Chelsea Clinton attacks Trump on twitter and considers running for president in 2020
Hillary Clinton is a Park Ridge,Illinois native and corrupt bitch no longer able to run and even consider herself a worthwhile candidacy any more. However, her mutt ugly daughter is now in th preparation of running for president in the future and this dreaded scary reality of another fucking Clinton may be sooner than people thinking. I saw that the other day stupid Chelsea Clinton was praise by tee left-insane clown media outlets form Huffington Post,Slate to Vox for her tweet response to something the president said and somehow this white bitch thought she could get brownie points for liberals,brown people and blacks for this comment and going after Donald Trump
Chelsea Clinton is Cliton scam and fraud 2.0 an this bitch and her family is the epitome and definition of political evil and she thinks she can raise more corrupt money form overseas into more Clinton foundation anarchy. Chelsea Clinton is a member of one of the wickedest family in American history and a family that is loved by the criminal corruption class as the Clinton's opened the borders and allowed so much of these hoarded corrupted dollars to have major impact and influence in the past two decades. Chelsea is a whore and a half likely cheated a thousand times on her Jewhsband and should e in a harem in Casablanca or in a
lesbian Turkish prison. She may announce her candidacy in the coming months as the Clinton scum are desperate to raise polite time recipricol leverage and more donation money and pwoer something they lost with Chelsea Clinton's mommy losing election of all the time repeatedly rejected by the American voters. The only votes a dpolls a Hillary or Chelsea Whores can win is in the ilegal communities across America that these two scumbags helped raise up and into North America.

Steven Crowder slams the assholes of Cenk Uyger and Sam Sedar as agents against America
Luke Frey
Right-wing popular podcaster Seven Crowder wen on the attack against the big fat Turk named Cenk Uygur, his staff at the Young Turks, and the liberal shit Sam Sedar of the Majority Report. Apparently the Turks had been critical of some of Steven Crowder's recent programs and he had triggered the demented minds of Cenk ,Anna, Hasan, Brooks, and the rest of the libtard crew at this news organization and Crowder called them out for this racially obsessed and divisive tactics and
their shit news organization that they have been allowed to lie and poison the YouTube channel waves. Crowder said basically these guys on-line and men like Cenk and Sam Sedar are funded and allowed to broadcast from foreign sources that have it in their best interest to see this country and our military weakened as much as possible and this is what the Young Turks and the Majority Report stand and exist for. Crowder also bashed the ass of Sam Sedar of Ring of Fire and the Majority Report as being the most egregious bullshit artist and antagonizing liberal
ever maybe even topping this fat Kurd or Turk Cenk Uygur. Crowder said he is often a target of these two idiots and as a result he will focus more on bashing these shits and countering the lies often repeated through their awful alternative news media propaganda outlets. Crowder is not milquetoast about defeending himself from these retarded leftists wishing to divide and conquer working with Iran,Russia, and China in seeing this out funding POS like Sam Sedar and this fat Turk Uygur who should be deported.
Right-wing popular podcaster Seven Crowder wen on the attack against the big fat Turk named Cenk Uygur, his staff at the Young Turks, and the liberal shit Sam Sedar of the Majority Report. Apparently the Turks had been critical of some of Steven Crowder's recent programs and he had triggered the demented minds of Cenk ,Anna, Hasan, Brooks, and the rest of the libtard crew at this news organization and Crowder called them out for this racially obsessed and divisive tactics and
their shit news organization that they have been allowed to lie and poison the YouTube channel waves. Crowder said basically these guys on-line and men like Cenk and Sam Sedar are funded and allowed to broadcast from foreign sources that have it in their best interest to see this country and our military weakened as much as possible and this is what the Young Turks and the Majority Report stand and exist for. Crowder also bashed the ass of Sam Sedar of Ring of Fire and the Majority Report as being the most egregious bullshit artist and antagonizing liberal

Social Critic criticism.... when your too old to skateboard as Gilgamish Homan dies on the campus of Louisiana State University
Arnold Buckley
The Bayou of Louisiana has many rural swampland backwater backwards areas of this country whose teens often skateboard and hover on water.Eighteen year old Gilgamish Homan fell off his skateboard showing pranks and trying to impress the transgender girls on the campus of Louisiana State University and now new calls are being made to outlaw these skateboards and snap some new mentality into the deranged minds of young men who insist on using these toys for a method of street transportation. Gilgamesh's brain was meshed up like fish as he fell back and busted his fucking skull and his death is one of three the Louisiana State Snowflake campus student body has now
experienced this semester after mysterious death of one female and the shooting death by a Black man of another student working in a gas station. Mr Homan liked to watch cartoons and read comics and he often tried to portray the stunts of some anime AI cartoon he saw on cable and was a big fan thinking the cartoon was him and he had to replicate the tricks and stunts seen in this cartoon.
This death is a tragedy as are all skateboarding deaths and basically this is an industry that should not exist and be allowed to peddle dangerous injury-provoking stunts that these young men who can't grow out of childhood insist in their stubbornness to hang on to and not give up. it really is sad and an embarrassment to manhood seeing these boy-soy men ride around on a skateboard when they are obviously much older and put of their teenhood years.

