform and all I have to say are you fucking kidding me. I ran across this story several times before I puzzled and wondered why the fuck was Dr Disrespect and why is this coming up on my fucking news feeds. At the Right Bull Left Shark blog we strive to bring you a the news and the Dr Disrespect controversy is still unknown as Twitch has said nothig and the good Doctor doesn't know what he did to get himself banned from Twitch. The guy kooks like a freak and a young
Howard Stern and I say ban him from Facebook and Twitter as well as this guy is probably some loony toon epidemiologist quack doctor turned gamer and really I don't have time to research something called Dr Disrepect. This guy is another gamer and as i said before most of these Pew Die Pies and Ice Poseiden's Shane Dawson's,Ninja and Dave Dobrik internet celebrities are just these already rich fucks purchasing internet celebrity from the big tech dominance and I'sm sure thisprick is some rich Hedge fund trust fund fucker fro hell and Greenwich village, Connecticut. I imagine this rich fucker has
finally been disrespected in life and he must of fondled someone elses joy stick and from our sources the Doctor of dip rim is now setting up an exploratory committee and this mustache looking freak may decide to run for president to challenge Hunter Biden(who if you believe all of the polls will be the next president and be handed the presidency when papa Joe croaks) Doctor Disrespect in reality is huge and the impact he will have in life,the medical field, and politics will undoubtedly be huge and many are saying he is already the front runner and will easily take on Tom Cotton and the other Republicans foolish enough to take on the Doctor and Disrespect will bring some respect and honer into the White house once and for all if this country comes together and rally behind this amazing human scum of a being. Dr Disrespect is man on the run and this geek fag will hav ealot less air time and not being on Twitch gaming and playing will help use this mans identity and notoriety so perhaps he will be forgotten and decide against this presidential run to be the first gamer elected into the presidency. I miss the days of playing at Retrocade Barcade in West Dundee,Illinois and having a four hour old arcade marathon but I would never imagine or create platforms dedicated to the laying of video games which is dominated unsurprising by the sons and sometimes daughter sof the one percent. Dr Disrespect will use his power and wealth to one day make a serious run for th Whit House and may even decide to still enter the 2020 race.
Shocking news out f Florida as Dr Disrespect has been disrespected and is no longer welcomed on the popular Twitch video game platform and all I have to say are you fucking kidding me. I ran across this story several times before I puzzled and wondered why the fuck was Dr Disrespect and why is this coming up on my fucking news feeds. At the Right Bull Left Shark blog we strive to bring you a the news and the Dr Disrespect controversy is still unknown as Twitch has said nothig and the good Doctor doesn't know what he did to get himself banned from Twitch. The guy kooks like a freak and a young
Howard Stern and I say ban him from Facebook and Twitter as well as this guy is probably some loony toon epidemiologist quack doctor turned gamer and really I don't have time to research something called Dr Disrepect. This guy is another gamer and as i said before most of these Pew Die Pies and Ice Poseiden's Shane Dawson's,Ninja and Dave Dobrik internet celebrities are just these already rich fucks purchasing internet celebrity from the big tech dominance and I'sm sure thisprick is some rich Hedge fund trust fund fucker fro hell and Greenwich village, Connecticut. I imagine this rich fucker has
finally been disrespected in life and he must of fondled someone elses joy stick and from our sources the Doctor of dip rim is now setting up an exploratory committee and this mustache looking freak may decide to run for president to challenge Hunter Biden(who if you believe all of the polls will be the next president and be handed the presidency when papa Joe croaks) Doctor Disrespect in reality is huge and the impact he will have in life,the medical field, and politics will undoubtedly be huge and many are saying he is already the front runner and will easily take on Tom Cotton and the other Republicans foolish enough to take on the Doctor and Disrespect will bring some respect and honer into the White house once and for all if this country comes together and rally behind this amazing human scum of a being. Dr Disrespect is man on the run and this geek fag will hav ealot less air time and not being on Twitch gaming and playing will help use this mans identity and notoriety so perhaps he will be forgotten and decide against this presidential run to be the first gamer elected into the presidency. I miss the days of playing at Retrocade Barcade in West Dundee,Illinois and having a four hour old arcade marathon but I would never imagine or create platforms dedicated to the laying of video games which is dominated unsurprising by the sons and sometimes daughter sof the one percent. Dr Disrespect will use his power and wealth to one day make a serious run for th Whit House and may even decide to still enter the 2020 race.
