Who is cooler Alex Tsipras or Thomas Pikketty?

Alex Mousolopolous
   Thomas Pikketty's book called capital was a game changer and opened up many peoples eyes to the state of the world. His ability to show the data and basically how the rich have used wealth created from workers into a system of family wealth preservation and complex that fails to share the fruits of ones labor. pikketty has shown the world the racket that is capitalism and how the system pretty much functions with deliberate booms and bust in order to prevent those under the economic ladder from being able to use their hands to improve their situation in life.
The guy is exemplication for cool and his writings and comments have inspired a generation of people to decide the political world could be open to them. One of them is Alex Tsipras who is the new prime minister of Greece and is cool too. these two guys would get along pretty well and would have some very interesting discussions about how those with power will use their economic wealth to live a luxury lifestyle while making one more difficult for the masses of humanity that cant just get their income from loans as the rich people do in life. The Germans cannot believe they have to deal with someone like Alex who many claim is one step from a communist instead of some Greek Shipping oligarch that they know they can control better and make more use as an economic ally to keep Greeks in a subordinate position. Germans want to keep and remain to see Southern countries as economically dependent and in a position to manipulate at will but democracy and ideas of Thomas pikketty can produce leaders such as Alex Tsipras. both of these cats are cool and basically will do their best to point out how austerity on workers just means educing more profits for rich people to be able to use and leverage society more easily.

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