experienced this semester after mysterious death of one female and the shooting death by a Black man of another student working in a gas station. Mr Homan liked to watch cartoons and read comics and he often tried to portray the stunts of some anime AI cartoon he saw on cable and was a big fan thinking the cartoon was him and he had to replicate the tricks and stunts seen in this cartoon.

Troy York and in depth interview with James Corbett about how to break up big tech (part one Apple)
Randolph Perkins IV
Troy York has interviewed Dr James Corbett of the Corbett Report one of the worlds most renown conspiracy talks and long a advocate and fighter against big tech. It appears more and more that big tech is getting pressure and will be broken up and our own troy York suggested to Dr Corbett that the best way to get this achieved is through the same method of how AT & T was broken up into the baby bells telephone company and this monopoly destroyed back in an era where actual trust busting was
a achievement. Mr York spoke to James Corbett calling in on his popular podcast program and first to speak about Facebook. This company is one of the bog four tech giant monopolist that bought up may up and coming companies and the ones FaceBook was allowed to purchase such as Instagram should be immediately given their independence.
There also needs to be four new social media companies from Facebook and two of them can be called Face.com or Book.com social media new web companies and it s membership just drawn and quarters segmented into these social media companies. The third social media company that was suggested by Dr Corbett would be Facist.com where the fascists and anti-fasts,communists, anarchists etc etc, as Corbett says often, can go and rant of political waves against the normal people. The fourth company can be called Zuckerspy.com and this company can be the one Mark
Zuckerberg can ahhh retain and use to profit and sell data to foreign entities in China or big advertisers and it would specifically say it exists to basically spy and read everything you post or click onto. Mr Zuckerberg was only allowed to defeat Friendster, Orkut, , and MySpace among others through the internationalists and investors ensuring that Facebook could be the monopolist and destroy competition as it is more efficient for advertising to cut deals with one company and force as many people onto one platform that eight or nine as seriously existed in the early days of tech and the internet social media.
Troy York has interviewed Dr James Corbett of the Corbett Report one of the worlds most renown conspiracy talks and long a advocate and fighter against big tech. It appears more and more that big tech is getting pressure and will be broken up and our own troy York suggested to Dr Corbett that the best way to get this achieved is through the same method of how AT & T was broken up into the baby bells telephone company and this monopoly destroyed back in an era where actual trust busting was
a achievement. Mr York spoke to James Corbett calling in on his popular podcast program and first to speak about Facebook. This company is one of the bog four tech giant monopolist that bought up may up and coming companies and the ones FaceBook was allowed to purchase such as Instagram should be immediately given their independence.
There also needs to be four new social media companies from Facebook and two of them can be called Face.com or Book.com social media new web companies and it s membership just drawn and quarters segmented into these social media companies. The third social media company that was suggested by Dr Corbett would be Facist.com where the fascists and anti-fasts,communists, anarchists etc etc, as Corbett says often, can go and rant of political waves against the normal people. The fourth company can be called Zuckerspy.com and this company can be the one Mark
Surfer scares and attacks a Left Galapagos shark in Maui
Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
About a hundred and fifty yards form land a female surfer harassed and attacked a defenseless left Galapagos shark off the coast of Maui in Hawaii. The poor shark was unhurt but startled by the appearance of a female almost nude surfer that invaded the sharks favorite territory for tuna and the media is spinning this story as usual as now the female says she was triggered and felt threatened by the appearance of this large fish that has been living in the ocean 300 million years before primate monkeys decided it would be fun to venture and created the profiteering "sport:" of surfing.
The Galapagos left shark swam away form the scene in pure terror and it is doubtful this left shark will ever make its way to Maui again and more and more humanity is attempting to destroy the environment for sharks and other fish in the seven seas as it had done to animal life and habitat in the seven land continents. The unnamed woman should have a lawsuit against her issued by animal rights activists for putting this shark in harms way and more needs to be done to protect the habitat of left sharks in Hawaii and elsewhere form the ever increasing pressure and intrusion from people and a total ban on surfing would be the first step.
Animal Stories
About a hundred and fifty yards form land a female surfer harassed and attacked a defenseless left Galapagos shark off the coast of Maui in Hawaii. The poor shark was unhurt but startled by the appearance of a female almost nude surfer that invaded the sharks favorite territory for tuna and the media is spinning this story as usual as now the female says she was triggered and felt threatened by the appearance of this large fish that has been living in the ocean 300 million years before primate monkeys decided it would be fun to venture and created the profiteering "sport:" of surfing.