Priyanka Chopra and Disha Patani call out Daniel Snyder to change the name of the Washington Redskins to Pigsins
Leo Yost
two famed Bollywood whores were called out some time ago after giving their support for the global pandemic of the George Floyd protest sin honoring the death of a thug and home invader violent felon who pistol whipped a pregnant lady. Priyanka Chopra and Disha Patani of course didn't give a shit for a thug who likely would never get within their social circle along with other blacks yet eh two Indian beauties likely were told or felt pressure to make a comment given their visible high status as privileged Indian actresses,singers, and brothel workers. These to women were called out for their use and ownership of skin cream lightener and obviously triggered the darker supremacists always looking for an excuse to find racism and if Indians want to market n push product tat lightens their skins it is
their business and the blacks around the world taking issue with this rare just Green in jealousy they cannot have creams to take some of that ugly dark over melinatied skin tone s theu have that quite literally look like shit on skin. I'm surprised Priyanka doesn't face criticism form the insane identitists for he marrying Nick Jonas a White man and for the socialist screwballs to attack these two women and their comments on George Floyd because they sell skin cream lighteners is typical of this political wing and insanity of it. Te darker skin colors of this planet will always be envious and hate the lighter races and this is a fact of matter that cannot be changed and they will always lie about hypcrisy of skin changing products or complain about mistreatment or lower status whether it is in Indian.America, or Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
With this in Mind the Two Indian women are looking for new causes to shed positive light as all the celebrities from either Bollywood,Hollywood, Or Africawood need to save face for the undemocratic progressive domestic harassers and terrorists. These tow Indian woman have called on for Washington Redskin owner Daniel Snyder once and for all to change the teams logo and mascot and wit having one that disrespect Native Indian people and these women stated and signed a petition to demand a team name shame change to the Washington Pigskins. Skins,Hogs, or pork Bellies and
whatever they can change. Daniel Snyder is facing the pressure and when two Indian actresses call for a name change then you know that this pressure is mounting against his football organization. Priyanka and Disha say that the negative connotation of dark skin color for a NFL football team is prejudice and mad some suggestions and the nickname Skin Creams or Lightskins were suggested by these two.
two famed Bollywood whores were called out some time ago after giving their support for the global pandemic of the George Floyd protest sin honoring the death of a thug and home invader violent felon who pistol whipped a pregnant lady. Priyanka Chopra and Disha Patani of course didn't give a shit for a thug who likely would never get within their social circle along with other blacks yet eh two Indian beauties likely were told or felt pressure to make a comment given their visible high status as privileged Indian actresses,singers, and brothel workers. These to women were called out for their use and ownership of skin cream lightener and obviously triggered the darker supremacists always looking for an excuse to find racism and if Indians want to market n push product tat lightens their skins it is
their business and the blacks around the world taking issue with this rare just Green in jealousy they cannot have creams to take some of that ugly dark over melinatied skin tone s theu have that quite literally look like shit on skin. I'm surprised Priyanka doesn't face criticism form the insane identitists for he marrying Nick Jonas a White man and for the socialist screwballs to attack these two women and their comments on George Floyd because they sell skin cream lighteners is typical of this political wing and insanity of it. Te darker skin colors of this planet will always be envious and hate the lighter races and this is a fact of matter that cannot be changed and they will always lie about hypcrisy of skin changing products or complain about mistreatment or lower status whether it is in Indian.America, or Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
With this in Mind the Two Indian women are looking for new causes to shed positive light as all the celebrities from either Bollywood,Hollywood, Or Africawood need to save face for the undemocratic progressive domestic harassers and terrorists. These tow Indian woman have called on for Washington Redskin owner Daniel Snyder once and for all to change the teams logo and mascot and wit having one that disrespect Native Indian people and these women stated and signed a petition to demand a team name shame change to the Washington Pigskins. Skins,Hogs, or pork Bellies and
whatever they can change. Daniel Snyder is facing the pressure and when two Indian actresses call for a name change then you know that this pressure is mounting against his football organization. Priyanka and Disha say that the negative connotation of dark skin color for a NFL football team is prejudice and mad some suggestions and the nickname Skin Creams or Lightskins were suggested by these two.
