Globalization a threat to all the West

Ed West
     The debate whether globalization is a destructive force to the economy of the West in order to prop up the wealthy in Asia. Author Gabor Steingart has a leak outlook for America as an outflow of good paint jobs as demeaned our political  power and long-held  democratic ideals and threatened their survival. His book called "war For Wealth" really is a major analysis at how Asians have used slave wager and eagerness to install brutal cheap conditions on workers in order to catch up on the global stage and overtake many American companies. The first few chapters recalls the rise of European colonialism and America and is basically the reason we have the standard of living we had for so long. There were global trade networks then but they didn't mastermind a goal of wealth transferring that the elites of the West have constructed over theist few decades basically the goal to do what they can do to weaken political domestic opponents fighting against their fraud and corruption. This has entitled working with the enemy and creating a new economic political entity and ally in China after Deng Xiaopings reforms that moved China from a communist society into a capitalist authoritarian model that the wealth hoarders secretly admire and want to Re-create to protect their highly over-valued assets. India's rebound and potential threat is also examined in lengths by the author as Indians economic gains over the years like China has also produced a debauchery class of upper class Indians that can be as ruthless to their own lower classes as the turncoats in the West. The basic concept of this great geo-political book is the sudden expansion of the labor market of 1.5 billion people has done tremendous damage to workers in the West and their ability to prosper and remains voice in their own affairs from an increasing global dependent ruling class that wants further income disparity in their own societies to compare to the inequalities that have long existed in China and India. The penetration of cheap foreign imports has had a devastating effect on e labor market and ultimately in the long run it costs out country more and weakens it having to have an enormous welfare state instead of strong companies providing strong jobs for a strong workforce. You will never have a strong country where reliance of foreign slave-wage workers is a large part of the economy saving elites billions of dollars to keep politicians and media conglomerates I. Check to what is happening to our country. The strength in numbers and willingness to cheat and steal from the creativity of the West is what worries Steingart to this new challenge of the Western economic domination and values that are not shared by Easterners who have totally polar ideas of democracy and establishment of individual rights. The author makes no politically correct ideas of the threats of a growing Asian order and need to Europe and America to solve this challenge together and rethink all phases of globalization. Strong state roles in the economy and protecting it is what has helped Asia to thrive and a reorganization of national priorities needs to be Re-established to face this imperious threat from a ruthless economic order that would seek to lower people to serfs and destroy any environment outside of their immediate habituation. The author points out that this country needs a awakening g to the detrimental affects of deindustrilization in causing the deficits in trade,government budgets, and current accounts.

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