Scumbag propagandist bad comedian Indian Hasan Minhaj denied entrance opportunity to troll harass Nerander Modi and Donald Trump
Peter Patel
Indian feminee shit bag comedian Hasan Minhaj coldnt believe it The Indian troll comedian that often appear son mainstream media often giving his unitresting or thought provoking political thought was hoping to get into the Howdy Modi rally held in Houston as he knew both president Trump and Indian Prime minster Nerhander Modi were to be ther ein front of a fifty thousand packed audience of fellow Indians who support both of these world leaders. Hasan Minhaj is a prick and a
piece of shit much like Young Turks Hasan Piker and Mr Minhaj was hoping to get into the rally for another o one of his bad comedic hit pieces but the security at this rally for Narender Modi were not going to have any of this shit heads political propaganda hit pieces. The leaders pf this Modi rally had Hasan's picture and were told specifically this turd was not allowed to get into the meeting rally and interview and mock the supporters of Modi and Trump who were gathering to celebrate the success and honor of both countries. Scumbag leftist socialist Hasan Minhal is like many Indian immigrants who belong to the Democratic party who were exiled and kicked out of their country holding it back for decades under brutal stupid socialist governments and Hasan Minhal hates Mr Modi as much as the leftist brown snowflake elite comedian and mainstream hack hates Mr Trump. Hasan was so angered and disappointed as he thought perhaps he could actually get a close up and maybe even interrupt the speech of both men and just the idea and sight of these tow men getting together must of upset this shit comedian for some time planning this heckling and interruption. Goofy Daw Hasan will have to wait for another opportunity and maybe next time he should go dressed up as a woman as if this shit shaved he is so feminine he could pass as a women with a Sari outfit some Indian headdress and a Niqab.
Indian feminee shit bag comedian Hasan Minhaj coldnt believe it The Indian troll comedian that often appear son mainstream media often giving his unitresting or thought provoking political thought was hoping to get into the Howdy Modi rally held in Houston as he knew both president Trump and Indian Prime minster Nerhander Modi were to be ther ein front of a fifty thousand packed audience of fellow Indians who support both of these world leaders. Hasan Minhaj is a prick and a
piece of shit much like Young Turks Hasan Piker and Mr Minhaj was hoping to get into the rally for another o one of his bad comedic hit pieces but the security at this rally for Narender Modi were not going to have any of this shit heads political propaganda hit pieces. The leaders pf this Modi rally had Hasan's picture and were told specifically this turd was not allowed to get into the meeting rally and interview and mock the supporters of Modi and Trump who were gathering to celebrate the success and honor of both countries. Scumbag leftist socialist Hasan Minhal is like many Indian immigrants who belong to the Democratic party who were exiled and kicked out of their country holding it back for decades under brutal stupid socialist governments and Hasan Minhal hates Mr Modi as much as the leftist brown snowflake elite comedian and mainstream hack hates Mr Trump. Hasan was so angered and disappointed as he thought perhaps he could actually get a close up and maybe even interrupt the speech of both men and just the idea and sight of these tow men getting together must of upset this shit comedian for some time planning this heckling and interruption. Goofy Daw Hasan will have to wait for another opportunity and maybe next time he should go dressed up as a woman as if this shit shaved he is so feminine he could pass as a women with a Sari outfit some Indian headdress and a Niqab.
Milwaukee's Run Down live fags go to Utah City and complain about rents UN agenda 21
Terry Blue
Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny are two up and coming alternative news hosts often talking about police abuse and UN agenda 21 and the forced living space high rises living. They often said the American dream of owning a home a with a White picket fence is kaput as developers and investors seek to only build housing of condo high rise and living on top of one another with jacked up rents. The lack of affordable hosing is a major problem in cities an d the drive to raise rents and profiteer from living arrangements the ultimate goal of the globalist rentiers,
Harris and Paczesny went to Salt Lake City to highlight the problems of housing skyrocketing costs and in Salt City the rents have doubled since 2006 and Harris can't believe it as they said the city sucks. Mike and Kristan complained of the number of religious nuts living in this city and how greedy and worshiping of money Mormons are as a people often looking down of fellow Mormons
who are not as successful financially and the Mormon Church has gone international is search of the international owned dollar and for new members of their Amway ponzi scheme cult. The rents have skyrocketed in this city and for Harris and Paczesny there is no reason for this price increase aside from the profit seeking goals of the upper classes who own and manage much of this bad architecture and properties. Kristan Harris can't believe how boring and bad the new construction and how there is even a housing boom as rent shave quadrupled the raises in peoples incomes and inflation in this county which Salt Lake City sits in. Harris and Paczesny says there is some UN agenda 21 conspiracy to replace people in countries and bring mass migration of both peons and wealthy people into these Blue cities so the wealthy restaurateurs and their eatery economies for this city can have a permanent use underclass living in the burbs and commuting two hours into the city for a job wasting
Kristan Harris and Mike Paczesny are two up and coming alternative news hosts often talking about police abuse and UN agenda 21 and the forced living space high rises living. They often said the American dream of owning a home a with a White picket fence is kaput as developers and investors seek to only build housing of condo high rise and living on top of one another with jacked up rents. The lack of affordable hosing is a major problem in cities an d the drive to raise rents and profiteer from living arrangements the ultimate goal of the globalist rentiers,
Harris and Paczesny went to Salt Lake City to highlight the problems of housing skyrocketing costs and in Salt City the rents have doubled since 2006 and Harris can't believe it as they said the city sucks. Mike and Kristan complained of the number of religious nuts living in this city and how greedy and worshiping of money Mormons are as a people often looking down of fellow Mormons
who are not as successful financially and the Mormon Church has gone international is search of the international owned dollar and for new members of their Amway ponzi scheme cult. The rents have skyrocketed in this city and for Harris and Paczesny there is no reason for this price increase aside from the profit seeking goals of the upper classes who own and manage much of this bad architecture and properties. Kristan Harris can't believe how boring and bad the new construction and how there is even a housing boom as rent shave quadrupled the raises in peoples incomes and inflation in this county which Salt Lake City sits in. Harris and Paczesny says there is some UN agenda 21 conspiracy to replace people in countries and bring mass migration of both peons and wealthy people into these Blue cities so the wealthy restaurateurs and their eatery economies for this city can have a permanent use underclass living in the burbs and commuting two hours into the city for a job wasting
and running gas keeping themselves sin debt and in need for credit. As far as Salt Lake goes the building boom is another tech related over-valuation and the boo does nothing to lower rents and bring in more people of diverse economic means into Utah's practically only large city. The boom exists to grow their fortunes of the greedy developers who from across the country are taking advantages of the TIF districts in cities to basically build structures that will always be half filled an prevent others form using and living in this space causing an increased homeless problem and financial difficulty for the Middle and lower classes.