Andy Zaltzman wants the Delhi Dinosaurs to sign Dunkin Donuts Queens clerk Imtiaj Ahmed Belal to a fifty million dollar Cricket contract
Jason Percy
The Bugle podcaster Andy Zaltzman is a lefties lunatic asshole who resembled a thirties era stage body double for Larry Fine of the Three stooges more than one of the top comedians and podcasters in racial identity Londonstan. Mr Zaltzman loves Cricket and he is always on the scout for more people to join this sport and recnelty he took to his award losing podcast called the bugle and laid praise to the chewy delights of Dunkin Donuts and coffee and says he has this every morning as he prepares for his Bugle hack writing for hire for all the Anti-West propagandists form hell. Andy Zaltzman is a ugly mother fucker and he is obsessed with attacking right-wing politicians from around the world he doesn't like and he loves the lame 250 inning and three week match ups in Cricket- A bad cricky sport like baseball only followed on the Indian subcontinent, Australia, Great Britain and some remote Caribbean islands.
Andy Ugly was so impressed with the video of this graveyard shift Dunkin Donuts clerk fighting off a would be bandit robber with a baseball bat that he suggested the famed Delhi Dinosaurs should hire this man and have him play Center bowl for the Indian Cricket league as this man has some talent with the bat and an intimidation factor right up the alley and need for the Dinosaur ah ahhh are coming off one of their worse seasons in recent
memory. Imtiaj is intimidating with this bat but form what I saw the robber looked like a skinny magpie bald old white man and one must wonder if the robber was a young Black buck with a screwdriver if he would of left the bat alone and just opened up the register and emptied out its drawers for the nice robber to steal and enjoy for himself. The Delhi Dinosaurs of the new Cricket World League will sign this man who is handy with the bat and Major League Baseball lost an opportunity to highlight and focus on this man who likely could swing for the fences and could of done it in his home market being a hero to many.
The Bugle podcaster Andy Zaltzman is a lefties lunatic asshole who resembled a thirties era stage body double for Larry Fine of the Three stooges more than one of the top comedians and podcasters in racial identity Londonstan. Mr Zaltzman loves Cricket and he is always on the scout for more people to join this sport and recnelty he took to his award losing podcast called the bugle and laid praise to the chewy delights of Dunkin Donuts and coffee and says he has this every morning as he prepares for his Bugle hack writing for hire for all the Anti-West propagandists form hell. Andy Zaltzman is a ugly mother fucker and he is obsessed with attacking right-wing politicians from around the world he doesn't like and he loves the lame 250 inning and three week match ups in Cricket- A bad cricky sport like baseball only followed on the Indian subcontinent, Australia, Great Britain and some remote Caribbean islands.

Hasan Piker encouraged by violent protest uprisings predicts a civil war and loves frogs and toads
Milton Wiener
Left wing Turkish socialist Hasan Piker is pleased and elated the past couple of months to see the young , people f his thinking take it to the streets and burn and plunder the capitalist stores. Hassan Piker has been predicting a civil war and thinks we are on the verge of one and encouraged leftist s to import Middle Easterner and Mexican socialists and young men to wage war on this system and finally once and for all replace the United State with a new country or several other ones and Hasan is so pleased to see the protest and looting of America and his says a civil war and this nation is going to come to an abrupt end. As someone that lives and commutes often back and forth from South bend to Rockford, Illinois I have seen the declining and the scary walking monster clowns that look like
Hasan and the brain fried walking with no car up and down the boulevards of these two city shit holes that are represented of much of America and decline as this country is filed with drug addicted gangster wanabee types who don't want to work but like Hasan sell and take drugs and play Twitch video game broadcast in the nice confines of his rich Uncles basement. The solo self-sex,drugs, and the lies of the New American migrants like Hasan who don't want to work but find it more profitable and fun to rant in their uncles basement. Hasan predicted a civil war and encouraged ANTIFA to continue to burn and loot this country as the whole country should look lie Syria in is drug addicted mind. Hasan Piker is a derange unhinged sick bastard who takes nude selfies and has his habit of putting his prick in a large zip lock bag filled with slimy toads and frogs videoing it on his phone as he is such a twisted mentally unstable mother fucker. Make no mistake middle America is falling along with the coastal colonies of foreigner from other lands an stans such as successful businessmen like Cenk Uygur and their drug addicted loser relatives as even the once prosperous cities form Boston rot Los Angles look and resemble the madness and scaries seen walking and about looking for handouts in Rockford and South Bend,Indiana.
