Bald little backstabbing Mike Amorati ruined OCC TV show

  Orange County Choppers went downhill when this bald guy Mike Amorati just suddenly popped up in season five. This little creep added nothing to the program and who allowed this guy anywhere near the program was a crucial mistake . It was a mendacious move to have this guy added to the cast. There was nothing he contributed to the uniqueness of the reality program. I wonder if Senior just wanted this guy just to make him look good having goof fucks like Amorati working there. There is no coincidence that the rating fell and the seasons shortened as making stories and plot lines for this falling franchise. Orange County Choppers and chopper business in general need cool guys to work and build these impressive machines. When you have peculiar weirdos like Mike working at a motorcycle shop it basically brings down everyone working there and I would not be surprised if Paul Jr wanted to leave seeing this guy at the shop the first time.  I hear that OCC is coming back yet again as the show that refuses to die. Lets hope that Amorati is not part of the team anymore as few viewers can tolerate his lameness and irking behavior at Orange County Choppers

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