Homo Pete Buttigieg can't win a poll and calls for Indiana state flag to be changed
Trevor Travis
Mayor Pete is struggling in the polls and is getting virtually destroyed in the debates showing all the country what a joke and a clown he happens to be as both a man (if he can be called that) and as a politician. I really don't think people in South bend knew much about this jag fag when he was running for mayor as being part of this community sometimes and ahhh this guy couldn't get elected now as a mayor of any other large city in Indianapolis including Indiana City should he ever run again and this man is not qualified to catch gay squirrels as an animal control manager.
Pete is running for the homsex community and this is where he gets his funding and he stated recently that he always had issues with the Indian Flag and he wishes to change the state flag hoping to offer some rainbow and unicorn segments onto it in tribute to himself. He said the current Indiana flag is racist with too many stars and a flame that he indicated was also homophobic. Peter Buttigeig likes peters and electing hi as president would about as made much sense as America electing David Letterman president in 1982.
Mayor Pete needs to step down and realize he is in way over his head not much unlike when he bought and attempted to try that 16 inch dildo he bought in a sex shoppe back in the day. Pete Buttigeig needs to fix South bend's massive structural and cultural problems as large chunks of this shit hole city resemble Gary, Indiana, North side of Milwaukee, Compton California, and the West and South Sides of Chicago.
Mayor Pete is struggling in the polls and is getting virtually destroyed in the debates showing all the country what a joke and a clown he happens to be as both a man (if he can be called that) and as a politician. I really don't think people in South bend knew much about this jag fag when he was running for mayor as being part of this community sometimes and ahhh this guy couldn't get elected now as a mayor of any other large city in Indianapolis including Indiana City should he ever run again and this man is not qualified to catch gay squirrels as an animal control manager.

Podcaster shit Alan Cox is a cocksucker for bringing up Puerto Rican shirt Chicago incident hate crime
Denny Watson
A recent court decision found guilty of committing a brutal hate crime for berating verbally a woman for wearing a ugly Puerto Rican flag as he was drunk as a skunk. In crooked Cook country and Latin Disciples Chicago though anything unsettling and triggering against Puerto Ricans is a hate crime and for cocksucker lame Alan Cox ( Who likely swallowed many Puerto Ricans) this warranted prosecution as he came aboard his award losing podcast and announced the decision against Timothy Trybras a old drunk man that committed no actual assault but in the racist mind of Mia Irizarry she was offended that a forest police officer didn't knock down and beat Mr Trybras somehow constituted racism on the officers part and this is why she really wanted to go and make an issue. The real hate was form this woman who in more videos and observation of this incident voice and hatred against the police forest preserve officer can be found with her tone calling him racist ass White ass. Mr Trybus should of tried getting a bus away form this park as this woman was out trolling and looking for bait that afternoon to bring fake attention to racism and she found an old drunk that sh baited and set up picnicking without a permit.
Mia's and the medias account of this incident is taking from the point of view and narrative lie set of hate against a woman from Puerto Rocao. This lie of course is a hate crime against White people and all Americans as this story form the summer of 2018 reminds me alot of the Jussie Smollett incident to occur later in the same shit hole city. The whole park shirt incident is a non-issue should of nt is just to be anti-White and inflame Latinos and this is a non issue case should of been tossed.
Alan Cox is also a hypocrite with his anger when this story first came about as many liberals complained this Rican woman was harassed for something they wear but these pieces of shit like Alan Cocks don't condemn and encourage people attacking those wearing MAGA hats. In fact. Alan as a good liberal encourages attacks and harassment of Trump supporters and Alan Cox is a Piec eof shit likely Fag Jagoff.