Hasan is a nobody but the nephew if Billionaire Fat Turk media mogul Cenk Uygur and he gets both a subsidy form Uncle Cenk and the new Turkish Sultan Tayipp Recep Erdogan to rant and rave with a podcast and to play and trill Twitch players. This loser has like ten subscribers and some of the worse Youtubers and pod casters imaginable and unfortunate much of this scooter nation and his generation is like this fare moved and nothing like the Greatest generation that fought the imperial armies of Japan and the fascists in Germany, but made the mistake of allowing the evils of Joseph Stalin and Communism to survive and we are now paying a price for the mistake of the greatest generation of Americans. The zombies and the scary creepy clowns I see walk along the rode of South bend and Rockford are visible sign that America is indeed declining as we have long been a source of dim minded
relatives o f successful other immigrants like Cenk Uygur who came ot this country and amassed a fortune for themselves taking advantage of our great capitalist system but then thanks to the corruption of out immigration system allowed the losers of these families and their relatives into our land and stan and allowed the likes of Hasan Piker to come here and breed more. Hasan Piker is a retard and a libtard with a terrorist an fascistic Turkish bow all wrapped on top and his is insane in the membrane and is much like our own presidential candidate a loser who says inside in his Uncles basement all day a she is unable to get even a mail order bride or girlfriend despite coming form the Stans and lands where this is easily accessible for him if he so wishes and desires. Hasan Piker is a Turkish troll from a Stan and he should be deported either to Turkey or Banana once and for all for the hate and s horseshit that dribbles for this Khat addicted silly bastard.
Left wing Turkish socialist Hasan Piker is pleased and elated the past couple of months to see the young , people f his thinking take it to the streets and burn and plunder the capitalist stores. Hassan Piker has been predicting a civil war and thinks we are on the verge of one and encouraged leftist s to import Middle Easterner and Mexican socialists and young men to wage war on this system and finally once and for all replace the United State with a new country or several other ones and Hasan is so pleased to see the protest and looting of America and his says a civil war and this nation is going to come to an abrupt end. As someone that lives and commutes often back and forth from South bend to Rockford, Illinois I have seen the declining and the scary walking monster clowns that look like
Hasan and the brain fried walking with no car up and down the boulevards of these two city shit holes that are represented of much of America and decline as this country is filed with drug addicted gangster wanabee types who don't want to work but like Hasan sell and take drugs and play Twitch video game broadcast in the nice confines of his rich Uncles basement. The solo self-sex,drugs, and the lies of the New American migrants like Hasan who don't want to work but find it more profitable and fun to rant in their uncles basement. Hasan predicted a civil war and encouraged ANTIFA to continue to burn and loot this country as the whole country should look lie Syria in is drug addicted mind. Hasan Piker is a derange unhinged sick bastard who takes nude selfies and has his habit of putting his prick in a large zip lock bag filled with slimy toads and frogs videoing it on his phone as he is such a twisted mentally unstable mother fucker. Make no mistake middle America is falling along with the coastal colonies of foreigner from other lands an stans such as successful businessmen like Cenk Uygur and their drug addicted loser relatives as even the once prosperous cities form Boston rot Los Angles look and resemble the madness and scaries seen walking and about looking for handouts in Rockford and South Bend,Indiana.
Hasan is a nobody but the nephew if Billionaire Fat Turk media mogul Cenk Uygur and he gets both a subsidy form Uncle Cenk and the new Turkish Sultan Tayipp Recep Erdogan to rant and rave with a podcast and to play and trill Twitch players. This loser has like ten subscribers and some of the worse Youtubers and pod casters imaginable and unfortunate much of this scooter nation and his generation is like this fare moved and nothing like the Greatest generation that fought the imperial armies of Japan and the fascists in Germany, but made the mistake of allowing the evils of Joseph Stalin and Communism to survive and we are now paying a price for the mistake of the greatest generation of Americans. The zombies and the scary creepy clowns I see walk along the rode of South bend and Rockford are visible sign that America is indeed declining as we have long been a source of dim minded
relatives o f successful other immigrants like Cenk Uygur who came ot this country and amassed a fortune for themselves taking advantage of our great capitalist system but then thanks to the corruption of out immigration system allowed the losers of these families and their relatives into our land and stan and allowed the likes of Hasan Piker to come here and breed more. Hasan Piker is a retard and a libtard with a terrorist an fascistic Turkish bow all wrapped on top and his is insane in the membrane and is much like our own presidential candidate a loser who says inside in his Uncles basement all day a she is unable to get even a mail order bride or girlfriend despite coming form the Stans and lands where this is easily accessible for him if he so wishes and desires. Hasan Piker is a Turkish troll from a Stan and he should be deported either to Turkey or Banana once and for all for the hate and s horseshit that dribbles for this Khat addicted silly bastard.
