Neil Knight
R Kelly is a child trafficking sick mother fucker and he thought his music mafia membership would somehow give him the privilege to avoid prosecution and boy was he wrong. R Kelly received a minimum thirty year sentence and this man will not be making any records anytime soon and will only be jail housing rocking his way to prison anal sex these days. R Kelley is a product of his environment as the music industry pushes black sexuality and manhood and basiclaly R Kelly wished to lead a life based in this stereotype that he and the music industry were too eager to embrace and promote and it
should not be surprising the sex crimes committed and accused by prosecutors and this scumbag singer R and B bastard will be living a life of hell in a cell for some time.
which brings us up to the black supremacist radical punk ass bitch known as Nick Cannon . How Nick has managed avoiding trouble in the me too era and this man seems to be impregnating everyone and I am amazed he has yet to face a major sexual related prosecution or allegations as all this bastard does it seems is to fuck women and always having some baby mama drama bullshit. Nick Cannon Like R Kelly got his fame from the rotten corrupt mafia music industry and this guy is in all reality a undeserving
prick and not worth his weight in Gold and copper. Nick Cannon might be the next R Kelly we hope and this hustler has five different women pregnant and the inequalities of society where a maniac like Nick Cannon and his family have so much money probably best explains how he keeps getting these gold diggers pregnant and it apparently isn't hotting his pocketbooks or whatever as he doesn't seem deterred. if Nick Cannon had his way he would get ever light-skinned woman pregnant and again we wonder how this smooth operator has been able to avoid the lawsuits and sexual harassment t R Kelly accusations,