A recent court decision found guilty of committing a brutal hate crime for berating verbally a woman for wearing a ugly Puerto Rican flag as he was drunk as a skunk. In crooked Cook country and Latin Disciples Chicago though anything unsettling and triggering against Puerto Ricans is a hate crime and for cocksucker lame Alan Cox ( Who likely swallowed many Puerto Ricans) this warranted prosecution as he came aboard his award losing podcast and announced the decision against Timothy Trybras a old drunk man that committed no actual assault but in the racist mind of Mia Irizarry she was offended that a forest police officer didn't knock down and beat Mr Trybras somehow constituted racism on the officers part and this is why she really wanted to go and make an issue. The real hate was form this woman who in more videos and observation of this incident voice and hatred against the police forest preserve officer can be found with her tone calling him racist ass White ass. Mr Trybus should of tried getting a bus away form this park as this woman was out trolling and looking for bait that afternoon to bring fake attention to racism and she found an old drunk that sh baited and set up picnicking without a permit.
Mia's and the medias account of this incident is taking from the point of view and narrative lie set of hate against a woman from Puerto Rocao. This lie of course is a hate crime against White people and all Americans as this story form the summer of 2018 reminds me alot of the Jussie Smollett incident to occur later in the same shit hole city. The whole park shirt incident is a non-issue should of nt is just to be anti-White and inflame Latinos and this is a non issue case should of been tossed.
Alan Cox is also a hypocrite with his anger when this story first came about as many liberals complained this Rican woman was harassed for something they wear but these pieces of shit like Alan Cocks don't condemn and encourage people attacking those wearing MAGA hats. In fact. Alan as a good liberal encourages attacks and harassment of Trump supporters and Alan Cox is a Piec eof shit likely Fag Jagoff.
Jay Yang hired at right Bull for some Two Hundred and twenty million dolar contract
Ramon Ramos
Hong Kong activist Jay Yang(not to be confused with Jay Z apr Andrew Yang) ) has escaped to America and is taking offers to blog and write in this country and we are pleased to announce that Jay has been hired as a part time contributor here at the artificial Intelligence log. Jay finally agreed after intense negotiations to a three year deal worth some two hundred and more so dollars a year and he will be cranking in the juice for some time already looking to purchase new assets and condo developments in the Milwaukee,Indianapolis, and Chicago area of this blog. Jay is excited to join the team and learn English as a second language after Chinese
mandarin and Business language as he made quite good living in Hong Kong as a trade middlemen and needless to say many Hong Kongers are scared of losing this special tribute and attribute of their identity. Jay's father was a famous doctor in Hong Kong and made millions and millions for unnecessary charges to the state and all these cardiology urology tests when people came in with simple headaches. Jay Yang Junior promises to be more honest and one of the best dedicated writers on this blog with a special emphasis on writing on Asian affairs and affairs of dudes using Asian massage prostitutes.
Hong Kong activist Jay Yang(not to be confused with Jay Z apr Andrew Yang) ) has escaped to America and is taking offers to blog and write in this country and we are pleased to announce that Jay has been hired as a part time contributor here at the artificial Intelligence log. Jay finally agreed after intense negotiations to a three year deal worth some two hundred and more so dollars a year and he will be cranking in the juice for some time already looking to purchase new assets and condo developments in the Milwaukee,Indianapolis, and Chicago area of this blog. Jay is excited to join the team and learn English as a second language after Chinese
mandarin and Business language as he made quite good living in Hong Kong as a trade middlemen and needless to say many Hong Kongers are scared of losing this special tribute and attribute of their identity. Jay's father was a famous doctor in Hong Kong and made millions and millions for unnecessary charges to the state and all these cardiology urology tests when people came in with simple headaches. Jay Yang Junior promises to be more honest and one of the best dedicated writers on this blog with a special emphasis on writing on Asian affairs and affairs of dudes using Asian massage prostitutes.
Willie Wongo Bong Ching Mow appear on Fox News warning of more bloodshed in Hong Kong
Baba Pugwuthi
Two great activists of the Hong Kong Independence movement came ot America and pushed for the idea of an eventual Independence and beginning for Hong Kong as the majority of the people want and have no desire to be part of the current Chinese authoritarian undemocratic state that our business and cor[orate leaders attempted to sell our country. Ching Mow said China must be stopped and warned Americans to have tbeir business leaders stop kissing the ars of this brutal monopolist one-party crony state that lacks competition whether it be business or politician praising this sick state
that seeks to expand its ideology and undemocratic principles and values. Ching Mow recounted all the times has has been taken down by the gestapo tactics of Hong Kong police who should e joining the protesters instead of actively working and beating them to a pulp. Ching Mow and Willie Bong are rockstars of this movement and like our recent hire Jay Yang they may have to take out some life insurance policy or ahh make the move to North America and gobble up real estate driving urban housing costs in corrupt Blue cities even greater. Both activists said these protests ar enot going to end soon and like the French Yellow vest movement that the globall media is suppressing it will continue until their demands and desires are met and there will be much bloodshed until the Red Chinese acquiescence
Two great activists of the Hong Kong Independence movement came ot America and pushed for the idea of an eventual Independence and beginning for Hong Kong as the majority of the people want and have no desire to be part of the current Chinese authoritarian undemocratic state that our business and cor[orate leaders attempted to sell our country. Ching Mow said China must be stopped and warned Americans to have tbeir business leaders stop kissing the ars of this brutal monopolist one-party crony state that lacks competition whether it be business or politician praising this sick state

Marty and Clyde commented on how much better and healthier the people house in Champaign and comment on Kelly Plummner's body
Jamie Logan
Marty and Clyde are two homosexuals who criss cross our region doing coffee reviews and rejecting the notion that coffee places should be franchises into the two state monopolist madness seen in many areas of primarily Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. Both of these corporate entities are made up of debt and used to dominate trade and sale of coffees providing retail space domination of these two global entities that are mainly financed and exist on debt and tribute from other global trade globalists
Mary and Clyde went to Flying Machinne Aviators Coffee House in Champaign ,Illinois after hearing that Dunkin CEO Nigel Travis being gravely concerned about the popularity of this big ten collegiate coffee house and hates the idea of independent coffee houses and the incredible personalities. Clyde commented on how much better and healthier the people and workers look ion this place especially when compared to the shit working at Dunkin and the quality and standard set of the product form coffee to food items usually are superior than to Dunkin that relies on cheap crap
they keep in the freezer for weeks. They also praised the gorgeous Kelly Plummer that works in this coffee house and has people thought the town coming and hanging with often asking when she is working and this is something one will never hear in some of the 15,000 Dunkin brand franchises throughout the United States. Kelly is so popular they even have stickers of her baritiering and making great coffee and not the drip shit grounds material that collects often in the sterafoam cups of Dunkin.