Paul Teutul Sr and MIkey Teutul bash the asshole of the Cuomo brothers
Xander Xerox
Mr X
Paul Teutul Sr came aboard his hugely successful "Chop This" podcast where he went after the Cuomo brothers an say how these two clowns built their careers with the hep of their father and these two fuck jobs wouldn't be anything if not born into them Mario Cuomo political powerful family. Teutul Sr says he s tired of seeing Andrew Cuomo appear with his lies and lameness on brother Chris's program and he and his son Mikey wondered how this is not a conflict of issue and basically Chris Cuomo reads and parrots the democratic political objectionable lines using his job as a suppose non-partisan new network.
Paul Senior also stated that crime is skyrocketing in New York city thanks to Andrew Cuomo along with that Communist bastard in the mayors office but it appeared that Paul put forth more blame to the rotten governor of New York who is more interested in telling people to wash hands and wear masks and closing restaurants than doing anything protective to combat the rising shootings and murders that New York city and state has seen since the George Floyd defund the police movement has transpired .
Paul and Mikey are tired of the bad schtick that is seen on the CCP network whenever Chris as hos brother Andrew on the program and they suggested these two clowns go on vaudeville or tour and start a modern day two or three stooges act. Teutul says Andrew Cuomo is a clear psychopath and should not be in such an important powerful position and he reckoned the main cause of this man being elected and holding the Governors office is because people just heard the Cuomo name and are ignorant that Mario Cuomo is no longer in politics. The crime stats is skyrocketing and the inefficiency of Andrew Cumo has a leader and his responsible in killing some thirty thousand old people in nursing homes exposing them form hospitals back to nursing home sis enough to warrant this man resignation and according to our sources Andrew Cuomo is depressed and thinking about quitting. Paul Sr and Mickey Teutul suggested that the Cuomo act is running thin and they too hope this bastard repressive governor if New York resigns his position and Chris as well retires form this CNN?/CPP network as he was talking about some months back. the ass reaming delivered by the Teutul was amazing and well deserved as both Andrew and Chris Cuomo are asshole monkey s undeserving of their political positions and should be attending tables and bars to a Italian family restaurant instead of the highly visible and powerful positions these rat bastards have thanks to Super Mario.
Mr X
Paul Teutul Sr came aboard his hugely successful "Chop This" podcast where he went after the Cuomo brothers an say how these two clowns built their careers with the hep of their father and these two fuck jobs wouldn't be anything if not born into them Mario Cuomo political powerful family. Teutul Sr says he s tired of seeing Andrew Cuomo appear with his lies and lameness on brother Chris's program and he and his son Mikey wondered how this is not a conflict of issue and basically Chris Cuomo reads and parrots the democratic political objectionable lines using his job as a suppose non-partisan new network.

Mark Dice and our writers think Bubba Wallace's team put the noose last year
Buddy Cooper
It is clear that the racist and carmel-skinned think skinned asshole known as Bubba Wallace wanted to stick it to NASCAR fans for along time as he was so triggered and reminded of being a sad descendant of slavery - he came to race track and saw hundreds of Confederate flag and there was nothing he could do about it a this country gave people the freedom and rights to express themselves. Bubba went on a one man crusade to change the culture of NASCAR as Bubba hated the existing structure because it celebrated White Southern culture. As stated before this rat bastard would go to India or Pakistan and demand they change something if he played that sort because something made him uncomfortable. mark eviscerated this silly asshole and his stupid appearances on left wing programs claiming how NASCAR gas his back and how the police wouldn't shoot rubber bullets at Confederate pro flag protesters whcih is absurd and shows Bubba has the IQ of whatever his stock car number .
This pig NASCAR driver came aboard the ultra liberal View program and doubled down how he was threatened and part of a toxic culture and he wondered which one of his fellow NASCAR drivers or teams would put such a rope to suggest ole Bubba needed to be stretched like a fucking Giraffe. Bubba need to look in a mirror or his own team to find the source of this noose garage door opener at the Alabama speedway ans clearly it can be possible the Bubba Watson team put this rope and then planned to make an issue of it and get more media exposure and kiss ass for him and his goal of removing the flag of the Confederacy for White sin the South from being able to proudly display at events.
