Cecil Brewster
Thorne Dreyer is host of rag radio which is a radical political left-wing radio organization out of Austin, Texas and Mr. Dreyer occasionally has interesting authors and guests on his program. Mr Dreyer recently had author George Lakey on his program talking about his acclaimed book called "Viking Economics" and where he makes the assertion that Scandinavians always rank higher in living standard and quality of life through their government's ability to provide basic services and to invest in each individual citizen at best of its ability.

Neither of these fools said that the reason these small homogenous countries are able to do this is the trust factor and benefit of having a homogenous population sharing the same culture, values, looks, and outlook in life and this is something America has never been blessed and actually cursed in perpetual division thanks to racial and ethnic diversity. A Thorn Dreyer is an old hippie geriatric propaganda shit who insists that diversity is strength and his belief in this is as stupid as those who think a big population is also of value and strength. You will never have Viking economics of the Scandinavian model in North America because of the competing regional ,racial, and economic differences of folk and it is cogent that old man Dreyer and George Lakey don't realize that the Scandinavian model could never be applied here because we are not all Scandinavians

. Lakey’s argument is that Myrdal encouraged all these states to invest in the individual person as the primary resource for delivering economic growth. This idea, and the actions that result from it, is, he believes, the pillar of the Nordic economic model. The expectation that government should secure the well-being of its people is now a Scandinavian consensus, writes Lakey, albeit one that allows for experimentation, debate, protest, and readjustment of policies. Of course, it is easy to have resources available to give out when you have a Super power protecting your nation and the country doesn't have to spend nada on its own military and defense. Lacky says little of this in the interview with Dreyer insisting that the core this Viking Economics , he observes, rejects the classical view of work – that it is a struggle to win the means of existence – and puts in its place a positive framework of incentives for economic participation.th9is participation can only occur in a state where the people actually get along and multi-Cultural states like the old Ottoman empire and Austrian-Hungarian empire will always fail as will the United States when resources become stretched and theold lines to old country and trade become more strained and costly. This nation has invested millions in education but there is a culture of resentment and drug use which promotes underachievement at an early age and then a generational culture of nonparticipation and waste takes hold in urban areas as the lack of educational values and respect fail to take hold in so many dangerous communities that a Lacky and Dreyer seem to lack awareness of and show total ignorance. instead of heralding the Scandinavian experiences following World war II and massive NATO expenditures King George nutty professor should study the last days of the Austrian empire prior to Wolrd War I.