Marty and Clyde are two homosexuals who criss cross our region doing coffee reviews and rejecting the notion that coffee places should be franchises into the two state monopolist madness seen in many areas of primarily Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. Both of these corporate entities are made up of debt and used to dominate trade and sale of coffees providing retail space domination of these two global entities that are mainly financed and exist on debt and tribute from other global trade globalists

they keep in the freezer for weeks. They also praised the gorgeous Kelly Plummer that works in this coffee house and has people thought the town coming and hanging with often asking when she is working and this is something one will never hear in some of the 15,000 Dunkin brand franchises throughout the United States. Kelly is so popular they even have stickers of her baritiering and making great coffee and not the drip shit grounds material that collects often in the sterafoam cups of Dunkin.
Zach Weiss talks about the Tusken Raider uprising of 234856BC
Eddie Baily
Zach Weiss is a YouTube star always talking about Star Wars and conflicts in history in a galaxies far far away and the young Mr Weiss is exuberant about about Tusken raider history and culture. He went on to explain to bhis huge audience how the Tusken's are often ignored and not given their credence in Star Wars lore and movies in the George Lucus collections and take of the intergalactic festivities. while George Lucus chooses to ignore the Tusken Raiders other writers have give these begins the respect and glory they deserve and the
Zach Weiss is a YouTube star always talking about Star Wars and conflicts in history in a galaxies far far away and the young Mr Weiss is exuberant about about Tusken raider history and culture. He went on to explain to bhis huge audience how the Tusken's are often ignored and not given their credence in Star Wars lore and movies in the George Lucus collections and take of the intergalactic festivities. while George Lucus chooses to ignore the Tusken Raiders other writers have give these begins the respect and glory they deserve and the
publicity they receive in other Star wars talk and written material. Zach in fact now has a YouTube channel devoted exclusively to these amazing sandbeings in some Star Wars galaxy far away form
mother Earth. Zach is enthusiast as fuck to now add to his Star War channels and YouTube holdings with one focusing on the infinitesimal accomplishments of the Tusken Raiders and their history that goes way back to the age of time and not to far from the bing bang explosion as the raiders have been fighting one another and invading groups since practically the beginning of their existence. Zach's YouTube channel talking Tuskins dwells into the long and complex history of these thingies and how they have captured a large part of the imagination and segment of the Star Wars obsessive compulsive crowd and the international investors funding these boring endless Star Wars movies on an annual basis as the Hollywood fabricated blockbuster movie complex brings untold riches for some people in entertainment preventing the use of new and creative ideas of movies and space stories and enriching the George Lucus trust funds.Nathan Stopleman and his cat can't believe the stupidity of Greta Thunberg
Lee Park Kong
Young people are brainwashed to eat bugs avoid beef and be fearful that they will be dead by thirty through the intensive Maoist type brainwashing by the global class long jealous and angered by America energy use proportion to population as they never make comments of over-breeding of the misogynist poverty stricken people around the world . Nathan Stoplman can't believe the amount of time and less coverage some nasty Swedish teen fuck face form hell is receiving as she threatened and condemned the United Nations and citizens of the West for not doing enough and eating more grasshoppers and rice in order to make use for over abundant energy use and enjoyment.
The global South and their lackeys like this fucking teenager in Swedish are a disgrace and Nathan Stopleman and his cat blasted this girl a new asshole and vagina for the bullshit and use whore of herself as a prop for this large fraud of climate change. The attack on Western independence and lifestyles is the ultimate goal of the socialist pushing this agenda demanding more sacrifice are given up because Somalians and Ethiopians demand to over breed, The globalists pushing for this climate war on the rest demand everyone accede to their demands and the push back against this
dumb teen Greta Thunberg has been strong because it is so obvious a staged event and a joke a ugly Swedish teenager would make these acclaims and act like she is so knowledgeable because many tell her to read a script. Nathan and his Twitch troll army bashed this teen bitch and Nathan's cat Douche often hisses at the sight and sounds of this troll teen Swedish snowflake zombie climate shit. The desperation of the fake news complex has hit new lows using teen broadcaster-type hacks for propaganda pieces among their peers but just like fine wine today's zombieland teens who believe the hype will see it as the shit from a bulls derriere as they grow up.