Bubba was a tan man Green with jealously of the attention and respect that another tan man former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernik made with his anti police and Anti-American obvious signs of arrogance and Bubba wanted some of that money and attention for himself this man is so calculation and a cold son of a bitch. Bubba has made a pretty penny for himself with numerous television appearances and he is in discussion with representatives from Jussie Smollett in starting the Horseshit Podcast that will be aired on XM satellite radio right after the Howard Stern program.
It is clear that the racist and carmel-skinned think skinned asshole known as Bubba Wallace wanted to stick it to NASCAR fans for along time as he was so triggered and reminded of being a sad descendant of slavery - he came to race track and saw hundreds of Confederate flag and there was nothing he could do about it a this country gave people the freedom and rights to express themselves. Bubba went on a one man crusade to change the culture of NASCAR as Bubba hated the existing structure because it celebrated White Southern culture. As stated before this rat bastard would go to India or Pakistan and demand they change something if he played that sort because something made him uncomfortable. mark eviscerated this silly asshole and his stupid appearances on left wing programs claiming how NASCAR gas his back and how the police wouldn't shoot rubber bullets at Confederate pro flag protesters whcih is absurd and shows Bubba has the IQ of whatever his stock car number .

Patrick Henningsen has Andre Vitchek on his show to talk about the mask Coronvirus fascism of Alberto Pinero in Chile
Sebastian Salvador
Famed rockstar international reporter Andre Vitchek has been stuck in Chile which is under three months of brutal draconian Covid 19 lockdowns as the lockdowns and shut downs are being used by this fake pandemic to spread repression and suppress large crowds and protest and for Chile president and dictator Sebastian Pinero and his plutocrats is that like many authoritarian leaderships around the world the use of the WHO and CDC health orders is being taken to the extreme and people's rights and freedoms a under threat by these health fascists and wicked governments using it to attack the freedoms and civil liberties of many people round the world. Alberto Pinero of Chile is among one of the worse
offenders as this crazed leader and president has become a dictator perhaps the worse since Augusto Pinochet and Mr Pinero and his form of neo-liberlaism extreme capitalism has the full support of the business classes running the country. Andrew came aboard Patrick Henningsen's incredible four hour podcast on Sunday Nights whee he takes a look at the intentional go-political scene and the new repression of the global health wealth extractors and snake oil masters gaining more and more power of culture and governments around the world as many are too eager to have a new excuse to trash and loot their local governments to their benefit and their cronies.
Andre Vitchek came board and said how much Santiago has been looted and declines as it is in so much disrepair with ugly graffiti and filth everywhere and this is because of the cultural degradation of this country by this crazy dictator Pinero. The transformation of Chile has been appalling to Andre as chain restaurant and the same junk pop music has taken over much of the lousy culture of this country and others as the days of Chile being this great exchange of cultures from around the world no longer exist and the globalists have taken over this country. This means mass poverty and the protests staging Pinero's evil regime Andre says was the result of Sebastian 's corrupt regime that is exploiting the labor and destroying the natural habitat and environment of this nation to the economic benefit of the global behemoth resource extractors The veteran real reporter told Patrick how fascistic this state has become thanks to Covid Chinese virus over-reaction and how people are starving and living in the streets and this corrupt government is expanding this downfall of the country. Sebastian Pinero is a wicked repressive dictator who is preventing people form leaving their house and that they can only walk their dog for a few blocks and that this Coronobeer virus preventive measures is making old people sicker and die sooner through loneliness and this is saving the social spending programs of Chile and the desired consequences of it. This was a great report form the epicenter of governmental Covid abuse and more people internationally need to realize that their authoritarian plutocratic governance are using this China virus to repress their rights and freedoms and tis directive is being delivered in large parts of it form the evils of Jinping Xi. Sebastian Pinero is a psychopath and eagerly wishes to be a puppet for Jinping Xi for the right price.
Famed rockstar international reporter Andre Vitchek has been stuck in Chile which is under three months of brutal draconian Covid 19 lockdowns as the lockdowns and shut downs are being used by this fake pandemic to spread repression and suppress large crowds and protest and for Chile president and dictator Sebastian Pinero and his plutocrats is that like many authoritarian leaderships around the world the use of the WHO and CDC health orders is being taken to the extreme and people's rights and freedoms a under threat by these health fascists and wicked governments using it to attack the freedoms and civil liberties of many people round the world. Alberto Pinero of Chile is among one of the worse
offenders as this crazed leader and president has become a dictator perhaps the worse since Augusto Pinochet and Mr Pinero and his form of neo-liberlaism extreme capitalism has the full support of the business classes running the country. Andrew came aboard Patrick Henningsen's incredible four hour podcast on Sunday Nights whee he takes a look at the intentional go-political scene and the new repression of the global health wealth extractors and snake oil masters gaining more and more power of culture and governments around the world as many are too eager to have a new excuse to trash and loot their local governments to their benefit and their cronies.
YouTubes Calvin Knapp company man basically does a commercial for bad globalist coffee chain Dunkin Donuts and praises its growth and value
Chester Gallagher
Calvin Knapp is the name we give to some pro business and ill informed YouTube capitalist vlogger who never sows his name or face doing videos most often praising these large corporations s or reporting on why some past ones declined and went bankrupt without saying the real puppet bank masters and the causes of it. Cal Knapp Company Man did a video that basically just examined the tremendous growth of awful Dunkin Donuts once a day baked items and bad Sara Lee water coffee and he snowed data and numbers that showed the exponential growth of this
Company but unfortunately these numbers are fake and basically Dunkin Donut is a Indian owned and partnership of liberal Massachusetts company and version of China's Luckin Coffee fraud. The only difference between the fraudulent sales numbers of Dunkin and China's Luckin Coffee is hat Luckin and its stock and sales data manipulation got caught and Dunkin is smart ow it transfers sales and is real secretive hard to
detect. The Dunkin coffee chain is land grabber and a company that take space with low interest global loans that enable its growth much more than actual demand for its otherwise stale and bad products. C al Knapp should do a little more investigation itno the similarities of Dunkin and luckin Coffee before he does in all basic means is a ten minute video praising this shit company and its rise and one must wonder if Du kin paid this silly jackass cal Kn app. I like it how he tried to explain Dukin's success as something being attributed to more of a blue collar base that goes to it as he compared it s customers to Starbucks as if something with a cross coneection and the plant basrfd drive of meatless movement and others somehow doesn't contribute to giving favored preference to this company.
Calvin should know that today's Dunkin is far removed form the days of freshly baked donuts throughout the day and the profit margins this company does and cost cutting measures that are rewarded by banks and shareholder is disgusting and the monopoly of street corner domination and asset collection of the monopolists explains more the success of this company than actual popularity .
Calvin Knapp is the name we give to some pro business and ill informed YouTube capitalist vlogger who never sows his name or face doing videos most often praising these large corporations s or reporting on why some past ones declined and went bankrupt without saying the real puppet bank masters and the causes of it. Cal Knapp Company Man did a video that basically just examined the tremendous growth of awful Dunkin Donuts once a day baked items and bad Sara Lee water coffee and he snowed data and numbers that showed the exponential growth of this
Company but unfortunately these numbers are fake and basically Dunkin Donut is a Indian owned and partnership of liberal Massachusetts company and version of China's Luckin Coffee fraud. The only difference between the fraudulent sales numbers of Dunkin and China's Luckin Coffee is hat Luckin and its stock and sales data manipulation got caught and Dunkin is smart ow it transfers sales and is real secretive hard to
detect. The Dunkin coffee chain is land grabber and a company that take space with low interest global loans that enable its growth much more than actual demand for its otherwise stale and bad products. C al Knapp should do a little more investigation itno the similarities of Dunkin and luckin Coffee before he does in all basic means is a ten minute video praising this shit company and its rise and one must wonder if Du kin paid this silly jackass cal Kn app. I like it how he tried to explain Dukin's success as something being attributed to more of a blue collar base that goes to it as he compared it s customers to Starbucks as if something with a cross coneection and the plant basrfd drive of meatless movement and others somehow doesn't contribute to giving favored preference to this company.