Young people are brainwashed to eat bugs avoid beef and be fearful that they will be dead by thirty through the intensive Maoist type brainwashing by the global class long jealous and angered by America energy use proportion to population as they never make comments of over-breeding of the misogynist poverty stricken people around the world . Nathan Stoplman can't believe the amount of time and less coverage some nasty Swedish teen fuck face form hell is receiving as she threatened and condemned the United Nations and citizens of the West for not doing enough and eating more grasshoppers and rice in order to make use for over abundant energy use and enjoyment.
The global South and their lackeys like this fucking teenager in Swedish are a disgrace and Nathan Stopleman and his cat blasted this girl a new asshole and vagina for the bullshit and use whore of herself as a prop for this large fraud of climate change. The attack on Western independence and lifestyles is the ultimate goal of the socialist pushing this agenda demanding more sacrifice are given up because Somalians and Ethiopians demand to over breed, The globalists pushing for this climate war on the rest demand everyone accede to their demands and the push back against this
dumb teen Greta Thunberg has been strong because it is so obvious a staged event and a joke a ugly Swedish teenager would make these acclaims and act like she is so knowledgeable because many tell her to read a script. Nathan and his Twitch troll army bashed this teen bitch and Nathan's cat Douche often hisses at the sight and sounds of this troll teen Swedish snowflake zombie climate shit. The desperation of the fake news complex has hit new lows using teen broadcaster-type hacks for propaganda pieces among their peers but just like fine wine today's zombieland teens who believe the hype will see it as the shit from a bulls derriere as they grow up.
"Gentlemen' Jim Rogers all investors to stay away from Japan until they get creative and create the perfect sex robot for his perverted ass
Carlton Olsen
Singapore based globalist trader scammer "Gentleman: Jim Rogers wrote and attacked Japan recent in many on-line and investment prints as the geriatric bullshit artist and advocate for Chinese domination does his usual lying and misleading. Jim Rogers sees people as a commodity and Japan is not having much population growth and he warned the Japs that this would be a problem and why investors should stray away as Rogers highly criticizes the policies of Japan, He is also a hack for Russia and China and is often bearish for these two nations arch enemies of the West and our values and clearly this geriatric colonel sanders dressing jackass loves these two nations because they are our enemies.
Jim Rogers says a declining birthrate and high massive debt are a recipe for disaster and he suggests japan gets back to it s focus or maybe it should be divided up and massive number of immigrants are allowed to immigrate to a new country and eventually the Japanese will be pushed out like the Ainu people for progress. Jim Rogers also wishes to see more Japanese sex, anime sex, and more production fo sex robotics in this country that is so obsessed with robotics yet offers few for old men like himself. Jim Roge sis tired of being a gentlemen and having young women a half his age take his money and run a snow is about time for the plutocratic trade swindler to make the full
maneuvers in the near future forward to total automation and artificial intelligence in his romantic future availability, Jim Rogers is a ass and a half always has been an asshole and always will be and this is a rich fat jack off that needs to have his bank account completely drawn out and he a is a major part of what is wrong with our financial system. Jim Rogers is a mass migration open borders and people movement and demands that Japan allow non-Japanese to flood the country like we see in the West, Jim Roger's is also a perverted old man into anime sex and looking for sex robots modeled after Japanese women to rock his liver. Rogers is an old jackass financier part of the global crowd demanding
government s cut spending on its citizens and instead give to billionaires and incentives like himself so they can hoard wealth and purchase younger wives. He warned his fellow plutocrats that unless Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe dramatically uses a chainsaw instead of an ax to cut spending and allow four million Bangladeshi's into the country for cheap labor that Japan is not worthy of any investment or involvement in the future for the fraudulent class of old assholes such as himself.
Singapore based globalist trader scammer "Gentleman: Jim Rogers wrote and attacked Japan recent in many on-line and investment prints as the geriatric bullshit artist and advocate for Chinese domination does his usual lying and misleading. Jim Rogers sees people as a commodity and Japan is not having much population growth and he warned the Japs that this would be a problem and why investors should stray away as Rogers highly criticizes the policies of Japan, He is also a hack for Russia and China and is often bearish for these two nations arch enemies of the West and our values and clearly this geriatric colonel sanders dressing jackass loves these two nations because they are our enemies.