For little worm Anthony Fauci every two weeks is critical and now this worm is telling people to socially distance their pet birdss
Polly Cracker
Anthony Fauci is a repulsive old man fighting hard for the international globalists to restrict peoples rights,movements, and civil liberties through the crisis of a health fake created crisis that little bird worms such as this piece o bird shit Anthony Fauci is as a human scum. I often read and shit on news paper articles of this man my owner often put son the bottom of my cage and what I read is ridiculous as this old man continues to demand people wear masks whenever and wherever they go out and for this old man every time is a time of critical. The critical mass of Coronovirus never rends and will always be used to enforce new rules and regulations and pretty soon all of humanity will be in its
government sanctioned bird cage if people remain like Dodo s and allow a small class of psychotic "experts" like this old fuck face near death to always come on and be the end all . We all need to call the shits.Anthony Fauci has become a un elected defacto word leader of extreme power and ahh is about s powerful now as a spokesman and talker a the average human being is becoming a a caged bird is of it pet feathered friends . The early bird always gets their worm and for many people the first worm
of the day is Anthony Fauci whom much like a Virus himself is somebody whose fuck face keeps appearing in the media., on television, in the news papers, and always on the bottom of my cage as my owner wants me to target snit on this mas with a face of an old ass. Make no mistake Anthony Fauci is a worm a man who is so hell bent on power and had to study epidemiology all his life in search and seek of it and people are increasingly titre do f this old man who should really consider retirement and why Trump keeps relying on such a birdbrain is not known. For Anthony Fauci a mask is good because he is a little leprechaun that looks and resembles a worm and he wishes to make people meek and weak ahhh much like an a Earthworm. In fact the mask mandates do seek to make people sick and weak like worms unable to breath and exchange important air flows into circulation and all part of this mask mandates and requirements actually is the opposite and the health fascists and sick people like Anthony desire to see more people ill. For all we now Anthony might be reptilian or Wormified fucker from Uranus trying to kill people off to pave way for his people form planet X or Sakomoneisis. Wyh is this fucking piece of shit to tell all people and now demand to parrots and Parakeets that they too need to socially distant. This old troll can go and fuck himself. For Anthony Fauci and those outside its Health industrial complexes top echelons this take over of the global economy thorhg a health concentrated fake scare and virus scam is an attempt to make all people on earth like Earth worms with little or now power and the so-called elites and disruptors are the bulldozers of society and nations. It is obvious that Anthony Fuckface is a tool for the political class and for the highest price talking Tony will say to whatever agenda at the moment will pay him the most to disrupt political rallies for Trump or push for increased expenditures and profits of the mask makers. Anthony Fauci needs to die,to retire, or like an Earthworm disappear into the ground.
Anthony Fauci is a repulsive old man fighting hard for the international globalists to restrict peoples rights,movements, and civil liberties through the crisis of a health fake created crisis that little bird worms such as this piece o bird shit Anthony Fauci is as a human scum. I often read and shit on news paper articles of this man my owner often put son the bottom of my cage and what I read is ridiculous as this old man continues to demand people wear masks whenever and wherever they go out and for this old man every time is a time of critical. The critical mass of Coronovirus never rends and will always be used to enforce new rules and regulations and pretty soon all of humanity will be in its
government sanctioned bird cage if people remain like Dodo s and allow a small class of psychotic "experts" like this old fuck face near death to always come on and be the end all . We all need to call the shits.Anthony Fauci has become a un elected defacto word leader of extreme power and ahh is about s powerful now as a spokesman and talker a the average human being is becoming a a caged bird is of it pet feathered friends . The early bird always gets their worm and for many people the first worm
of the day is Anthony Fauci whom much like a Virus himself is somebody whose fuck face keeps appearing in the media., on television, in the news papers, and always on the bottom of my cage as my owner wants me to target snit on this mas with a face of an old ass. Make no mistake Anthony Fauci is a worm a man who is so hell bent on power and had to study epidemiology all his life in search and seek of it and people are increasingly titre do f this old man who should really consider retirement and why Trump keeps relying on such a birdbrain is not known. For Anthony Fauci a mask is good because he is a little leprechaun that looks and resembles a worm and he wishes to make people meek and weak ahhh much like an a Earthworm. In fact the mask mandates do seek to make people sick and weak like worms unable to breath and exchange important air flows into circulation and all part of this mask mandates and requirements actually is the opposite and the health fascists and sick people like Anthony desire to see more people ill. For all we now Anthony might be reptilian or Wormified fucker from Uranus trying to kill people off to pave way for his people form planet X or Sakomoneisis. Wyh is this fucking piece of shit to tell all people and now demand to parrots and Parakeets that they too need to socially distant. This old troll can go and fuck himself. For Anthony Fauci and those outside its Health industrial complexes top echelons this take over of the global economy thorhg a health concentrated fake scare and virus scam is an attempt to make all people on earth like Earth worms with little or now power and the so-called elites and disruptors are the bulldozers of society and nations. It is obvious that Anthony Fuckface is a tool for the political class and for the highest price talking Tony will say to whatever agenda at the moment will pay him the most to disrupt political rallies for Trump or push for increased expenditures and profits of the mask makers. Anthony Fauci needs to die,to retire, or like an Earthworm disappear into the ground.
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