Jim Rogers says a declining birthrate and high massive debt are a recipe for disaster and he suggests japan gets back to it s focus or maybe it should be divided up and massive number of immigrants are allowed to immigrate to a new country and eventually the Japanese will be pushed out like the Ainu people for progress. Jim Rogers also wishes to see more Japanese sex, anime sex, and more production fo sex robotics in this country that is so obsessed with robotics yet offers few for old men like himself. Jim Roge sis tired of being a gentlemen and having young women a half his age take his money and run a snow is about time for the plutocratic trade swindler to make the full
maneuvers in the near future forward to total automation and artificial intelligence in his romantic future availability, Jim Rogers is a ass and a half always has been an asshole and always will be and this is a rich fat jack off that needs to have his bank account completely drawn out and he a is a major part of what is wrong with our financial system. Jim Rogers is a mass migration open borders and people movement and demands that Japan allow non-Japanese to flood the country like we see in the West, Jim Roger's is also a perverted old man into anime sex and looking for sex robots modeled after Japanese women to rock his liver. Rogers is an old jackass financier part of the global crowd demanding
government s cut spending on its citizens and instead give to billionaires and incentives like himself so they can hoard wealth and purchase younger wives. He warned his fellow plutocrats that unless Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe dramatically uses a chainsaw instead of an ax to cut spending and allow four million Bangladeshi's into the country for cheap labor that Japan is not worthy of any investment or involvement in the future for the fraudulent class of old assholes such as himself.
James Howard Kuntsler talks about the bamboozle of the economy and dog walker Kristen Morrison
Runs Like Cougar
Kristen Morrison is some six figure independent business dog walker that the business press will lie to you about her building a six figure independent business walking peoples pet slave dogs. Kristen often speaks about os she discovered a new entrepreneurial movement and business plan of dog walking when in fact the money diverted to her company is just allocated allowances form the upper classes and free money form banks to special figures as Ms Kristen was allowed to be blessed. In no real economy would a dog walking business net anyone that the lies of Kristen Morrison will have many lead to believe is possible and for author James Howard Kuntsler tis example of a six
figure pet sitting plan is mo evidence of fraudulent economic activity and delusional discourage of a coaching business plan of a Kristen Morrison. The upper elites in this country and others have co-inspired and hijacked the economy as Howard Kuntler often says and allowed the existence of money and venture funding to go towards the likes of this crazed woman and her dog sitting success and James Howard often publicly speaks of this bamboozle of the economy and silly business projects that Kristina claims is so profitable and the money will rill in for people stating a dog sitting business. As head of the anti-pet society we often discuss the plights of dogs and the unnecessary abuse and
empowerment people put on these animals that should be out in the wilds and living free and not accessories for people.and without a doubt we from on bullshit business such as the one claimed by Kristen Morrison. As Howard James Kuntsler often explains the corporate class will often divert
money where tye want to in an economy to empower and "trade" among themselves and if Kristen Morrison is actual pulling phony money from a dog walking and sitting on face business then it must be a frankly fraudulent sour eof money diversion bullshit liek no other. Kuntsler like us at this blog cannot believe this woman makes six figure incomes and is a published author much like James Howard who writes real books and not those of doggie doo an dick lick up.
We at the anti-pet association wish to start business to spread the evil and lies that is pet ownership and wage some type of economic war against it as the pet business is a huge industry not from any based reality but half of it is likely fake and meant ot give an easy living for those with accreditation and slothness who think people who play with dogs all day constitute "work" and not fraud that it is used for giving easy work to a lazy corporate wealth fed banking class.
Kristen Morrison is some six figure independent business dog walker that the business press will lie to you about her building a six figure independent business walking peoples pet slave dogs. Kristen often speaks about os she discovered a new entrepreneurial movement and business plan of dog walking when in fact the money diverted to her company is just allocated allowances form the upper classes and free money form banks to special figures as Ms Kristen was allowed to be blessed. In no real economy would a dog walking business net anyone that the lies of Kristen Morrison will have many lead to believe is possible and for author James Howard Kuntsler tis example of a six
figure pet sitting plan is mo evidence of fraudulent economic activity and delusional discourage of a coaching business plan of a Kristen Morrison. The upper elites in this country and others have co-inspired and hijacked the economy as Howard Kuntler often says and allowed the existence of money and venture funding to go towards the likes of this crazed woman and her dog sitting success and James Howard often publicly speaks of this bamboozle of the economy and silly business projects that Kristina claims is so profitable and the money will rill in for people stating a dog sitting business. As head of the anti-pet society we often discuss the plights of dogs and the unnecessary abuse and
empowerment people put on these animals that should be out in the wilds and living free and not accessories for people.and without a doubt we from on bullshit business such as the one claimed by Kristen Morrison. As Howard James Kuntsler often explains the corporate class will often divert
money where tye want to in an economy to empower and "trade" among themselves and if Kristen Morrison is actual pulling phony money from a dog walking and sitting on face business then it must be a frankly fraudulent sour eof money diversion bullshit liek no other. Kuntsler like us at this blog cannot believe this woman makes six figure incomes and is a published author much like James Howard who writes real books and not those of doggie doo an dick lick up.
We at the anti-pet association wish to start business to spread the evil and lies that is pet ownership and wage some type of economic war against it as the pet business is a huge industry not from any based reality but half of it is likely fake and meant ot give an easy living for those with accreditation and slothness who think people who play with dogs all day constitute "work" and not fraud that it is used for giving easy work to a lazy corporate wealth fed banking class.
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